
robtygartentreri: Ubuntu lags really bad on my laptop00:34
robtygartKubuntu runs nice....00:35
spacecaseI created a backup of a ubuntu install with KDE, did a fresh install of kubuntu and restored my home folder, now KDE is unusably slow.  How can I fix this?02:27
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kdnsHi All. Muon has become unresponsive during configuring a new kernel. Can someone please advise the most graceful recovery from this? Kill it and sudo dpkg -configure -a ?06:40
sbivolkdns_: Hi, did you solve the Muon issue?08:46
kdns_Hi sbivol, thank for asking :) I ended up doing as I mentioned... I had to kill both muon and dpkg, but before I did so, I saved the output of ps -ef | grep dpkg, so that I knew what packages it had attempted. I tried to re-run it, but it failed, so I tried sudo dpkg --configure -a. It seems to have worked, I'm about to reboot to find out for sure :)09:11
sbivolkdns_: do you have dkms installed?09:14
kdns_sbivol: I do, for nvidia and for webcamstudio (there may be others)09:20
SenjaiWhat's a notepad++ like text editor for Kubuntu/KDE?09:20
kdns_Senjai: Kate, the default. Be sure to look around the settings and plugins, just like npp09:21
sbivolSenjai: Kate uses the exact same editor component that N++ also uses.09:22
Senjaikdns_: cool stuff, thanks. I'm eventually going to use emacs, but until i can get used to vikeys I'm staying away09:22
sbivolas kdns_ said, configure Kate and enable tabs and any other plugins you may need09:23
Senjaisbivol: will do09:23
kdns_sbivol: should I be concerned for dkms?09:25
sbivolkdns_: not really, I had it ever since Dell started shipping notebooks with Ubuntu preinstalled (dkms is Dell's creation), and no issues. but it's involved in building kernel modules, so could be related to the hang you experienced09:28
sbivolkdns_: with Ubuntu, Dell were selling only notebooks with Intel graphics initially, and DKMS was being used only to rebuild the kernel module for the dial-up modem :-)09:30
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ramaptekdns__: I think that will work10:41
ramaptekdns__: just run update-grub to be safe10:42
kdns__thanks ramapte :)10:42
ramapteupdate-grub ensures you won't have a broken GRUB10:42
ramaptein the output linux should be detected10:42
ramaptethat's all10:42
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kdns__thanks ramapte... it did reconfigure grub during the dpkg run, so I'll run that to be sure11:08
backjlackI have some questions concerning Kubuntu 12.04. Is anyone else unable to log out, sleep, restart or shutdown? Does anyone else have to manually start krunner most of the time?11:20
backjlackI was having these problems all the time. I upgraded to KDE 4.9.5 and I'm still having these problems.11:21
sbivolbackjlack: not sure about krunner, but I remember issues with shutdown in 12.04. the computer sometimes refused to end the KDE session. I don't remember tha cause, but the sounds that play on session end should be your suspects11:29
backjlacksbivol: Do you know a fix for this?11:29
sbivolbackjlack: if the sounds are indeed the issue, you can disable them in System Settings -> Application and system notifications -> Manage notifications ->  Player settings -> No audio output11:32
sbivolbackjlack: I have translated those names in English on-the-fly, so please adjust them to the reality :-)11:34
backjlacksbivol: Thank you. Those were correct. Unfortunately, it looks like that's not the problem.11:36
mokushdoes anybody have any good kate color schemes?11:37
sbivolbackjlack: if you're willing to, please try to disable only the session management notifications, in ... -> Manage notifications -> Applications -> Event source [KDE workspace]11:39
backjlacksbivol: Yes, that didn't help either. It's still not doing anything.11:40
sbivolbackjlack: oh, then the reason is something else...11:41
backjlackThat's kdm.log.11:41
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backjlackI think I've fixed my problem with the broken log out, sleep, restart and all.12:14
backjlackI've removed the kde settings and let KDE 4.9.5 create them from scratch again for me.12:14
