
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:28
superflyhi Kilos06:29
magespawngood morning07:07
Kiloshi magespawn 07:08
magespawnbit hectic about the water Kilos 07:10
Kiloslotsa towns/cities are having probs. tv shows often the abuse07:11
Kilosno maintenace. forgetting to add chemicals or not bothering. etc etc07:12
Kilosmore fun to watch tv at work than do what you are paid to do07:13
magespawnmercury is extremely serious though, not something to mess about with07:14
Kilosyip bad poison to peeps07:22
magespawnfrom what i am reading here, looks like the easiest way it gets into your system is through contaminated foods such fish, or through vegetables that are watered with mercury water07:24
magespawndoes not look like you absorb too much if you drink the water, do not see anything yet referencing cooking07:25
Kilosim sure its because the water isnt purified properly07:25
magespawnalso largely depends what form it is in07:25
Kilosthe water is supposed to go through a process from dam to dam but they showed some that have been bypassed and others just sludge with no machine stirring even anymore07:26
magespawnmaybe but comes from lots of sources such as landfills and power stations, batteries, flourescent globes07:26
Kilosyeah its in everywhere but supoosed to be purified07:27
Kilosthey have showed some shoccking shows on carte blance and them other investigative programs07:28
Kilosi forget the names07:28
Kilosexcuse the typos. no good head day07:29
magespawnno worries07:29
magespawnwe all do typos07:30
Kilosya but i normally try fix them before entering07:30
Kilosother wise the spell checker pops up07:31
Kiloscalled raoul\07:31
* Kilos ducks07:31
magespawnyou are safe for now, he is away07:44
Kilosoh ya even forgot to look at that07:45
magespawnI think this is a IPv6 address with a port number [2001:0db8:3c4d:0012:0000:0000:1234:56ab]/80 as opposed to IPv4
magespawnthink i got that right08:59
magespawnyou can also shorten the IPv6 Address like so 2001:0db8:3c4d:0012::1234:56ab by taking out the two sets of zeros09:00
magespawngotta go see y'all later09:04
Kiloshi zeref 09:45
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=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosdeegee_1, woo16:38
deegee_1hi Kilos 16:40
Kiloshi Vince-0 16:40
Kilosand superfly 16:40
deegee_1Kilos: i got 3 .flv vids so far on quickly...16:41
deegee_1around 100 mb's in total16:42
Kilosouch 16:42
Kiloshow do i get them?16:42
Kilosor convert them to a mobile format16:43
deegee_1you got a dropbox or some place where i can drop em off for ya?16:43
deegee_1format type?16:43
Kilosoh ya ubuntuone16:43
Kilosbut i forgot about it an install back so will need to setup again16:43
Kilosi use mmediac16:44
deegee_1will hear from you then16:44
deegee_1is that a media format?16:44
Kilosgot many formats. i dont know which is the smallest video one16:44
Kilosmmediac is a converter you can install16:44
Kilossame a mmc16:44
Kilosmobile media converter16:45
charl_good evening16:45
charl_hi Kilos 16:45
Kiloshi charl16:45
deegee_1hmm ... is that the best format?16:45
* deegee_1 looks into the request16:46
Kilossongs i convert to amr without losing quality16:46
Kilosand 1/4 to 1/2 the sze16:46
deegee_1mp4 bad for ya?16:46
Kilosanything smaller than wav is good16:47
Kilosvlc can play mp4 here i think16:47
deegee_1hi charl_16:47
Kiloshavent had one yet16:47
deegee_1it can16:47
Kilosbut mp3 works kiff16:47
* deegee_1 uses vlc if all media player fails...16:48
Kilosah i use vlc all the time16:48
Kilosdont like any other players16:48
Kiloseven on winsucks16:48
deegee_1o/ noted16:49
deegee_1mkv also plays on vlc16:49
Kilosaw didnt even have ubuntuone installed here yet16:49
* deegee_1 is watching "Cracked season1 episode4" ...16:50
superflydeegee_1: Kilos's biggest problem is that he is on a 3G connection and doesn't have the money to pay for large downloads16:51
deegee_1ok Kilos, will see what can be done from my side16:51
