
Azelphurwhelp, looks like I'm screwed on the sixaxis controller front00:15
Azelphurtalked to the developer and it seems like I broke it, and it's not likely to get fixed till next month earliest, any other ideas?00:15
daftykinsfor a gaming controller?00:16
Azelphurwell, for a way to make the controllers I have already work00:16
daftykinswhat set do you have to pick from?00:16
Azelphurwould hate to throw £40 down the toilet :p00:16
Azelphurdaftykins: I have GOIGAME PS3 controllers (bluetooth)00:16
AzelphurI know they physically work because they talk to sixaxis controller on android.00:17
Azelphurand I'd hazard a guess that they'd work fine with motioninjoy on windows too00:18
Azelphurbut the Linux side seems to have me stumped :P00:18
daftykinsi like cables00:19
Azelphurhehe, cables are annoying when you got 4 controllers and want to sit a decent distance from a 55" tv00:20
daftykinswhat's 4 player for the HTPC?00:21
Azelphurdaftykins: every emulator game ever.00:21
Azelphuralso hedgewars00:21
daftykinsah yeah i've only ever used a PS2 controller with a USB converter on the PC00:21
daftykinsi have an xbox360 otherwise00:21
daftykinsi have no time for old games ;x00:22
AzelphurI might have to do something silly like run windows in a vm and pass the input back to Linux00:22
daftykinsAzelphur: latency++ ?00:28
Azelphurindeed :(00:28
daftykinsfirst world problems O_.00:31
AzelphurAnyone care to drop in and help me with my PS3 controller woes? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12481756#post12481756 :P00:56
daftykinswas the dev just stumped then?01:02
Azelphurpretty much, he just said he doesn't really know and is busy working on other projects atm and that I should ping him in a month or so to see if he can fix it then01:03
daftykinsheh, how odd01:06
Azelphurindeed, you'd think more people would buy these things01:10
Azelphur$14 kickass bluetooth controller...why are we not buying all the things and making them work01:11
daftykinsi try to avoid bluetooth01:13
AzelphurI wonder what stops them being plug n play like other things are01:13
daftykinsit's one of those techs that doesn't work in a hurry when you really want it to01:13
Azelphurthe wiimote stuff I used before was pretty simple01:13
daftykinsSony? :)01:13
* Azelphur shrugs01:13
AzelphurI don't mind too much in a hurry, but I would like to get it going01:13
daftykinsy'know it's that classic 'i wanna transfer files via BT'01:14
daftykinshellz no says mr. computer01:14
knightwisehey diplo popey :)08:25
knightwisehow are you gus08:25
diploI'm ok thanks, yourself knightwise ?08:35
diploBrought my Revo to work today, reinstall with 12.04 and XBMC Frodo I'm thinking08:36
mungbeandoes anyone have knowledge/experience of java web framework spring or struts?09:24
AlanBellmungbean: Alfresco uses spring09:25
mungbeanAlanBell: i need to give a talk where i reference those products, and suggest best of breed etc09:26
mungbeandon't know where to start tbh09:26
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:26
mungbeando vmware provide for free? what's their motive?09:27
AlanBellthey want to sell their datacenter products09:30
AlanBellmungbean: I don't know a great deal about spring, Alfresco is the only thing I know that uses it09:32
brobostigonany idea, where to look for a radar type sensor, that connects to usb, and will be detected by a nominally standard gnu-linux debian . ?09:34
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:40
=== esther is now known as esmo
brobostigonmorning JamesTait09:41
JamesTaitbrobostigon, o/09:41
JamesTaitDon't look now, but, where I am at least, it's very spring-like this morning.09:42
brobostigonsunny, blue sky.09:42
brobostigonand looks like it will be all day, according to bbc weather.09:43
JamesTaitYep. Not blowing a gale. Mild temperature. I didn't even wear a coat for the school run, let alone a hat and gloves.09:43
brobostigonit is blowing a gale here.09:43
JamesTaitI thought our conservatory was going to take off yesterday.09:44
brobostigonyes, it was quite breezy.09:44
BigRedSI'm after an smtp client for use with Mutt that'll queue up mail while offline and go on to send it when it's online again, anyone got any suggestions?10:01
BigRedSI need to be able to use different servers and auth for different mail, though, so something that can do that (like msmtp can) would be good10:02
popeyanyone got a 12.04 machine with nvidia video card handy/10:18
