
aLeSDhi all03:17
aLeSDis there a way to have webapps in xubuntu ?03:17
aLeSDor it's an unity stuff03:18
=== jess is now known as Guest4328
vorsorkenJust upgraded to 12.10. I noticed that a keyboard shortcut that I defined in 12.04 using Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts no longer works. It was Ctrl+Shift+z, but now it says <Primary>z and when I try to redefine it, it keeps reverting to that.06:05
Guest4328unsupported back-ports would be.... updates for an earlier version of xubuntu, but haven't been tested and confirmed 100% with my ver(12.04)?06:05
entrerihello, any plan to integrate Ubuntu One et al. into future releases ?06:05
Cheri703entreri: you can install ubuntu one06:06
Cheri703vorsorken: primary is ctrl apparently, you should be able to set it as primary shift z06:06
Cheri703or whatever06:06
vorsorkenWhen it prompts for the shortcut keys, it shows primary then shift, but as soon as I add "z" it gets rid of shift and is left as primary+z06:08
Guest4328I always had to do them real slow, and hold.. gl06:08
Cheri703that is weird, I'm playing with it06:12
Cheri703I was able to set up ctrl alt t the other day and it was fine06:13
Guest4328try your other ctrl, or 'primary'?06:13
Guest4328maybe there is a conf you can just edit it in plaintext06:13
vorsorkenthe other control actually causes the shortcut to get deleted...weird06:13
Cheri703ctrl alt should work06:14
vorsorkenyeah control alt + whatever seems to work fine06:14
vorsorkenI found an xml file in .config somewhere06:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1055810 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Cannot create keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:14
vorsorkenif I edit that by hand, what do I need to do to get it to load?06:14
vorsorkenjust log out and back in?06:14
Guest4328yes. backup beforehand though06:15
Cheri703It only shows that 5 people (well, 6 now that I hit it) are affected, so log in to launchpad and mark it as affecting you06:16
vorsorkenwill do, thanks06:17
=== Guest4328 is now known as atom1sk
atom1skSo ubuntu is a real resource hog, this dist runs great on this old comp. very happy06:17
genoobiehey all06:37
genoobieI have an xubuntu live CD that has a working display / x1106:37
genoobieand an lubuntu install that does not...06:37
genoobieI don't know if the x11 is different from the login screen to the DE06:38
genoobiebut anyhow, I am going to boot xubuntu live06:38
genoobieand see if I can pump the X11 stuff from xubuntu into lubuntu06:38
well_laid_lawngenoobie:  have you had a look at the X log from the instal ?06:41
well_laid_lawnmight tell you about the faail06:41
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, not yet.06:42
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, let me boot up the xubuntu live and see if I can poke around a bit06:42
well_laid_lawnI'd start there - might be an easy fix06:43
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, here's an idea06:44
genoobiethe splash screen comes up okay06:44
genoobieit's only the dm that seems busted atm06:44
genoobieso if I log in and startx, and it works06:44
genoobiethat should tell me something, no?06:45
genoobieI have a puppy linux that recognizes the video06:45
genoobieso I copied the xorg.conf to the /etc/x1106:45
genoobieand it changed the appearance of the dm page06:46
genoobiebut it was still not working06:46
well_laid_lawnyou should be able to have X start without a xorg.conf so just remove/rename that06:46
genoobieyes, there wasn't one in there when I copied it over.06:47
genoobiexubuntu live is starting (almost 25 min later)06:47
well_laid_lawnI'd check the log instead of trying to guess at a solution06:48
genoobieokay, I will check there first06:49
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, now, xubuntu has started06:50
genoobiehow do I find out the driver details?06:50
well_laid_lawnif you had successfully run startx the last time you booted you'll need to check Xorg.0.log.old06:50
genoobiemaybe I am not making myself clear...I have an install  of lubuntu and xubuntu is live06:51
genoobieI want to use the working xubuntu to fix the lubuntu install06:51
well_laid_lawnyep so you have to mount the installed os's partition and check the log in there06:51
well_laid_lawnit could be the dm's conf that is wrong or something else so you have to find what's causing the problem06:52
