[02:20] me gustaria trabajar en el administrador de archivos, algun grupo establecido? [02:20] I would like to work in the file manager, any established group? === msorvig_ is now known as msorvig === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw [14:17] do members of press have the OS already? I see several review videos on youtube posted from a home looking environment and such [14:17] can you give an example? [14:17] (just out of curiosity) === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [18:21] hi... I would like to write an app which show you articles of a lot of newspaper (like: the telegraph, corriere della sera, etc) [18:23] I found a project (RSS Reader), and I do not know if it is the same thing [18:23] It is not the same thing. Just go crazy with coding. [18:24] ajalkane, should I propose it as a core app? [18:24] Dunno... I doubt it [18:25] If you're parsing web-sites of magazines, those are bound to change from time to time. Doesn't sound like something that should be core. [18:25] RSS is a standard and all web-sites implementing it will work with RSS reader [18:27] ajalkane, so... with RSS you cannot parse a content of a page on your phone without opening a browser. Right? [18:27] No, with RSS you have an application that processed the documented RSS format [18:27] * prosesses [18:27] So each web-site, if it wishes, can give the documents in RSS format [18:28] And all RSS readers can show the contents [18:29] So it does away with the messiness of HTML, and having to implement HTML parsing for each and every web-site. Instead each web-site produces well documented format. === gatox_ is now known as gatox [18:30] IMO you should go crazy with contributing to the RSS reader instead of trying to parse the HTML of each web-site [18:31] There are of course some sites that do not have RSS feeds where such specialized app can be of use. [18:32] ajalkane, yeha.... in fact is what I was going to tell you [18:33] ajalkane, but... how can I contribute if all project are closed? [18:35] alo21: for now, I think you have to fille the form in 4) in http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ [18:36] It is my understanding all these project will be opened in due time, but for now they're in limited access mode [18:37] And sorry for the typing mistakes [18:38] ajalkane, I did, but I am worried that they will not accept me. Do not worry about typing mistake, I am the King [18:41] No worries... if they don't accept you then it means they have enough contributors at the moment. Just keep an open eye when the project opens. Or start your own project if you're confident. [18:41] We can all contribute in one way or the other. Sometimes it means just lurking and waiting for the correct opportunity :) [18:50] OK. Thanks === AlanChicken is now known as alanbell === alanbell is now known as AlanBell [19:43] ooh,what am i waiting to install ubuntu on my nexus device... thanks for making this possible! [19:43] hello, btw :) === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === k1l_ is now known as k1l