
=== diamonds is now known as Guest77961
qkallgreets - im trying to figure out how to set my volume buttons to activate some command to change the volume as they dont seem to work by default but i cant seem to google anytni g relevant02:33
qkallnevermind! found a good link02:40
genoobiehey all04:24
genoobieI just finished installing lubuntu04:24
genoobiebut the video is messed up04:24
genoobieI'm at the login screen if I hit ctrl+alt+f104:25
genoobieI get a login window that's OK04:25
genoobienot sure how to proceed.04:25
holsteingenoobie: i would either install a driver, assuming there is one...04:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:38
holsteinor, try the vesa driver..04:38
holsteintry nomodeset04:38
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1997290.html is relevant04:41
genoobieit's an S3 / Savage04:42
genoobiethe login screen looks like this....http://postimage.org/image/76g39fvnl/7648fc50/04:43
holsteingenoobie: depends on the graphics hardware.. but it sounds like your graphics card is not supported well04:43
holsteingenoobie: try the nomodset option as mentioned above, from the live CD04:44
genoobieholstein, I don't have the liveCD...04:44
holsteingenoobie: if that works, then you know that you can use the vesa driver via a custom xorg.conf, or make that nomodset option stick04:44
genoobieholstein, I did an install of xubuntu 12.10 a while ago and that worked...04:44
holsteingenoobie: theres a recovery kernel options04:44
genoobieholstein, there is some configuration that obviously must work...04:45
genoobieokay so if I lspci -v04:45
genoobieit's using savagefb04:46
holsteingenoobie: when i have had issues that give images such as you posted, i have used the vesa driver04:47
genoobieholstein, I know there is a driver that works...04:47
genoobiewith kernel 3.x04:48
holsteingenoobie: the vesa driver will work04:48
genoobieholstein, of that I am sure04:49
holsteingenoobie: then, whats the problem?04:49
holsteingenoobie: maybe savagefb is "breaking" support04:49
genoobiewell, the Xorg is a better driver, no?04:49
holsteingenoobie: "better" is a matter of opinion04:50
genoobieI mean using x11 is going to be "smoother" / less hiccups so to speak04:50
holsteinid say, if i had to pick "better" from that pictuer you linked, or vesa, id go vesa04:50
holsteingenoobie: if you have a custom xorg.conf, its literally as easy as editing the driver line to vesa to test04:50
genoobiehere's what I propose...04:52
genoobieI am going to "boot" up a puppylinux that I know "works"04:52
holsteinyeah, and copy the xorg...04:52
holsteini like that04:52
holsteini use knoppix sometimes like that04:52
genoobieokay it will take a few, but I'll bb04:52
holsteinthen, you have a known good file, and you can swap the driver line out and test04:53
Unit193You can also diff the two files, see why one works and the other doesn't.04:58
genoobieholstein, you still here?05:56
Unit193He went to sleep.05:57
genoobieUnit193, I recently installed lubuntu05:57
Unit193xorg.conf work from puppy?05:57
genoobienot sure exactly how to make this work05:58
genoobiebut i am in puppy now05:58
genoobieso if I pull up a console window in puppy05:58
genoobiewhere would I find my xorg.conf05:58
genoobieokay there are a few .conf05:59
genoobiebut the one that is running xorg.conf should be specific to my machine, no?06:00
Unit193Not used puppy in a while...06:00
genoobielooking for the driver in xorg.conf...06:01
genoobieso should I just copy the xorg.conf from puppy to lubuntu?06:06
genoobieUnit193, you still here?06:25
genoobieokay, I am poking around06:25
genoobiecan't really find the "driver" per se06:25
genoobiebut what I did find was the OpenGL rendered06:26
genoobierenderer, is that the "same thing"?06:26
genoobieso now i am in the tree of lubuntu06:26
genoobiewhere is the xorg here?06:27
genoobiethere's no .conf file in the /etc/x11 dir06:27