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, I'm a bit dense, so I am looking in X11.log old06:54
genoobiewhat am I looking for??06:54
well_laid_lawnerrors in the X log are marked with EE so mount the installed os's root partition06:55
genoobieokay, E SAVAGE (0): DRI isn't enabled06:56
well_laid_lawnopen the file manager in the xubuntu live cd and it should show the partition on the left06:57
genoobiechoose mode 117 at 60 Hz06:57
genoobieyep, I'm looking at the log06:57
well_laid_lawnthe error should be near the end of the log06:57
genoobiefirst problem, (EE) failed to load module "xaa" (module does not exist, 0)06:58
genoobiefirst EE06:58
genoobieopen /dev/dri/card0 no such file or directory06:59
well_laid_lawnstart at the bottom and work up06:59
genoobieokay, from the bottom..06:59
well_laid_lawnmake sure you have the log that reflects a failed X start06:59
genoobieno, I don't think x fails to start07:00
genoobieit just looks like the wrong mode07:00
genoobiethere is wacko video on the screen...07:00
well_laid_lawn genoobie | I have an xubuntu live CD that has a working display / x1107:00
well_laid_lawn             │      genoobie | and an lubuntu install that does not...07:00
genoobieyes, true07:01
genoobiethe display is not working, i.e. there is an x-start but it appears to be goofed (in lubuntu)07:01
genoobieonly on the dm screen07:01
genoobielooking at the xubuntu x-log07:03
genoobieno errors07:03
well_laid_lawnthose graphics card aren't very good - here's one bug report - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-savage/+question/19586207:04
genoobieyes, they are shit actually :)07:04
well_laid_lawnlubuntu and xubuntu use the same repos so the software handling the graphics is the same07:04
genoobiebut you'd think xubuntu vs lubuntu they'd both load the stupid thing or they'd both not load it07:05
genoobieright my point07:05
genoobieso what gives...07:05
genoobiethe only difference is that I used an alternate install CD for lubuntu07:05
genoobieso maybe that's what did it...07:05
genoobieI dunno, it seems like there should be enough info b/w the two sets of log files / distros to figure the shit out...07:07
well_laid_lawnwhat versions are the live cd and the install ?07:08
well_laid_lawnfound this - http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?70813-DRI1-drivers-for-Ubuntu-12-04-%28savage-mga-r128-tdfx-sis-unichrome%2907:09
well_laid_lawnmentions deprecation in the drivers support moving to 12.0407:09
genoobielubuntu 12.10, xubuntu 12.0407:10
well_laid_lawnit might be easiest to just make a ~/.xinitrc and remove the dm07:12
genoobieI'm game07:12
well_laid_lawnsince X works ok with the window manager07:12
genoobieokay, first of all, I can seem to be able to delete / write to the mounted fs07:13
genoobieany way to fix?07:13
genoobieat least that would tell me where the problem was07:13
well_laid_lawnin a terminal run   mount   and check if the partition is ro or rw07:15
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, I'm sorry, what mount cmd would I use07:15
genoobieit says rw07:16
well_laid_lawntry using gksudo to edit whatever file like gksudo leafpad ~/.xinitrc07:17
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:17
genoobiewell_laid_lawn, I tried to remove the xorg.conf, would not happen07:19
genoobieoh eff07:19
genoobie~/.xinitrc isn't going to place this in the right place07:20
well_laid_lawnyou need to add the path to where it is mounted07:20
well_laid_lawnmy bad... ;)07:20
genoobiebut first, I still don't have permissions to write (afaik)07:20
genoobiebut ok07:20
genoobiethat's the home directory correct?07:21
genoobieso the full path is...07:21
genoobieis that /home/user?07:22
genoobiebut the dm wants a login...07:22
well_laid_lawnthe mount command should show you where it is mounted07:23
genoobieyes, media/blah blah07:24
genoobiebut am I making the .xinitrc in the root directory?07:24
freedomrunI have xfce-session crashed again and using 4.10 & 4.12 PPAs on Quantal, pressed "Show Details" button and waited thing to generate, now when I press "Continue" button nothing happens, can I get some help on how and where to report this??07:24
genoobieoh eff07:27
genoobieI have to do this tomorrow07:27
genoobieI have to get up for work in three hours07:27
