
dholbachgood morning07:42
=== jono is now known as Guest7503
davidcalleHi AlanBell17:46
=== JoseeAntonioR changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions in www.ubuntuonair.com || For support go to #ubuntu, this is not a support channel.
jono_JoseeAntonioR, good to go in the next 10 mins?18:51
JoseeAntonioRjono_: yep18:51
* JoseeAntonioR sets it up18:51
JoseeAntonioRhey guys!18:58
JoseeAntonioRready for the jono Q&A?18:58
benkaiseryes :)19:02
DanSQuestion: What's on the grill tonight?19:02
JoseeAntonioRQUESTION: Do you like cheese?19:04
lukaszmmt1QUESTION how will ubuntu for phones be like for geeks that don't know programming, but want to install it on their devices?19:04
logxQUESTION: Calligra has a QML UI and was used as document viewer on the Nokia N9. Has it been consider to use that it as document viewer for the Core apps?19:05
Paulo_QUESTION: Jono, do you think that a easy-to-use SDK for Desktop Ubuntu would bring more developers for the distro and make things easier to everyone?19:05
ScrivenerQUESTION: Have you ever considered shaving your head just to get rid of the "balding" aspect? I've got a young friend who is balding early and he shaved his head -- I would too, if I were him. I wouldn't like balding -- just take it all off and make that your style :)19:06
sebsebsebQUESTION: When do you think phones running Ubuntu Phone may be offered for FREE to people who pay for contracts, in lots of counteries?19:08
sebsebsebQUESTION: Can Ubuntu Phone run normal Android apps, apparnatly it runs the Android kernel after all.19:10
benkaiserFor anybody who wants to see the App Mockups / contribute. Here is the url: https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/grid19:10
un_wilsonQUESTION: all part of Ubuntu for Phone will be in the regular Ubuntu repositories or it will be separate?19:10
LukeBeeQUESTION: Will USC be getting a redesign any time soon?19:11
pemiboQUESTION:  Will there be an integrated update service in ubuntu phone OS or will we need to flash a new image every new release?19:11
rrnwexecQUESTION: Can you talk about the work that is going on around the Ubuntu Tablet (i.e. the Nexus 7)? (It seems the phone has taken a bit of the spotlight off of that.)19:11
ScrivenerQUESTION: Are there any new updates on what's going on with Ubuntu's work with Nvidia and Valve to share with us? Or just same old same old as the last couple months have gone? Any exciting advancements?19:12
DanSQUESTION: Will Ubuntu be selling unlocked phones directly? (like Google does with the Nexus 4)19:13
cvartaQUESTION: Will it be possible in the forseable future to flash Ubuntu for Phones on Android Devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S 1/2/319:13
sebsebsebQUESTION: What about Firefox OS are you interested in this to and what are your thoughts about it?19:13
mike-devQUESTION: Are you going to Mobile World Congress next month?19:14
DarthVaderQUESTION: Is it OK to use Ubuntu Server to power a Death Star? Also, which Ubuntu Advantage plan would you recommend?19:14
JoseeAntonioRDarthVader: +119:15
Paulo_QUESTION: Asking the user about the online searches at installation time, with no default answer, is not a viable solution for our "privacy concerns". Maybe something like two buttons 'Yes/No', with no default.19:15
klakusQUESTION: Does Canonical plan to develop its own graphical tools for ideally all os aspects management for Ubuntu?19:15
pemiboQUESTION: What feature of Ubuntu (desktop or phone) are you looking forward to most?19:15
sebsebsebQUESTION: Do you miss doing your weekly Q&A on Ustream at all heh heh, with no guests on it as well?19:15
lukaszmmt1QUESTION did you see ASUS padfone series - what are the chances of Canonical making something cool for it?19:15
radiostormQUESTION: Will we see a release of Ubuntu TV later this year (in stores perhaps)?19:17
Guest42QUESTION: What is canonicals plan about compiz? Do you use compiz on the phone?19:18
