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mterrycjwatson, thanks for quick review!  It was too quick.  I tried to put the merge in WIP mode, but you must have reviewed before I did that.  If you'll look at it again, it should be better00:02
cjwatsonI saw the WIP but thought it might be worth saying anyway00:02
xxiaook works00:02
xxiaohad to /bin/sh in to passwd then reboot00:03
mterrycjwatson, well I had been an idiot and forgot about pkexec stripping DISPLAY.  So I had to redo it altogether after I thought to at least test it  :)  Thankfully synaptic ships a pkexec version now, and I don't think we need to stress about cddistupgrader, assuming the "Suggests" status is appropriate for it00:04
mterryIn the sense that update-notifier-common merely Suggests gksu00:04
xxiaohold on...i am inside ubuntu-core as the rootfs over nfs, the thing does not include ifconfig/dhcp then how can I get an ip then do apt-get? is this just for chroot then add stuff?00:06
sarnoldxxiao: is 'ip' installed?00:06
cjwatsonubuntu-core is intended as a base chroot that you add more things to as needed00:06
xxiaosarnold: thanks forgot that :) it's there00:07
xnoxxxiao: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core   bring your own bootloader, kernel, configs00:07
xnoxxxiao: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core/InstallationExample00:07
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xxiaocjwatson: ubuntu-core also works as a standalone rootfs, the only thing I need is to change root passwd for ttyS0 access, now i can apt-get00:18
cjwatsonxxiao: well, sure, but it's not guaranteed to have things like useful networking :-)00:20
cjwatsonif you can use it standalone that's a bonus00:21
xxiaoso far so good, loading stuff to it now00:21
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bryce@pilot out00:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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xxiaoBenC: 13.04 rootfs is basically usable, until kvm is needed that is01:22
BenCxxiao: How do you mean?01:23
xxiaoBenC: could not install qemu-kvm01:25
xxiaoi am installing folsom which pulls in kvm01:26
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xxiaodumb me, kvm is not enabled in the kernel yet01:29
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infinityxnox: Both those Debian ports are unfficial for a reason.  They're largely unnecessary, but fun toys.03:43
infinityxnox: (Well, and spe is also usually mostly broken, so could never meet the release port criteria)03:43
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pittiGood morning05:57
pittiinfinity: want me to mass-copy all the precise langpacks to -updates?05:59
infinitypitti: If you think they're as validated as we can manage, go nuts.06:01
pittiinfinity: they haven't gone through the usual validation cycle of per-language community testing in that short time, of course06:02
pittiinfinity: we can do that, of course; but at least for the languages on the images we probably want to copy them to reduce size06:02
infinitypitti: The images are still building from -proposed currently, I believe.  Though, that should change.06:02
infinityOh, maybe they're not anymore.06:03
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dholbachgood morning07:03
dholbachwow, xsensors tell me it's 95°C07:20
mvodholbach: hey! does "cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal " tell that as well?07:23
dholbachmvo, file does not exist :)07:23
dholbachbut ../fan says "speed: 4485" :)07:24
mvodholbach: :)07:25
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ajmitchdholbach: I'd say that was a bit warm, but my old laptop was topping out at 105 when it was spamming syslog about throttling power :)07:47
dholbachajmitch, I'm back to 58°C already :)07:47
dholbachit might have been the two builds which were running :)07:47
ajmitchpossibly :)07:47
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pitti"Fetched 14.1 MB in 213503982334601d 6h 0min 40s (0 B/s)" -- go apt!08:59
pittilooongest update evar09:00
pitti(it really just took some 5 seconds, FTR)09:00
astraljavaIt just felt like 5 seconds, it actually took longer than what the range for time data type allows, and started over from the negative end.09:07
sorenpitti: wtf? Did ntpdate run in the middle of the apt-get run?09:10
sorenpitti: Yeah, that adds up. 15 seconds real runtime, a clock that goes an hour backwards and then 64 bit timestamp.09:13
pittisoren: perhaps; it was a freshly booted VM09:14
soren213503982334601d 6h 0min 40s is 18446744073709548040 seconds. 2^64 is 18446744073709551616. -09:14
soren18446744073709548040-18446744073709551616 = -357609:14
sorenAn hour minus 14 seconds backwards.09:15
pittihah, neat09:20
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cjwatsoninfinity: I haven't changed them to point to -updates yet; if somebody else has it would be nice if they'd told me ...10:01
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Laneyhmm, I don't think the old gksu u-n caused a root browser to be spawned, did it?10:06
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cjwatsonLaney: a root *browser*?10:09