genoobiemy boss isn't going to understand if my work isn't done because I am trying to make an old laptop work for my kids07:27
=== jerem is now known as ljere
jellywarejust started using xubuntu 12.04  great work guys!08:45
jellywareworks a treat on my P408:46
knomethanks and enjoy08:47
genoobieswitching back to xp here...08:50
genoobietried but no success...08:50
jellywarewhat didn't work for you genoobie?08:50
genoobieyeah...older hardware, not much support for video08:50
jellywareoh.  thats no good08:51
genoobiecouldn't really get the x-enviro going08:51
genoobieyeah, whatcha gonna do?08:51
jellywarewould love to help but I'm not the tech type sorry08:51
genoobiePIII 800MHz, 384MB Ram08:51
=== jerem is now known as ljere
TROJAN719hello friends12:39
TROJAN719i've got a question12:39
TROJAN719which version of xubuntu does support UEFI/EFI natively?12:39
Unit193You can easily use 12.10 64bit with UEFI.12:39
TROJAN719i tried to boot it on my laptop with UEFI mode on - it didn't boot at all12:40
Unit193Pretty easily.12:40
TROJAN719well i need x86 :)12:40
Unit193Well, none as far as I read.12:40
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:40
TROJAN719 (32bit installer does not detect EFI)12:41
TROJAN719ok, thank you very much12:41
tjingboemmy brtoher printer does nor print anymore - it did a few weeks ago...are there any changes ?13:36
GridCubehow could we know?13:37
tjingboemcould be that there are some radical print software changes that i do not know about..13:38
xubuntu248need help14:28
knome!ask | xubuntu24814:28
ubottuxubuntu248: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:28
xubuntu248when i login to my account, a blue background appears but the desktop/my account itself does not14:29
xubuntu248it just sits on a blueish background and nothing loads up14:29
GridCubexubuntu248: if you have installed nautilus, uninstall it and relogin14:31
xubuntu248i don't think i have, and i can't uninstall anything, i type my password in, it accepts the password but then a blue background appears but nothing else14:31
xubuntu248a contification saying i'm connected to my wifi shows up but that's it14:31
GridCubexubuntu248: if you press alt-f2 a launcher should pop-up, type xfce4-panel14:32
GridCubeor xfce4-panel --restart14:33
xubuntu248ok done that, i clicked Launch, nothing happened14:33
xubuntu248tried the restart one too, a red stop icon appeared on the left of where i typed it14:34
GridCubevery weird, type xfce4-terminal to open a terminal and retype xfce4-panel there to see what it says14:34
GridCubeyou can launch firefox there too, to pastebin results14:35
xubuntu248not working either14:36
GridCubexfce4-panel doesnt work?14:36
xubuntu248nope... it's been happening since i went into the settings and enabled some splash screen, just to see what it was14:37
xubuntu248i get the mouse splash screen when i login14:37
xubuntu248then just a blue desktop abckground, which isn't my background14:37
xubuntu248and nothing else14:37
GridCubewell, on the login stage, choose a guest user14:38
xubuntu248just a grey background when i login as a guest, with my mouse cursor, that's it14:40
GridCubenot even a terminal?14:40
GridCube:/ choose an xterm session?14:40
xubuntu248no menus, just a grey background and a cursor14:40
xubuntu248there's an xfce session option? same thing happen with that though14:41
xubuntu248i'd just reinstall it but i've got some important files i need to get off my account14:42
xubuntu248ive got terminal running in an xfce sesion14:45
xubuntu248what now GridCube?14:45
GridCubeok, now run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktopn --reinstall14:46
GridCubewithout that n on xubuntu-desktop14:46
GridCubeim not really sure that will get rid of the broken config though, so you might want to also delete all the files on ~/.config/xfce414:48
xubuntu248ok, waiting for it to complete now14:48
GridCubethough i dont know where the change to the splash screen was made, so it might be in other place14:48
xubuntu248it's complete, some files failed to download apparently.. i'll see if it's fixed14:49
xubuntu248ok i think i've got it sorted out now14:51
xubuntu248thanks a lot for that Grid14:51
GridCube:) good luck14:51
xubuntu248:) thanks14:51
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-AFK
