
=== mohammad is now known as Guest76874
AlanBellhi Guest7687416:32
Guest76874i have two problems in ubuntu 12.0416:32
Guest76874can u help me?16:33
IdleOne#ubuntu can help you16:33
holsteinGuest76874: for support? you should try /join #ubuntu16:33
holsteinGuest76874: lots of volunteers there ready to help :)16:33
Guest76874so can i describe my problems?16:36
genii-aroundNot in here.16:37
PiciGuest76874: You are in #ubuntu-ops, you need to ask in #ubuntu16:37
IdleOneGuest76874: This channel is not for ubuntu support16:37
holsteinGuest76874: sure, in #ubuntu you can describe them and a volunteer will help :)16:37
IdleOnePlease remember to /part this channel16:38
MyrttiGuest76874: hi16:51
MyrttiGuest76874: you're being helped in #ubuntu?16:52
Myrttiplease leave this channel then.16:53

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