
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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TheLordOfTimeanyone know which package provides python dev headers?00:53
aboudreaultpython2.7-dev ??01:01
aboudreaultapt-cache search python | grep dev01:02
TheLordOfTimethat's weird because when i use that on this package, it errors out..01:02
TheLordOfTimeunless debhelper's broken... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/129898603/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.mysql-workbench_5.2.45%2Bdfsg-1~raring~ppa0.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:03
TheLordOfTimepython-all-dev caused an FTBFS because it couldn't find the dev headers... switching it out with python2.7-dev caused FTBFS too...01:03
TheLordOfTimestrangely, though...01:07
TheLordOfTimeusing the upstream mysql-workbench package that you download from Oracle works OOTB01:07
TheLordOfTimeexcept that you have to manually install it01:07
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micahgTheLordOfTime: hrm, python-all-dev should do it03:08
TheLordOfTimemicahg, and it wasn't - case in point the earlier build log03:08
TheLordOfTime(and strangely enough: i just asked about this in -packaging xD03:08
TheLordOfTimehttps://launchpad.net/~teward/+archive/buildtests/+build/4257686 i386; https://launchpad.net/~teward/+archive/buildtests/+build/4257685 amd6403:09
TheLordOfTimeand those two build logs were using *only* the debian version with nothing changed but a changelog repointing to raring for the PPA03:09
TheLordOfTimei *tested* whether python2.7-dev was sufficient, and that FTBFS'd as well03:09
micahgTheLordOfTime: backportpackage is your friend :)03:09
TheLordOfTimewhich was that ~ppa0.1 one i linked after asking what the dev headers package is03:10
TheLordOfTimemicahg, from Experimental?03:10
TheLordOfTimebackportpackage can work from Experimental?03:10
TheLordOfTimemicahg, 5.2.45 is in experimental only...03:10
TheLordOfTime... or oracle's binary-only .deb ...03:10
micahgit's in the python package, why does python-dev not depend on python :(03:10
TheLordOfTime(and oracle's 5.2.45 deb works fine)03:10
TheLordOfTime(at least in 12.04 it does)03:11
TheLordOfTimeso i'm curious what the delta is between oracle's .debs and what's in Experimental03:11
micahgpython-all-dev depends on python :(03:11
TheLordOfTimemicahg, and now you know why i'm confuzled with this package03:11
TheLordOfTimein theory, it should build.03:12
TheLordOfTimein actuality it does not03:12
TheLordOfTime... well, it depwait'd initially, because of mysql-connector-c++ not being new enough in raring... that was an easy fix...03:12
micahgah, hrm, let me update03:13
TheLordOfTimebut i'm hesitant to ask that to be sync'd because its rdeps shows a libreoffice sql connection plugin as depending on it (which could break thingsa!)03:13
TheLordOfTimemicahg, if i do ask for a sync of mysql-workbench from experimental: (1) the FTBFS issue needs fixing, and (2) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-connector-c++ needs to be updated (the package in it that holds the library shows an rdep of something in libreoffice)03:16
TheLordOfTimeunless i'm mistaken, if it FTBFS in a PPA, it FTBFS in the archives.03:16
micahgTheLordOfTime: yeah, you'll need to talk to sweetshark to see if libreoffice works with the newer version03:16
TheLordOfTimeso, email then.03:17
* TheLordOfTime goes and locates their LP page03:17
TheLordOfTimemicahg, regardless, i want to nail down the FTBFS issue.03:17
TheLordOfTimewhether i end up requesting the sync or not03:17
micahgTheLordOfTime: yeah, that seems fine03:18
TheLordOfTimeand since i'm sufficiently confuzled about why it initially FTBFS, well...03:18
TheLordOfTimeno clue how to resolve that since python-all-dev should pull in dev headers03:18
TheLordOfTimebut the configure script won't detect them in ~ppa003:18
TheLordOfTimeso... unless python-all-dev in Ubuntu puts it in a different location than the configure script seeks...03:19
TheLordOfTime... which afaict it shouldn't...03:20
micahgoh, that's probably a multiarch problem which I thought they were all fixed03:21
micahgerr.mostly fixed03:21
TheLordOfTimeblame launchpad and go complain to them?03:23
ajmitchwhat has launchpad got to do with a build failure like that?03:25
* TheLordOfTime misread03:25
* TheLordOfTime yawns03:25
TheLordOfTimemicahg, is there a solution to this?03:25
micahgyou probably need to make the configure check use python-config03:25
micahgTheLordOfTime: I'll have a debdiff for you in a minute03:28
TheLordOfTimemicahg, thanks.03:28
micahgTheLordOfTime: try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1587747/03:29
TheLordOfTimealso, afaict, somewhere between what's in quantal and latest upstream (which is in experimental, albeit possibly tweaked), this bug might've been fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-workbench/+bug/110863003:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1108630 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "mysql-workbench SQL Editor does not show any schemas" [Undecided,New]03:29
TheLordOfTimeso if i can at least get this to build and see if the version from Debian Exp fixes this, that would be added to the sync reason03:29
