
dr_willisthe stick is probably mounted where root has rights. not users00:00
user___How do I run gksu nautilus00:00
nicekiwiGumby, yeah with the new sshd_config file it runs fine00:00
Gumbynicekiwi: get the ssh server working first, then worry about locking it dow00:00
Physicistdr_willis: Yes! You are.00:00
whjmsuser___: alt+f2, then type it in. or you type that into your terminal00:00
dr_willistype it in a terminal user___00:00
Gumbynicekiwi: check /var/log/syslog for errors after replacing the edited sshd_config and restarting ssh00:01
dr_willisPhysicist:  great. do i get paid?00:01
user___That gave me full access.00:01
dr_willisuser___:  close that nautilus window when done... it can be dangerous....00:02
ftruzzianyone knows how to set up VNC so that the unity starts? the default xstartup script only displays a grey screen, nothing inside it00:02
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... on a 64 bit system ... is it still recommeded to install the 32bit ubunutu ?00:03
jribcobra-the-joker: I would recommend 64bit ubuntu on a 64bit system00:03
Gumbycobra-the-joker: how much ram do you have?00:03
dr_willisi reccimend 64 but00:03
Gumbyif you're low on ram install 32bit.  if you have lots, use 64bit00:04
cobra-the-jokerGumby: 2GB00:04
bel3atarno PAE in ubuntu?00:04
dr_willisftruzzi: best to use a light desktop with vnc.  unity will have issues and be slow00:05
dr_willisbel3atar: pae is default in 12.10+00:05
ftruzzidr_willis: the problem is that NOTHING is displayed00:05
dr_willisftruzzi: which vnc sever?00:05
nicekiwiGumby, there are some messages there, but non relating to SSH00:06
Gumbynicekiwi: after re-starting ssh with the custom config?00:06
genoobieokay, i've got 12.04 lubuntu running, having issues with flash / chromium but that's not unique00:06
bel3atarI wan't to assist a friend maybe via VNC, but she's firewalled. Any easy trick to solve this?00:06
ftruzzidr_willis: vncserver4 idk if it has a something under it00:06
nicekiwiGumby, with the old one, ssh wont start00:06
genoobiehowever, someone suggested that the video driver might be part of the problem00:07
nicekiwiwith the new installed one, it runs file00:07
dr_willisftruzzi: you edited the. vnc/xstartup to run what you want?00:07
Gumbynicekiwi: exactly.  check the logs to see why :)00:07
pvl1quick q, anyone know of a better pdf read than xpdf00:07
ftruzzidr_willis: the problem is the xstartup config, there is no working setup on the internet, I tryed from classic gnome to unity , nothing works00:07
dr_willis    .vnc/xstartup00:07
Gumbynicekiwi: or, stop ssh (service ssh stop) then put your custom config in, and start ssh by doing /usr/bin/sshd   hopefully that will show something on the screen as to why it wont start00:08
nicekiwiGumby, yeah I did. but theres nothing relating to ssh there asfar as i can see00:08
dr_willisftruzzi:  just have it run xterm &    and a minimal window manager as a test00:08
genoobiegoing to try puppylinux00:08
genoobiewell, can't get *ntu to work00:08
bel3atargenoobie: what cpu?00:09
genoobieat least not well and puppy linux has a version that can use untu packages00:09
genoobiePIII 80000:09
nicekiwiGumby, hmm maybe they were related.. ssh: Could not resolve hostname restart: Name or service not known00:09
dr_willistheres a puppy for legacy hardware..00:09
genoobiedr_willis, you mean wary?00:10
dr_willisits not the ubuntu varant00:10
ftruzzidr_willis: it opens a xterm, as expected but launch everything from xstartup or from xterm is pain in the ass00:10
dr_willisftruzzi:  now have it just run the term.. exec xterm       with no wm.   then try the other desktops00:11
Gumbynicekiwi: that isnt always a fatal error.00:11
dr_willisstart them from the xterm.. looking for error messages00:11
ftruzzidr_willis: i siad the xterm is working, but i want a wm00:12
nicekiwiGumby, true..00:12
Gumbynicekiwi: I suggest replacing the unmodified config and then begin working on fixing the modified one.  Something you have changed in it is not corrrect00:12
dr_willisso launch one..00:12
nicekiwiGumby, yeah :/ but what00:13
Gumbylol... buffering00:14
itatitatguys, Im having a problem00:15
bel3ataritatitat: format that pc and it's gonna be alright00:15
itatitatI need to see a file, in a folder .ssh, hidden, but from the user jenkins, I cannot see with my normal user, is in local00:15
nicekiwiGumby, weirdly it seems to be working now with the modified config00:15
Gumbynicekiwi: hrm00:15
Gumbydid you restart ssh?00:15
nicekiwiGumby, yesh00:16
itatitatnono, I need to see a config file00:16
bel3ataritatitat: you don't have root access?00:16
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nicekiwiGumby, only this is when I login with the non-root user i get this "-sh: 28: [[: not found" and bash dosnt run properly00:16
dr_willisitatitat:  can you see it from the terminal?00:16
itatitatno!, that the strange, I made sudo cd blablabla , and the output was: "cd is not a command"00:16
nicekiwi(after i login)00:16
nearstdr_willis, ur using ati ?00:16
itatitatim using terminal, I see it00:16
dr_willissudo cd      is pointless00:16
bel3ataritatitat: copy it somewhere where you can see it00:17
itatitatyes..............then how can I see that file?00:17
itatitatjummmmmmmmm.................but is there something more direct?00:17
dr_willisitatitat:  in nautilus you mean?00:17
itatitatfor now im using dolphin00:17
Gumbynicekiwi: did you also modify the users .profile or .bashrc or something like that?00:17
dr_willisitatitat: use the show hidden files option.....00:17
nicekiwiGumby, i modfied the roots /.profile to autostart ssh-agennt00:17
bel3ataritatitat: ctrl+h00:18
itatitatyes, im using it, but I dont see anything inside that folder....00:18
itatitatI should be something00:18
bel3ataritatitat: lol?00:18
dr_willistry a different file manager00:18
itatitatyes, just now, trying to acces with dolphin, I see "could not enter folder /var/lib/aoibaoidsjraosijdf"00:18
nicekiwiGumby, wow no, i modified the non-root users dir00:18
itatitatjummmmmmmm, ok00:18
dr_willisor just use the terminal...00:19
bel3ataritatitat: what does this command output: ls -a .ssh00:19
usr13itatitat: What are you looking for?  .ssh ?      ls -la .s*00:19
itatitatooooooooooooh, with konqueror again the same00:20
itatitatok, let me try that command00:20
itatitatpermission denied00:20
Gumbynicekiwi: not sure of that error. could be many things I assume.  I'm not an ssh expert. check if the same error shows if you log in locally via the VPS web console00:20
whjmsitatitat: try ls -l to check permissions on the folder00:20
usr13itatitat: But it is more-than-likely a directory.  So:   ls .ssh/00:20
nicekiwiGumby, nvm. removed the custom script. no error now00:21
itatitatjum............I made sudo ls -a .ssh/00:21
itatitatbut in the result I dont see anything00:21
bel3ataritatitat: boot with a live cd and you will be able to access all the files00:21
usr13itatitat: Yes.  You see?  It is a directory.00:21
whjmsitatitat: is it empty?00:22
itatitatyes, I know is a folder00:22
itatitatbut I think is empty because I havent permissions00:22
nearstls -al ?00:22
usr13itatitat: Ok.  So what is it you are trying to do?00:22
Gryffinhi, am in persistence mode and is having some problem with mounting. Any takers?00:22
itatitatmmmmmmmmmmm..............................first, I dont know why I cannot see the content of a folder00:22
usr13Gryffin: Discribe your problem, maybe we can help.00:23
itatitatI tried with sudo, and changing tu root user, but nothing, root user is like "disabled"?, the password doesn work, perhaps is unabled00:23
itatitatI need to check that00:23
usr13itatitat: I don't know why you can't see it either.  What seems to be the problem?00:23
GryffinI'm booting from USB and is in persistence mode.00:23
Gumbynicekiwi: get that custom conf fixed up and you're good to go :)00:23
GryffinThe icons for my windows drives shows up..00:23
nicekiwihow do I setup bash config for a new user, tab completion, colours etc00:23
bel3ataritatitat: try sudo su00:23
itatitatwhen I try to see with the browser (dolphin, konqueror) or konsole, I cannot see the content00:24
nicekiwiGumby, yeah.. it seems to be working now00:24
whjmsitatitat: 'root' is disabled by default in ubuntu. i believe it's for safety purposes00:24
Gryffinbut when I double-click i get an error saying00:24
itatitatwow!; genious, that's working00:24
itatitatthanks a lot00:24
whjmsnicekiwi: complete -cf [command] will enable completion on commands and files. -c = commands, -f = files00:24
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:24
usr13itatitat: If it is in your home directory, I doubt that it is owned by another user.  ls -ld .ssh/00:24
GryffinAdding read ACL for uid 999 failed- operation not supported00:25
gelphwhjms: although, to become root and *stay* root simply "sudo -i" with no command00:25
whjmsgelph: huh. cool!00:25
Gryffinusr13: Did u get that? I can repeat if you like00:25
pvl1Gryffin, are u running as root00:25
nicekiwiwhjms, sweet00:25
serodroninwhats the best audioplayer for flac audio in ubuntu?00:25
bel3atarserodronin: just installed the coded00:26
bel3atarserodronin: just installed the codec00:26
bel3atarserodronin: or vlc00:26
nicekiwiwhjms, wait what? how do i use that?00:26
Gryffini guess not00:26
pvl1Gryffin, nevermind, gimme a minuet00:26
usr13Gryffin: If you say it all at once, it will be easier,  (wont be scattered all over).00:26
whjmsnicekiwi: that'll be in your ~/.bashrc or your ~/.bash_config00:26
Gryffinokay sure.00:26
usr13Gryffin: In other words, don't use Enter for punctuation.00:27
whjmsnicekiwi: also, colored ls: "alias ls='ls --color=auto'"00:27
pvl1Gryffin, http://askubuntu.com/questions/202630/cant-mount-any-partition-acl-error00:28
nicekiwiwhjms, hmm that stuff is in my .bashrc file , but its not working00:28
pvl1Gryffin, when you open a terminal, what user are you running as00:28
lasersnicekiwi: Search for "color" -- You may have to uncomment something.00:28
jribnicekiwi: how did you create this new user?  Did you use "adduser" by any chance?00:29
lasersnicekiwi: And then do "source ~/.bashrc"00:29
gelphnicekiwi be sure to put it last because when it loads the system bashrc it changes the ls alias00:29
dr_willisnicekiwi:  or you are not using bash.. for some reason.00:29
whjmsnicekiwi: what's not working? colors or completion?00:29
nicekiwiwhjms, both00:29
dr_willisnicekiwi:  try echo $SHELL00:29
MarKsaitis"getent: nss_ldap: could not get LDAP result - Can't contact LDAP serv" .... but getent works absolutely fine when I do it manually, any help?00:29
whjmsnicekiwi: what does 'echo $SHELL' give ya?00:29
nicekiwiwhjms, /bin/sh00:30
dr_willis there ya go...   this is on a vpn or somthing nicekiwi ?00:30
dr_willisor vps..00:30
nicekiwidr_willis, yeah. over ssh00:31
whjmsnicekiwi: let's try autocompletion first. what command do you want to complete00:31
dr_willisthats why then00:31
dr_willisits defaultinmg to sh not bassh00:31
nicekiwidr_willis, oh.. the root user has command completion etc00:31
dr_willisjust run bash00:31
dr_willisand this user will also....00:31
jribnicekiwi: you probably used "useradd" but should have used "adduser" to create your user00:31
nicekiwijr oh00:31
=== N is now known as Guest5412
burnercan anyone help me get compiz to work?  I usually use xfce, but I've been wanting to try the default ubuntu desktop and I can't get compiz to work.  I created a .desktop file on my desktop to launch "openbox --replace" so I can at least have a window manager when I pick the ubuntu session, but I really want to a dash and compiz00:31
whjmsdr_willis: isn't /bin/sh a symlink to the user's default shell, though?00:32
jribwhjms: sh links to dash on ubuntu by default00:32
dr_williswhjms:  definatly not00:32
Guest5412i'd like to remove format from the usb context menu in the unity dock00:32
nearstls -al /bin/sh -> dash00:32
nicekiwijrib, remove the user and re-add with adduser?00:32
GryffinJust to be clear, mine is a mint distro, I installed it for first time in persistence mode on usb stick, and booted, now I cannot open my windows hard drives. When try to open in the file explorer, am getting an error saying Adding read ACL for uid 999 to '/media/mint' failed. Operation not supported00:33
jribnicekiwi: sure.  Or if you feel confident, you can just change the shell with "chsh"00:33
nicekiwijrib, nawh :P00:33
whjmsnearst: what is 'dash'? debian shell?00:33
jrib!info dash00:33
ubottudash (source: dash): POSIX-compliant shell. In component main, is required. Version 0.5.7-3ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 84 kB, installed size 203 kB00:33
gelphwhjms it's a smaller bash00:33
laserswhjms: dash is fast. Useful for booting. When it's interactive shell, it's usually bash (or whatever you prefer).00:33
nearstdefault shell for ubuntu installation00:33
Guest5412when i plug in a usb memory stick,on the usb icons context menu i'd like to remove the format option00:34
Guest5412 when i plug in a usb memory stick,on the usb icons context menu i'd like to remove the format option00:34
Guest5412 when i plug in a usb memory stick,on the usb icons context menu i'd like to remove the format option00:34
gelphGuest5412 why?00:34
dr_williswe herd you the first 5 time guest5400:34
pavel989Gryffin, are you able to follow the directions in the website00:35
Guest5412how do i do it00:35
dr_willisid say check askubuntu,com - they may know how..00:35
gelphGuest5412 if you can read/write files and dirs, why not allow format?  seems almost the same thing00:35
Guest5412so that i dont accedentally click00:35
dr_williserr... thats a silly reason..00:35
nearstremove format option.. hmm00:35
gelphGuest5412 "drive slower to avoid a car wreck?"00:36
dr_willisits not like it instantly formats.. it has a dialog and stuff..00:36
lasersClicking "format' won't format it, will it?00:36
dr_willisi think it asks for the sudo password first00:36
lasers(What dr_willis said)00:36
Guest5412i want to do this so that a first time linux doesn't make a mistake00:36
nicekiwijrib, w00t, that worked :D thank you00:37
lasersGuest5412: You will make mistakes. Hundred of them. Everybody did.00:37
Guest5412*linux user00:37
gelphThere may be a way to remove them from a certain group and they no longer have the right to certain operations on devices00:37
Guest5412is it possible00:37
Guest5412and how00:37
gelphGuest5412 It was asked here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149153000:38
nearstxfce4 terminal able to work like yakuake term. love it!00:39
IveBeenBitI just changed to Ubuntu from Windows and I want to move my Itunes library over. Is there any way to preserve the database - I'm worried about losing the play counts and "last played" dates since I do use those fields pretty often.00:39
IveBeenBitI'm going to use Rhythmbox from here on out00:39
Guest5412how do i remove the users right from format the usb memery stick00:40
Guest5412how comes in pinguy os the option for formatting something is missing00:41
GryffinOkay, sorted00:41
Guest5412how do i remove that option00:41
Guest5412the way pinguy did00:42
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Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda00:43
Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda, how do i do it in ubuntu00:43
Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda, how do i do it in ubuntu00:44
=== hybirdd is now known as hybirdd_zzz
Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda, how do i do it in ubuntu00:44
Gryffinpvl1: Its ur solution that worked. Thanks.00:44
Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda, how do i do it in ubuntu00:45
Guest5412i am a blender user, in windows i can use AMD gpu for display whilst my nvidia gpu for cuda, how do i do it in ubuntu00:45
PiciGuest5412: stop repeating00:45
Guest5412is this possible in ubuntu00:45
gelphGuest5412 No00:46
Guest5412how do i remove the format option from the usb context menu in ubuntu dock00:47
gelphGuest5412 You can't00:47
Guest5412how comes pinguy has managed to do that00:47
S_p_or_t_ohowdy, quick question because google is failing me. i'm trying to .bz2 some counter-strike maps, but most documentation and my archive manager give me .tar.bz2.  renaming the tar out of the name doesn't seem to work, any suggestions?00:47
