
Unit193/ <-- Here you go.00:00
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BarkingFishlol. Thanks :)00:01
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emwhats the latest slickest kubuntu?00:08
emalso does Kubuntu still have any concept of LTS or no?00:08
BarkingFishem, yes we do have a concept of LTS00:09
BarkingFishThe latest released version of Kubuntu is 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) - our latest LTS is 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)00:09
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LINKSWORD2BarkingFish: I have no running mouse.00:10
BarkingFishOffhand, I can't remember whether an LTS is 2 or 3 years support00:10
BarkingFishLINKSWORD2, Has it packed up working, or you mean you don't have one connected?00:10
LINKSWORD2Laptop with touchpad. It worked before, and now doesn't.00:11
BarkingFishHave you updated anything recently, LINKSWORD2?00:12
OerHeksLINKSWORD2, look for the FN key for ext mouse/trackpad selection00:12
LINKSWORD2OerHeks: ???00:12
OerHeksprinted in the same colour as the FN key00:12
LINKSWORD2There isn't one.00:12
LINKSWORD2So, can I get help getting my mouse capabilities running?00:17
OerHeksusb mouse?00:17
LINKSWORD2OerHeks: It's a laptop with a touchpad. ON the system.00:17
OerHeksoh, with 'mouse' i was thinking of an external mouse00:18
LINKSWORD2It's really making it difficult to do things.00:20
OerHeksneverless the FN key could switch mouse + trackpad, mouse or trackpad00:20
LINKSWORD2The laptop has a touchpad, and the FN key has never done anything to affect it before...00:21
OerHekswith laptop details i can try to look for simular issues00:23
LINKSWORD2Dell Studio 155500:23
BarkingFishI can't really help with laptops, I don't own one and wouldn't know where to start, so I'll leave you with OerHeks :)00:24
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
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=== CIGR is now known as Operated
emhow can i see what version of kubuntu im running?01:33
emh snele01:44
emw 301:45
Unit193em: lsb_release -a01:45
rapidspem: apt-get install lsb-release :)01:46
emapparently im using precise01:48
emis there any reason i should be using 12.10 instead of 12.04?01:48
rapidspem: all works right?01:50
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emrapidsp: yeah things are working01:57
emrapidsp: well i do have one weird thing01:57
emfor some reason when i do apt-get updates it says a key is invalid01:58
emi consistently have to have it install stuff that it can't authenticate01:58
nafg_Is there a program that repeats whatever you say into the microphone?01:59
nafg_Like a parrot01:59
emaudacity would probably do that.01:59
rapidspem: you can update keys02:00
rapidspbut i like be up to date :)02:02
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emrapidsp: how do you update keys?02:10
emrapidsp: is 12.10 pretty stable?02:17
pavpawесть тут кто по русски понимающий?02:17
pavpawor not?02:17
Unit193!ru | pavpaw02:17
ubottupavpaw: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.02:17
p4r0xysm1z3rhey guys02:20
p4r0xysm1z3rnewbie of linux OS can someone help me with wireless?02:20
p4r0xysm1z3ri need to get wired just to connect to internet02:21
emis there a kubuntu alt cd?02:25
james147em: not anymore as far as I know02:40
emjames147: hmmm02:50
emjames147: then i wonder how i will set up Full Disk Encryption on Kubuntu02:50
emi used to use the alt CDs to do that02:50
james147em: Do you really need full disk encryption? If someone steals your hard drive (most likely in a laptop) they are more likely just looking for a quick sell rather then your data. So home directory encryption if probably enough.02:53
james147em: Looks like ubuntu can do it: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/11/privacy-ubuntu-1210-full-disk-encryption  cant find anything about kubuntu though :P you can always install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu though.02:55
emYeah i need full disk encryption02:55
emit just makes me feel better because then I dont worry about my passwords and stuff on websites02:56
emi am more freewheeling when it comes to stuff like 'remember my password'02:56
james147em: just encrypting your home directory should be enough for that, the kubuntu installer can do that with ease. I also recomend you look at lastpass, great tool for storing passwords (keeps them encrypted via a master password and takes security very seriously).03:07
allen_anyone know if update manager will take care of the new xf86-video-ati 7.1.0 graphics driver, or do I have to install it manually03:32
kayveeeversince i installed the linux kernel updates, i am seeing this kernel panic error and the system does not boot. can someone please help?03:33
kayveehello again! i need some help with a kernel panic error.03:44
allen_post it in the ubuntu forums, i don't think anyone hear knows. sorry03:48
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* calwig hugs kubuntu04:43
