
BecauseIcanGood to see a lot in here cause ill probably need a lot of help. I :)00:00
BecauseIcanWhat's the first thing I should check if the Internet doesn't work in Xubuntu for Android? I Nexus 7 using wifi00:01
BecauseIcanAwww damn I scared one off already00:03
BecauseIcanAm I in the right place for help with the Android xfce app?00:04
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BecauseIcanWell.... Now that's of spam00:13
BecauseIcanIs it possible to ignore. The join/leave from webchat?00:14
kgbBecauseIcan: /join/part probably, yeah; idk 'bout /ignore00:15
kgbbut i could be totally wrong, also ;$00:16
BecauseIcanSo is this the right place for help with Xubuntu on Android?00:16
pleia2BecauseIcan: installed via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7 ?00:16
aaron_212ayuda por favor00:17
pleia2the actual "Ubuntu for Android" product is something for phones that uses the android operating system when on the phone, and uses Ubuntu when plugged into a dock, and it hasn't been released to the public yet00:18
pleia2if you installed via the instructions from the wiki page I showed you, maybe #ubuntu-tablet is best, but even the Ubuntu install is for developers to improve the Unity UI, there aren't currently plans from this team to make Xfce into any kind of tablet UT00:19
pleia2(the wiki also has lots of troubleshooting, support tips and known issues)00:19
BecauseIcanThe app is called Ubuntu noroot if that helps. It launches several things but no network access.00:23
BecauseIcanWhat you described sounds like it's for Atrix00:24
pleia2BecauseIcan: never heard of it :\00:25
oturais there a way to edit individual theme colours like in KDE?00:25
BecauseIcanI'm running Xubuntu on a stock Nexus 7 with it00:25
BecauseIcanGIMP and several apps load fairly quickly too00:26
pleia2BecauseIcan: maybe the developer of that has some kind of support forums? it really has nothing to do with us00:27
pleia2we could probably answer generic xfce usage questions :) but not how that app works or how to get networking support on your device00:28
BecauseicanIt doesn't help that I get the vaguest error possible (i/o)00:36
BecauseicanWhat was that channel you recommended? I tried #xubuntu-tablet but it's empty01:00
pleia2Becauseican: it's quite late on a friday, might also want to try askubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.org - and make sure you say you're using that android app in your question (otherwise it'll be very confusing!)01:03
pleia2won't get an instant answer on those, but people will be around eventually01:03
BecauseicanIt was probably ubuntu-tablet but with 4 people in there I may as well uninstall this junk right now01:03
pleia2as far as I know that application you're using is a 3rd party developed thing outside of Ubuntu, does that developer have any kind of support outlet?01:04
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ledhello xubuntu show a folder when init session02:32
Shirakawasunaled: what do you mean by 'show a folder'? Do you want xubuntu to open up e.g. thunar at /home/youruser/Music when you first start up?02:57
ledBy logging shows me a folder, I want unconfigure this03:01
ledsorry for my english03:01
ledsaved this configuration by mistake03:04
zukeprimego to settings --> session and startup03:20
zukeprimeyou can delete saved sessions under the 'sessions' tab, or look at your startup list for thunar.03:23
greenwolf.join #freepbx03:55
well_laid_lawngreenwolf:  try /join #freepbx03:57
greenwolflol messed up03:58
greenwolfthanks tho03:58
greenwolfgot it03:58
well_laid_lawnheh cheers03:58
greenwolfi tend to do that alot03:58
=== AndroUser is now known as timaaa
timaaaIve got a major problem. Wont even boot. After i open grub it gives me bad target number, flashes to boot screen and freezes.05:20
holsteintimaaa: i would try a live CD.. while that is booting, test the memory, and then test the hard drive05:22
holsteini would try fsck on the drive05:23
holsteini would want to make sure my data is backed up05:23
Unit193Any hardware changes?05:24
timaaait was due to an update i installed i think05:24
timaaaIm running the BIOS RAM test05:25
timaaaI ran an old version of linux and got 'could not write: broken pipe'05:27
timaaaAlso just checked windows, its fine05:29
timaaaHolstien: I booted from a flash drive and now dont know where it is.05:32
timaaaNever mind found it05:33
