
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mlankhorsthm why do we still build the xserver udebs on ubuntu, do we actually use them anywhere?13:12
tjaaltonmlankhorst: do they bother you :)13:18
mlankhorsttjaalton: only in the sense it takes unnecessary build time..13:18
tjaaltonwell, d-i does build the gtk version too which uses them13:19
tjaaltonhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/gtk/ etc13:19
mlankhorstaw :(13:19
tjaaltonthe official iso's don't use them13:20
mlankhorstso that's a yes then, ah well13:20
tjaaltonhow many seconds does it take building them?-)13:20
mlankhorstnot on my main system, but waiting on arm builders in ppa's for example13:21
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mlankhorsthm looks like we could just pull some patches to make reverse optimus work on xserver 1.1314:19
mlankhorsteg intel driving output on nouveau or radeon14:19
tjaaltonso my t420s could use displayport (owned by nvidia)?14:21
tjaaltonhmm no, that's normal optimus?-)14:22
mlankhorstnah 'normal' optimus would let you switch to the nvidia card for rendering the internal display if you plug something in14:22
tjaaltonof course..14:24
mlankhorstbut yeah looks like we need to pull some patches from fedora xserver for that14:25
mlankhorstairlied also updated the autobind patch for it14:26
tjaaltonI think we'd want some commits from the latest -modesetting to fix some race bugs..14:27
tjaaltonalso for quantal/precise14:27
tjaaltonjust that it's hard to verify they actually fix a race14:27
mlankhorstyeah :(14:29
mlankhorstsru's are so annoying for x, mostly because a lot of the upstream development on those drivers is just bugfixes. You kind of want all of them even if not directly affected by them.14:31
mlankhorstmm i did get the hdmi output to show up on the eee14:50
mlankhorstactually using it caused x to crash, I suspect I have to grab the f18 patches :/14:54
mlankhorsthm still crashes15:18
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seb128does xorg default to mirror or span for multimonitor configs?17:52
bryceseb128, it mirrors by default but that doesn't matter, since gnome-randr sets its own defaults17:57
seb128bryce, g-s-d's xrandr default is "don't do anything, let xorg handle it", which is what should happen at least in the greeter and for new users18:00
seb128then g-s-d write a config and overwrite that once you use the xrandr panel in system settings18:01
bryceseb128, hmm, I thought it did override things18:04
bryceseb128, anyway if it isn't, then it should be coming up as mirrored by default.18:04
seb128bryce, that was changed some cycle ago, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/data/org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xrandr.gschema.xml.in.in?id=75e052127eeb022d83b7a744b110d8bde5b7280c18:05
bryceseb128, aha that explains it18:05
seb128bryce, the key description states "'do-nothing' will use the default Xorg behaviour (extend the desktop in recent versions)"18:06
seb128is that wrong/do we patch Xorg?18:06
Sarvattseb128: thats only true in fedora as far as I can see.. lovely18:14
Sarvattaka http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/xorg-x11-server.git/tree/xserver-1.6.99-right-of.patch18:14
brycealthough I do note there's been a lot of change of this code in current git recently 18:17
bryceseb128, so, testing this on precise with HW.  when I hotplug a new monitor (no monitor.xml present), with gnome running the external monitor shows up to the right of my lvds.18:55
bryceseb128, when I start up a raw X session with no gnome running, then do the same, the monitor does not turn on by default when hotplugged, and when I do turn it on, it's mirrored.18:56
bryceSarvatt, does this match what you're seeing?18:57
bryceseb128, did you file a bug report for jason?19:03
Sarvattbryce: hotplug under gnome, extended, bare xinit I get mirrored, and gnome is mirrored after killing that X and restarting lightdm19:08
bryceSarvatt, ok, same as me19:09
seb128bryce, not yet, I was trying to figure out if there is a bug and what component is to blame for it first19:33
seb128bryce, Sarvatt: seems like a g-s-d issue then?19:33
bryceseb128, yep19:33
seb128bryce, thanks19:34
bryceseb128, see the 'Handling of hotplug' section on https://live.gnome.org/RandR19:35
seb128bryce, ok, I guess we need to backport http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=32f7a938fca072e14bad1928b492e29ba0e3090c19:37
seb128"Despite the name, the "default-monitors-setup" key is only used at boot time. After hot-plug of an external monitor, the "xinerama" setup is always used."19:37
seb128bryce, thanks for the help tracking it down ;-)19:37
bryceseb128, I think that does the opposite of what's wanted19:38
brycemaybe, let me look closer19:38
seb128+ config = make_xinerama_setup (manager, priv->rw_screen); 19:39
seb128is weird19:39
seb128I think it's based on the fact that upstream assumes xinerama is the default xorg behaviour19:39
