
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
Ben64might want to check #ubuntu for a guy talking about his genitals06:02
Ben64two of em now, i guess06:04
TheLordOfTimeanyone alive to keep an eye on #ubuntu?  there's a troll/spammer in there who just "stopped" a bit going on about stuff that's offtopic in-channel and on ubuntu channels06:05
TheLordOfTimemeh they just timed out.06:06
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (NetFlamBorg sort of bot, spam, junk, troll)10:12
elkygnomefreak, some people don't have the ops list memorised ;)10:12
elkyi'd check the veracity of fef<whatever> too. seemed to be running that show10:18
Ben64got what appears to be a bot in #ubuntu repeating stuff11:00
Ben64it's just spamming the channel randomly with previously said lines11:03
ubottuBen64 called the ops in #ubuntu (GeniusBrain)11:09
ubottulombardo called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:10
h00kcan't tell if bot16:28
h00kfairly sure16:28
IdleOneif not bot, very annoying16:29
MrChrisDruifh00k; IdleOne; http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30770794.jpg16:53
h00kMrChrisDruif: basicaly16:53
h00kI didn't see a match on my /clones either :(16:53
ubottuIn #ubuntu, llutz said: !ot  stop that stupid "X is better than Y", OS-Fanboy discussion in offtopic please21:33
k1lwas the ban of bianca lifted? because kittenmittens is her again21:43
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (MarkShuttleworth)22:09

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