
robrumterry, ping00:14
mterryrobru, yo00:15
robrumterry, do you have a sec to help me with more vala async voodoo?00:15
mterryrobru, sure00:16
robrumterry, ok, so I've got a number of methods that look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1595270/00:16
robrumterry, and what I'm trying to do there, is make the method behave *synchronously* even though it's built on top of an async API. so, eg, it needs to block the thread, in order to return the value from the callback00:17
robrumterry, but obviously it's not doing that. it calls the method successfully, then returns null immediately, and the callback gets called but not in time to return the value00:18
mterryrobru, begin can't do that00:18
mterryrobru, begin as you see exits quick.  There's no current syntactic sugar for doing what you want.00:18
mterryrobru, you need to make a new GLib.MainLoop()00:18
mterryrobru, and run it, and exit it in the callback00:18
mterryor rather .quit() it in the callback00:19
robrumterry, what are the implications of having a bunch of mainloops happening concurrently? will they interfere with each other in any way?00:19
mterryand .run() it after the .begin() call00:19
mterryrobru, no00:19
mterryrobru, shouldn't be any problems with nested loops00:20
robrumterry, ok, just that there's like a dozen of these, and we're expecting them to be running a lot. not sure if there's, eg, memory usage concerns with having dozens of mainloops going at the same time00:20
mterryrobru, well, you don't have many options, unless you can afford to actually block (which it sounds like you can't).  You need a main loop to handle events while you wait.  And you can't exit the function00:21
mterryrobru, but I don't think MainLoops are expensive00:21
robrumterry, ok00:22
robrumterry, just for example, I had a similar problem in python one time, and I handled with by calling time.sleep() inside of a while loop:00:22
mterryrobru, ah, that's actual blocking.  I don't like doing that00:23
robru(in that case, mainloops weren't working for me, because we had some kind of bug where the callback wasn't getting called, so I needed a way to force a timeout. calling time.sleep() a fixed number of times was an easier way to be able to measure how long we've been waiitng, and then give up the wait.00:23
robrumterry, yeah, in that case we specifically needed to block that whole thread, because everything the thread was about to do hinged on getting the results back from that function -- so we just had to sit there and wait for the callback. it's a threaded app, so other threads were able to do their own thing -- only the one thread was blocked, not the whole app.00:24
mterryrobru, I vote MainLoop, but if you can afford to real block, sleep is fine00:24
robrumterry, ok, I'll try to figure out mainloops ;-)00:25
mterryrobru, I see, there, real blocking was a feature not a bug  :)00:25
* mterry has to go00:26
robrumterry, ok great, thanks00:26
pittiGood morning05:59
desrtpitti: word.05:59
pittidesrt: bonjour, comment est FOSDEM?06:00
desrtĝi ne ekis ankoraŭ06:01
pittidesrt: right, I mean the GNOME hackfest06:08
desrtah.  bona06:08
desrthodiaŭ estas la fina tago06:08
desrtĉu vi venos hodiaŭ aŭ morgaŭ?06:09
pittidesrt: ^ heh, I can decipher that without gtranslate :)06:21
pittidesrt: je vais arriver à demain06:22
desrtpitti: that's the point!06:22
Mirvdoes totem work in raring for most? I haven't figured what's causing bug #110374706:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1103747 in totem (Ubuntu) "Totem could not startup." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110374706:29
pittiMirv: yeah, since glibc 2.17 it works perfectly here06:31
MirvI thought so, given the low visibility in LP06:40
Mirvbut interesting: libgstclutter.so is blacklisted for me...06:40
MirvI wonder what's doing that and where06:41
Mirvupdated the bug a bit but didn't find anything useful07:16
jibelgood morning07:28
robrupitti, I just replied to your email, but now I am off to sleep! Hopefully that is not too overwhelming for you to read ;-)08:15
robrugood night all!08:15
