[04:22] morning === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [05:47] good morning everyone [05:48] hi phoenix_firebrd :) [05:48] shadeslayer: hi [05:48] phoenix_firebrd: so, I have a small task for you [05:48] W: kdiamond source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 33: Duplicate field license. [05:48] fix this ^ [05:49] ok [05:49] that's a lintian warning and is googlable [05:49] ok [05:49] more specifically the syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright bit [05:50] once you're done, here's another one : E: kfloppy source: malformed-override Override of dbg-package-missing-depends for kdeutils (expecting kfloppy) at line 1 [05:50] is the kde 4.10 sc tars ready? [05:50] yup, I'm running the script right now [05:51] should take another 30-40 minutes [05:51] ok [05:52] phoenix_firebrd: btw lintian.debian.org will also list packages that have a similar lintian error [05:52] so if the package also exists there, you can ignore it [05:54] shadeslayer: pull-lp-source gives me kdiamond 4.9.98 you want this or 4.10 [05:54] use that for now [05:54] or rather [05:54] ok [05:54] do you have kubuntu-dev-tools installed? [05:54] shall i finish my breakfast in 10 min? [05:54] sure [05:55] ok [05:55] install kubuntu-dev-tools once you're done and run kbzr branch kdiamond [05:55] in there, you'll find the latest packaging [05:57] i have done that already [06:16] shadeslayer: Can i edit the copyright file? [06:19] sure [06:30] brb [06:39] shadeslayer: ok i soved the copyright issue for kdiamond what should i do [06:40] checking kfloppy [06:40] install kubuntu-dev-tools , kbzr branch kdiamond , patch the copyright file and propose a merge on lp [06:41] ok [06:41] see https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdiamond [06:43] what should be the version and release name i should specify in the change log? [06:43] shadeslayer: ^ [06:43] don't [06:44] phoenix_firebrd: just edit debian/copyright [06:45] ok [06:51] kdeplasma-addons: bzr unclean or out of sync [06:51] wot [06:57] shadeslayer: done [06:58] cool :) [06:58] are you going to merge it noe? [06:58] in a bit [06:58] I want to push 4.10 branches first [06:58] ok [06:59] checking kfloppy [06:59] shadeslayer: there is a mistakle [07:00] fix it :) [07:00] i have put "changelog" instead of "copyright" in changelog [07:02] erm [07:02] can not add an entry to the changelog? [07:03] *can you [07:07] shadeslayer: corrected the change log and summited for merge [07:10] phoenix_firebrd: can you drop the changelog entry? [07:10] not required [07:11] shadeslayer: but yofel told me to mention anything that is changed [07:12] yes, anything major [07:12] that's a trivial change [07:12] can be skipped [07:12] shadeslayer: ok if you say so === jackyalcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine [07:19] debuild succeeds for kfloppy 4.9.98 [07:19] shadeslayer: ^ [07:20] look at the lintian output === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [07:21] shadeslayer: ya i can see that, i have come across that yesterday [07:21] checking for a solution [07:22] shadeslayer: but thats a warning right? [07:22] yup [07:22] mfw shadeslayer is tutoring someone [07:22] heh [07:23] God [07:23] Gotta take a look at maliit-frameworks [07:23] duh [07:23] erm [07:23] wat [07:23] phoenix_firebrd: you have diff markers now [07:23] morning === yofel_ is now known as yofel [07:24] hi yofel [07:24] bad shadeslayer not putting changes in changelog :P [07:24] anyway [07:24] yofel: morning [07:24] it's a trivial change! :P [07:24] yeah, vm [07:24] *nvm [07:25] shadeslayer: without that debuild gives me error [07:25] re that copyright issue: do the buildlogs have the lintian output in them? [07:25] yofel: I think so [07:25] and I'm thinking the same thing you are [07:27] yofel: i solved the tomboy-blogsposter error [07:28] yofel: but i am not able to put the config in place [07:28] shadeslayer: good :D - I'll try to write a check for it later [07:29] okay, the buildd's don't have it [07:30] the official ones [07:31] ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭ [07:31] hah [07:31] utf-8 ftw [07:31] good morning ladies and gents [07:31] wat [07:31] jussi [07:31] watwatwat [07:31] shadeslayer: hm, missing DH_VERBOSE? [07:32] shadeslayer: look who is here [07:32] Quintasan: which part didnt you understand? :D [07:32] mmm [07:32] * jussi hides [07:32] od dh_lintian doesn't do a full check [07:32] jussi: I totally failed to comprehend the part where you show up on irc [07:32] :P [07:32] *or [07:32] ah, that's something else [07:33] yofel: build logs show dh_lintian being run, but no output [07:33] jussi: don't hide on me, go to work! [07:33] :P [07:34] shadeslayer: yeah, but that's because it's just for copying the override files [07:34] so that's ok [07:34] hm [07:35] let's wait for kdiamond to build [07:35] http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.9.98_raring.html - I can't find anything in the logs [07:37] yeah [07:38] gosh, kdeartwork is huge [07:40] you don't say ;P [07:40] hehe [07:41] kde-wallpapers is the new kdeartwork [07:41] and they don't seem to remove stuff from artwork anymore :/ [07:49] poor dpkg [07:49] trying to install shank which is a 2GB deb [07:51] shadeslayer: i can't understand the clauses 9.1.1, 9.1.4, 9.5, 10.7.4, 11.8 in the standards version 3.9.3. I have checked and updated the rest [07:52] note: we don't really care about the policy version usually [07:53] yofel: ok [07:53] the ubuntu-policy is still at 3.8.2, so that's all we really need to comply with [07:53] yofel: ok [07:53] knowing the policy is good though ;) [07:53] as we do try to follow it, we just rarely update that number [07:54] yofel: it seems that the package is upto the standards, sahall i bump the standards version? [07:54] please don't bump standards [07:54] unnecessary diff [07:54] from debian that is [07:55] shadeslayer: why did you ask me to take a look at the lintian error? [07:55] because it needs fixing? [07:56] without bumping the standards version [07:56] shadeslayer: why not? [07:56] ^ [07:56] because it makes merging from debian easier [07:56] well, merging 4.10 will be fun anyway - if debian ever gets to package it in time for us [07:56] lag -.