
=== jackyalcine_ is now known as jalcine
shadeslayerRiddell: yes05:06
shadeslayerI rage quit last night, got too annoyed :P05:07
shadeslayernext UDS in Oakland, CA05:08
ScottKI'm as excited about going there again as I was the first time.05:35
shadeslayerI'm guessing that code for "Not alot"05:40
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone06:31
shadeslayerhi phoenix_firebrd06:32
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: good morning06:32
shadeslayergood morning to you as well :)06:32
shadeslayerwho can test some precise stuff?06:38
shadeslayerX fails on precise when using qemu :(06:39
shadeslayerand bug 1093220 needs verification06:39
ubottubug 1093220 in transmission (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Fix transmission-qt to open magnet links from a browser" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109322006:39
NoskcajScottK, bug 1066225 has a new comment for you09:12
ubottubug 1066225 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "encrypt home folder needs to be checkbox not radio button" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622509:12
shadeslayerdoes it make sense to encrypt the home folder and have autologin enabled?09:29
shadeslayerI mean, the entire point of having encrypted data is that if someone gains physical access to your machine your data is safe ( assuming they cannot crack the key )09:30
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: in that case using kwallet is also vulnerable 09:33
shadeslayernot exactly, your kwallet password is not associated with your login password09:33
* shadeslayer uses crazy levels of encryption09:34
shadeslayerI have full disk encryption as well as /home encryption setup09:35
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer:  ya, thats right, but why kwallet manager doesnt seek password when kwallet was opened previously for other use09:36
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: I dont encrypt my disk , because i am afraid i may not be able to recover data in case of a filesystem error09:36
shadeslayeryep, that's a huge issue09:37
shadeslayerwhich is why, unencrypted backups09:37
shadeslayerwhich travel with me :P09:37
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: thats a vulnerability :) 09:37
shadeslayerI know :)09:38
shadeslayerthe biggest risk is my ssh and gpg keys, which do not have a backup09:38
shadeslayerprimarily because I have no good way to back them up09:38
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: "donot ask password" for screen locker is not working?09:38
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: is the new screen locker working for you?09:41
shadeslayerctrl-alt-l locks the screen09:41
shadeslayerthat's about all I tested09:41
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: does it ask for the password everytime?09:41
shadeslayerthat's intended behaviour09:42
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: no09:42
shadeslayerI specifically asked it to lock the screen, so it should ask my password09:42
shadeslayerwhat else would it do09:42
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: "the option require password after" is disabled for me and it asks for the password after i immediately try to unlock 09:43
phoenix_firebrdlet me confirm it one more time09:43
shadeslayerwhere is this option? 0..o09:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
phoenix_firebrdscreen locker09:44
yofeloh, they renamed the menu09:45
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: inside display and monitor settings09:45
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: i am using 12.1009:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: hi09:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: today 4.10 sc tagging?09:46
yofelphoenix_firebrd: anyway, I did notice there was somthing funky about that menu09:46
shadeslayerI have no idea where this kcm is09:46
phoenix_firebrdyofel: menu?09:46
shadeslayergive me the kcm module name09:46
yofelshadeslayer: no idea, but it's in the display settings 09:46
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: can the see the display and monitor settings?09:46
yofelphoenix_firebrd: well, that was the screensaver kcm before09:47
shadeslayerthis ? http://i.imgur.com/BHRRto0.png09:47
yofeldisable the 2nd checkbox09:47
yofelI think it has no effect09:47
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: thats it09:47
yofelor at least it doesn't work reliably09:47
shadeslayerfunny thing09:47
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: the second options is the one i am talking about09:47
shadeslayerclick "Screen Saver"09:47
yofelbut I know they fixed a bunch of locker issues recently09:47
shadeslayerand the monitor turns blue09:48
shadeslayerclick "Simple locker" and it stays blue09:48
yofeltrue o.O09:48
yofelphoenix_firebrd: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-cvs-announce/2013/000105.html09:48
shadeslayeriirc tagging freeze is in effect no?09:48
yofelso work starts tomorrow09:48
yofelI'll fire the cronjob up later for the stats09:49
yofelit is09:49
yofelshadeslayer: but who cares about it?09:49
shadeslayertsdegos got pissed when I merged to okular extractor09:49
shadeslayerso I'm not going to piss him off again :P09:49
shadeslayerI'll just file a bug09:49
phoenix_firebrdyofel: In case my project is using automake i wont be needing to add rules for clean, build and install in debian/rules right?09:56
yofelok wait, I'll elaborate on that09:56
yofelyou know how gnu make works? (roughly?)09:57
phoenix_firebrdyofel: cmake configures with the make files and make buuilds the project with that09:57
shadeslayerwhat was the Product for the screenlocker again :|09:57
yofelshadeslayer: kscreensaver I believe09:57
yofelphoenix_firebrd: ok, so let's talk about make first09:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok09:58
yofelphoenix_firebrd: make is originally meant for building source code. It's usefullness comes from being able to determine what files have changed and only rebuilding what needs to be built09:58