holsteintimaaa: you can type "hol" and hit the tab key to auto complete my nick05:35
timaaaIm on a phone...05:35
holsteintimaaa: with a tab key?05:36
holsteini use the irrsi connectbot05:36
timaaaSo just booting from usb now05:38
timaaaHolstein how do i check memory & test hard drive05:39
icloudHi does anyone know how to make the minimize,maximize,close button bigger on the title bar? Thanks05:42
holsteintimaaa: i use live CD's.. i use memtest.. or tools from the ulitmate boot cd05:42
iclouddesktop is xfce 4.1005:43
holsteinicloud: i would just choose a theme that makes them bigger05:45
icloudholstein, where do you set theme?05:48
dydzEz2_ whats the next big version of xubuntu going to be05:51
dydzEz2_where to the point of having 12.04 and 12.10 differs in upgrading05:51
dydzEz2_and how is the upgrading different05:51
iclouddydzEz2_, 12.04 has long term support05:54
dydzEz2_meaning i can stay with 12.04 if i dont want to upgrade to 13.x?05:55
dydzEz2_for a lot longer than 12.10?05:55
dydzEz2_if im the type of guy who doesnt care and will just always update to the next big update, i might as well go with 12.10?05:55
holsteindydzEz2_: you never 'have' to upgrade05:55
holsteindydzEz2_: you can choose to use what you want for as long as you like05:55
holstein12.04 will be supported for 5 years05:56
dydzEz2_well as in terms for support05:56
holstein12.10 will be supported for 18 months05:56
holsteinthey will both continue to work after the support period ends, and you can choose to provide the support05:56
dydzEz2_alright, if i have 12.10 and 13.xx comes out, i'll still be able to update to it with a few terminal commands right?05:57
holsteindydzEz2_: i would have my data backed up, and try the live versions from cd/usb first05:57
holsteindydzEz2_: i rarely do upgrades like that05:57
dydzEz2_ yeah i tried 12.10 live and everything works out of the box05:57
dydzEz2_yet to try 12.0405:57
holsteinicloud: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-change-desktop-theme-in-xubuntu.html05:57
dydzEz2_i see what youre saying05:58
dydzEz2_ill still be able to upgrade to 13.xx with the terminal commands either version i pick, but who knows what 13xx can be like (and can mess up my setup possibily)05:58
icloudholstein, thanks, i was playing with that but they are all the same size.05:59
dydzEz2_with 12.04 ill be able to approve the OS and stick with it no matter the newer versions for a while05:59
icloudholstein, i found this link, you have to use gimp to strech the .xmp icon files, otherwise i am happy05:59
icloudwith xfce, cleaner then unity06:00
dydzEz2_ive been wondering, since unity has come out for ubuntu, have xubuntu dl's risen a lot?06:00
iclouddydzEz2_, i am not sure, i was on unity but just decided to switch to xfce, i don't need any of the fluffs06:05
holsteinxubuntu *is* ubuntu06:12
timaaaIm justt going to reisnstall, nothing of value on there06:13
holsteintimaaa: i would test the hard drive first.. so you dont waste time on dying hardware06:13
timaaaIts not a hard drive problem for sure.06:14
timaaaI can safley run windows 706:14
holsteintimaaa: if you didnt test, you dont know for sure06:16
holsteintimaaa: that part of the hard drive could be failing first.. but do what you like06:16
MoL0ToVif i set 2 ip on a network interface on the panel only one is present  and functional, then i must use ifconfig. why?07:59
xubuntu058hello Im wondering how to set the screen brightness with setpci08:35
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xyzonetimmm, you could use dispcalgui08:37
timmmhow? xyzone08:38
xyzonetimmm, if you have some screen calibration issue that can correct the brightness, there is a ppa to install it somewhere08:39
timmmits that my on boards graphics isn't supported.08:40
xyzoneit doesn't work?08:42
timmmi had to reinstall xubunutu and i used a setpci command to set my screen brightness08:44
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ajonis there away to add menu entries specific to one user?12:24
ajonthe only suggestion i found was to add .desktop files in /usr/share/applications, but that seems odd for something only I have12:25
sajanajon: If you login and use the menu editor to add something, I'm pretty sure it gets added only for that logged in user.12:26
Unit193ajon: Menu editor will do it, but you can copy a desktop file to .local/share/applications/ and edit.12:29
ajonah ok, thanks12:30
