
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi nlsthzn and others05:11
jrgnsMorning Kilos, all05:42
Kiloshi jrgns 05:42
Kiloshi superfly maiatoday 06:22
maiatodayHi Kilos06:22
maiatodaySorry I missed your hi the other day06:23
Kilosnp girl i forgive you! hehe i know you are busy06:24
superflyhiya maiatoday06:24
superflymorning Kilos06:24
maiatodayhi superfly06:25
magespawnmorning all06:31
inetprogood morning06:32
maiatodayhi magespawn inetpro06:35
Kiloshi magespawn 06:35
inetprowb maiatoday06:35
magespawnhey maiatoday inetpro Kilos06:35
* Kilos peeks but sees no pro06:36
inetprogoeie more Kilos06:39
Kilosmôre inetpro 06:40
inetproek het mos gegroet?06:40
superflyaloha magespawn06:40
magespawnhey superfly06:40
* staticrat waves hallo07:19
Kiloshi staticrat 07:19
Kiloshi henkj Tonberry-vaio zeref 07:19
staticrathello kilos07:19
magespawnnew peeps?07:19
staticratim new :)07:19
Kilosyou new here staticrat ?07:20
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za07:20
magespawnthen you are most welcome staticrat07:20
staticratawesome thx :)07:20
Kilostell us a bit about yourself?07:20
Kiloswhat you do and that os you use etc07:20
staticratI'm a network administartor07:21
staticratand been using linuxmint 14 since yesterday :)07:21
Kilosand before?07:21
henkjhi Kilos 07:22
Kilosstaticrat, where are you situated?07:22
staticratubuntu 10.4 tls07:22
Kiloswe have another mint user here too Squirm 07:23
staticratlimpopo and you kilos?07:23
Kilospa staticrat  you far north07:23
staticratwell hello squirm then :)07:23
Kilosi think he uses mate on mint to make it gnome207:23
staticratif we not melting away then we flooding away07:24
Kilosi have used mate on 12.0407:24
Kilosyeah weather has gone crazy hey?07:24
staticratalso using MATE this side....could not decide between cinnamon KDE or MATE07:25
Kilosanyway this is the channel where the brains lurk07:25
staticratjust closed my eyes and clicked one LOL07:25
staticrati have brains07:25
staticrati think07:25
Kiloswe got dev guys and python experts and other helpful peeps 07:26
staticratso what gets discussed on this channel?07:26
Kilosand me07:26
Kilosim the greeter bot07:26
Kilosmost things linux07:26
Kilosand weather07:26
Kilosand the odd farming tips etc07:26
Kilosand family matters07:27
magespawnstaticrat: everything from ubuntu, almost all flavours, vet advice, recipies07:27
staticrat"a man can never be a man, if he doesnt have family"07:27
Kilosgo magespawn my fingers are tired07:27
Kiloswell said07:28
staticratso only 3 talking in a room of 3207:28
Kilosothers are working07:29
staticratwell i should too :)07:29
Kilosbut when one has any problems  you explain the prob as clearly as you can then wait07:29
staticratcool, does that just cover linux based or say if I have a problem on my network, would i ask here or on another channel?07:30
Kilosthe guys here can normally help with that too when they have time07:31
staticratthats cool, hopefully in time I would be able to assist someone else here then....I'll add the channel to my list :)07:31
Kiloslotsa guys here do large companies 07:31
Kiloshow did you find usafter so long on ubuntu07:32
staticratwell truth is ....07:32
staticratI been playing with linux more than actually using it as my prefered OS07:33
staticrati know07:33
staticratbut I do feel a change in the wind :)07:33
Kilossuperfly, inetpro say hi to staticrat 07:33
Kiloshere everyone uses linux first then the other stuff after07:34
Kiloswe have another network guy, yay07:34
staticratguess i got it backwards then07:34
inetprostaticrat: hi and welcome to #ubuntu-za07:35
staticratcool, thx inetpro07:35
inetprostaticrat: just stick around here, Kilos will make you famous07:36
Kilosthe pro is very clever too staticrat for an old man that is07:36
staticratnot sure if I would want to be famous....07:36
Kiloshe is just rambling07:37
Kilosits the age you know07:37
KilosMaaz, hmm...07:37
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking07:37
inetproMaaz: thinking07:37
MaazThinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it. - Henry Ford07:37
Kilosit hurts the brain07:38