backjlackThat seems to have fixed it all. Perhaps it was an issue in KDE 4.8.x.12:15
backjlackSomething must have been configured improperly.12:15
sbivolfor some strange reason, changing the application colos scheme from System Settings breaks font rendering... I ended up without subpixel hinting without ever touching it12:18
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ed2346789hi, how do I uninstall google browser? the support page on google.com says I have to go to synapctic manager but I havent got synaptic, and its not there in muon software center?13:07
BluesKajHiyas all13:09
mokushed2346789: if you didn't install the google-chrome package yourself, search for chromium-browser in muon13:09
ed2346789mokush: yeah I installed it myself, its not in muon and its called google chrome (it seems chromium is different browser/version)13:13
BluesKajed2346789, chrome isn't in muon , but chromium-browser is.13:15
ed2346789so I have chrome and want to uninstall it, how do I do it?13:17
ed2346789I tried apt-get remove but it cannot find google chrome13:18
ed2346789oh yes found it, sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable worked :D13:21
BluesKajed2346789, try to install chromium-browser with apt get , it's probly what installed13:22
ed2346789already removed, thanks13:22
BluesKajed2346789, which kubuntu version are you using ?13:23
invariantHow can I run a graphical application as a different user in my current session?13:24
ed2346789Platform Version 4.8.5 (4.8.5), 3.2.0-37 generic13:24
invariantWhen I use sudo, I get Error: cannot open display: :013:24
BluesKajed2346789, that's your kde version13:25
BluesKajed2346789, lsb_release -a13:25
ed2346789Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS13:26
BluesKajok , that explains why you still had google chrome in the rpos13:28
BluesKajinvariant, you don't use sudo mto open graphical apps , as  muelux posted kdesudo for graphicals13:29
ed2346789actually I installed it myself, just wanted to try whats it all about, didnt like it, but couldnt uninstall13:29
invariantBluesKaj, kdesudo doesn't work for my sound.13:29
invariantBluesKaj, kdesudo -u someuser 'mplayer -v /tmp/foo.mp3'13:30
BluesKajwhat are you trying to do with your  sound , invariant ?13:30
invariantBluesKaj, hearing it.13:30
invariantBluesKaj, removing the 'kde' part results in hearing audio.13:30
BluesKajin the terminal ?13:31
invariantBluesKaj, however, running the graphical application with sudo doesn't work as explained earlier.13:31
invariantBluesKaj, of course, where else?13:31
invariantI also don't understand where kdesu is, since kdesudo isn't even an official kde program.13:31
BluesKajsudo is for use the terminal/konsole , kdesudo id fro the krunner and graphical apps in the konsole13:32
BluesKajis for13:32
BluesKajinvariant, no need for sarcasm , if you want help , courtesy goes along way ...we don't know what you know or don't know13:34
invariantBluesKaj, assume I know just about everything, except for the thing I am asking.13:34
invariantBluesKaj, you still haven't told me anything that helps me further.13:35
BluesKajI assume nothing until you give details of what you are doing13:35
invariantBluesKaj, I already gave an exact command.13:35
invariantBluesKaj, how much more precise do you want it to be?13:35
invariantBluesKaj, I said what didn't work.13:36
monkeyjuiceinvariant:  only way you can get  audio to work is if you use sudo ?13:36
invariantmonkeyjuice, you should be more precise.13:36
invariantmonkeyjuice, you have not read the observed evidence and instead decided to imagine new evidence.13:36
monkeyjuiceok never mind then you dont seem to need help13:37
invariantI need help from a *competent* person.13:37
BluesKajsudo isn't used for graphical apps , you must use kdesudo , if sudo only works then you've done the damage to your set up previously13:38
raymearshi everyone. having some issues with the font size in java swing apps such as netbeans and the like. they use the GTK2 look and feel which defaults to oxygen-gtk, as defined in systemsettings -> appearance. They just won't use the proper font sizes... any ideas?13:38