Unit193Same place.  I have Identifier, newline, then Driver.06:27
Unit193There may not be a file.06:27
genoobieoh, hrm06:28
genoobieso where is the xorg.conf?06:28
Unit193You'll have to restart X06:28
genoobieso if I boot back into lubuntu06:28
genoobieand ctrl+alt+f106:28
genoobierestart "X" I should get a .conf file?06:29
Unit193No, you're supposed to place the one you copied from puppy there, then restart it.06:30
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.06:30
genoobieokay, let me try that06:31
genoobieUnit193, did not work06:34
genoobielast shot, I will boot xubuntu live and see if I can pull the X info from this...06:34
genoobiealthough it seems to take 45 min to load...06:35
genoobieUnit193, would there be an X log from the install?06:46
Unit193In /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:47
genoobiedoes the dm use graphics differently than the DE / OS?06:48
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Guest32263hello i'm having trouble getting java iced-tea to work properly in lubuntu14:55
Guest32263when i try to load it, its orginally blocked because its apparently out of date, i have two options "run this time" and "update plug-in"14:56
Guest32263i believe its already up to date, and when i click "run this time" it usually works, but this time its glitchy, and doesnt display all the text i need to see14:57
Guest32263i'm doing a calculus quiz for an online class and i can not see the entire equation :(14:57
Guest32263i can post screenshots if anybody wants14:59
l057c0d3ranyone use cario dock with lubuntu16:02
genoobieokay I give up21:10
genoobieI am trying to isntall lubuntu as the performance is better on low ram than xubuntu21:10
genoobiehowever, there are some problems21:11
genoobiexubuntu loads live just fine and installs OK too21:11
genoobielubuntu, not so much21:11
wxlhow so, genoobie ? and what machine?21:11
genoobieI have a PIII 800MHz, 384MB ram thinkpad laptop21:12
wxland what about the first question? "not so much" doesn't offer much to go on.21:12
genoobiewxl the xubuntu somehow picks out the right driver for the S3, while the lubuntu, not so much21:12
genoobieso x-enviro / vga21:12
wxlsame problem both live and installed? if so, what installation method did you use?21:13
genoobieyes, same problem both with alternate / desktop21:13
genoobiewhich is SO weird because you'd think modprobe etc would be the same for each distro21:13
wxlyou mean you have the same problem in a live environment as you do in both an alternate install and a standard install?21:14
genoobieon lubuntu21:14
genoobiebut xubuntu works21:14
wxlso have you managed to ascertain which drive xubuntu is using? also, i assume that you're using the same version between the xubuntu and the lubuntu?21:14
genoobiehowever, I will say this, the "lubuntu" splash screen with the four white dots does appear normally21:14
genoobiewell 12.04 vs 12.1021:15
genoobieI think21:15
wxlso that's a variable you need to eliminate21:15
genoobieokay, you really think that'd be a likely variable?21:15
genoobiewhat I was hoping was that there'd be some way I could grab the info from xubuntu live boot and jam it into the lubuntu install.21:15
genoobieokay, I will try 12.0421:16
wxlhold on21:16
wxlwhich xubuntu and which lubuntu are you using? 12.04 xubuntu and 12.10 lubuntu?21:16
wxlso it may be a regression of some kind21:16
wxlit has happened21:16
wxli'd suggest downloading a live 12.10 xubuntu and see if it also has the curse21:17
genoobiewhy not the lubuntu 12.04?21:17
genoobieare you sure it wouldn't be wiser to boot the 12.04 lubuntu?21:17
wxl1 sec21:18
wxli'll tell you honestly my motivation is not only to ensure that you get a functional lubuntu but also to diagnose any bugs we have that might affect other users of either variant21:20
wxlthat being said, i guess technically i care more about lubuntu than xubuntu :)21:20