yofelit does that by defining make "targets" that have dependencies and commands that are needed to build it09:59
phoenix_firebrdyofel: wait09:59
phoenix_firebrdtargets is key waord?09:59
phoenix_firebrdtargets is key word?10:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the output?10:00
yofela target is something like:10:00
yofeltargetname: dep10:00
yofel                  commandlist10:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: give me an example10:00
shadeslayerdone, kde bug 31412210:01
ubottuKDE bug 314122 in locker "Monitor is not turned 'off'" [Normal,Confirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31412210:01
yofelphoenix_firebrd: http://paste.kde.org/65982810:01
yofelphoenix_firebrd: so to build the "build" target, the configure target has to be finished10:02
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok10:02
yofelnow, the reason I run "touch" there, is because usually the targets are the filenames of the source you want to build10:03
yofelso if a file changes, it's target and all targets that depend on it will run10:03
yofelthat's how make works... roughly10:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: doubt10:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: if you say that this is the label that points to build "build:" then what does this do "DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET:" ?10:05
yofelwhat's DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET?10:05
yofeljust going by make syntax, DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET would be the name of the target10:05
yofeli.e. the name would literally be "DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET"10:06
phoenix_firebrdyofel: can you pulll-lp tomboy-blogposter10:06
yofeloh, :=, that's a variable definition, but we'll come to that ^ example in a bit10:07
yofelnow back to rules10:07
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok'10:07
shadeslayeryofel: http://pike.psu.edu/dongwon/pro/grannies.pdf10:08
yofelshadeslayer: o.O (I'll read it later...)10:08
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: in US too?10:09
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: it's a worldwide phenomenon10:09
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha10:09
yofelphoenix_firebrd: so, as making deb packages is a slighly complex process, we have a program called debhelper with perl scripts called dh_* that does most of the work for us10:09
yofelphoenix_firebrd: back in dh 6 and early 7 days, a rules file would look like this: http://paste.kde.org/65985810:10
* shadeslayer is scared to click that link10:10
yofelwhich is gnu make taken too perfection10:10
shadeslayeroh heh10:10
yofelshadeslayer: it's a clean rules file, nothing scary ;)10:10
shadeslayerbtw you should show him a cdbs file10:10
yofelshadeslayer: that's next10:10
yofelshadeslayer: as his example above uses that :P10:10
shadeslayerI joined just as cdbs was dying10:11
yofelphoenix_firebrd: so, as you can see it's not really the most easiest, not the most readable way of doing it10:11
yofelphoenix_firebrd: + you had to be very careful to not mistake the sequencing10:11
yofelphoenix_firebrd: to help with that people went and wrote supplementary build systems, like cdbs10:11
phoenix_firebrdcame across that10:12
yofelphoenix_firebrd: if you look at your tomboy rules, you'll see that it has include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/...10:12
yofelso it uses cdbs10:12
shadeslayerScottK: your sync is bad : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyside/1.1.2-110:12
phoenix_firebrdwait, checking10:12
shadeslayermakes pyside completely disappear for some reason10:12
yofelthe advantage: the sequencing is done in the build system, and you just have to set some configuration variables like DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET10:12
yofelphoenix_firebrd: which makes rules a lot simpler as you can see10:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: where to specify the type of build system/version i am using10:14
yofelby "include"-ing the buildsystem makefile you want to use10:15
yofelnow, next10:15
yofelsince debhelper 7.0.51 or whatever, debhelper got it's own auto-sequencer called "dh", which is what's most people use today10:16
phoenix_firebrdthose are perl scripts right?10:17
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ^10:17
yofelah wait, a bit of clarification10:17
jussiconsistent LO crashing, and calligra screws up the formatting :(10:17
yofeleven cdbs used those scripts10:17
yofelit's just the content of the makefile that you saw above ^10:17
yofelthat was moved to the build system, so you don't need to write the build: install: etc. targets10:18
yofeldebhelper provided the dh_install, dh_auto_configure, and whatever else scripts10:18
yofeland it does today too10:18
yofelwith dh7, we gained a "dh" script, which does the sequencing of the rules file inside debhelper10:19
yofelso most rules file's today look like this: http://paste.kde.org/65986410:19
phoenix_firebrdyofel: so if i am not using cdbs i dont need install: build: .. in rules ?10:19
yofelif you use cdbs you don't need it10:19
yofelthe long rules example I showed above was a dh6 example without any build system10:19
yofeltomboy uses a cdbs file10:20
yofelhttp://paste.kde.org/659864 is modern dh7 style10:20
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the version 0.4.4 changed to automake so the rules have to be updated , probably the cdbs have to be removed10:20
yofelnot really, cdbs and automake are 2 different thigns10:20
yofelfor now I'm not going to talk about autotools10:21
yofelback to dh710:21
phoenix_firebrdyofel: this is the min that has to be in the rules file for the new type http://paste.kde.org/659864  ?10:21
shadeslayer\o/ objcopy:debian/firefox/usr/lib/firefox/libxul.so[.debug_info]: Memory exhausted10:21
