
coolbhavihey dpm13:41
dpmhi coolbhavi, how's it going?13:43
coolbhavidpm, its fine. Looking forward to your session13:44
coolbhavidpm, I'm in a jinx as to what to cover for my session on the ARB13:47
coolbhavilooking at the queue13:48
=== dpm is now known as dpm-laptop
PaoloRotoloHi all!15:07
coolbhavihey PaoloRotolo15:23
PaoloRotolohi coolbhavi! The next session in the Ubuntu Developer Week is your, right? :D15:25
coolbhaviyup just an intro on  the arb reviews15:26
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, I was busy in the last months, so I want to start reviewing app for the arb again.15:30
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, cool!15:30
coolbhaviwill be of great help15:30
PaoloRotoloand I'll be happy to do it :P15:31
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, congratulations for the session :) Oh, in MyApps review panel there is a new button "repackage". What it means?17:45
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, thanks! I have clicked on it twice and it changed status to pending review17:46
coolbhavidpm-laptop, can know better I guess17:46
=== dpm-laptop is now known as dpm
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, ok, ty. So, I'll use the generic button "ask for information"17:51
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, woot 3 reviews in no time :)18:05
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, yep :P They uploaded a .deb file only.18:07
PaoloRotololol, look at this: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/2171/18:07
coolbhavihmm arma2 game with a gta icon18:09
coolbhavipass on to the myapps team :)18:09
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, sorry, what does myapp team do?18:11
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, myapps team takes care of reviewing any games like this and pdf's etc18:12
coolbhavibasically they are the commercial queue guys18:12
coolbhavimidnight and off to bed18:14
coolbhavigood night all!18:14
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi, thanks and good night :)18:14
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, ciao18:15
PaoloRotolowow, an android app in My Apps portal :D https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/2079/18:38

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