gelphGuest5412 Ask that in the pinguy channel00:47
Guest5412oh yeah i forgot00:47
GerowenHow can I rip my music to OGG using Rhythmbox?  When I try it attempts to install a plugin then says the plugin can't be found.00:48
GerowenI'm using 12.1000:48
Bray92820so the people that were helping me with the bootloader about 24 hours ago00:48
Bray92820are any of you in here?00:49
pavel989Gerowen, install plugins in package manager00:50
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pavel989S_p_or_t_o, are you running in terminal or the default app00:52
Bray92820if you are i just wanted to say how much of a facepalm it was in the dropdown menu it turned out it was set to install on my LVM00:54
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copi have come back to say that it workedd00:54
EaglemanI am getting the folliwing error when trying to respond to an email: Policy violation. Your host IPADDRESS has no valid Reverse DNS. Please contact your ISP for further information. How do i setup a Reverse DNS for my mail server?00:54
cophopefully you can c it00:55
jribS_p_or_t_o: use the bzip2 in the terminal00:55
copi upgraded and now the screen is normal resolution00:55
pavel989Eagleman, are you masking ur IP or does it actually say that00:55
bobafettare some servers not able to communicate with ipv6 nodes, or something ?00:56
copso thank you  mr unknown i dont recall your nick your advice was grait00:56
bekksbobafett: Correct.00:56
Eaglemanpavel989 the other mail server says that00:56
bobafetthow can i learn more about this situation or problem00:56
bobafettfor example i'm looking at this vps service00:56
bobafettthey are offering ipv4 ip addresses at $1 each per month00:56
bobafettthen it says they will give you an "initial allocation of 60 ipv6 addresses for free"00:57
chadster1975I installed an additional hard drive and im having trouble getting it to work. tried using ubuntu community to figure it out with no luck.00:57
gelphEagleman who is hosting your mail server?  Your DHCP client can "register" the DNS when system starts for example.00:57
deltabEagleman: your ISP has to do that00:57
bobafettso i'm guessing ipv6 is problematic ?00:57
BrainPaidubottu: turkey00:57
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.00:57
EaglemanThey have to make a PTR record?00:57
nearsttry dig it00:57
chadster1975used gpart to partition and format drive, but when i try to drag and drop files it says i do not have permissions00:59
dr_willischadster1975: partition it. format it.. mount it.. use it.. ;-)00:59
EaglemanNot sure if i just did it myself but i did changed something in the VPS control panel: IP Address **.**.**.**Reverse DNS example.com00:59
dr_willisbecause you need to set ownership00:59
dr_willischadster1975: .. who needs acccess?00:59
gelphSometimes you need a period at the end of the CNAME, like example.com.  <-- notice period01:00
EaglemanDOMERR:0006 illegal hostname name 'example.com.'01:01
deltabEagleman: that could work but only if the domain for the address is delegated to you01:01
dr_willischadster1975: so mount ut then chown  the mountpoint to be owned by your user01:01
BrainPaidWindows 8 is bad, Microsoft is big lose.01:01
gelphDoes the IP address match your canonical name?01:01
Eaglemandeltab i do own the domain, i dont have to change the dns record right?01:01
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dr_willis!permissions | chadster197501:01
ubottuchadster1975: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:01
deltabEagleman: are you willing to tell us the ip address?01:01
pavel989Eagleman, i was gonna say... its all about the conf settings01:02
nearstEagleman, u can use google reverse dns ptr to your host01:02
pavel989Eagleman, just use what nearst just said, or google a free reverse dns01:02
=== andrew is now known as Guest18482
Eaglemanvpn.eagleman.net is bound to in the DNS settings01:02
deltab189.183.45.5.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer vpn.eagleman.net.01:03
pavel989Eagleman, dyn.com01:03
deltabyep, that's working01:03
dr_willischadster1975: you formated it to be ext2/3/4? or what exactly01:03
Eaglemani already have a domain..01:03
chadster1975when i have attempted to use chown it has given me problems with identifying01:03
pavel989BrainPaid, meant google search lol, but thank you01:03
BrainPaidpavel: oh01:04
deltabEagleman: you've fixed it01:04
Eaglemandig vpn.eagleman.net works01:04
Eaglemannot sure about the PTR record01:04
dr_willischadster1975: details...  what command.. what errors01:04
chadster1975i set the partition for ext401:04
Eaglemanservice bind9 restart && dig ptr  shows me nothing01:05
deltabEagleman: dig -t ptr
nearstA is PTR 0,001:05
BrainPaidubottu: !flood | BrainPaid01:05
ubottuBrainPaid, please see my private message01:05
chadster1975i followed the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive . but when i get down to automatic mount at boot i run into problems01:05
deltabEagleman: you've already got it working01:05
Eaglemanok looks like i got a ptr record now01:05
paranonHola! Does anyone know where I should start if: I want to route every connection a program attempts to make to rather than my VPN?01:05
paranon<para> route.exe works but the program in question uses a ton of different ips!01:05
gelphsometimes there's a lag with these dns records01:06
deltabthat's caching01:06
dr_willischadster1975:  you mount it. rhe  chown its mountppoint to be iwned by your user.01:06
EaglemanI know, thats why i restarted bind9 so it will flush the cache01:06
nearstEagleman, http://www.howtoforge.com/howtos/dns is good source to understand how dns work01:06
BrainPaidubottu: !permissions | ubottu01:06
ubottuBrainPaid: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:06
deltabnot your cache, other people's01:06
dr_willischadster1975: then make a fstab entry01:07
chadster1975it says it best to use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID instead of doing it manually so i tried that page and got down to the fstab part but then it says i didnt create file or something01:07
deltabEagleman: the mail server that rejected your message may or may not still have the outdated nxdomain result cached01:07
deltabEagleman: not much you can do if it has but wait01:08
Eaglemandeltab:  postqueue -p is emtpy now, so it looks like it accepted the mail from me01:08
pavel989paranon, what difference is it. your vpn is your private network afterall, right?01:08
dr_willischadster1975: the directory you are mounting to MUST exist befor you mount01:08
pavel989paranon, can you give a bit more detail01:08
paranonpavel989 the vpn is located in sweden and i want to use Netflix on the same computer01:08
nicekiwihow do I add a user to the sudoers group?01:08
paranonpavel989 netflix will only let me connect via the states where i'm at01:08
gelphman visudo for format and weird syntax inside it01:09
lkzonewhats the best translator for pt-br?01:09
nearstgoogle-translator? :)01:09
nicekiwigelph, the group. not the file01:09
pavel989paranon, ah okok ty. one sec01:09
chadster1975dr_willis: i used the mkdir command and created the directory like it said to01:10
paranonpavel989 ok cool01:10
gelphIf there is a normal group, simply usermod -a -G whatever01:10
gelphjust basic user group membership add01:10
gelphif group is "weirdos" then: usermod -a -G weirdos nicekiwi01:11
chadster1975then when i tried the $ sudo chmod thing thats when it said directory does not exist. weird because i just created it i thought01:11
gelphTo avoid messing it all up badly, do "groups nicekiwi" before and after your group modification command01:11
nicekiwigelph, right01:11
dr_willischadster1975: exact commands used  and the error messages please....01:12
nearstdr_willis, u use ati display? or nvidia?01:12
chadster1975dr_willis: sure thing, just take me a min01:12
dr_willischadster1975: first guess is a typo or lack of using the proper full path01:12
dr_willisnearst: i got 1ati and 4nvidia01:13
pavel989paranon, private message me please, just a phone call01:13
nicekiwiwhat does this mean? # See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:01:13
dr_willisnicekiwi:   man 5 sudoers01:13
dr_willis5 is a man section01:14
chadster1975dr_willis: i took the part that says "Note: Ubuntu now recommends to use UUID instead, see the instructions here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID" to mean that i didnt have to do all the fstab stuff below it. is that correct?01:14
gelphdr_willis you're a clever dude01:14
dr_willis5 is for codeing u think01:14
dr_willischadster1975: give us details...  whats the fstab line.....01:15
chadster1975dr_willis: should i continue on with the "gksu gedit /etc/fstab stuff?01:15
gelphdr_willis "man man" says section 5 is "5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd"01:15
dr_willisyou make a fstab entry yes chadster197501:15
gelphchadster1975 The UUID simply refers to the partition by "unique id" rather than path such as /dev/sda3 in case the partition or device moves it will still find it01:17
chadster1975dr_willis: i was confused because it says "Add this line to the end (for ext3 file system):"   but i used ext4, so thought "gosh, i dont have to do that"01:17
dr_willisso use ext401:17
dr_willisnot ext3 in the wxample01:17
EaglemanANy idea why this is shown non-alpabetical? IP address for tun1:  IP address for tun0:
Eaglemanthis is how it is started in crontab -e:01:18
Eagleman@reboot                                                                                                 screen -d -m -S OpenVPN-UDP-Client /usr/sbin/openvpn /etc/openvpn/client/udp-client.ovpn01:18
Eagleman@reboot                                                                                                 screen -d -m -S OpenVPN-TCP-Client /usr/sbin/openvpn /etc/openvpn/client/tcp-client.ovpn01:18
chadster1975accidentally logged out of pidgin, sorry.01:21
nearstdifferent segment ip01:22
chadster1975added line "/dev/sdb1    /media/mynewdrive   ext4    defaults     0        2" to last line of fstab01:22
dr_willischadster1975:  and ls /media    shows a newdrive  directory?01:23
nearstwhy jockey not detect my ati fglrx?01:23
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dr_willissudo mount /media/newdrive   gives an error  chadster1975 ?01:24
chadster1975after i added the line i clicked "save", is that enough to make the change or do i need to "save as" and specify the /etc directory?01:24
craigbass1976What's the best way to remote control a 12.10 box from windows 7 over the internet?  A friend of mine already has xrdp running, but it only works I guess if he has the user set for autologin.01:24
gelphnearst: maybe it did but it's proprietary so you need to explicitly ask Ubuntu to start using it01:24
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dr_willisyou did edit the existing /etc/fstab file? chadster1975 ?01:25
Eaglemannearst its sorted like this: tun1 tun0 tun3 tun401:25
Eaglemantun3 and tun4 are sorted correctly01:25
chadster1975ok, so i have this done so far   chad@chad-ubuntu-desktop:~$ gksu gedit /etc/fstab01:26
chadster1975chad@chad-ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo chown -R chad:chad /media/mynewdrive01:26
bekkschadster1975: Did you do that after it was mounted?01:26
phunyguy!polls | craigbass197601:26
ubottucraigbass1976: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:26
chadster1975bekks: i think i did yes01:26
dr_willischadster1975:  you mount it then chow01:26
nearstgelph, not sure, im using radeon atm, try to use ati-legacy01:27
chadster1975i thought i had already mounted it in gparted01:27
dr_willisuse mount command to see if its moynted  chadster197501:27
nearstgelph, my resolution now is 1024x768 too :(01:27
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dr_willisor just try to unmount then remount it01:27
chadster1975i ran mount and it spit out quite a bit. whole page long01:27
gelphlegacy is "old", fglrx is "very very new", radeon ati (amd) is in the middle (sort of)01:27
craigbass1976Does anyone know why xrdp would work with autologin turned on but not when it's off?01:28
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dr_willischadster1975: and you want the one line tgat mentios the point we are messi g with...01:28
gelphnearst: there's a bunch of howto links here http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Fglrx01:28
chadster1975dr_willis: i think its mounted, but it has a long crazy name i didnt assign.  "/dev/sdb1 on /media/chad/4c0fd11a-4942-41ed-9dd0-5f4ff559d193 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)01:29
nicekiwianyone help me with git? im trying 'git push origin master' and get Permission denied (publickey).01:29
nicekiwifatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly01:29
OerHekscraigbass1976, with autologin turned off, the host gets a popup to grant the remote acces01:29
craigbass1976OerHeks, Ahhh...  Can it be set to auto accept if there's a correct username and pass?01:30
OerHekscraigbass1976, sure, for any guest :-D 777701:30
dr_willischadster1975:  becasue the system auto mountged it there  - because you had no fstgabb entgry for it01:31
craigbass1976OerHeks, Sshhh... I'm worried the fellow might try it.01:31
OerHeksoh i read incorrect username and pass01:31
dr_willischadster1975:  so umount  it ;))01:31
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chadster1975dr_willis: will unmounting and remounting assign new name then?01:31
dr_willischadster1975:  sudo umount /dev/sdb101:31
dr_willisyour fstab entry defines where it goe to now..01:31
craigbass1976OerHeks, what do you mean?  No you can't if the user gives the proper username and pass?01:32
dr_willisthat long crazy name IS gthe uuid of gthe filesysgtem01:32
chadster1975dr_willis:  ahh! looks like i got it now01:32
mbeierlIs there an iOS 6 capable media manager?  I just tried Banshee and while it looked like it was working, it just ended up doing nothing.01:32
nearstgelph, err. im prefer 13.1 legacy driver01:32
gelphnearst: you began by asking: "why jockey not detect my ati fglrx?"01:33
gelphnearst: now you say you don't want it?  what is your question?01:33
mbeierlAnd now Banshee won't even recognize the iphone when it's plugged in again.01:34
OerHekscraigbass1976, yes you can. my mistake is reading "giving acces without username and pass"01:34
chadster1975it didnt reject my chown command this time01:34
chadster1975worked 100%, thank you dr_willis and gelph. you two are great!01:35
gelphdr_willis is the master, I am the padawan01:35
chadster1975thats done. now i can get back to battlestar galactica. thanks again!01:36
EaglemanWIll this command avoid using port 1197 for sending and recieving on my local computer, the command is executed on the server: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d **.***.**.** --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 119701:38
GerowenIs the "format" option supposed to be present in 12.10 if I right click the icon for a USB drive on the Unity bar?01:38
GerowenBecause it's not, and I'd like to restore it.01:39
=== Mikel is now known as lolcat
nicekiwihow do I view a sshkey ive generated?01:40
KxTwoWindows guys are easy to troll lol01:40
bekksnicekiwi: By using a text editor01:40
nicekiwihelpful... o_001:41
PHYSICISTGreetings. How can I see the enable kernel in my 10.04?01:41
bekksnicekiwi: If you dont like the answer, I cant help you. A SSH key is a plaintext file.01:41
nicekiwiyes, however I need to copy the text and I dont have a GUI01:42
PHYSICISTGreetings. How can I see the enable kernel in my 10.04?01:42
bekksnicekiwi: There are text editors for console use, like vim or nano-01:43
nicekiwiok, next quextion. how do u copy text in nano?01:43
craigbass1976OerHeks, have you seen a walkthrough anywhere?01:44
dr_willisnicekiwi:  you can copy.paste and edit in the console01:44
OerHekscraigbass1976, for xrdp ?01:45
dr_willisnano has all the shortcuts listed at the bottom i thought. I tend to use vi,01:45
PHYSICISTdr_willis, how can I see the enable kernel in my 10.04?01:45
=== Mining|away is now known as MiningMarsh
nicekiwidr_willis, how?01:46
craigbass1976OerHeks, Yes.  I've got to hold up a working tutorial against what this fellow has already done (bash_history I guess) and hope for the best.  I also don't have Windows 7 to test with...01:46