shadeslayerI guess I'll just upload it to the PPA and fix10:22
yofelyes, unless you need adjustments for the package, that alone will already work10:22
yofelphoenix_firebrd: so, as you saw in the dh6 example, rules was a long list of dh_* commands10:22
yofelin dh7, "dh" runs those commands, so we don't need to write them ourselves10:23
phoenix_firebrdyofel: dh6= http://paste.kde.org/659858/ ?10:23
yofelnow, if we need to tell one of those commands that we need to do something different10:23
phoenix_firebrdyofel: overriding ?10:23
yofellike, dh_clean needs to remove a few more files10:23
yofelwe'll override the command right10:24
yofellike this: http://paste.kde.org/65987010:24
phoenix_firebrdyofel: who decides what to be put in ch_clean, the original maintainer or the packager?10:25
shadeslayerI have more bandwidth now10:25
yofelthat essentially replaces the "dh_auto_clean" command in dh, with the list of commands inside the override target10:25
shadeslayer2 Mbps10:25
yofel(that's why you're calling dh_auto_clean there too)10:25
* shadeslayer downloads shank10:25
yofelan empty override_dh_auto_clean: target would simply disable dh_auto_clean10:26
yofel(we often do that for dh_auto_test ;) )10:26
phoenix_firebrdjunk is a user variable?10:26
yofelphoenix_firebrd: any packager that works on the package may change the rules file as needed10:26
yofelphoenix_firebrd: well, it's something, maybe the program makefile creates it. but dh_auto_clean has a fixed pattern that it deletes10:27
yofelso if you need to remove anything else you need to tell it to10:27
phoenix_firebrdjunk is a keyword?10:28
yofelphoenix_firebrd: for packaging, you're free to change what you want, but if the package has a maintainer that's not you, do talk to that person/team whether your changes are fine and ask for a review10:28
yofelphoenix_firebrd: no, junk is a filename, this is literally "rm junk" in your shell10:28
yofelinside a make target you define simply shell commands10:28
phoenix_firebrdoh ok10:29
yofeltype dh_<tab><tab> in your shell, you'll see all of the debhelper stuff10:29
yofelas those are simply exectuable perl scripts10:29
phoenix_firebrdgot a list10:29
yofelok, so that's the basics of rules that you see today, dh6 style is deprecated. If you don't need anything else use the simple dh7 style10:30
phoenix_firebrdso it is necessary to specify the debhelper version >=7  right?10:30
yofelif you still need something special that dh7 can't do, or is hard to use for, you another buildsystem10:30
yofelfor example our KDE SC packages use the "dhmk" build system from pkg-kde-tools10:31
phoenix_firebrdwhat is script-kiddy?10:31
yofelphoenix_firebrd: that, and you'll need to put the version of debhelper your packaging works with into debian/compat10:31
phoenix_firebrdyofel: wait10:32
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: it's a script for translations stuff10:32
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok10:32
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok10:32
phoenix_firebrdwhat is debian/source/format for?10:33
shadeslayerread the manual :P10:33
phoenix_firebrdjust this once, where can i specify the quilt version tghat i am using?10:34
shadeslayeryou don't specify a quilt version10:34
shadeslayerquilt is version agnostic?10:34
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: the tutor said something about that yesterday10:35
phoenix_firebrdlet me check10:35
shadeslayercan you grab me a quote?10:35
yofeler, you don't need to do that these days usually10:36
phoenix_firebrdthats it ,its the debian/source/format10:36
yofelthere is one release that needs a manual quilt dep for 3.0 quilt and where lintian throws a warning if the version is missing10:36
shadeslayerokay so there are 2 formats, native and quilt10:36
* yofel passes the micro to shadeslayer10:36
yofelneed to do something else for a while10:37
shadeslayerthe format file is to specify which format dh will use10:37
shadeslayermicro? :P10:37
phoenix_firebrdformat of?10:37
yofelvoice, whatever :P10:37
shadeslayermicro keyboard? 10:37
yofelphoenix_firebrd: format of source package10:39
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: format of the source package10:39
yofelanyway, dpkg-source manpage explains all formats too. (ignore 2.0, that's not used)10:39
shadeslayer"Also known as wig&pen."10:40
jussiSo we are all aware the kde dalogs induce a nice LO crash? or was it only on 4.9.4 ? 10:44
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: are you working form a desktop or a laptop?10:44
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: ok10:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: does your pbuilder check for updates everytime?10:47
yofelif you're really low on bandwidth you can disable that10:48
yofelremove the executable bit from the 2 apt hooks10:48
yofelbut then remember to keep your raring pbuilder updated10:48
phoenix_firebrdyofel: sure10:48
apacheloggeryofel: do we have a kcm that is python3?10:49
yofelno idea, we couldn't really test that witout a working kcm backend...10:50
apacheloggerpython3 randomfile.py10:50
yofelif nobody ported one, then no10:50
yofelI tried myself on synaptiks, but that didn't go too well10:51
apacheloggeryofel: got time to recompile pykde?11:05
apacheloggeron which system did I work on the broken kcm Oo11:16
apacheloggermy workstation does not even have pykde > 4.911:17
ovidiu-florinhello world, I just received an update for jockey, and I was just curious, what's new in it? I think I remember seeing in the kubuntu devel mail list that jockey is to be replaced by something else. Is that true? If yes, how's that going?11:20
RiddellJontheEchidna ^^11:21
apacheloggeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/659936/11:22
apacheloggerI'd first run that by someone who cares, the global interpreter lock thing makes no sense to me11:22
apacheloggerthough that patch definitelyw orks11:22
apacheloggerfound the right VM again11:22
yofelapachelogger: I'll try that once I'm at home, here I'm on quantal11:35
