
robruattente, ok, so I have some kind of issue here where gnome-settings won't load any panels, and also won't exit. if I click on the x, the window disappears for a second but then pops right back up, and if I try to click on any of the panels, none of them load00:01
robruattente, `killall gnome-settings-daemon` made it go away...00:06
robruattente, also, not reproducible. awesome00:08
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robruattente, does that sound like it could have been caused by your thing? not even sure what caused it02:37
attenterobru: i'm somewhat doubting it02:42
robruattente, yeah, no idea. I was fiddling with deja-dup at the time, maybe it's mterry's fault ;-)02:42
attenteheh, enough blame to go around i suppose02:43
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pittiGood morning04:58
desrtpitti: hi!!05:28
desrtpitti: coming to brussels?05:28
pittiheya desrt05:28
pittidesrt: I am, yes05:28
desrtcool :)05:29
desrttoday or for the weekend?05:29
pittidesrt: Saturday morning only, I still have some stuff here this week05:30
pittidesrt: you are at the hackfest already?05:39
desrtin the hotel now, a bit jetlagged05:40
ritzhi, does canonical have any plan to use mutter ?07:50
bochecha_sil2100: hi, quick question, could you paste the fixed code from yesterday in #ibus, where you were trying to get signals from ibus? I'm wondering if I could use something similar for unit testing my ibus engine :)07:53
sil2100bochecha_: sure!07:55
seb128hey desktopers08:28
robruhey seb128 !08:41
seb128robru, hey "the man who never sleeps" ;-)08:47
robruseb128, I wish that were true ;-)08:47
robruMore like "the man who sleeps at inconvenient times" ;-)08:47
seb128hehe, been there! ;-)08:48
desrthello europeans!08:56
desrtyour timezone is lovely!!08:56
seb128desrt, hey, glad you enjoy it ;-)08:58
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?09:06
Laneyseb128: Good thank you; just burning a 12.04 CD for a friend who had her Windows go belly up yesterday ;-)09:07
Laneyhow are you?09:07
seb128I'm good thanks09:08
czajkowskimorning folks09:18
tkamppeterI have set Chromium as default browser but Thunderbird is still opening web pages with Firefox. Is this a known bug?09:28
tkamppeterupdate-manager correctly opens links with chromium though.09:32
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chrisccoulsongood morning10:14
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?10:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks10:15
chrisccoulsonhow are you?10:15
seb128I'm good thanks10:16
seb128chrisccoulson, what are you hacking on today? ;-)10:16
chrisccoulsonnot sure just yet :)10:17
chrisccoulsondo you have a work queue lined up already? ;)10:17
seb128chrisccoulson, there is a good pile of items on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-arm-reduce-footprint10:19
seb128chrisccoulson, it's self service, feel free to grab some ;-)10:19
chrisccoulsonhmmm, someone down my road must be stealing my bandwidth10:35
chrisccoulsononly 5,075kB/s today10:35
ritzchrisccoulson http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html ?10:45
jibelchrisccoulson, do FF tests need more than 4GB of hard disk space?10:45
chrisccoulsonjibel, they shouldn't do10:46
jibelchrisccoulson, to run the tests locally, checkout lp:auto-package-testing10:48
chrisccoulsonjibel, thanks, taking a look now10:49
jibelchrisccoulson, there is a document USAGE.md that explains how to setup a sandbox and run the tests10:49
jibelchrisccoulson, basically once you've prepared the testbed you start the tests with: bin/run-adt-test -a amd64 -r raring -p ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa10:50
jibeland you wait10:50
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chrisccoulsonjibel, thanks. i'll give that a try10:57
Laneyc++ symbols files are just pain11:08
seb128don't use .symbols with it...11:08
Laneythat might be the correct solution ;-)11:09
chrisccoulsonpkgkde-symbolshelper to the rescue11:09
Laneyoh yeah, is that good?11:10
chrisccoulsoni use it for libmozjs, although i have to admit, mbiebl did most of the work to set that up11:10
chrisccoulsonand i can't remember off the top of my head how to do it, but it's quite simple11:11
Laneybut but but... my amazing shell pipeline to demangle and sed it all into a working state11:12
* Laney tries it :P11:12
ogra_cyphermox, how the heck did you find out about the -J option for getty ? it doesnt seem to be documented anywhere (manpage, --help etc dont show it)11:17
seb128Laney, chrisccoulson: the most annoying part is when the mangling is slightly different between archs and your amd64 made .symbols fails the build on armfh11:21
seb128Laney, chrisccoulson: I think didrocks played with pkgkde-symbolshelper by then for unity stuff and just gave up at the end, there was always issues11:22