nicekiwidr_willis, i have a RSA key to copy into github.. how do I get it?01:46
hello-worldhi guys!01:47
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords01:48
OerHekscraigbass1976, looks easy, but check the 1st comment about keyring ...  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/connect-to-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-via-windows-remote-desktop/01:53
dr_willisnicekiwi:  one way. save it to a file.. then load what4ever other file you want it in vi   and you can then 'read' the first file and insert it into the 2nd file.01:54
dr_willisin vi i recall its   :r filename01:54
dr_willisnot sure on that.. not on a ubuntu box at the moment01:55
seyfarthi opened thunderbird once on accident, and now i have the fabled envelope of uselessness on my panel. how do I get rid of it?01:56
nicekiwiuhh k01:56
seyfarthi really hate that thing... needs a button pin or something. just turning blue is useless01:57
dr_willisvi has a full set of cut/paste/buffers/files multi file editing support01:57
KentrelIs Aptitude a better tool to fix messed up packages. It's offering me solutions. Should I take them?01:57
gener1cis there a chance that dash would change for some reason its color on its own ?01:59
gener1cit just did it without me initiating it..01:59
gener1cchanged to light purple01:59
tomreynnot that i know of, but i haven't used it for a while02:00
dr_willisthe left side panel changes color based on the wallpaper02:00
dr_willisas a new feature02:00
gener1cbut i didnt change the wallpaper02:00
dr_willisit can be turned off. so perhaps it was off then came on.. or visa versa...02:01
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gener1cok odd :P02:01
tomreynlight purple sounds like it could be complementary color. maybe it's a video driver bug?02:01
tomreyni guess i would log off and on again02:02
tomreyn...and see whether it remains02:02
gener1cwell there is another but with moving from my 22" HD screen back to the laptop , windows still remember the size of the 22" and are hard to minimize02:02
dr_willissmurf people v bug. ;)02:03
gener1cnot sure if i care enough to report it :P02:04
RabblerouserWhen 13.04 rolls around, am I going to have to use the same trick I did in 12.10 to get my Radeon HD 4670 to work on it?02:06
KentrelI think you'll see video cards are going to be well supported in 2013 and going into 201402:08
KentrelI really believe Valve are starting a revolution with gaming on Linux02:08
chadster1975im back with another problem. ive installed a 2nd operating system to boot besides ubuntu. can i remove the other OS go back to single boot ubuntu?02:08
jribchadster1975: sure, which OS's grub do you have on the mbr at the moment?02:08
RabblerouserYeah, but ATI isn't Valve, Kentre02:09
AlfabetHow are the games running with valve?02:09
chadster1975jrib: the other OS is Backtrack 5 R3.. not sure which grub they use02:09
seyfarthvalve can only open the doors, users have to walk through. ATI/nvidia will only make drivers with demand. e.g. if valve's settop box succeeds02:09
jribchadster1975: well, you can get rid of the backtrack partition and if you have trouble booting, just follow ubottu's directions on restoring grub after windows02:09
jrib!grub | chadster197502:09
ubottuchadster1975: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:09
RabblerouserWe allowed to link here?02:10
RabblerouserThis is what I have to do now since I have an older GPU. http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/ My question is will I have to do this again in 13.0402:12
chadster1975ok. so first order of business in removing bactrack is to use gpart to remove the partition and then resize the ubuntu partition to take up the whole drive?02:13
chadster1975the help files for grub assume grub is lost or damaged, so thats for after i change partition stuff right?02:14
jribchadster1975: you'll only need that if you currently have backtrack's grub handling your boot02:16
chadster1975jrib: so dont worry about the grub stuff if i use gpart to remove the whole partition right?02:17
nuthows it going yall?02:17
chadster1975whole backtrack partition, not the ubuntu one.02:17
dr_willisdedpends on which os is handling grub. ;)02:20
dr_willisboot to ubuntu and have it reinstall grub.. to be sure ubuntu is the os thats got controll of grub.02:20
dr_willisthen remove the other partions02:21
keithclark_I'm trying to install xubuntu version of ubuntu but my touchpad will not work, any ideas?02:22
snadgecan anyone else install adblock plus for chrome? or is it just me that can't02:23
bekkssnadge: Works fine here.02:23
snadgei click on it.. it comes up with the thingy to "add to chrome" .. click add.. does nothing02:23
dr_willisyou get a specific error message snadge ?02:23
dr_willisjust that eh.. weord02:23
snadgeno error message.. just disappears.. and doesnt work.. frustrating :)02:23
nicekiwiif i need to modify a virtualhost config file, do i modifty the one in /sites-enabled or /sites-avaliable?02:23
nicekiwiin apache202:24
snadgebekks: what version of chrome are you running?02:24
snadgei have 18.0.1025.16202:24
elena-IKI have a problem with mouse lag. cursor movements are delayed by about 1.5 seconds. worked fine yesterday before shut down. the cursor lags no matter what desktop environment I use. the mouse is a logitech mx 518. any ideas?02:25
bekkssnadge: 25.x02:26
snadgewhoah.. i see the problem then.. my chrome is a bit outdated02:26
civixierHello, I could really really use some help with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1603302/02:27
seyfarthcivixier: are you on a desktop? because i'm doing this right now :)02:29
seyfarthcivixier: at least, on my laptop02:29
civixierseyfarth: I am on a desktop. I have a gts 450 card and an integrated intel card :)02:30
seyfarthcivixier: gimme a sec, see if i can figure out whats up02:33
civixierseyfarth: I really appreciate it. I try my best to figure it out, but this seems to be as far as I can get.02:35
_helios_this is kind of a newbish question but what exactly does ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot mean?02:35
dr_willis!info ureadahead02:35
ubottuureadahead (source: ureadahead): Read required files in advance. In component main, is important. Version 0.100.0-12build1 (quantal), package size 26 kB, installed size 123 kB02:35
dr_willisits a preloading feature02:35
dr_willisi rember  when it first came out years ago as a fancy new feature.. ;)  now no one ecen thinks twice about it02:36
dr_willisit preloads  files  to make the system boot/load faster02:37
Silverfoxhttp://pastebin.ca/2310185 <-- Why is there no /lib/modules/xxx/build directory ?02:37
_helios_dr_willis: so it will start preloading files next boot up.02:38
dr_willisit  has to generate a profile of whats going on so it will know what to preload.02:38
dr_willisnothing to worry about. ;)02:39
bob__Just installed 12.04... first LInux and IRC in years... hope it is like riding a bike02:40
SilverfoxLots of google hits on this error, but all point to installing linux-headers, which I have installed.  Not sure what I'm missing.02:41
_helios_bob__: it's easier than riding a bike the first time in my opinion, a heck of allot easier than it use to be.02:41
tomreynbikes still don't have a graphical user interface02:41
Silverfoxnor a package management system.02:41
dr_willisaptt-get install little-dingly-bell ;)02:42
dr_willisbut linux has gotten more training-wheels over the years02:42
bob__I managed a dept with AIX and HP-UNIX for a while.. and just played briefly with a couple Dists back in 2004.. so I have not seen Linux for a while.. WOW does not come close02:44
dasgudhello everyone :)02:44
seyfarthcivixier: ok. i use http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/610 to manage the fancy nvidia/intel switch on my laptop. it might work for you02:45
seyfarthcivixier: honestly never done it on a desktop, where a lot of them disable the integrated card at the bios level02:45
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seyfarthbut you seem to ahve it working02:45
_helios_bob__: it's allot nicer, kicks Windows butt in many different ways02:45
chadster1975ok, i booted using ubuntu live usb, went into gparted and im attempting to remove 2nd partition. when i try to delete the 2nd partition it says "please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 6".02:46
civixierseyfarth: I start to believe that I got very very lucky with my xorg.conf. I am far from a Xconfig ninja ;)02:46
Noskcajping to anyone involved with the iso tracker02:46
SilverfoxNoskcaj: no route to host02:46
bob__I put 10.04 on an old dell desktop.. and just put 12.04 on a Dell (still old) Latitude 620 and it seems to be handling the load.02:47
dr_willischadster1975: unmount any partions you want to alter first02:47
_helios_bob__: You could put Xubuntu which is basicaly still Ubuntu just uses the Xfce desktop enviroment instead of Unity/Gnome I run Xubuntu 12.1064bit on my older desktop and 12.1064bit Unity on my laptop.02:48
dr_willischadster1975: you may need to do   sudo swapoff   also02:48
bob__Not sensing my Broadcom 4311 Wireless though.. and when I added the driver.. it killed the kernel..02:48
chadster1975when i use "sudo umount /dev/sbd6" or any other sdb# it says "not mounted"02:48
dr_willisyse the mount command to see whats mounted02:49
_helios_bob__: You could probably use ndiswrapper but I would just suggest purchasing a new wifi card that has native linux drivers for it because it will save you allot of hassle.02:50
bob__Laptop.. and a Dell 620... not sure what I am going to do.. yet.. sort of locked into it.. have not heard of ndiswrapper.. so I will look at that... so much to learn again02:51
chadster1975dr_willis: there is a lot there, but device-wise i only see /dev/sdc1...and i think thats the ubuntu live usb, right?02:51
dasgudI have a question about unity restoration. I had a problem with unity yesterday morning. following some nefarious forum posts I uninstalled it. Now I can't boot because when I try, I get a popup that I am in low graphics mode and it just sits there. Is there a way to restore unity using a boot disk?02:51
bob__Well , wife is calling .. been a pleasure helios.. thx02:51
bob__I will be back later02:52
dr_willischadster1975: no idea.  sudo blkid may give a clue02:52
_helios_dasgud: You should beable to restore using the Live CD/USB02:54
chadster1975dr_willis: i have two /dev/loop then sdb1, 5,6,and 7. weird they dont show up under mount.  maybe i switched the "d" and the "b" in sdb.. ill try again02:54
nearsthi ppl02:55
_helios_nearst: hello02:55
_helios_Ok one more question for the night, How are some people on this server getting there host to say freebsd/user/blah or user/unaffiliated02:57
_helios_I know that it could be a virtual host but I've never seen a vhost in that format.02:57
manupcan someone help me with an issue im having02:57
manupim new to ubuntu :$02:57
dasgud@ helio  Thank you for answering. When I try I don't get an option to restore, only to format and clean install, install alongside or change partitions. nothing about restoring02:58
nearst_helios_, u can apply for user/anaffiliated at #freenode02:58
_helios_nearst: thanks02:59
nearst_helios_, just ask for the staff and request for it :)02:59
_helios_dasgud: I'm not an expert by any means but what you should try to do is boot from a Live CD, backup all important files you can on the drive and then just do a fresh install,  Unfortunetaly that's all I would know how to do I'm still a half newb03:00
manupbefore i installed ubuntu i copied some documents to my phone internal storage. now im trying to copy back simple pdf and .doc files and its not copying the files saying that they are not supported.03:00
dasgudright helios. thanks again. I have that planned too. that would be part two of my question03:00
=== BlueFall is now known as Fanatic
_helios_dasgud: To backup your data just boot from the Live CD and use the Try Ubuntu option when the desktop loads that's when you can read the drive and get your important data off it via external HD or flash drives.03:02
manupand i tried to look info online but couldnt find anything. !03:02
dasgudI have copied my whole ~/ folder to a hard drive. I'm just wondering if there is anything I should copy still.03:03
chadster1975dr_willis: i was able to delete the old partition but only by using the swapoff command in the menu of gparted and not by using "sudo swapoff -a" in terminal. odd, but at least it worked03:04
dr_willisi mentioned swapoff earlier.....   ;-)03:05
dr_willislive cd auto enabled the seen swap partition03:06
chadster1975dr_willis: you totally called it, just weird the swapoff command didnt work from terminal and only from inside gparted. usually command line is the most solid.03:06
RamsramboHi! I am on 12.10 Quantal and my browsers not able to play youtube - no audio03:09
mikehaas763Does anyone know if there is an app for saving my window positions? I'm a dev and I like to have my browser open and sized with a couple other terminals opened and sized and positioned. I'd like to replicate this easily everytime03:11
SilverfoxI managed to compile a new module for my wifi (wl.ko), and did a depmod, and modprobe, but don't see any network interfaces with wireless extensions showing up.  Did I miss a step?03:11
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  is that with more than one browser ?03:12
nearstSilverfox, usb or pci?03:13
RamsramboTex_Nick : Yeah! firefox and chrome03:13
RamsramboTex_Nick : there are 2 sound card on my PC03:14
nearstwhat type03:14
RamsramboTex_Nick : pulse audio gets hooked on to the motherboard audio03:14
Silverfoxbroadcom BCM432203:14
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  ah ok ... you prefer to use the pereferal audio card ?03:15
RamsramboTex_Nick : there is also a SBX usb card which is on ALSA03:15
nearsttry with jockey? sudo jockey-gtk03:15
zykotick9Ramsrambo: not sure if this applies to situations using pulse, but with firefox - i can ONLY get sound out of first sound devices listed in /proc/asound/cards  (hope this info is helpful, i'm not sure it is)03:15
Silverfoxnearst: don't know anything about jockey.  I'll do some reading.03:16
RamsramboTex_Nick : what I need to change to make it play in my USB card ?03:16
chadster1975after partitioning and resizing ubuntu partition im getting "grub rescue>"  is there a fix for this or should i reinstall?03:16
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  if you don't use the motherboard audio ... i would first disable it in BIOS03:16
nearstSilverfox, http://askubuntu.com/questions/218986/how-to-fix-a-broadcom-43224-rev-01-in-ubuntu-12-10-running-on-a-macbook-pro03:17
RamsramboTex_Nick : not sure if I can do that - I do not think there is an option in BIOS to do that03:17
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  what MoBo are you using ... or what PC make and model03:18
RamsramboTex_Nick : this motherboard is old intel 865gbf so the BIOS will not have that option03:18
chadster1975full error is "error: no such partition" then "grub rescue>"03:19
Silverfoxnearst: think it makes any difference that I'm on a Dell laptop here?03:19
SilverfoxDell E640003:19
Ben64chadster1975: what exactly did you change03:19
RamsramboTex_Nick : in /proc/asound there are two directories card0 and card103:19
RamsramboTex_Nick : anyway to blacklist or something like that03:20
chadster1975Ben64: had ubuntu 12.10 and Backtrack 5 R3 dual boot. used gparted to delete backtrack partition03:20
SilverfoxI see the module loaded in lsmod, but iwconfig shows no interfaces.  I'm thinking I need to tell the module to look for wlan0 or something.  Just not sure where.03:20
RamsramboTex_Nick : when I click on audio ICON it crashes so I cannot change anything there03:21
Silverfoxnearst: thats basically what I'm doing.  I am compiling my own module, however, because broadcom has released a fix for the driver that caused several channels to not be visible.03:21
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  i'm i'm looking for a solution03:22
RamsramboTex_Nick : I am here and waiting03:22
nearstSilverfox, im not too sure about that channels issue :(03:23
Ben64chadster1975: did you have backtrack installed first?03:23
