
ZelouilleHi. I can't put a wallpaper (background) in lxlauncher (lubuntu netbook interface). However, lxlauncher README file says : « Please put the images in /usr/share/lxlauncher/backround. LXLauncher will use those background images if available. »00:59
=== negaduck_ is now known as negaduck
jiridoHi again! I looked at the ubuntu guide on how to ad programs to autostart and the tutorial i looked said to drag and drop new entrys from start menu, but it does not work so i guess there is an alternative way for lubuntu..16:04
holsteinjirido: in lxe16:04
holsteinjirido: lubuntu *is* ubuntu. but the drag and drop guide you are reading is likely for gnome2 or unity16:05
holsteinjirido: what are you trying to do?16:05
jiridojust ad mumble to autostart16:05
holsteini use mumble, and i wouldnt, but heres what i do16:06
jiridoells people cant find and call me i think.. Thanks holstein ! all well to you16:07
holsteinjirido: you shouldnt have to add murmur to autostart16:07
holsteinjirido: you think what?16:07
holsteinjirido: if mumbe is running, its running16:08
holsteinits not for telephony really though16:08
holsteinits not meant for "call me in the morning"16:08
jiridoNo? but how can people cal me up/ yes but i gonna use it for telephoning/ low latency good quality and can talk in group, private server, encrypted and so on16:09
holsteini dont think autostarting the mumble client will make it autoconnect16:09
holsteinjirido: sure, and you can use it for that, but its not meant for that16:10
holsteinjirido: you autostart it, you still need to join a server16:10
jiridoI know but im not wery normal :)16:10
holsteinjirido: its got nothing to do with normal16:10
holsteinjirido: or you16:10
holsteinjirido: its a matter of expecting functionality of a tool that is not designed for that function16:11
holsteinwhat i hear you saying is "im using mumble for calls, and i dont think people can call me"16:11
holsteinjirido: the reason is, its not made for that.. you have to join servers, and maintain the connection16:11
holsteinjirido: its not meant to replace skype16:11
holsteinof course you can use it for "calls", but you should expect to work around the issues that using it not as its intended will bring about16:12
jiridowell i understand it is werry good and fill up a lott if not all what i requireso .. then i try to fix the rest instead of going with skype or other/ yes ofcourse you are right.. thats why i wanted to start with autostart ;)16:13
holsteinjirido: sure, but there is nothing to "fix"16:13
holsteinjirido: its not "broken", its just not appropriate for the task16:14
jiridook woraround16:14
jiridowork around!16:14
holsteinwell, the workaround is to start it, and connect and hope the server maintains your connection16:14
holsteinyou cant do anything to keep the connection to the server16:14
holsteineven if its your server, the folks coming in could drop16:14
jiridowell i do not know this app yet but have got it recomended,, so u say it has no autoconnect?16:15
holsteinjirido: what if the server is down?16:16
holsteinjirido: what if you get a commandline string that tries to autoconnect?16:16
holsteinjirido: it tries, and it doesnt report that its not connected...16:16
jiridothats an other problem, lets hope not :)16:16
holsteinjirido: what do i suggest?16:16
holsteinjirido: "hope" is not something i do with computers16:16
holsteinjirido: i test, and report, and know16:16
holsteinjirido: i use lxde.. lubntu, and mumble, and i know16:17
holsteinyou say you are having issues, im telling you why16:17
holsteinjirido: i suggest, just start mumble, and see that the connect is up and working16:17
holsteinjirido: you wont have any way of reconnecting if that server goes down, or your connection goes out or whatever16:17
holsteinjirido: thats why its not telephony16:18
holsteinjirido: its not made to me that "always on" way to contact you16:18
holsteinjirido: its made for a lowlatency network for gaming or chat16:18
holsteinjirido: nd it works great, but something like skype (or a free alternative) will be always on like you are looking for16:18
jiridoyes but im not all you are and cant bee.. for an example im on linux becauce windows is not secure and not of intrest for code or so.. for me it is a must rather than an intresst and that makes the aproache to things different from many whom hangs on irc for a starter.. but i have chickens in the barn and a garden and have to fire with woods if i wana have it warm and so on.. its different for all/ i dont like skype!16:20
holsteinjirido: skype or a free alternative16:21
