[10:43] daker: thanks, I am trying to add "team event" and I got error message "You can not add a new team event. You are not a member of any LoCo Teams." [10:43] In past I could do that but now is not possible. [11:13] rsajdok: in your local_settings there is a DEBUG_USERS, add your Launchpad nickname [11:28] daker: DEBUG_USERS = ('ris') ? [11:28] yep [11:31] I did, still do not work [11:32] rsajdok: connect using launchpad [11:32] i mean click on login at top right [11:44] daker: I did, still I can not add team event [11:46] rsajdok: download this http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ltp/ltp.db [11:48] run ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py syncdb --noinput [11:48] and ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py migrate [11:57] daker: not work [11:58] rsajdok: :( [11:58] rsajdok: login to /admin [11:59] nick : admin [11:59] pwd 123456 [11:59] and add "admin" to DEBUG_USERS [12:06] daker: during login I am redirect to openid [12:06] for /admin ? [12:07] login to [12:57] daker: my mistake :) I will try it later [13:05] ok [20:47] daker: ping [20:51] cjohnston: pong [20:52] daker: is there a plugin or something that josepht and I can use to view the dashboard in different resolutions? [20:53] someone else is seeing something that we arent with that page you and I were workign on [20:53] cjohnston: yeah [20:53] do you have chrome/ium ? [20:54] chrome [20:54] josepht: uses FF [20:54] cjohnston: I have one for FF :) [20:54] josepht, daker, daker josepht... josepht daker is the CSS/django master [20:54] daker: nice to meet you [20:55] josepht: nice to meet you [20:55] josepht: cjohnston FF & chrome both have this feature [20:57] josepht: for FF http://i.imgur.com/X74cuS5.png [20:58] cjohnston: latest firefox has that function [21:00] cjohnston: for chrome press F12 once you have the developer tools click the small gear on the bottom right [21:00] http://i.imgur.com/0oXrNa4.png [21:01] you can overide useragent/device metrics/Lat/Long [21:02] josepht: I can't reproduce either [21:03] cjohnston: what's your problem ? [21:03] daker: a layout problem on one persons screen [21:03] cjohnston: once i get the width to 1991 I see it too [21:04] wtf [21:04] cjohnston: grid_15 takes up its 1180px and grid_2 is beside it on the right [21:05] it shouldnt be [21:05] grid_15 should be taking the whole space [21:06] anyone know how to increase the resolution without the mouse? I can only add a few px at a time by clicking and dragging? [21:06] josepht: http://i.imgur.com/X74cuS5.png [21:06] cjohnston: div#content doesn't have a width [21:07] daker: I got that, but it a pain getting larger than the largest preset width [21:08] josepht: you can set your own preset [21:08] daker: I tried that and it just uses the current resolution [21:10] ah you are right [21:10] ah I got it had to unmaximize the window and move it almost off the scren to the left [21:12] josepht: ah got it, do you see the resize grip http://i.imgur.com/CQQEqMO.png ? [21:13] daker: yes [21:13] josepht: it works for you ? [21:14] daker: yes, you just can't drag it very far when the FF window is maximized and the resolution is larger than the window size :) [21:14] ok :) [21:15] cjohnston: adding the width to #content fixed it for me at high resolutions [21:15] daker: thanks a lot for your help [21:16] josepht: ok [21:16] I say we just tell her to get a normal resolution ;-) [21:23] daker: I did http://pastie.org/5946780 and still I can not add new team event [21:24] rsajdok: i said DEBUG_USERS = ('admin') [21:26] daker: ups :) [21:33] rsajdok: it works ? [21:35] daker: not work [21:40] argh :( [21:41] daker: I want to fix many bugs in loco but this problem stopped me :) [21:42] lemme test [21:44] daker: In past I could login to my launchpad account and I was seeing my account tied with ubuntu-pl but now it is not possible any more. [21:45] rsajdok: lemme see [21:56] daker: just have him use vagrant? [21:57] cjohnston: i am testing if it's working with venv [21:57] ok [22:06] rsajdok: it does work [22:08] rsajdok: do you have the Team membership checkbox http://i.imgur.com/gpuWtdE.png ? [22:09] rsajdok: are you able to see the teams on ? [22:09] brb [22:17] daker: 1. Problem is that I have not checkbox http://imgur.com/TqdLJ7f [22:19] daker: 2. [22:21] daker: 2. http://imgur.com/7qNE44Q [22:23] perfect [22:23] rsajdok: you are not using my db [22:25] ah see whay you have done [22:29] rsajdok: give me 1min [22:32] rsajdok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1587267/ [22:39] daker: Should I login by launchpad account or /admin ? [22:40] rsajdok: have you have done what i have wrote ? [22:40] daker: yes, I did [22:41] rsajdok: can you execute "ll" on loco_directory ? [22:42] daker: http://pastie.org/5948733 [22:42] ya [22:42] perfect [22:42] now run the dev server [22:44] rsajdok: no :( [22:44] rsajdok: how do you run the server ? [22:44] make run ? [22:44] daker: done [22:45] daker: (env)ris@sunejask:~/ltp$ ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [22:46] daker: not "make run" [22:47] rsajdok: you are not using my db :) [22:47] rsajdok: let's do it again [22:48] delete the loco_directory/ltp.db [22:48] $ wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ltp/ltp.db -O loco_directory/ltp.db [22:48] $ ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py migrate [22:48] $ /env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [22:50] i hope it will work this time [22:52] daker: http://pastie.org/5948902 [22:52] rsajdok: i thin you are doing something wrong :( [22:53] i still see the date of the old db [22:54] daker: I know :) [22:54] daker: http://pastie.org/5948990 [22:55] rsajdok: ya [22:59] daker: "ya" ? [22:59] the instruction are good [23:00] instructions* [23:01] daker: yours or mine ? [23:01] both [23:01] they are the same [23:02] rsajdok: did you run the instructions ? [23:07] daker: this http://pastie.org/5948990#6 ? [23:07] rsajdok: yes [23:08] daker: yes [23:08] can you run the server ? [23:09] daker: done [23:09] man are you kidding ? [23:09] i still see data from the old db [23:10] rsajdok: ok, can i have an "ll" inside loco_directory dir ? [23:10] daker: http://pastie.org/5949272 [23:11] rsajdok: ll loco_directory/ [23:11] i want to see everything [23:12] daker: http://pastie.org/5949341 [23:14] -rw-r--r-- 1 ris ris 3230720 2012-09-06 23:39 ltp.db [23:14] look 2012-09-06 [23:14] i told you to delete it [23:15] daker: strange [23:16] delete it [23:16] and give me another "ll" [23:18] daker: yours file has that date :) ok, give me second [23:18] no, man this db has your data :) [23:18] daker: http://pastie.org/5949496 [23:19] daker: maybe you send me wrong file :) [23:19] rsajdok: ok, we are on the good way [23:19] let's continue [23:20] daker: *sent [23:20] rsajdok: wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ltp/ltp.db -O loco_directory/ltp.db [23:20] daker: ok, I am waiting ;) [23:20] and give me another "ll" [23:22] rsajdok: once we finish, i have a very good way if you like virtualbox & vagrant [23:22] daker: http://pastie.org/5949654 [23:23] ok [23:23] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py migrate [23:24] then [23:24] daker: I used virtualbox but better for me is a vps. I am going to try vagrant. [23:24] show me your local_settings.py [23:25] done [23:25] show me your local_settings.py [23:26] daker: http://pastie.org/5949746 [23:26] perfect [23:26] now [23:26] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:28] daker: done [23:28] there is something wrong :( [23:29] why i still see you this [23:29] those are the users you have created ? [23:31] daker: I see and I do not know why, now, I have to sleep :) [23:31] can ctrl+C the server [23:31] can you* [23:31] daker: yes I created these users but not now, earlier [23:31] daker: yes [23:31] daker: done [23:32] then run it again and pastbin output ? [23:33] do it then go to sleep :) [23:33] daker: ok:) [23:33] thank you :) [23:34] just this part [23:34] Django version 1.3.3, using settings 'loco_directory.settings' [23:34] daker: http://pastie.org/5949812 [23:35] ok [23:35] daker: I have the question, if I deleted ltp.db should the website works? [23:35] rsajdok: ah good question [23:35] the answser is no [23:35] the website will not brak [23:35] break* [23:36] delete it [23:36] then run the server [23:36] haha :) [23:36] ah good [23:37] rsajdok: do this [23:37] python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:37] (env)ris@sunejask:~/ltp$ rm loco_directory/ltp.db [23:37] rm: cannot remove `loco_directory/ltp.db': No such file or directory [23:37] I deleted it [23:37] perfect [23:37] i see [23:37] and run server [23:38] perfect perfect [23:38] i got the error [23:38] yes, and I got :) [23:39] wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ltp/ltp.db -O loco_directory/ltp.db [23:39] then run the server again [23:39] run it with : [23:39] maybe now Should I wget, migrate and runserver, maybe strange cache of firefox? [23:40] yes [23:40] just do wget and run the server with [23:40] python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:40] without env/bin [23:41] ok [23:41] python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:41] [2013-01-30 03:41:18,249] - ERROR - settings - Missing library: pytz, Install package: python-tz [23:42] apt-get install python-tz [23:42] ah no no [23:42] use the venv python [23:42] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:43] done [23:44] perfect [23:44] ctrl+c [23:44] then run [23:44] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py migrate [23:44] done [23:44] then [23:44] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py runserver [23:46] after "migrate" I got http://pastie.org/5950121 [23:47] try : [23:47] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py syncdb [23:47] then [23:47] ./env/bin/python loco_directory/manage.py migrate [23:47] Would you like to create one now? (yes/no) ? [23:48] create a superuser ? [23:48] yes [23:48] should I ? [23:48] no [23:48] ok [23:49] done [23:49] ouch [23:50] rsajdok: man just go to sleep [23:50] rsajdok: we can fix this thing tomorrow [23:51] rsajdok: i suspect we are doing something wrong [23:51] daker: but now is different there are not my users :) [23:51] yes [23:51] daker: thanks a lot, goodbye [23:51] rsajdok: wait [23:51] what's the admin login ? [23:53] well the syncdb recreated the db and it should not [23:53] daker: I did not create admin account [23:54] anyway g'night rsajdok we can look into it tomorrow if you want [23:54] daker: ok, I am going to sleep :) [23:54] daker: yes i want. [23:54] juste ping when you are free [23:55] i am GMT+0