
jeryя могу написать?11:09
jery тут есть кто?11:09
jeryзайти зашёл... только тут нет никого...11:10
=== ricotz__ is now known as ricotz
=== jbicha is now known as Guest65975
=== Guest65975 is now known as jbicha_
BaramiHello :)16:14
darkxstricotz, the new js188 versioning patches install directly to mozjs-17.0.so, rather than a symlink to mozjs-17.0.so.1.0.022:36
darkxstis that acceptable ?22:36
darkxst(from a distro point of view)22:54
ricotzdarkxst, for public shared library, no22:56
ricotzit should have a proper soname22:56
darkxstricotz, ok I suspected that would be the case.22:57
ricotzyou actually installed it and confirmed it ends up that way?22:57
darkxstricotz, yes22:57
ricotzmozjs-17.0.so.0.0.0, mozjs-17.0.so.0, mozjs-17.0.so22:57
ricotzthose 3 files should be present22:58
ricotzmozjs-17.0.so.0.0.0 the actual library22:58
darkxstyeh, ok, will patch it to do that22:58
ricotzand two symlinks22:58
darkxstplan is to get js release out around 18th22:59
darkxstbut patches need to land first22:59
ricotzoh, that would be nice23:10

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