wxlso yeah, why don't you get the 12.04 lubuntu a try and see what happens21:21
wxlif no luck there, then i would be nice to see what drivers are being used in the xubuntu 12.0421:21
genoobiewell why not boot that up and see what they are...21:21
wxldo you know how to do that?21:21
genoobieI can bring up a terminal window in my lubuntu and log int21:21
wxlyou can use pastebinit if that's helpful to you21:22
genoobienot sure how to find which drivers are being used per se21:22
wxli often do that21:22
genoobiewell the problem is without a gui, I'd be stuck in the "unable" to do :)21:22
genoobieI couldn't pastebin via cli21:22
wxlyou can21:22
wxl"pastebinit" is a cli command21:23
genoobiemaybe but I can't21:23
genoobieso if I >> to a file21:23
genoobiethen I can pastebinit?21:23
wxle.g. if you did "ls ~ | pastebinit" it would return a url on pastebin that includes the results of ls ~21:23
wxlor you can do that too but the above eliminates a step21:23
genoobieso wxl21:24
genoobiehere's the issue21:24
genoobiewhat's the best "strategy"21:24
genoobieboot live 12.04 xubuntu21:24
genoobieand mount the lubuntu partition21:24
genoobieextract info and compare?21:24
wxlwell sure you could do that21:24
wxli think i personally would boot to both environments separately21:25
genoobiewxl, okay21:25
wxli'd get /var/log/Xorg.0.log for one thing as there may be some telling stuff there21:25
genoobielet me boot up my lubuntu21:25
wxlone sec21:25
wxlit might be good to get the VGA controller info from e.g. lspci -vv21:26
genoobieyeah, but then that relies on the database that somehow21:27
genoobieokay I am in the home dir of the lubuntu install21:27
genoobiewhat are the things I should do...21:28
genoobiedefinitely post the Xorg log21:28
wxlwell install pastebinit for one21:28
genoobienot sure how to pastebinit21:28
wxlsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:28
wxlcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit21:28
genoobieoh crap21:28
wxllspci -vv | pastebinit21:28
genoobiedo I okay21:29
genoobiehold a sec21:29
genoobiethe update may take a few min21:29
wxlno prob21:30
genoobiedl pastebinit now21:30
wxllsmod | pastebinit21:30
genoobieis the lsmod after the cat and lspci commands?21:30
wxljust trying to get more info21:30
genoobiethere's a .log and a .log.ol21:31
genoobiethere's a .log and a .log.old21:31
wxlno just the most current21:31
genoobiewxl thank you for showing me pastebinit cli21:31
genoobiewxl, says trying to send an empty doc21:32
wxloh gawd21:32
wxlnot that bug again21:32
genoobielspci -vv >> test.out && cat test.out | pastebinit21:33
wxloh you don't need to do all that :)21:33
wxljust lspci -vv | pastebinit21:33
wxlsee if that doesn't work better21:33
genoobiethat says "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting"21:33
genoobiewill try my way...21:34
wxldid it work?21:35
wxlif not this may fix you:21:35
wxlecho -e "<pastebinit>\n\t<pastebin>http://pastebin.com</pastebin>\n</pastebinit>" > .pastebinit.xml21:35
genoobiethe three links are http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590824 , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590833, http://paste.ubuntu.com/159083421:36
wxlok now do it on xubuntu21:36
genoobiewxl I *really* appreciate your time on this btw21:36
genoobiewell booting the liveCD on this machine is seriously a 25 min operation21:37
wxlno prob that's why i'm here :)21:37
wxli'll be here21:37
genoobiebtw, I have lubuntu running on a dual core21:37
genoobieon another laptop in my house21:38
genoobievery happy so far21:38
wxli have it on several machines and virtual machines21:38
wxlit's my fave :)21:38
genoobiewxl there is one thing to note, the lubuntu exit and enter splash screen both work21:38
wxli have some troublesome machines, though. mostly ppcs but i digress…21:38
genoobieyeah ppc is a tough nut21:39
wxl(EVERYTHING is troublesome with ppcs)21:39