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i guess it's easier for libraries that don't change their public symbols a lot11:24
chrisccoulsonjibel, if i provided test results in junit xml, would jenkins show failures without my test suite having to exit with a non-zero exit code?11:25
jibelchrisccoulson, publication of junit test results is not enabled for autopkgtest, but that's something we could add.11:30
jibelchrisccoulson, if FF testsuite already generates junit result files, I can do it for your PPA11:31
chrisccoulsonjibel, i think there is only 1 test suite that currently is able to do that. i'd need to add support for the others11:32
psivaaseb128: Is there any update on fixing bug 1105102 ?11:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1105102 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "dconf-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_builder_add_value()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110510211:37
seb128psivaa, no, is it an important issue? is that breaking any user?11:37
seb128psivaa, I see it in a guest session on login, it slows a bit login for new users but should break anything after that?11:38
psivaaseb128: No. Only that its impacting a lot of users and it occurs regularly.11:39
seb128psivaa, how impact them (out of apport ui showing)?11:39
* ogra_ hugs cyphermox ... just compiled brcm-patchram-plus from the NEW queue and my BT devices all seem to work fine !11:41
psivaaseb128: well I meant that it's being seen by a lot of users, i dont know how it would 'impact' for continuous usage though11:42
seb128psivaa, in any case it's a known issue and high on our list, desrt said he would look at it but he's travelling/at an hackfest this week11:43
psivaaseb128: ok. thank you.11:44
chrisccoulsonjibel, ok, i need to implement junit support for the reftest and mochitest test suites. that shouldn't be too difficult to do11:48
chrisccoulsonwe'll get there eventually :)11:48
lifelesschrisccoulson: what test runner are you using?11:50
lifelesschrisccoulson: if you need junit output, and its python, there is a library I wrote - junitxml, in ubuntu or on pypi11:51
lifelesschrisccoulson: if you have subunit, just pipe through subunit2junitxml11:51
chrisccoulsonlifeless, ah, it's not using any standard test runner. it's the upstream firefox tests, which are all fairly mozilla specific11:54
apwogra_, ok i'll get you a new kernel with that third patch on12:13
ogra_thx !12:14
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ogra_gema, fyi, i'm about to upload some finer grained config for cpufreq for the nexus7 today, you might want to do some comaprative measuring i guess :)12:24
gemaogra_: ack, how do I go about that?12:25
ogra_run whatever measurements you ran already and compare if the consumption is less or not ?12:26
ogra_dunno ...12:26
apwogra_, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/master-next-nexus7/linux-image-3.1.10-9-nexus7_3.1.10-9.24~masternext201301301226_armhf.deb12:40
ogra_apw, thanks, also could we switch from g_serial to g_composite with the next upload ? i have a tester in #ubuntu-arm who claims it works fine for him and we want serial as well as networking (for transfering files)  on the OTG port12:44
apwogra_, i have no idea how to do that :)12:44
ogra_apw, thats USB_CDC_COMPOSITE instead of USB_G_SERIAL12:44
ogra_in the config12:45
apwogra_, i can get you a kernel with that to test, how can i test it12:45
apwor ... can you test it :)12:45
ogra_you should be able to use "screen  /dev/ttyACM0 115200" from a PC when connected via USB ... and at the same time you should also see a usb0 device on that PC when connected12:46
ogra_and yeah, i can indeed test it :)12:46
apwusb0 of type 'network' in this case12:46
ogra_that gadget driver porovides both at the same time12:46
ogra_so in the future we could have a samba setup on the nexus so poeple can excange data12:47
ogra_and at the same time still have serial debugging consoles12:47
apwso as it is i do not have anything on ACM0 is that expected ?12:49
ogra_hit enter12:49
apwstill nothing12:50
ogra_works here, though i heard from people that had to log in blind12:50
apwogra_, is that ttyGS0 on the other end12:51
ogra_you should see a getty in your processlist12:51
ogra_one thats rather going wild atm (just uploaded a fix for it)12:52
apwroot     31119     1  0 09:42 ttyGS0   00:00:00 /sbin/getty 115200 ttyGS012:53
apwroot     31119     1  0 09:42 ttyGS0   00:00:00 /sbin/getty 115200 ttyGS012:53
apwdoesn't seem to be unhappy, not doing anything either12:53
apwoh i have an ACM0 and ACM12:54
apwACM1, i wonder what 0 does12:54
apwACM0 is not my nexus, who knows what it _is_12:54
ogra_heh, intresting12:56
ogra_probably a modem in your machine ?12:56
apwogra_, not one i know about ... but hey12:57
apwogra_, ahhh it is my entropy key12:58
