
ochosimicahg: forwarding the new xubuntu-meme (courtesy of bluesabre) to you: http://imagebin.org/24474101:40
ochosii really love it01:40
ochosishould go on our website01:40
Unit193That's awesome.01:40
bluesabreI just feel like that's the feeling we all get once every few days :)01:41
Noskcajjust found a bug in 12.10, at least xubuntu amd64. when you make a program open in half the screen by dragging it to the top, pressing the maximise button maxes the top part of the window go above the screen06:50
Noskcajping to anyone online07:22
Noskcajknome, please read the previous post, just want to check it's not already reported07:45
Noskcajalso, bug 1065789, just letting you know07:46
ubottubug 1065789 in ubuntu-website-content "the release notes link in installer points to www.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106578907:46
knomei don't know if it's reported, but i can confirm07:49
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Noskcajknome, ok, any idea what package? also, know anyone able to confirm bug 1087409 or real hardware?08:16
ubottubug 1087409 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "*buntu dailys take 3 minutes to get to the next screen if install mp3 is selected." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108740908:16
knomei believe xfwm408:17
knomere: confirm on real hw: no, not at this moment08:18
knomeUnit193 maybe08:18
Noskcajhow would i best describe the bug?08:22
astraljavaEvery screen? Or is it just downloading the restriced-extras package at that time?08:23
knomeNoskcaj, your description seems fine and sensible08:24
knome"Tiling a window + maximizing sends it out of screen" ?08:25
knomeor sends it partly08:25
knomeof you paste me the bug number after you've filed, i can make sure it gets the needed attention08:26
Noskcaj1110158, i'm getting screenshots now08:27
Noskcajbug 111015808:27
ubottubug 1110158 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Tiling a window + resizeing sends it out of screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111015808:27
Noskcajjust found what causes it, mess around with how far up the screen you drag to make it happen08:28
Noskcajand you will see08:28
Noskcaji will check if it affects 13.04 tomorrow08:33
knomeprobably yes since it also has xfce 4.1008:36
knomethis is a relatively new feature08:36
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Unit193knome: I'm sorry but I don't know if I know what that response is to.11:14
pjotrHello, I have a question about Xubuntu.11:15
pjotrWill there be a second point release of Xubuntu 12.04 (12.04.2)?11:16
pjotrochosi: do you happen to know whether Xubuntu 12.04 will get a second point release (12.04.2)?11:24
ochosipjotr: i think yes, but better wait for someone to confirm it ;)11:25
pjotrOK... :)11:31
pjotrThe point releases are becoming more important because of the new rolling kernel policy for LTS's.... So a Xubuntu 12.04.2 would be cool to have available, especially for installing on very new hardware.11:33
knomethere will11:39
pjotrknome: that's good news. Thanks for the info!  :)11:48
knomemicahg, mr_pouit: is xubuntu-bugs receiving notifications of all xfwm4 themes already?12:02
knomexfwm4 bugs.12:23
knomeshouldn't try to think/talk when hungry12:23
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mr_pouitknome: yes20:25
mr_pouitochosi: micahg: sorry, I haven't had time to reply to your mail(s) yet20:25
knomemr_pouit, good good20:46

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