ScrivenerQUESTION: Ubuntu partners with some OEMs to get Ubuntu on a few laptops, but has Ubuntu ever considered partnering with hardware manufacturers by selling their hardware (maybe rebranded, maybe not) from an Ubuntu shop experience? That is, if there is hardware that works very well with Ubuntu, could Ubuntu sell that hardware from an Ubuntu-specific web store? A new user wants to get a webcam, and they'd no longer have to search for Ubun19:20
Scrivenertu-compatible ones (like the Logitech C615 I just purchased). They could just go to your store, and maybe Ubuntu could get a cut of sales that way while basically just "advertising" the product. Everybody wins.19:20
snwhUbuntu Death Star edition, I like it.19:21
DanSHey DarthVader.. just make sure you do a 'sudo apt-get xx-9-heavy-turbolaser'19:21
snwhbe sure to: sudo apt-get install vent-port-cover19:22
marcoceppi`juju deploy vent-cover`19:22
Paulo_JONO: Sorry...there should be a question mark there:19:22
=== christian is now known as Guest96308
Paulo_Asking the user about the online searches at installation time, with no default answer, is not a viable solution for our "privacy concerns"? Maybe something like two buttons 'Yes/No', with no default.19:22
Paulo_QUESTION: Asking the user about the online searches at installation time, with no default answer, is not a viable solution for our "privacy concerns". Maybe something like two buttons 'Yes/No', with no default.19:23
rrnwexecQUESTION: Should "everyday folks" that enjoy Ubuntu (but don't dig into the code) care whether Ubuntu moves to a rolling-release strategy? The volume of press on this would seem to indicate this is a really big deal. What are your thoughts?19:23
=== chris730 is now known as schmoobuntu
deshackQUESTION: some days ago we saw the results of a poll made by TechWeekEurope, which shows that Jolla's Sailfish is the most expected Mobile OS, while Ubuntu comes after it. Do you think Sailfish may be a problem for the spread of Ubuntu in mobile?19:24
benkaiser+1 for interviewing Mark Shuttleworth19:25
sebsebsebgeneral opensource/freesoftwre interviews with anyone yep  :)19:25
sebsebsebother distros everythi8ng19:25
rrnwexec+1 for interviews19:25
sebsebsebupstream pr ojects the lot19:25
schmoobuntuis Ubuntu considering to integrate something like AirDroid into dash? Not just for ubuntu phones19:25
solarcloud_3srcnYes I would find that usefull, Jono.19:25
* sebsebseb could go on maybe hmm19:25
DarthVader@snwh DeathBuntu19:28
linuxDougDarthVader - sudo apt-get purge tatooine19:30
balolinuxDoug: i think it was Alderaan19:31
linuxDougoh yeah... it's been a while19:31
snwhDarthVader I had to: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/deathbuntu.png19:32
solarcloud_3srcnQUESTION: I'm seeing Richard Stallman give a talk next week, If you had one question to ask RMS, Jono, What Would Your Question Be ??19:32
linuxDougDarthVader: nice19:32
DarthVader_snwh this is great :D19:33
benkaiserJoseeAntonioR: Do you have a url for that background behind you? that would make a nice wallpaper for my room19:33
ScrivenerStallman scares me a little.19:33
JoseeAntonioRbenkaiser: actually not, I didn't make it :/19:33
popey"what do toes taste like?"19:33
Scrivener^ This19:33
LukeBeeQUESTION: Is there any news regarding updates to quickly? I think I heard something about new templates but may have been dreaming.19:33
snwh""is that jam good on toast?19:34
logx_QUESTION: Other projects like GTK, Qt, KDE and Gnome  are moving to Wayland. Would an Ubuntu display server be compatible to that or would it be extra work for the developers to support it?19:34
ScrivenerQUESTION: You recently adopted a very Humble Bundle-esque donation system recently, which I very much approve of. Are you allowed to disclose which categories of donation have received the most funding thus far?19:34
benkaiserJoseeAntonioR: Damn :(19:35
popeyQUESTION: In addition to the phone core-apps your team is shepherding, can you tell us what other apps you'd like to see on Ubuntu phone from 3rd parties at launch or soon after?19:35
ScrivenerQUESTION: Have you ever smoked a pipe? I think you'd look rather dapper with one.19:36
solarcloud_3srcngood question popey !!19:37