micahgTheLordOfTime: actually, that's not the right fix..03:33
micahgthat's the one that was fixed :)03:34
TheLordOfTimeurgh, lag.03:35
TheLordOfTimemicahg, confirmed: 5.2.45 has some codefix that resolves the issue, using the packages produced by Oracle03:37
TheLordOfTime(which fixes Bug #1108630 that is)03:38
ubottubug 1108630 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "mysql-workbench SQL Editor does not show any schemas" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110863003:38
micahgTheLordOfTime: try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1587765/ , the patch will need a little explanation since what upstream was trying to do was broke to begin with03:39
TheLordOfTimeof course, i'm waiting to hear back from sweetshark via email on whether libreoffice can build with the dependency on the mysql-connector-c++ 1.1.103:39
TheLordOfTimebefore i file *any* sync requests.03:39
micahgTheLordOfTime: if libreoffice 4.0 builds with it, I'll take it for backports regardless03:40
TheLordOfTimemicahg, this isn't backportable in its current form, not without... ah... "tweaking" to make it work03:41
TheLordOfTimefor pre-raring03:41
micahgwell, builds + works03:41
TheLordOfTimeafaict at least03:41
TheLordOfTime(for raring, if the FTBFS is fixed, this can be synced :P)03:41
TheLordOfTimeagain, depending on the response from sweetshark03:41
micahgyeah, best to try to get it in the release itself first :)03:43
TheLordOfTimeand of course i don't do that until i build-test :P03:43
TheLordOfTimemicahg, suggested explanation?  since you wrote the patch :P03:46
* TheLordOfTime put that in the AUthor: field in the DEP303:46
micahgTheLordOfTime: Since the upstream configure file uses -L in the LIBS test, python-config --ldflags is the easiest way to get that03:47
micahgTheLordOfTime: and it goes in the description03:47
TheLordOfTimemicahg, your contact info's in Author: though if i remember dep3 right03:48
micahgwell, that + the libs03:48
micahgyeah, should already be there03:48
TheLordOfTimeyeah, it wouldnt quilt import right, so i am (sort of) rebuilding the dep303:48
TheLordOfTime(apparently this line broke it: ---)03:48
TheLordOfTimei meant that i put that you were the author in Author:03:49
TheLordOfTime... wow gmail detected the LP PPA notifications as spam o.O04:03
TheLordOfTimemicahg, so far so good: https://launchpad.net/~teward/+archive/buildtests/+build/425833504:11
TheLordOfTimeno FTBFS... yet...04:12
TheLordOfTime(i386 is lagging behind the amd64 build though... by about two minutes)04:14
TheLordOfTimemicahg, successfully built from source - your patch fixed the FTBFS.05:40
TheLordOfTimeonce i hear back from sweetshark, and assuming LibreOffice builds with the updated mysql-connector-c++ source, then you'll see at least one sync request (probably going to have to work with devel to get the cpp connector synced though, since its in main)05:41
micahgTheLordOfTime: I can take care of it, I'll keep an eye on the queu05:42
TheLordOfTimeawesome, in the mean time i'll wait to hear back on the email i sent.  at least it doesn't fail to build now :P05:42
* TheLordOfTime heads off to get some sleep05:42
dholbachgood morning07:42
gesergood morning07:47
ESphynx'morning guys07:49
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jackyalcineCan someone take a glance at https://code.launchpad.net/~jackyalcine/ubuntu/raring/telepathy-logger-qt/raring/+merge/145560 ?09:32
jackyalcineah, I have to make a few changes.09:34
jackyalcinevis a vis http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug-example.html09:34
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spacecowboy29 A question, I have an error in bazaar, http://pastebin.com/4Fn63Xad,  Corkscrew is referred as Corksrew, so I'm guessing a typo, but not sure where to modify it...10:24
xkernel"pbuilder-dist raring create" is getting many many packages and taking too long time and sometimes if fails and when I run again it start from the beginning10:24
jackyalcineokay now my merge would LOVE a review :(10:44
* ESphynx is almost done with this SRU preparation =(10:47
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ESphynxxnox: i'm going to update that package again if you haven't uploaded it yet :P11:32
ESphynxAll this reviewing process had me fix more stuff :|11:33
xkernelwhen building a package with "bzr bd -- -S"  where to predefine the secret key to be used for signing?12:06
jackyalcinexkernel: you could also set DEBSIGN_KEY in your ~/.devscripts file12:37
* jackyalcine took me a while to notice that little kicker12:37
LaneyDEBSIGN_KEYID, that is12:39
xkerneljackyalcine, DEBSIGN_KEY <email> ?12:39
jackyalcinewell, you'd set the keyid you're signing with.12:40
jackyalcineie: DEBSIGN_KEYID=728BA2C412:40
tumbleweedor you could just sign your changelogs with an e-mail address that gpg can find a key for12:41
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dholbachDay 2 of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starts in 22 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom14:38
smartboyhwdholbach, thx14:40