- [07:57] why do you want to bump the standards version? [07:57] shadeslayer: ok in that case the package is updated to the new standards and i wont bump the version number so the lintian warning will remain , whats next? [07:58] * yofel wonders if importing debian git packaging into bzr and merging that would work [07:58] probably not [07:58] wat [07:58] shadeslayer: next? [07:58] shadeslayer: nvm, me. I haven't had enough coffee yet :P [08:01] shadeslayer: hm, stuck at uploading kdeartwork? [08:01] yofel: heh, yes kdiamond_4.10.0-0ubuntu1\~ubuntu13.04\~ppa1.dsc [08:01] erm [08:01] shadeslayer: after updating the package standards, what should i do? [08:01] heh, ok [08:01] you shouldn't update standards!! [08:02] yofel: http://i.imgur.com/IOF1XRz.png [08:02] shadeslayer: then what should i do with the lintian error? [08:02] phoenix_firebrd: fix it? :P [08:02] shadeslayer: how? [08:02] shadeslayer: "W: kfloppy source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.2 (current is 3.9.3)" [08:02] shadeslayer: thats the error [08:03] whut [08:03] not that one [08:03] the other oen [08:03] *one [08:03] E: kfloppy source: malformed-override Override of dbg-package-missing-depends for kdeutils (expecting kfloppy) at line 1 [08:03] apparently we were talking about 2 different errors altogether :P [08:03] phoenix_firebrd: you can ignore that warning [08:04] shit [08:04] shadeslayer: i will look at the other one [08:07] shadeslayer: i can see the error that you pointed in the debuild log http://paste.kde.org/661100/ [08:07] shadeslayer: *i can't [08:07] O_O [08:07] shadeslayer: version is 4.9.98 [08:08] shadeslayer: am i wrong or what? [08:08] lemme check [08:08] yes [08:09] shadeslayer: ?? [08:09] http://paste.kde.org/661106/ [08:10] shadeslayer: may be this happens with v4.10 [08:10] shadeslayer: how can i get the 4.10 tar? [08:11] mmm [08:11] you'll have to request access [08:11] shadeslayer: shall i try with the master? [08:11] no [08:11] shadeslayer: ok [08:12] who has admin access to ninjas? [08:12] yofel: [08:12] Riddell and apachelogger [08:13] phoenix_firebrd: btw can you branch the packaging from bzr and use that? [08:13] shadeslayer: for kfloppy? [08:13] yes [08:13] shadeslayer: ok\ [08:18] phoenix_firebrd: about that error, just bzr rm the override file. kfloppy has no dbg package [08:18] yofel: ok [08:20] yofel: when i builddeb kfloppy am getting this error "apt could not find the needed tarball. [08:20] " [08:20] yeah, because you don't have the 4.10 one :/ [08:21] or are you building 4.9.98? [08:21] in that case you would be missing a deb-src line [08:21] yofel: when i bzr branch kfloppy what would i get? [08:22] 4.10, nvm [08:22] yofel: so ? [08:22] wait [08:22] ok [08:24] phoenix_firebrd: pm [08:25] yofel: stuck on uploading kdeartwork :| [08:25] Uploading kdeartwork_4.10.0.orig.tar.xz: 140132k/140133k [08:25] heh [08:25] o.O [08:25] wait and hope :/ [08:33] yeag [08:37] :S [08:38] I'll upload kdeartwork and oxygen separately [08:45] shadeslayer: I am not getting the error that you pointed for kfloppy 4.10 . here is the builddeb log http://paste.kde.org/661184/ [08:45] good morning [08:46] hm [08:46] lintian too old? [08:46] phoenix_firebrd: what version of lintian are you running? [08:47] shadeslayer: [08:47] can you check with 2.5.11? [08:48] * yofel as looking at the lintian changelog [08:48] wth is - license-problem-json-evil [08:48] lol [08:48] shadeslayer: is there a ppa for it? [08:48] hmm [08:49] phoenix_firebrd: try just pulling the deb from raring [08:49] phoenix_firebrd: just grab the lintian deb from raring? [08:49] ok [08:51] shadeslayer: yofel there is no amd64 build [08:52] because it's an arch any package [08:52] or was it arch all [08:52] all [08:52] right [08:52] I get confused easily between those two, always have to look it up [08:52] * yofel suggests s/all/indep/ -.- [08:52] shadeslayer: standards 3.9.3 has an update for that [08:53] phoenix_firebrd: update for what? [08:53] then again, all makes some sense syntactically [08:53] right [08:53] yofel: it makes sense if you also know about any [08:53] shadeslayer: directions for using all or any for the arch [08:53] okay, and? [08:54] new symbols in kdelibs? :( [08:55] i am getting that error now [08:56] as yofel said i am going to remove the override files [08:56] wait what [08:58] shadeslayer: "about that error, just bzr rm the override file. kfloppy has no dbg package" [08:59] I don't see a override file [08:59] shadeslayer: me too [08:59] shadeslayer: i am going to check for the configs [08:59] ahh nvm [09:00] phoenix_firebrd: drop debian/source/lintian-overrides [09:00] right [09:01] who's up for packaging ktp-desktop-applets? [09:03] you :P [09:03] shadeslayer: should i push to my branch and request a merge? [09:03] or phoenix_firebrd [09:03] yep [09:03] shadeslayer: ok [09:04] yofel: sure [09:04] I'm working on kde bits today [09:04] phoenix_firebrd: just push to your branch and post the branch URL [09:04] the sc bits [09:04] yofel: ya, just now i did for kdiamond [09:05] merge requests are just too much paperwork if we're already on IRC [09:06] heh [09:06] sometimes it's good to know the paperwork works ;) [09:06] yofel: i am following what you taught me [09:06] yeah, I did teach him how to do it [09:07] phoenix_firebrd: sure, but it's not really needed if we're already talking here. Merge requests make sense for complex reviews and when the reviewer isn't at hand [09:08] wth [09:09] yofel: ok. here is the link https://code.launchpad.net/~murthy/kubuntu-packaging/kfloppy-4.10.0 [09:09] "Not attempting to fix packaging branch ancestry, missing pristine tar data for version 4.9.98." [09:09] whats that error? [09:09] no idea, first time I see it [09:10] yofel: which package? [09:10] phoenix_firebrd: http://paste.kde.org/661196 [09:10] a) please don't add empty changelog entries [09:11] omg [09:11] b) that doesn't look like the right fix [09:11] my head is getting heated [09:11] lol, calm down, no harm done [09:11] that's why we're doing the reviews [09:12] I think the problem here is that there's a missing empty line missing between the 2 copyright sections [09:12] s/missing// [09:12] yofel meant: "I think the problem here is that there's a empty line missing between the 2 copyright sections" [09:12] that's invalid syntax [09:13] see http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ [09:13] whom should i follow you or shadeslayer [09:13] * yofel reads backlog [09:14] he didn't tell you *how* to fix it [09:14] and you didn't fix it right [09:14] yofel: i uploaded with a changelog, asked me to remove it [09:14] the reason lintian complains about a duplicate field, is because each chunk in the copyright file is seperated by an empty line [09:15] as the line is missing both license declarations belong to the same paragraph, which is invalid [09:15] yofel: thats ok [09:15] phoenix_firebrd: hm, the changelog was still there though [09:15] did you forget to push maybe? [09:16] yofel: should i meantion the copyright file change in the changelog? [09:16] probably not worth it [09:17] yofel: so i don't have to update the change log now right? [09:17] or it would be an entry like "* Fix " [09:17] phoenix_firebrd: this is really all that should be needed for kdiamond: http://paste.kde.org/661202 [09:17] i will be back in 2 mins [09:21] yofel: i am back [09:21] yofel: can we take this step by step [09:23] hm, kfloppy: [09:23] - -- Rohan Garg Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:18:16 +0530 [09:23] + -- Prasad Murthy Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:18:16 +0530 [09:24] you changed the dch behaviour? (just curious) [09:24] yofel: ya [09:24] yofel: so that debuild will sign [09:24] aaaaah [09:24] wait, I have a workaround for that [09:25] yofel: -us -uc? [09:25] no [09:25] in ~/.devscripts put: DEBSIGN_KEYID=2EC0A9FF, except with your keyid instead of mine [09:25] that'll force it to use your key and ignore the changelog entry [09:26] yofel: ok [09:26] it's meant as a kind of safety measure, as you can always -us -uc and run debsing after that [09:26] but I find it mostly annoying [09:27] but back to the review: please don't *commit* such a change, as it's just unnecessary noise when reviewing [09:27] it's not wrong, and once you have commit permissions feel free to commit that, but for reviews it's just noise [09:28] yofel: ok [09:28] heh [09:29] I just aliased debsign to debsign -kkey [09:29] well, that works too [09:29] shadeslayer: can you give me the syntax? [09:30] phoenix_firebrd: I put alias debsign='debsign -kF2672094' in my zshrc [09:30] * shadeslayer rages at dput [09:32] yofel: i have updated the ~/.devscripts , now going to look at the copyright file [09:37] phoenix_firebrd: about the copyright file: a dep5 copyright file has roughly the same syntax as a control file regarding spaces and empty lines [09:37] the current one violates that [09:37] yofel: i can see that its missing an empty line [09:37] exactly [09:38] yofel: but it says it detects duplicate field? [09:38] yeah, because the current paragraph has 2 License: fields (thanks to the missing line) [09:38] yofel: oh [09:38] yofel: ok i will update and upload [09:39] those are 2 paragraphs glued together causing a double definition [09:39] yofel: ok [09:49] morning [09:49] Riddell: MORNING [09:50] oops [09:50] yo Riddell [09:50] moin [09:50] still needs a review: https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ppa/+files/mangonel_0.1~git20130130-0ubuntu1.dsc [09:50] * apachelogger pokes shadeslayer [09:50] ooh 142 new tars [09:51] sheytan: you're onto them? [09:51] if you meant me, then yes [09:51] almost done [09:51] tab completion fail [09:52] still need to upload kdeplasma-addons, oxygen-icons, kde-wallpapers, and kdeartwork [09:55] shadeslayer: you've got the bandwidth for that? [09:55] I don't think so :P [09:55] you're welcome to take over those 4 if you want [09:56] kdeplasma-addons need fixing in bzr firsst [09:56] Riddell on what? [09:58] yofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~murthy/kubuntu-packaging/kdiamond-4.10.0 [09:59] sheytan: sorry I ment shadeslayer [10:00] shadeslayer: ok I'll get onto them [10:01] phoenix_firebrd: thanks, merging that in [10:01] Riddell: ty [10:01] new kdepim tarball as well btw [10:02] shadeslayer: I'm on that [10:02] awesome [10:02] I'll step out for a bit then [10:05] no problem. Happens to few ppl :D [10:05] shadeslayer: when are you going to upload the rest? [10:05] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.series_filter=raring&batch=200 shows plenty as missing [10:05] yofel: already being uploaded [10:06] ah ok then [10:06] it's uploading kstars at the moment [10:06] most of that'll be fast, I mostly want the libs up [10:07] yep [10:08] it's weird though, I've been throttled to about 512Kbps for uploads [10:14] you should have asked for an ec2 [10:17] * yofel wipes the old precise packages from ninjas to free some space up [10:21] Riddell: too much of a hassle to setup and then everything downloaded at