DarthVader_QUESTION: Ever thought of a Donation button in the Software Center? Users could easily donate to their favourite apps and Canonical could get like 10% of each donation.19:37
Scrivener+1 popey19:37
snwhQUESTION: will Ubuntu Phone include multimedia codecs for ease of media playback (and be snubbing Adobe Flash)?19:38
pemiboQUESTION: I really like how Gnome Shell notifications appear and that I can easily answer messages right out of it. Are there any plans for Unity to adopt this feature or develop something similar?19:38
Paulo_QUESTION: Why the lowest price of USC apps is something like 2-3 dollars? Isn't this a problem for developers twing to sell their apps?19:40
ScrivenerPortland. Yeah, people in Portland are weird. I do have a churchwarden pipe, though. Fun stuff.19:40
ScrivenerThat guy sounds nasty.19:40
DanSWeber has an Android app.. $4.9519:40
pemiboUbuntu phone os should really deliver an Whatsapp app. I know a lot of people whos first question would be: Can it run Whatsapp?19:41
solarcloud_3srcnQUESTION: Will Jono ever be driving an All Electric Car ?19:42
balopemibo: nobody should use whatsapp because of its security concerns19:42
sebsebsebQUESTION: What about a flying car?19:43
netcurlibalo: +119:43
ScrivenerQUESTION: Will Canonical itself be putting any effort to make Unity more customizable? Or is this just left up to the community to get creative with? :)19:43
JoseeAntonioRAny more questions, guys?19:43
ScrivenerQUESTION: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?19:44
linuxDougWe have to go back!  ... to the future!19:44
snwhyou want hovering, look up quantum levitation19:44
sebsebseblinuxDoug: no Ubuntu in 1985 :D19:44
jameshQUESTION: What is your favourite programming language?19:44
ScrivenerHe did not get a Monty Python reference. D:19:45
ScrivenerI am horrified.19:45
=== solarcloud_3srcn is now known as solarcloud
benkaiser+1 for python19:45
linuxDougHe loves Python and doesn't recognize the Monty variety.  Interesting  :-)19:45
emaxximC++ rocks?19:45
ScrivenerYes, monty python and the holy grail.19:45
snwhQUESTION: least and most favourite part(s) of Unity?19:46
ScrivenerProbably the most well-known Monty Python reference ;)19:46
marcoceppiThe worlds most overplayed and possibly overrated monty python movie19:46
DamasWhat languages does one need to know to write applications for Ubuntu Desktop?19:46
linuxDougJono - the correct answer to the question was, "African or European?"19:46
jameshQUESTION: Do you think pyside will get its act together for Qt5?19:46
logx_QUESTION: If Adobe was open to it, would Canonical put effort/money in porting Photoshop to Ubuntu?19:46
ScrivenerlinuxDoug, though I would've also taken "Blue!" for an answer.19:46
jaduncanQUESTION: Any updates on the Ubuntu Phone image release date.19:47
emaxximHow works he new Unity with the ATI and Nvidia card in term of prformance?19:47
DarthVader_QUESTION: When will Unity Spread finished?19:47
solarcloudQUESTION: When you first started off with your 'Linux UK' group in the early years, How Many People Were In The Linux Community And How Did You Communicate To Each Other , back then ??19:47
emaxximHow works the new Unity with the ATI and Nvidia card in term of prformance?19:47
DamasQUESTION: What languages does one need to know to write applications for Ubuntu Desktop?19:47
jaduncanQUESTION: what would you recommend as a replacement for LUGRadio? I'm not really finding anything with a similar vibe.19:48
DanSQUESTION: One of the reasons I still dual boot is Netflix.. any chance it will ever be supported in Ubuntu?19:48
linuxDougNetflix requires the silverlight plugin, which is a microslosh product19:49
benkaiserQUESTION: Don't you use the compiz desktop wall / desktop cube? what about the scale plugin? maybe I just use these coming from Mac OSX19:49
emaxximQUESTION:  How works the new Unity with the ATI and Nvidia card in term of prformance?19:49
rrnwexecQUESTION: You've taken a charter fishing cruise with a really bad captain. Now, you're unfortunately stranded on a desert island with only a tablet and one movie stored on it. What movie would you want that to be?19:50
tuxkalle_QUESTION: What do you tink about Gnome Shell?19:50
