[05:44] Good evening everyone. [05:44] Anyone attending Ubuntu Developer Week? [05:46] Epikvision Sadly not this time. [05:46] :( why not? [05:46] Have you done it before though? [05:47] I've done a session last year for it. [05:48] epikvision, i'll be watching a few sessions tomorrow [05:48] So will I actually. [05:49] UnderControl, did you learn enough to contribute to development? [05:50] philipballew, all the sessions seem worth the time. [05:50] Totally worth it [05:50] Epikvision I'm not really the 'developer' to be honest, wouldn't mind to be one though. [05:51] mhm, I'm not either, but i'm itching to learn the trade. [05:51] epikvision, your gonna do awesome on that speech btw [05:51] hey hey, it's too early to make assumptions. :S [05:53] philipballew, did ubuntuyouth have any events lately? [05:53] none currently. but if you want to help me we can do some [05:54] sure, sounds like fun. This group needs a little kick. [05:54] * UnderControl kicks #ubuntu-youth [05:54] lol [05:54] * epikvision kicks #ubuntu-youth a little further [05:54] Uhh, I think I made it mad? [05:55] lets talk about what we can do st scale. [05:55] * epikvision wipes sweat off brow [05:56] I haven't thought of it yet. Right now, I'm setting up irssi and screen for tomorrow. [05:56] * UnderControl orders Epikvision to use WeeChat and tmux [05:58] I would... [05:58] :P [05:58] but the retro feeling of irssi feels sooo good. [05:59] WeeChat is currently my favourite IRC client. [05:59] epikvision: I will be attending and helping with a couple (which are on air) [06:01] JoseeAntonioR: you mean the hangout sessions? [06:01] yes, I need to host those [06:01] epikvision, If you want you can join a google hangout with me UnderControl and JoseeAntonioR and well watch you speak [06:01] philipballew: are you talking about my speech? [06:01] yes epikvision [06:02] Philipballew I can't join hangouts currently :( [06:02] UnderControl: yes, you can [06:02] use the g+ app for your phone [06:02] Joseeantonior G+ freezes on my iPad [06:02] :P [06:02] within this week. Unfortunately, now's not the time. [06:02] blargh [06:03] UnderControl: that's sad. :P [06:03] last time I wanted to do a hangout with someone from my iTouch I had 2% battery [06:03] philipballew: ^ [06:04] Lol [06:05] epikvision: will you be attending the hangouts? [06:06] yes, anything I have to set up, Jose? [06:06] epikvision: just make sure you can play youtube videos [06:07] everyone: how do you guys remain on irc without ever leaving? [06:07] epikvision: I use ZNC [06:07] znc? what's that? [06:07] and IRC bouncer [06:07] check znc.in [06:10] ok, i'm getting it from software centre [06:11] epikvision: won't work [06:11] so, from tarball? [06:11] epikvision: it needs to be up 24/7 for you to remain online 24/7 [06:11] check trekweb.org, I can process it now if you request it [06:11] get me started bro, thanks. [06:17] epikvision: getting the ticket ready? [06:20] What subject and message? [06:20] I'm filing for a new ticket. [06:22] read trekweb.org/znc/requesting to get more info [06:23] do you know what subject is appropriate? [06:23] a random one's fine [06:24] I'm not getting any znc into my local drive. Is that right? [06:24] yes [06:24] Just trekweb doing its job for us [06:24] sweet [06:30] I submitted the ticket [06:36] done [06:36] woah, so now what happens? [06:37] instructions on the email [06:37] check that [06:57] thinkndev: /msg nickserv release epikvision PASSWORD, /nick epikvision [16:20] /SET irc_conf_mode 1 [22:04] philipballew, can we talk here? [22:04] perfect [22:06] ok philipballew Im confusing, we had done a lot of documentation in the documents day [22:06] do you remember it? [22:06] SergioMeneses, i remember, lets have a hangout this week to go over it [22:07] philipballew, maybe we can need some device from Daniel or Jono, what do you think? [22:08] ask them tomorrow I would [22:08] philipballew, perfect... I saw daniel today morning but I forget it [22:09] Im very busy with the laptop-testing now [22:09] I see him at like 1 am before I go to sleep