ovidiu-florinone sugestion: can it be implemented in the Kmenu, on the bottom right, next to the kubuntu logo to also say the kubuntu version? it would be a lot easier for new users to figure this out11:37
vassieRiddell: good morning11:38
vassieRiddell: been thinking about the cantata "not is users group" message, personally i think it should stay, being in that group does have it benefits, however if you don't want/need to be in it, tick the box and hide the message11:40
Riddellhi vassie, ok you're the packager :)11:41
vassieRiddell: :)11:41
Riddellovidiu-florin: yes I'd be interested in something like that but probably not somewhere as intrusive as the kmenu11:42
Riddellvassie: did you look at a watch file?11:42
vassieRiddell: still not sure what to do with the watch file11:42
Riddellmake one that points at the download page11:42
vassieand put it where?11:42
vassieis there an example of one i can use?11:43
Riddellvassie: I suggested owncloud11:43
vassiefrom the deb?11:44
Riddellapt-get source owncloud11:44
vassieok, got it, do i need to modify it and rebuild my package?11:46
Riddelljust a random suggestion though, you might want to look at a package which is hosted on google code11:46
Riddellmodity it and test it :)11:46
vassieis there an example i can use?11:47
Riddellthat looks like a good page11:47
Riddelltry modifying the owncloud one11:48
BluesKajHey all11:49
ovidiu-florinRiddell: on the bottom of the Kmenu, right where the User's full name and host name is, 11:50
Riddellgolly that looks complex11:53
Riddellvassie: tested it?11:53
vassiecopy one from a program that was hosted on good code11:53
vassiehow do i test?11:54
Riddellput it in a copy of the package sources and run uscan11:55
vassiek, need to power on my vm, might be on my desktop at home actually, this might take a while11:56
Riddellvassie: you can ask me for an ec2 if that helps11:56
vassiethanks, but will i have to build my package from scratch?11:57
Riddellvassie: you don't have to build anything, you just need the package source (which you can download from your PPA on launchpad)11:57
BluesKajvassie, I have Cantata running ok , just have to configure mpd to startup at boot 11:58
vassiegot my source, added my current key to my ppa11:59
vassieran uscan, nothing came back12:08
Riddellvassie: I get "uscan ERROR: debian/watch version number is unrecognised; skipping watchfile"12:10
Riddellso it doesn't like that one12:10
vassiechange version=1 to version=312:10
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
vassieBluesKaj: i add "mpd" to ~/.xprofile so it starts on login12:17
shadeslayeroh grrr12:19
shadeslayerxnox: how do I make some code execute once a page has been loaded in ubiquity?12:20
shadeslayeri.e. once the event loop is running12:20
xnoxshadeslayer: i'm not sure what you mean.12:21
shadeslayerin order to get the devices Phonon needs an event loop running12:21
Riddellvassie: try kmediafactory maybe12:22
vassiei did, that is where i got it from12:23
vassiei changed 1 to 3 and i don't get an error now12:24
Riddellvassie: if you run uscan --verbose does it say useful things?12:24
vassieNewest version on remote site is 0.9.2, local version is 0.9.212:25
Riddellvassie: so are we ready to upload?12:25
vassiei'm happy with it12:26
vassiequantal and raring?12:26
Riddelljust raring12:26
Riddellpoint me at the files to upload12:26
vassiecan it be backported?12:26
xnoxshadeslayer: right, but when event loop is running, that means python code is not executed sequentially any more, only callbacks are called.....12:27
Riddellyes, we can either put it into kubuntu-ppa/backports or once its in raring go through the proccess for the ubunut backports12:27
vassieDo you need my new cantata_0.9.2-0ubuntu3~ubuntu12.10~ppa1.debian.tar.gz?12:27
vassieand raring package?12:27
xnoxshadeslayer: so in your __init__ or in your prepare funtions you need to setup callbacks that phonon will call if it finds or doesn't find a camera.12:27
Riddellvassie: yep12:29
vassieRiddell: ok, i need to sign them as i rebuilt my tar.gz, plus i need my raring VM, which is at home12:29
Riddellvassie: no you don't12:30
RiddellI need to sign them when I upload them, you don't have permission to upload to the ubuntu archive so your signature won't do anything12:30
Riddellvassie: just point me at what needs uploading12:30
vassieboth packages are on my ppa https://launchpad.net/~vassie/+archive/ppa12:31
vassiewatch file http://pastebin.com/J57bM94a (change version=1 to version=3)12:32
Riddellvassie: 0.9.2-0ubuntu3~ppa2 ?12:32
vassiei can't download my raring package right now as i am on quantal12:32
Riddellyou can download whatever you like, this is free software :)12:33
vassiethat is my raring package, minus the watch file12:33
Riddellhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/vassie/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cantata/  wget is your friend :)12:33
RiddellI got it now12:33
Riddellvassie: uploaded!12:36
Riddellit should appear at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue soon12:36
Riddellvassie: and now you need to wait for an archive admin to accept it, happens the first time you load anything12:37
vassieRiddell: awesome, i'll sit tight12:37
Riddellvassie: in the mean time there's plenty more to do, rekonq, libmtp etc :)12:38
vassieRiddell: will the quantal package go to ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports?12:38
Riddellalso 4.10 is being tagged tonight so that's the big one12:38
Riddellvassie: yeah can do, point me at what to upload there12:38
vassieRiddell: https://www.box.com/s/6bnjtzqkvvm6lhmdavvk12:40
Riddellvassie: uploaded!12:44
vassiethank you12:44
Riddellvassie: I just rejected it cos I noticed the control file needed some tidying12:46
Riddellvassie: I've reuploaded with the tidying12:46
vassieoh, ok12:46
Riddellyou hadn't give na description and it needed word warp on the long description12:47
vassieoh right, sorry12:47
shadeslayerxnox: is the event loop running when plugin_get_current_page is called?12:58
