
Stevely2003Hi everyone04:12
Stevely2003Other than re-installing...  how would I correct the following error while trying to use single-sign-on (Ubuntu 11.10)...   Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interfact "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist.04:14
Stevely2003(This is for connecting to Ubuntu One)04:15
DarwinSurvivorlooks like an old bug04:17
DarwinSurvivordid this happen after a clean install, after trying Ubuntu-One for the first time, spontaneously, or after you changed something?04:17
Stevely2003It's a fresh install, didn't get a chance to install anything else...  was just trying to sign-on to Ubuntu One.04:18
Stevely2003(anything else = nothing)04:18
Stevely2003first time04:18
DarwinSurvivorIs there any particular reason why you installed 11.10 (which is not supported starting in April)?04:19
Stevely2003Only version I had on CD. (Installing on an older PIII laptop with CD rom drive; 512MB ram)04:19
DarwinSurvivorwell, that version is going to no longer get any updates (for desktop edition) starting in april, so I'd recommend installing a newer release anyways04:20
DarwinSurvivorIf you are worried about performance, xubuntu or lubuntu (xubuntu is a little easier) run much quicker than regular ubuntu04:21
Stevely2003Yeah, that's what I want to do... but don't have a dvd rom.04:21
Stevely2003yes, performance is awful right now...04:21
Stevely2003xubuntu... I'll have to look it up and give it a try.04:22
DarwinSurvivorxubuntu is available on the ubuntu website. You can install from a usb drive if you don't have a burner.04:23
Stevely2003Not sure the laptop will boot from USB...  I'll check the bios and see the boot order...04:24
Stevely2003(Yeah, I saw xubuntu.org and lubuntu.net sites...)04:24
DarwinSurvivoroh, my bad, xubuntu is on its own website now04:24
DarwinSurvivorthe usb instructions in the first link will still work for xubuntu :)04:25
Stevely2003I've tried Knoppix 6.7 too...  that one was very much faster than Ubuntu 11.10.04:25
DarwinSurvivoryes, standard ubuntu is no longer recommended for slow/old hardware as it uses compiz with 3d acceleration for the default desktop04:26
DarwinSurvivorIf you don't want to do a full reinstall, you can install the xubuntu-desktop package (which installs the xfce part of xubuntu) and then upgrade to 12.0404:26
DarwinSurvivorIf you go that route, I recommend removing the ubuntu-desktop package before the upgrade so you don't have to download all the new gnome/unity stuff (will make the upgrade faster)04:27
Stevely2003probably easier to just do the full install04:28
DarwinSurvivorStevely2003: probably, unless you can't get it to boot off the usb04:28
DarwinSurvivorthe xubuntu install is also fairly small, so it won't take as long as the ubuntu one did04:29
DarwinSurvivordo you know the difference between standard and LTS releases?04:29
Stevely2003only that LTS is long term support?04:29
DarwinSurvivorthat's part of it04:29
DarwinSurvivorI would recommend installing 12.04 (LTS) or 12.10 (current)04:30
DarwinSurvivor12.10 is the newest version (came out in October) and is supported until April 201404:30
DarwinSurvivor12.04 is an LTS (actually, it's a LONG long term support!) which is supported until April 201704:31
Stevely2003why the much longer support for that version?04:31
DarwinSurvivorIf you want fully updated software and usually upgrade every 6 or 12 months anyways, go with 12.10 (and 13.04 in April)04:31
DarwinSurvivorif you don't want to have to worry about upgrades for a long time and don't mind some of your software being older (you still get security updates), go with 12.004:32
DarwinSurvivorif you don't want to have to worry about upgrades for a long time and don't mind some of your software being older (you still get security updates), go with 12.0404:32
DarwinSurvivorI'm not sure why that one got 5 years instead of the standard 3 year LTS support, it was something Canonical decided and there have been a few reasons given04:32
Stevely2003ok...  12.04 it is...04:33
Stevely2003Thanks for the info and suggestions.04:33
DarwinSurvivorThere's rumours of them switching to rolling release (no more explicit releases) in the next few years, so who knows what will be happening by the time that LTS runs out :P04:33
DarwinSurvivorno problem04:33
DarwinSurvivorif you come back for help and no-one answers, just stick around for a bit. it sometimes takes 20 minutes or so for someone to notice the activity.04:33
DarwinSurvivorif you need something urgent the #ubuntu channel is usually well-staffed 24/704:34
DarwinSurvivorI tend to miss people's questions by like 5 minutes :(04:34
Stevely2003No worries.  I haven't been in IRC since 1993/1994...  this brings back memories...   like /me is gonna get some shut-eye soon.04:35
Stevely2003Ok. onto the booting usb dance.  Thanks again. Talk to you some other time.04:36

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