holsteinjirido: im not saying "use skype", im saying, use something made for telephony16:21
holsteinMoewe: mumble is not16:21
holsteinMoewe: sorry...16:22
jiridoI would like something like skype then but have not found any with better propertys tham mumble16:22
holsteinjirido: ^^ mumble is not16:22
holsteinjirido: sure... then use it16:22
holsteinbut autostarting the app at boot wont "fix" anything16:22
jiridoi gona try to whip that horse to behave16:22
holsteinjirido: i would do as i suggested above... start it, see that it connects and check in on it16:22
Moewenp holstein16:22
Myrttiempathy + ekiga / google talk + google video chat16:22
holsteinjirido: its not "misbehaving"16:22
holsteinjirido: its not made for what you are trying to do16:23
jiridoI gona try anyway.. or rather.. I am trying right here and right now :)16:23
holsteinjirido: you dont have to try. you just use it, knowing the limitations16:24
holsteinjirido: i use mumble regularly16:24
holsteini also use skypc, and gtalk, and i have looking into empathy and ekiga16:24
jiridoBut comman you have to emit that development comes from trying to expand functionality.. most of things in things "Not intended to.. and dont come and say now that that is only for programmers.. Its a soul property! and its good to have even if you dont know everything.. even mor nessesary the in fact..16:27
holsteinjirido: sure, and mumble is open, if you would like to try and get a group and fork it or whatever16:27
jiridothen in fact16:27
holsteinjirido: but, there are thinks like Myrtti mentioned already.. open alternatives to skype16:28
holsteinjirido: mumble is more of an open alternative to teamspeak16:28
jiridomumblephone2 super extra :)16:28
holsteinjirido: sure.. you are not only welcome to do that, but encouraged16:28
jiridoIm no gamer you know.. I would not dare/ thats good16:29
holsteinjirido: ?16:30
jiridoso i would only need to ad autoconect funktionality actually16:30
holsteinjirido: sure, but to what server??16:30
holsteinjirido: the server is the issue... its not made for telephony like that16:30
jiridoWell i so easyly get in to things when i start so if i start gaming .. / why not it serves good now16:31
jiridoi like to have speek hangout for me and my pals to be able to be on or to use to talk privately from if we wish16:33
holsteinsure,, but there is "google hangout" actually designed for that16:34
holsteinand mumble will work great for that16:34
holsteinits the expecting the client to run as a background servive that might not work16:34
jiridoi dont like to tuch on coperate structure by default16:34
holsteinjirido: sure and im *not* suggesting you do16:34
holsteinjirido: i am merely offering suggestions for things that *exactly* meet your needs16:35
holsteinjirido: you can choose to seek out, or developed more open solutions16:35
holsteinjirido: a google hangout does do *exactly* what you are trying to do16:35
holsteinjirido: looking at how it works and what it uses might help you determine what you need/want16:35
holsteinjirido: i dont care if you ever use it, nor am i saying you should16:36
jiridoso i like to have a private connection server , private conversation, a group "room" low latency, noise reduction, open source, good sound,, Tell me were would you recomend with this in thought? remember private connection server.16:37
holsteinjirido: you can do that with mumble.. you just have to keep in mind, you are maintaining the server16:38
holsteinso if the server is down, or doesnt connect, you wont connect16:38
holsteinjirido: i would look at what google does with gtalk to address these concerns16:39
holsteinwhat do i do?? i use what the other person uses16:39
holsteinor, i use mumble, and i dont expect telophony functionality from it16:39
holsteini use it as its intended16:39
jiridoyes but that problem always are there the only thing needed as i se it now after having talked with you is autoconnect16:39
holsteinjirido: i dont think so16:39
holsteinjirido: waht if you autoconnect? and it fails? what next?16:40
jiridowhat more then16:40
holsteinjirido: does it go to another server?16:40
holsteinwhat server? when and why? and now are you on a different server?16:40
holsteinjirido: if autoconnet were "easy" or worked, it would likely be a feature16:40
holsteinplus, you dont need it. you just start and connect16:40
jiridoor try again and maybe after some tryes pops up saying sorry pal , out of luck today? server down16:41
holsteinjirido: sure.. then what?16:41
holsteinjirido: you are not autoconnected... and you cant recieve calls16:41
holsteinyou might as well just set it up each time and make sure its connected to the server you want to be on16:42