a good rate of 2 Mbps [10:23] make it a charm [10:23] \o/ [10:23] * apachelogger is using words he does not understand now [10:23] heh [10:23] actually I went to the cloud dev room at the last uds and tried to do that and it wasn't possible [10:23] seems copying a gpg key to a ec2 is too complex or something [10:24] 0.o [10:24] you're kidding right? [10:24] eh [10:24] Riddell: remotesign [10:24] also I doubt the key is the only thing you need [10:24] yeah we got stuck in a few places [10:25] juju is surprisingly complex just to do what a simple bash script can easily do [10:25] well [10:25] formalizing always comes at a price ^^ [10:26] yes and there will be reasons for that complexity, it's just a shame that it's complex even for a juju developer [10:36] ok everything is up [10:38] what to do about l10n? [10:39] just throw it up on release day? or faff around with putting in a PPA and probably running out of space [10:39] just throw it up on release day, fix as needed === JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine [11:12] vHanda: nepomuk-core commit c65f9cad breaks ABI of libnepomukcore4: http://paste.kde.org/661316 [11:13] * yofel -> lunch [11:20] Hiyas all [11:23] BluesKaj: hi [11:24] hi phoenix_firebrd [11:29] shadeslayer: hmm you probably did sensible, uploading from an ec2 to launchpad seems to be uber slow [11:30] heh [11:30] use my server? [11:35] you could've used mine... [11:36] then again, that was starved for bandwidth too earlier [11:39] yofel: tomboy-blogposter builds [11:47] yofel: Removing a private function breaks ABI? [11:47] are you sure? [11:48] is that Private? [11:48] if it is then nevermind, but it doesn't obviously look private to me [11:50] vHanda: removing a private function always breaks ABI [11:50] the impact of it depends on other factors though (for example whether the class/function is virtual) [11:51] you can "remove private non-virtual functions if they are not called by any inline functions (and have never been). " says http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++ [11:52] that one is a "private Q_SLOTS:" [11:52] so that's fine I think [11:52] it still breaks the ABI, it is however a binary compatible change [11:53] is it ABI if it's a bit of the interface you can't use? [11:53] (the restrictedness of when it is a ok to remove a private is why one should generally avoid having privates) [11:53] Riddell: you can use it [11:55] ABI is really no philosophical topic :) [11:55] hmm [11:55] BC is to some extent ^^ [11:55] anyway yofel you'll handle that? [11:55] Riddell: on the library level there is no difference between private and public [11:55] so I could link to the privates all the same [11:56] '#define private public' is evil! [11:56] yeah, as soon as apachelogger is finished explaining... [11:56] actually let me speed this up [11:56] yofel: Do you want me to add the private slot again? [11:56] whenever a binary interface disappears the change breaks ABI :P [11:56] whether that binary interface was from a private or not does not matter in that regard [11:57] [11:57] vHanda: no it's fine [11:57] yofel: I'll have to run it by the release team [11:57] oh [11:57] apachelogger is just confusing matters! [11:58] ok, he did manage to confuse me at least [11:58] apachelogger: how so? aren't privates not supposed to be exposed in the symbols file? [11:58] yes the symbol has gone, no nothing uses it, so there's no problem [11:58] :( [11:58] Riddell: it's a library [11:58] the statement nothing uses it is simply wrong [11:58] so what would use it? [11:58] anything can use it so we must assume something uses it [11:58] outside of the library [11:58] but if it's private, how can something use it? [11:59] shadeslayer: #define private public [11:59] #include [11:59] bah [11:59] if you do that [11:59] then that [11:59] Foo foo; foo.yourprivates(); [11:59] then that's just shit [11:59] and evil [11:59] apachelogger: That's a neat trick. I didn't know you could do that! [11:59] I'm fairly certain we don't support *that* [11:59] it does not matter! [11:59] when talking about ABI any time you retract an interface it is breaking ABI [12:00] when talking about BC if you decided to link against a private then that is your fault [12:00] vHanda: now you're just winding us up! [12:00] I think we can conclude that this is BC and go on with our lives [12:00] yofel++ [12:01] *nod* [12:01] vHanda: so, sorry for the more or less false alarm [12:01] uhm, okay. I'm still preparing a patch just in case someone else objects. [12:02] The tarballs aren't going to get re-spun until monday [12:02] so we have till then to decide if this should be fixed. [12:03] http://paste.kde.org/661370 [12:04] vHanda: btw, not sure if kde wants to use it but there is Q_PRIVATE_SLOT [12:06] it allows you to pass the slot call to the d ptr [12:06] and it expands to nothing in c++ so you end up having no symbol for the slot as the slot is entirely handled via the qmetaobject [12:08] useful note: ec2's in ireland upload to launchpad much faster than those in the US [12:19] Riddell: isn't LP based out of the UK [12:19] like, hosted somewhere in the UK [12:19] yes, london [12:20] I remember persia saying he would never use UDD because bzr takes many days to do a checkout from launchpad [12:20] for him in japan [12:21] however ec2s are more expensive in ireland, despite being in a tax haven [12:22] * yofel times checking out kde-worspace just for fun [12:24] hm, ~70MB in about a minute, not as bad as I feared [12:42] bah my addition of QextSerialPort to marble didn't get pushed [12:44] ah yofel is on the case, good good [12:51] bbl [12:54] Good evening [12:54] hi smartboyhw [12:54] Hi Riddell [12:54] 4.10.0 being packaged [12:54] http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas [12:55] Riddell, that is good:) [12:55] Riddell: hm, odd, I thought S3 was *cheaper* in Ireland [12:55] which was one of the reasons we chose the instance to be in Ireland [12:56] as for bzr, it's painfully slow :( [12:57] weird bug of the day: bug 1111364 [12:57] bug 1111364 in Kubuntu PPA "Dophin crashes when copying files on KDE 4.10 RC3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111364 [12:57] quantal-only [12:58] Riddell, you want me to update ktorrent? new version out (4.3.1) [12:58] then there is bug 1107692 which is quantal-only too, happens only with the digikam-rc and I don't get what the issue is [12:58] bug 1107692 in Kubuntu PPA "digikam crashes after loading" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1107692 [12:58] smartboyhw: yes please [12:58] Riddell, well request sync bug then:p [12:58] don't forget about libktorrent [12:59] Don't know that it is maintained by Debian side [12:59] libktorrent | 1.3.1-1 | experimental | source [12:59] system settings crashes when opening user management [12:59] How do you request syncs? [12:59] BluesKaj: still? [12:59] BluesKaj: and with what backtrace? [13:00] (I'm not surprised that it doesn't work, but it shouldn't *crash*) [13:01] ok yofel . I was mistaken , noe I get the "orphaned module " message [13:01] now [13:01] ah ok, then it crashed once to reload the lib [13:01] Riddell, I think it will be up to the sponsors to do the actual syncing of ktorrent....So probably it will be difficult for me to do it [13:03] well , yofel I still don't have access [13:04] BluesKaj: that's because the userconfig module doesn't work with python3. [13:04] that'll be the next thing to do [13:04] ok , thanks yofel [13:05] which reminds me... [13:06] smartboyhw: I can do that if you file the bugs [13:06] Riddell, ok:) [13:14] ScottK: any ideas about this: http://paste.kde.org/661502 - that's caused by ki18n() when using python3 [13:16] ki18n("Sebastian Kügler".encode('utf-8')) works, but we can hardly do that for all utf-8 strings [13:18] Riddell, can't seem to find whether ktorrent is in Debian experimental main or non-free or anything else.... === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw [13:19] smartboyhw: it's in experimental http://paste.kde.org/661580 === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__ [13:19] yofel, experimental I know, but is it main or non-free? [13:20] smartboyhw: packages.debian.org is your friend [13:20] The Sync wiki page says I need to include that... [13:20] Riddell, searching through packages.debian.org and I still can't find it... [13:20] if it doesn't say anything it'll be in main [13:20] Riddell, main then [13:23] ScottK: note that the utf-8 issue above is python3.2, I'll try it later with 3.3 [13:23] Riddell, Bug 1111452 [13:23] bug 1111452 in Ubuntu "Please sync ktorrent 4.3.1-1 from Debian experimental main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111452 === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw [13:36] Riddell, bug 1111458 [13:36] bug 1111458 in libktorrent (Ubuntu) "Please sync libktorrent 1.3.1-1 from Debian experimental main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111458 === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw [13:45] yofel: That might be different in 3.3. [13:48] ScottK: bug 1066225 refixed [13:48] bug 1066225 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "encrypt home folder needs to be checkbox not radio button" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066225 [13:48] Riddell: Excellent. Thanks. [13:53] Riddell, so nothing for me to "play" with now? [13:54] smartboyhw: check what needs done on 4.10 http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_raring.html [13:54] Riddell, I do see some build failures... [13:54] No access to build logs though... [13:54] those should just be archive skew I belive (libkdeedu related) [13:56] smartboyhw: oh I'll put you in the team [13:56] Riddell, ooh? [13:57] we're not precious about it :) it's only hidden because upstream wants it hidden until release [13:57] Riddell: mind adding phonix_firebird too unless you think he needs more time? I'll tell him what not to do later then [13:57] yofel: what's his username? [13:57] ~murthy [13:58] Riddell, ok [13:58] thx [13:58] voila [13:58] thanks :) [13:58] libkmajjongglib-dev failed... [13:59] archive skew, just retry the build [13:59] hm, having a link to the build from the status page would be nice... [14:01] Weird, why is ksnakeduel i386 showing a failure, when the logs said it is perfectly built? [14:02] smartboyhw: list-missing should be empty [14:02] but in this case the output looks weird [14:02] Lots of .png and .desktop files [14:03] wth [14:04] ah no, makes sense [14:04] smartboyhw: a transitional package was added which is only built on i386 as it's arch "all", but nobody added an install file for ksnakeduel [14:05] yofel, oh should I add one? [14:05] so the package needs ksnakeduel.install with "usr/*" in it [14:05] smartboyhw: yeah, but please do so in bzr as well [14:05] yofel, OK [14:06] yofel, where is the branch? [14:06] smartboyhw: usually it's best to add it in bzr and generate the package from there [14:06] smartboyhw: do you have kubuntu-dev-tools installed? [14:06] then it's just 'kbzr co ksnakeduel" [14:06] * smartboyhw finds himself a total idiot today [14:07] hey, everyone was new at some point ;P [14:09] *sigh* [14:09] * yofel goes fixing kolabxml properly [14:09] Why I couldn't install the ppa for kubuntu-dev-tools? [14:10] Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~bulldog98/+archive/kubuntu-dev-tool) to get PPA information, please check your internet connection. [14:10] *sigh* use the manual method then [14:13] that's weird o.O [14:14] yofel, anyway got it now, syncing [14:20] yofel, added. Which place should I upload the branch to? [14:21] if you're not a kubuntu-member yet, put it in lp:~/kubuntu-packaging/ksnakeduel-4.10 or so [14:21] then give me the url [14:22] yofel, error [14:22] bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-75337488:///~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ksnakeduel/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport [14:23] !? [14:23] ah, run 'bzr unbind' first. Checkout binds commit to the original launchpad location [14:24] forgot about that. Next time use 'kbzr branch ' [14:24] OK [14:24] either that ^ or launchpad doesn't know you or your ssh key [14:25] yofel, https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/kubuntu-packaging/ksnakeduel-4.10/ [14:26] smartboyhw: please add something to the changelog too, just run 'dch' in the branch dir and it'll add you to the current entry [14:27] smartboyhw: ah wait [14:27] !? [14:27] Almost added it:P [14:27] nevermind, the entry is already there (see 4.9.98), Riddell just didn't actually add the file to bzr... [14:28] yofel, :O [14:28] well, happens [14:29] merged [14:29] yofel, thx [14:29] smartboyhw: now update the packagin in the PPA so it gets a clean status [14:29] *package [14:30] yofel, so I bzr builddeb -S and upload it to PPA? [14:30] Or anything? [14:30] first add ~ubuntu13.04~ppa2 to the version, change UNRELEASED to raring, then upload after bzr builddeb -S -- -sd [14:30] but don't commit those changes [14:31] yofel: OK [14:34] yofel, when you mean commit you mean locally? [14:34] yeah, bzr builddeb will use uncomitted changes [14:35] ok, with new libkolabxml kdepim-runtime will only need a simple retry in a bit [14:36] yofel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1593234/ [14:38] aaah [14:38] ok [14:38] give me a minute [14:38] you need a deb-src line for the PPA [14:38] yofel, I have [14:38] yofel, you mean for the ninja ppa? [14:39] right [14:39] k [14:40] smartboyhw: go to your launchpad page, click on "View your private PPA subscriptions", there beside ninjas, click on view [14:40] that will have the apt lines with your PPA password [14:40] yofel, thanks [14:41] install apt-transport-https before adding that [14:41] after that apt-get update and bzr will be happy [14:47] oh, it's almost dev week time [14:47] shadeslayer: ^ [14:47] ah thanks for reminding me [14:50] yofel, uploaded to PPA [14:50] \o/ [14:50] \o/ [14:57] yofel: iirc they had automated testing sessions at UDS [14:57] UTAH or sth like that [14:57] ah, all I remember is that they have a jenkins instance for some things [14:57] Canonical also has an automated testing lab [14:58] thought that's mostly private afaik [15:20] * yofel grumbles something about chroot problems [15:20] hi phoenix_firebrd [15:21] yofel: HI [15:21] oops [15:21] capslock is on [15:21] phoenix_firebrd: you got promoted while you were away: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa [15:21] nice [15:21] thank you very much [15:22] so now you can actually see https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.series_filter=raring&batch=200 [15:22] and open the build logs on http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_raring.html [15:22] checking [15:22] only with FF though [15:23] lol [15:23] with chrom{e,ium} you can't open the build logs [15:23] why so? [15:23] I have FF installed just so that I can look at the build logs [15:23] bug in LP / Chrome [15:23] not sure which [15:23] smartboyhw, phoenix_firebrd: one thing about ~kubuntu-ninjas membership: it also grants you upload rights to kubuntu-ppa/*, please be careful there [15:23] omg [15:23] sure [15:24] do i get a email id too? [15:24] no, that's for kubuntu members [15:24] ok [15:25] yofel: i not touch the kubuntu-ppa until you find me fit [15:25] yofel: *i will not [15:25] yofel: question time btw [15:26] yofel: are you free now? [15:26] shadeslayer: what time do you go to bed? [15:26] not too much, but a quick question's ok [15:26] phoenix_firebrd: I don't think shadeslayer goes to bed [15:26] yofel, ok [15:26] :P [15:26] wow [15:27] shadeslayer: so thats why the nick? [15:27] it's quite random actually, anything between 10 PM to 5 AM [15:27] shadeslayer: my sleep cycle was like yours 1 month before, just had it reset [15:27] heh [15:28] + [laney] get maliit in the archive: DONE [15:28] ooh, well done Quintasan [15:28] my sleep cycle changes every 2 weeks [15:28] what [15:28] \o/ [15:28] Quintasan++ [15:28] nice :) [15:28] very generous of Quintasan to let laney take all the credit [15:28] so now we have a keyboard , but no declarative-plasmoids [15:29] yofel: i was observing the actives in this channel from the morning, I can't figure out the procedure of tagging [15:29] phoenix_firebrd: tagging is meant as "create git tags in KDE svn/git and spin tarballs from that" [15:29] shadeslayer: mine shifts 1 hr everyday, delayed sleep syndrome [15:29] * shadeslayer looks that up [15:30] phoenix_firebrd: the kde-release-team folks do that, we just get the tars after that [15:30] yofel: ya, thats right [15:31] yofel: so did the tars are available for packaging? [15:31] phoenix_firebrd: the 4.10.0 release is a week away, till then the release team may re-spin some tarballs if some bugfixes need to get in [15:31] pretty much [15:31] yofel: ok [15:31] actually, kdepim got recreated today for that reaosn [15:31] *reason [15:31] yofel: the argument about the ABI? [15:31] that's why you'll find kdepim 4.10.0a in the ppa as that's the only way for us to update it [15:32] no, that was something different [15:32] yofel: if i am not mistaken the pim stuff is always problematic? [15:33] heh no [15:33] well, a bit [15:33] shadeslayer: seems we disagree :P [15:33] depends on what you call problematic :P [15:33] but maybe i just have a trauma from uploading kdepim 4.7 [15:33] I call it unusable xD [15:33] lol [15:33] yofel: i mostly see a known issue that saying about pim stuff [15:33] I simply cannot import all of my email into KMail [15:33] well, it's not that bad, it just doesn't scale [15:34] right, it doesn't scale [15:34] it'll just take a batshit amount of time to import my email [15:34] phoenix_firebrd: with respinning tars I mean this btw. http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2013-January/006809.html [15:34] shadeslayer: i like kdepim [15:34] oh right, talking about mailing lists [15:35] shadeslayer: my first patch was for akonadi backup [15:35] there's 2 that are relevant here: release-team@kde.org, which is mostly not interesting for us, but public. Then there's kde-packager@kde.org which is relevant to us but private to packagers [15:35] we need to get you added to the 2nd one eventually [15:35] same with smartboyhw [15:35] actually the release team does get cc'd for the tars right? [15:36] kde-packagers is mostly irrelevant from what I gathered at Akademy [15:36] yeah, tsdgeos always sends the mails to packager, release-team, and qa [15:36] it does feel a bit deprecated lately... [15:36] it does have the odd interesting discussion ;) [15:36] s/odd/occassional/ [15:36] yofel:should i join this now ? kde-packager@kde.org [15:37] shadeslayer meant: "it does have the occassional interesting discussion ;)" [15:37] phoenix_firebrd: you'll have to open a sysadmin bug report [15:37] and ask Riddell to ack it [15:37] shadeslayer: am i qualified? [15:38] qualified for what? reading emails? idk you tell me :D [15:38] release-team has more fun discussions lately [15:38] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2013-January/date.html [15:38] :D [15:39] so which one should i join now? [15:39] both [15:39] yofel: I have successfully built the tomboy-blogposter, can you check my build log? [15:39] then release-team will be enough for now [15:40] yofel: ok [15:40] bug Riddell about packagers sometime [15:40] phoenix_firebrd: as I said, I don't know enough about mono packages to QA that [15:40] #ubuntu-motu [15:41] that channel probably has mono ninjas lurking in every corner [15:41] yofel: no just the common errors [15:41] not now then, maybe I'll have some time later [15:42] shadeslayer: its just that i am not confident enough to assume that i have suceeded in building this [15:42] yofel: thats ok [15:42] yofel: if its not a problem can i put it in my ppa? [15:43] well [15:43] there's #ubuntu-packaging [15:43] what for? [15:43] phoenix_firebrd: sure, but if you already want a review you might as well get someone competent to do it [15:43] it's a channel specifically for people starting out with packaging [15:44] s/starting out// [15:44] yofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed" [15:44] yofel, oh what did I miss? [15:44] yofel: people with packaging? :D [15:44] yofel: more like a patient one [15:44] err... yeah :D [15:45] smartboyhw: the mailing lists you might care about if you plan to work on kde sc releases [15:45] yofel, ok [15:47] yofel: shadeslayer . tomboy-blogposter log http://paste.kde.org/661886/ [15:48] "Compilation succeeded - 2 warning(s)" does that mean i have a binary? [15:48] looks fine [15:48] shadeslayer: wow [15:48] but don't take my word for it [15:49] the build worked, whether the package works I don't know [15:49] that ^ [15:49] * yofel broke libkolabxml [15:49] bah [15:49] shadeslayer: i have been repeatedly bulding this from 2 days, atleast it build now, i will check it deeply further [15:50] kewl [15:50] yofel: what did you do? [15:50] shadeslayer: kewl , the hindi word? [15:50] I made it libkolabxml-dev depend on the libs that its cmake config file wants. But libcurl4 has more than just the gnutls variant [15:51] which causes conflicts [15:51] kewl is a hindi word? drat [15:51] phoenix_firebrd: causing https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/4261395/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.kdepim-runtime_4%3A4.10.0-0ubuntu1%7Eubuntu13.04%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [15:51] I need to stop using that word, urban dictionary has a definition for it :| [15:52] ... and it's not pretty [15:52] yofel: getting a 404 [15:52] then you don't use firefox :D [15:52] yofel: chromium [15:52] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/4261394 [15:52] yofel: let me check with ff [15:53] like I said [15:53] * yofel uploaded a fix in the meantime [15:53] everything except rekonq and FF fails [15:53] shadeslayer: ha ha ha [15:53] shadeslayer: the urban dictionary [15:54] :P [15:54] yofel, suscribed to release-team [15:54] good night everyone! [15:58] going to register for the mailing list [16:00] yofel: this one kde-packager@kde.org or this one release-team@kde.org ? [16:01] I saw Riddell uds 2012 interview and i am very inspired [16:02] well, both [16:02] packagers would be enough for your purposes I guess [16:02] yofel: ok [16:02] for the former you need to open a sysadmin bug report [16:03] but some people don't make a distinction there [16:03] and ask Riddell to vet it [16:04] phoenix_firebrd: ooh where is that? [16:04] shadeslayer: youtube [16:04] r^ [16:04] Riddell: ^ [16:04] Riddell: I feel like you have become a celeb for some of us [16:05] heh, I was sitting a couple of feet from Riddell when he gave that interview [16:05] Riddell: you haven't seen it yet? :P [16:05] shadeslayer: awesome [16:06] for any fans, I'll be signing copies of my autobiography at FOSDEM this weekend http://open-advice.org/ [16:06] lol [16:06] :D [16:06] ...BBL [16:06] Riddell: with a gpg key? [16:07] yeah less wrist strain