shadeslayeror is it run right after plugin_get_current_page ?12:58
* apachelogger pokes shadeslayer with a long stick13:02
apacheloggerit does not matter13:02
apacheloggerchange line order and suddenly you have no eventloop where you had one before13:02
apacheloggeruse the qevent functions13:03
xnoxshadeslayer: look into run_main_loop / quit_main_loop. We stop mainloop between the pages, when we start mainloop again, you don't have any flow control at all. You are just hoping that an event/signal/handler is triggered by Qt and possible calls your callbacks.13:04
xnoxshadeslayer: and you still didn't tell us what you are trying to achieve that brought you down the rabbit hole of main loops.13:05
xnoxwhat are you trying to achieve? "I need to know X, I decided i can check it using Y and hence...." tells us the full story. maybe your first assumption is wrong.....13:05
shadeslayerxnox: Phonon needs event loops so that I can query for the video camera device list13:06
xnoxand why do you need to query for the video camera device list?13:06
shadeslayerto create a MediaSource?13:06
xnox(in gtk, widgets have on_realise callback, such that you can piggy back on to that to run some code when widgets are painted/actually created)13:07
xnoxshadeslayer: this has nothing to do with ubiquity, but rather python & qt.13:07
* xnox doesn't do any python-qt work13:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: hi!13:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: you want to be an elite packager?13:09
Riddelloh well13:11
vassieRiddell: what happens when 0.9.3 is out?13:13
Riddellvassie: then you package it :)13:13
vassieRiddell: :)13:14
BluesKajvassie, ok managed to fix the mpd startup problem. I ran sudo update-rc.d mpd enable , then updated rc.d . It connects to localhost 13:15
vassieBluesKaj: great, everything working now?13:15
BluesKajyup . seems so , vassie , altho I haven;t tried the networking options and won't until my laptop is returned13:16
vassieBluesKaj: i store my music in ~/Music and use pulse13:17
BluesKajyes I use pulse as well , I made a link to my music files on the external hdd to /var/lib/mpd/music/13:20
Riddellsmartboyhw: you want to be an elite packager?13:24
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah:)13:24
Riddellsmartboyhw: got bored of Ubuntu Studio and want to do kubuntu?13:27
smartboyhwRiddell, not exactly. Normally I do testing in Ubuntu Studio. I want to be involved in packaging, and that Kubuntu seems to have more opportunities for that. 13:28
Riddellalways welcomed :)13:28
Riddellsmartboyhw: want a simple task to start off with?13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, yep13:28
Riddellsmartboyhw: rekonq could do with an update13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, ok13:29
Riddellyay :)13:29
smartboyhwRiddell, so I just branch the main ~ubuntu-branches branch right?>13:30
Riddellsmartboyhw: you can do use the UDD branches but I tihnk it's easier to just go apt-get source rekonq13:32
Riddellrekonq's packaging isn't in bzr13:32
smartboyhwRiddell, oh no:P13:32
Riddellhi rgreening, how's the province?13:33
Riddellsmartboyhw: I'm assuming you've done this sort of thing before, have you?13:33
smartboyhwRiddell, yes (but I use UDD branches :P)13:34
Riddellsmartboyhw: well feel free to use them13:34
Riddellthey're just too complex for me (and I used to develop on bzr and UDD :)13:34
smartboyhwRiddell, lol13:34
Riddellsmartboyhw: let me know if you need any help13:38
smartboyhwRiddell, ok:)13:38
ScottKshadeslayer: pyside is somewhat broken and the sync was a (it turned out) unfounded hope to make thing better, but it certainly didn't make things worse.13:40
shadeslayerScottK: well ... idk what happened but in raring I can't install python3-pyside13:40
ScottKIIRC there's no binaries.13:41
shadeslayerbut -release has binaries?13:41
BluesKajrekonq still suffers from javascript problems , some game sites are freeezing13:43
Riddellbest hope smartboyhw does this update13:44
smartboyhwRiddell, halfway:)13:44
apacheloggerxnox: how can one get the stdout output from a plugin?13:45
xnoxit's in /var/log/installer/debug isn't it?13:45
xnoxor syslog13:45
Riddellapachelogger: you're looking at uibiquity too?13:48
smartboyhwRiddell, help. I can't build the package since kdelibs5-dev has a dependency of libphonon-dev, but then libphonon-dev has a dependency of libphonon413:50
smartboyhw libphonon-dev : Depends: libphonon4 (= 4:4.7.0really4.6.0-0ubuntu2) but 4:4.7.0really4.6.0-0ubuntu2+nopulse1 is to be installed13:50
apacheloggerxnox: found it, thx13:50
smartboyhwI don't think I have ppa's with this.13:50
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah -.-13:50
Riddellsmartboyhw: pastebin  apt-cache policy libphonon-dev13:51
Riddellsmartboyhw: pastebin  apt-cache policy libphonon413:51
Riddellapachelogger: what are you looking at?13:51
smartboyhwRiddell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1589659/13:52
Riddellsmartboyhw: you've installed that +nopulse1 version from somewhere13:53
Riddella PPA you no longer use13:53
Riddellfrom KXStudio-Team Artwork and Metas owned by KXStudio Team  says launchpad13:54
apacheloggerRiddell: same thing as shadeslayer13:54
Riddellsmartboyhw: wget the .deb from launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/13:54
Riddelland dpkg --install  it13:55
smartboyhwRiddell, ok (/me suddenly hates KXStudio)13:56
Riddellhmm, developer membership board elections13:58
RiddellScottK: who do I want to vote for?13:58
ScottKWho's running?13:59
jussiScottK: is like the "brains trust" :D13:59
ScottKApparently there's a mail I didn't get.13:59
ScottKI mean I know I'm running.13:59
ScottKJust not who else.13:59
RiddellScottK: bdrung, coolbhavi, cody-somervile, xnox, laney, scottk, stgraber13:59
ScottKSome difficult choices there.14:00
Riddellscottk gets points for being a kuubntu homey, xnox for being friendly enough to hang around with us kubuntu homeys, stgraber for being french, laney for being a canoeist14:02