staticrati want surgery to remove the nerves that causes pain, that way i can think all day long07:38
Kilosstaticrat, we have maaz who is our resident bot written by locals07:38
staticratand maaz can do what07:39
* inetpro goes to hide in a corner to do some thinking07:39
KilosMaaz, help07:40
MaazKilos: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.07:40
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.07:40
Kilosi dont know if you can install ibid on mint but its worth a try07:41
Kilosthen you setup youre own bot07:41
staticrati will check it out07:41
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:41
* Maaz washes some mugs07:41
staticratfor now i have to be gone, need to setup a projector in the boardroom....sound like fun :)07:42
Kilosnice meeting you have a good day07:42
staticratuntil later then, nice meeting you as well07:43
* staticrat away doing something else in need of less brain power07:44
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:45
KilosMaaz, ty07:45
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:45
superflyinetpro: I can still smell you thinking07:46
Kiloswood or rubber burning07:46
Tonberry-vaiothat's just wrong07:48
Kiloswhats with the -vaio Tonberry-vaio 07:49
Tonberry-vaioi'm on my laptop and my pc is still on irc07:50
Tonberry-vaioon some servers at least07:50
Kilosyeah i mean has it got a meaning07:50
Tonberry-vaiothe laptop is a sony vaio07:50
superflyTonberry-vaio: use a distributed IRC client then07:51
* inetpro forgot what he was thinking07:54
Kilosaw thats age07:54
Kilosi asked the weed for a link to who does what in the dev team and when i got there had forgotten why07:55
Tonberry-vaiotoo lazy to set up a bouncer07:55
staticratlooking for vga driver for dell studio 155008:32
Kilosprogress inetpro . ian is running 12.04 kde with all the other stuff working in virtual box08:54
inetproKilos: what other stuff?08:58
Kiloswin7 and all the hand/palm/fingerprint scanners and security monitors08:59
Kiloshe cant get linux software for the hardware09:02
Kilos(glipper:4681): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.09:14
Kilosmust one run glipper with sudo?09:15
Kiloshmm... forgot no one here uses unity09:27
Kiloswb drussell 09:39
Kilosbeen on holiday?09:40
drussellKilos: hehehe I wish ;o)09:44
Kilosthe locals there are always on holiday. only the foreign peeps work09:44
Kilosoh inetpro i spoke to 8ta. they dont have the unrestricted goodie voda does, but told me they can speed up your net speed if you are online and fone and go through it with them09:49
Kilosgot another 8ta sim last night so will fone soonish and let you know the outcome09:50
* staticrat waves hello10:10
Kiloswb staticrat 10:10
Kilosdid you get drivers?10:10
staticrathey thx10:10
staticratnope not yet10:10
staticratnow messing around on mint, trying to figure out how to remove the separator from the favorite menu10:11
Kilosyou want for mint. so linux drivers10:11
staticrati will check out this link10:11
Kilosi didnt check if its for linux10:12
staticrati see it does have a download for ubuntu 10.1010:12
staticratnot sure if it will work with mint10:12
KilosMaaz, google linux vga drivers for dell 155010:12
MaazKilos: "Graphics card for dell vostro 1550 window 7 - drivers - windows-7" http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/35517-63-graphics-card-dell-vostro-1550-window :: "Drivers for notebook Dell Vostro 1550 - DriverPack Solution" http://drp.su/drivers/notebooks/?v=Dell&m=Vostro%201550&id=57053&l=en :: "Vostro 1550 - Drivers & Downloads | Dell United States"10:13
Maazhttp://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/04/Product/vostro-1550 :: "Dell Vostro 1550 Drivers Windows 7 :…10:13
staticratthe reason i was looking for one is when I connect a projector to my notebook my display changes to 1024x80010:15
Kilosall for win710:16
staticratwin7 no help, need for linux mint 1410:17
KilosMaaz, google del 1550 drivers for mint 1410:17
MaazKilos: "Bug #991680 “[SOLVED]Huawei E220 and E1550 can't connect on ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/991680 :: "2011- 2012 MINT 11-20 ENCLOSURE - GSA" http://www.gsa.gov/graphics/fas/Stroup_20112012MINT1120ENCLOSURE.pdf :: "The Linux Mint Blog » Blog Archive » Linux Mint 10 KDE: User Input" http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=1550 :: "Debian User Forums • View10:17