genoobieI wish I had the skills to run a *nix on a ppc and solve all this stuff myself21:39
wxlstill i feel some strange moral drive to ensure that lubuntu can install on them. no idea why :)21:39
wxlgenoobie: well we all start somewhere. this is somewhere :)21:39
genoobieonce upon a time I knew a lot more than I know now21:40
genoobiewell my pc goes back to z80 and 8080 days, CP/M etc21:40
wxli used CP/M on my first computer (a C=128)21:41
genoobiewas about 10 at the time the "osborne" portable computer arrived21:41
genoobiewhat a fiasco, 50 pounds of personal computing.21:41
genoobieanyhow, still shakin' it here boss :)21:42
genoobiebb in 521:43
wxli'm checking out your files21:43
genoobiethe kernel in xubuntu 12.04 is 3.2.0-2921:43
genoobieI think the lubuntu install is 3.521:43
genoobiedunno if that makes a diff21:43
genoobiestupid s3 graphics card, what a piece of junk21:44
wxlthere is one error here:21:44
wxl[    26.294] (EE) SAVAGE(0): DRI isn't enabled21:44
wxlnot sure that's fatal or not but it may need a tweak to make it work21:44
genoobiethat error is *not* in xubuntu iirc21:44
wxlahhhhhhh interesting21:45
genoobiein fact there are no errs in the xubuntu log21:45
wxlis there an /etc/X11/Xorg.conf on the xubuntu?21:45
genoobiecould one be created?21:46
wxli also wonder if ti's not a mode setting of some kind21:46
wxlwrong refresh rate or something21:46
genoobiejudging by the video output that's what it looks like21:47
genoobieI will say I took an Xorg.conf from puppylinux and tried to make that work21:47
wxlyou can pass that through grub settings if need be, not to mention make an Xorg.conf21:47
genoobiethe screen did change the output21:47
wxlbut didn't entirely fix it?21:47
genoobienot at all21:49
wxlthe problem with using a whole Xorg.conf is that if it makes a change you don't necessarily know which part of it made the change21:49
genoobienot sure what you mean21:49
wxlwell the Xorg.conf can specify a LOT of things and well beyond just graphics21:50
wxlbrb in about 20 or so21:50
genoobieright, mouse kbd21:50
genoobieokay see you then21:50
Unit193I generally/recommend marking pastebin.com ones private as well: sudo sed s/private\ =\ 1/private\ =\ 0/ /usr/share/pastebin.d/pastebin.com.conf -i    And I did a compare of xubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-desktop, not much seemed to change, but that's not a clear picture of what's installed.  You could get a dpkg-query listing from Xubuntu, and compare drivers/xorg packages, see if anything differs.21:54
Unit193When I've had issues, it was with the i915 and 82845G/GL card, and they do have a few issues.21:55
Unit193Err, reverse the sed args, that was for testing. :)21:56
genoobieUnit193, I haven't posted the xubuntu stuff yet21:56
genoobiegoing to try that now...21:56
genoobieusing cli and pastebinit21:56
genoobiebut I may not be able to install off the livecd21:56
Unit193pastebinit is included in Xubuntu.21:57
genoobieokay the three xubuntu pastes, Xorg.log, lspci -vv and lsmod22:00
genoobieare http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590896 , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590897 , http://paste.ubuntu.com/159089922:01
genoobieI like both xubuntu and lubuntu22:03
genoobiethis machine has 384MB ram and a PIII 800MHz22:03
genoobieI'm trying to get a decent computing experience for my kids22:03
genoobiethat isnt' windows22:03
genoobiewxl they are posted for you to see, I'll bb at 5:20 or so22:11
Unit193Could technically try installing from the mini, if else it fails.22:16
genoobiegoing to load up 12.04 desktop and see what happens...brb22:29
genoobieUnit193, is there anything else from the xubuntu live re:video info that I might need before I exit out?22:30
genoobieor wxl for that matter?22:30
Unit193dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n' | sort -nr | tee dpkg-query-`date +%d-%m-%Y`.list    then save that somewhere.22:30