BluesKajand go do some research about sudo vs kdesudo , invariant13:39
Ab3Lhi. i've a problem with jovie. i cannot set the voices and when i try to play a text (pronounce what is copied) i get a message telling me there's something wrong. it tells me to give a look in a log file, but i really don't understand which one and where it is. can you help me to make work jovie again? i'm running kubuntu 12.04.13:40
invariantBluesKaj, dude, can you please not tell me that to call 911 we need to call 911?13:40
invariantBluesKaj, you have said absolutely nothing useful and only keep repeating yoursel.f13:41
invariantBluesKaj, why do you want to scare me away with your low quality responses?13:41
invariantBluesKaj, if you don't know how to help. shut up.13:42
BluesKajraymears, just to check , you set the gtk fonts in system settings>appearance , gtk themes ?13:45
raymearsBluesKaj: yes i did13:46
raymearsand it works in firefox and... vmware and other gtk apps13:46
raymearsBluesKaj: they look as native as it gets. the issue is.. when i start a java swing app, it will use the correct GTK settings for the look and feel. it will look well integrated...13:48
raymearsBluesKaj: wanna see a sceenshot?13:48
BluesKajraymears, I don't know anything about netbeans etc13:48
raymearsBluesKaj: it is not about netbeans etc. it is about gtk settings :)13:48
BluesKajsee ? :)13:49
raymearsBluesKaj: i have a virtual image with an almost identical setup, except for the fact that it is a brand new ubuntu installation.. where the fonts look perfect13:50
BluesKajubuntu installation ? raymears , did you add the the kubuntu desktop to an original ubuntu install ?13:53
raymearsBluesKaj: i haven't installed ubuntu in ages. i meant of course ... kubuntu13:53
BluesKajraymears, dunno why you have the problem ..I made synaptic look like a kde app , by opening system settings with root permissions in krunner and setting up the fonts etc for apps that require them like synaptic etc ...dunno if that helps you though13:59
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Ab3Lthere's someone who is mastering jovie?14:09
BluesKajAb3L, do you use kmouth as well?14:17
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Ab3LBluesKaj: yes, also. but currently i'm trying to set jovie14:18
Ab3Lmy first problem now is how to set up a new language14:19
Ab3Lat the moment there's a woman that speaks only italian from kmouth. but i would like to hear a text from, for exemple, a pdf file written in English or in French14:20
BluesKajAb3L, sorry , I have no idea about jovie ...perhaps someone else can help ?14:24
Ab3LBluesKaj: what about kmouth?14:25
BluesKajthe same14:25
Ab3Lyou may know how to change the language.14:26
Ab3Ldon't you?14:26
BluesKajnever used either aqpplication  Ab3L ...I should not have responded , sorry14:27
Ab3Lif i click on "speaker" tab in configuration, and then on the "add" button, i get a list of possible speakers. i can select them, but i cannot really add them (the "ok" button stays gray/inactive)14:28
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Ab3Lok. hope someone reads my lines and give me a suggestion.14:29
Ab3Lthak you anyway14:29
Ab3Li found the log file. but there's something strange inside. it says it loads "festival" module, but i don't think i've festival any more.14:43
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mueluxHello, I'm new to this Kubuntu-Chat (and to IRC at all): so please be patient with me and feel free to correct my mistakes and my english as well.15:45
mueluxMy distro :15:46
mueluxmuelux@muelux-LT70B-T61:/media/SAMSUNG/MeineBackups$ lsb_release -a15:46
mueluxNo LSB modules are available.15:46
mueluxDistributor ID: Ubuntu15:46
mueluxDescription:    Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS15:46
FloodBotK1muelux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
mueluxRelease:        12.0415:46
mueluxCodename:       precise15:46
mueluxMy distro is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1604828/15:49
mueluxMy Problem (for now) is: I can't get the K3b-MP3 Encoder installed, it always turnes around to the point i was starting from15:49