Maaztopic - [SOLVED] ATI driver problem with ..." http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t…10:17
Kilossjoe hang around. maybe one of the guys will have an idea10:18
* staticrat hanging around for ideas :)10:18
staticrati feel dumb today10:19
Kiloswhat maaz cant find for me i ask here for help10:19
Kilosif the netbook thing works and only changes when you plugin the projector it might be some settings you gotta change10:20
staticratthink so as well but did see that when I connect the projector I cant change the resolution10:21
staticratnot that big of an issue, this is just for learning purposes. you know  - knowing how to fix this for future reference10:22
staticratfirst i need to get used to this workspace thing10:22
magespawni think there is a setting under displays where you can specify two different resolutions one for each display10:23
Kiloslook here and see what they say10:23
superflystaticrat: which graphics card?10:24
staticratATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 graphics10:27
superflystaticrat: using the proprietary drivers, or the open source ones?10:28
staticratopen source I think10:28
superflythen just use the built-in screen tool to set up your resolutions10:29
superflyI don't use Gnome, so I can't help you with anything Gnome specific, but I've done it tons before in KDE10:30
staticrati will give it another bash just now....will feedback results10:30
inetproKilos: better 8ta speeds? Sounds nice. Let me know the results.10:31
Kiloswill do inetpro 10:31
Kiloswaiting for friday to put new 2+1 in10:32
* staticrat is back11:29
staticratnope :(11:30
staticratvery weird to me11:30
staticratonce projector is connected it displays the second workspace but no app is displayed when moving it towards the workspace11:31
staticratwhen I enable to mirror my display it then causes my notebook monitor to display at a lower resolution 11:32
Kilosdid you install the ati driver?11:33
staticrati did but no luck with that as well11:33
Kiloshas mint got a goodie called additional drivers11:34
staticratnot as far as I know11:34
Kiloswhere do you plug the projector in? usb11:34
Kilosi never seen that11:35
staticratno via VGA11:35
staticratperhaps I should test with HDMI11:36
staticratno matter I will play around some more, whats happening here today?11:37
Kiloseveryone saltmining11:38
Kilosexcept me11:38
Kilossomeone will comeup with another suggestion some time11:39
Kilosi know nothing about what you are doing11:40
magespawni am not sure where it is under unity, but under monitors somewhere allows you to cahnge the settings11:40
Kiloshe is on mint magespawn 11:40
staticratmenu > control centre > monitors11:40
staticratand the guys at #linuxmint-chat is not as friendly as you peeps are11:41
staticratdid not even get a response :(11:41
Kilosno other channel matches with #ubuntu-za11:41
staticratperhaps i should reload my pc and try ubuntu11:42
Kilosits different now to when you tried11:43
staticratLOL - using mint but looking towards ubuntu users for support11:43
Kiloshave you looked at kubuntu11:43
staticratthink i ran a liveCD some time ago11:43
Kilosthe guys here help any linux person11:44
Kiloswith kde you have 2 experts here11:44
Kilosthe fly and pro11:44
staticratthey are?11:44
Kilosthey live on kubuntu11:44
Kilossuperfly, and inetpro 11:44
staticratnd u?11:45
Kilosi have it on another drive but im learning too11:45
staticratyou using gnome?11:45
Kilosactually quite lekker when you get to understand it a bit11:46
Kilosim on unity11:46
Kilosubuntu 12.0411:46
Kilosubuntu has moved from gnome to unity11:46
staticratwell i am not mr current affairs so when was this move? last ubuntu i used still ran on gnome11:47
Kilos18 months ago or so11:47
Kilossince 11.0411:47
Kilosi think11:47
staticratah 11:48
inetprostaticrat: so you have two VGA outputs?11:48
Kilosbut even unity you can get used to11:48
Kilosthere the pro11:48
staticratno just one inetpro11:49