pittirobru: goodnight08:15
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chrisccoulsonah, crap @ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83605010:38
ubot2Mozilla bug 836050 in DOM "Make Element::GetAttr/HasAttr/AttrValueIs non-virtual" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:38
chrisccoulsonthat's the end of our addon now ;)10:38
Laneyhow come?10:40
chrisccoulsonLaney, these functions aren't exposed. the only reason we ever managed to use them is because they were virtual10:41
chrisccoulsonwhich sucks10:41
chrisccoulsonthe reality is, binary addons are dead10:42
chrisccoulsonand this is pretty much the final nail in the coffin10:42
chrisccoulsonwhich means i need to urgently finish off my reimplementation of this, else we'll be shipping an update without a menubar ;)10:42
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pittiMirv: confirmed, it broke today11:43
pitti (totem)11:43
pittiit just takes ages to start11:44
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ogralovely, lightdm lost fat !11:51
ograthats impressive ... 27MB less11:52
Mirvpitti: ok.. might be different from my problem, though. it does start immediately, pops up the error about missing gstclutter and closes when ok is pressed11:59
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* ogra is impressed, so my idling desktop on the nexus7 is down from 640M to 357 here 12:58
ograaccording to htop at least12:58
pittidoes anybody else get "WARNING **: Couldn't register with accessibility bus:" warnings and long hangs for each and every program now?13:37
davmor2ogra: there is a nice python app call statgrab that can give you a load of info on either a single app or everything running http://www.i-scream.org/libstatgrab/ will give you more info13:58
ogranice ! thanks13:58
davmor2ogra: I found 3 memory leaks in USC using my script that made use of it.  Of course it took mvo about a month to find the cause but it has proved it's worth :)13:59
seb128pitti, no such issue here14:15
seb128pitti, you have at-spi-core2 installed I guess?14:16
pittioh, no, I don't14:17
pittioh, at-spi2-core; I do have that14:17
pittiseb128: FYI, finally tracked down the weird gvfs autopkgtest failure, uploaded a fix14:20
seb128pitti, great14:20
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seb128ogra, the meeting is in 1h15 right?14:46
seb128hum, I'm pretty sure it is ;-)14:47
seb128in any case I'm off an hour for exercice, will be back on time for it14:47
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Laneypitti: I see that message but it doesn't seem to noticeably delay startup15:02
loolstgraber: Ah, I see cyphermox is on leave today; would you know whether he intended to upload the latest connman release?  I remember he packaged it in bzr somewhere, but I'm not sure what's holding it back for raring, would you know?15:18
pittiLaney: ok, then maybe I just need to restart my session15:18
cyphermoxlool: no it's blocked on kernel headers being broken15:18
cyphermoxI haven't looked back to see if those were fixed yesterday though15:19
cyphermoxit was still being discussed on LKML not long ago so I assumed it wasn't patched anywhere yet15:19
cyphermoxI would really rather not upload connman with a ugly hack to make it work15:19
cyphermoxlool: OTOH, it could still be uploaded, it will work it's just likely to break once the headers change again -- it's all in bzr at lp:~mathieu-tl/connman/1.10 I can upload that in a minute it you think we should have it now regardless15:21
* pitti scratches head on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/130118936/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.gvfs_1.15.2-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:22
pittigtk 3 already built an moved to raring15:22
pittiwhy the hell is it uninstallable in a buildd?15:22
pittiI already retried the build15:23
pittioh, now http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/raring-proposed_probs.html is full of it15:23
pittiit wasn't yet when I retried15:23
loolcyphermox: sorry for interrupting your leave; thanks for the pointers!15:24