apwogra_, _COMPOSITE does not seem to exist13:08
ogra_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE ... its a choice (radiobutton like)13:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
ogra_> Device Drivers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  │13:10
ogra_  │       -> USB support (USB_SUPPORT [=y])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                │13:10
ogra_  │         -> USB Gadget Support (USB_GADGET [=y])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        │13:10
ogra_  │           -> USB Gadget Drivers (<choice> [=y])13:10
ogra_thats what i get in editconfig searching for composite13:10
apwahh i missread, wazzock13:10
apwu was kii13:10
apwwas looking for G_13:10
ogra_ah, heh13:11
ogra_i wish we could build that as modules13:11
ogra_but sadly the tegra hacks prevent us13:12
apwso CDC_COMP... =y is needed, =m is not enough ?13:12
ogra_right, somehow the power supply and battery drivers are tied deeply into the gardget code13:13
ogra_and they require =y13:13
apwsigh ...13:14
apwwith the right exports they could probabally all move =m13:14
apwbut ...13:14
ogra_apw, testing the patch from above now ... what i just notice is that "Energy when full" in upower seems to be reset every boot instead of using a fixed value from the battery13:15
ogra_so the 100% are actually a totally variable value13:15
ogra_i suspect thats the reason for the jumpy behavior13:15
ogra_apw, every bit that becomes a module gets me nearer to be able to pull plymouth into the initrd ... having them =m would be awesome13:16
apwogra_, why does it prevent plymouth?  space ?13:17
ogra_my bootimg cant be beigger than 8M (kernel+initrd+header)13:18
ogra_currently the kernel is 4.5M13:18
ogra_and plymouth would turn my initrd into another 4.5M pile13:18
apwogra_, ok that does work, i get a TTY and USB0, but it really upsets NM13:26
apwogra_, network manager tries to connect to it immediatly13:27
apwogra_, is that really what we want to happen by default ?13:27
apwnm is just cylcing over and over trying to connect13:27
ogra_apw, well, it shouldnt do any harm to your existing connections and we can quieten NM by shipping some default IP setup on the nexus side i think13:28
apwok it does seemed to have given up finally after like 3 attempts13:29
apwogra_, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/master-next-nexus7/linux-image-3.1.10-9-nexus7_3.1.10-9.24~masternext201301301314_armhf.deb13:31
apwogra_, that should have the gadget change and the other battery thing (3rd patch)13:31
apwogra_, seems to work ish here13:31
ogra_battery ?13:32
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1093543 in linux-nexus7 (Ubuntu) "Battery status behaves erratically" [High,Confirmed]13:32
ogra_see my last comment13:32
apwogra_, that i ahve little idea how to test13:32
ogra_i guess i found the issue13:32
ogra_not sure yet who is at fault though13:32
apwso if you reboot with a flat battery you get a teeny battery13:33
apwogra_, i may have seem a similar symptom on my laptop now i think about it13:33
* ogra_ wonders when he will have worn out his boot partition on the n7 ...13:33
apwif the battery is really empty it seems to be not-present for a bit13:33
ogra_apw, right, it is always at 100% after boot13:33
ogra_no matter how empty it is13:33
apwogra_, shorly before you order another one13:33
ogra_well, i bet others dont flash ten kernels a day13:34
apwno, even i am averaging 513:34
apwoh NM is back, it thinks it should retry, so i am getting OSDs13:34
ogra_i guess we can just "ifconfig down usb0" on boot on the n713:35
ogra_you can fire it up on demand13:35
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apwhave i mentioned i hate unity's focus handling13:36
apwogra_, indicator date-time is killing my N713:37
ogra_datetime ?13:37
ogra_how that ?13:37
apwit may be just being shown cause the load is 14 on here13:37
apwapport is now killing it13:37
ogra_ps aux|grep evo13:37
ogra_check if thats the old lightdm bug13:38
apwnothing, but then it logged me out too13:38
ogra_lightdm used to spawn an evo data-server process for its session in the past (though thats supposed to be fixed)13:38
ogra_havent had such stuff heer yet13:38
apwogra_, ok it 'recovered' and is behabing normally now13:40
apwogra_, and ifconfig usb0 down, removed "RUNNING" from my desktop and NM now things there is no cable13:40
apwifconfig usb0 down on the N7 end13:41
ogra_ok, i'll add a, upstart job to keep it off on boot13:41
apwogra_, if you could test that kernel for me, and if you are happy i may well upload it13:41
apwogra_, unless you have anytyhing else you can think of13:41
ogra_then we can have a user session upstart job later so you can switch filesharing via USB on and off in the UI :)13:42
apwogra_, oh, i guess we are waiting on the testing for the battery part too, ie. does it produce anything else13:42