entrerihey there, I'm looking to format a USB drive with that command ; 'sudo cat /dev/random > /dev/sdc' but it doesn't do anyhing, any idea ?18:03
entreriI used to do it this way in the past in archlinux18:04
well_laid_lawnmost people use dd for that18:04
entreriwell_laid_lawn: dd seems to work, thanks18:05
David-Aentreri: the reason sudo ... >/dev/blabla does not work is the redirect (>) occurs before sudo, that is as your normal user that has no write access to raw devices.18:09
David-Aentreri: I suspect it gave "permission denied" and not "it doesn't do anything"18:10
CajunTechieHi everyone. Any way to find out why my xubuntu suddenly freezes and needs a hard reboot? Which logs would I look in?18:14
well_laid_lawnCajunTechie:  most times a freeze stops logs from being written to but try the Xorg log and kernel log in /var/log18:17
CajunTechieThanks well_laid_lawn. I'll take a look. I don't think it's a full freeze. Streaming music keeps going but nothing responds/18:19
well_laid_lawnCajunTechie:  can you change to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F2 when it happens?18:20
CajunTechieSometimes. Most times, no.18:20
CajunTechiewell_laid_lawn: So do you have any suggested ways to troubleshoot random freezes?18:27
well_laid_lawnCajunTechie:  monitoring temps is a good start18:29
PetrosHello. I just ahad power cut and now, when I log into my profile, after a while the system say something like "nfs core dump" and restarts to the login screen. Now I am working on the guest profile. Any hint how to deal with it?18:46
userhi guys18:50
userhaving issues with my nokia booklet 3g notebook18:51
holsteinuser: with the 3g internet?18:51
userno, with waking after sleep18:52
userevery time i wake it the screen goes to green and i have to restart18:52
usercurrently running xubuntu18:53
holsteinuser: i would try different graphics drivers, and see if you find someone with that *exact* issue18:53
holsteini might try and see if i could pull the hard drive out and test with a live CD or USB18:53
holsteinthen, i could force restarts without worrying about the drive, though testing different graphics drivers might be more challenging18:54
holsteinyou could test with "nomodeset" though, and get an idea18:54
David-APetros: you have network storage or something set up for you normal user? if you could find the dot-file containing its config and remove it (not remove, but move out of the way) and reconfigure it.18:55
holsteinPetros: yeah, i agree with David-A ...if the issue is fine as another user, then the issue is in the /home directory somewhere18:56
useri know that nokia notebook ubuntu users had some sort of issues with gma500 graphic drivers, but that was like year 201018:57
holsteinuser: i dont think that has changed much.. the support18:57
holsteinuser: i had an issue like that and i choose not to sleep the machine18:57
Petrosuser, David-A - can I access (not encrypted) home dir from the guest profile?18:58
userso whats the alternative for sleep then?18:58
holsteinPetros: you should be able to login from the recover console, or commandline18:59
David-APetros: guest can not change other users files, but can normally read them. (except those it can't)19:00
holsteinPetros: with FOSS, the answer is almost always "yes"... but knowing how can be tricky19:00
entreriDavid-A: that's right, but after that I loged in as root and did it, did not do anything : P19:00
entreribut yeah the command I wrote as an exemple was not accurate to the symptom "doesn't do anything"19:01
David-APetros: did what as root? what dot-file did you move away? (I cannot tell what dot-file it should be, but maybe someone elses bell rings)19:02
holsteini usually just move them all, and test.. and then put things back as needed19:03
useralternatives to sleep?19:03
PetrosGuys, thank you for pointing the direction - I am beginning the long evening with xubuntu :-)19:03
holsteinuser: shutting down19:03
knomeit's safe to remove at least ~/.cache19:03
knomeand it's usually a good idea to do "mv -R ~/.config ~/.config.backup before trying things out19:04
knomeand just try to login after doing that (since all the config should be reset)19:04
holsteinyup... i like to just move the whole thing, and try it, just to be sure i can login and that was the issue19:10