pittiso what broke -proposed so hard?15:25
Laneyskew from libxkbcommon it seems15:25
cyphermoxlool: ah, I'm still looking at IRC for the next hour or so15:25
loolcyphermox: Kernel headers > is that a case of headers not being in linux-libc-dev?15:25
loolcyphermox: Worst case, we can copy a header from linux until this is sorted out?15:26
cyphermoxnah, it's some incompatibility between the headers in the kernel and what's in libc15:26
Laneyerr, wait15:26
loolcyphermox: do you have a link to that?15:26
cyphermoxlool: I did patch it locally in my bzr branch15:26
loolah great15:26
Laneywhy does libgtk-3-0 have such a tight dep on libxkbcommon0?15:26
pittiLaney: yeah, that seems a bit excessively tight15:27
cyphermoxlool: I was hoping for the situation to be sorted quickly upstream and then being able to upload without this patch, but if you think we need it now, I can just upload15:27
pitti$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/libxkbcommon0.shlibs15:27
pittilibxkbcommon 0 libxkbcommon0 (= 0.2.0-0ubuntu1)15:27
pittiLaney: ^ seems so15:27
Laney# Keep a close eye on the shlibs for the time being:15:28
Laneyoverride_dh_makeshlibs: revision=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog|grep ^Version:|sed 's/Version: //')15:28
Laneyoverride_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs -V "libxkbcommon0 (= $(revision))"15:28
pittiat least libxkbcommon is "valid candidate", so it should hopefully clear itself up now15:28
loolcyphermox: Since you did the work, I think it would be nice to get it now; we can update it with a cleaner patch later15:28
Laneyno it won't15:28
Laneyit's a transition15:29
Laneybdrung: ^^^^^^15:29
Laneyseems to only be gtk and weston though15:29
Laneytjaalton: do you know if that shlibs condition can be relaxed now that libxkbcommon is considered more stable?15:30
cyphermoxlool: ack, I'll just run it through sbuild one last time here to be sure it builds properly15:30
loolcyphermox: we don't even have the command-line tools in the current Ubuntu packages, do we?15:31
cyphermoxbut it's in my package15:31
lool0.78 -> 1.10 is definitely a great win; the linux header thing is really minor in comparison15:31
Laneytjaalton: (also, I don't see the recent Ubuntu changes in git; would be nice to have them there IMO)15:33
pittiLaney: oh indeed, we'll need to rebuild gtk3 against it, sorry15:33
pittiLaney: care to add a block to libxkbcommon?15:33
pittiLaney: this shouldn't migrate to raring as it is, it'll make everything uninstalalble15:34
pittiLaney: too bad that britney doesn't pick that up15:34
Laneypitti: britney does pick it up15:34
Laneypitti: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt is generally the more interesting file15:34
cyphermoxlool: there is also a patch in bts that would be nice to have15:34
Laney_excuses is just package-local checks15:34
pittiLaney: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html says "valid candidate"15:34
pittiLaney: oh, ok; so it will not go in?15:35
Laneythat means something like "valid to pass to the second stage"15:35
Laneyindeed - see libxkbcommon there15:35
pittiLaney: so "skipped" means "thumbs down"_15:35
pittieek, kbd lazout15:35
Laneythen the i386:... is all the packages that get made uninstallable15:36
pittiok, thanks15:36
LaneyI'd like tjaalton to comment on whether we can just use standard -V nowadays15:36
loolcyphermox: I guess you mean the upstream BTS rather than the Debian one as the latter doesn't seem to have any patch15:36
Laneyso that we can future proof this15:36
loolcyphermox: if you like, I can include that patch if you point me at it; I dont want to make you work today15:37
loolcyphermox: are we still using https://code.launchpad.net/~connman-maintainers/connman/ubuntu.head ?15:37
loolnot sure I can write to that15:37
cyphermoxlool: nah15:37
cyphermoxI based on debian's 1.015:38
lool(BTW the old Ubuntu changelog entries seem to be gone; not sure if it's on purpose)15:38
cyphermoxI'll include the patch in BTS (via uploading / merging this with debian and uploading to unstable with some help)15:38