RiddellI don't think I know enough about the others to say what they get points for14:02
xnoxI'm guessing coolbhavi, ScottK and I are the ones contesting against previously serving members of the developer membership board.14:04
jussihow many are needed?14:04
xnox4 are expiring.14:04
ScottKI finally got the mail.14:04
smartboyhwRiddell, good now I'm test-building the package:)14:05
smartboyhwRiddell, done. https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/ubuntu/raring/rekonq/new-version-2.1-0ubuntu1/+merge/14561114:11
Riddellsmartboyhw: you're elite!14:13
smartboyhwRiddell, :)14:13
Riddellbut that's a horrible diff, UDD fail :(14:16
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Riddellsmartboyhw: you've tested it locally and it al runs fine?14:18
smartboyhwRiddell, should be.:)14:18
smartboyhwIf it doesn't, then just ping me and I'll fix it:)14:19
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwSorry Riddell internet went haywire:)14:26
jackyalcinehey can have I have someone review this merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~jackyalcine/ubuntu/raring/telepathy-logger-qt/raring/+merge/14556014:29
smartboyhwHere comes jalcine:)14:30
jackyalcinehey smartboyhw14:35
Riddellhi jackyalcine 14:40
Riddellwill do that in a bit14:40
sneleshadeslayer: you did great job with backporting 4.10 to precise. everything work well. thank you14:40
jackyalcineRiddell: thanks14:41
Riddellsmartboyhw: so have you built and run it locally?14:42
shadeslayersnele: me and yofel :)14:43
Riddelljackyalcine: what needs those cmake files?14:43
sneleshadeslayer: yofel: you did great job with backporting 4.10 to precise. everything works well. thank you guys. you rock!14:44
jackyalcineRiddell: anyone trying to build KDE IM from source.14:44
jackyalcineif telepathy-logger-qt was a part of kde-telepathy, I wouldn't have bothered14:44
shadeslayerit is?14:45
shadeslayerit's released as a part of kde-telepathy14:45
Riddellit's a separate source 14:45
shadeslayerwell sure14:46
smartboyhwRiddell, the app works14:46
smartboyhwMore amazingly, it works in xfce (LOL)14:46
shadeslayerahhh okay14:46
jackyalcineit makes me wonder, how does it build in bbuild without those CMake files?14:47
smartboyhwRiddell, jackyalcine told me to bzrignore the .pc files.14:47
smartboyhwShould I upload a new -0ubuntu2 version then?14:47
Riddelljackyalcine: I've updated the changelog to make it clearer "Fix .install file to provide valid CMake development files"14:47
jackyalcineyou shouldn't have to, smartboyhw14:47
smartboyhwjackyalcine, oh ok14:47
Riddellsmartboyhw: I'm ignoring them too14:47
smartboyhwRiddell, :)14:48
jackyalcineunless you ignored them specifically in that repository.14:48
Riddelljackyalcine: you also want to become an elite kubuntu packager?14:48
jackyalcineRiddell: thanks, I did this at like 3:00 AM here in New York14:48
jackyalcinehaven't slept until I got a response :)14:48
jackyalcineRiddell: I'd love to :D14:48
smartboyhwjackyalcine, join the game with me:)14:48
shadeslayerjackyalcine: because nothing deps on libtelepathy-logger-qt4-dev14:48
Riddellsmartboyhw: rekonq uploaded, welcome to the world of elite kubuntu packagers14:49
smartboyhwRiddell, wow!! :D14:49
Riddelljackyalcine: telepathy-logger-qt, welcome to the world of elite kubuntu packagers14:49
Riddelljackyalcine: telepathy-logger-qt uploaded, welcome to the world of elite kubuntu packagers14:49
jackyalcinehaha thank you!14:49
jackyalcineshadeslayer: not yet, at least.14:49
* jackyalcine is going to have fun.14:50
* smartboyhw is going to have fun too14:50
Riddellwe have more things needing an update for anyone interested, ktorrent and libmtp come to mind14:50
jackyalcinefor raring?14:51
Riddelljackyalcine: yep14:51
jackyalcinesmartboyhw: you're looking at libmtp or ktorrent?14:54
ScottKktorrent also has a libktorrent update that goes with it.14:55
ScottKSee Debian experimental.14:55
Riddelljackyalcine: take your pick I think14:57
smartboyhwjackyalcine, your pick:P14:59
jackyalcineScottK: I'd have to peek at the upstream packaging for ktorrent before making any changes?15:02
Riddelljackyalcine: you should always check debian first for updates15:03
Riddellktorrent is just a sync I think so check they have the newer version and file a sync bug15:03
* smartboyhw feels happy that at least the amd64 and i386 builds for rekonq is built successfully15:03
smartboyhwRiddell, I think libmtp is also a sync bug.....15:04
smartboyhwRiddell, the newest version is already there in Raring, no need for libmtp updates I think15:05
BluesKajso updating/upgrading will bring the fixes into rekonq ?15:05
BluesKajon raring15:06
Riddellsmartboyhw: mm, then you might want to ask shadeslayer what he was on about when he asked :)15:07
yofelBluesKaj: well, 2.1 at least has a fixed history. I think they  fixed plenty of other things too15:07
BluesKajyofel, let's hope the javascipt troubles were addressed15:10
BluesKajnope , rekonq still freezes on some online game sites , stops loading after 15 secs or so 15:13
BluesKajthen the javascript error pops up after a min or so15:14
smartboyhwBluesKaj, you mean the 2.1 version?15:15
BluesKajoops nope the 2.0 , smartboyhw15:17
smartboyhwBluesKaj, LOL15:17
smartboyhwBluesKaj, activate -proposed and you should be able to upgrade (unless you are using -armhf)15:17
shadeslayerno no no15:19
shadeslayerenabling proposed is a bad idea :P15:20
BluesKajI was about to ask that question shadeslayer .;..had probs with it before15:20
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what about libmtp? The newest version is there already;P15:21
shadeslayersmartboyhw: right, but in general it'd be a good idea to have a look at the commits because for eg. my HTC One X is not supported from the last released version15:22
shadeslayerbut it works from git15:22
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kubotuAsia - Kolkata - Wed Jan 30 22:22 IST16:52
Riddellyou clock is half an hour out :)16:54
phoenix_firebrdyou mean half an hour slow?17:05
