
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
dogmatic69Azelphur: I got a set of the ~80GPB logitec 5.1 and its not bad.00:15
Azelphurhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-X-540-Multimedia-Speaker-System/dp/B000LBHFMO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359677103&sr=8-1 found these, thoughts?00:15
dogmatic69I have these on my pc http://www.logitech.com/en-gb/product/surround-sound-speakers-z506?crid=4700:16
Azelphurinteresting, similar then00:17
Azelphurreckon they'd be good for surround sound on a tv?00:17
daftykinsmain thing you want to look for is being able to take dolby digital _and_ DTS via optical or coaxial digital interfaces00:18
Azelphurdo the X540s do that?00:19
dogmatic69Azelphur: using pc ones, you should check the cable length. Mine are long, but I dont think its living room long00:20
dogmatic69maybe 5 / 10m or so00:20
Azelphuryea, cabling is certainly gonna be interesting00:20
daftykinsespecially as Logitech ones are often hardwired in at least one end00:21
daftykinsso prevent custom cable use00:21
daftykinsunless you can do some kinda extensions00:21
daftykinsi got myself a proper Onkyo AV receiver though last Christmas :>00:21
daftykinsonly 'cause Best Buy UK were closing down :D00:22
dogmatic69also traditional 5.1 for example uses twin flex. The logitech by comparison is ~ http://i.imgur.com/YCg6O8O.jpg00:22
daftykinssuper cheap deal! they refused to ship to the channel islands but a friend helped me out :>00:23
dogmatic69My wires are all with connectors. iirc they are the same you get for old TV00:23
dogmatic69RCA or something00:23
daftykinsyou'd be surprised how hated we are by UK companies 0o00:23
daftykinssame with my set00:24
dogmatic69but they are a good 7 / 8 mm thick. Thicker than a std iphone charger cable00:24
daftykinsnot so cheap XD00:24
Azelphuryea, pricey00:25
dogmatic69twin flex on the 5500 http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/customer-media/product-gallery/B0006HBCL8/ref=cm_ciu_pdp_images_0?ie=UTF8&index=0&isremote=000:25
daftykinsthat's actually a strange version shipped in some markets00:27
daftykinsmine has hardwired single feeds that connect into RCA at the sub00:27
daftykinsa friend worked Logitech support until recently, when i mentioned it he hadn't heard of my version before :O00:27
popeyNexus 4 out for delivery!08:45
dauberspopey: This being turned into an Ubuntu Phone?08:45
popeywell, not yet08:46
daubersHeh :) Surprises me, knowing your general annoyances with Android08:47
popeyAndroid has improved, that's for sure08:49
daubersAbsolutley, JB is pretty nice compared to ICS08:50
daubersNot tried the latest iOS though (or wp8... which I've heard mixed reviews of)08:50
popeyWent to a Unity3D conf thing yesterday. Met the guy behind http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/701664180/cyberstream-fugitive09:02
popeyali1234: do you have an n900?09:13
directhexandroid-1 sucks. android is awesome09:27
directhex3 months pass09:27
directhexandroid sucks. android+1 is awesome09:27
JamesTaitHappy Friday *and* Happy February, everyone! :-D09:32
Laneyi'd never notice the passing of the year were not not for mailman reminding me09:33
Laneys/not not/it not/09:34
JamesTaitYep, that's a whole load of e-mails that are easy to deal with this morning. :)09:34
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:23
popeybug 101405410:52
lubotu3bug 1014054 in ModemManager "Huawei E220 modem will not connect in Ubuntu 12.04" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101405410:52
ali1234popey: yes i have a n90011:00
popeyali1234: do you still run the original distro on it?11:04
ali1234popey: yes11:05
ali1234i haven't used it for ages11:06
ali1234there's no distro for it that replaces the internal memory anyway11:06
ali1234everything else boots off SD cards11:06
davmor2Morning all you funky people and Happy Friday11:07
popeysaw this and thought of bigcalm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QodrSfsboFk11:29
bigcalmpopey: haha!11:32
davmor2popey, bigcalm: Wow it sounds that good, I've listened to some but it sounded worse than that :D11:36
=== knightwi1e is now known as Knightwise
Myrttinew meerkat advert ♥12:25
gordMyrtti, my special edition arrived :P https://dl.dropbox.com/u/95627817/2013-02-01%2012.25.50.jpg12:29
Myrttigord: our normal did as well12:29
gordthe book is awesome https://dl.dropbox.com/u/95627817/2013-02-01%2012.26.53.jpg12:30
Myrttioh well, instead of the extended edition, I have NFC thingies to play with12:33
popeygrrr! postie has been teasing me13:05
popeytwo parcels have arrived, neither are nexus 4s13:05
popeythey are both nice things tho!13:08
