
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
xk_idis this a good place to seek AWS related help?02:36
TheLordOfTimexk_id:  depends the extent of it02:39
TheLordOfTimexk_id:  i run two Ubuntu 12.04 Amazon AWS EC2 instances, does that count? :P02:39
xk_idTheLordOfTime: probably :)02:40
xk_idoh. that's more interesting, I suppose.02:40
TheLordOfTimeforgot about the instance i brought up for a colleague's campaign :P02:40
xk_idah, you mean 3. not EC3. which not sure if exists :)02:40
TheLordOfTimeec2, but three instances02:40
* TheLordOfTime yawns02:40
* xk_id nods.02:40
TheLordOfTimeseriously, coffeetime.02:40
xk_idI need to run a distributed crawler, and I've finished all the coding. Now I need to set it up in the cloud, tho.02:41
xk_idI'm struggling to decide what to go for.02:41
=== NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim
zanzacarI am trying to install some ppa repository, and for some reason this isn't working for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#Adding_Launchpad_PPA_Repositories04:10
zanzacarI install the python-software-properties but I keep getting sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found04:11
qman__zanzacar, you need to install python-software-properties04:26
zanzacarqman__: I did install the python-software-properties04:27
zanzacarpython-software-properties is already the newest version.04:28
qman__what version of ubuntu, and does `which add-apt-repository` return anything?04:29
qman__also, I often dyslexically type apt-add-repository, which is wrong and won't work04:32
zanzacarqman__: I am using 12.10 ubuntu server04:48
* lvx is back -( + away )- gone ??06:27
zanzacarqman__: I figured it out here http://www.stylesen.org/addaptrepository_command_ubuntu_1210_quantal06:32
samba35i am using nfs client  from anoter ubuntu server where i am able to use nfs but while shutdown system hang and it seems to be known issuse so post suggest to network stop before shutdown so is there any way to run a /etc/init.d/networking stop script or command before shutdown12:53
Ernie1976Hi all13:08
Ernie1976Very quiet in here13:10
RoyK 13:32
=== JAMMAN2110 is now known as JAMMAN_Temp
hatakeWhat version are good for server17:50
RoyKor - latest LTS17:51
RoyKwhich is 12.0417:51
hatakeRoyK, this you mean http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.1/ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.iso17:55
RoyKhatake: generally, most LTS releases are good for servers17:59
RoyKnon-lts doesn't have sufficient support17:59
hatakeok RoyK thank you for information18:00
jonahhi I hope someone can help. I'm trying to get my opencart site working on my ubuntu localhost with lamp but having connection issues: [Sun Feb 03 23:16:05 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'localhost/system/startup.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home/jonah/yc_testserver/index.php on line 1923:19
jonahI'm new to using lamp locally and i would really appreciate if anyone can help me. I've installed phpmyadmin and changed the virtual dirs etc so I've got my own local host domain in my home folder. copied all my files in there and then edited the config file. Also imported the database but it won't connect, not sure I've changed the config file correctly. I just chnaged referecnes to the domain name to localhost...23:21
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