SuperMatt13.04 all the way baby10:23
popeynvm, I'll install it here10:23
SuperMattall righty10:24
JamesTaitBigRedS, masqmail might do it. I looked at it once, many moons ago, but never tried to install and configure it.10:28
JamesTaitbrobostigon, I might have spoken too soon about the gales.10:28
brobostigonohwell, :(10:30
ali1234ubuntu kernel is compiled with amiga partition table support and amiga FFS as a module10:47
ali1234i didn't expect that10:47
ali1234sadly, kpartx doesn't seem to understand anything other than dos partitions10:52
directhexpatches welcome!10:54
directhexgpt support in kpartx would be smart10:55
davmor2Morning all11:01
BigRedSJamesTait: ta!11:16
JamesTaitBigRedS, let me know if it works out, I might finally give it a try on my laptop.11:17
BigRedSJamesTait: I'll have a poke at it tonight; might need prodding to remind you of my success :)11:19
BigRedSor failure...11:19
JamesTaitBigRedS, not a problem. :)11:19
ali1234directhex: kpartx supports GPT already11:40
mungbeanhow do i show recently added bookmarks in chrome?11:53
mungbeanmeh found it, maybe i added them but they didn't sync :(11:54
popeyare they not in chrome://bookmarks/ ?11:54
popeyheh, I have zero bookmarks in any browser11:54
dwatkinsI tend to write a html file and use that as my homepage11:55
dwatkinsmuch quicker, doesn't depend on me being online etc.11:55
dwatkinsperhaps I'll include an image to test whether I'm online11:56
davmor2mungbean: if you are syncing to and from a tablet/phone and desktop you may be surprised where the mobile devices stick them11:57
mungbeangot 2 job offers on the table not sure which to take :S12:33
popeyflip a coin ☺12:33
mungbeana weighted one?12:35
mungbeanall along i've said i don't want job A (which is what i'm currently doing as a secondment) but rather Job B (some unknown element)12:35
mungbeanbut when it comes to it...getting cold feet12:35
popeythey're both within the same org?12:36
Azelphurflip a coin is actually a good trick, it's a psychology thing, if you're torn between two choices, flip a coin xD12:39
mungbeanyes popey12:42
mungbeanby nature i choose the safe option (i.e. known quantity)12:42
mungbeanbut under massive transformation we are losing good people and new tech is being deployed by numpties12:42
mungbeanon the plus side its good tech to work with12:43
mungbeanhowever the other job B gives me a warm feeling about helping people and maximising use of apps and technology for people12:44
mungbeanquandry :S12:44
BigRedSAzelphur: the trick isn't to just go on what the result of the coin flip saysm, but to ponder your reaction to it :)12:48
BigRedSof course, that way you might still never actually decide12:49
AzelphurBigRedS: indeed12:49
davmor2mungbean: the question is, is the money the same? if so then the only difference is the way the job makes you feel, I can tell you happier is better than sad but known.12:50
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/DwWJGcgu why is this patch doing this?12:51
davmor2Azelphur: knock the -bin off the patch name maybe12:53
BigRedSThere's a guy two desks down reading up on btrfs. I keep hearing "Oh wow, that's awesome" "We really need to be doing this"  etc.12:54
BigRedSmight have to experiment with this...12:54
Azelphurdavmor2: nope still same issue12:55
mungbeanmoney is the same davmor212:55
mungbeanmy heart says jobB, head says i know how to do jobA. i'm not really a risk taker12:56
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)13:01
bigcalmdavmor2: no, still just 'looking after it' for our neighbour. Neighbour is providing food and vet coverage13:01
davmor2bigcalm: yeah but they are home now :)13:02
davmor2bigcalm: hello by the way how is your holiday?13:02
bigcalmdavmor2: hence the ''. It's a bit odd13:02
davmor2bigcalm: also more importantly how is the new pc13:02
bigcalmdavmor2: hi :) I'm getting used to it13:02
bigcalmdavmor2: hasn't yet been purchased13:03
bigcalmdavmor2: I was able to get a quote from a Dell business sales person. Waiting for my company to place the order13:03
davmor2bigcalm: man the way you were talking you'd got it13:04
bigcalmdavmor2: for some reason, the quote I was given is less than the website stated13:04
bigcalmdavmor2: ah, no. I just like to be prepared. Will buy a 120ish GB SSD at some point in prep.13:04
AzelphurAnyone know who I might ask about bluez stuff?13:06
Azelphur#bluez-users is dead13:06