Unit193Menu editor will edit them from there.12:31
ajonjust tried the menu editor and since it didnt ask for permissiosn i figured it wont be editing /usr/share, works like a charm12:31
lopezI am running ubuntu 12.10 from usb14:50
lopezit wont't allow me to mount 2 harddrives on the laptop14:50
lopezI tought that that would not be dependendent on desktop14:51
esphlopez: It shouldn't16:02
esphhow are you mounting them?16:02
lopezgoing to go-->computer16:02
lopez2 500 GB drives16:03
lopezbut then it doesn't mount them16:06
lopezwhy is that16:08
lopezin windows the harddrives work16:09
holsteinlopez: you cant compare to windows16:12
holsteinlopez: i assure you , it could be quite reversed if i were trying to mount drives in windows16:12
holsteinlopez: what error message are you getting when you click on the drives?16:12
lopezsecond gotta boot up the thing16:12
holsteintry and remember how long you used windows before you mounted any hard drives, and maybe just give your self a bit to get used to the software16:14
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:14
holsteinyou can also use the command line method16:14
lopezAdding rad ACL fgor uid 99916:27
lopezOpperation not supported16:28
lopezAdding rad ACL for uid 99916:28
lopezAdding read ACL for uid 99916:29
dydzEz2_how do i check which version of xubuntu im using17:03
dydzEz2_in my live cd17:03
Unit193dydzEz2_: lsb_release -a17:23
dydzEz2_is there a way for me to hide desktop icons17:24
dydzEz2_i have so many partitions17:25
dydzEz2_just showing up on my desktop17:25
Unit193Yep, settings manager > Desktop > Icons.  Or right click desktop.17:29
dydzEz2_oh wow17:37
dydzEz2_i like 12.04's boot screen better lol17:37
dydzEz2_or background rather17:37
sp00kyI'm trying to install evolution on 12.04 and receiving the following error:  http://pastebin.com/TMVaDvgu17:50
kgbsp00ky: have you tried the regular, sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean?.. not that it will help. :)18:00
sp00kykgb, I actually have tried running both of those apt-get options18:01
sp00kyI'll give it another try real quick18:01
kgbapparently sudo apt-get clean might do it18:01
kgb(will get rid of it all)18:02
sp00kysame issue, even with clean18:02
kgbsynaptic also has edit -> fix borken packages btw18:02
sp00kyoh nice, I haven't opened Synaptic in ages18:03
kgbhm http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-to-fix-broken-package-904637/#post452539318:03
sp00kyI'll give that a try now18:03
sp00kydamn, still the same thing even after Synaptic18:04
kgb:( could be like the version is mismatched (from some repo), if it can't be fixed18:05
sp00kyreading that post now18:05
sp00kythat's what I'm thinking is happening, but how can I figure out which file is mismatched?18:05
kgblike maybe you forced the install of something else, that's using the *wrong* version libs in the past, but i'm just guessing18:05
sp00kyI don't recall forcing any installations, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.18:07
kgbalso maybe if you upgraded, check sources and sources.d if all the ppas say 'precise' but again idk how relevant this is to your issue18:07
sp00kyahh, interesting error when I try to install evolution with aptitude:  http://pastebin.com/ireBjvck18:09
sp00kywhere is sources.d?  /etc/apt/?18:10
kgbsp00ky: maybe.. sudo apt-get install whatever_is_giving_you_grief --reinstall (after sudo apt-get update and after checking your sources are for 'Precise')18:10
kgbyes sources.list.d in /etc/apt18:11
sp00kyhow do I find out which package is actually causing the issue?18:12
kgbi use add-apt-repository .. to have the PPAs go to that separate dir (instead of just the main sources file)18:13
kgbnot sure, could be the: gnome-icon-theme-full : Depends: gnome-icon-theme (= 3.4.0-0ubuntu1) but 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 is installed.18:13
kgbhm, some forum post says 'I suggested you to change your server. Try any server from Europe and then issue --'18:16
kgbit could be that the server you're getting it from has something borked and your system is fine18:16
sp00kyI saw that post18:17
sp00kyI did some research before resorting to bugging people on IRC :)18:18
kgbsp00ky: so you're like on the main US mirror and nothing?..18:18
sp00kyyep, server for United States18:22
kgbblah, ok :\18:22
sp00kyI'm considering using aptitude to install and do the dependency resolution18:22