ogra_no, but it doesnt do any harm either i think13:42
ogra_i'd say just upload away13:42
apwi will be so popular, 3 kernels in 24 hours, and all with half the buildds dead13:42
ogra_well, we should poke our managers to have the next sprint prepared together with IS :)13:43
apwogra_, so i'll hold this till you check the gadget change works to your satisfaction13:44
ogra_usb0 works fine :)13:44
ogra_trying screen now13:44
apw"indicator-datetime-service" closed unexpectedly, your computer does not have enough memory ...13:45
apwso it cannot report it13:45
ogra_have you been running anything that could eat all your ram ?13:46
ogra_apw, serial is fine too13:46
apwogra_, that was a fresh login after rebooting to install the kernel, so nothing running other than the normal session bits13:47
apwsomething i recon i see about one login in 513:47
apwie that one is hugly longer than the others13:47
apwthough i am also cursed, if somethign can blow up, it will for me13:47
mbieblchrisccoulson, seb128, Laney: pkgkde-symbolshelper is quite a help, but it's still painful13:50
LaneyI am finding that13:50
mbieblnot sure again if I would mozjs again with symbols13:51
mbieblgiven that they apparently change the soname with each release anyway :-)13:51
mbieblLaney: I think Russ did a pretty good write-up of symbols files for C and C++ libraries13:52
Laneyit just feels terribly brittle13:52
LaneyI can make sure it works for the arches I have access too, but it will undoubtely fail to build on all the others13:53
mbieblLaney: well, the idea of pkgkde-symbolshelper is to automate the process13:53
mbieblof downloading the build logs and keeping the file updated semi-automatically13:53
Laneystill feels wasteful13:54
Laneyfound http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/journal/2012-01/008.html13:54
mbieblyeah, that's the one13:55
qenghorobru: Awake.  Kid stuff for the next bit, then I'm back to get Panda working. I'm not sure I have a valid image file, or if I'm even dd-ing i correctly (udev may be getting in the way and reassigning devices halfway through).13:59
qenghoAFK BRB LOL13:59
Laneyqengho: robru: There's a valid raring daily today13:59
chrisccoulsonwhat have i let myself in for?14:04
chrisccoulsonjibel, i get less, but different test failures when i run it locally ;)14:05
chrisccoulsonand now a pass on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/raring-ppa-adt-ubuntu_mozilla_daily_ppa-firefox-trunk/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ without me changing anything :)14:06
apwogra_, ok uploading now14:06
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cyphermoxogra_: for -J I went to look at the code14:36
cyphermoxyeah, it doesn't seem to be documented, though I think --noclear might be equivalent14:37
ogra_really evil that thats not documented anywhere14:37
cyphermoxI looked because I didn't understand what the characters it was writing were supposed to do14:37
cyphermoxso while in the code... might as well look at the options right ? :)14:38
ogra_cyphermox, do you see my question to stgraber in #ubuntu-devel backlog ? you might have a clever idea too (better than mine at least)14:38
cyphermoxtbh, I'm not sure14:39
cyphermoxseb128: aren't you archive admin?14:39
seb128cyphermox, I am, why?14:39
cyphermoxcould you please review brcm-patchram-plus in the raring queue?14:40
seb128cyphermox, did that some hours ago?14:40
cyphermoxah sorry14:40
seb128no worry ;-)14:40
cyphermoxI hadn't been fast enough to open up firefox to that page yet ;)14:40
cyphermoxogra_: did you update ubuntu-defaults-nexus7 for it too?14:41
ogra_cyphermox, i added a recommends14:41
cyphermoxso tomorrow's image is going to really rock :)14:42
chrisccoulsonis there a way to tell metacity to always give focus to any windows that open?14:48
chrisccoulsoni suspect at least some of these random firefox test failures are windows not getting focus :(14:49
LionthinkerHi guys is this the right place to query getting a new app into default apps like say an rss reader?15:28
qenghoHah.  I have a directory, "/nonexistent".  That seems like a bad sign.15:35
desrtqengho: interesting.  i think that's the ~ of some system users...15:37
LaneyI can imagine that leaking out of a package build15:38
qenghomtime 2012, owned by (current user) memcache.  So werid.15:38
qenghoSorry, 2010, not 201215:39
desrtmaybe some postinst script creating the memcache user accidentally forgot to use the supress-homedir-creation flag15:39
qenghodesrt: You're probably right.  That's ~memcache for true.15:40
desrtdoes it have the skel contents?15:40
qenghoI feared I had written some test that needed a ENOENT for some weird reason.15:40
qenghoNo skel, desrt.15:41
seb128desrt, hey, any news of that dconf segfault? the qa guys are nervous about it, really...15:43