inetproahh, you wanted output on the laptop as well as on the big screen?11:49
Kilosa netbook is a lappy thing hey?11:49
inetpromany times it also depends on the projector11:49
staticratno I would just like to change the display settings on my notebook monitor when the projector is connected. Who uses 800x600 today11:51
superflystaticrat: most projectors are way behind screens11:52
inetproprojectors come with different resolutions 11:52
superflythey've only *just* started bringing out widescreen projectors11:52
staticratand I got one of those, actually pretty cool. EPSON EB-9511:53
inetproKilos: a netbook is smaller than a laptop11:53
staticratwho invented a netbook?11:53
* staticrat giving a opinion11:54
* inetpro loves the netbook11:54
superflystaticrat: so is your notebook's screen becoming 800x600 ?11:54
inetprobaught one for my wife some time ago and she's still using it11:54
inetproIIRC it was even two years ago11:55
staticratinetpro: tablet or netbook11:55
inetprosuperfly: correct, thanks :-)11:55
inetprostaticrat: netbook11:55
staticratsuperfly: yes  it does11:55
inetproone of those R1999 Acer specials11:55
staticratI remember those did they not come pre-installed with some linux distro11:56
inetprostaticrat: not sure what it was, first thing I did was to install Kubuntu11:57
inetproshe's now running on Unity but still prefers KDE11:57
* inetpro should change that at some point11:57
staticratubuntu or kubuntu /me looking at downloading one of the two11:58
Kilosthey both say kubuntu11:59
staticrati like mint but have to be honest. There too much of a 'microsoft' feel to it11:59
Kilosif you got fast uncapped internet get both12:00
Kilosthen you can see what you prefer12:00
superflystaticrat: so just go to system settings -> monitors and resolutions and check that your screen resolution is correct12:00
staticratim in limpopo? they steal the lines faster than you can download12:00
Kiloslol like here. 3g is costly though12:00
staticratsuperfly: I did but once the projector is connected I cannot change the screen resolution 12:01
* staticrat thinks he need to re-establish what he know about linux12:01
Kilossee what they say12:04
Kilosonly one i saw12:04
Kilossuperfly, you will need to help him nearly like me12:04
Kilosoh staticrat have you upgraded12:05
Kilosyou know how to use a terminal?12:06
Kiloswhere you type in commands12:06
staticratyes I am familiar with using the terminal12:06
Kilossudo apt-get update12:06
Kilosthen sudo apt-get upgrade12:07
Kilosthen watch data run12:07
Kilosdoes mint use apt-get and aptitude?12:08
Kilosok check for update/upgrades12:08
staticratsome index files failed to download12:08
staticratafter running sudo apt-get update12:09
Kilossome or did it get some?12:09
staticratthey have been ignored or old ones used instead12:09
KilosSquirm, ping12:09
Kilosyou have an update manager12:09
Kilosdo you see it in system12:10
staticratyeah but it says the same message. started this morning but just didnt have time to look into it. 12:10
Kilossystem admin12:10
Kilosnormally thats internet connection or your repo is down12:11
staticratthe sudo apt-get upgrade finished 12:11
Kiloswhat did it get?12:12
Kilostoo fast to see?12:12
staticratwas about to say loads of things moving fast12:12
Kilosdid it say how much was downloaded12:12
Kilosshould say fetched xx meg in so much time12:13
staticratmight have ... I closed the window before reading the results...12:13
staticrati know 12:13
Kiloshow fast is your internet there12:14
Kilosnormally the diffs between a clean install and the first upgrade is 100's of megs12:14
staticratwell I have 4MB UC/US line12:14
Kilosit didnt want to reboot to complete the upgrade?12:15
staticratwell i did that yesterday via the update manager and it downloaded about 250MB 12:15
staticratbut there is a few things that annoys me with mint (or it could be the user)12:16
Kilossuperfly, inetpro advice on whether to get kde or unity and what release12:17
Kilosour mint user isnt talking12:17
staticratthe 'hot corner" to which between workspaces doesnt work12:18
Kilosive never seen mint staticrat so im lost there12:19