seb128which is likely because upstream is using fedora, and they are patching their xserver...19:40
bryceseb128, hum, yes that could be19:40
seb128I will comment on that bug and check with them19:40
bryceso yeah I think that patch might end up doing the "right" thing accidentally, but I think it might end up just forcing all multi-head to mirrored, which isn't quite what we want19:41
seb128I think otherwise the patch makes change if the make_xinerama_setup in that case is changed to make_mirror_setup instead19:41
seb128well, that's the default behaviour19:41
seb128if you use the panel you end up with a monitors.xml config and that's used19:42
* bryce nods19:42
bryceseb128, ok so with this patch it looks like the CONF_KEY_DEFAULT_MONITORS_SETUP key would let us control what our policy is, separate from fedora, yes?19:44
bryceseb128, well, aside from that here's my thought:19:45
seb128bryce, yes, that's a gsettings key, we can change the default in our override (where we set the theme, wallpaper, etc)19:45
brycein make_xinerama_setup() it iterates through the outputs, and lays them out one to the right of the next19:45
brycewe could have that code check the physical dimensions of the screen, and if it is 0mm x 0mm, don't increment x in that case.19:46
brycehrm, although that will  overlay rather than clone, that's not quite right either19:46
bryceseb128, anyway, my thinking is that there needs to be some logic somewhere that detects if the output is a projector, and in that case clone, but in all other cases extend19:47
seb128bryce, do you see that logic to be an xorg thing or a GNOME thing?19:47
seb128doing it at the server level would make it work for all desktops, but I guess the xserver is not really the place to make such decisions on behaviours?19:48
tjaaltondon't think there's any reliable way to detect projectors..19:49
bryceseb128, well, to my knowledge, it's not something we're going to be correct 100% of the time.  (There isn't an EDID property that says "I'm a projector".)  So it feels like something that should be on the client end, so it can be configured by the user when it's wrong19:49
tjaaltonwell, what's worse is seemingly random behaviour19:50
seb128well, I will backport a tweaked version of the gsd fix as a first fix19:50
seb128we can try to be smarter then, though I'm not sure either how to guess that a projector is in use19:50
jcristauwhy would you want to clone for a projector?19:51
tjaaltonso you can see the presentation from your laptop screen, so no need to strain your neck trying to see the big screen :)19:52
tjaaltonI guess that's why..19:52
brycejcristau, it's in the specification to do it that way19:52
jcristau"the specification"?19:53
bryce"Connecting to a Projector or TV19:53
bryceWhen connecting to a projector or TV (heuristic evaluation of the EDID can determine with reasonable certainty whether the display is a projector or TV), the default behaviour is to mirror displays, and presentation mode is checked by default"19:53
jcristauthat's not a rationale..19:53
tjaaltonmaybe the presentation app should clone it's window :)19:54
jcristauusually when using a projector i want to have notes or something on the laptop, not a clone.  maybe it's just me...19:54
brycetjaalton, what if the user is presenting things using several apps?19:54
tjaaltonbryce: he can tick 'mirror' :)19:56
brycejcristau, it's just you. ;-)19:56
tjaaltonactually what jcristau said it's how powerpoint/impress works19:57
tjaaltonor one mode of it19:57
brycetjaalton, that's not what they're asking for though19:58
tjaaltonprobably misused by 95% of it's users :)19:58
bryceChris Kenyon & co., etc.19:59
tjaaltonso they didn't get proper feedback :)20:07
brycetjaalton, lack of understanding has never stopped a manager from making a decision ;-)20:13
JanCtjaalton: LibO has a presentation mode like that too20:13
tjaaltonJanC: yep, that's what I meant by 'impress' :)20:13
JanCI was reading a bit too fast and only saw the first  ☺20:14
JanCbut I remember people were begging for it in Impress for a long time, so I assume it's something that people really want and should work  ☺20:16
tjaaltonbryce: :)20:16
JanCof course, when doing presentations using Evince, maybe clone is better20:17
JanCand don't call it "mirror", the last thing you want is a *mirrored* image :p20:18
tjaaltonright :)20:18
JanCit's like that funny feature of Intel's drivers where you can turn somebody's screen upside down with a shortcut  :p20:20
JanCin Windows20:20
brycetjaalton, think it's worthwhile to look at displaylink on the nexus7 again?  we're still basically screwed with too-old kernel and too-new X.org right?  Have you had any other ideas?22:41
bjsniderdisplaylink? is that like displayport?23:10
tjaaltonbryce: right, not worth it imo23:14
tjaaltonbjsnider: no, graphics over usb23:14
tjaaltonthe adapter is behind usb, the display connector can be whatever23:15
brycetjaalton, yeah sounds good23:18

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