Laneyroot     10972  7.3  0.4 917900 139716 ?       Sl   10:05   0:01      |           \_ /usr/lib/firefox/firefox https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmod/+filebug/f4e681b0-6c56-11e2-8e58-0025b3df357a?field.title=kmod+assert+failure%3A+modprobe%3A+..%2Ftools%2Fmodprobe.c%3A550%3A+print_action%3A+Assertion+%60kmod_module_get_initstate%28m%29+%3D%3D+KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN%27+failed.10:10
cjwatsonbless you10:11
cjwatsonoh, right, so apport launches firefox ... hmm10:11
LaneyI wonder why it worked properly when gksuing though10:12
cjwatsonapport has a thing to look at SUDO_UID10:12
LaneyI always just got an additional tab in my existing browser session10:12
Laneyah, so that's not passed along any more10:12
* cjwatson wonders if pkexec sets anything usefuPKEXEC_UID=100010:13
cjwatsoner, yeah, mangled, but YKWIM10:13
cjwatsonpitti: would it be reasonable for apport to check PKEXEC_UID as well as SUDO_UID?10:13
pitticjwatson: yes, absolutely; I'll fix that now10:15
cjwatsonLaney: thanks for the report10:15
pittiyeah, thanks Laney10:16
LaneyIt was a "WTF, where's vimperator?" that tipped me off10:16
pittihm, why don't I get a notification for that in the first place now10:18
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pittioh, I do; compiz put apport in the back10:24
pittiit seems to do that for new windows now10:24
ograpitti, now ? i have that in precise on my desktop10:25
pitticjwatson, Laney: uploaded, thanks for reporting10:28
Laneygreat, thank you10:29
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shadeslayercjwatson: hi, would it be possible to merge a new live-build from debian? alternatively, just apply the patch from here : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=693250 ?13:55
ubottuDebian bug 693250 in live-build "live-build: wrong copy of files from config/archives/repo.pref.chroot" [Normal,Fixed]13:55
shadeslayerI've tested the patch and it works for me13:55
shadeslayer( using live-build from raring ofcourse )13:56
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cjwatsonshadeslayer: OK - I'd rather merge than cherry-pick, but not sure I'll quite get to it today14:31
cjwatsonshadeslayer: but on my to-do list now14:31
shadeslayercjwatson: sure, no problem :)14:31
shadeslayerand thanks!14:31
cjwatson(we're a bit further behind than I'd realised)14:31
xxiaointeresting, lunbuntu has ppc version iso14:32
shadeslayeryeah, I noticed they released 4.0 O_O14:32
xxiaoprecise 12.0414:32
shadeslayerthey're like ultra quick14:32
cjwatsonwell, I wouldn't merge from experimental14:32
QuintasanLaney: Did you upload maliit-framework to Debian?14:33
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mptev, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#settings-developer14:36
LaneyQuintasan: sure did14:39
Laneyyou can fetch the packages from raring NEW14:39
QuintasanLaney: Do you have appropriate powers in Ubuntu to sync the package?14:39
LaneyI have ALL the powers14:39
QuintasanI'VE GOT THE POWER!14:40
QuintasanLaney: Can you sync it then?14:40
* Laney gyrates14:40
* Laney hands the mind bleach to anyone reading14:40
LaneyQuintasan: yeah, when it gets accepted I can14:40
QuintasanLaney: Splendid. I'll throw plugins your way when I'm done with them14:40
LaneyQuintasan: Oh, I uploaded that one too14:41
QuintasanLaney: You did that already?14:41
Laneybut I can reupload any improvements over the top of what's already there14:41
* Quintasan hides14:41
Laneyyeah I said in the email14:41
QuintasanWell, I'll take a look but I doubt there is anything I can improve there14:41
LaneyI'm sure there will be :-)14:42
QuintasanHa, it seems like a challenge.14:42
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zygacjwatson: do you know if it's possible to use pybuild to generate packages for 12.04+16:43
cjwatsonzyga: You may have mistaken me for a pybuild expert16:48
cjwatsonzyga: But, AFAIK, you won't be able to build *on* 12.04/12.10 unless somebody has backported pybuild; however the binary packages that pybuild produces don't in themselves require anything special16:49
xnoxzyga: the binaries should be usable on 12.04, but pybuild itself is not available on precise, so it will not be able to build there.16:49
zygaso if my desire is to release a new package of my own library I should be able to build it on raring (the source package), push to a ppa and just copy to other releases?16:49
zygawill I need to manually modify the changelog per package to get it to co-exist in all systems?16:50
xnoxonly the top version wins, so you'll either have the same binary (and hence the same version number) across all - or you don't use pybuild and upload source package per release16:51
xnox(or e.g. use a recipe to do those)16:52
xnoxzyga: packaging without pybuild is easy and has been done before.16:52
zygaI'm _probably_ fine with using the same binary16:52
xnoxzyga: do you have both python2 and 3 or just one python series?16:52
zygayeah, I know, I just feel annoyed each time I want to package a trivial pure python package16:52
xnox       dh $@ --with python216:53
zygathat has a library (for 2k,3k pythons), maybe a few command line programs (this time none) and some shared data, and docs16:53
zygawell, I want py3k too16:53
xnoxmake a second source package16:53
xnox         dh $@ --with python316:53
zygawhy two source packages?16:53
xnoxdone and it works across all precise -> raring in PPA.16:53
zygaI mean, duplicate debian/ directory or just another entry in control16:53