cyphermoxI must have forgotten to add them back15:38
cyphermoxlool: it's not quite meant as a merge though, more like a sync with additional changes :)15:39
loolcyphermox: Ok; just let me know if I can help with anything on the Debian or Ubuntu side; I'd like Connman to be up-to-date in the archive as to allow for easier testing (no point in having a PPA if we can just push it to raring)15:39
loolcyphermox: That's fine; you can happily drop changelog entries if you've indeed started from Debian version and reapplied changes by hand15:40
loolI was just double-checkig15:40
cyphermoxyeah, that's what I did15:40
loolcyphermox: I was thinking we should try to package some of the connman UIs since we don't have any indicator / applet for it15:40
cyphermoxthere is some code that works for gtk2/ gnome-panel15:41
cyphermoxit's not amazing, only works in xfce and the like, but it helps out15:41
cyphermoxwe really need a proper indicator to be written15:41
loolit's a good start while an indicator doesn't exist15:41
loolwe could even push it as far as having the same hack as nm-applet15:42
cyphermoxyes, possibly15:42
cyphermoxI can package that on monday15:42
cyphermox(unless it's needed earlier15:42
loolcyphermox: it's not critically urgent to get the UI15:43
loollet's chat about it on Monday15:43
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cyphermoxlool: connman 1.10 uploaded.15:44
cyphermoxlool: if something doesn't work or people are unhappy, anyone feel free to fix things, I won't be available for the rest of the day15:45
loolcyphermox: thanks a lot15:45
loolcyphermox: and have a good week end15:45
cyphermoxyou too15:46
ograseb128, 17:30 paris time :)15:51
cyphermoxogra: does today image actually work for bluetooth now?15:52
ograwell, i havent re-installed since a while, it works fine here though15:52
LaneyI could pair but not send a file from my phoen to the N715:52
cyphermoxLaney: ah, thanks15:52
Laneycould be the android side being buggy15:53
cyphermoxmaybe the n7 doesn't have the gnome file sharing bits?15:53
ogracyphermox, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/20130201/raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.manifest shows "brcm-patchram-plus-nexus70.1.1"15:53
cyphermoxyesterday's didn't have it15:53
ograi can connect my kbd and a headset here15:53
ograit just doesnt survive suspend15:53
cyphermoxok so we'll need to figure out what's up with suspend15:55
seb128ogra, 17:30 ... trying to trick me 30min late? ;-)15:57
ograheh, was it earlier ?15:57
* ogra is confused15:57
seb128ogra, isn't the time 17:00?15:58
seb128ogra, I though it was on the hour, not half past15:58
ograyeah, you are reight 16:00 UTC15:59
seb128you did try to trick me in being late!15:59
ogranow ... so to say15:59
ograno, i'm just a bit confused, too many vet. visits this week15:59
tjaaltonLaney: oh.. yes it can be relaxed. and the latest merge/sync is in git16:03
tjaaltonthe one I did anyway16:03
attenteseb128: where is the meeting?16:05
seb128attente, #ubuntu-meeting16:07
bdrungLaney: yeah, we should relax the shlibs condition for libxkbcommon. i will do that.16:11
tjaaltonLaney: so, should I upload a new libxkbcommon dropping it?16:11
tjaaltonbdrung: please don't16:11
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bdrungtjaalton: why not drop the shlibs condition and add a symbols file?16:13
tjaaltonbdrung: I've dropped it locally already16:14
tjaaltonupdating the branch atm16:14
bdrungtjaalton: so you wanted to stop me because you are working at it?16:14
tjaaltonbdrung: yes :)16:14
bdrungokay :)16:14
bdrungtjaalton: will you add a symbols file?16:15
tjaaltongood idea, didn't do that yet..16:15
bdrungtjaalton: and please use 3.0 (quilt) source format or get the direct source changes converted to a patch16:16
tjaaltonbdrung: it's pkg-xorg, 3.0 is a no-no16:16
tjaaltonask jcristau16:17
tjaaltonor don't16:17
bdrungthen please specify version 1.0 in debian/source/format16:17
bdrungthis will make clear that there were made a decision16:18