holsteinthats what i do.. i make sure we are all connected16:42
holsteinjirido: why not set up a vpn with your friends?16:42
holsteinthats as open and secure as you choose it to be16:42
jiridoyes but i like to autostart xchat pidgin and mumble../ then i go trying to fix what ever make the server downerver..16:42
holsteinjirido: sure.. autostart it then16:42
jiridoI want to be able to say.. Hey comean get this so we can speak free16:43
holsteinjirido: i just dont think that will ever work as you want it to, and i would seek support for autostarting mumble with autoconnect with mumobe16:43
holsteinjirido: sure, the vps is a free as mumble is16:43
holsteinits over your network, under your control16:44
jiridobut it is more integrated and more serious if it gets hacked16:44
holsteinjirido: no.. its not more "serious"16:44
holsteinjirido: if anything, its less serious if it gets hacked16:44
holsteinjirido: its over the network.. the same network16:44
holsteinif you had an encrypted vpn setup, that would be arguably "better" and leave you more options16:45
jiridoI dont like to hang out or offer or sugest something to friends or people i meet that i cant defend or protect that can become a risk16:45
holsteinjirido: this has *nothing* to do with telephony16:46
jiridowell im not to good to be true ;)16:46
holsteinjirido: if folks want to play ont he internet, they take a risk16:46
holsteini would /join #mumble and ask about the mumble specific questions16:46
TheLordOfTimeholstein:  correction: if folks want to do anything on the internet, they take a risk.16:46
holsteinTheLordOfTime: true...16:46
TheLordOfTimejust being on the internet makes you a potential target of drive-bys16:46
TheLordOfTime(just saying!)16:47
holsteinjirido: i wouldnt assume that mumlbe traffic is secure16:47
holsteinjirido: mumble is also not made for "secure conversations"16:47
holsteinjirido: its made for fast, lowlatency gaming talk16:47
jiridowell i feel that mumble is somewath risk free to recommend and easy to get on to.. and i did not aske mumble question but just for how to add a program to autostart list.. but have anyway enjoyed ore conversation :)16:48
holsteinjirido: feel? its not16:48
jiridoit's encrypted by default16:48
holsteinjirido: its open, and not encrypted.. its not for secure conversations16:48
holsteinjirido: sure, but for speed16:48
holsteinjirido: not security16:48
jirido128bit rsa?16:49
holsteinjirido: you can, and should research that.. the compression and encryption is not for security16:49
holsteinjirido: its not made to be safe.. its made to be fast16:49
jiridoThe voice channel carrying speech and positional audio is encrypted with OCB-AES 128 bit16:50
jiridosays FAQ16:50
holsteinjirido: its not designed for that either.. its not a "secure telephony" applications16:50
holsteinjirido: all of the traffic is tailored for speed.. not security16:51
jiridoso you mean that 128 bit is not secure16:51
holsteinjirido: i mean just what i said.. mumble is not for secure telephony16:52
jiridoThe so-called control channel, which transports your chat messages and other non-time critical information, is encrypted with TLS using 256 bit AES-SHA.16:52
holsteinjirido: if you trust is, go for it16:52
jiridoOk. Im a political figure here at home and i use usbmodem as im farout countryside and the lies are to long to give broadband16:53
holsteinjirido: none of that is relevant. all that is relevant is assuming mumble secure for telephony16:55
jiridoI like to be able to have a secure talk.. so what would you then sugest if one want low latency and no corporate touch. surely not google16:55
holsteinjirido: i suggested the vpn already16:56
holsteinjirido: i *never* suggested google or "corporate touch" for secure16:56
holsteinjirido: i suggested looking at how google is implementing its services that you could emulate via vpn16:57
holsteinjirido: to get secure talk over the internet, it really depends on what you are willing to compromise16:57
holsteini would not expect super low latency.. and i wouldnt use something designed for gaming16:58
jiridobut if some one hack any of the mashines in the network it is totally unsecure and it would be complicated to get to work for all on all diferent mashines,16:58
holsteini would look at securing the connections via vpn, and then you can use whatever on the network as it is local... ekiga or whatever16:58
jiridosorry i wright slow and have to look at the keybord while wrighting16:59
holsteinjirido: ?16:59
holsteinjirido: correct. vpn16:59
holsteinjirido: you cant just setup mumble and assume thats more secure16:59