* staticrat downloading ubuntu 12.04.1 desktop 32bit12:19
Kilosok thats what i got12:19
Kilosbut i need help too12:20
staticratkilos: me either that why i installed to see how mint works.12:20
Kilosso bare with me12:20
inetprostaticrat: your best option is to try things for yourself12:20
* inetpro prefers Kubuntu12:20
staticratinetpro: exactly :)12:20
inetproI have never used Mint but know some people who like it12:20
magespawninetpro i have found that Kubuntu is the biggest learning curve coming from the other os12:21
inetprobut as far as I am aware even with Mint you have the option to run your choice of window manager12:21
staticratwell I used to run ubuntu and fedora 12:22
inetpromagespawn: that is probably because Unity is scaled down 12:22
inetpromagespawn: they leave the average user with little choice 12:22
inetproyou can't customise as many things as with KDE12:22
Kilosunity isnt bad staticrat 12:23
magespawnkde give TONS of choice12:23
* inetpro loves choice12:23
staticratkilos: we will soon find out - the next time we chat I will be running ubuntu :)12:23
Kiloskde doesnt bloep12:23
* inetpro hates having to sit in one corner all day12:24
Kilosstaticrat, how do you get here12:24
Kilosinstall xchat12:25
Kilosnot xchat-gnome12:25
inetproWhy Linux Does Not Suck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfLqLK7VdQY12:25
Kilosai die busie weer12:25
staticratdoes xchat comes default with ubuntu?12:26
Kilosnope you type in sudo apt-get install xchat12:27
* staticrat reloading notebook - away with mint12:27
Kilosafter sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:27
Kilosand also sudo apt-get install aptitude12:28
staticratok guys see you soon12:28
Kilospidgin is for gtalk and msn and mxit12:28
Kiloswho remembers where the link is to the unity guide12:30
superflyKilos: no, that's to Unity3D, a game engine12:33
magespawnisn't mint based on ubuntu?12:38
Kiloswhat ever happened to sflr12:42
Kilosis that it12:48
magespawnby the by for ingress, i never got an invite, just downloaded the app and used my google account to login\12:48
Kiloshaha ingess is taking over here12:50
Kilosyou all gonna be rich land owners12:50
magespawnapparently i am resistance12:57
superflymagespawn: really?12:58
superfly(not for resistance, but for no invite)12:58
magespawnyes or at least i did not see one 12:59
superflymagespawn: submit portals all over hluhluwe, and then go capture them when they are approved :-)12:59
magespawnstill going through the training13:00
* staticrat is back13:09
staticratman have there been changes in ubuntu or what13:10
magespawnsuperfly how do you see portals13:12
* magespawn goes to google13:12
magespawna few staticrat13:14
staticratwell i do like the look13:14
staticratnow let the exploring begin13:14
Kiloslol wb staticrat 13:15
staticratthx kilos13:15
Kilosi think this gives you a book13:15
Kilosthe bar on the left is your launcher13:16
Kilostop is the dash13:16
Kilosin dash you type ter and get a terminal13:16
Kilosor ctrl + alt + t13:16
staticratcool was looking for terminal as soon as i logged in13:17
Kilosi struggled in the beginning13:17
Kiloshave you updated/upgraded?13:18
staticratyeah done that13:18
staticratgot xchat13:18
Kilostry this one too13:18
staticratrun update and still busy with upgarde13:18
Kilossudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:18
* staticrat will not close the window after upgrade.13:19
Kilosmy one didnt do a full upgrade till i did dist-upgrade13:19
Kilosat the bottom of the launcher you have workspace switcher13:19
Kilosi use one for xchat13:20
Kilosyou can open more terminals13:20
staticratwell this workspaces works for me :)13:21
Kilosalso in launcher there is a terminal icon which will open the terminal you are using on the workspace you are on13:21
Kilosi use 1013:21
staticratdo you place the terminal in the launcher or is it there by default13:23
Kilosit is there13:23
Kilosblack square13:23
Kilosmaybe far down13:23
Kilosi remove all the libre office stuff13:23
Kilosright click remove from panel/launcher or something13:24
Kilosevery new app you have running will show there13:24
Kilosand flash when somethiong happens13:25
