
bizhanMonaHI is there a depency between upstart and dbus? Thx21:32
=== supster_ is now known as supster
supsterDoes anyone see any issues with this Upstart job? Are there any improvements to make? https://gist.github.com/467828523:20
SpamapSbizhanMona: yes, upstart uses dbus for some things.23:23
SpamapSsupster: start on startup is *way* too early23:23
SpamapSsupster: that event happens before any filesystems have been mounted23:23
SpamapSsupster: and before networking is available23:23
SpamapSsupster: also chdir is a declarative bit, so you can move that out of the script23:24
SpamapSsupster: further, newer versions of upstart will log all output at /var/log/upstart/$jobname.log ...23:24
SpamapSsupster: so you can consider just letting that be your log file..23:25
supsterSpamapS: I guess  I want start on runlevel [2345] then?23:25
supsterit will log STDOUT and STDERR there?23:25
SpamapSsupster: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1591130/23:29
supsterrunlevel [016], not just [016] - right?23:30
supsterand how is that different than "on shutdown"?23:30
SpamapSsupster: right, sorry I messed that up. .runlevel [016]23:34
SpamapSsupster: shutdown is not an event23:34
SpamapSsupster: that job will never stop23:34
supsterSpamapS: I see23:34
supsterSpamapS: if I don't use `set -a` i don't get the env variables from $CONF_PATH23:34
supsterSpamapS: is there something else wrong?23:34
SpamapSsupster: ah so $CONF_PATH doesn't export23:35
supstercorrect ... should it?23:35
supsteri am not sure what the convention is for having a conf file that is just env variables23:35
SpamapSsupster: well...23:37
SpamapSsupster: if it were me I'd do it in /etc/init/jobname.override as env statements23:37
supsterSpamapS: for more context: I am passing things like the port to listen on and the database connection string to my app23:39
supsterSpamapS: what would the override file look like? just env stanzas? would those be automatically a part of my app's env or do i still need to pass them somehow?23:41
SpamapSsupster: that override file is parsed just like an upstart file23:44
SpamapSsupster: the difference is just that you can treat it more like a config file23:44
SpamapSsupster: actually why not just do those env statements in the .conf ?23:44
SpamapSsupster: in the upstart job file I mean23:44
supsterSpamapS: yeah.... my original thought was that it would be better to separate the upstart logic and the application configuration23:48
supsterSpamapS: because different servers will need to run with different configuration23:48
supsterSpamapS: but maybe it can just all be in that file23:49
supster*the single upstart job file23:49

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