muelux I get one more time the suggestion, that additional features are available for K3b15:50
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BluesKajmuelux, if you are receiving the message box to install mp3 codec and already installed it , just ignore the message , but make sure libk3b6-extracodecs is installed on your system15:59
mueluxBluesKaj, thanks for replying, i just checked that  libk3b6-extracodecs are installed: they are16:03
BluesKajmuelux, then you should have mp3 burning capability with k3b16:04
mueluxthe problem is, that, every time K3b starts up, the message pops up again16:04
BluesKajthat "additional features" dialog is a bug , just close it and run k3b as normal16:05
BluesKajmuelux, have you updated/upgraded lately , that migfht fix the popup16:06
mueluxi think, the problem is, that i use a second Admin-account for safeness (muelux and muex both as Admin-Accounts)16:06
BluesKajmuelux, no ,i'm the only user and I had the same popup up until a few weeks ago16:07
BluesKajjusdtmake sure update/upgrade is for all users16:07
mueluxBluesKaj, my latest Update-check was three hours ago; but thanks, i'll check it for the other accounts16:08
disharmonichow can i prevent KDE from turning off the monitor when watching youtube videos?16:14
awaygo to battery monitor settings and adjust the dim display/screen off settings16:15
invariantaway, that's not what he wants to hear.16:15
BluesKajdisharmonic, laptop or desktop ?16:15
disharmonicBluesKaj, laptop. i don't want to disable the screen off setting, just add youtube to the exceptions if its possible16:17
invariantdisharmonic, for Youtube there is no solution, other than modifying the code of your browser or polling.16:18
disharmonicinvariant, using rekonq for youtube would work then?16:18
invariantdisharmonic, if you don't mind your computer doing an operation which takes 5 ms every 15 minutes, then you can work around it.16:18
BluesKajdisharmonic, try setting you screensaver to 180 mins or some such16:18
invariantBluesKaj, that's not what he wants to hear.16:19
invariantHe wants to hear that this very basic feature works.16:19
invariantI also asked for it some time ago.16:19
invariantIt's a basic feature and it's not too much to expect a system to have that.16:19
invariantdisharmonic, best thing you can do is vote for the bug or create a new bug.16:20
invariantdisharmonic, other than that you could likely detect the window name or current open tab every 15 minutes.16:21
invariantdisharmonic, then if it is youtube, disable it, otherwise enable it.16:21
invariantdisharmonic, the right solution is to add a dbus programmable option to browsers.16:22
invariantdisharmonic, or to inspect the state of some videochip.16:22
BluesKajI think the screenoff takes precedence on laptops , but never used it on my laptop16:22
disharmonicdefault setting is 5mins for screen off on battery16:23
disharmonicso yeah16:23
disharmonicI'll try it in Rekonq, to see wht happens16:24
invariantdisharmonic, I do not expect that to work.16:26
disharmonicinvariant, nope. Tbh this seems like an upstream issue really16:32
invariantdisharmonic, did I ever say it wasn't?16:32
invariantdisharmonic, I am one of those people that doesn't care whoms fault it is.16:33
invariantdisharmonic, also, I am inclined to say that every bug in Kubuntu is the fault of the distributors of Kubuntu.16:33
invariantdisharmonic, if MS distributes an OS, they also are not going to say that some subcontractor made a mistake.16:34
invariantdisharmonic, they distribute it, it's their problem.16:34
disharmonicReporting a bug to  the proper people is important in the FOSS world. The KDE project is in a better position to fix such a bug. That doesn;t mean that the Kubuntu devs couldn't make a patch. Keep in mind that Kubuntu is effectivly a community project now16:37
mueluxBluesKaj, i checked it for the other account: the same there; ok I'll ignore the popup-message from now on17:27
BluesKajmuelux, burning mp3 in linux is elementary , it should work17:27
mueluxbut i got a strange behavior everytime i have to install some things: i have the choice between three accounts, to of them17:29