mungbeanin irrsi, i use alt+num to flick channels. if i have >10 channels, i do alt+0 then alt-arrow to move along - how do i jump to 13 directly?13:20
bigcalm /win 1313:21
bigcalmmungbean: there may be a plug-in to let you map more alt+<key>13:22
mungbeanok thanks, /win 13 is longer than alt ->13:23
popeymungbean: alt+e13:29
popeythe row below 1-013:29
popeygoes all the way up to alt+o13:30
mungbeanwow great :D13:30
mungbeanirc win today with all my questions13:30
mungbean(except the job one)13:30
popeywith the job one I'd compile a big spreadsheet with weighted pros and cons13:31
popeybut thats just me13:31
mungbeanthats a methodical approach i tend to agree with. i've been complaining about this job since last year, i think i know what to do13:36
mungbeani also pray about it, which i know you don't do ;)13:36
solarcloud_3srcnGo Jonathan !! http://www.indiegogo.com/sonar/x/2125880?c=home13:48
diplopopey: You about ?14:18
Flexhi guys, im trying to run a script via a cronjob and am setting the env variables within the script itself14:22
Flexdo i need to source the script itself?14:22
Flex. /path/to/script/script.sh14:22
popeydiplo: ya14:23
dwatkinssource a script within itself?14:25
dwatkinshow are you setting variables, and what shell does the script use, Flex?14:25
Flexdwatkins: bash and export14:26
dwatkinsshould be fine then, from what I remember14:26
Flexto do14:26
Flex. /path/to/script/script.sh14:27
dwatkinsI mean just setting a variable at the beginning of the script then using, printing it, you shouldn't need to include the script itself as that would be recursive.14:28
dwatkinsFlex: for example: http://hastebin.com/nucacoyaxi.bash14:29
diplopopey: Sorry my session seems to be broken on other machine14:29
diploJust wondering if you're still running Revo with XBMC14:29
diploif so, any recommendations before I reinstall, mines been on for 3+ yyears now i think14:30
Flexam running xbmc on my revo14:30
diploWhat are you running on it Flex ?14:30
diploMines still running 9.04, want to upgrade to Frodo and update OS as well14:30
Flexwin 7 a) because i use silver light b) the missus cant use linux14:31
diploah, no win7 license so stay with ubuntu i think, justnot sure which wm to go with14:31
dwatkinsfluxbox for teh win! ;)14:31
popeydiplo: yes, my "behind the telly" box is xbmc on a revo14:32
popeyI think it's xbmcbuntu14:32
diploah I was just checking that out now actually14:33
Flexdiplo: who needs a license ;)14:34
Flexdwatkins: not sure if that applies when running from cron though....?14:36
dwatkinsFlex: hmm, you might need to account for other environment variables (e.g. PATH) not being set, but I don't know much more than that14:37
popeyGoogle Nexus 4 is back "in stock" (ships in 1-2 weeks) https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=nexus_4_16gb15:06
davmor2ohhhhhhh rotate on the nexus 715:06
AzelphurI already got mine on my desk15:13
popeyjust ordered one ☺15:13
Azelphurwelcome to the club15:13
Azelphurpopey: rofl, and already my friend is like LOAN ME MONEY SO I CAN BUY NEXUS 415:14
Azelphurthat happened fast15:14
davmor2Azelphur: 400% interest see if still wants to borrow it then ;)15:15
Azelphurhe's a good mate of mine and his paycheck comes in tomorrow, so loaned him the money xD15:15
Flexwhat are you seeing? ERROR: Server returned error for?15:16
AzelphurWe couldn't complete your purchase because of a technical issue.15:16
AzelphurDetails of the problem below:15:16
AzelphurSorry, we were unable to process this request. The order has been automatically cancelled and you will not be charged for the purchase. Please try again later.15:16
* Azelphur facedesks15:17
Azelphurwoo, my friend managed to get one15:20
KungFuPanda:), I using network tool scan my port, only 80, 8088 are open. how could I remote connect it ?15:25
KungFuPandassh, remote desktop ?15:25
DJones!ssh | KungFuPanda15:26
lubotu3KungFuPanda: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:26
DJonesThat should get you started with ssh15:26
KungFuPandabut my port 22 is closed15:26
KungFuPandacan I use ssh by port 80 or 8088 ?15:27
dwatkinsI've run ssh on different ports before, so long as server and client agree and the port is open on the firewall etc. yeah15:27
KungFuPandaif I use port 80, is that will affect my browsing ?15:28
davmor2KungFuPanda: have you actually install the server for ssh which would open port 22?15:28
davmor2KungFuPanda: are you running a firewall15:29
