
=== yuki-onna_ is now known as yuki-onna
=== dale is now known as luckyphuq
James2hey guys, having a problem with one of my frontends... its remote has disappeared20:38
James2i have tried removing the remote through mcc, which removed lirc20:38
James2then added it again, which reinstalled lirc, and i choose auto button mappings20:39
James2i then tried irw with lird running and stopped, which shows no remote activity20:39
James2irw /dev/lirc0 throws an error connect: connection refused20:40
James2any ideas what i should try next?20:40
rhpot1991James2: what kind of remote20:40
rhpot1991and have you upgraded the system lately?  (from one version of ubuntu to another)?20:41
James2mce usb remote20:41
James2and yes was updated earlier using apt-get, but apparantly it wasnt working before that20:41
James2but was just an update of 12.04 0.2620:41
James2a load of stuff was held back20:41
rhpot1991a few versions ago lirc was replaced with an in kernel option for generic mce remotes20:42
rhpot1991if you didn't upgrade from an older version you shouldn't be hitting that though20:42
rhpot1991I;d look at what is being held back, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to get them20:43
James2ok i was upsing apt-get upgrade earlier20:43
James2dist-upgrade gives a whole different list of updates20:44
James2ok backend is rebooting after a dist upgrade and new kernel20:54
James2will do the frontend with a problem in a mo20:54
James2ok frontend is now fully up to date on 12.04 and 0.2621:30
James2lirc is not installed, and i still have no remote.. what to do?21:30
rhpot1991James2: I'd configure your remote via mythbuntu-control-centre21:34
rhpot1991which will install lirc21:34
James2ok its installing atm21:35
James2ok all done via mcc, and still no remote21:38
James2irw still shows 0 activity from the reciever21:43
James2any clues?21:56
rhpot1991James2: lsmod |grep mceusb22:06
rhpot1991run that22:06
James2mceusb                 18143  022:07
James2rc_core                26412  13 ir_lirc_codec,ir_mce_kbd_decoder,ir_sony_decoder,ir_jvc_decoder,ir_rc6_decoder,rc_imon_pad,ir_rc5_decoder,imon,ir_nec_decoder,rc_rc6_mce,mceusb22:07
rhpot1991actually I'm seeing that on one of my boxes too, hmmm22:08
rhpot1991I was expecting to not get a hit22:08
James2you have the same issue, its just dead remote, light on reciever flashes, but irw doesnt show up any input22:09
James2(for any remote)22:09
James2if so let me know how you fix yours :P22:09
rhpot1991James2: sudo apt-get install evtest22:11
rhpot1991mine is fine, but I supect you might have the kernel grabbing your keystrokes and not lirc22:12
rhpot1991in which case you don't really need lirc22:12
James2incidentally i have 2 boxes, this frontend, and its backend/frontend upstairs22:19
James2same configs, same remotes, etc22:19
James2the one upstairs is fine22:19
James2and change to no additional remote in mcc so it removes lirc?22:20
James2and reboot? and?22:21
rhpot1991well use evtest to verify first22:22
rhpot1991James2: same IR receiver on both22:22
rhpot1991James2: I'm a little confused here, I thought that the in kernel lirc only worked for the generics and that the official ones were not used with that22:23
James2slightly different versions22:23
rhpot1991but I seem to have both the old lirc driver and the in kernel one on my system22:23
James2yeah both of mine were using lirc afaik22:23
rhpot1991superm1 played with the in kernel stuff for the official ones lately, so I'm hoping he can shed some light on it22:23
James2the frontend also has an lcd panel22:23
rhpot1991James2: gotta head home, I'll check back in later tonight22:25
rhpot1991James2: you can read up about lirc's devinput22:25
rhpot1991if it is using the in kernel driver then you can use devinput to access it in lirc22:25
rhpot1991but I think you don't really need lirc in that event as long as the remote matches up to what you want mythtv to see22:25
rhpot1991if you need a translation in between then you still need lirc22:25
James2well the crucial thing is having the same button mappings on both remotes22:26
rhpot1991so for instance if you wanted up on the remote to send the letter d to mythtv22:26
James2in case customer decides to walk between rooms holding one :P22:26
rhpot1991well in theory as long as the remote is seen by both then your lirc configuration can be differnt22:27
rhpot1991ok heading out, good luck22:27
superm1James2: did you isolate whether this was caused by the kernel update?22:45
superm1try booting into an older kernel?22:45
James2it stopped working before the kernel update22:53
James2i can see the reciever, but i cant see where (if anywhere) it is sending notifications22:54
James2this machine also has a22:55
James2 ID 15c2:0038 SoundGraph Inc. GD01 MX LCD Display/IR Receiver22:55
James2if i could configure that reciever with the mce_usb remote that would be wicked22:56
James2and just do away with the mce_usb reciever22:56
superm1do you know if that device is able to receive rc6 remote protocol?22:59
superm1good to know it wasn't busted by the kernel update though22:59
superm1i think the imon actually can receive rc6 according to http://www.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2012-August/338196.html23:00
superm1so you probably could do away with the mceusb receiver and do it all through imon23:00
James2yeah im just looking into that23:03
James2would be nicer to lose the reciever23:03

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