mueluxseems to be identical muelux (2 times) and 'muex' (ok, the other admin-account)17:30
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SenjaiI have an issue. I'm trying to associate my laptop with a static IP19:22
SenjaiAfter editing /etc/network/interfaces and restarting networking19:23
Senjaieth0 dissapeared19:23
Senjaifrom ifconfig19:23
Senjaiand my connection manager crashed19:23
Senjaibut I still have a connection19:23
SenjaiAnd I'm confused as to what to set for my nameservers (beyond localhost, and the router)19:23
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mandoguit_how to turn off transparancy on panel?   tnks :)19:30
SenjaiOk, I manually setup eth 0 with sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
Senjaibut the netmanager still wont start, and I still feel like I'm fucking up somewhere19:32
IdleOneSenjai: please don't swear.19:33
SenjaiIdleOne: sorry about that. Force of habit. Will make sure I'm more diligent19:34
IdleOnemuch appreciated :)19:34
tsimpsonSenjai: you should probably follow the guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#static-ip-addressing19:35
Senjaitsimpson: Ahh, that goes against some of the tutorials I've read so far. I'll go through that one and let you know how the result turns out19:36
Senjaitsimpson: thanks for the tip either way19:36
tsimpsonSenjai: also note that you can put nameservers in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base, as /etc/resolv.conf is replaced by the resolvconf program at boot19:39
Senjaimmk part one seems okay19:40
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Senjaitsimpson: no luck19:58
Senjaitsimpson: I ended up having to revert to the backup before I started tinkering to even connect after the reboot19:59
Senjaitsimpson: are their router requirements for static ips? I DMZ'd this IP. but I cant for the life of me get apache to accept incoming connections, even though it works on windows19:59
tsimpsonnot really, you just need to make sure you have the IP and netmask, along with the gateway set20:00
SenjaiDNS servers shouldnt be the gamebreaker right20:00
tsimpsonit's usually the router IP, same as the gateway20:01
tsimpsonand DNS is only needed for outgoing, so it's not going to really effect apache20:02
SenjaiYou know what. I think I've been really.. stupid here20:02
SenjaiI've been trying to set up for eth020:03
Senjaibut Im running wireless.20:03
SenjaiShould probably use wlan0 right20:03
SenjaiI have a reason for going against common sense on the eth0 move though.20:03
tsimpsonif you're using the desktop, you can use the network manager to setup the wireless interface20:04
tsimpsondoing it manually is a real pain, and I've only managed to do it once, a year or two ago20:04
Senjaigonna disconnect, edit and reconnect.20:04
Senjaibe right bacl20:04
tsimpsonmake sure to revert /etc/network/interfaces et all though20:04
Senjaidoing it as we speak20:05
tsimpsonnetwork manager can be a little fragile20:05
SenjaiI gathered that20:05
Senjailooks to be running fine now20:06
SenjaiShould be static20:06
tsimpsonI found it easier to configure my router to assign a static IP based on my wifi MAC address over DHCP20:07
tsimpsonsounds more complicated, but was actually easier20:07
Senjaitsimpson: fun times now: The server at whatismyip.com can't be found because the DNS look-up failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Chromium from accessing the network.20:07
SenjaiIm just gonna set my router ip20:07
SenjaiI have no idea what DNS Search servers are20:07
tsimpsonDNS servers are what translates a domain name to an IP address20:08
SenjaiI know that much20:08
Senjaibut I dont know what DNS search servers are20:08
SenjaiI connect to freenode irc via IP, just in case of these thigs20:09
tsimpsonsame thing, but with the word "search" put in there to make it easer to understand20:09
SenjaiOk lets try this again20:09
Senjaiwe have DNS20:09
* Senjai cheers20:09
Senjaitsimpson: thanks for all the help. Really.20:10
tsimpsonyou're welcome :)20:10
Senjaitsimpson:  and alas, still port 80 is closed20:15