qenghoLaney: do you have much confidence in that raring armhf daily you mentioned?15:43
LaneyI haven't used any of the armhf dailies15:44
Laneythe raring^15:44
Laneybut it is /supposed/ to work ...15:44
qenghoLaney: Mine doesn't boot it.  The daily from ~10 days ago at least splashed and dumped me to a cramfs shell, but this looks like it's not even bootstrapping.15:46
Laneydesktop? how are you trying to interact with it?15:46
qenghoLaney: interact?  This early, I plug it in and watch the lights.15:47
Laneylike, you have it connected to a monitor via HDMI/DVI and a keyboard/mouse?15:48
qenghoI have HDMI and USB rotational drive and USB keyboard attached, usually, but I tried unplugging all.15:48
qenghoI plug the SD card into this computer and see two partitions that look sane.15:49
* Laney shines ogra_'s logo into the sky15:51
ogra_yes ?15:51
qenghoogra_: hi.15:51
qenghoogra_: I'm trying to boot a raring image on a Pandaboard.  I'm not having much luck so far.15:51
qenghoogra_: Do you know of a good image, first?15:52
ogra_hm, i havent booted a panda since a while, how/where does it hang ?15:52
desrtseb128: lemme look15:54
jasoncwarnerhey bryce, RAOF or mlankhorst , gema has a rather annoying bug. Any of you able to look at it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/101518315:56
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1015183 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent mouse events for Acer T231H multitouch monitor" [Medium,In progress]15:56
qenghoogra_: I have a SD card in the SD slot.  I got image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/raring-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.zsync15:57
seb128time for some exercise, be back in ~1h15:57
qenghozsync checksummed to verify.15:57
ogra_right, and you dd'ed that to the SD15:57
qenghoogra_: yes.  dd appeared to work. That image mounts and looks normal-ish on this computer.16:00
qenghoogra_: on Panda, which I got splash screen and cramfs shell with another image, now gets solid hearbeat and SD-access lights at power-on.16:00
ogra_quenwell, sounds like the kernel hangs16:01
ogra_qengho, ^^^16:01
qenghoogra_: or never bootstraps at all, yes?16:02
ogra_qengho, iÄm sure ppisati in #ubuntu-kernel would like to know about that, since he just works on the porting of the kernel to devicetree16:02
* qengho is off to find The Wizard. ...16:03
jasoncwarnerbryce seems it wasn't the right bug before. Gema meant this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/106899416:18
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed]16:18
ogra_yeah, thats our worst one16:19
ogra_(not only gemas :) )16:19
desrtseb128: remind me the bug again?16:21
Laneydesrt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-conf/+bug/110544016:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1105440 in d-conf (Ubuntu) "dconf-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_is_trusted()" [High,Confirmed]16:21
Laney(I assume)16:21
desrtseb128: is there a way that i can download the source package for this without being on raring?16:33
desrti start to wonder if it's some case of vendor patching gone wrong...16:34
ogra_just change your deb-src lines in sources.list16:34
desrtah.  true.16:34
ogra_and run apt-get update16:34
Laneywith ubuntu-dev-tools installed; pull-lp-source <pkg> raring16:34
ogra_oh that new fashined stuff, yeah16:35
Laneyback in your chair, grandpa. :P16:35
* ogra_ hobbles away16:35
desrtseb128: got it16:54
desrtseb128: dconf-service goes crashy crashy if you send it a change request containing zero keys to change16:55
desrtsomething during login is doing that, i guess16:55
desrtwould love to find out who/what does that16:55
desrtmeanwhile, this should obviously be fixed16:55
seb128desrt, great, any hint on how to find whatever send that change?17:13
mlankhorstjasoncwarner: well it would really help to test latest stack from raring first :)17:14
desrtseb128: making a patch now17:16
desrtseb128: would be nice to dconf-blame to see who is sending this broken request17:17
desrtafter the fix...17:17
seb128desrt, will do17:19
seb128desrt, thanks! ;-)17:19
desrtnetwork at the hackfest is not so good :(17:20
robruqengho, hey, just woke up.17:22
robruqengho, fortunately I read the scrollback before my internet died just now17:22
desrtseb128: ^ plz test17:22
desrtdinner time for us.   bye.17:23
qenghorobru: I'm going to try the 10.04 now.17:26
robruqengho, lucid? really?17:26
qenghoSorry. No no no.  12.0417:27
robruahhhh ok ;-)17:27
robruqengho, what were you saying about udev switching devices out from under you? I didn't realize that was possible. Can that happen without an underlying hardware plug/unplug event?17:29
qenghorobru: It happens.  I watch it with "udevadm monitor".17:31
seb128desrt, will do, enjoy dinner17:31
robruqengho, surely there's a way to verify that the image was copied correctly?17:34