genoobieUnit193, exactly that command?22:34
Unit193It'll save an entire package list.22:35
wxlsaw the urls22:43
wxllspci on both say savagefb is being used22:43
wxlhowever lsmod shows savage on xubuntu but not lubuntu22:44
wxlalso no drm22:44
genoobieyeah, what's up with that??22:44
genoobieso in a min I am going to boot up lubuntu live 12.0422:45
wxlan interesting thing is that xubuntu picks up on the exact chip22:47
wxl[   577.798] (--) SAVAGE(0): Chip: id 8c12, "Savage/IX-MV"22:47
wxllubuntu doesn't seem to22:47
wxlso something is amiss with the probing22:47
genoobieI am going through about 10 cdroms trying to find lubuntu 12.0422:51
wxlhey could you do me a favor and on both the xubuntu and the lubuntu see what version of the driver you have? apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-savage | grep -i installed22:52
wxli suspect 1:2.3.6-0ubuntu1 is the problem22:52
genoobieokay, remember, my xubuntu takes 1/2 to boot22:52
genoobie1/2 and hour22:52
genoobieso let's do the xubuntu stuff 1st22:53
wxlwhich has been around since 12.04 -- but only in the updates. the original version that shipped was 1:2.3.3-1ubuntu122:53
genoobiewxl for xubuntu 1:2.3.3-1ubuntu122:54
genoobieany way to get this from a mounted lubuntu partition?22:54
wxldon't think so unfortunately22:55
wxlunless Unit193 has some ideas22:55
genoobieany way to load "lubuntu" from the xubuntu enviro?22:56
wxlUnit193: can you use dpkg somehow to do that?22:57
wxldid you get a blank screen???22:59
genoobieno, it was striped22:59
genoobieblocky....hold a sec I can post a pic :)22:59
wxlwell still the Xorg.conf from here may be useful:22:59
genoobiewxl at least to get it working...23:00
genoobieso just copy that into the /etc/X11 dir?23:01
wxlthat's at least better than the last ppc boot i did :)23:01
wxlwell i don't remember if there are any other required sections23:01
genoobiewxl, I don't have rw rights to the lubuntu partition23:01
genoobieany way to change this so I can jam it in there and try on next boot?23:02
genoobiedo you see the pic23:02
genoobieit's trying23:02
genoobiewhen I push keys it changes a bit23:02
wxlthis is long winded but this is a good intro to how to do Xorg.confs even though it is specific to ppc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#How_do_I_configure_an_xorg.conf_file.3F23:02
wxlwell if you don't have rw rights that's problematic of course XD23:02
wxlcan you get to a virtual terminal at all?23:02
genoobieanyway to make that rw at all23:02
wxlctrl-alt-f1 for example?23:03
genoobieum, you mean at boot, of course23:03
wxlwell when you get that goofy screen23:03
genoobieI was just thinking I could do it from xubuntu platform23:03
genoobiewxl do you think 12.04 might resolve this?23:03
wxlthat's my current theory23:03
wxlif and only if you use the OLD version of the driver23:03
wxlwhich is to say the second you update it might try to upgrade it for you23:04
genoobiewxl, how could I accomplish this...23:04
wxlas the new version is now in precise-updates23:04
genoobieoh, hrm23:04
wxlbut i could be wrong23:04
wxltoo many variables still23:04
genoobieso what strategy do you suggest, should I end my xubuntu?23:04
genoobieshould I try to work from lubuntu from this point on?23:04
wxlfind out what version you're using first23:05
genoobiewxl what version of what?23:05
wxlapt-cache policy xorg-xserver-savage-video | grep -i installed23:05
genoobieso that would end my xubuntu23:05
genoobiemy lubuntu 12.04 is almost done23:05
Unit193wxl: Can always chroot.23:05
wxldo that in xubuntu23:05
genoobieoh I did and posted23:06
wxlah yes chroot23:06
wxlyou did?23:06
wxloh you did23:06
genoobieokay, so what would you like me to do...23:06
wxlso yeah don't upgrade your packages on that machine or if you do make sure you don't that one23:06
wxlnow try out lubuntu 12.0423:06