calwigno crashes, no faults, no gpfs, no bluescreens of death, no fat, no sodium, no salt, no uric acid, no excess junk software. Kubuntu just works04:44
calwigTHANK YOU04:44
FloodBotK1calwig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:44
* calwig kisses FloodBotK1 04:44
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nafg_Is there any way to make Konsole turn file paths into links that open them in an editor?05:57
nafg_Right now I'm piping with05:58
nafg_sed -u 's_/home/naftoli_cgi:///st.cgi?/home/naftoli_'05:58
nafg_And I have  a cgi Kioslave that opens it05:58
nafg_but it always focuses on the browser05:58
SenjaiBought a flash drive06:12
Senjaiinstalling dat Kubuntu06:12
SenjaiAny residence experts that have any reccomended reading material? Mostly on bash and the kernel.06:13
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calwigSenjai, I must warn you, Kubuntu is awesome06:22
SenjaiI just want to dive into it06:22
calwig12.04 is amazing06:24
Senjaiany reccomended reading calwig06:34
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calwigSenjai, arent we all starving for reading hehe06:44
calwigwait around someone may post something06:44
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noaXessmorning all07:40
noaXesshey Mamarok ;)07:41
noaXessbbs.. reboot.. :)07:41
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SenjaiOfficially set up on Kubuntu07:45
* Senjai cheers07:45
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calwighow does someone check the hdd manuf thru terminal?07:54
Enkidu_akcalwig, hdparam -I /dev/<drive>07:57
Enkidu_akEr.. hdparm07:58
calwigEnkidu_ak, wha, man how could i forget08:30
Enkidu_akDo any of you know what might cause 100+ instances of ksnapshot to open without any keyboard input?08:35
Enkidu_akI thought that I had some short in my keyboard, but that is not the case.08:36
shadeslayernope, but you could run a script to kill them all08:36
calwigCtrl Alt F4, then back to Ctrl Alt F7 try that08:37
Enkidu_akKilling them all was easy, I'm more concerned with why it happened.08:37
Enkidu_akThis is the third time this has happened. It doesn't happen often, but I can't figure out what triggers it.08:37
shadeslayerare you running 4.10?08:38
shadeslayermaybe some key gets stuck?08:38
Enkidu_akFor now I've just set ksnapshot to 60008:38
shadeslayerto 600?08:39
Enkidu_ak4.8.5, whatever is in the repo08:39
Enkidu_akYes, read-only by the owner.08:39
shadeslayer4.8.5? O_O08:40
shadeslayeroh, LTS?08:40
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Enkidu_akHmm... There is a closed bug regarding this ksnapshot behavior. Apparently it's a "feature"...08:45
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sbivolEnkidu_ak: which bug is it?08:52
Enkidu_akhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125982 is the only reference that I can find. It's from 2006, though.08:54
ubottuKDE bug 125982 in general "ksnapshot "denial of service"" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]08:54
Enkidu_akThank you, ubottu. You understand me in a way that no other bot could...08:55
sbivolHO-LEE-SCHITT. I-ve just held PrintScreen pressed for 1.5 seconds and the bloody KSnapshot opened 40 instances!09:01
shadeslayer"The software works too well"09:05
sbivolshadeslayer: unbelievably (<- literally) well, I'd say.09:06
shadeslayeranyway, off to lunch09:07
sbivolI have a hard time imagining a workflow that would require more than one instance of KSnapshot. there are tons of desktop recorders out there; but even if there weren't, that wouldn't pe a reason to start KSnapshot with 15 instances/sec.09:11
* sbivol is frustrated about this "not a bug in KSnapshot" thing09:12
invariantsbivol, all desktop recorders for Linux suck.09:15
Enkidu_aksbivol, Heh, I didn't even want it to start once09:16
invariantsbivol, I don't know why, but somehow every single person who has released such a tool made it not work.09:16
invariantQuite an accomplishment for a sequence of 10 people to all fail so miserably.09:16
Enkidu_aksbivol, I had 100+ sessions and I never touched printscreen. They continued to open as I tried to close them manually. I finally had to pkill the lot of them09:16
sbivolinvariant: really? 'cause I record often, and had no problems. ever.09:17
invariantsbivol, what do you use?09:17
sbivolanyway, that's not a reason to *record* with KSnapshot09:17
invariantsbivol, what do you use?09:17
sbivolinvariant: ffmpeg. I'll give you the command in 3 minutes09:18
invariantsbivol, I also have an ffmpeg command, but I wouldn't count it as working. Does it record audio too?09:18
invariantsbivol, it's likely that you have a better command.09:18
sbivolinvariant: yes, it records sound09:18
mokushdoes anybody use kate for web development?09:25
mokushis there some way to highlight the opening and end tags (for html), or the opening and closing brackets for (css/js)?09:25
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invariantsbivol, what about the ffmpeg command?09:25