Laneytjaalton: cool, then please upload gtk and weston once you've done that16:25
Laneyseb128: your staged gtk changes drop a symbol without updating the file16:26
tjaaltonI'll update both wayland & weston too (1.0.4)16:26
Laneydid you make sure nothing uses it ...16:26
seb128Laney, oh, sorry, and yes larsu had a workitems to investigate that, we added that patch/symbol for ido and it stopped using it16:27
LaneyI wish for a codesearch.ubuntu.com (like codesearch.debian.net) in situations like this16:27
* Laney wonders how hard that would be16:27
tjaaltonsomeone uploaded libxkbcommon-0.2.0-0u2 already?16:35
tjaaltonor since jan 9th16:36
Laneyyes, that's what alerted us to this16:38
davmor2ogra: on the n7 I'm just trying to setup online accounts and which ever I select for access I can't type in email and password for access :(  ie Facebook, Google, twitter.  All display the login creds but I can't type in them16:39
ograbug :)16:39
tjaaltonLaney: ok, uploaded -0u316:43
LaneyI'll upload gtk; you do w*16:43
tjaaltonwas about to ask someone else to take care of gtk :)16:44
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robrucyphermox, ping21:07
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robruhmmmm, packages.ubuntu.com only goes back as far as oneiric.... does anybody know how I might find out what version of a particular package shipped with lucid?21:22
* robru puts on his Historian hat ;-)21:23
robruoh, weird, there we go: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/network-manager21:27
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cyphermoxrobru: pong22:20
cyphermoxyeah, that sounds about right22:20
robrucyphermox, oh hey, yeah ;-)22:20
cyphermoxanything specific you're wondering about network-manager?22:20
robrucyphermox, ok, well, basically what I'm needing is to just receive a signal whenever the network is connected or disconnected.22:21
robrucyphermox, we already had some code for that, but it was really convoluted because it was trying to support 0.8 and 0.9 simultaneously ;-)22:21
cyphermoxin C or python?22:21
robrucyphermox, was hoping to simplify it ;-)22:21
robrucyphermox, the new code will be vala actually.22:21
cyphermoxC then :)22:21
robrucyphermox, :-P22:22
robrucyphermox, I'm not writing any C :-P22:22
cyphermoxthere are two aspects there22:22
cyphermoxdo you really need to support before 0.8?22:22
robrucyphermox, just using d-feet I see there's the StateChanged signal22:22
robrucyphermox, no, don't need to support 0.8 at all. it's just that the legacy gwibber code I inherited was already doing that. I was just trying to determine if it was feasible to toss it22:23
cyphermoxyou're not likely to ship new things to pre-oneiric22:24
cyphermoxrobru: so the real difference is mostly that state is now split from NM_STATE_CONNECTED into _LOCAL, _SITE, and _GLOBAL22:25
robrucyphermox, does that mean what it sounds like it means?22:26
cyphermoxrobru: I don't know?22:27
cyphermoxit's three similarly name state enum types rather than just one22:28
cyphermoxor perhaps more simply: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/api/09/spec.html#org.freedesktop.NetworkManager22:28
robrucyphermox, but, like, _GLOBAL refers to the internet, _SITE refers to the local LAN, and _LOCAL refers to the loopback device, right?22:28
cyphermoxsee the StateChanged signal22:28
cyphermoxkind of22:28
cyphermoxbut you'll want to deal with all three the same way for now22:29
cyphermoxthat only really makes much of a difference on IPv622:29
cyphermoxand there's further reasons why we don't differenciate (e.g. connectivity checking, which we don't do quite yet)22:29
robrucyphermox, our current implementation looks like this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~super-friends/friends/trunk/view/head:/friends/service/connection.py22:30
cyphermoxyeah looks about right22:32
bdrungtjaalton, bryce: xkeyboard-config needs to be multiarchified. do you want to merge from Debian and add the multi-arch support or should i do that?23:40
brycebdrung, go for it23:58

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