
jbichaooh, make distcheck doesn't even work g-c-c from git master03:35
darkxstjbicha, works fine here under jhbuild03:41
darkxstseems to need colord-gtk though03:42
jbichaI can't figure it out, I'll have to ask for help tomorrow04:39
* ivanovnegro is away: Away11:23
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
jbichadarkxst: oh I don't need make distcheck, just make dist14:35
ricotzjbicha, hi14:38
jbicharicotz: I couldn't figure out how to build the tarball last night but I think I got it now, I won't have time to do much until tonight though14:40
ricotzjbicha, oh, just uupdate the 3.7.4 package and refresh the patches14:41
ricotzjbicha, i might can take a look at it later today14:41
ricotzjust gnome-desktop3 and colord updates are needed14:42
CastialI had a driver issue and it dropped to gnome 2d, how do I get it to drop to gnome 2d with the driver enabled17:39
CastialI cant choose it at the login screen17:39
Castialwhats the command17:39
jbichadarkxst: I filed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692896 because I'm having trouble building g-c-c outside of jhbuild20:20
ubot5Gnome bug 692896 in Sharing "sharing: make distcheck fails" [Critical,Unconfirmed]20:20
darkxstjbicha, ok, I will try have a look a bit later20:26
ricotzjbicha, this is just missing from extra_dist22:06
ricotzjbicha, http://paste.debian.net/plain/23062422:11
jbicharicotz: oh cool, can you add that to the GNOME bug?22:19
ricotzjbicha, uploaded a new tarball http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/g-c-c/22:20
ricotzjbicha, added, this will only fix the "sharing" part22:31
ricotznetwork is missing a bunch of POTFILES.* references22:31
jbicharicotz: that policy file should be translatable22:40
ricotzjbicha, no, not this one ;)22:40
ricotzthe in.in was added already22:40
jbicharicotz: ok22:42
ricotzdo you have a refreshed packaging around?22:42
ricotzjbicha, ^22:49
ricotzgood night22:52

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