
not_foundSo this guy logs into an IRC channel...16:46
Kilosevening all18:18
Kiloshi not_found 18:34
Kiloswho knows where morgs is?18:34
Kilostwitter just reminded me of him18:35
not_foundhiya uncle Kilos 18:35
Kiloshi bebras 18:42
Kiloshmm...we down to grunts now18:53
Kiloshi Tonberry inetpro 18:54
inetproelo Kilos18:54
inetprokan nie glo ons het so min aktiwiteit vandag hier18:55
Kiloshehe ek was besig18:55
Kilosek huil18:55
Kilostwee maverick skywe in 2 dae gedooi18:56
Kilosand no apt-get update18:56
* Kilos cries18:56
Kilosnow i gotta install each package with gdebi including the dependancies19:00
Kilostried 12.04 3 times but nm didnt see modem19:00
Cantidestill having modem trouble?19:08
Cantidemaybe get a new modem?'o'19:08
Kilosit works well here where after many installs it eventually saw it after updating19:12
Kilosand maverick see it every time19:12
Kilosso not the modem19:12
Kilosonly serious gripe i got with 12.0419:13
Kilosunity and kde19:13
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:24

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