that way :) [16:07] for the pdf [16:08] Blizzzek: you guys coming to fosdem? [16:08] the most inspiring was how people came forward to contribute to kubuntu and how the team handles them [16:08] Riddell: at least Frank and Björn will be there === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion [16:37] shadeslayer: I have applied for the kde-packagers mailing list, will it get accepted eventually? [16:37] did you open a bug report on bugs.kde.org [16:37] shadeslayer: no without that? [16:37] nope then [16:37] shadeslayer: why so? [16:38] shadeslayer: is this an elite list? [16:39] phoenix_firebrd: historically that's how it works [16:39] https://bugs.kde.org/enter_sysadmin_request.cgi?component=packager [16:39] since the tarballs are only released to a certain subset of packagers [16:39] erm [16:39] s/packagers/people [16:44] shadeslayer: filed a request [16:44] phoenix_firebrd: you probably have to subscribe Riddell to it too [16:44] shadeslayer: cc ? [16:44] yep [16:45] shadeslayer: forgot that let me update it [16:45] idk what email address he uses for bugzilla [16:45] shadeslayer: googling [16:45] huh? [16:45] why not just ask him? [16:46] jr@jriddell .org [16:46] ok === ximion is now known as ximion-afk [16:48] "CC: jr@jriddell .org did not match anything" === ximion-afk is now known as ximion [16:48] without the space [16:48] right [16:49] done [16:51] I have subscribed to kde-packager@kde.org and release-team@kde.org, the first one is awaiting for approval === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion [17:03] shadeslayer: the control file contails "XSBC-Original-Maintainer" but the dsc file contains "Original-Maintainer" and I am getting a warning during building that the later is an unknown variable. I am thinking that its because of the improper updating from cdbs. any idea why? === Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion [17:19] Riddell: did libmtp, rekonq and ktorrent got packaged? [17:19] ktorrent and rekonq are done [17:20] yofel: shall i try libmtp? [17:22] phoenix_firebrd: you can see if there's anything to package there I'm not sure there is [17:22] phoenix_firebrd: you could, that's shadeslayer's expertise I believe [17:22] Riddell: sorry , i just saw your mail now, i am getting accustomed to the work flow [17:23] phoenix_firebrd: and as Riddell says, the packaging notepad linked in the topic points to the packaging todo's [17:23] yofel: ok [17:23] if you find something in the wild that needs to be done add it there [17:24] now if apachelogger would fix kubotu that would be great... [17:24] apachelogger: if my change doesn't work at all just throw it out and hardcode a login_with() that works for you... [17:25] kubotu: plugins [17:25] ~help plugins [17:25] no help for topic plugins [17:26] shadeslayer: are you packaging libmtp? === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion [17:58] good night everyone === wendar is now known as allisonrandal [19:44] ScottK: do we need these? [19:44] -./usr/bin/pykdeuic4-2.7 [19:44] -./usr/bin/pykdeuic4-3.3 [19:44] or is the generic pykdeuic4 enough [20:16] yofel: We should have them. [20:20] ok [22:06] yofel: I think we do have them already but under a different path. i think. check that [22:07] I didn't find them in the pykde4 install files === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__ === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__ === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__ [22:49] JontheEchidna: pingy [22:49] apachelogger: pong [22:49] JontheEchidna: it appears to me the qapt codec installer is misbehaving [22:50] remove gst fluendo and ugly, then try to play mp3 in amarok ... it will install -ugly properly but claim there was an error [22:50] PHONON-GST BEGIN: void Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject::setError(const QString&, Phonon::ErrorType) [22:50] PHONON-GST "User aborted codec installation" [22:50] hmm [22:51] as per https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314191 I suspect shadeslayer has the same problem [22:51] KDE bug 314191 in general "Test F-A003: MP3 Codec Failure fails" [Normal,Confirmed] [22:51] i.e. since the installer reports abortion the registry is not actually reloaded before retrying to play, thus asking to install for a second time but this time around -fluendo [22:55] https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ppa/+files/mangonel_0.1~git20130130-0ubuntu1.dsc still needs a review === emma_ is now known as emma [23:24] ooooops [23:24] my backport version parser doesn't play well with Riddell forgetting to add ~ppa to the version ^^ [23:24] kdeplasma-addons (4:4.10.0-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low~ubuntu12.10~ppa1) quantal; urgency=low [23:25] is the result === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw [23:26] Riddell: would it work better for you if we committed the version *with* ~ppa1 to bzr and adjusted the scripts to remove that before uploading to the archive? [23:27] because hell breaks loose if the ppa has something with simply "ubuntu1" === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__ [23:28] * yofel will try to fix the backport script again tomorrow [23:28] apachelogger: fixed [23:29] thx for the report [23:30] JontheEchidna: thank you [23:30] the worker was setting the transaction status to "finished" before setting the exit code, so when the gst helper checked, the exit code was still ExitUnfinished, the default value === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw === emma is now known as em [23:44] * yofel gave 4.10.0 a short run on raring, no obvious issues [23:44] more testing tomorrow [23:44] * yofel is off to bed, good night === Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__