yofelmore like it's weird that you guys have an half an hour difference in your clock17:07
kubotuAsia - Kolkata - Wed Jan 30 22:37 IST17:07
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the time is correct, i can't understand what you mean17:08
yofelit's :38 in india, but :08 here17:08
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya the timezone is +5:3017:08
Riddellwhich is unusual17:09
tsimpsontimezones are weird17:10
phoenix_firebrdI should take a look at the map17:10
shadeslayertsimpson: no people are weird17:10
tsimpsonshadeslayer: people came up with timezones, so it only makes sense then17:11
shadeslayerjust saying that timezones are not inherently weird17:11
tsimpsonthey are because they seem to be randomly placed17:12
phoenix_firebrdI am getting this error 17:13
phoenix_firebrderror CS0246: The type or namespace name `Gtk' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?17:13
phoenix_firebrd Try using -pkg:gtk-sharp17:13
phoenix_firebrdI will paste the file in question17:14
yofelshadeslayer: I'll agree that people are weird, but not because they invented timezones, but because they invented DST17:14
shadeslayerokay I have no idea why DST even exists17:15
shadeslayerbut it allowed me to sleep one more hour at UDS17:15
phoenix_firebrdyofel: agreed17:15
shadeslayerso yay17:15
phoenix_firebrdpartial error log -> http://paste.kde.org/660704/17:15
shadeslayerbah, this rebase is screwed up17:15
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 1 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_raring.html | oxygen-fonts in experimental PPA (from oneiric to raring)
phoenix_firebrdi am trying to build tomboy-blogposter17:16
Riddellyofel: thanks for getting ready :)17:16
phoenix_firebrdthis is my current control file ->http://paste.kde.org/660710/17:16
yofelphoenix_firebrd: try adding gtk-sharp2 to build-deps? I really know nothing about mono though17:19
yofelso this is just guessing17:20
phoenix_firebrdyofel: tried that17:20
phoenix_firebrdyofel: check the line with this "-pkg:tomboy-addins"17:21
yofelphoenix_firebrd: do you have the full buildlog?17:23
phoenix_firebrdyofel: since the error log states that i shoud try to add "-pkg:gtk-sharp2" i added it to the configure.am where the "-pkg:tomboy-addins" is added but its not getting reflected in the build process as you can see the parameter is missing17:23
phoenix_firebrdthats configure.ac17:23
phoenix_firebrdsorry its not configure.ac17:24
yofeltry -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.017:24
phoenix_firebrdyofel: makefile.in is created by makefile.am right?17:26
yofeluh, I think yes, it's been over a year since I last touched autotools17:26
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I have to search were i can insert this param17:27
phoenix_firebrdthis is the makefile.am in the source dir ->http://paste.kde.org/660728/17:28
phoenix_firebrdi had already added "-pkg:gtk-sharp" before, you want to replace that with the one you said?17:29
phoenix_firebrdif so why didn't it get reflected in the log?17:29
phoenix_firebrdthe current package name is gtk-shark217:30
phoenix_firebrdthe current package name is gtk-sharp217:30
yofelthe pkg-config file is name gtk-sharp-2.0 though17:31
yofelthat's what gmcs is looking for17:31
phoenix_firebrdpkg-config ?17:31
yofel!info pkg-config17:32
ubottupkg-config (source: pkg-config): manage compile and link flags for libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 0.26-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 39 kB, installed size 128 kB17:32
phoenix_firebrdok i will try with "gtk-sharp-2.0"17:33
yofelI added it in Makefile.in, but now it fails with17:34
yofel../../src/AuthenticationTypes.cs(44,41): error CS0433: The imported type `System.Web.HttpUtility' is defined multiple times17:34
yofelyou should find someone familiar with mono and autotools in #ubuntu-motu17:34
yofelthat's really not our field of expertise17:34
yofel(oh, if you ever want to package our mono bindings, that's like totally adavnced expert insanity stuff, but we would be very happy)17:35
yofelso far everyone gave up17:35
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I am thinking that if i pass through this, i may suceed in any upcoming mono dep packages17:36
phoenix_firebrdpackaging is very interesting17:38
yofeltry to get something of your work into the archive though ;)17:38
phoenix_firebrdI feel if i keep packaging for a year i may end up knowing atleast 30% of the source on ubuntu17:39
ScottKThen by the end of the second year, you'll have touched 50% and forgotten half of it.17:42
phoenix_firebrdyofel: So since it seems there is an error in the source , shall i drop trying to  build it?17:43
yofelwell, you'll at least have to ask someone else how that works17:43
yofelI can't build that either though, so maybe it is just a bug in the buildsystem17:44
phoenix_firebrdyofel: shall i take a look at it tomorrow?17:44
yofelfeel free to, but you'll have to find someone else for help17:45
yofelas I said, someone in #ubuntu-motu might know what to do here17:45
phoenix_firebrdScottK: i can try for 100% :)17:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok17:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: Is there a list that shows the packages by deps for example mono, java, python etc17:46
yofelI don't know, you could look at the package section, but that's not always correct17:47
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok17:48
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phoenix_firebrdyofel: just to confirm , day after tomorrow kde 4.10 sc is tagged right?17:49
yofelofficially, it's today at 23:59 UTC17:49
yofelso we should have the tars by tomorrow17:49
phoenix_firebrdyofel: so you will be working throught the night?17:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: in that case will it be ok if i be here tomorrow 12 pm my time?17:52
yofelsure, you won't be able to help much anyway except watching as you don't have sufficient permissions yet to work on KDE17:53