davmor2popey: you went and bought the super star destroyer and Millennium Falcon uberspecial edition right?13:09
popeyhaha, i wish13:10
popeygot a few of them13:10
dauberspopey: What're you intending to do with those?13:26
popeydaubers: not sure yet ☺13:35
popeycute aren't they?13:35
daubersThey are :) Wondering if they'd fit in an inMoov, but I don't think there's enough pins for what I'm planning13:37
* popey has no idea what an inMoov is13:37
daubersIn the middle of printing that at the moment13:37
daubersWant to put a light sensor on it, so when someone approaches my desk it swears at them13:38
davmor2popey: wow those things are tiny13:54
mrnbuntu2Hi all, i'm having some issues installing Ubuntu, after booting the CD, and about 5 seconds into loading the drivers15:24
mrnbuntu2The bootup will stall on a message regarding loading the USB15:25
mrnbuntu2I think this is an issue to do with the motherboard, does anyone have any experience with this?15:26
SuperEngineerAnyone else found that Skype, if launched by Pidgin, has stopped following status change in Pidgin?15:41
SuperEngineerTrying to work out if a Skype bug or a Pidgin bug, or a bug elsewhere15:41
davmor2popey: when you getting one of these http://www.roadkilltshirts.com/DO-OR-DO-NOT-THERE-IS-NO-TRY-T-SHIRT-P13723.aspx15:41
daubersHmmm... Apple are going to stop selling Mac Pro's in Europe on Thursday next week15:53
popeyusb stick on your wrist15:54
MartijnVdSuh.. yay?15:55
amayer_you can do that same stuff with a regular usb drive and unet boot16:29
AlanBelllooks like a complete scam16:31
amayer_idk if its a scam. its just conviniece that you pay for(and a usb braclet)16:32
gordscam is a bit far, its fashion16:33
amayer_a 32Gb flash drive is $30US, ubuntu is free, so for $30US(+/-) you can have the same thing without the flashy wristband16:34
popeyits a 16GB one16:35
popey8GB for OS, 4GB for /home and 4GB for shared partition16:36
amayer_is it really? wow 16Gb usb is $10US16:37
popeythats what their FAQ says16:38
MartijnVdSat least it's not like Windows tablets.. "64GB" .. 27GB usable16:40
popeycommodore 64 only had 38K usable ☺16:41
popeyoh how we've come such a long way (not)16:41
MartijnVdSso free space went down, relatively speaking16:41
davmor2MartijnVdS: well you have to remember that you need a backup of Windows plus the install of windows, plus all the additional crap that windows 8 installs by default whether you want it or not16:42
MartijnVdSdavmor2: yeah but this is _excluding_ office16:43
davmor2MartijnVdS: yeap but there are about 10-14 additional apps installed by default as in fresh OEM from MS themselves16:45
davmor2popey, bigcalm: http://www.badideatshirts.com/LEGO-NO-T-SHIRT-P2246.aspx :D17:03
MartijnVdShahaha :)17:03
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MyrttiMartijnVdS:  ♥17:56
alcockellHi all..18:10
ali1234why is my monitor able to display 1048 horizontal lines without blurring/scaling and still have the image fully fit the screen?18:50
ali1234it's 1920x1200 native res18:50
ali1234i don't understand this18:50
gordmaybe just doubles some lines?18:52
SuperEngineerooo... after a full Bleachbit clean & a full restart - skype suddenly starts following Pidgin status again... hmmm19:04
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
Myrttigord: ohmygowd it's Rhod Gilbert.19:36
gordMyrtti, i actually switched to the Japanese VA, but i hear the english one is pretty good. normally they choose a southern north american accent for an Osaka accent but going with a welsh accent makes muuuch more sense19:38
solarcloudMyrtti: Gilbert ? The Guy with the flaming Battenburg Tattoo ??19:38
Myrttiit sounds like it, or a Scottie19:38
Myrttibut Rhod Gilbert, yes, Battenberg.19:39
solarcloudHe'd be a good software tester, .... with his insights !19:39
Myrttioh, it's the Reg Cattermole from Harry Potter :-D19:40
MyrttiSteffan Rhodri even :-D19:40
solarcloudsoz, never did Harry Potter at school.19:40
Myrttiah, but we're talking of a PS3 game called Ni No Kuni, in which a character is talking with Welsh accent19:41
solarcloudRight, a friend got a PS3 from Tesco, today in fac I just sighed at a ife of proprietory software ahead of him ...19:42
solarcloud**in fact ...19:42
solarclouddamn apple keyboard !19:42
gordMyrtti, once you can access the book, you should know the ingame book is exactly the same as the hardcopy real book i goot, all 300 odd pages of goodness :)19:46
gordthey really put a lot of effort into the whole thing19:46
Myrttiyeah we just got there19:46
popeynexus 4 should have been delivered between 9AM and 18:0020:23
daftykinsis that in the UK?20:23
Laneycouriers are terrible20:24