pemiboQUESTION: Would you prefer quickly to create apps for Ubuntu or will c++ and qml be the future on the deskop too?19:50
DanSlinuxDoug.. Netflix works in ChromeOS.. do they run silverlight?19:51
sebsebsebOk long question/thing coming up:19:51
sebsebsebQUESTION: I like GNOME Shell, but its also resulted in many differnet interface choices,  Cinnamon and Mate, and I assume Unity to an extent as well really, plus more recently the fall mode is being forked by a distro as well. I think this is a good thing, because it means more choice for the users, but some people call it fragmentation and see it as a bad thing, what do you think about that?19:51
linuxDougyes they do.19:51
love4ubuntuWhen is Apple going to get their act together and provide itunes for Ubuntu? Wouldn't itunes be a boon to ubuntu adoption and growth?19:51
linuxDoug...I'm pretty sure anyway19:51
Paulo_QUESTION: What's your favorite TV series?19:52
Scrivenerlove4ubuntu, Nice way to support a competitor? I don't think they see a big enough Linux crowd that would be using iTunes yet, and Apple will need to be making money, too.19:53
ScrivenerAs in they wouldn't do it if they didn't see a money opportunity that justified it.19:53
tuxkalle_QUESTION: Do you use Mega the cloud service that kim dotcom? Do you suport his freedom fight?19:54
hippyjakeQuestion: will E17 stable be in the repo?19:56
stavrosQUESTION: upstart or systemD ?19:56
ScrivenerSay Firefly.19:56
ScrivenerStandard geek answer.19:56
DamasQUESTION: Why do you think true LInux mobile OS failed before(Maemo 5, Meego, OpenMoko etc)? And why do you think Ubuntu Mobile OS will succeed?19:56
ScrivenerI approve of Top Gear.19:57
DarthVader_+1 for TopGear19:57
grungekidred dwarf!19:57
DanSQUESTION: What can you tell us about what Matthieu James is cooking up for Ubuntu 13.04 icon sets?19:57
solarcloud+1 Red dwarf19:57
love4ubuntuThe itunes question is perfectly valid. Wow. Thanks for skipping over it.19:57
SidPaytonQUESTION: When does the contest for the app design end?19:57
tuxkalle_QUESTION: what is your text editor of choise19:57
jaduncanScrivener: probably an extra issue of not wanting to make a minor competitor more useful. Windows was the incumbent, so it was worth it.19:58
DarthVader_QUESTION: What is your favourite episode of TopGear?19:58
marcoceppilove4ubuntu: thanks for prefacing your question with "QUESTION:"19:58
JoseeAntonioRjono_: 2 minutes, blast time!19:58
sebsebsebQUESTION: are you going to play guitar or drums?19:58
sebsebsebJoseeAntonioR: yep hopefly if you meant palying something :d19:59
jameshQUESTION: Did you get a chance to look at any early reviews of Blackberry's Z10 ? Its all swipe based like Ubuntu Phone19:59
JoseeAntonioRsebsebseb: maybe, depends on him!19:59
sebsebsebJoseeAntonioR: are you teh other guy on the thing?  can't really see who that is19:59
JoseeAntonioRsebsebseb: that's me, yes19:59
jaduncanAndroid base kernel compatibility is going to be the new IBM compatible - everyone's using the same linux underpinnings.19:59
MariusHi, how can you close an app in Ubuntu Phine?19:59
ScrivenerQUESTION: If you love BBQ so much, why haven't you moved to Texas yet? ;) No income tax here either -- think of how much more BBQ you could have :o19:59
sebsebsebJoseeAntonioR: yeah thought so19:59
=== Marius is now known as Guest11984
love4ubuntuSorry for the misunderstanding manvakos20:00
ScrivenerYou did miss the iTunes question.20:01
ScrivenerBut okay ;)20:01
Scrivenernot mine, scroll up20:01
solarcloudWell done Jono +1 .. I' will ask RMS for you ...20:01
ScrivenerIt wasn't miiine20:01
love4ubuntuitunes for ubuntu?20:01
jierrowho like turtles?20:01
pemiboThank you jono20:02
netcurlithank you20:02
DarthVader_may the force be with you20:02
mike-devThank you20:02
netcurliDarthVader_: :D20:02
benkaiserThanks :)20:02
=== jwatson is now known as jwatson1978
=== jwatson1978 is now known as jwatson78
jbenigmawill ubuntu phone on nexus work for both cdma and gsm models?20:56
JoseeAntonioRjbenigma: we're not live right now20:56
=== Gary is now known as Guest83990

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