chadster1975Ben64: yeah, i think it would boot into backtrack as priority.03:24
RamsramboTex_Nick : when I play on youtube in browser it is going to pulse audio bcos I can see that on PULSEAudio Volume meter03:24
Ben64chadster1975: if i were you, i'd use the boot-repair utility with an ubuntu live cd, it should be able to detect and fix the problem03:24
nearstSilverfox, http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/09/fixing-broadcom-43xx-wireless-card.html03:24
chadster1975Ben64: will give that a try right away03:24
BroBerthey can anywher ehere give me some live assistant?03:28
BroBertcan some one help?03:28
xangua!ask | BroBert03:29
ubottuBroBert: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:29
BroBert!ask | I am having some trouble setting up ubuntu 12.1 on my acer aspire desktop i chose the option to completeley overwrite windows and it installed fine and when i restarted it says "ERROR: no boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed." what do i do?03:30
ubottuI am having some trouble setting up ubuntu 12.1 on my acer aspire desktop i chose the option to completeley overwrite windows and it installed fine and when i restarted it says "ERROR: no boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed." what do i do?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) 03:30
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  have you tried to switch the device in alsamixer ?03:31
Silverfoxnearst: bcmwl is the module I just compiled.03:31
BroBertTex_Nick: was that directed at me?03:31
RamsramboTex_Nick : yes! I hv done that03:31
ganeshonubuntumost likely issue is grub03:31
_helios_BroBert: have you checked your boot device priority in your bios?03:32
RamsramboTex_nick : in /etc/modeprob.d/alsa-conf all of them are 203:32
BroBert_helios_: yes and EFI is the first boot device03:32
P-CHANwho is more stable.  Ubuntu or Debian Sid?03:32
bazhang!ot | P-CHAN03:32
ubottuP-CHAN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:32
ganeshonubuntuis any one aware of professional accounting package on ubuntu03:33
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  searching ...03:33
bazhangganeshonubuntu, apt-cache search accounting03:33
johnathani really really really need help03:33
johnathanlike im about to an hero lol03:33
_helios_BroBert: does grub load? and then it says that or does grub not load and it goes directly to the error03:33
RamsramboTex_Nick : in /etc/modeprobe.ds/alsa-base.conf all of them are -203:34
BroBert_helios_: i cant really tell i just see my bootup screen that has the option for boot device or bios settigns and then it goes to a screen allowing me to hit CTRL+F for RAID ROM utility (not sure what that is) then it goes black and outputs that error03:34
ganeshonubuntuit simply means that grub has not written any thing.  Simply give a 2nd try and reinstall.03:34
usr13!efi | BroBert03:35
RamsramboTex_Nick : any diff betwn -2 and 203:35
johnathani have an aspire one netbook and ubuntu simply refuses to run on it, i install it and it freeses when booting, ive tried like 12 linux distros tonight03:35
BroBert_helios_: also everytime i hit a key at the error window it displays the eror again03:35
usr13!uefi | BroBert03:35
ubottuBroBert: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:35
BroBertusr13: ok let me look into doing that03:36
Silverfoxthe problem I'm having is I'm familiar with /etc/network/interfaces, and ubuntu's 'new' way completely eludes me.03:36
_helios_BroBert: try to follow ubottu's link it might have the fix you need.03:36
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  not sure ... you're probably going to need more help than i can i can provide ... i'm still looking though03:36
ganeshonubuntumy mouse on ubuntu is too fast.  system setting mouse set on minimum but still pretty much unusable03:36
chadster1975Ben64: boot-repair not working very well so far. starts to load then locks up just after loading the optical mouse03:37
BroBert_helios_: im going to03:37
nearstSilverfox, working good?03:37
johnathancan someone please help me? im sorry to be demanding but i really need to get this working03:37
ganeshonubuntuubuntu usb pen drive write is very very slow.. please help03:37
keithclark_How do I erase and reformat a usb stick drive?  I've tried gparted but it doesn't work form me.  All those functions are greyed out.03:37
Silverfoxnearst: no, the bcmwl and bcm43 drivers in the official repos have bugs/problems and don't work with certain AP's.03:38
Silverfoxwhich is why I'm trying to get my compiled module working03:38
bazhangkeithclark_, in 12.10 the software "disks" has that option03:38
_helios_keithclark_: goto http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-format-usb-pen-drive/ it has step by step instructions using the terminal.03:38
keithclark_It is that complicaterd?03:39
bazhangkeithclark_, disks? no, it's GUI03:39
nearstSilverfox, u try manually change to specific channel? iwconfig <wifi> channel <channel no> ?03:39
_helios_keithclark_: It's not hard but I just don't know it by heart lol03:39
Silverfoxnearst: I'd rather get a good driver installed.  I can't log into every AP and change the channel.  Starbucks frowns on that sort of thing.03:40
RamsramboTex_Nick : It started working I just clicked on system speaker and it is working now03:41
johnathanplease i just need an operating system, i completely got rid of windows on my brand new notebook because i was sure ubuntu would work, i have no idea whats going on03:41
keithclark_I just want to 'burn' an o/s onto my usb stick drive but it does not seem to work with unetbootin03:42
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  cool ... how easy was that ;-)03:42
_helios_johnathan: what's the problem you are having?03:42
craigbass1976Is it possible to use an ubuntu 12.04 dvd to upgrade a 10.04 install?  My ISP is terrible and the downloads (during upgrade process) keep borking when the connection drops.03:43
johnathanhelios im trying to install ubuntu on my aspire one d270-1895 netbook. the live install side launches but it crashes when i try to try it, if i install it it will install but then when i try to boot it it crashes the exact same way03:43
RamsramboTex_Nick : I do not know - I just changed the device for O/p03:43
xangua!alternate | craigbass197603:43
ubottucraigbass1976: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD03:43
keithclark_It says it wrote to the usb stick but it does not03:44
RamsramboTex_Nick : I selected SB X-fi surround 5.103:44
_helios_johnathan: Give me a second I'll do a search for ya real quick.03:44
craigbass1976xangua, not sure what you're saying. I've got the regulat 12.04 dvd03:44
xanguacraigbass1976: you need the alternate iso, not the desktop http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/03:44
xanguaand there are several guides out there to use the alternate to upgrade03:44
craigbass1976xangua, fah...  I'll just fresh install then03:45
RamsramboTex_Nick : Thnx for all the help03:45
Tex_NickRamsrambo:  looks like you're good to go ... ^5 and good going :-)03:45
bazhang!alternate | xangua03:48
ubottuxangua: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD03:48
_helios_johnathan: I've been doing some searching and from what I've read so far your notebook should be compatible with Ubuntu 12.10,  What is the error message your are getting?03:48
xanguabazhang: already read it...whice now, thanks :)03:49
* xangua insets sarcasm here03:49
johnathanafter booting the last thing i see helios is a long list of [ok]s and the last on the list is "stopping anac(h)ronistic cron, it gets stuck here , ive waited for like hours and all i get is a flashing -03:50
johnathanx will not start03:50
johnathanand i cant access any other tty03:50
_helios_johnathan: Have you tried to make a different CD?03:50
johnathanim installing from thumb drive, ive reformatted it about 15 times now lol man i just dont get it03:51
_helios_johnathan: I feel your fustration trust me I've had problems with acer before.03:51
johnathanive tried both 64 bit and 32 bit, as it turns out my system is 64, but its the same error either way03:51
johnathanya man it just blows lol03:52
johnathani got the netbook for my it course and i literally need ubuntu on it lol03:52
pbwizkidhow old is the netbook? could it have harddrive damage03:52
johnathanits brand new, bought it today03:52
pbwizkidi have seen this issues on another system of mine with a failing drive03:53
pbwizkidwell then there goes that idea lol03:53
johnathanya, it had a perfectly functional copy of windows 7... if you can  concider windows functional03:53
pbwizkidhave you tried a diffrent USB stick? i have also seen that be a issue03:53
_helios_johnathan: You should try to make a Live CD instead of the USB.03:54
johnathani only have the one, i would try that if i could, a curious thing is this happens with any flavor of linux i try03:54
johnathanhelios this netbook has no cd rom03:54
pbwizkidyou could hook up the USB Drive and do a true clean on it by writeing it all out and formatting it and then rebuilding your start up drive03:55
pbwizkidwhat are you useing to create you bootable USB?03:55
johnathansay what now? lol03:55
johnathanive tried 2 peices of software03:55
johnathanboth of the recommended03:56
pbwizkidi forgot the name of the app but it does a true format of any type of drive by filling the drive with all 0's then formatting it so it removes all traces of information03:57
johnathanits worth a fuckin try honestly03:57
pbwizkidit would be easier to just use another USB drive or03:57
pbwizkidmakeing it from another system03:58
johnathanhow big is the live install? a couple megs right? i have a usb drive but its only like 1.5 gigs, ill try that i guess03:58
pbwizkidi belive it has to be at leat a 2gig stick03:58
johnathanok then im fucked03:58
_helios_johnathan: you should beable to fit it on 1.5gb03:59
usr13!language | johnathan03:59
ubottujohnathan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:59
johnathanok ill try it03:59
pbwizkidya its worth a shot03:59
johnathanill let you know how it goes03:59
pbwizkidalso when you try the install use a diffrent USB port on the system03:59
_helios_johnathan: good luck and I'll keep looking this problem up cause its got me curious03:59
pbwizkidjust incase its a voltage issue03:59
chadster1975johnathan: dont stress. you may not be able to pull this off at this moment, but you will get what you need and get it going eventually04:00
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
_helios_Well everyone I am so tired I will ttyl ;)04:00
johnathanchadster i hope i can, im going to try this out and try to calm down lol thanks for all the help anyone i really appreciate it04:01
johnathanJUST TO VERIGGY lol 32 bit version will still work on 64 bit computer right?04:03
pbwizkid32 bit would be better for a netbook any way04:03
dr_willisi use 64bit on  all my 64bit systems. ;)04:03
dr_williseven my netbooks04:03
dr_willisof course only 1 of my netbooks can do 64bit04:03
pbwizkid64 bit is better for a 64bit system and systems with more ram04:04
johnathanmy netbook only has 1 gig04:04
pbwizkidbut 32 bit works as well04:04
pbwizkidthen for sure use 32bit04:04
dr_willisI set up apt-cacher-ng on my lan - so its easier for me to use 64 bit on everything04:04
dr_willisi doubt if you will notice much differance either way04:04
johnathani am slowly losing all semblance of sanity lol04:05
pbwizkidthese little issue happen from time to time but in the end it teaches you lots of cool new thigns04:06
johnathani know, i love fixing stuff so i can learn... but i worry that i wont be able to fix it xD04:06
pbwizkidas long as it still has its magic smoke it can always be fixed lol04:07
devishor it doesn't give smoke04:08
johnathan1 min and 20 secs till the moment of truth >_>04:08
johnathanok its making the disk04:10
johnathanok 70%04:12
dr_willis80..90...80..70... wut?04:13
dr_willisive seen just such thingss on progress meters04:14
BroBertok guys i tried burnign to the boot repair to the flash and starting it but its telling me to use gparted and change the flags of my partitions04:14
dr_willisyes.. gparted can be used to change flags.. :) so whats the problem?04:15
BroBerti have no idea what this means i just want to get ubuntu working and i know theres nothing wrong with the installation i used04:15
johnathanok the very vist thing im going to do is try to test it, if that doesnt work then i know its not going to work04:15
dr_willisrun gparted.. and se the flag on the partions as its saying.04:15
dr_williswhat flag is it saying to change anyway?04:15
PhysicistGuys, later I have changed my password editing the image - grub, my Ubuntu don't start anymore. When I type my password and enter, return to initial screen. Any suggest? Or I'll have to re-install my system again?04:16
Physicistdr_willis: Any suggest to my problem?04:16
dr_willisPhysicist:  can you login to the console  with that user/password?04:17
dr_willisits not clearn what you mean by editing the image grub...04:17
johnathanits not working04:17
dr_willis'dont start any more...' well its aparently  booting up.. if its asking for a user/password.. do  give DEtAILS as to what you mean...04:17
pbwizkidwhat it doing?04:18
johnathani got a flashing -04:18
johnathanfor the past 5 minutes or so04:18
pbwizkidi am assuing you told it to boo from cd04:19
pbwizkidusb i mean'04:19
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:19
johnathanim going to cry ubottu is that for me?04:19
johnathanthose were supposed to be seperate messages04:19
dr_willisblack screen just showing a _ _ _ _     = try the nomodeset option04:20
pbwizkidto me it sounds like the boot image of you usb drive is not working04:20
Physicistdr_willis: Grub - press: e, and edit with: initi=/bin/bash. To enter my password, the system will apparently start, but will not start. the screen goes black, the sound is original and reissued as an infinite loop! Does not start.04:21
johnathanim gonna check this disk for defauls then il try ni mode set04:21
dr_willisPhysicist:  the sound is original? what ssound?04:21
Physicistdr_willis: Initial sound of the log screen!04:22
chadster1975Anyone have advice on whether or not to use the encryption option when i install ubuntu? any history of trouble or cause systems to be significantly slower?04:22
dr_willisif you are using init=bin/bash it shouldent even be loading the Lightdm login manager as far as i know...04:23
dr_willisPhysicist:  try  the 'text' option to see if you can boot to a normal console mode04:23
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:23
johnathanthat nomodeset seems to have worked thus far... its just a waiting game now04:24
dr_willise in grub ->   quiet splash     ---change to -->   noquiet nosplash verbose text04:24
johnathanit... didnt... work04:24
johnathanguys is freeBSD guaranteed to atleast install right? if so i could try to build from that... it would be a learning experience lol04:26
dr_williserr.. freebsd is not linux04:26
johnathani know04:26
Physicistdr_willis: So, when I'll be there what should I do?04:26
dr_willisand nothing is every guarentted04:26
dr_willisPhysicist:  did it sucessfully boot to the console?04:27
Physicistdr_willis: To the graphical normally mode doctor!04:28
dr_willisHuh? the text option should not boot to the graphical login screen.. b ut to the console    login:   display04:28
seyfarthAnyone seen their unity disappear completely? Screenshot: http://twitter.com/Tony_Lech/status/297921985470664705/photo/104:29
dr_willisseyfarth:  turn off the unity pluygin setting in ccsm ;) and it will vanish04:29
seyfarthdr_willis: ccsm?04:30
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz04:30
epsilonorionanyone familiar with battery charging issues?  Setup ubuntu on my Samsung Laptop, plugged in charger, and it doesn't charge (though it doesn't seem to be draining).  I have tried to find a solution, but must be missing it04:30
dr_willisunity can crash/not show if compiz for somepreason dosent load properly04:30
PhysicistOk, doctor. I'll try.. Thank you!04:30
dr_willissee if the guest user account works properly. if so.. try making a new user.. ssee if the new test user works properly04:31
PhysicistYes! I'm in the guest user now!04:32