LaneyDPD slightly less so20:24
daftykinsheh all those little companies have generic people in vans over here to cover their stuff. they're dire20:24
daftykinsa friend discovered they had walked into a completely different house and left her stuff on their kitchen table recently XD20:25
daftykinsto rectify the matter, the person walked back into that open house (nobody home) discovered the partially opened items and took them back O_O20:25
shaunoDPD have been pretty decent here20:26
popeythis is TNT20:26
Laneyat least it's not HDNhell20:26
daftykinsmaybe TNT are still getting all the details mixed up like happened before!20:26
daftykinspopey: tried your local depot?20:27
popeycalling them20:27
popeywhile making pasta, pesto, chicken & cheese20:27
popeyi r chef20:27
AzelphurTNT arrived at my house and gave me the wrong package20:28
Azelphurdidn't realise till I opened20:28
Azelphur(when I got my Nexus 4, that is)20:28
daftykinswas it someone elses, or something else entirely?20:28
Azelphursomeone elses package20:28
AzelphurI was just on the phone to TNT when he came back "Did I give you the wrong package?"20:28
daftykinsthis is what i get visiting the Play store20:29
daftykins"Sorry! Devices on Google Play is not available in your country yet."20:29
Azelphurwhat country you in?20:29
daftykinsisland of Guernsey20:29
daftykinsso technically still the UK when it suits us20:29
daftykinsblatantly just a GeoIP fail20:29
daftykinstook me SOOOO long to find a contact feature to complain about it20:30
daftykinsjust now trying to find my email from the Google chappy so i can chase him up20:30
popeyhah, so, they are going to deliver today20:30
popeyapparently this one guy has all the "google stuff" in his van20:30
Azelphurthey don't have long rofl20:30
daftykinshope he's getting overtime20:31
popeythey implied he was the keen one20:31
daftykinsdoh can't find this email20:31
Azelphuronly 5 days till my internet finally gets connected20:32
Azelphurbeen waiting since november20:32
daftykins4 days 'til i have a house :O20:32
daftykinsthen at some point i too shall have the fun of waiting for tubes :>20:32
daftykinsthough i might not rush tbh20:32
daftykinsget far more done in a house when you have none20:33
* Azelphur shrugs20:33
daftykinscannae find it ;/20:35
daftykinsi give up ;x20:37
daftykinslooks like Google are gonna get away with this one20:37
daftykinsthat still blank for you guys too? :)20:39
daftykinsat least there's that 0800 number i suppose20:39
daftykinssolarcloud: can you see the Nexus 4 purchase page?20:42
daftykinsgo go gadget charging20:43
popeybeing reserved, leaving it while i eat ☺20:45
daftykinsjust tried their support # but the woman was super quiet20:46
daftykinscould barely hear, so i just gave up ;x20:46
daftykinsSuperMatt's connection has had issues for ages now ;x20:51
daftykinsSuperMatt: what's up with your tubes?20:51
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
MyrttiAlanBell: ping20:58
daftykinsfood does not comply?21:05
* Laney cranks it up to 1121:05
Laneygas >>>>>>>>>>>>> electric :(21:06
daftykinstoo true21:06
daftykinswhen i was cooking on someones electric hob i found the exact right spot was between two numbers21:06
Myrttiwe've got a simmer setting in our microwave ♥21:06
popeyinduction > gas21:06
daftykinsi wonder how the sensors work for that 0o21:07
Laneyinduction you POSHO21:07
daftykinssome people21:07
popeyI ♥  my induction hob21:07
Myrttiis Ubuntu UK a member of the O'Reilly User Group programme?21:07
popeyi think in the distant past we were21:08
Myrttialright, just wondered21:08
meetIs there going to be an official vanilla gnome 3 flavour in recent future?21:09
Laneywhat does official mean?21:10
meetLike lubuntu kubuntu.21:10
LaneyI'd imagine so, but within the constraints of Ubuntu it's difficult to be as pure as other GNOME 3 distros21:11
Laneythere already is an Ubuntu GNOME remix btw21:11
meetHas there been any hint / announcement from canonical?21:12
LaneyI don't imagine they would be very involved; it's a community effort21:12
AlanBellhi Myrtti21:14
AlanBellinduction hobs ftw21:14
MyrttiAlanBell: would you remember the up to date information about the O'Reilly thing?21:14
AlanBellI don't have any info on that at all21:15
Myrttijust wondered21:15
daubersAlanBell: o/21:21
AlanBellnice hand daubers21:21
daubersAlanBell: Still lots to print21:21
daubersAlanBell: Are you aware that Rdg Hackspace are looking into setting up a coworking space?21:22
daftykinshrmm, is 0800 free on Skype 0o21:22
AlanBellinteresting, no I wasn't21:22
daubersThere might be some problems relating to being registered in a certain way (we're not supposed to make profit) but if we can overcome that then that's the aim21:23