ESphynxCould someone pelase target https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecere-sdk/+bug/1110284 to Quantal ?15:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1110284 in ecere-sdk (Ubuntu) "[SRU (Quantal)] Makefiles generated by the Ecere IDE do not work by themselves" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:30
TheLordOfTimeESphynx, nominated for quantal.15:31
TheLordOfTimesomeone'll be along to either approve/reject that nomination :p15:31
TheLordOfTime(although i don't think there'll be issues there ;P)15:31
ESphynxTheLordOfTime : thanks, I meant just marking it as 'affects quantal' as micahg did for the other bugs15:32
* TheLordOfTime goes back to stabbing a half-dead drive15:32
TheLordOfTimeESphynx, same difference, except i think MOTU has approve-nomination or equivalent rights - bugcontrol can nominate for a specific release (such as affects: quantal, lucid, etc.), but only a specific group can approve such things.15:32
ESphynxOk thanks. I'll finally be assigning to ubuntu-sru15:32
ESphynxbeen working on this non-stop since Saturday :S15:33
Laneyassigning to ubuntu-sru doesn't sond right15:33
TheLordOfTimeESphynx, you mean subscribe?15:33
ESphynxLaney: it doesn't?15:33
ESphynxsubscribing, yes, sorry.15:33
TheLordOfTimeESphynx, subscribe them - don't assign.15:33
ESphynxyes subscribe is what I meant :P15:33
Laneysubscribe *ubuntu-sponsors* to the bug which contains the patch/branch15:33
ESphynxProcedure #4 says  Ask a bug supervisor to target the bug to the appropriate Ubuntu releases (e. g. the current LTS and latest stable release), then subscribe the team ubuntu-sru to your bug report.15:34
TheLordOfTimeESphynx, you missed the part where you have to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors if you have no upload rights15:34
LaneyOh, it does say that but I believe that's obsolete15:34
Laneyanyway, you can do it if you like but the important part that will get it uploaded is ubuntu-sponsros15:35
Laneywith correct spelling15:35
TheLordOfTimeLaney, if its obsolete, why's it still there?15:35
* TheLordOfTime raises an eyebrow15:35
Laneybecause nobody deleted it yet?15:35
Laneyit's not harmful but I do not think it is necessary any more15:35
ESphynxwell I'm hoping my friends micahg and xnox are going to take it from here :P15:35
TheLordOfTime... oh that reminds me, i have to go prod bugcontrol's mailing list about something...15:36
TheLordOfTimeLaney, this whole talk of "obsolete things on the wiki" reminded me of things :P15:36
Laneyat least with a wiki such things are easily fixable15:37
TheLordOfTimedepending on who has "operational control" over the specific wiki areas15:37
TheLordOfTimelike... bugcontrol has somewhat control over the Bugs/* stuff15:37
TheLordOfTime... which reminds me yet AGAIN to send an email to bugcontrol list regarding something15:37
TheLordOfTimemeh, cba to open up google while i'm on a liveusb *shrugs*15:38
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xkernelwhere to find applications that needs packing?19:12
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PaoloRotoloxkernel, here: http://tinyurl.com/byoff9w19:36
FudgieI've dropped here from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages19:46
FudgieAnyone about?19:46
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Unit193From what I can see, Bug #991750 is in universe.20:19
ubottubug 991750 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] owncloud-client" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99175020:19
RhondaUnit193: client, not server?20:32
Unit193owncloud-client: Candidate: 1.0.5+repack1-0ubuntu1   500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/universe i386 Packages20:33
Unit193!info owncloud-client quantal20:33
ubottuowncloud-client (source: owncloud-client): GUI app to sync a folder to ownCloud. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5+repack1-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 739 kB, installed size 1996 kB20:33
RhondaOh, right, since quantal20:33
RhondaMark it as fix released, then? :)20:33
Unit193Yep, quantal and up, precise doesn't have it.20:34
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bobweaverhello there all. I just was installing one of my packages when I realized that it is installing all the Recomended things. Was wondering what is causing this. you can see d/control here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/u2t/dailybuilds/view/head:/debian/control   thanks for your time22:23
Unit193bobweaver: So you tried to install a package, and it was installing the recommends?  This is normal unless you have it set not to, could also try --no-install-recommends if you're pulling from a ppa/using apt-get.22:27
bobweaverOh I thought that Recomends:  is for when user types in apt-get install <package> it says this is recomended22:28
bobweaverlol see how much I know22:28
bobweaverdo you know where I put that ?22:28
bobweaverLine 169 is the package that I want to Recommend to the user,22:29
Unit193What about suggests?22:32
* bobweaver goes to re-read debian new maintainers guide 22:36
Unit193Please note, I am not a Debian maintainer. :)22:37
bobweaverI understand Unit193  thanks though for you help and input.22:39
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