wxlbetcha it works like a dream23:06
genoobiethe package I am *not* upgrading is xorg-xserver-savage-video?23:07
wxl12.10 has the upgraded version23:07
genoobieeverything else...okay23:07
wxlso does 13.04 etc. etc.23:07
Unit193wxl: Have him hold it.23:07
wxlyep from what i can tell so far23:07
wxlUnit193: will do once we can confirm23:07
Unit193And I'm back out.23:07
genoobieokay, so leaving xubuntu, trying, lubuntu 12.0423:07
genoobieugh, is the "desktop" a live cd?23:08
genoobieokay, like I said, 1/2 hour to boot23:08
genoobieso you are sure we need nothing else from xubuntu23:08
genoobieshutting down xubuntu23:10
genoobieuploaded my dkpg to pastebin23:10
genoobielike I said before, the lubuntu splash screen with four dots is visible then...dead23:11
genoobiewxl, try without installing...23:11
genoobiehopefully it won't look at the installed lubuntu23:12
genoobieif this works, then just install this and not update xorg-xserver-savage-video23:12
genoobiehopefully the other hardware works, I didn't even check23:12
genoobiepuppy linux is ok :)\23:13
genoobiebtw I *totally* appreciate the time on this23:13
genoobiewxl, do you think lubuntu is a good fit for this machine?23:13
genoobiewould antix or bodhi linux be better?23:13
genoobie(antix was previously peanut)23:13
wxlsorry disappeared a bit23:14
wxli think lubuntu is good on almost anything23:14
wxli'm not a huge fan of bodhi but it's alright23:14
wxlnever tried antix23:14
wxlpuppy is not my favorite at all23:14
wxlpart of the reason why i stick around here is because i just love lubuntu :)23:15
genoobielooks like lubuntu is booting up nicely23:17
* wxl waits patiently23:17
genoobieI see a mouse cursor23:17
genoobieand a voila23:17
genoobiedesktop and everything23:17
genoobiegoing to install this...23:17
genoobieshould I reboot or install right from here...23:18
genoobiepart of the deal is to get the machines in the house all on the same OS23:18
genoobieand if people want something different they can go from there...23:18
wxli'd install from there probably23:18
wxlhere's how to hold your package:23:19
genoobiegoing to write this down...23:19
wxlecho "xorg-xserver-savage-video hold" | dpkg --set-selections23:19
wxlnow you have to manually remove that hold23:19
genoobieif the bug is fixed23:20
wxlthat being said, i would encourage you to keep an eye on that package23:20
genoobiewhat would I be looking for in that pkg?23:20
wxlif there's a NEW version available, then download a live cd with it and try it out23:20
wxlyou'd look for a higher version number really23:21
wxli  would also personally recommend reporting a bug on this23:21
wxllet the hardcore x hackers figure it out23:21
wxli, unfortunately, am not one of them23:21
wxlubuntu-bug xorg-xserver-savage-video23:21
wxlif you don't have a launchpad account you'll have to create one23:21
genoobieokay let me cli23:22
wxlprovide as much info as possible, including relevant information from your lsmod and Xorg.0.log23:22
genoobiewxl is that a command?23:29
wxlubuntu-bug xorg-xserver-savage-video23:29
genoobieand we are sure that is the bug23:30
wxlare we sure? not 100%23:30
wxlbut i think we have a lot of good evidence to support it23:30
wxli'd say 90%23:30
wxlit's ok to have an invalid bug23:30
wxli've done them before23:30
wxleven once because i used a command wrong :)23:30
wxlno one yells at you23:31
genoobiehey I tried the apt-cache cmd from the23:32
genoobieand it was blank23:32
genoobieapt-cache policy xorg-xserver-savage-video | grep -i installed23:32
wxlapt-cache policy xorg-xserver-savage-video | grep -i installed23:32
genoobiereturns null23:32
wxltry apt-cache policy xorg-xserver-savage-video23:33
genoobieunable to locate pkg23:33
wxli'm an idiot23:33
genoobieso forget the hold thing23:33
genoobieoh nm23:33
wxlwait on the hold until you're installed23:33
wxlalso you got to get the package name right23:33