AlanBellgot any info on it?21:24
AlanBellwhy are you not supposed to make a profit?21:24
AlanBellnfp can carry forward a surplus21:24
daubersThere isn't much yet.... We're not supposed to make a profit because we're a company limited by guarentee (or something) and the landlords rules state we get a discount on the rent as long as we're not profit making21:24
Paladinedaftykins, I dont think so21:25
Paladinebut I get free international anyway so I can't confirm21:25
daubersAlanBell: People cleverer than me are looking into that bit anyway21:25
AlanBellfair enough21:25
daubersThought you'd be interested as you where pushing it for surrey and hampshire21:26
AlanBellwell I was pushing against it in the end :)21:27
AlanBellhad to do a bit of a big ragequit to make sure nobody got hurt21:27
daubersheh :)21:28
bigcalm_laptopHoi hoi21:30
daftykinsPaladine: seems i didn't get charged anything! thanks anywho :)21:35
daftykinsPaladine: i called your pals at Google support to ask them to unblock the channel islands from being allowed to buy Nexus devices ;)22:17
Paladinehow did that go?22:17
daftykinsPaladine: i got asked if i'd tried another browser :D22:18
daftykinswhen i said it failed on several, she quickly understood it was a problem with the website and not me22:19
daftykinsBINGO \o/22:19
Paladineyou seen this http://www.googlelawsuit.co.uk/22:19
daftykinsi tried to mention geoIP but that kinda got ignored ;D22:19
daftykinsooh it has its' own site now22:19
daftykinsyour site no less!?22:20
daftykinsit's ok though they're only Apple users ;)22:21
Paladineyeah my site22:22
Paladinebeen working on it all week, launched yesterday22:23
Paladinestill tweaking a few things and adding some more features22:23
Paladinethe press page will get tackled tomorrow and made to look pretty22:23
daftykinswho're you hosting with? i've gotta look into hosting for someone soon22:23
PaladineI have my own servers22:23
Paladine2 in different data centres22:24
PaladineI use my leaseweb server for email and I can't remember name of other provider gimmie a sec22:24
daftykinsah Dutch?22:26
Paladineanyways I am going to bed, laters22:29
n1md4is there a minimal desktop ubuntu distro?22:33
solarclouddaftykins: I can see the Nexus 4 shop page,to answer your question from earlier, However, when I click on the it says it's not available yet ... To be exact ... " Sorry! Devices on Google Play is not available in your country yet.22:33
solarcloudWe're working to bring devices to more countries as quickly as possible.22:33
solarcloudPlease check back again soon.22:33
solarcloudsoz for the flood.22:33
daftykinssolarcloud: yeah i get that here too :) thanks22:33
daftykinsi contacted support just now to get Guernsey 'allowed'22:34
daftykinsbit harsh they block you too22:34
solarcloudstrange isn't it ?22:34
daftykinsyeah :(22:34
daftykinsi sense it's by intention22:34
daftykinsgeoIP is blocking our islands22:34
solarcloudI have chosen a song to explempify (is that even a word ?) http://open.spotify.com/track/4V7bxkj5BJDnoVMvTHaLkQ22:36
daftykinsexemplify, ja22:43
daftykinsthough i don't use spotify22:44
Azelphurhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwvYrv2s9Kk this is cool o.O22:46
solarclouddaftykins: yeah, there's too much background noise where I am , So I have wireless closed loop expensive headphones on my head 90% of my day-time... Spotify is just a killer application and the £5 a month is nothing compared to the quality of it.22:47
daftykinswhat's so noisy where you are?22:48
daftykinsshaky cam is shaky22:48
daftykinsAzelphur: shame those milk the battery :D22:48
solarcloudjust background noise from other in the aparttments etc .. it doesn't affect me.22:49
* awilkins has just discovered that his version of Windows doesn't have an RDP server22:58
* awilkins is not surprised but is annoyed22:59
daftykinswin7 home?22:59
daftykinsor older22:59
daftykinsawilkins: ?23:00
awilkinsWin7 Home Premium23:05
daftykinsi'll bet there are guides out there to hack it on23:05
awilkinsThere are23:06
=== emma is now known as em
dwatkinsawjust run it in virtualbox, that'll give you an RDP front-end ;)23:30
dwatkinsoops, awilkins left23:30
daftykinsdwatkins: doh hate it when that happens23:31
dwatkinsyeah, I don't have enough room in my terminal for a user list ;)23:35
daftykinswhen i first moved to irssi i found i didn't miss the nick list23:36
daftykinsjust a waste of valuable real estate!23:36
daftykinsaka MAH PIXELZ!!!23:36
daftykinsany of you guys still use bitfolk VPS's?23:49

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