dr_willisthey really need to work on some fallback mode for when unity goofs up04:32
Ben64dr_willis: one of many reasons I don't think they should have made it default already04:33
nearstaticonfig: No supported adapters detected04:33
dr_willisif you dont push forward... you fall back... ;)04:33
dr_willisthe failsafe-x feature was tried.. then tossed i recall...  not sure what happened to it.04:34
Ben64just pushes users to xfce, kde, lxde, and gnome-fallback04:34
chadster1975dr_willis: i like your style.04:34
dr_willisgnome-fallback is scheduled for  elimination in the future..04:34
Ben64well i've got it for at least 4 more years :D04:34
johnathanhelios are you still here?04:34
seyfarthdr_willis: Guessing it has to do with the beta nvidia drivers I just put on there. New user has the same issue04:34
Ben64seyfarth: can you open a terminal04:35
chadster1975johnathan: i think he signed off for the night, said he was tired04:35
dr_willisseyfarth:  that would be a good guess..   the guest user also fails i imagine?04:35
seyfarthYeah. I can get a terminal. Unity fails for all users04:35
seyfarthNeed to get additional driver screen open somehow04:35
dr_willisid bet its actually compiz failing. ;)04:35
Ben64seyfarth: ok, open one up and type "sudo lshw -c video | grep -i driver"04:36
dr_willisinstall some light/simple window manager to use  as a tempary fix..   such as jwm or openbox..  if you  want a useble desktop for  trouble shooting04:37
seyfarthBen64: two drivers. But then, this is a two driver laptop. One of those weird nvidia/intel hybrids04:37
Ben64theres your problem. (probably)04:38
seyfarthBen64:well it works fine with one. Just need to get back to "additional drivers" app somehow (jockey?)04:38
Ben64what are you trying to do? get rid of nvidia?04:38
seyfarthBen64: Yeah. It's what I just added04:39
Ben64you might want to look into http://bumblebee-project.org/04:39
seyfarthUsable system first :)04:39
seyfarthI'm on irc via smartphone haha04:39
Ben64then sudo apt-get install icewm04:40
Ben64will give you a window manager to work with04:40
dr_willisin 12.10 addational drivers is in a tab of the software sources tool04:41
dr_willisin 12.04  it would be   jockey-gtk04:42
dr_willisthey should have made that conmand in 12.10 pyll up the siurces tool with tgat tab focused..    ;-)04:43
seyfarthBlasting the nvidia driver fixed it. Thanks for your help guys <304:50
dr_willisnearst: yep. handy feature04:51
nearstdr_willis, grub-legacy support for this or its feature from grub2?04:53
dr_willisgrub2 only04:56
dr_willisas far as i know04:57
nearstim guess that too.04:58
Amelia28hey guys, how can i fix "booting without full network configuration"  my computer started doing this thing where it takes extra time during startup and then boots without full network configuration, when it finally starts up  It takes a bit and then networking starts working, but it would be great if i can get it back to working as it used to.04:58
dr_williswired or wireless Amelia28?05:00
Castialhey how come none of the US update servers are working?05:01
dr_willisany other wireless pcs on thr lan Amelia28 ?05:01
nearsti think extra time mean like your computer need to get ip from dhcp,05:01
CastialI get errors like "failed to connect"05:02
dr_williswonder if it could be interfearance or somthing05:02
Castialits not my firewall im on the DMZ of it05:02
dr_willisCastial:  first ive seen it mentioned tonight05:02
Castialit seems to keep happening every night05:03
Castialare they doing major maintenance?05:03
nearstim not sure, im use other repo.05:03
CastialFailed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/quantal-getdeb/InRelease05:04
Amelia28is there a way to uninstall / reinstall the whole network manager?05:04
Castialnearst: I did that lol05:05
nearstAmelia28, either ure using manual ip configuration of using alternative for network manager, wicd05:05
Castialseems the get-deb repo is down05:05
Castialthats the one I like because I get other random stuff there05:05
xanguaCastial: getdeb is dead05:05
Castialsad because thats where I get my emulators05:06
dr_willisgetdeb is dead i thought05:06
Castialah thanks for the update05:06
Castialill remove it05:06
xanguaCastial:getdeb only package them for you,  emulators are still out there05:06
Castialyeah yeah but it was nice to have them packaged05:06
Castialno biggie05:07
Castialthe wii is only 50 bucks now at walmart05:08
Castialim gunna go pick one up in the morning05:08
Castialcheap netflix box that can play mario and zelda05:09
guang_j #hostapd05:11
Castialholy cow apt is getting an update I havent seen apt get an update for quite some time I wonder what was broken05:11
nearstget-deb fan05:12
Castialthey had some great software05:12
nearstmario and zelda nes now able to play on web05:13
Castialthis is true05:13
CavemanrossIs anyone available to help with a wireless adapter question?05:13
CavemanrossI just got ubuntu 12.10 for my class and added gnome.  In the terminal my wireless connection is fine but in the gnome interface i cant connect05:14
Castialthats not the adapter-s fault, thats gnome shell, gnome shell is crap05:14
Cavemanrossoh my professor suggested it05:15
Castialtry cinnamon or unity05:15
CastialI like them both05:15
justmmtnice morning :)05:15
Castialmate for gnome2, but atm gnome shell is kinda buggy05:15
Castialwell with the backlash they stopped caring05:16
justmmtI have firefoxBrowser, but I need one more. is it a good idea to install 'xxxterm' !!?05:16
dr_willisgnome shell should be using the same network manager tools in ubuntu05:16
CavemanrossYa for some reason I couldn't get connected in the gnome shell.  Not even when I wired into my router.05:16
Castialive seen it dr_willis where it works in Unity but not in Gnome-shell05:17
dr_willison my system my wireless connects b3for i even login05:17
Castiallike gnome shell just doesnt want to connect when installed next to unity05:17
justmmtjust yes or no. help, help!!?05:17
dr_willisjustmmt:  with?)05:18
Castialive never heard of xxxterm05:18
dr_willis!info xxxterm05:18
ubottuxxxterm (source: xxxterm): Minimalist's web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.11.3-1 (quantal), package size 170 kB, installed size 421 kB05:18
dr_willisso minimal its most lukely useless05:18
CastialI dont see how firefox isnt enough05:18
justmmtwhich webBrowser is good to install, other than firefox!!?05:18
dr_willisff. chrome. opera.05:19
Castialsome people like chrome or chromium but I prefer firefox always have always will unless they do something really stupid and break everything05:19
nearstfor full flash, im use chrome05:19
Castialflash works fine for me here05:19
Castialin firefox05:19
nearstafaik, ubuntu now configure flash auto05:20
Castialthey use the open source one05:20
Castialyou can choose to install the one from adobe05:20
dr_willishuh? i dont think so05:20
dr_willisyou install flash same as you alw%ys have05:20
Castialdid they change it? I didn't notice the difference05:20
Castialthought so05:21
dr_willisgoogle chrom comes with its own flash05:21
CastialI love how adobe were all like "we wont support Linux with flash anymore" 2 revisions later05:21
justmmtyea, I need flash to work!!05:22
CastialJustasic: works fine here05:22
Castialyou must not have it installed05:22
dr_willisso you use ff or chrom then ;-)05:22
nearsttry flashplugin-installer then05:23
dr_willisinstall them all.  ff.  chrome. and chromium05:23
Castialwe may be under 8% market share but we are a consistant bunch, much more consistant than Mac users lol05:23
Castialignoring us is futile, ask Samsung about all the bad press lmao05:24
Nils_I found a solution and have a question05:24
Nils_my problem was that certain apps like steam wouldn't start05:24
justmmtdr_willis, I think I'll install chrome.05:24
Nils_my solution was to delete all previous drivers05:25
dr_willisi install all 305:25
Nils_I have a thinkpad t50005:25
CastialNils_: amd or nvidia card?05:25
Nils_Should I keept it this way?05:25
justmmtdr_willis, which !?05:25
Nils_amd radeon 365005:25
Nils_and intel05:25
Castialidk amd sucks05:25
Nils_it's a hybrid situation05:25
CastialI refuse to use their rubbish05:25
dr_willisjustmmt:  ff. chrome and chromium05:25
Castialmy macbook which is running mint 14.1 is hybrid nvidia and intel and it works fine05:26
Nils_so the propieritary driver has caused trouble so far05:26
Nils_what should I do05:26
Castialuse the newest 310 driver05:26
justmmtdr_willis, is there a big difference between chrome and chromium!?05:26
Castialer for amd idk05:26
dr_willisflash is the main diff.05:26
Castialhold on ill research it05:26
nearstnils-, im already keep try patching, making package since last night. able to install but kmod not load the module05:27
Nils_tried installing the newest one but it failed05:27
SosumiI don't know if someone else had this issue with matlab05:27
Nils_when I install the additional driver it causes trouble05:27
nearst aticonfig: No supported adapters detected05:27
Sosumibut when using it, like for ex doing "bench" it causes my pc to restart05:28
Castialthis is why I like nvidia, it works with minimul hassle05:28
Sosumiall turns black and that's it05:28
dr_willisnvidia optimus is also a pain05:28
nearstCastial, that is for hd 5x00 series, 2x00-4x00 known as legacy now05:28
Sosumianyone has an idea of what may be causing the problem?05:29
justmmtdr_willis, ok,05:29
Sosumialso, it's matlab r2012b05:29
justmmtthanks for all :)05:29
dr_willisSosumi:  mpressive a user ran app can restart the pc05:29
dr_willisor its some hardware crashing05:30
GProgi need some help. my fan is blowing like crazy when idle and im running one tab of firefox05:30
CastialSosumi: Ubuntu 12.04 and up are not supported OSes05:30
GProgmy laptop is a dell inspirion n411005:31
Castialof matlab05:31
Castialwait for the march update or go back to using Ubuntu 11.1005:31
Sosumiwell, I also tested with fedora 1805:31
Castialknown bug05:31
Sosumiand it did the same thing05:31
GProgi want to roolback on my updates. this happened when i updated yesterday05:32
justmmtdr_willis, oh no, I think Ive not chrome in my repository, just chromium. it's the one which doesn't support flash isn't it!?05:32
Castialits a known kernel bug05:32
Castialwait til march for the update, matlab isnt FOSS software so we only get updates when they are promised to us05:32
Castialuntil then use a "supported operating system"05:33
Castialthat works too05:33
Sosumiunfortunatelly that seems so05:33
CastialI just know for a few applications like matlab I am currently booting my other netbook to 11.10 til march05:33
TinybirdGProg, try "top" to see which process is running?05:33
CastialGProg: saying "bump" wont get you any help05:33
GProghow do i know what's taking up cpu? Im a linux noob05:34
Castialsystem monitor05:35
Castialand afaik (I could be wrong) I dont believe there is a way to rollback updates05:35
GProgfound the issue05:35
GProg 1297 root      20   0 69660 3092 2292 R  97.7  0.1  11:49.48 cupsd05:35
GProg 6321 root      39  19  380m 281m 7332 D  56.2  4.8   0:43.46 update-apt-xapi05:35
Castialcups is printer05:36
GProgits taking 97 percent of my cpu05:36
dr_willisthats weird05:36
Castialsudo kill 129705:36
Castialsudo kill 632105:36
nearstservice cups stop05:36
TinybirdGProg, you may kill that process to see what will happen05:36
GProgwill do05:37
Castialsudo service cups stop05:37
dr_williscups is noramally real stable05:37
Castialyeah in the recent years its been a dream05:37
CastialI hooked my kodak AIO to my both USB and Wifi and it works without a single configuration05:38
Castialplug and go05:38
pbajpHi, I ran an update and now i've got an error from dpkg. You'll note that the required version and the installed version are the same except for the ~ Message:05:38
pbajpdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of initramfs-tools:05:38
pbajp initramfs-tools depends on initramfs-tools-bin (<< 0.99ubuntu13.1~); however:05:38
pbajp  Version of initramfs-tools-bin on system is 0.99ubuntu13.1.05:38
GProghmmmm, they are not closing and my fan is still running like crazy05:39
pbajpany ideas? i've cleared my dpkg cache and updated, etc.05:39
pbajpafraid to reboot05:39
uplinxhowdy, any feedback on getting the latency of microphone input playback to a level that is not a total mindfuck?05:39
nearstsudo apt-get install --fix-missing05:39
Castialpbajp: wow just backup and reinstall lol05:39
GProgits still running05:39
Castialhow did you mess up your boot table it would be faster to reinstall then it would to fix it05:39
GProgcannot kill it05:39
TinybirdGProg, sudo kill -9 129705:40
Castialsorry forgot the -905:40
dr_willispbajp:  tried a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade recently?05:40
pbajpCastial: heh, i'd rather edit /var/lib/dpkg/status, but humm05:40
Castialyeah dist-upgrade breaks a lot05:40
Castialit was easier for me to simply reinstall05:41
dr_willisthats weird.. it shouldent break anything05:41
GProgholy crap, its still running05:41
pbajpi didn't do anything to the boot, it just updated initramfs tools05:41
pbajpfrom 13 to 13.105:41
Castialdr_willis: for me it broke the entire init too05:41
GProgit goes to 6638 and so on05:41
GProgis cupsd a virus?05:41
CastialI simply have /home on another drive so it was easier to format / and install 12.10.105:41
GProgno matter how many times i kill it it goes to another line05:42
hatakeamd or intel, plz comment ?05:42
pbajpdr_willis: nope. should I?05:42
CastialGProg: yes XD no its the printer service05:42
pbajpi'm at 12.1005:42
dr_willis!cups  gpog05:42
Castiallinux dont get viruses foo05:42
nearstonly rootkit05:42
dr_willispbajp:  try it and see what it suggests05:42
GProgwell i have an intel05:42
fraa_lioHas there never been a proper virus that affects Linux systems?05:42
dr_willishatake:  get what your budget can affrd05:42
GProghow do i end this printer service? its still going, lol05:42
cfhowlettGProg, kill -905:43
Castialwell I gotta reboot after 121 updates05:43
TinybirdGProg, tha's weird. I am not familiar with these cupsd thing05:43
pbajpi'm pretty sure that's not gonna fix this, btw i've been using linux since 96. this is the first time i've had to ask for help on irc...05:43
pbajpbut thanks anyway!05:43
dr_willispbajp:  see what it suggests.. it may be a dead end anyway05:43
dr_willisthe verssion #s seem weird..05:43
pbajpyah, still05:43
pbajpThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:43
pbajp initramfs-tools : Depends: initramfs-tools-bin (< 0.99ubuntu13.1~) but 0.99ubuntu13.1 is installed05:43
pbajpE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.05:43
GProg wow, wtf is going on05:43
pbajpand i've done -f05:43
zykotick9fraa_lio: sorta.  you might want to see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware#Viruses_and_trojan_horses05:44
nearsttry scan with rkhunter or chkrootkit05:45
dr_willispbajp:   could be some wwirdness or bug in some packages that got made.05:45
dr_willisI dont recall ever seeing a ~ in a version # befor05:45
GProgi updated this yesterday, now look what happened05:45
Castial"wah I updated my free OS that I paid nothing for, with no implied warranty and something broke and instead of googling and doing what others have posted im going to continue to whine and moan"05:47
pbajpdr_willis: et al. could you send me what this outputs? I'm curious what your initramfs-tools is saying it requires...05:47
pbajpgrep initramfs-tools-bin /var/lib/dpkg/status | grep Depends05:47
dr_willisim on my cell phone. ;)05:47
Castialdude its like legos sometimes things come apart and ya gotta put them back together05:47
* cfhowlett and THEN I'm going to MSoft! Fedora! Mint! ...05:47
GProgim not whining, just want my ubuntu to go back to normal :)05:47
cfhowlettGProg,  have you run a print job recently?05:48
Castialcfhowlett: better yet I love when mac fanboys come in here complaining about everything05:48
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GProgits a bug05:48
Castialno its not because I just printed something05:49
Castialtry removing cups05:49
Castialreinstall cups05:49
GProgremove cupsd? how05:49
Castialubuntu software center05:49
dr_willisjust a reboot may be easier to  try firtst05:49
dr_williscups is normally a very solid bit of code...05:50
GProggoing to ubuntu software05:50