staticratcool 13:25
Kilosor as with xchat put the number of messages you have received13:25
staticratwhat mail client do you use?13:25
Kilosi use evolution13:25
Kilosdont like thunderbird13:26
staticratok, good support for exchange?13:26
superflymagespawn: ingress.com/intel13:26
Kiloswhats exchange?13:26
magespawnsuperfly my screen keeps going black maybe a bug, shows the scanner but nothing else13:27
staticratI am a windows user. That is where my money comes from, thanks to Bill Gates I have a job13:27
staticratMicrosoft Exchange Server13:27
Kilostry evolution if it dont work then we find something else13:28
staticratyip the way I see it is that MS created a "dodgy OS" and there needs to be someone to solve the problems13:28
staticrator try13:28
Kilosi dont know about that stuff but evolution works with gmail hotmail yahoo etc13:29
Kilosso who knows if it works with microstinks13:29
Kilosalso evo can make its own backup folder for future installs13:30
staticratI will find out for you and let you know. I still need to support MS systems13:30
Kilosyou can still13:30
Kiloslost of the guys here work on ms pcs as well13:30
Kiloshave no choice13:30
staticratwell like a famous man once said: I like choice13:31
Kilosbut ms help needs to be discussed on another channel as its kinda off topic here13:31
staticratnot going to ask MS help here13:31
staticratbut I am going to annoy you all with ubuntu help13:32
Kilosfor other os help you can ask on my channel13:32
* staticrat gives evil laugh13:32
magespawnstaticrat: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=321450&p=186866213:32
Kilosim here most of the day when not cooking or looking after sheep and fowls13:32
Kilosunity is actually very usable13:33
Kilosand 12.04 is stable13:33
staticratthx magespawn13:34
magespawnsuperfly: seems to be working now13:35
staticratkilos: you got sheep?13:35
Kilosmy sister has13:36
magespawnyou make that sound like a disease of affliction13:36
Kilosi look after them when they are at work13:36
Kiloschops on the hoof13:37
magespawningress: all your data will be ours13:37
Kilosyou watching the upgrading staticrat ?13:38
Kilosi like watching it do stuff13:39
staticratyeah im watching it13:39
Kilosinteresting if you can keep up13:39
staticratits done13:40
Kilosthat was quick13:41
Kilosok sudo apt-get install aptitude13:41
staticratthat took like 15min13:41
staticrati thinl13:41
Kilosthats quick13:41
Kilosnappy moves13:42
Kilosnetbook lappy13:42
staticratwhat is aptitude13:42
Kilosits like apt-get but better13:42
staticratcause it's done13:42
staticratdo I use diff command in terminal then13:43
Kilosok now you use aptitude to install13:43
Kilossudo aptitude install xchat evolution13:43
staticratoh i.e. sudo aptitude install <something>13:43
Kilosdoes your shutdown button glow red?13:44
staticratno should it?13:44
Kilosdo sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:44
Kilosit goes red when it wants to rebbot to complete upgrading13:45
staticratits done13:45
staticratno red button though13:46
Kilosif you click it does it show you need to reboot13:46
Kilosnever mind13:47
Kilosok what else you wanna do13:47
staticratgo home13:47
Kilosdoes nappy go home with you?13:47
staticratwell i finish at 4 and yes nappy does13:47
magespawnsuperfly looks like the enlightened are losing13:48
Kilosah the guys are here most of the night13:48
Kilosi sleep early normally13:48
staticratneed some time to check out ubuntu, but I will be online again later tonight. 13:48
Kilosgo well13:49
* staticrat wishes everyone a great evening 13:49
Kiloshopefully another satisfied customer13:52
* Squirm pokes around the channel13:55
Kiloshmm... you lost a mint customer13:56
Kiloswe converted him13:56
inetprowell done Kilos!13:58
Kilosyou serious?13:58
inetproMaaz: Kilos ++ [for professional support services]13:58
Kilosaw ty inetpro 13:59
Kilosi was waiting for someone to say aptitude doesnt have cow power14:01
Kiloscant charl on the lists unplug the eth0 and do his install then connect again?14:14
Kiloshmm... heres a tool for converting media formats and says it has a built in youtube downloader14:27