holsteinjirido: i mean,, you can.. but thats not the case16:59
jiridoTo complicated to ask people to participate i think.. firewalls and so on17:00
holsteinjirido: sure.. secure *is* complicated17:00
holsteinjirido: the reason mumble is easy is because its less secure17:00
holsteinand arguably secure at all...17:01
jiridoyes but if it is Q of a "Talk to me " software it could be simmpler than vnp17:01
holsteinjirido: i wouldnt expect to have easy and secure17:01
holsteinjirido: skype is easier that vpn, and you can get connected from machine to machine17:02
jiridowell skype says it is!17:02
holsteinsays it is what?17:02
jiridowell can one in groupe without going true their servers?17:02
holsteinjirido: i dont maintain skype17:03
holsteinjirido: i dont expect mumble to be secure17:03
jiridowell havt said you do or what?17:03
holsteinjirido: i dont expect secure unless i have an ecrypted tunnel17:03
holsteinjirido: i dont exepect secure over the internect17:03
jiridoso there is no secure opensource talk and chat that is easy to setup17:04
jiridoThats sad17:04
holsteinif your isp, or the other persons isp logged the traffic, and its encrypted, what would it take for someone to open that?17:04
holsteinjirido: ?17:04
holsteinjirido: this has *nothing* to do with opensource17:04
jiridoofcourse it has17:04
holsteinjirido: this is the internet... using the internet is a risk17:04
holsteinjirido: no.. its has options to help17:05
jiridosure but there is eforts to overcome that17:05
holsteinjirido: yes.. a vpn.. openvpn is opensource17:05
holsteinssh is opensource17:05
jiridossh is easy and fairly secure17:05
holsteinjirido: then use it, if it makes you feel safe17:06
jiridoi do17:06
jiridobut not for talking obviously :)17:06
holsteinjirido: then, i would chat, text, via ssh..17:06
holsteinjirido: if you want secure telophony, you will have to decide what you are willing to compromise for security vs functionality, just as the others do17:07
holsteinjust as skype has and gtalk... and whoever else17:07
jiridothats what i mean with sad17:07
holsteinjirido: ?17:07
holsteinjirido: run your own skype17:08
holsteinjirido: run your own ekiga over a secure tunnel17:08
holsteinjirido: run *anything* over ssh or vpn17:08
jiridosad to not be able 2013 to talk with your buddys safe and easy17:08
holsteinjirido: the internet is not designe to provide you that17:08
holsteinjirido: its designed to connect you..17:09
holsteinjirido: if an isp is logging your traffic, what would it take to crack it? an amazon array? would it take a week? how much would it cost? is it worth it?17:10
holsteinjirido: if you are traveling over the internet, and its worth it to someone to have your information, then they will likely find a way17:11
holsteinjirido: this has nothing to do with 'opensource' or not17:11
holsteinjirido: big corporations deal with these issues just as large and small opensource projects17:11
holsteini think anyone who is going to be honest will say, just as TheLordOfTime suggeste above, being on the internet is a risk17:12
jiridowell fore me it is ok if the local bored police cant hack me dead easy by parking here up the woods and dump my network traffic17:13
holsteinjirido: what about the other person you are connecting to. or persons..17:14
jiridosecurity is relative is it not? vpn could be hacked the same or what?17:14
TheLordOfTimeVPNs are harder to hack, but just as likely to be a target17:14
TheLordOfTimeas is a blog site, an email server, a file server...17:14
holsteinjirido: *everything* can be hacked.. the vpn is totally under your control.. your level of encryption... then the options are more open too17:15
TheLordOfTimei could go on forever, but *everything* is capable of being hacked17:15
TheLordOfTimewith enough effort17:15
holsteinyup... *anything*17:15
jiridowell heeat i pull on by being naughty is not maybe so relevant then as the police is relatively lasy and so17:15
TheLordOfTimeanything computer related has as much risk of being hacked as you stepping out into traffic and being hit by a car17:15
jiridoso then mumble is just a little easyer to hack then vpn17:16
TheLordOfTimeand assuming you're smart about it you're *not* going to be walking out into traffic and get hit by a car anyways17:16
jiridowell sometimes its time to walk in the trafic :)17:16
TheLordOfTimejirido:  everything is hackable, so making the comparison is irrelevant17:16
holsteinjirido: mumble is not designed for secure connections17:16
TheLordOfTimeand holstein is right17:16
TheLordOfTimemumble is *NOT* a secure communication method17:17
jiridoyou have made it many times so far so why not me?17:17