dr_williscould be its got confused about somthing or somthign else crashed and   got cups all confused05:50
Castialdr_willis: remember back in 03-04 holy f--- it didnt used to be05:50
GProgi hope my laptop wont over heat05:51
GProgits doing 71 c05:51
dr_willismy simple HP laserjet-5l has worked great in linux for decades. ;)05:51
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CarlFKhttp://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux.aspx   it has a .deb, wondering if there is a canonical or community repo I can apt-get from?05:51
GProgwhen you say reboot. do you mean reinstall ubuntu?05:51
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cfhowlettCarlFK, nope.05:51
dr_willisGProg: .. i mean reboot the pc....05:51
CarlFKcfhowlett: thanks.05:52
dr_willisoor power off... let it cool a bit.. then power back on05:52
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GProgok, removing05:53
GPrognow a reboot05:53
nearsttools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN'05:53
dr_willisi suggested just rebooting first......05:53
GProgtried it^05:53
MACscrhmm, so im trying to use a program called filebot. i have it installed on a system, but im going to be using its command line options for scripting. When i run the app, im getting: ** (process:22546): WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=5c686fcd4b7fc19b5fd84dfc00000009 --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.\n05:55
MACscrrepeated multiple times. Is there a setting i might be missing in ubuntu or is it just the app requiring x11?05:55
cfhowlettMACscr, filebot is not an ubuntu package and is not in the repositories.  Suggest you go to the package maintainer for support05:56
bitplaneHi. Dumb question here which Google couldn't answer: What's the quickest way and easiest way to make an encrypted dir?05:57
GProglol, cupsd is still there05:57
cfhowlettbitplane, ecryptfs05:57
bitplanehmm I don't think the FS method is good for me. I want the files backed up via dropbox05:58
bitplaneit's a few text files, will maybe one day be 1mb05:58
dr_willismacbr:  almost looks like itst rying to start up  X11 itself.. which is weird05:58
bitplanepassword protected like encryptfs, but backed up to dropbox and other cloud storage05:58
MACscrdr_willis: i know, im not sure what my options are05:58
GProgshould i reinstall ubuntu?05:59
pbajpGProg: cupsd should be there, it's what lets you print05:59
dr_willisMACscr:  try running it from a x terminal05:59
bitplanedoes file-roller and archive mounter do password protected archives?05:59
nearstGProg, to disable cups http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170109805:59
pbajpare you trying to get rid of it?05:59
MACscrdr_willis: its a headless system =/05:59
dr_willisGProg:  so its still there.. but is it sucking down the cpi?05:59
dr_willisMACscr:  try it in a vnc session05:59
cfhowlettGProg, I'd say no.  Cupsd is a service.  you should be able to default to NOT start on launch ...06:00
MACscrdr_willis: not really going to help since this is something that is going to run in an automated fashion from another app06:00
riqdiizHi is it possible to login to a server without a username or password?06:00
cfhowlettbitplane, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-how-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-files-with-a-password.html06:00
dr_willisMACscr:  that will let you know if it needs a X session...06:00
GProgwhere can i make this thing not luanch?06:00
bitplanethanks :(06:00
dr_willisMACscr:  ive no  idea what that app is doing. ;)06:00
nearstcups file on /etc/init/cups afaik, GProg refer to url i give u06:01
cfhowlettGProg, on 12.10?  system settings > startup IIRC06:01
dr_willisriqdiiz:  using what service?  or you  mean automateeed login over ssh?06:01
MACscrdr_willis: you drinking tonight? your tab autocomplete for names is pretty bad tonight =P06:01
GProgim on 12.10. I feel so noobish here. I switched to linux because i had enough of windows 706:02
dr_willislooks like they have been spot on to me...06:02
dr_willisif theres a cups bug that just came out thats causing it to suck down 100% cpu. i imagine its going to  get noticed and worked on/fixed very quickly.. ;)06:04
riqdiizdr_willis:automated over dialup .06:04
* cfhowlett dailup? 06:04
zykotick9riqdiiz: i'm not sure what you mean (kinda scared to ask actually).  but you can use ssh+keys to login remotely without requiring inputting username and password (username is obviously still used).06:04
nearstwhy not use teamviewer instead :D06:05
dr_willisdialup? ;) like a BBS systm?06:05
dr_willisor the old days of dialup isp serivice.06:06
dr_willisGood Old Netzero. ;)06:06
riqdiizDialup isp service06:06
dr_willistheres guides on making your own personal dialup isp type system.  saw them ages ago on tldp.org06:07
dr_willisnot seen anyone actually  do it in years06:07
nearstpstn + PABX world06:08
yvais there a reason I cannot the ownership of a directory I own on a server?06:10
krnlklinkwhy is empathy so buggered in 12.10?06:10
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dr_willisyva: rephrase that perhaps? its not clear06:12
yvadr_willis, oups sorry. I'd like to change the ownership of a directory say test drwxrwxr--  4 yva yva    4096 2013-02-03 06:05 but when I do chown it says operation not permitted, why?06:13
dydzEz2_does ubuntu make a recovery partition06:13
dr_willisyva you mean permissions? your owner is yva06:14
krnlklinkis there an updated version of empathy that will allow me to store my IRC password properly?06:14
yvayes, and I'd like to "give" the file to another user chown test/ daniel06:14
dr_willisim not sure users can unown stuff that way.06:15
nyRednekyva, you'd actually chown -R daniel test06:15
nyRednekdr_willis, yeah, you can06:15
dr_williscant say ive ever tried to do it.    ;-)06:16
dr_willisor newded to06:16
bittuquestion... i'm using ./configure with "export CFLAGS="xyz" is it possible instead of setting FLAGS environment variable to pass it in as a command line parameter to configure?06:16
dr_willisyou can do   cflags=foo  ./configure06:17
nyRednekbittu, it really depends on the way the developer wrote the ./configure script06:17
bittunyRednek, i thought so, thanks06:18
yvanyRednek,  dr_willis, nope same problem, I cannot06:18
dr_willisyea.. exporting world be best06:18
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dr_willisyva: what kind of server is this.  is this a samba share?06:18
yvanope, a ubuntu, latest lts06:19
dr_williserr samba is a service on ubuntu06:19
dr_willisso you are just sshing into the server?06:20
nyRednekdr_willis, i even have a proprietary router that has CIFS in its code06:20
cfhowletttheundertaker, greetings06:22
GProgThanks everyone06:23
brady2600hey guys, im doing rmdir /var/run in the bash prompt at startup, but it says Not a directory, however ive verified that it is there.. how can i get ti06:23
GProgmy laptop runs normally now06:23
zykotick9brady2600: i think /var/run is a link to /run - why would you want to remove it?06:24
brady2600hey guys im trying to rmdir /var/run  in the prompt before startup however it results in Not a directory, however ive checked and i know the folder exists.06:24
brady2600i want to remove it because ive been given instructions in a tutorial to do so06:25
dr_willisbrady2600:  a tutorial to do what06:25
zykotick9brady2600: and if you read in a howto to jump off a bridge would you do that as well?  this is a BAD idea.06:26
rigelhi, i am having trouble getting debug info/logs from bluez06:26
brady2600ive purged lightdm , the network manager, the display manager,  and supposedly this folder needs to be deleted, so i can reinstall all that stuff, so my computer stops "booting without networking"06:26
GProgwell, now what do i do?06:27
GProgask questions about comp. science.06:27
GProganyone here computer scientist?06:27
ubottuGProg,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:27
brady2600the purpose of the tutorial was to get networking to stop acting crazy06:28
GProgits involving on ubuntu. OS questions etc..06:28
brady2600careful gprog, the room is a nazi hammer if you don't stay on topic. it's weird06:29
GProgI'll take that advice.06:29
aeon-ltdbrady2600: if the channel weren't so full and busy at times, it would matter less06:29
GProganyways, how do i fix this cupsd? do i need it in the future?06:29
bobafettanyone have a good understanding of proxy servers and x-forwarded-for ?06:30
brady2600im only responding because you said that to me.. but ive never seen the room here scrolling so fast to justify such behavior06:30
cfhowlettbobafett, #ubuntu-server  question maybe???06:30
bobafettsquid, if anything06:30
GProgyeah, its a support server.06:31
GProgquit: later06:31
GProgquit/see ya06:31
GProgwell thanks everyone(click the x button).06:31
Ben64brady2600: thats the point06:32
brady2600no what im saying, is i don't find it believable.06:33
brady2600unnecessarily restrictive and conflict creating for a problem that does not exist, its a human compatibility fail.06:34
Ben64the problem doesn't exist because of the rules06:34
brady2600like i said.. I don't find that contention realistic.06:35
JPetersoncan i change the function for the middle button with the right button?06:35
JPetersonin the terminal06:35
brady2600but back to my problem06:35
Gumbyif you had 20 users in here all talking about different subjects it would be hard to get questions answered.  now think about it, there are 1631 users in here.  make sense now?06:35
OerHeksbrady2600, stop that ranting, Ubuntu 11.10 has migrated away from /var/run, /var/lock and /dev/shm and now uses /run, /run/lock and /run/shm instead (respectively).06:36
thomasdhello all06:36
cfhowlettthomasd, greetings06:36
brady2600i have not ranted. I have simply responded for what was said at me06:36
thomasdthanks cfhowlett06:36
thomasdI'm trying to start a script on boot, but I'm obviously doing it wrong can someone explain me why "update-rc.d astransk default"  returns "astransk start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)". My /etc/init.d/astransk file is here : http://pastebin.com/4VFxrJYi06:36
JPetersonah it's `xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2"`06:36
thomasdI thought I would need to create the rc?.d links manually, so I did, but the update-rc.d doesn't work any better ...06:36
Ben64!upstart | thomasd maybe this will help?06:38
ubottuthomasd maybe this will help?: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:38
brady2600ok yes, but i still want to delete the folder, i have backed it up so i can manually replace it from another computer if needed.06:38
Ben64brady2600: why would you need to delete /run06:38
OerHeksBen64, stanger than that >rmdir /var/run06:42
Ben64OerHeks: either way it's weird06:42
dr_willisthe /run stuff is a specual dynamic directory like /proc i thought06:43
zykotick9Ben64: OerHeks neither "strang" nor "weird" quite describe it...06:43
kdnsHi All. Using kubuntu 12.04. Muon has become unresponsive during configuring a new kernel. Can someone please advise the most graceful recovery from this? Kill it and sudo dpkg -configure -a ?06:44
zykotick9Cub: s/strang/strange/ sorry06:44
Ben64zykotick9: impossible?06:44
zykotick9Ben64: oh, if you want to break your system - i'd think it's possible.06:45
Ben64oh well, time to try it in a vm06:45
yvaI have weird issues with file permissions d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? .06:46
yvad????????? ? ? ? ?                ? ..06:46
yva-????????? ? ? ? ?                ? 23551209-2013-02-03-07-16-08.775.json06:46
yvaany ideas where this would be coming from?06:46
cfhowlettkdns, reboot with an earlier kernel should get you back up06:46
Ben64yva: could you pastebin "ls -ln" in the directory you're talking about?06:47
kdnscfhowlett I'm still up now, I am on this box, it's not that it is not booting, just what I said. If I alt+tab, I can see it sitting there, not moving.06:47
cfhowlettkdns, OK06:48
yvaBen64, http://pastebin.com/4iaqR6UU06:48
yvait's really weird06:48
yvaand I don't even seem to be able to get the file back06:49
dr_willisyva: mght be time for a fsck on that fs.06:49
Ben64is it a local drive?06:49
yvaIt's a server06:49
rigelso i connected successfully to a bt device that was giving me problems, using hidd06:49
yvaI was try to move some files around06:49
rigeland then i powered it down06:49
yvaand did a test on this file first06:49
rigeland when it came back up it wouldnt reconnect06:50
Ben64what do you mean server? its a network share?06:50
rigelit wont even find the device anymore06:50
rigelim not sure what hidd would have changed06:50
rigeli did a find /etc -mtime -1 and nothing useful comes up06:50
yvaBen24 an amazon ebs06:51
Ben64come on, give more information06:51
yvanot sure what else I can tell you06:52
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Ben64how are you accessing it? is it local to where you have the shell running or is it over the network? what type of drive is it? where is it mounted? what filesystem? what device?06:53
kingbeastalright, single quadro 6000, dual monitors does nothing but mirror the screen, will not extend the screen, any thoughts?06:55
dr_willisquadro? that a nvidia chipset?06:56
kingbeastdr_willis, yes06:56
yvaBen64, it is mounted as sda06:56
keplerproprietary drivers, or nouveau?06:56
dr_willisinstalled the nvidia drivets?06:57
kdnskingbeast: what happens when you try to extend the screen06:57
yvaBen64, ext406:57
kingbeastkdns, defaults back to mirror right after I apply06:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:59
kingbeastthink it could be the combined res is too high? I have two 30" dells on it06:59
keplerdoes it work with another OS, or haven't tried?07:00
kingbeastI only use Ubuntu07:00
kingbeastjust upgraded cards though07:00
keplerthe old one worked?07:00
fegoI only use Ubuntu/207:01
keplerwas it a quadro too?07:01
kingbeastbut the old card was dual link dvi x2, this one is displayport07:01
badday_kingbeast: are u talking about something like Xinerama?07:02
kdnskingbeast: did you preview? Did it work?07:02
kdnsno, it's randr these days07:02
kingbeastI'll figure it out07:02
kingbeastprobably have to just write my own xorg file07:03
kingbeastkdns, why no07:04
kdnsbecause usually it's not needed these days, so statistically speaking, you probably don't need to at all.07:05
kingbeastwell I give it a few more attempts in different ways, just seeing if anyone else has had a problem with it07:05
Ben64using nvidia-settings to do it?07:06
keplerit wouldn't reactivate nouveau drivers if switching cards, would it?07:07
kingbeastBen64, I have tried both07:07
yvais there a limit in the number of directories one can have in a directory?07:08
Ben64kingbeast: how about trying the 310 drivers?07:08
kingbeastkepler, nah it's using the right driver07:08
aeon-ltdyva: yes07:08
yvaaeon-ltd, any idea how many is a limit?07:08
aeon-ltdyva: though i can't recall the number07:08
kingbeastthanks guys I'll figure it out and post the fix in the forums07:09
patrick__I am new to development, and I am trying to boot up Ubuntu with testdrive for the first time. When I do, Ubuntu starts to boot, but then prints out the error message "BUG soft lockup..." Has anyone seen this before?07:09
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badday_kingbeast: I had running 3 monitors with more than full hd on 2 nvidia cards with the nvidia drivers, so this should not be any problem07:10
aeon-ltdyva: quick googling says it's 64000, though i'm searching more to confirm07:11
cfhowlettpatrick__, lots of search hits on ubuntu + bug + soft + lockup07:11
kingbeastbadday_, I think it's a resolution restriction or something. I'll try different monitors and if it works I know what it is then07:12
keplerdisplay port should be able to handle it07:12
kepleryou have those dongle things to connect through?07:12
jarray52Is it possible to use a Displaylink monitor(USB monitor) as a third monitor using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? Some posts online suggest that it must be set as a separate screen in xorg.conf. Any suggestions?07:12
badday_kingbeast: I am not sure, I was actually using 2048x<something> on DVI, so I guess yours should not be an issue07:12