wxltoo many darn words in it23:33
wxlso any time i mentioned xorg-xserver-savage-video or some combination thereof, use xserver-xorg-video-savage instead XD23:34
genoobieblank again23:34
genoobienope I think it was right the first time23:35
genoobieso now what...23:35
wxltry apt-cache search-savage23:35
wxltry apt-cache search savage23:35
genoobies3switch - Manage the output device on S3 Savage chips23:36
wxltry apt-cache policy apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-savage23:37
wxlno grep23:37
genoobieapt-cache policy twice?23:37
wxli need to do one thing at a time23:37
genoobiethere it is23:37
wxl(as an aside, you can keep track of any updates to the package here: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/xserver-xorg-video-savage)23:37
wxlso what does it say for installed?23:37
genoobieshould I check the lubuntu 12.1023:37
wxldon't tell me (none) cuz that would be nuts23:38
genoobiesame as xubuntu23:38
genoobieokay ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-savage23:38
genoobieapport is working23:39
genoobiedoes that hold thing still work23:39
wxlwait til your installed23:39
genoobieyes of course23:40
genoobienow, how can I add lsmod and xorg log23:40
wxljust include the urls23:40
genoobiehow can I access the bug to do that?23:41
wxlwell ubuntu-bug should take yo uto a launchpad login…23:41
wxlif not just wait some more XD23:41
genoobieyeah, no launchpad yet23:41
wxlyou're live and without much ram, so be patient23:42
genoobieum, when I tried loading the b43legacy pcmcia wireless driver it froze (xubuntu)23:42
genoobieany way to stop that from happening?23:42
genoobieI'm going to try and stream some youtube now23:42
wxlyou should check your logs and see what happened23:42
genoobiewhat do you mean...23:43
wxlwell it may report some error or something23:43
wxlwhich may indicate the cause for the freezingf23:43
genoobieoh...holy cow23:44
genoobiesomething is happening :)23:44
genoobieyour guess xubuntu 12.10 is borked the same way...23:44
wxlthat's my guess23:44
genoobieso include the Xorg and lsmod23:45
wxlhowever if you want to be super-completist, you could try a live 12.10 and see what happens23:45
genoobiemeh, 12.04 is fine for me23:45
wxlpersonally i'd include both23:45
wxlwhat i mean by completist is in terms of providing the maximum amount of information and eliminating the most amount of variables so that the bug squashers can figure out what's going on23:45
genoobieI cannot log in to launch pad23:50
wxlyou forgot your pw or what?23:50
genoobieI just created an account and it is stuck on the "update" page23:50
genoobieI update and it does not progress23:51
wxlyou could try leaving your browser open and running ubuntu-bug again23:51
genoobieno I am setting up the account on another machine so I don't have to eff with it23:52
genoobieI just thought of something, the lubuntu that has the bug has to be booted to report the bug23:52
genoobiethere must be another way to report this bug23:53
wxlyou can just log onto launchpad and do it manually23:53
genoobiesounds fine23:53
genoobiebesides I couldn't launch launchpad from the borked install anyhow23:54
wxlit won't collect any info but that's not necessarily all that important, as long as you specify which chip you have (you can pull that from the lspci)23:54
genoobiewhich video chip?23:54
genoobieokay hold a sec, let me install this lubuntu23:55
genoobieuh oh23:55
genoobiethe launchpad login is working23:55
wxlit's ok23:56
genoobiehowever, the informat that it collected is wrong23:56
wxlonly on the os23:56
wxlbut  the hardware info is correct23:56
wxljust make it clear23:56
wxlwhich version of the driver is the problem in which version of the os etc etc23:56
genoobiewxl, which version is it that is broken23:57
wxlwhich exists in quantal/12.10 and raring/13.04 as well as precise-updates23:58

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