* TheLordOfTime doesn't use mumble :P17:17
holsteinjirido: i would not assume it to be safe.. a vpn *is* designed for security... but i wouldnt trust it like its un-hackable17:17
holsteini use mumble.. but i dont expect it to be secure..17:17
TheLordOfTimethe only truly unhackable system is a non-networked system that is locked inside a room with ia key, numeric pin, and biometric security.17:17
jiridoso there is a scale!17:17
TheLordOfTimeand at that point it's not useful, so... :17:17
TheLordOfTime:P *17:18
jiridoso there is a scale!17:18
holsteinjirido: ?17:18
TheLordOfTimejirido:  i'm giving you the utmost extreme example of a system that can't be hacked because its not exposed.  its not even on the internet.17:18
TheLordOfTimejirido:  the MOMENT your system is connected to the internet, or even a local LAN, it is at risk17:18
jiridoscale of hackability, and tresholds17:19
holsteinjirido: you can have whatever scale you want.. the fact is, you take risks on the internet... make sure you are comfortable with those risks17:19
TheLordOfTimethere is no "scale" of hackability17:19
holsteinyeah... the scale would depend on a lot of factors17:19
TheLordOfTimeand each scale is tailored to each system/network/infrastructure17:19
holsteinand also, who would care?.. like when skype sayd "safe and secure"... they are not responsible17:19
jiridoyes you say vnp is safer = scale of hackabillety17:19
holsteinmumble isnt either17:19
holsteinjirido: vpn is designed for that task17:20
holsteinjirido: mumble has nothing to do with security17:20
TheLordOfTimeeverything holstein said.17:20
holsteinjirido: i say, purely on design17:20
jiridoso it is better on a scale as mumble also is encrypted17:20
TheLordOfTimei'm done, we're going in circles.17:20
holsteinjirido: "better" is a matter of opinion17:20
TheLordOfTimei'd rather stab php5's source code with a rusty spoon anyways17:20
jiridoi get you17:20
jiridoTheLordOfTime, then i think it is time to :)17:21
holsteinsafer can be a matter of opinion too.. but it comes down to what you want to trust, and what you are willing to setup17:21
TheLordOfTimeand what holstein said is the  "limit of risk that one deems acceptable"17:22
TheLordOfTimewhich is always > 0 (there's ALWAYS some level of risk you will be taking at all times)17:22
holsteinyup.. its really up to you.. security is a personal thing17:22
TheLordOfTime(and which you are willing to accept)17:22
TheLordOfTimeand what holstein said: security's a (relatively) personal thing17:22
jiridowell as you know by now i want a telefon system "Fairly" secure, easy to invite to, and good sound and so on17:22
holsteinsome folks have lots of locks on their doors.. some have security systems.. if i want what is in their house, i can likley find a way to get it though17:22
holsteinjirido: fairly?.. you *never* said "fairly"17:23
holsteinyou said "im a governemtn official"17:23
holsteinjirido: i think skype is "fairly" secure17:23
TheLordOfTimeif you're government, andyou want secure communications, its called "STE Secure Telephone"17:23
holsteinjirido: thats why i suggested it... and it *is* easy17:23
TheLordOfTimeit costs a TON, and requires you to have security clearance to use it.17:24
jiridoas you have said and as i ofcource have known from before "Noting is secure exept concreet room etc17:24
TheLordOfTimeand an STE telephone line (not worth it to crack it :P)17:24
TheLordOfTimebut that's hardwired things17:24
TheLordOfTimenot VoIP17:24
holsteinjirido: the systems that TheLordOfTime mentions *has* accountability17:24
holsteinjirido: if you get hacked, someone gets fired17:24
jiridobut they will have a register of my traffic whitch i dont like17:25
holsteinjirido: that helps.. they *do* guarantee privacy on some level17:25
TheLordOfTimejirido:  lemme tell you something:17:25
holsteinjirido: and you pay for that17:25
TheLordOfTimei have administrative access to certain networks for small businesses17:25
TheLordOfTimethat is to say, my codes can access a log of EVERYTHING that business does.17:25
TheLordOfTimeof course, i don't do that, because i'm on a contract with them.17:25
TheLordOfTimebut that is to say those small businesses have *accepted* the risk that I may go bonkers and steal their info17:25
TheLordOfTimebecause the legal repercussions for me doing that are so high its not worth me doing it17:26
TheLordOfTimetherefore: if you do not accept *someone* tracking your traffic, and voice communications over VoIP, don't do it17:26
TheLordOfTimewhich goes back to the level of "acceptable risk" you are willing to take17:26