qenghodd it off, perhaps.17:35
qenghorobru: also, this machine mounts it fine.17:35
robruqengho, the only trick is that it's a 650MB image and an 8GB SD card... I'll have to look up how to tell dd to only grab x many bytes, with x = the original image size....17:36
qenghoI can truncate.17:37
qenghoogra_: do you know of a 12.04 armhf image that should work?17:38
ogra_verey released image works17:38
ogra_core isnt an image17:38
ogra_and you realyl should only use it for building images around it or for development chroots17:39
ogra_its is completely unconfigured ... largely the same you get running debootstrap17:39
ogra_(there arent even any networking bits in it)17:39
sarnoldI used the "pre-installed desktop image" here for my pandaboard without any issues (remarkably straightforward): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/17:39
ogra_(hasnt been updated for 12.10, but the procedure is the same as for 12.04)17:40
robrusarnold, lots of images on that page... should I be looking at omap3 or omap4?17:41
ogra_oh, no, i'm lying, 12.04 was still preinstalled17:41
ogra_12.10 is just like an x86 iso17:41
sarnoldrobru: omap4 for pandaboard17:41
qenghoogra_: so, the 12.04 preinstalled result will run on the SD card.17:41
ogra_qengho, definitely17:42
ogra_we dont relesase stuff that doesnt work ;)17:42
ogra_(we do release stuff that has bugs admittedly though)17:42
qenghoogra_: well, hardware doesn't necessarily work with everything. Just asking.17:43
ogra_qengho, just make sure to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall17:47
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robruqengho, latest raring image not working for me; same failure: shows bootsplash, then screen loses signal / powers down, pandaboard gives heartbeat continuously but nothing happens.18:03
qenghorobru: that sounds familliar, all except no signal.  I was getting cramfs shell.18:04
qenghorobru: I have heard that we should abandon R for now and use P.18:05
robruqengho, I'm not really familiar with the cramfs shell... but during bootsplash I can hit 'esc' on my keyboard and witness that various booting steps are happening, but then right when you expect lightdm to show up, I get nothing instead.18:05
robruqengho, yeah, flashing P now18:05
robruqengho, yeah, so that precise-preinstalled image doesn't boot on my pandaboard. all I get is two solid lights.18:13
robrufollowed the instructions exactly, from gunzip to dd to sync.18:13
seb128robru, what monitor do you have connected on the board? do you use an adaptor dvi->hdmi?18:15
robruyeah, dvi monitor.18:15
seb128hum, I think there was a gotcha there18:15
seb128like pitti and others didn't manage to get that work18:15
ogra_if the leds are solid from the first second oyu did something wrong18:15
qenghorobru: *Solid* lights, though.18:15
seb128it might be that your box is working but your connection to the dvi monitor is not18:16
ogra_robru, you made sure to dd to the device not to a partition ?18:16
robruqengho, ogra_ seb128 : oh wait, soemthing is happening now. dunno, they were solid for several minutes... now it's booting18:16
robruogra_, yeah, definitley dd'd to the device18:16
ogra_right, if it move on then its fine18:16
robruhmmm, odd that it would randomly start working now. this has been dogging me all week18:17
ogra_starting ubiquity can actually leave you with a black screen for quite a while (a minite or two), an SD card is simply a bad medium18:17
ogra_also if you see something like out of syc from your monitor switching to console and back can fix that18:18
robruogra_, do you mean a signal of blackness? or no actual signal? because my monitor would report there was "no signal" and then power down. until now. this is the first time ubiquity would even start18:18
ogra_well, not sure i dont see such issues, it really depends on the monitor afaik18:19
robruso, ubiquity is working, only issue is that the screen is way skewed (like it's sending a 4:3 signal and my widescreen is stretching it to fill the screen)18:20
ogra_what kind of monitor is that ? HD capable ?18:20
robruogra_, yep, it's a 1080p, just no HDMI connector, DVI only18:21
ogra_if the driver doesnt get proper EDID data it falls back to something like 800x60018:21
ogra_by default it should always use the highest resolution it detects18:22
robruogra_, do you think a cable that is HDMI at one end and DVI at the other end would interfere with EDID? I've never had any issues with any other hardware detecting the resolution of this screen. I routinely plug it into my PC and my laptop18:22
ogra_for some monitors you need to use their auto-adjust functions though18:22
ogra_(to have the full scxreen pic displayed properly)18:23
ogra_no, i use such cables here too (but also plain hdmi cables)18:23
kenvandinerobru, i had a terrible time getting hdmi->dvi working on my panda board18:27