patrick__cfhowlett: Thanks. I had looked quickly on the net and didn't see any quick fixes. I was hoping someone here might have recognized it as a known problem.07:14
kingbeastbadday_, if you combine the two I am trying to run it's 5120x1600. that's a huge resolution07:14
cfhowlettpatrick__, check bug reports.  If your particular configuration/fail is not listed, you might consider filing a new bug07:15
ubottupatrick__,: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:15
kepleri run 5760x1200 w/ 3 monitors/2 cards via dvi, so unless it is a DP issue, i dont think there is a resolution problem07:15
badday_kingbeast: well, I was running 2 on a simple Nvidia card, too, almost the same resolution as u, so I guess it should work07:15
kingbeastcould just be the card, idk I'll figure it out. thanks guys I'm headed to bed07:16
keplernight, gl!07:16
yvaaeon-ltd, seems to be 64 indeed07:16
yvawould that be true for files too?07:16
patrick__cfhowlett: Thanks. I see there is a bug listed that looks like it might be similar for Ubuntu 12.04. It looks like there might be a fix available already. I'm looking into it.07:18
linda666hi, my virtualbox cannot connect to network. I have the same problem with all my vms which shows something wrong from my host side. cant figure out whats the problem. my ubuntu is 12.04, i have the vbox 4.2.6 installed from virtualbox.org07:18
kdnsugh displayport...why........07:19
linda666i have to add, settings for my vms are all bridged network, and they used to work fine, suddenly few days ago they started having problems...07:19
Ben64kdns: because hdmi costs too much07:19
sunsetloverhey there, i have some questions about wireless in ubuntu. any one can help me07:20
fedorhi everyone. I am using chrome on my u12-04 and some extensions do not work particularly in Ubunty in w8 they work though. I do not know what is the reason for that. What i want to know is if anyone who uses ad blocker extension for u12-04 has (or had) issues with it? Can i make it work as it works in win-8 and if yes, how? thanx in advance07:20
aeon-ltdyva: i'd assume so07:20
badday_!ask | sunsetlover07:21
ubottusunsetlover: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:21
RigidWigCan someone help me figure out why 1444 ( http://i.imgur.com/KqexRM3.png ) is not listenning to a remote telnet?07:21
linda666thats funny.. i just changed it to NAT it works... so why you think bridged does not work?07:21
sunsetloverok thank you07:21
RigidWignot responding that is07:22
aeon-ltdyva: according to wikipedia 4 billion is the limit of ext407:23
kdnsBen64: How's that?07:23
wskyok, which groups in ubuntu 12.10 should i belong to be able to mount removable storage devices in kde?07:23
yvaaeon-ltd, yes, I was checking but I had more file that 64k in the directory07:23
wskyi belong to plugdev, what else?07:23
aeon-ltdyva: you'd run out of hdd space before you hit that if it's true07:23
yvaaeon-ltd, any idea how to be sure?07:23
wskyi'm running kde with startx with xinitrc containing exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startkde07:24
yvathe question is also if it's files or directories07:24
aeon-ltdyva: no idea on that, besides testing it (though that's out of the question really)07:25
yvaaeon-ltd, http://www.whatastruggle.com/maximum-number-of-sub-directories-in-ext407:25
RigidWignvm silly aws setting07:26
genoobiehey all07:26
genoobievery old hardware here.07:26
aeon-ltdyva: also interesting http://serverfault.com/questions/104986/what-is-the-maximum-number-of-files-a-file-system-can-contain07:26
genoobiejust wondering if I can run minecraft for my kids07:26
genoobiePIII 800MHz, 284M07:26
genoobie384MB I mean07:26
genoobieinstalling jre now07:27
genoobiephunyguy_tab, no go?07:27
phunyguy_tabisnt it a java based game?07:27
aeon-ltdgenoobie: that's pushing it, i've run it on a celeron m 3gb ram, couldn't hit 30fps even with optifine07:27
aeon-ltdclock at 2ghz i think07:28
genoobiethis is crazy, for the quality of game that it is, I mean shouldn't it run smooth?07:28
sunsetloveri'd intalled ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop (hp g6) with windows 7, well every thing goes well but yesterday i found that the wireless not working good, because the router is not far of me (just 2 meters) and in windows the signal is full, but in ubuntu i found that the signal is low and lossing the connection without to internet for more one time in few minutes. will you please inform me what07:28
sunsetloverhappened with me? n.b: i tested the connection in windows and i found it working very good07:28
genoobieok tx07:29
yvaaeon-ltd, yep, I've read the same thread07:29
yvacool :)07:29
genoobieboy, this machine is really borderline07:29
dr_willisminecraft smooth on a PIII 800mhz?  :) thats... amuzeing..07:29
aeon-ltdgenoobie: running now on a c2d 2.4ghz/x3100/4gb ram/optifine i can hit 30-40 on tiny short distances07:30
genoobiedr_willis, but the game seems so basic...07:30
Ben64minecraft doesn't look good, but requires a lot of power07:30
genoobieBen64, that's what I am curious about07:30
aeon-ltdmore for lan play07:30
phunyguy_tabjava is the pig in this case i am sure07:30
dr_willisgenoobie:  and perhps very unoptmizzed07:30
genoobiephunyguy_tab, any way to "optimize"07:30
Ben64think about  how many blocks are being computed at once07:30
dr_willislots and lots of blocks07:30
dydzEz2_i feel like ubuntu made a partition that, in windows, looks like a recovery partition (so i cant delete it, as ive already deleted the main ubuntu partition), is it normal to have 2 recovery partitions? 1 is like 9gigs and the 2nd is 1gig07:30
dr_willistake so so code.. and maganify it...07:30
Ben64128*16*16*20 at the least07:31
phunyguy_tabi have no idea07:31
genoobieoh, hrm07:31
genoobieadding texture....now!07:31
dr_willisdydzEz2_:  windows7 normally has a boot partion  and its main partion.. then the pc maker may have 1 or more recovery partions07:31
genoobieokay, forget it then, I was hoping it might work07:31
genoobiemaybe infiniminer :)07:32
Ben64you should get a better computer07:32
genoobieBen64, yes07:32
genoobieI am thinking about that now.07:32
dr_willisMy Raspberry Pi proberly has more oomph then that thing. ;)07:32
genoobiedr_willis, not really07:32
AmbushedDonate some bitcoins 1838oUxQED5WSM3HfwXZYdv7SfrCu5iRa207:33
dydzEz2_dr_willis is it possible ubuntu could even emulate a recovery partition07:33
dydzEz2_on a regular install07:33
Ben64it probably does07:33
aeon-ltdyou can play the minecraft built for rPi07:33
Ben64Ambushed: don't spam stuff here07:33
dr_willisits got moar ram.. and i can overclock it to 900mhz ;)07:33
genoobieisn't it based on ARM?07:33
aeon-ltdthat'd be the cheapest you could get a minecraft machine07:33
dr_willisdydzEz2_:  i wouldent think so07:33
Ben64pentium 3 is very very very old07:33
genoobieokay, hold a sec07:33
* genoobie is googling rpi07:34
dr_willisif you can get one. :) or more... and not have to wait weeks07:34
Ben64i have an amd64 sitting here doing nothing, its got to be many times faster than your p307:34
jellowHi there I've installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS though I have no wireless , What do I do ?07:34
dr_willisBen64:  same here.. several older pcs in the garrage07:34
badday_jellow: more information please: what means "I have no", what hardware do u use etc. pp.07:34
dr_willisjellow:  huh? you mean to be asking 'how do i get wireless working?'07:35
genoobieBen64, wanna trade?07:35
Ben64no, i don't want a p307:35
Ben64tossed out all that stuff quite a while ago07:35
genoobiemakes me feel a bit foolish07:35
dr_willisBen64:  same here... goodwill wants them07:36
dr_williswell.. they took them07:36
Ben64amd64 3200+ is the oldest computer i have now07:36
aeon-ltdBen64: what if it were 1ghz?07:36
genoobieworking on this PIII 800MHz, right now07:36
Ben64aeon-ltd: nah07:36
jellowbadday_: I'm on a Desktop PC does not pick up any interfaces , My card is RTL8101E/RTL8102E07:36
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Ben64genoobie: get something better, you'll probably save money in power usage07:36
genoobieBen64, heh07:37
sunsetloverguys, no one answer my question until now07:37
badday_jellow: what does ifconfig tell u?07:37
badday_!patience | sunsetlover07:37
ubottusunsetlover: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:37
genoobieokay, will consider it07:37
Ben64genoobie: if you lived anywhere near me i'd just give you this cpu+mobo07:38
aeon-ltdIT'S A TRAP!07:38
jellowbadday_: eth0 and lo07:38
genoobieaeon-ltd, of course it is :)07:38
Ben64new york is quite far from california though07:39
plafrattHas anyone run raring on testdrive successfully?07:39
Ben64eh, i've given components to irc people before07:39
genoobiewhat if I send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope :)07:39
Ben64plafratt: who is testdrive07:39
Ben64it won't fit in07:39
aeon-ltdrisky too07:40
zykotick9!13.04 | plafratt07:40
ubottuplafratt: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+107:40
genoobieit's too bad that these machines aren't very useful07:40
jellowis module r8169 ethernet or wireless ?07:40
genoobieword processing and some simple word searches with puppylinux or something07:40
dr_willisold machine - ssh - terminals ;)07:40
genoobiesimple internet searches I mean07:40
genoobieloading up "minetest"07:41
plafrattubottu: Thanks. I had gone over there earlier and that channel look inactive. Do you know happen to know if there is a time that it is more active?07:42
ubottuplafratt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:42
Ben64i also have a core 2 duo with a broken motherboard07:42
dr_willisplafratt:  it is like 3AM on sunday morning. :) ( usa time)   so its going to be slow07:42
Ben64super bowl sunday07:43
dr_williseveryone is  busy posting pictures of their cats on reddit........07:43
genoobieyeah, I dunno, I am not going to buy laptops for my 9yo07:43
plafrattdr_willis: Ah, :). Well, I thought this one when developers got most of their work done.07:44
genoobielet them write up some text games in basic07:44
genoobiethat's what I did07:44
genoobiethey can play zork or something07:44
genoobiemaybe run an emulator :)07:44
genoobiethey have a Wii07:44
dr_willisgenoobie:  thats sort of the target audience for the Raspberry Pi07:44
dr_williskids learning koding07:44
Ben64turn your kid into a linux pro07:44
dr_willisand  hardware hacking07:45
genoobiewell they will be on the PIII 800Mhz07:45
genoobieI've run through about 10 different distributions07:45
genoobiefinally settling on puppylinux07:45
genoobieit almost ran minecraft :)07:45
genoobiebetter than windows07:45
aeon-ltdgenoobie: low end build/donations? you could probably build a pentium/celeron box for a few hundred, if you have donor parts it could be less. prices might drop when intel's haswell line comes in though07:45
dr_willisproblem with Puppy is that they can break it easially.... but  not like it matters much07:45
genoobiedr_willis, how do you figure?07:46
genoobieyou mean like dragging files around and such?07:46
dr_willisgenoobie:  i used puppy for some time.. you can easially break your setup07:46
Ben64aeon-ltd: few hundred? I could make a gaming computer for that much07:46
dr_willisgenoobie:  but the way it uses save files.. makes it faily easy to restore..07:46
genoobieyes, how would you resture?07:47
genoobierestore I mean.07:47
genoobieso you have some pup.sfs07:47
genoobieyou make a copy?07:47
dr_willisyou  backup your save files... yes.07:47
genoobiethey bork the one file07:47
FloodBot1genoobie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
genoobieokay, anyhow, nite, it's almost 3AM here07:48
genoobiepeace and thanks for the advice everyone07:48
genoobieBTW, I will never buy another thing off of craigslist again.07:48
dr_willisyou paid money for that? ;)07:48
genoobiethank god07:48
genoobienot that dumb, but maybe someone else is :)07:48
wskyso, anyone knows how to activate console kit session?07:49
aeon-ltdwsky: exec ck-launch-session nameofde/wm as your .xinitrc if you use startx07:51
wskyyes i got this07:51
wskybut the session is inactive07:51
wskyso, basically, dosent work07:52
tumorsYo is it possible to skip unmet dependencies? It wants me to install fglrx but I'm worried it'll break my current version and i dont want to do it anyways because i'd have to not be using it to do it07:53
guideXthe latest rabbitsvn integrates very nicely in 12.1007:54
guideXin unity07:54
=== TheRainbowDusk is now known as TheRainbowDawn
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randimillerhey everyone07:59
elferhi randi07:59
randimillerplaying the wireless drivers game tonight.. how about you guys/gals?08:01
aeon-ltdi'm sorry i thought this was america08:02
tumorsWow this channel is pretty idle these days isnt it08:03
guideXjust tonight because it's "super bowl" sunday (or something)08:04
guideXI don't watch a lot of basketball so ya know..08:04
tumorsi should watch the superbowl for the first time08:05
ideaare thre  chinese people08:05
randimillertumors: I had to ask someone today who was playing.. still didn't care after their answer08:05
guideXyes, I suppose there are chinese people08:06
=== bravis_ is now known as bravis
ideahow are you08:07
randimillerI hate it when someone posts in a forum that they got something working but don't explain how08:07
wsky/wc/j #freedesktop08:08
randimilleridea: 英语08:09
randimillerlove google translate08:09
guideXI reallly love this rabbitsvn, it's the coolest linux thingy yet08:10
ideaI don't understand English.08:11
aeon-ltd!zh | idea08:11
ubottuidea: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:11
randimillerNeither do most english speakers08:12
brady2600I support the simplified spelling foundation, so we can all understand it. lol.08:12
dr_willisthe new metric alphabet!08:12
guideXthe world should just communicate in c code08:14
* dr_willis runs classic books through grammer checkers to watch the programs explode08:14
aeon-ltdguideX: so the same, but with printf?08:15
aeon-ltdreplace the caps lock key to type 'printf' then i'm on board08:15
brady2600can ubuntu be used some how to burn a cd from a cd drive, on another ubuntu box?08:16
aeon-ltdremote burning?08:17
dr_willisyou mean burn to a cd on a differnt machine?08:17
brady2600my wifes computer runs ubuntu.  I have no cd burner, her computer does.08:17
dr_willismake an iso.. send it over.. burn it there08:17
aeon-ltdssh? then burning application?08:17
TheLordOfTimeor save the ISO to a USB drive for transport to the other box.08:18
TheLordOfTimeand then do the burn over on their computer08:18
brady2600thats not the question im asking, im asking if its possible to load up some application on my machine, and have it miraculously burning on her machine.08:18
guideXwhy not use something like hamachi to setup vpn between the two machines08:18
brady2600im not interested in the usb stick route08:18
dr_willisbrady2600:  never seen such an app08:18
TheLordOfTimebrady2600:  no, any such application would be existing on their system and be being accessed from yours08:18
TheLordOfTimeprobably via x-forwarding08:18
TheLordOfTimei wouldn't even trust *that*08:19
brady2600via x forwarding , i can load the iso that is on my machine08:19
dr_williswell with x foerwaerding - you would be  making the cd on their system. ;)   since it wont be accessing local files08:19
TheLordOfTimebrady2600:  you would need to scp it to their system08:19
TheLordOfTimescp / ssh file transfer08:19
TheLordOfTimebrady2600:  scp /path/to/file/locally user@remotesystemaddress:/path/to/save/file/at/on/remote08:19
guideXyou can use neorouter to setup vpn between the two pc's brady... just an idea08:20
brady2600never heard of scp08:20
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/08:20
brady2600i use x11 to get to my raspbian system08:20
TheLordOfTimebrady2600:  i'm also assuming the remote system has sshd on it08:20
TheLordOfTime(aka SSH access)08:20
TheLordOfTimes/SSH access/a way for you to SSH to it/08:21
brady2600it would be cool if there was some sort of ssh tunneled x11 server that could do scp , but intigrated as a drive somehow08:21
guideXyou can have your wife downstairs, yelling the individual bytes from downstairs08:21
dr_willisthere may be some network burning services out there.. but uve never noticed them.. never needed them08:22