jonny|Hi guys, quick question: I just installed Xubuntu and it automatically mounted my Windows drive. When I try to unmount it, it says 'one or more applications are keeping this volume busy' - am I right that nothing bad will happen to my windows partition if I force the unmount?20:09
holsteinjonny|: if you are worried, you can shutdown,.. it really depends on what is keeping what busy, and why/how20:10
jonny|holstein: It looks like there should be a box saying which application is using the partition, but there isn't anything in it.20:11
holsteinjonny|: could just the the filemanager20:11
holsteinjonny|: i would have my data backedup.. i would mount it with a live CD if i were worried.. i would shutdown if i were concerned that the force unmout would break something20:12
jonny|holstein: Thanks for your help :)20:12
MuzzIs it possible to have cpu and memory usage displayed in a panel as text?22:23
David-AMuzz: there is a "generic monitor" that shows the output text of any command. make a script that outputs numbers or short text for cpu and memory usage.22:35
MuzzThanks, I'll try that.22:36
* xubuntu203 saluda a todos.23:04
=== xubuntu203 is now known as dbillyx
* dbillyx saluda a todos de nuevo23:04
dbillyxnecesito algo de ayuda con la instalacion de xubuntu ...23:05
dbillyxeste es el problema que me da23:05
dbillyxlo mismo que le paso a ese usuario....23:05
dbillyxpero aca esta todo bien...23:05
knome!es | dbillyx23:06
ubottudbillyx: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.23:06
dbillyxsi existiera ese canal ...23:10
knomeplease, this channel is english only23:11
knomeif #xubuntu-es doesn't exist, you can ask in #ubuntu-es23:11
knomethey should be able to help with xubuntu too (and many of the questions aren't xubuntu-specific anyway)23:11
dbillyxFailed to create the swap space, creation failed swap space in partition23:11
knomezoom, hullo23:12
zoomim having trouble with a laptop that refuses to enter any sort of power saving mode23:12
zoomit simply blanks the screen and comes back to the desktop after a few seconds23:12
zoomand sadly the very limited acer bios has 0.0 options to change stuff23:13
zoomfoudn several posts with people having trouble with usb controllers (specifically usb , which i dont have)23:14
knomezoom, have you googled for your laptop model if somebody else has gotten things to work?23:16
zoomsadly i havent turned up much23:16
knomeright, the next question is - can you update your bios?23:17
knomei mean 1) is there updates available 2) do you have a method you can use 3) are you willing to23:18
zoomthe will and abillity are there23:19
zoomlets see if they updated something23:20
zoomby the way i checked against a ubuntu lts live cd and got the same behavior23:20
knomethat's bad23:20
knomebut a bios update can help a lot23:20
knomedid with my wife's older hp, suddenly many many things started working23:20
zoombut since #ubuntu is having several conversations at once I came here23:20
knomenot so sure how open acer are going, but...23:21
zoomother than the sleeping ive been rather happy23:21
knomewell, since this isn't de-specific, feel free to ask here too (though you'd have more possibilities of getting help in #ubuntu even if it is a bit more traffic there)23:21
zoomwas delighted to see the full disk encryption on the normal cd (have had ubuntu as "fix windows" dual boots and i use it at work to develop")23:21
zoomaww, too bad23:23
zoomacer has 3.04, my bios is alread 2.0423:23
=== hns is now known as Guest38049
zoomthe powermanager makes a seperate pm_suspend.log, but i havent found out what kills it23:25
zoomi could clear it and pastebin you a copy of exactly one suspend attempt23:25
zoomthe only thing the bios lets me choose is wether or not i want a serial, IR and parralel port... and the time23:35
zoompastebin.com/RQesRUw3 for the pm-suspend and pm-powersave.log , if that would help anyone23:36
knomesorry, i'm pretty clueless23:39
zoomill try a xubuntu 12.04 32bit live cd (the others were 64), if that behaves the same i guess ill have to attack a forum with it23:42
zoomthe bug that is23:42
zoomor "potential" as our agile coach would call it23:43
knomeagile... :)23:43
zoomrunning faster than others when the mob comes knocking on the door?23:43
knomeprobably not...23:45
xubuntu064can i have cairo dock in this distro?23:51
knomethat should work, but there's no guarantee how well it will work23:51

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