infinitycjwatson: Oh, wait, PROPOSED moved from being an environment twiddle in cron to an etc/config file thing, didn't it?  I live in the past.16:53
xnoxwell sed the top line in changelog, source & package names in control, & python2 -> python3 in debian/rules.16:54
zygaxnox: could you show me an exampl?16:54
infinitycjwatson: So, yeah, no one switched it, I was just mistakenly looking at crontab. :P16:54
xnoxzyga: hehe =) or I can just upload pybuild backport into precise & quantal ;-)16:54
cjwatsoninfinity: it's in a couple of places still, I think16:55
xnoxzyga: I am yet to figure out if pybuild lets me choose what shebang the scripts have (e.g. python2 or 3)16:56
zygaxnox: normally I generate scripts with setuptools16:57
zygaxnox: IIRC there were parts in dh_python that sed them to be right16:57
infinitycjwatson: Well, the two usual suspects, cdimage/etc/config and debian-cd/CONF.sh ... Except, curiously, the latter is commented out.16:59
infinitycjwatson: Have we only been half-proposed this whole time? :P16:59
PrincessLunaAre the multitouch patches for kernel 3.8 included in the rc5?16:59
roadmrev: how to get access to stack traces on errors.ubuntu.com? (I get stuck in the infamous login loop)17:01
cjwatsoninfinity: oh, I fixed bug 1023991 and forgot about it17:01
ubottubug 1023991 in Ubuntu CD Images "consolidate places needing to be changed to build from PROPOSED" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102399117:01
micahgzyga: xnox: I'd be happy to process a backport request for pybuild if someone files the request with requestbackport and does the testing17:01
cjwatsonstgraber fixed most of it, actually17:01
cjwatsoninfinity: I've cleaned up the bit in CONF.sh17:02
evroadmr: you need to be in ~canonical-ubuntu-platform17:03
cjwatsoninfinity: so, I don't know.  my gut feel is that I'd still like a few more things in -updates to avoid impeding verification.17:04
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evroadmr: slangasek is working with legal on an NDA for this17:04
roadmrev: I see.. so is it best to wait for that, or is there an interim process, like getting help from someone with access?17:06
xnoxmicahg: I'd like to first test and see that it does everything it says to do on the tin ;-)17:06
roadmrev: I want to look at stack traces for auto-reported checkbox crashes, but I guess it's not urgent, after all there's still plenty of time to fix bugs17:06
micahgxnox: please do :)17:07
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I'm in no massive rush to do switch flippery.  It just came up because pitti was chomping at the bit to copy langpacks, not realising we were still building against proposed and, thus, building with the new ones already.17:07
evroadmr: there's no alternative process yet, but I can't imagine it taking much longer. slangasek will be able to say for sure. If it does look like it's some time off, we can add additional teams, but I'd like to run that by elmo if we're going to do it.17:07
infinitycjwatson: s/copy/promote/17:08
roadmrev: ok, understood. I'll wait then :) thanks!17:08
evsure thing17:09
cjwatsoninfinity: aye17:09
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slangasekev: it's still a ways off, so if there's a pressing need I would suggest working around it17:43
evnoted, thanks17:43
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* cjwatson gets down to fifteen remaining Ubuntu deltas in grub2 (and 4300+ lines of changelog diff due to all the "remaining changes" entries)17:51
cjwatsonI wonder if I can get that to zero for 13.0417:51
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roaksoaxslangasek: howdy!! I ws wondering somthing about the MAAS stuff. So when we continue to include the yui3/raphael libraries within the source, wouldn't there be a conflict when sruing the same upstream version to both quantal and precise, because the source package differs from each other (quantal no yui3 libs, precise will have those libs), as what happens in PPAs?18:04
roaksoaxs/source package/upstream tarball18:05
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slangasekroaksoax: you could possibly add the yui3 and raphael bits into the debian packaging rather than the upstream tarball?  that might be easiest18:12
roaksoaxslangasek: yeah that indeed seems to be the easiest18:14
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bdmurraypitti: these nexus7 stacktraces don't seem very helpful bug 111244318:28
ubottubug 1112443 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in <unavailable> in ??()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111244318:28
slangasekthat looks like the error I was seeing when first trying to get cross-retracing working18:30
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jtaylorwhy does python-imaging have such a weird version number?18:53
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jtaylornevermind, says in the changelog18:54
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wjtaylor_Is ubuntu associated with ubuntuupdates.org? Or is this a 3rd party collecting packages and forming ppas?19:51
roadmrwjtaylor_: read here: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/about19:54
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infinityev: Any plans to upload a fixed whoopsie?23:52

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