deegee_1superfly: thank you kindly 4 da info16:51
* deegee_1 notes superfly's point16:51
deegee_1can't we (ubuntu-za) have a shared file location perhaps?16:53
deegee_1some place ...16:53
Kilosdeegee_1, must i make a deegee folder there on ubuntuone16:58
Kilosive fogotten how to use the thing16:58
Kilosnot a good head day16:58
Kilosor is dropbox better16:59
deegee_1not sure Kilos, but find out first. otherwise it might be a security risk on your side...16:59
deegee_1rather let's find out first and be sure of what we are doing17:00
Kilosi think i had both before17:00
* deegee_1 will compress the files or post the resource url17:01
Kilosthen i can wget it?17:01
Kilosthats better17:01
deegee_1i think so too17:01
Kilosgreat too17:01
Kilosty superfly 17:04
deegee_1superfly: have you used kickstart files or using them?17:07
superflydeegee_1: nope17:07
deegee_1ok tnx17:08
deegee_1ok, getting ready for soccer now. preping for braai & some fun.... l8r guys...17:16
Kiloshi smile stranger17:19
CantideKilos, smile  o/17:19
Kilosenjoy deegee_1 17:19
smilehi Kilos :D17:19
Kiloshi Cantide 17:19
smilehi Cantide :)17:19
smileI'm moving back to Ubuntu17:19
* deegee_1 says "sore dewa" for now ...17:19
Kilossmile, where you been the pro was looking for you17:19
Kilosgood smile ubuntu rocks17:20
Cantidesmile, back to Ubuntu.. from?17:20
smilefrom bodhi linux, Cantide :p17:20
Cantideoh :)17:20
Cantideright :)17:20
smileKilos: I broke my little finger :p17:20
Cantideit uses Enlightenment, right?17:20
smileI couldn't type17:20
smileyes, Cantide :p17:20
Cantidei think you told us about it before '-';17:20
smileBut I would like to have a solid environment :)17:21
smilewith no crashes, lol :p17:21
smileor segmentation faults17:21
smileand I like unity :)17:21
Kilos12.04 runs very stable. not sure of later release17:21
smileI'm using 12.04 now ;)17:21
Kilosunity isnt bad17:22
smile12.10 was very poor on my hardware :p17:22
smilebut I'm sure it will improve :)17:22
* smile jumps onto the next LTS if it's good17:22
Cantidei'm also on 12.0417:22
* smile reboots17:25
* smile has everything that he wants to keep from his bodhi install17:25
smileUbuntu is already installed, so it just needs a reboot and I'm back in my keyboard friendly Ubuntu :)17:25
smilec.u. :)17:25
Kiloshehe kids17:26
* smile loves quick reboots17:27
charl_hi smile 17:57
charl_how's it going17:57
smilehi charl_ :) did you miss me?17:57
smileI'm fine thanks17:57
smileand you?17:57
charl_i'm good, very good17:58
charl_yeah i'm not on irc much anymore17:58
smiletell me, what's the reason for being in such a good mood ;)17:58
charl_heh :) nothing much really, i guess because i see spring is slowly coming17:59
smileyeah :)17:59
charl_days are already much longer17:59
smilethat's a good sign17:59
charl_did you see this? http://tweakers.net/video/7172/schoonmaakrobot-tu-delft-rekent-af-met-blik.html17:59
charl_very cool18:00
charl_to think they built this in 8 weeks... not bad18:01
smileI didn't (yet) :p18:01
* smile looks18:01
smileHelaas, je  browser ondersteunt geen flash of H264 video's. Gebruik voor het  afspelen van de video een andere browser, bijvoorbeeld Google Chrome.18:02
smilegrr :p18:02
* smile launches chrome18:02
charl_tweakers needs to implement html video :)18:02
charl_just out of interest, which browser do you normally use?18:03
smilefirefox :D18:04
charl_ah ok18:04
smilewithout flash support :)18:04
charl_a good thing18:04
smilefirefox doesn't crash18:04
smileinteresting, charl_18:05
smiledo you use firefox too? :p18:07
charl_no i actually have been defaulting to chromium the last couple of years18:10
charl_although i still use firefox on occasion but mostly for testin18:10
smilehttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/734679_485284271527650_1977303925_n.jpg <- lol!18:13
smilecharl_: you too? :p18:15
charl_no can't say i've ever done that18:15
charl_but i did laugh when i saw the irish me gusta http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Megusta_6339c1_2159023.jpg18:15