magespawnhow to write app for ubuntu starting in #ubuntu-classroom15:00
Kilosty magespawn 15:00
magespawnclassroom timetable here http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html15:01
* Kilos gone to see. got 100m till friday morning hehe15:02
magespawnlater all15:08
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
inetproKilos: wat het van smile geword?16:04
Kilos?? inetpro seker verlief geraak16:04
* inetpro soek sy hulp16:04
Kilosmiskien het ek sy epos addy, sal kyk16:05
LionthinkerKilos, apologies about just disappearing  yesterday16:07
Kilosnp Lionthinker 16:07
Kilossaw you at the classroom16:07
Kilosinetpro, ping16:14
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Lionthinkerwhen's next loco meeting16:41
Kilos18th feb16:44
Kilosall info is normally in the topics bar at the top16:47
Kiloson xchat anyway16:47
Kilosi spose quassel too16:48
inetproLionthinker: you have something to discuss?16:48
inetproKilos: wat gekry?16:48
inetproKilos: pong16:49
Kilosai ek sukkel16:49
Kilospm toe16:49
Kilosis jy oppie selfoon16:49
Kilosai pong en verdwyn16:50
inetproKilos: ai!16:51
inetproek is hier16:51
Kilospm man16:51
inetproskuus man16:52
Kiloswil jy my epos addy he weer16:52
* inetpro het soveel as moontlik inligting nodig oor Bulimie in Afrikaans16:54
inetprothat ^^ is for a school task16:54
Kiloswatgebeur daar?16:54
inetproKilos: skuus, ek was gou weg vir aandete16:55
inetproek wonder of die volgende webtuiste die moeite werd is om in te skryf: 16:56
inetproR500 vir 12 maande16:56
inetproek is sommer vies vanaand16:56
inetproin die ou dae het al die skole goeie biblioteke gehad16:57
inetprojy kon enige onderwerp maklik studeer16:57
Kilosdaar is ook die stad se biblioteke16:57
inetpronou is daar net sommige mense wat weet hoe om die inligting op die netwerke te vind16:58
inetproander betaal daarvoor16:58
inetproen die res het niks 16:58
inetproeintlik die meerderheid het nie 'n benul nie16:58
Kilosek gaan eet gou16:58
inetprolekker eet oom16:59
Lionthinkerinetpro, yeh I'm thinking about the Consumer protection avenue as a way to do something about the lack of Ubuntu computers for sale and redmond's dominance16:59
inetproLionthinker: looks like you have some frustrations to get rid of?17:00
Lionthinkernope, just followed the email lists frustrations but prefer to do something than to sit and complain17:00
Lionthinkerthought it could be an agenda point17:00
inetproLionthinker: add it as point 6 on teh agenda at http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/535/detail/17:02
inetprothe current 6 will become 717:03
inetproLionthinker: are you a registered ubuntu-za user on launchpad?17:04
* staticrat_m waves hello17:13
staticrat_mHav to say ubuntu is treating me well17:15
Kiloslol thats goos staticrat_m 17:16
staticrat_mOn me mobile get it lol17:16
Kilosunity is quite nice once you got the basics down17:16
staticrat_mThe pdf was very useful but not done with it yet17:17
KilosLionthinker, try get some more of the lists guys that were involved to also come here17:18
Kilosespecially for the meeting but anytime is good17:18
staticrat_mAm i missing something17:18
Kilosyou okes and your mod cellfones17:18
Kilosyou still need to join our mailing list staticrat_m 17:19
Kilosbecome part of our community17:19
staticrat_mReally ? I will join with my other UN17:20
Kiloswhats a UN?17:20
Kilosyou okes17:20
staticrat_mHad to install the vga driver17:21
inetproKilos: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za17:21
Kilosyes but unity gives you the choice of additional drivers17:21
inetproKilos: it's linked above17:21
staticrat_mI saw17:22
staticrat_mMade it rather easy17:22
Kilosyeah it does when its automatic hey17:22
inetprostaticrat_m: welcome back17:22
staticrat_mUbuntu 1 mint 0 lol17:22
staticrat_mTy inetpro17:22
Kilosyou most likely will need to reinstall everytime they do big upgrades17:23
Kiloskernel upgrades i think17:23
inetproKilos: why?17:23
Kiloswell inetpro 17:23
staticrat_mYeah why17:23
staticrat_mBut then again there is a backup utility17:24
Kiloshere by me everytime something updates i go back to that 800x640 screen resolution17:24
inetproreinstalls are very rarely necessary17:24