* Senjai sighs20:15
tsimpsonhave you checked that apache is listening, does http://localhost/ work?20:15
Senjai__tsimpson: blegh, release discconnect20:17
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tsimpsoncheck http://localhost/ works, if you can try connecting from another computer on the LAN to the IP, if both those work then you know it's the router20:19
Senjailocalhost works20:20
Senjaiill try from my iphone I suppose20:20
Senjaitsimpson: Iphone can view it too20:22
SenjaiI'll give my ISP a call20:22
tsimpsonyou should be able to connect via the external IP too, as the router would just loop back the connection20:24
tsimpsonif you can't it's likely a misconfiguration20:24
SenjaiI havent touched it. It's set up to listen on 80. Default LAMP setup20:25
SenjaiIll keep digging though20:25
Senjaitsimpson: when i do an external port scan on port 80 it says its closed though20:26
tsimpsonsee if you can connect via your external IP though20:27
tsimpsonif you can, then you know it's probably your ISP blocking port 8020:27
SenjaiWhat do you mean, change the port its listening on?20:27
tsimpsonno, I mean use http://your.external.ip.address/20:28
tsimpsonrather than the internal IP20:28
tsimpsonif that works, then the router is forwarding the port properly20:28
tsimpsonif not, then it's not forwarding the port20:29
tsimpsonso if it does work, but not from outside your LAN, it's safe to assume your ISP is filtering20:29
Senjaitsimpson: I've already tried that20:31
Senjaitsimpson: that's how I identified the problem20:31
Senjaiits the main reason why I wanted to get a static ip set up and everything in the first place20:32
tsimpsonwell if you can't connect with the external IP from inside the LAN, it's a router problem20:34
Senjaitsimpson: yea I'm on the phone with them20:39
Senjaitsimpson: its a router specifically for that ISP (comes with TV and the like)20:39
tsimpsongood luck with customer support20:40
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MySystemhello does anybody here know something about chroot and hardlinks trieing to harlink /media to /chroot/ubuntu_x86/media but all folders listed in /chroot/ubuntu_x86/media are empty21:18
MySystemthis is the fstab line from nonchroot linux "/media /chroot/ubuntu_x86/media none bind 0 0"21:19
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MySystemthe read right off /media and all needed contents are set for user group and other21:20
tsimpsonMySystem: hard links only work within the same filesystem21:22
tsimpsonyou can use bind mounts instead21:22
lordievaderGood evening21:22
MySystemdont know this do you have a manpafge or something where i can read how to form my command21:24
MySystemman bind right?21:25
tsimpsonman mount21:27
tsimpsonyou use it like "mount --bind /source /chroot/source"21:27
MySystemah ok that looks better  is it possible to at this to fstab or somewhere else to auto bind it21:29
MySystemok sry tsimpson tried it, lookes like its the same as the ftsab entry with bind see folders of media but not the content of the other filesystems21:36
tsimpsonfor fstab you do "/source /chroot/source none bind 0 0", but you have to do that for all the mounts inside it too21:39
tsimpsonbut at least it's possible, where as hard links arent...21:39
MySystemah ok for the folders/mounts inside media21:40
tsimpsonI usually use it for /tmp /proc /dev and the like21:41
MySystemrealy lots of thx the bind of the content works21:42
tsimpsonno problem21:42
MySystemnow i get the sentance with not over filsystems21:42
nfki forgot, do i need to use alternate install cd if i want my / to be on lvm2?21:56
jonahhi can anyone please help me out? I can't get my site working on localhost / my desktop machine. lamp is working but mysql won't connect, if anyone can please help. I'm using opencart, i've installed myphpadmin and i've imported the database from the website and set up localhost and changed the config file on opencart to use localhost but it's not displaying the website...22:05
jonahhi can anyone please help me getting php working on my lamp localhost?23:06
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