lordievadermokush: Vim is a commandline text editor that can do this. Not sure if Kate can do the same.09:26
sbivolinvariant: sorry it takes longer, I'm getting my files from the backup....09:27
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sbivolinvariant: ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s `xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:'| awk '{print $2}'` -i :0.0 \09:31
sbivol-vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 captură_`date +%H-%M`.mkv09:31
invariantsbivol, Unrecognized option 'preset'09:33
invariantsbivol, /usr/share/avconv/libx264-lossless_ultrafast.avpreset: Invalid option or argument: 'preset=ultrafast', parsed as 'preset' = 'ultrafast'09:34
sbivolinvariant: are you using THE ffmpeg or the „deprecated” ffmpeg?09:34
sbivolI'll adapt it for avconv today09:35
invariantsbivol, Failed to set value 'lossless_ultrafast' for option 'vpre'09:36
invariantsbivol, I now switched to avconv.09:36
invariantsbivol, but I still get the above.09:36
invariantsbivol, it's called ultrafast these days09:37
sbivolinvariant: as I sait, I'll adapt it for avconv09:37
invariantsbivol, oh, great.09:37
invariantsbivol, I thought you meant for yourself, not for me too :)09:38
sbivolinvariant: I'll post the updated command today. please stand by :)09:38
hateballI find recordmydesktop works rather well, not sure what problems one might have with it09:40
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Jackymokush: that'd require a nifty plugin09:58
Jackyshould push it on KDE brainstorm09:58
mokushJacky: well, kdevelop has this functionality already09:58
mokushwhy didn't they implement it directly in kpart?09:58
Jackygood question09:58
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baconidentify strips10:29
baconwow man10:29
baconi got bacons stips man10:29
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baconwhos high man?10:29
baconwant some bacon man?10:29
baconi got tons of it man...10:29
baconim strippin for bacon strips10:30
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Jackyi do like bacon10:48
lordievadermkuzu: I think this question is better suited for #ubuntu-server.11:08
mkuzuthank you11:08
alobar_Hi, im trying to compile a kernel module agains usermode linux architecture. in my Makefile i have to include additional CFLAGS but when i execute 'make ARCH=um' my cflags are overwritten. How can i fix this? thanks11:22
alobar_according to usermode linux doc, this is suggested CFLAGS=`cd uml-tree ; make script 'SCRIPT=@echo $(CFLAGS)' ARCH=um`, but kernel makefile does not have script target11:23
yossarianukhow you get apache2 debug packages in ubuntu11:54
yossarianukapache2-dbg doesn't exist11:54
Peace-yossarianuk: apt-cache search  apache | grep debutg11:55
Peace-yossarianuk: apt-cache search  apache | grep debug11:56
yossarianukPeace: thanks but on Ubuntu 8.04 I just see11:57
yossarianuklibapache-db-perl  + libserf-0-0-dbg + alpine-dbg11:57
Peace-yossarianuk: i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/159640611:59
yossarianukPeace: is that on 8.04 ?12:00
Peace-yossarianuk: 13.04 :D12:00
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BluesKajHI all14:05
funweek73Hi guys14:22
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Guest96540guys, what do I do when kwin crashes and kde won't accept keyboard input14:47
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FrobtheBuilderso guys, what do I do if kwin crashes, and KDE stops accepting keyboard input?14:55
FrobtheBuilderhow can I restart it?14:55
FrobtheBuildercan anybody possible tell me the answer to this question?14:56
Torchi was trying to answer the guest, the guest was gone. trying to answer the nick, the nick is gone.14:59
* Torch sighs.14:59
PrincessLunaHas anyone tried using Kubuntu with a touchscreen on a Windows 8 ultrabook like the Thinkpad twist, Zenbook touch, Vivobook etc?15:41
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* genii-around makes more coffee16:39
dragonioushey guys im trying to open a file in perl to edit my squirrelmail config but I cant seem to get the file to open can anyone help me?16:47
PrincessLunadragonious: Doesn't Kate open it?16:48
PrincessLunadragonious: "kate /home/path/perl.perl"16:49
genii-aroundIf squirrelmail is using the file, it's conceivabl locked16:49
PrincessLunaAnyone using a Windows 8 touch screen Win8 ultrabook with Kubuntu?16:50
dragoniousPrincessLuna: Thank you for your response. I honestly didnt try to open with kate I assumed it was ment to be openned with perl16:51
dragonioussorry I am very new to linux in general, but I learning at a pretty good pace;)16:52
dragoniousPrincessLuna: and I hate this keyboard :)16:54
dragoniousok now im confused, Im using the squirrelmail walkthrough from squirrelmail.org and it tells me to "run the squirrelmail configuration utility" but this is a code based text doc ??16:59
dragoniousdo I need to open it in terminal?16:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest1317