sp00kysince it doesn't die like apt does when I attempt to install18:23
sp00kyI don't want to bork anything else up though18:23
kgbright, right18:23
sp00kyugh, some things I love and some things I hate about linux :)18:24
sp00kywhen I was using LMDE I think I really messed up some packages by switching between apt and aptitude18:25
dstaubsaugerhi, i've got an old ps/2 mouse with two buttons, is there any way to configure xubuntu so it will recognize [left click]+[right click] as [middle click]?18:27
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
GridCubei'm having a problem, it seems like qt apps are using some greek font instead of the ubuntu font, i've tried using the qtconfig app to modify this, and the standard settings menu to change the global fonts19:10
GridCubethe locale is properly set to spanish though, its the fonts that are wrong19:11
GridCubesmplayer and libreoffice are experimenting this19:11
dstaubsaugerGridCube: screenshot?19:17
xubuntu312hello I am installing voyager 12.10 linux with double boot and the update-grub fails can anyone help me?19:18
GridCubedstaubsauger, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/capturadepantalla-020213-160017.php19:19
GridCube!details | xubuntu31219:20
ubottuxubuntu312: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:20
GridCubexubuntu312, particularly if you have an efi machine19:20
xubuntu312no I haven't19:20
xubuntu312my computer was bought 4 years ago19:20
GridCubewell, how it fails then19:21
dstaubsaugerGridCube:  is libreoffice-l10n-es installed?19:22
GridCubeyes "libreoffice-l10n-es ya está en su versión más reciente."19:23
GridCubeas said already, locales are fine, but the interface is using a greek font19:23
xubuntu312I am talking to you with the live xubuntu and installing it in the same time and at the update-grub execution the update-grub isn't progressing. I made a / with 8Gb ; a /usr with 12Gb and /home with 200Gb...19:24
xubuntu312I would like to install it in double boot with windows 819:24
GridCubexubuntu312, install boot-repair19:25
GridCube!info boot-repair19:25
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in quantal19:25
toraxit has ppa19:26
GridCubegood earth19:26
xubuntu312ok I am going to try this solution I find it is starnge because with debian squeeze there is no problem...boot repair I thank you GridCube19:27
dstaubsaugerlolwtf your libreoffice is in spanish written with greek letters?19:27
GridCubesame with smplayer19:28
GridCubelet me check something though19:29
GridCubeno luck19:40
GridCubeno, i dont understand19:45
dstaubsaugerdifferent question: I'm using an ati rage graphics card (llvmpipe driver) and i got glitches where images i had open in firefox appear (stretched and resized) in empty areas of the xfce4-panel. wtf?19:47
GridCubewell well well19:53
GridCubefor some reason the global configuration was setted to symbols, but i had changed it already... or maybe i didnt19:54
dstaubsaugercongratulations ^^19:58
GridCubesilly me19:59
dstaubsaugerso the question that's left for now is which idiot classified greek characters as "symbols" :P19:59
GridCubewell... they are used in maths a lot20:00
LgBHello! Would anyone happen to know how to change the font (and font size) of the workspace switcher in the xfce panel? I've found a file in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml but I'm not sure if that would be the correct location to specify fonts20:09
LgBAny help would be greatly appreciated! :]20:10
entrerihey there, I don't know why but Chromium doesn't save my configurations, when I "check" an option and then come back in the options menu, the case is not checked anymore22:41
David-Aentreri: always like this, or did it used to save it before? what particular option?22:44
Unit193Are the permissions right on .config/chromium ?22:44
entrerisince I installed Chromium. "Open the New Tab Page" option for instance, the case is always unchecked when I refresh even if I checked it22:45
Unit193Is there an "Apply" button or "Save"?22:46
entreriUnit193: can you tell me the command to run on .config/chromium to know the permissions ?22:46
Unit193ls -lh .config | grep chromium22:46
entreriUnit193: not in Chromium, it is usually applicable immediatly22:46
Unit193Alright, I don't know chromium as I don't use it.22:47
entreridrwx------ 3 entreri entreri 4.0K Feb  2 17:45 chromium22:47