charl_"is maith liom"18:16
charl_the other day i saw this, also had to laugh: http://nedermeme.nl/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/nederland-beste-land3.jpg18:18
smilehaha :)18:19
smile* 1.5.2 - support for Tweakers.net <- just now :D18:19
smilehttp://userscripts.org/scripts/show/152755 :p18:19
charl_oh yes i hate those18:20
smilecharl_: well, install tampermonkey + that script and you're ready to go ;)18:21
charl_oh no, i started going through the nedermeme site, what?! http://nedermeme.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/hondjewoef.jpg18:24
charl_lemme go make dinner instead :)18:24
smileeat 'em :p18:25
smiledinner, i mean18:25
charl_yes not the pills :)18:25
charl_i will also take a pill afterwards.... a multi vitamin :)18:25
inetprogood evening folks18:59
Kilosyo inetpro 18:59
Kilosdid you get the message?18:59
inetproKilos: message?18:59
Kilosyou can have water tested at the pathologists by any hospital19:00
inetpro01/02 18:03:07 <Kilos> dont you use borehole water inetpro19:00
inetprooh that19:00
inetproKilos: I guess I shall have to find out where19:01
charl_hi inetpro 19:01
Kilosdid you see they found mercury in pta's water as well19:01
inetproKilos: where did you hear that?19:02
Kilosid rather drink youre borehole water19:02
Kilossister heard it on one of these chat radios19:02
inetproKilos: if only people could be open and honest about these things19:03
inetproit's very easy to spread rumours 19:03
inetprorumors* 19:03
inetprodefine rumors19:03
Kilosthem things ya19:04
inetproMaaz: define rumors19:04
Maazinetpro: I don't know about rumors. Maybe you meant Rumor or rumor?19:04
inetproMaaz: define rumor19:04
Maazinetpro: Rumor \Ru"mor\, n. [F. rumeur, L. rumor; cf. rumificare, rumitare to rumor, Skr. ru to cry.] [Written also {rumour}.] 1. A flying or popular report; the common talk; hence, public fame; notoriety. [1913 Webster]  This rumor of him went forth throughout all Judea, and throughout all the region round about. --Luke vii. 17. [1913 Webster]  Great is the rumor19:04
Maazof this dreadful knight. --Shak. [1913 Webster]  2. A current story passing from one pers…19:04
Kilosspell man19:04
Kilosoh my19:04
inetprorumors is correct19:04
Kilosi thought it was rumour19:04
KilosMaaz, spell rumour19:05
MaazKilos: That seems correct. Carry on19:05
charl_you have to ask how the murcury got into the water in the first place19:05
inetproMaaz: define rumour19:05
Maazinetpro: Rumor \Ru"mor\, n. [F. rumeur, L. rumor; cf. rumificare, rumitare to rumor, Skr. ru to cry.] [Written also {rumour}.] 1. A flying or popular report; the common talk; hence, public fame; notoriety. [1913 Webster]  This rumor of him went forth throughout all Judea, and throughout all the region round about. --Luke vii. 17. [1913 Webster]  Great is the rumor19:05
Maazof this dreadful knight. --Shak. [1913 Webster]  2. A current story passing from one pers…19:05
charl_that doesn't just happen by accident19:05
inetprohmm... same thing19:05
inetprocharl_: but it wasn't in the news19:05
charl_inetpro: and you trust the news? :)19:05
inetprocharl_: no but I trust that there will be several people who will test these things19:06
charl_yeah there should be19:06
Kilosnews is there to hide mistakes19:06
charl_isn't there a regulating body?19:06
charl_they should do it routinely in any case19:06
Kilosinetpro, liten to me19:06
Kilosgo test your borehole water19:07
Kilosthen leave town water for bathing the dog19:07
inetproI'm sure they actually still do it, but there is probably a certain amount of sloppiness19:07
Kilosand water the dubbletjies19:07
inetproand massive lack of maintenance19:08
charl_if you get water from a borehole you should definitely test it yourself19:08
charl_or purify it very thoroughly19:08
Kilosand poor condition filtration plants and dams19:08
Kilosborehole water is safe 90% of the time19:09
Kilosother times its not lekker19:09
inetproour water quality in the north where I stay has been of a very high quality so far19:09