yofelfor that you'll have to convince Riddell that you're on ninja level first17:53
phoenix_firebrdya, when will the process start, in your time17:53
phoenix_firebrdyofel: yours is +4:30 am i right?17:54
yofelI'm GMT+117:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok17:54
yofelbut it depends when tsdgeos finished building the tars and then the first ninja to see the tars will get to work17:54
phoenix_firebrdya, when will the process start?17:54
* rgreening yawns17:55
yofelas most of the initial process is scripted there's nothing fancy in the beginning anyway ^^17:55
yofelyou can watch the build progress at the page linked in the topic17:55
phoenix_firebrdwe can beat suse this time?17:56
phoenix_firebrdare they using cluster for building?17:56
yofelThat's impossible to predict, but as we have a week we should at least be done in time17:57
yofeldunno, but we're building in parallel on launchpad too, it just takes a while17:57
phoenix_firebrdsoon this will happen17:57
yofeland might need some manual work17:57
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok17:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I will be here at 7: 30 am your time17:58
yofelI'll tell you more tomorrow, for today I'll finally go home...17:58
yofelI at least an hour later, but the others will be around17:59
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya. good night, see you tomorrow17:59
shadeslayeryofel: is the raring status page up in anticipation of a release?18:29
yofelshadeslayer: topic...18:45
yofelshadeslayer: er, yeah18:45
* yofel read s/the/a/18:45
shadeslayerI'm off to sleep I am18:46
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yofelapachelogger: s/ifdef/ifndef/ and systemsettings at least doesn't crash anymore trying to open language-selector-kde20:41
NoskcajScottK, have you had a look at bug 1066225 with the screenshot?20:42
ubottubug 1066225 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "encrypt home folder needs to be checkbox not radio button" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622520:42
yofelhm, now it did crash20:43
yofelbut with this: http://paste.kde.org/66086620:43
yofelwith some more symbols: http://paste.kde.org/66087820:46
yofelapachelogger: I'll upload this for now http://paste.kde.org/66087820:47
yofelhm, now I can't reproduce that crash. Old lib in memory I guess20:51
yofelok, it did now - when closing system settings (sometimes)20:52
yofelthat's synaptiks I guess looking at bug 109828820:55
ubottubug 1098288 in synaptiks (Ubuntu) "Remove package "synaptiks" from apt (upstream project is abandoned)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109828820:55
yofel(that bug is a great example of how launchpad can make a bug unreadable btw.)21:05
ScottKRiddell: Can you look at what went wrong with the fix for 1066225?21:42
ScottKNoskcaj: I hadn't.  Thanks.21:42
apacheloggerreview please https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ppa/+files/mangonel_0.1~git20130130-0ubuntu1.dsc21:59
yofelScottK: that .ui file doesn't render really well in qtdesigner here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/user_design.png22:00
* ScottK looks harder at Riddell.22:01
apacheloggerlooks like the size hinting of the grid there is broken22:01
yofelmaybe because you removed the layout?22:01
apachelogger(assuming it is a grid ^^)22:01
yofelthe ui file *had* <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_8">22:01
apacheloggerwell, one can work without grids22:02
yofelwell, now the radio buttons are simply inside a qwidget, whose preferred size here is 1022:05
yofel*preferred height22:06
yofelLay out > Lay out in a Grid; press ctrl+Z; -> it looks righ22:10
apacheloggerdesigner files are a flipping mess22:11
yofelwell, considering that widget already has fixed content widget sizes, setting a minimum Size wouldn't hurt I guess22:14
yofelfeels like the wrong way to fix it though22:14
apacheloggerdepending on what the widget contains it may also be wrong22:15
yofel2 radio buttons and one indented checkbox22:15
apacheloggerdoes it contain text?22:15
yofelapachelogger: that's how it was intended: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/user_design1.png22:16
apacheloggeryah, minimumsize is wrong though22:16
apacheloggeras text labels have no fixed minimumsize22:16
yofelwell, they do have set sizes in the ui file though22:17
apacheloggeryeah its to make sure the uis coming out of designer are as broken as possible22:17
apacheloggerI reckon it should be a grid though22:18
yofelwell, it was a grid, but how do you do the indenting? (except by adding a fixed spacer)22:18
apacheloggeralso to get perfect visual results regardless of the qt style/fontsize you'd want to have a radio underneith the other radio that is hidden22:19
apacheloggerthat's how you'd grid22:19
apachelogger(*) require the might login22:19
apachelogger( ) [x] decrypt the awesome home22:20
apacheloggerof course the second radio would be invis22:20
yofelhm, that kind of makes sense22:21
apacheloggerthe other option is to detach the text from the radio22:21
apacheloggeri.e. (*) is the radio and 'require the might login' is a secondary label22:21
apachelogger(of course then you need to manually wire the stateness between those22:22
apacheloggeralso an option though22:22
apacheloggerso you get 22:22
apachelogger(*) | require the mighty login22:22
apachelogger    | [x] decrypt the awesome home22:23
apachelogger| representing a vertical layout border22:23
apacheloggeroh and a third option that woudl be entirely code based ... you create a radiobutton without text, get it's size hint and set that as width&height of a spaceritem that is left of the checkbox22:24
apacheloggeri.e. you have a temporary radio button that is not really used but that dictates what size the spacer needs to be22:25
yofelwell, the hidden, button seems to work, except that you need to hide it in the code22:27

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