Unit193I see what you mean.22:52
Unit193Tried changing the search site, seems to work.22:53
Unit193entreri: It does take, just doesn't appear to.  Maybe a theme issue?22:55
Unit193entreri: What theme are you using?22:55
entreriUnit193: you experience the same ? I'm using GTK22:55
Unit193Yes, but Albatross, Greybird, Blackbird, etc.22:56
Unit193entreri: I checked open a page, selected wunderground.com and restarted the browser, it took but doesn't look like it in the settings.22:56
Unit193ochosi: ^?22:56
entreriyou mean what Chromium theme ? GTK default theme that came with xubuntu22:56
Unit193So Greybird, I have it in Albatross.22:57
ochosiwe currently only have a few styles for chromium that we ship in greybird22:57
ochosiall other themes don't have that22:57
ochosi(basically recoloring the scrollbar and the private mode etc.)22:57
ochosiso nothing fancy that'd really be able to break anything (on our end)22:58
* ochosi tests22:59
* Unit193 just did.23:00
ochosiyeah true, the radio-button doesn't remain marked23:00
ochosibut chromium doesn't really use gtk to render these widgets23:00
ochosiso submit a bug to chromium23:00
Unit193entreri: ^23:01
Unit193Thank you, ochosi.23:01
entrerithanks guys, there is also other problems, like when there is one tab, the tab disappear (even if pinned)23:02
entreriand the "Translate Webpages that I cannot Read" option cannot be disable23:03
ochosientreri: you mean the tab doesn't get re-opened on restart even though you checked "open a specific set of pages" or "continue where i left off"?23:04
Cheri703I'm jumping back in here, but entreri, are you talking about chromium?23:05
Cheri703I had that issue when I first installed. basically the tab is disappearing behind the top bar where the close/maximize/minimize buttons are, yes?23:05
entreriochosi: not that, I mean when I close all tabs to only one23:05
Cheri703I just installed chrome instead and it's fine23:06
ochosientreri: that's a design decision that the tab-bar goes away/hides when you only have one tab23:06
ochosientreri: it shows again when you open a second tab23:07
Cheri703ochosi: it's that it shifts up behind the window bar or something. if you look at the head of the profile selector guy (if one is showing?) then you'll see that it's cut off at like the chin or so23:07
Cheri703it's an actual issue, not just a setting. I had it too23:07
Cheri703so I installed chrome instead of chromium and it's fine23:07
* ochosi isn't using chromium on a daily basis, so...23:08
Unit193Alt+click and drag if you'd like to move it, but I as well don't use it and already fully purged it. :P23:08
entreriyeah I have seens a bug report on this and I'm looking for it right now23:08
Cheri703Unit193: it's not about moving it23:09
Cheri703it's the top bar of the window, that has the title and the close/max/min buttons23:09
Cheri703not like the top of the screen or the panel23:09
Unit193Hrm, alright..23:10
Cheri703I took screenshots :)23:19
Cheri703here's chrome on the left and chromium on the right, both have 2 tabs open: http://ubuntuone.com/404HI5YnAbrIZ6nNojuvOr23:19
Cheri703this is both with one tab open: http://ubuntuone.com/5tCI5dHudi72b5oHfFTRKg23:19
Cheri703if you notice, on chromium, you can juuuust see the bottom of the profile guy's neck23:19
Cheri703it scoots itself up, so the new tab button and such are hidden behind the top bar.23:19
Cheri703there's no setting like in firefox where you can choose to hide the tab bar if only one is open.23:20
Cheri703I hunted a bunch when I first encountered it. then gave up :)23:20
Unit193Oh wow, I figured the tab bar wasn't supposed to show up when only one was there, interesting.  I like how the first image starts out 404... ;)23:21
Cheri703does it?23:21
Cheri703oh, the url23:21
entreriyeah, I would not mind such a feature but it would not supposed to hide a pinned tab23:22
entreriit should not hide a pinned tab* (sorry for my bad english)23:23
Cheri703yeah entreri, I have had zero issues with chrome, but I just re-installed chromium for that screenshot and obviously it's still doing it :/23:23
Unit193I'd guess same version...23:24
Unit193Well, can always hope 24 in raring has it finally fixed, but otherwise...23:24
Cheri703yeah, I'd initially thought it might be a conflict with something else on my system, but if entreri is having it too, just some bug23:24
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