inetprountil now19:09
inetpronorth of Pretoria19:09
Kilosyp inetpro it just takes one slacker to mess up other peeps good work19:09
inetproeven now I can not taste anything bad19:09
charl_well taste is not a test :)19:10
Kilosoh not green anymore?19:10
inetprobut I just noticed the greenness on Sunday last week19:10
Kilosgreen rice and pap19:10
charl_there are a lot of poisonous elements that have little taste19:10
charl_but it's good for an initial estimate :)19:10
inetprocharl_: sure19:10
charl_good evening all, enjoy the rest of your weekend!19:11
inetprocharl_: but in the city centre the taste of water is really not good at times19:12
Kiloshes gone man19:12
inetproand in Sunnyside where I used to live some years ago the water always had this funny taste19:13
Kilostest you borehole water19:13
Kilosall i wanna hear from you is tested and approved as good19:13
inetprothe only time that my dad ever drank coffee was when he came for a visit in Pretoria19:13
inetprocoffee was the only acceptable form of drinking the water19:14
inetprofor him19:14
inetproKilos: should I go now?19:15
Kilosnot right now but monday19:15
inetproya baas19:15
Kilosmust be a hospital with pathologists near by19:15
Kilosya acasia19:15
Kilosotherwise how was your day laddy19:16
inetproLancet Laboratories, Wes Street Medical Centre, Cnr West & Rachel De Beer19:16
* inetpro will have to find out19:16
inetproor Ampath - Pretoria North Depot, Suite 5a Johan Scholtz Centre, 255 Burger Street19:17
Kilossee its not so difficult19:17
inetproKilos: my day was nice and relaxing with family and friends19:17
Kilosso for once you arent tired19:18
inetproKilos: Inorganic mercury is the most common form that is present in drinking water but is not considered to be very harmful to human health19:18
Kilostest your water19:19
Kiloskinda crazy anyway paying for town water when you have your own19:19
Kilosand green rice and pap is weird19:20
smilehi Kilos :)19:20
inetprowb smile19:21
Kiloslol hi smile 19:21
inetprosmile: how's the finger?19:21
Kiloshehe he has a broken pinkie so cant type19:21
inetproyou can type without your pinkie man19:22
smileinetpro: better :D19:25
smileno Kilos, but my arm was in gips :p19:25
Kilosyou have 2 hands smile 19:25
smileplaster, whatever you want to call it :p19:25
Kilosno excuse19:25
inetprosmile: I was looking for you in the week19:26
smilei only had my left hand back then :(19:26
smile= too slow19:26
smileinetpro: cool, did you miss me ;)19:26
Kilosspeed of typing is of no importance on irc19:26
* inetpro struggled to find Afrikaans articles about annorexia or bolemia19:26
Kiloseeek who has that inetpro 19:27
inetprosmile: I was hoping that you could tell me about some of your sources for information19:27
Kilostie them down and forcefeed19:27
inetproKilos: no, it was a topic for a school task19:28
Kiloswe even mailed you smile 19:28
Kilosoh ya19:28
smileinetpro: afrikaans sources? :)19:28
smileKilos: mailed?? :p19:28
Kilosemail twit19:28
inetprosmile: yes19:28
inetproKilos: I didn't mail19:29
inetprodid you?19:29
Kilosim sure i did19:29
Kilosmaybe i just gave you the addy19:30
smileinetpro: www.praag.co.za (down now, lol)19:30
smilenuus24 :p19:30
smilehttp://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuisblad :p19:30
smileand some other sites that I don't know by heart :p19:31
smilegood night, inetpro & Kilos19:33
Kilosnight smile sleep tight19:33
Kilosmind you dont break a leg19:33
smilethanks Kilos :)19:34
smileKilos: yeah, I'll pay attention19:34
inetprosmile: thanks, good night19:34
Kilosdont fall outa bed19:34
smilelol, Kilos :p19:34
smilesame for you, Kilos :p19:34
smileinetpro:  yw19:34
Kilosdie kinders19:35
Kilosinetpro, arent there any online libraries19:35
Kilosbiblioteek goet19:36
inetproKilos: tell me if you find them19:36
Kilosi asked you19:36
Kiloseki sukkel darem19:36
Kilosnight guys . sleep tight19:42

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