kenvandineso i switched to a monitor with hdmi18:27
kenvandinei spent hours trying to get it to work... then someone told me it wouldn't18:28
kenvandinepgraner maybe...18:28
robrukenvandine, heh. well I unfortunately can't just shell out for a new monitor right now, much as I'd like to... unless the company wants to buy me one ;-)18:28
ogra_try the "other" HDMI port too ... might be that it is better at reading EDID (or worse)18:29
ogra_(teh signal is the same on both, just that the plain HDMI socket has sound)18:30
robruogra_, which one is the "plain" HDMI port?18:31
robruright now it's plugged into the one nearer to the USB18:32
ogra_the one that has HDMI written next to it on the PCB18:32
ogra_they are labeled18:32
robruogra_, yeah, screen is stuck at 1024x768. dunno18:41
robruogra_, also, I keep getting "wired network disconnected" notification bubbles... there never was a wired connection, did it wireless from the start. no idea why it keeps freaking out about the wired being disconnected.18:41
ogra_even when you boot the boatd when plugged into the other port ?18:41
qenghorobru: if you're interested in the udev stuff,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590398/18:44
ogra_robru, the NM messages are a bug thats fixed in an SRU, update :)18:44
robruogra_, heh,ok, updatind now18:44
qenghoThat's a DD.  At start of dd, "sdb", and at end, sdb is gone and sdc{,1,2} exist.18:45
robruqengho, oh, no, I didn't see anything like that. I saw one or two little notices but nothing that crazy18:45
qenghoOkay, I'm switching to all new hardware.  I don't trust anything now.  Brb.18:45
robruqengho, hehe, maybe. although I will admit that I didn't start udevadm until after the dd already started, so maybe I just missed the notices. who knows.18:46
robruqengho, I gotta run myself, meeting my lady for brunch. back soon18:46
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mterrybryce, I have an apport crash file for an Xorg crash in our jenkins install for unity daily landing.  Would you mind taking a look at it?19:25
qenghorobru: new harware. All works now.19:29
qenghoBad (or unsupported) USB adapter or bad (new!) SD card, I guess.19:30
robruqengho, oh great, glad to hear things are working.19:30
robruqengho, mine's working now too, not sure what changed, other than the install image. I guess I was just using bad images all along.19:30
robruso what's the deal with the pandaboard? we're supposed to use it as our primary system? for the purposes of identifying performance issues?19:31
brycemterry, alright19:31
qenghoogra_ may be interested in this.19:31
mterrybryce, can you get to the jenkins reports?  Else I can link you to a mirror of the crash file19:31
mterrybryce, does work?19:31
brycemterry, nope19:32
qenghorobru: Yes. We make all of Ubuntu awesome by fixing low-power devices too, and it's interesting hardware anwyay.19:32
mterrybryce, OK.  Try...  http://mterry.name/_usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash19:33
mterrybryce, there are some PPA packages in that environment, but I believe the X stack is the same.  We just have newer unity packages and such.  Let me see if I can get you a link to the PPA19:34
mterrybryce, here's the version list for that env: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1590518/19:35
qenghoOkay, I lied. This new SD card is throwing IO errors, and that's making fsck on boot think there are things to fix, which is causing a fsck+reboot loop.19:36
seb128oh, a mterry19:37
mterrybryce, and the PPA is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+packages19:37
mterryseb128, "a wild mterry appears"19:37
seb128mterry, not wild enough to learn to hide when he hears a seb speaking ;-)19:39
mterryseb128, can I help?19:39
seb128mterry, if you have spare cycles... ;-)19:40
seb128mterry, sooooo19:40
seb128mterry, g-s-d's upstream dropped dbus activation, which is how unity-greeter is starting g-s-d19:40
mterryseb128, I'm not super spare today, but tomorrow and Friday, I will be19:40
mterryseb128, hrm19:41
seb128mterry, not sure how we didn't notice before (I would have expected gtk themes or stuff to be looking weird)19:41
seb128mterry, janimo pointed it today because the nexus auto-rotate fixes he didn't don't work on the greeter19:41
seb128mterry, was there any reason to dbus activate g-s-d rather than g_spawn it?19:41
seb128mterry, that's not a today item, so no worry19:42
mterryseb128, not especially19:43
mterryseb128, I can write a patch to switch it up19:43
mterryseb128, We do a weird "Awake" call to start plugins.  I assume that happens automatically via commandline...  I'll see19:43
mterryseb128, is there a bug yet?19:44
seb128mterry, I don't think so, I can open one if you want19:44
mterryseb128, I'll do it, no worries19:44
seb128mterry, we can also discuss restoring g-s-d dbus activation if you think we should19:44