inetproKilos: then you are doing something wrong17:24
Kilostell my unity that inetpro 17:24
Kilosya upgrading17:24
Kilosoh ya staticrat_m that deja-dup backup works well17:25
staticrat_mYeah i shall test it tomorrow17:25
Kilosbut if your graphics driver goe swith upgrading you just type additional drivers in dash and it goes to the job again17:26
Kilosi used it from 10.10 to get 10 workspaces here17:26
staticrat_mBusy busy ek se17:27
Kilosi battle with the minimising thing like winsucks so i have a workspace for each app i run17:28
Kilosai android died17:28
Kilosinetpro, haai17:28
Kiloshoe werk die bossie met xmonad17:28
inetproKilos: huh?17:29
inetproKilos: vir wat stress jy nou oor sulke goed?17:30
inetprogebruik jy xmonad?17:30
Kiloshi magtie Vince-0 17:37
Kilosnee man ek wou sien hoe werk hy17:37
Kilosmaar jy sien net cli's17:38
Kiloswaar is al die goed op jou desktop17:38
inetproKilos: nee man, as jy eers begin reg werk het jy't nie iets anders as cli nodig nie17:45
inetproof nie veel anders17:45
Kilostumbleweed, how did you tweak xmonad? is all you see cli's?17:48
Kilosno gui?17:48
Kiloslike how do you know if i mention your nick? does the prompt say Kilos calling17:49
Kilosor sudo play movie17:57
inetproKilos: wil jy xmonad laai?18:03
Kilosek wou did probeer ja18:04
Kilosmmar nie met als cli nie18:04
Kilosas dit hierdie goed kan teel is dit goed18:05
Kilosmaar ek moet sien wat is wat18:05
inetproKilos: jy't so pas begin gewoond raak aan unity18:05
inetproek sou aanbeveel dat jy so bietjie aanhou daarmee18:06
Kiloslol ja ek weet maar a change is as good as a holiday18:06
Kilosen kde ook18:06
Kilosmoenie vergeet nie18:06
Kilosen maverick18:06
Kilosen server18:06
Kilosraak net bietjie dearmekaar partykeer18:07
plustwoo/ hi all18:08
Kiloshi plustwo wb18:08
plustwoyo yo Kilos...18:08
Kilosyou like a major lurker hey?18:09
Kilos6 months at a time18:09
plustwoinetpro: lo18:09
inetproplustwo: waar val jy uit die bus uit18:10
plustwouit die lewende bus af18:10
inetproplustwo: het jy in die klaskamer gaan kuier?18:13
inetproCurrent Session in #ubuntu-classroom: Testing with Autopilot - balloons, thomi18:14
plustwoinetpro: ja meneer...18:14
plustwomy kop is nou bietjie seer...18:14
* inetpro wonders what that is all about18:14
inetproplustwo: het jy balonne opgeblaas?18:15
plustwonee, lol18:16
Kilosinetpro, het jy die glimlagger ge epos18:16
plustwoit's developer's week on the classroom...18:16
inetproKilos: jaja18:17
Kilosoh thats where the weed is18:17
Kilosi saw his nick there18:17
plustwohmmmm ....18:17
inetproMaaz: coffee on18:18
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:18
Kilosi tried to get that quickly but it didnt download18:18
Kilosjust said it will download soon for hours18:18
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:19
MaazKilos: Yessir18:19
* inetpro can smell the coffee already18:19
Kilosinetpro, did you get quickly downloaded18:19
plustwoMaaz: hi18:19
MaazHello plustwo18:19
inetproKilos: I'm not in the classroom18:20
Kilosthis was hours ago with the writing ubuntu apps18:20
inetpromy job is just to make peeps aware of these things18:21
plustwoquickly is quite good, i used it a few times trying my hand at development18:21
* inetpro ran out of time on sysadmin alone a long time ago, no time for development18:22
Kiloslooks abit easier than vim18:22
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!18:22
inetproMaaz: dankie18:22
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend18:22
KilosMaaz, danke18:22
inetprozeref: wb18:22
* plustwo wrote a dvd library app some weeks ago18:23
* inetpro sits back and enjoys a fresh cup of coffee and rusks18:24
plustwoif one want to suggest a topic for the ubuntu-classroom, where would one send it to or to who?18:26
superflyubuntu-classroom-chat I think18:28
plustwook, will give it a try.18:28
plustwosuperfly: thank you18:28
Kilosmaybe these guys will know too18:29
Kilosnight all . sleep tight18:36
Vince-0read about ProjectSunrise20:21
Vince-0Africa / ZA hacktivism it seems a bit weak20:21
* Squirm yawns20:23
Squirmnight all20:23

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