KungFuPandaI tried ssh localhost, which success15:29
KungFuPandaufw inactive15:29
KungFuPandathe port be closed by router, I guess, I got public static ip15:29
DJonesHave you told your router to forward external requests to the machine with ssh running?15:29
KungFuPandaI try to avoid doing that, if I can find a solution.15:30
KungFuPandacan one port 80 provide 2 service ? http and ssh  at the same time ?15:31
DJonesThis should help you configure your router to forward whichever port you decide to forward to the machine running ssh http://portforward.com/routers.htm15:31
dwatkinsopening port 80 on your router for something to connect to from an external address is separate from connecting to an external website on port 8015:31
DJonesIf you use a non-standard port (ie not port 22) you'll need to configure ssh to listen on that port, the link from lubotu3 should give you details of how to do that15:32
KungFuPandathanks all , for you great help, I will try now.15:33
czajkowskixnox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/201315:34
MartijnVdSdwatkins: go go Samsung firmware17:13
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
davmor2MartijnVdS: UEFI is a pain in the arse fullstop17:27
MartijnVdSbut microsoft!17:27
davmor2MartijnVdS: Nope even MS from USB isn't entirely foolproof, from cd/dvd is fine but then so is Ubuntu but more and more devices don't have drives now17:28
MartijnVdSBut Microsoft made UEFI required, right?17:29
davmor2MartijnVdS: They tried to be clever, in order to speed up the boot process they do a search for secure uefi devices but do it occasionally faster than they give power to the usb ports meaning sometimes your device has no power and UEFI is marching on regardless17:31
davmor2MartijnVdS: and MS made secureboot a requirement which therefore made UEFI a requirement17:32
davmor2MartijnVdS: it does however mean that I have no license key sticker as the license key is the machine itself which I can see being an issue if you wanted to install windows 9 on that box :D17:34
MartijnVdSdavmor2: well if Win8 can read it, Win9 would be able to as well, right?17:35
AlanBellczajkowski: \o/ http://blog.ubuntu-women.org/2013/01/ubuntu-women-full-circle-follow-up-with-laura-czajkowski/17:35
MartijnVdSand the retail/upgrade versions come with keys17:35
davmor2MartijnVdS: but if it depends on a different secureboot key you might be stuffed unless you upgrade your hardware :)17:37
MartijnVdSdavmor2: Well.. or you can buy a patch from the manufacturer or MS of course!17:38
MartijnVdSfor £a_lot17:38
davmor2MartijnVdS: effectively turning your machine into a replaceable device whenever MS upgrade which would make the manufacturers happy17:39
czajkowskiAlanBell: :)17:40
* AlanBell is hanging out on G+ and talking about lenses and dashes and stuff with Jono Bacon and some others18:05
brobostigonis it possible, for my mums android tablet, when trying to download xmbc from mirror.ox.ac.uk to intterupt the whole wifi we are connected to?18:20
brobostigonit seems some what implausable.18:22
brobostigonbut seems to be the only factor.18:22
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeybrobostigon: eh?18:24
brobostigonpopey: the wifi seems to die, as soon as i try and download xmbc from that, it is very weird.18:25
brobostigonnot at all.18:25
=== solarcloud_3srcn is now known as solarcloud
solarcloudpopey, Nice question for Jono, Also that nexus 4 link doesn't work in the Isle of Man :-( ... does it still work for you, now ??20:32
popeytweet/G+ it and I'll retweet etc20:44
MartijnVdSpopey: about that :) Do you have some magic client that puts everything on G+ and twitter at the same time, or do you copy/paste everything you post?20:52
popey\o/ dots20:52
MartijnVdSDo you copy/paste?20:52
MartijnVdSSo no magic client? :(20:52
popeyI often type stuff in twitter first to fit the 140 chars, then paste elsewhere20:53
popeyand I do the same on PC or phone or tablet20:53
MartijnVdSpopey: I was wondering, because your twitter and G+ feeds are _very_ similar :)20:54
Azelphurwoooooooo, sixaxis developer fixed the bug for my gasia controllers21:21
Azelphurlet the emulators on htpc commence \o/21:21
BigRedSI have no audio on 13.04 :( Alsamixers not muted, what else should I be checking?21:41
dutchieare the speakers plugged in21:44
BigRedSAh, no, I've done that before, too. This is a laptop though21:45

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