
BarkingFishevening guys. Anyone know how to downgrade Firefox please? I'm on 19.0 and a very important plugin I use has ceased working.  I'm asking here cause I'm beta testing raring and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's probably asked something similar :)00:01
vividBarkingFish: if theres another version in the repos you can force it.  try 'apt-cache policy firefox'00:01
vividthen 'sudo apt-get install firefox=<version you want>' if its available00:01
BarkingFishok, thanks :)00:02
vividotherwise, pull a package from quantal at http://packages.ubuntu.com/00:02
BarkingFishthere isn't another version in the cache - we had 18.0 prior to this, i thought it might have been left somewhere - but no.00:03
vividfollow the link, download what you want and 'sudo dpkg -i <package>'00:03
vividmay have to use synaptic to lock the version, cant recall how to do that via cli00:03
BarkingFishok, thanks :)00:03
MikeRLCan anyone assist me with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/110266000:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1102660 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Raring Hard Freezes with AMD Driver" [Undecided,New]00:26
edvehi people00:32
coz_well I am definitly liking this 13.04 far better than the 12.xx versions :)01:04
BarkingFishI'm sort of enjoying 13.04, were it not for the fact that for the first time - my wireless adapter has its very own driver instead of me using ndiswrapper.  The very first set of updates on 3.8.0-1-generic broke the driver and it hasn't worked in 3 kernels :(01:05
BarkingFishi have a usb adapter which uses atheros' ar5523 driver - and the 3.8.0 series are the first place its had native support01:06
coz_BarkingFish,  havent tried for wireless yet, was thinking of installing it on my nexux7 to give it a try though01:06
BarkingFishi'm having to run raring back on 3.5.0-22 until that's fixed01:06
coz_understood ,, I'm sure it will be fixed01:07
BarkingFishit wouldn't be so bad if ndiswrapper would build on 3.8.0-*-generic (1,2, and 3) all are broken though01:07
BarkingFishthe dkms module simply won't build, so i'm buggered from both ends :(01:08
coz_BarkingFish,  well the only upside is it is not released yet,, so there is time for these fixes,.,.,yes?01:08
bjsniderBarkingFish, given that those dongles are so cheap i'd just buy a different one01:10
bjsniderthe asus usb-n13 for example01:11
bjsniderthat one has dual-band with 5 ghz01:11
BarkingFishbjsnider, i don't believe in replacing stuff which still works :)01:12
BarkingFishi'm using it right now01:12
bjsniderthere's "works" and then there's "well-supported in linux"01:13
BarkingFishbjsnider, regardless - it's "worked" and kept me on the internet in linux for over 8 years01:15
BarkingFishwhat annoyed me was the native driver "worked" perfectly for 7 hours - one set of updates borked it.01:16
bjsniderpersonally i get itchy if technology is older than 6 months01:18
BarkingFishthe problem with beta testing is you fix one thing, something else breaks, you fix that, something else breaks, etc ad inf.01:18
BarkingFishsorry btw, something went wrong with my SSL :P01:18
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ubottuUbuntu bug 1102660 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Raring Hard Freezes with AMD Driver" [Undecided,New]05:21
MikeRLHelp please seeing if this is a bug with the kernel or X?05:22
IdleOneshould I be concerned with06:57
IdleOnemodprobe: ../tools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN' failed.06:57
IdleOneAborted (core dumped)06:57
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ryegwibber daemon became crazy - write(2, "\n(process:2959): dee-CRITICAL **: dee_model_is_last: assertion `DEE_IS_MODEL (self)' failed\n", 92) = 9212:51
drhalanhey guys13:37
drhalanwhy is eclipse still at version 3.8?13:38
BluesKajHI all14:06
MrChrisDruifHi BluesKaj =)14:11
BluesKajhey MrChrisDruif14:11
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tlanhi. I'm running xubuntu 13.04 and it does not save my wallpaper17:07
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=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
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