Guest1317i want to design my house17:19
Guest1317pleas help me?17:19
bazhang!info librecad | Guest131717:20
ubottuGuest1317: librecad (source: librecad): Computer-aided design (CAD) system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2+nolibs-1build1 (quantal), package size 2030 kB, installed size 4251 kB17:20
Guest1317i want to design my house17:22
bazhangGuest1317, this is Kubuntu support17:25
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nik9000hello #kubuntu - I'm installing now.  This'll be my first KDE experience.  I've had so many people tell me to try it that it is finally time.18:19
genii-aroundnik9000: Hopefully you find it an enjoyable desktop!18:19
invariantnik9000, disable all the semantic desktop features when you are done.18:20
invariantnik9000, they are misconceived features and will only work for the simplest of setups.18:20
invariantnik9000, otherwise, KDE is a good choice.18:21
invariantgenii-around, I am not joking.18:21
genii-aroundinvariant: I find akonadi frustrating also, that is why I have it disabled18:21
invariantThe only reason the semantic desktop code is in KDE is because some company just wants to test their code.18:21
invariantI can't think of any other reason.18:22
invariantIt's certainly not to provide a good user experience to people, because otherwise the proper solution would be implemented.18:22
nik9000I just read the from page for nepomuk and I'm really not sure what it said.18:23
invariantnik9000, just disable it or endure lots of pain.18:23
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
Torchnepomuk's not all that bad. strigi is problematic in cases.18:47
zoomgood evening19:22
zoomcan anyone tell me how i can make tpm_tis play nice?19:23
zoomim still having trouble with suspending and dmesg says "ton_tis ßß.0a: tpm_transmit: tpm_send: errir -6219:24
zoomwhich supposedly is a timeout19:24
=== andrea is now known as Guest36207
Guest36207chi puo darmi una mano19:29
Guest36207devo risolvere un problemino con kubuntu19:29
genii-aroundzoom: Try loading it with itpm=119:29
genii-around!it | Guest3620719:29
ubottuGuest36207: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:30
Guest36207my problem with kubuntu is: THE VIDEO IN THE SITE VITV.IT19:31
zoom'echo "options tpm_tis itpm=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/tpm-tis.conf; rmmod tpm_tis; modprobe tpm_tis itpm=1' and it still wakes up instalty, with the same error from dmesg19:46
zoomjust removing tpm_tis lets me suspend, but if i modprobe it again (with ot without itpm) it fails19:56
phillwhi guys, a quick ask from a lubuntu user who is looking to install a kde komponent ;)20:07
phillw I just opened Blogilo and it says "KWallet" and under it, it says ".. KWallet allows you to store your passwords and other personal information on disk in an encryption file..". This may sound like a dumb question, but is that safe?20:07
phillwI'm assuming SHA coding?20:08
zoomhave a nice day everyone20:23
jacksyhi there20:31
jacksyI need some information about using Kubuntu with an Intel Atom20:32
genii-aroundjacksy: I'm running it fine on my Acer D260 which has an Atom 45020:33
* riccardone 20:34
jacksyI have a problem with changing the Desktop Page in KDE420:37
jacksyit always crashes by klicking on the change button20:38
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genii-aroundjacksy: Was it always doing this since it was installed?20:43
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jacksyyes always, also on the live USB20:46
jacksyi'll try to reinstall it20:53
jacksyi think theres something wrong with my iso file20:54
mandoguitjacksy:   might want to check the md5 sum for the iso first before reinstalling.....that way you will know for sure whether the iso is valid or not21:04
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jacksyive downloaded already a new iso from official Kubuntu page21:05
faust_Hi All!!!21:12
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nyquist333join #grub21:57
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swarfegahmm libxkbcommon0 wants to remove a whole bunch of packages22:42
disharmonicHi guys22:47
disharmonicWhat would be the preferred meta-package for a laptop, kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-netbook?22:47
contrastdisharmonic: kubuntu-desktop22:52
disharmoniccontrast and then i should just manually disable strigi?22:53
contrastdisharmonic: You might want to for now. In about a week though, you'll want to upgrade to KDE 4.10, and it sports vastly improved desktop search.22:56
contrastdisharmonic: In case you're not already using the official Kubuntu PPAs: for i in ppa backports; do sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:kubuntu-ppa/$i; done22:57
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disharmoniccontrast, i'm not using the official ppa atm.  thanks for the tip23:04
contrastdisharmonic: No problem23:06
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