seb128but I think the less patching we do over g-s-d the better...19:44
mterryseb128, I don't think we need it.  Not sure why they dropped it, but whatever19:45
seb128mterry, @bug: no, let me open it ;-)19:45
mterryseb128, OK, Mr. Karma19:45
seb128mterry, it was to spare you work, I will remember to let you the karma next time, will teach me to try to be nice :p19:46
seb128mterry, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=b778aad98bf5e1acc9899e757345dcee3a5294fd19:46
seb128the commit has some rational19:46
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seb128mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/111071619:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1110716 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "should spawn gnome-settings-daemon directly (dbus activation got dropped by upstream)" [Undecided,New]19:48
seb128karma \o/19:49
mterryseb128, :)  working on it now, actually19:56
seb128mterry, the un-stoppable mike ;-)19:56
brycemterry, not getting a good stack trace out of the crash file - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1590572/19:58
brycemterry, can jenkins do ubuntu-bug after a crash?  that might be more helpful19:59
* bryce --> lunch, bbiab19:59
mterrybryce, hm20:03
mterrybryce, and actually file a bug?20:03
mterrybryce, there may be non-ubuntu packages involved, which ubuntu-bug hates, eh?20:04
seb128just get one of the jenkins guys to install the -dbg on the server?20:04
seb128it's probably going to be easier than having to figure the ubuntu-bug thing20:05
mterryseb128, does that help with creation of crash files?  (not sure why jenkins having dbg would help)20:07
seb128mterry, yes, you would get the debug inofs in the dump without need for retracing20:07
mterryseb128, ooh nice20:08
mterrybryce, we can install -dbg packages in jenkins if it will help.  Do you figure xserver-xorg-core-dbg and what else would likely be useful in an x crash?20:12
brycemterry, libdrm, mesa, the ddx driver20:50
brycehard to say for certain without knowing what it's crashing in.20:50
robrubah, got back from lunch to discover pandaboard heartbeat had stopped. I had updates installing while I left...20:53
brycemterry, make sure to pick up dmesg and Xorg.0.log subsequent to the crash, (and jockey details if a proprietary driver is loaded), if you don't want to run ubuntu-bug.  I'd like to also know the exact versions of any X packages involved20:53
brycesome day we can chat over beers about why automated testing systems ought to be able to generate proper bug reports when they find errors ;-)20:56
robruogra_, qengho: so I've rebooted my pandaboard, and it has a heartbeat, but there's no picture on my screen. my screen seems to be toggling back and forth between having a signal and not having a signal, so the pandaboard seems to be repeatedly trying, and failing, to discover my screen. dunno what the hell happened. some update broke it I guess.20:57
brycemterry, you may be able to just `python3 /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_xorg.py` to get it to spit out  an X report even if there are non-compliant packages installed20:59
mterrybryce, I think we can run ubuntu-bug.  I didn't realize we could just save it to a file.  We'll do that and include it in the jenkins output artifacts21:04
mterrybryce, and install some of those dbg packages21:04
mterrybryce, thanks!21:04
brycemterry, cool sounds good21:04
brycemterry, if you can repro the crash and log in and attach gdb to it, that would be an alternative way to capture a full backtrace if ubuntu-bug still doesn't pan out21:06
brycemterry, meanwhile I'll go through some of the recently reported xserver crashes, maybe we have a dupe crash somewhere21:06
brycemterry, btw what's the video driver on the system?  intel?21:07
mterrybryce, nvidia21:10
mterrybryce, sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier21:11
brycemterry, no prob, but it does change the nature of the beast.  Gathering a backtrace isn't likely going to work.21:14
qenghorobru: Sad panda.21:14
bryceguess this explains what was wrong with the core...21:15
mterrybryce, ah.  I guess that makes sense.  I forgot how nvidia integrates itself in ther21:15
robruqengho, somebody said DVI monitors aren't really supported, shame how it works with an unpatched 12.04 but updating broke it21:15
ritzhi, looking to push for an sru - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/80624822:29
ubot2Ubuntu bug 806248 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "unity::TimeUtil::TimeDelta returns an int value which overflows after 24 days of uptime" [High,In progress]22:30
ritzhi, looking to push for an sru - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/80624822:30
ritzrobert_ancell morning22:32
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