
KentrelIs Aptitude a better tool to fix messed up packages. It's offering me solutions. Should I take them?02:02
FrimI ran the self test, and it said that the disc was ok.  Is there a way to install Ubuntu 12.10 without the language packs?02:18
FrimI ran the self test, and it said that the disc was ok. Is there a way to install Ubuntu 12.10 without the language packs?02:26
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=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
=== Jacky_ is now known as zz_Jacky_
holsteinFrim: sure.. just dont install the language packs04:41
holsteinor, install and remove what you dont want04:41
holsteinFrim: i usually just install, and select *not* to install updates or anything extra during the install process04:42
holsteinjust install from the disc, and then after install i get languge packs or codecs or upgrades04:42
=== Frim is now known as Gone
=== zz_Jacky_ is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
Gonethanks..I'll try that05:38
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=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_Jacky_
=== zz_Jacky_ is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
JonEdneyHey everyone.  I have /home and / on seperate partitions.  If I put the 12.10 CD back in to re-install, and select reformat for / but not /home, would that reinstall 12.10, but leave my homedir alone?14:31
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=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
=== Jacky_ is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
scribawfFacebook fails to run games need update for flash but have latest, any help on this? Please17:22
=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
=== Jacky_ is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
=== Jacky_ is now known as zz_Jacky_
=== zz_Jacky_ is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as Jacky_
=== Jacky_ is now known as jackyalcine

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