TheLordOfTimeat some point you will have to accept that someone somewhere will track your information at some level17:27
holsteinisp's can and do track and log17:27
TheLordOfTimeand there's no way to get around that17:27
TheLordOfTimewhich is why there's numerous trainings in the work environment on "Safe Internet Practices"17:27
holsteineven if your isp doenst, the other one can... or what about the data center?.. you cant know that its not being tracked/logged17:27
holsteinand encryption is just that... with enough time, one could get through that and decrypt17:28
holsteinenough time, or a bot net.. or amazon array or whatever17:28
TheLordOfTimeand this goes back to the fundamentally insecure nature of the internet17:28
TheLordOfTimeand there is a 100% chance that someone somewhere will track your information17:28
jiridoIm not that intressting in realtime:) rather the heat goes in waves17:28
holsteinand thats really all you can do.. you or any opensource or commercial entity.. apply encryption17:29
holsteinjirido: i have no idea what that means17:29
holsteinjirido: i would do text via ssh17:29
holsteinjirido: i would not do *anything* on the internet that i didnt want to be found out17:30
TheLordOfTimejirido:  if you do grey-area things which could/couldn't be criminal you should not be saying that here...17:30
TheLordOfTime(if i interpret "the heat goes in waves" to mean legal pressure"17:30
holsteinOR, i would pay proffesionals for services such as TheLordOfTime suggested17:30
jiridoI want to be hard and uncomfortable as posible to decrypt and not have my connections recorded on anyones but a trusted computer17:30
holsteinjirido: its not... if i buy an array or amazon machines... how long would it take?17:30
holsteinjirido: is it worth the cost?17:31
TheLordOfTimejirido:  mind if i give you a microlesson in IT security?17:31
TheLordOfTimejirido:  the question isn't going to be "what should i use to encrypt"17:32
TheLordOfTimethe question should be how valuable is your activity/informaiton/etc. to the potential hacker?17:32
holsteinok.. i gotta go... jirido: my lesson is, trust no one.. and you are already not trusting skype and google.. just dont for get the ISP's and your friends ISPs and the date centers.. cheers17:32
TheLordOfTime"I want to hack this person.  I want $someinfo.  WHat will the cost be for me to crack any encryption?  What owuld the benefits be to me?"17:32
jiridobut that is unavoidable/ but it would require the local police to make it official and declare a reason to buy an aray at amazon etc, and would requ17:32
TheLordOfTimein most cases, if they really want to hack you they'll find a way17:33
TheLordOfTimepolice, blackhats, or otherwise17:33
holsteinjirido: no... blackhats dont have to follow that17:33
holsteinjirido: they just hack into the isp.. or datacenter cache and get to work17:33
holsteinjirido: can i afford to hire them?17:33
TheLordOfTimealso, is it worth the cost for you to hire them.17:33
TheLordOfTimei.e. will you get more benefit from hiring them than it cost to hire them.17:34
holsteinyup.. is the payoff worth borrowing the $$17:34
jiridoYes me to have to go but i have got some of youre points , but i still think mumble is the way to go for me for now17:34
TheLordOfTimethen that's your decision17:34
jiridothats sonera17:34
TheLordOfTimewhich means any insecurity if any from that decision you are accepting17:34
holsteinyup.. cause mumble is not reponsible17:34
TheLordOfTimealthough i stand by mine and holstein's original statement that mumble is not inherently secure.17:34
holsteinnor or they even implying its designed for security17:35
jiridothe biggest isp server owner in us if not the world17:35
MyrttiI wouldn't trust Sonera anything17:35
jiridowhom would17:36
jiridoAnd ofcorce i dont plan to hold anyone acountable for anything..17:36
jiridothat would be a joke!17:37
* TheLordOfTime goes back to stabbing php5's code base with a rusty spork, since this discussion keeps circling back on itselfe.17:37
jiridobut still the law here in finland is so that there needs justifications for actions and recuired resorces..  TheLordOfTime good luck pal17:38
jiridowhat they can do on their own computors they can do for fun and what they can do in aftertime is diferent , like recuire loggs and etc17:39
=== ben1u is now known as benlu
roastedhello friends23:58
roastedso I just installed lubuntu, and it works great, but the default theme is bumming me out. I'm having some trouble finding alternatives.23:59
roastedIs LXDE on 12.04 GTK3 based to use regular gnome themes with?23:59

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