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wbfhow would I fix a broken /lib/modules/(kernel version)/build03:09
dholbachgood morning07:03
kulveanybody thinking of getting ouya as small ubuntu-based "desktop computer"? Surely it's low-end compared to actual PCs but it might be enough for some basic stuff, emails, www, video playback08:28
kulveand ubuntu's current UIs would suit that use case probably better than e.g. nexus 708:28
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ograyipiie, my n4 arrived14:03
ograi wish i had a micro sim already14:04
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gildeanogra: you can cut your normal sim to fit the micro-slot14:42
gildeani've done it a couple of times, just make sure you don't cut too much and you're fine14:42
gildeanthere're a bunch of guides on how to do it like this one: http://www.solutios.com/simcutting/14:44
vanhoofogra: how is it?15:10
LaneyI just took my SIM to the shop and they did it for free with a punching device15:45
Laneydidn't trust myself to cut it15:45
ogravanhoof, cool piece of HW15:51
ograi ordered a new SIM already but that wont arrive before tomorrow15:51
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infinityogra: You've joined the hordes of proper smart phone owners?  I thought you made fun of all of us.17:33
ograwell, i have an S217:36
ograHW wise thats actually proper i'd say ...17:37
vanhoofogra: after I got into this situation w/ my S2, I decided the nexus line is for me :) http://ubuntuone.com/1VhMjTNOGS1p7epWyVSUtt18:14
wendarI'm getting install failures in the OMAP4 daily images raring-server-armhf+omap4.img19:00
wendar(repeating from ubuntu-server channel, just in case)19:01
ograwendar, hmm, i dont think these have been tested a lot lately, except by the auto-testing (since dropping the milestones nobody tests much anymore)19:13
ograhow does that manifest ?19:13
wendarogra: yeah, I'm just refreshing my PandaBoard dev environment to do some armhf work on universe FTBFS19:13
wendarogra: it makes it through the partitioning step19:14
wendarogra: but, when it tries to run the tasksel for Open SSH Server, it gives a generic "Installation step failed" message19:15
wendarI tried several variations on that, with the same error19:15
ogradefinitely worth a bug19:15
wendarwhich ticket queue should I stick it in?19:16
wendarand, do you want any special arm tags?19:16
ograwell, start with filing it against debian-installer19:16
ograattach syslog and partman.log19:16
ograarmhf and raring tags should be fine (but not mandatory)19:17
wendarwill do. I may not have much success fetching the log files off the pandaboard, but I'll try19:18
wendarogra: and thanks :)19:18
ograwelcome, thanks for reporting  :)19:19
infinityogra / wendar: I'm pretty tempted to drop the omap4 server images entirely, rather than fix bugs in them (assuming the bug is specific to that image, and not some larger systemic problem).20:27
wendarinfinity: how are the desktop images? are they getting daily testing?20:32
wendar(omap4, that is)20:32
wendarinfinity: it is pretty handing for development to have working omap4 images, kind of silly to do a full desktop install on a pandaboard for low-level library packaging work20:33
wendarinfinity: where "silly" == hogs resources that are useful for package building20:34
ptlhey, just want to thank the canonical team for the awesome progress on Ubuntu on ARM this week, I've seen the weekly summary for today and I am really amazed, you guys are doing a great job20:34
wendarinfinity: but, they could easily go back to being preinstalled images run off an SD card, rather than running debian-installer20:35
infinitywendar: I just use the netboot images to install my Panda, rather than downloading a big server image.20:40
wendarinfinity: ENODOCS20:41
wendarI think I might have been the last person to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP20:41
wendarinfinity: I'm totally cool with altering the recommended practice for raring20:42
infinityThe netboot section could definitely do with a bit more verbosity.20:42
infinityAnd, ideally, the whole wiki page could not suffer from living in the past.20:43
infinityLike the references to natty netbook images...20:43
wendarinfinity: it's supposed to be updated with each release20:43
infinityWell, ideally, we shouldn't need platform-specific install pages at all.  This is how things get out of date.20:44
wendarinfinity: except that OMAP has always been an unique little snowflake20:44
infinityLittle bit, yeah.20:44
wendarinfinity: with need of more information20:44
wendarinfinity: I volunteer my time to help, whatever needs to be done20:45
wendarinfinity: if it's dropping the armhf ubuntu-server images and updating the docs to match, that's cool20:45
infinitywendar: Anyhow, boot.img-serial.gz (or boot.img-fb.gz, if you like monitors and keyboards) from ports/dists/$dist/main/installer-armhf/current/images/$platform should do the trick.20:46
infinityWell, dropping the server images is orthoganal to documenting netboot a little bit better.20:46
infinityI suspect most people would be so wildly excited to discover that they only need to download a 9MB image to install, mind you...20:47
infinityGiven that server is basically full CD sized, and full of things most people don't need.20:47
infinityBut I'm also an old skool UNIX type who thinks everything should boot/install via bootp/tftp, so my opinion may not be the norm.20:48
infinityThis all gets more interesting when we finally have a generic kernel (getting there), and I pretty much refuse to build a full desktop and server image for each one just to include a different bootloader.20:51
infinityBut spinning d-i netboot images for each subarch is simple, and quite doable.20:51
ograslangasek, as i said in the meeting, i see it at such a level as well right after boot (using htop to measure) but it drops then to about 360M23:31
ogra(wrt the nexus7 ram usage)23:32
slangasekogra: how do you measure this?  Mine is consistently at 600M+ with the latest raring23:32
slangasekoh, interestingly I just checked it again and now it's at 550M ;)23:32
ograi have it running via ssh23:32
ograright, it takes a bit but will go further down23:32
slangasekwhy htop?23:33
ogradunno, i like the ease of use23:33
slangasek'free' shows me 553996 as 'used, -buffers'23:33
ograwell, i like to have the processlist and htop is way more userfriendly than top23:34
slangasekfair enough23:35
ogra(and is usable by mouse and touch in a terminal)23:35
slangasekI prefer to use the tools that are available in a stock install, provided they do the job :)23:35
slangasek(which 'top' does not, it doesn't properly report "memory used for things that aren't disk cache")23:36
ograi'm happy to know hpow to use them if needed but i'm spoiled by bling and desktops :)23:36
ogracolorful terminal apps are a good compromise ;)23:36
slangasekheh, what's 'luxd'?23:37
ograa shortcut from the ambient lightsensor to the lcd brightness23:38
ograjani works on implementing it in gnome-settings-daemon23:38
ograso we can drop the script23:38
slangasekdoes inotify work on /sys? :)23:38
ograacceld is going away too, g-s-d is nearly there23:39
ograits the same thing just in C ... still polling every sec23:39
slangasekhow about brcm_scaryhotpatch_daemon? :)23:40
slangasekah... less nice, then ;)23:40
ograi dont think inotify works on virtual fs@es23:40
slangasekwell, no reason that it would apply to all virtual fses, but I just checked and yeah, doesn't appear to work on /sys23:40
ograthere were attempts to implement brcm_patchram in the kernel driver to load the firmware ... but i think they were turned down23:41
ogramathieu just packaged it and sanitized my upstart job ... it still needs some fixing (doesnt survive suspend)23:42
ograits a compromise, but makes the HW work23:43

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