dr_willisburnind across the network would seem to have high potential for bad burns/underruns08:22
aeon-ltdbrady2600: turns out to be rick astley08:22
dr_willisyou could make up a service that takes iso files from some upload directory and burns them  automacially08:23
brady2600rick astley?08:23
aeon-ltdnever gonna give you up08:23
aeon-ltddr_willis: dropbox then scripting?08:24
brady2600damn.. i believe my music taste diqualifies me from understanding that08:24
dr_willisi imagine scping or ftpong to thee server would be faster08:24
dr_willisi cant even recall the last time i burnt a cd or dvd...08:25
OerHeksof rick astley ?08:25
dr_willishavent bought any blanks in ages...   even the dual layer dvds seem to 'tight' on space to store much to them ;)08:26
* dr_willis wouldent know rick astley if he saw him...08:27
HundDoes anyone knows how to get the function keys to work in Byobu?08:27
dr_willisHund:  you using the console? or gnome-terminal? or what exactly withit?08:27
Hunddr_willis: I have tried both gnome-terminal, xfce-terminal and urxvt08:28
dr_willissome terminal apps ocverride the byou f keys..08:28
dr_willischeck the terminal apps settings..08:29
dr_willisi hate it when a terminal emulator decides IT needs my F10 key....08:29
dr_willisalmost as annoying as keeping f1 dedicated for a 'help menu' ;)08:30
Hunddr_willis: lol, I forgot to test tmux with urxvt. That worked. :P08:30
dr_willisi only use tmux/byobu over my android phone. ;)  rarely use it in an actual terminal app08:30
Hunddr_willis: Im using it on my server. I run a bunch of stuff there and its esier to manage them all with byobu. :)08:31
xinglenickhello, anyone knows where is the file that the language,lang locale var is defined by language support ?08:34
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nearstxinglenick, whereis locale08:36
xinglenicknearst: you mean /etc/default/locale file ?08:37
nearstxinglenick, ya. u can see locale-gen output at /usr/lib/locale08:39
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xinglenickhi, i eidt /etc/default/locale, set lang to en_US.utf8, language to en, and ran update-locale to update my locale, but locale still not changed08:42
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/08:42
nearstxinglenick, check your localedef too08:43
theadminxinglenick: It should be en_US.UTF-808:43
theadminxinglenick: Make sure the locale is generated, too: sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-808:44
Botanichow can I make it so that an application has an icon? I made a .desktop file but when i launch it directly it still shows no icon, http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/6106/71677374.png08:48
dr_willisdirectly mesning?08:48
xGeekHello, is there something like internet download manager in ubuntu ?08:48
xinglenicktheadmin, yes, i have change it to LANG="en_US.UTF-8" and LANGUAGE=en, then ran sudo update-locale, but locale still not unchange08:48
xinglenicksorry, locale still the same08:49
nearstxGeek, thereis a lot like wget, aria2. google uget for gtk downloader08:49
xGeeknearst: and i can downlad facebook video with ?08:49
theadminxinglenick: Are you sure your user doesn't have it's own locale set?08:50
nearstxGeek, not sure. usually video stream in linux located at /tmp . never thought to download facebook vids08:52
xinglenicktheadmin, i also ran sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 , sudo update-locale, but it still not work08:52
xinglenicktheadmin, i cheack my ~/.profile .bashrc but i can't see anything about LANGUAGE, LANG locale var08:54
theadminxinglenick: Maybe you should "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales"08:54
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guideXis there anything like gedit which has syntax highlighting but as simple as say notepad for windows?08:55
dr_willistry geany08:55
guideXgeany eh08:56
icerootguideX: or "leafpad" standard editor on lxde/lubuntu08:56
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theadminiceroot: I don't think leafpad has syntax highlighting.08:56
dr_willis!info xfte08:56
ubottuPackage xfte does not exist in quantal08:57
dr_willis!info fte08:57
ubottufte (source: fte): Text editor for programmers - base package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.50.2b6-1 (quantal), package size 87 kB, installed size 323 kB08:57
guideXonly beef I have with gedit, is the code looks ugly in other editors afterwards08:57
icerootguideX: looks ugly?08:57
dr_williswwhat a weird  'beef'08:57
xinglenicktheadmin, my locale shows me LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8, LANGUAGE=zh_CN:en_US:en08:57
guideXthe tabs and spaces don't look right08:57
guideXa beef meaning, I'm mad at it08:57
dr_willisset your edittors to show tabs the same....08:58
icerootguideX:how a tab is displayed is part of the editor. in the text itself there is just a \t08:58
icerootguideX: gedit is not changing the code08:58
guideXhmm weird08:58
guideXI wonder why it's so different then08:58
guideXwhen I get it back to any of the editors I'm used to, the code looks like it's all over the place08:59
xinglenickthe zh_CN:en_US:en sequence is the same as "language support" shows08:59
iceroottheadmin: you are right, it does not have syntax-highlight09:00
theadminxinglenick: Well, in desktop systems, use that app to change language preferences.09:03
theadminiceroot: Also, I think gedit (as well as some other editors) replaces tabs with 4 spaces or such.09:06
guideXyeah I was really hopeing for an editor with configurable tab09:06
guideXso I can change it to two spaces :>09:06
theadminguideX: You can try FTE or Geany09:06
guideXhmm ok09:07
xinglenicktheadmin: i have just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales, and the command is successfully executed, but locale still shows me the same09:07
theadminxinglenick: Again, if you are on a desktop system, use gnome-language-selector ("Language Support") to reconfigure languages.09:08
sunsetloversorry guys my computer crashed so i didn't followed the answer about my question, so inform me if you get an answer09:10
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donnieNo one seems to be alive in xubuntu. Does anyone here know how to do stuff to it if I describe a problem I'm starting to have?09:13
theadmindonnie: Well, describe it first09:14
vrnithinwhat to do when ubuntu installer is not detecting the free space ?09:14
donnie I'm starting to run sluggish. All I have open is Chrome, and audacious. How come I'm freezing up, and my fan goes into crazy mode?09:14
baddayvrnithin: tell some more details, please09:14
baddayvrnithin: such as hardware configuration etc.09:14
vrnithini was trying to install ubuntu 12.10 out side windows 709:14
theadmindonnie: Open any kind of task manager and see what's consuming CPU time and memory.09:14
theadmindonnie: htop, for example09:15
baddayvrnithin: that means that u have windows on one partition and some space free on the HDD?09:15
guideXis there a windowed task manager out there?09:15
donnietheadmin: be nice if it'd stop bouncing around :)09:15
guideXI really miss "task manager" from windows09:15
theadminguideX: Yeah, all Ubuntu versions come with one built-in.09:16
baddayguideX: never say something like that on this channel, never!09:16
vrnithinbadday: but i cant check select that free space for making a ext4  root and swap09:16
guideXoh didn't know about the built in one09:17
baddayvrnithin: tell me something about the partition sheme of ur HDD please09:17
donnieIsn't swap supposed to be a way of allowing things to move around freely and not clog stuff up?09:17
vrnithinbadday: i have 3 partitions in windows one C D E09:17
theadmindonnie: Sorta... But slowness is often caused by an extensive CPU use.09:17
theadminvrnithin: Er. Are they all primary?09:17
vrnithinbadday: ya09:17
theadminvrnithin: Well then, you can only create one more partition, you don't have enough free partitions for two more.09:18
theadminvrnithin: So here's what you do: make an extended partition, put the swap and root inside it.09:18
vrnithintheadmin: when i tried to create one partition from my free space its showing some warning about dynamic disc or something09:19
donnieI could use PCBSD.. I heard that's fast and light09:19
nearstguideX, try htop09:19
theadminvrnithin: That doesn't tell me anything, I'd need the exact warning...09:19
guideXI like htop, but it'd be nice if it were a windowed app09:20
theadmindonnie: You could try Xubuntu. That's light. Or Lubuntu.09:20
guideXsomething with a real listbox09:20
theadminguideX: Search for "Task Manager" in the menus. You most certainly have one.09:20
donnietheadmin. I am on xubuntu and that's why I'm surprised it's going sluggish09:20
guideXhmm ok09:20
theadmindonnie: Hm... yeah that's odd09:20
theadminguideX: Well, if it's a default Ubuntu install, it'd be gnome-task-manager09:20
theadminguideX: On Xfce it's xfce4-task-manager09:20
theadminErr, xfce4-taskmanager09:21
theadmin!info gnome-taskmanger09:21
ubottuPackage gnome-taskmanger does not exist in quantal09:21
theadmin!info gnome-task-manager09:21
ubottuPackage gnome-task-manager does not exist in quantal09:21
guideXwhen i type task manager  it doesn't come up09:21
theadminguideX: Actually, it's gnome-system-monitor, my bad09:21
guideXin the dash menu09:21
guideXah ok09:21
vrnithintheadmin: when i tried to create a partition in ubuntu installation time i cant select the free space09:21
nearsthtop just cool09:22
vrnithintheadmin: is it because i have already 3 primary partition ?09:22
nearsthttp://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/how-to-use-xfce4-terminal-06x-as-drop.html << remember me of yakuake kde application09:22
guideXsystem monitor is good09:22
theadminvrnithin: You have 3 primary partitions... That's too many, Ubuntu needs root and swap and root has to be a primary so...09:22
guideXhas the list of programs, and a "kill it" button :)09:22
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theadminvrnithin: Well, you could do a manual partitioning and go without swap, if you have enough RAM for that.09:23
vrnithintheadmin: i have 4 gb ram09:24
vrnithintheadmin: but i cant even create root09:24
theadminvrnithin: Well, that's more than enough. Just a side note, you won't be able to hibernate without swap.09:24
theadminvrnithin: Huh. That's odd, to say the least. How much free space do you have?09:24
theadminguideX: Just so you know, htop reacts to mouse input too09:25
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
lundymorning all, iv just installed Ubuntu 12 onto my Laptop, im just wondering how can i change this left hand dock09:25
xinglenickhi, theadmin i fixed it, i found my /default/locale changed, but i not sure it was changed by the gnome-language-selector or it was changed by dpkg-reconfigure locales because i had forgotten to check the contents of /etc/default/locale after ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure lacales09:25
lundyso that iv got icons left to right on my screen09:25
guideXwell yeah, but system monitor was exactly what I was looking for09:25
theadminlundy: Unfortunately there's no way to move the Unity dock around yet :/ Crazy thing.09:26
vedicIf user forget password for ssh login and tries for say 10 times before successfully login, will denyhosts ban his ip address?09:26
lundyanyway of removing it or changing my desktop09:26
theadminlundy: You can change your desktop. I suggest trying Xfce for an uncluttered user experience, click: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/xubuntu-desktop09:27
guideXoo geany looks nice09:27
theadmin!purexfce | lundy, also see this for removing the packages from plain Ubuntu:09:28
ubottulundy, also see this for removing the packages from plain Ubuntu:: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »09:28
vrnithintheadmin: 50 gb09:29
theadminvrnithin: Huh. Okay, now I'm confused.09:29
vrnithintheadmin: i made that 50 gb by shrinking  of of my primary partition09:29
vedicIf user forget password for ssh login and tries for say 10 times before successfully login, will denyhosts ban his ip address?09:30
Rip003how do I install the wifi drivers for my mac mini in ubuntu? I can't use ethernet as a heads up.09:30
theadminvrnithin: Shouldn't matter where it came from :D09:30
vrnithintheadmin: why cant i do anything on that free space ?09:31
xinglenicktheadmin: i changed the order of language via gnome-language-selector, then i ran sudo update-locale, but locale still not changed. Then I cat /etc/default/locale, i found the content was different from before: some other LC_* added, so i changed LANGUAGE to en_US:en:zh_CN  and sudo update-locale . now it work09:31
theadminvrnithin: Honestly no idea.09:32
vrnithintheadmin: so whats to do to install Ubuntu ...i dont want it along windows09:33
theadminvrnithin: So, you want to destroy Windows? Then just delete the Windows partitions (unless you have important data, then back that up) and install Ubuntu on the empty drive09:33
lundyim looking for cloud which offers great storage for free or very cheap... Google and DropBox just ant good storage for the price ...09:35
lundyanyone know any09:35
vrnithintheadmin: i want both..:)09:35
Rip003lundy: tried Ubuntu 1?09:35
lundy5gb free ?09:35
Rip003lundy: yep09:35
lundyill need like 300gb :/09:36
xinglenicktheadmin: thank you for you help!09:36
lundyI did try "owncloud" and installed onto my web server... but the desktop client is crap for windows, dont think it will be much good on linux09:36
Rip003lundy: why do you need 300GB in the cloud?09:37
lundyRip003, music, video, documents ...09:37
Rip003lundy: is it just to sync across your home? it might be worth looking at a router that hooks up to an external drive?09:38
theadminRip003: There's sparkleshare for syncing across computers without the need of actual storage. Part of the GNOME project.09:38
lundyRip003, that would cost cash which I dont have at the moment09:39
theadminRip003: Or owncloud, for installing on your own server.09:39
lundyI used owncloud on my web server09:39
lundybut the windows client kept coming up "cannot sync a file"09:40
lvxthis rocks09:40
lundyjust found that it wasnt up to the standard of Google Drive or DropBox09:40
Rip003lundy: I don't know what to suggest then, I can't think of a cloud service that'll offer that sort of space without charging09:42
vedichow to enable ufw on remove server? I am connected to that server via ssh and if I enable ufw, it will stop my ssh. Is it possible to allow ssh before enabling ufw?09:42
lundyRip003, i was thinking about turning my old PC into a server but dunno if the WIfe will let me ... as it will bump up our electric bill09:42
theadminvedic: sudo ufw allow ssh09:43
vedictheadmin: that will enable as well as allow ssh?09:43
Rip003lundy: you could do that I guess, you don't have to leave it running all the time just switch it on when you need it, a pain but saves the electric09:43
vedictheadmin: currently ufw is not active09:43
theadminvedic: It won't enable UFW yet, just create the rule.09:43
theadminvedic: You can enable it later.09:44
lundyRip003, was thinking that ..09:44
theadminvedic: Just "sudo ufw enable" for that.09:44
dydzEz2_anyone here have a thinkpad x1 carbon09:44
dydzEz2_or anyone here dual boot iwndows 8 with grub?09:44
vedictheadmin: yea that has worked. Thank you09:45
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Rip003lundy: that's more practical than forking out for masses of cloud storage and you already know it works09:45
vedictheadmin: How to disallow all other ports? ufw verbose shows that 22 is allowed from anywhere but no information about disallowed09:46
theadminvedic: sudo ufw default deny incoming09:46
lundyRip003, yeah but wot software would the server run off to have the cloud on it?09:46
Rip003lundy: you mean your old pc? haven't a clue, don't mess with networks an awful lot, don't understand ssh and all that jazz09:47
lundyah kk, i know enough to get me past09:48
vedictheadmin: That has changed the default incoming to deny.  But ufw status or verbose shows only 22 allowed. No mention of any other thing09:48
theadminvedic: Well, yes, that's how it is. Those are the rules you have, currently you have only ssh, that is, port 22 allowed for incoming, anything else blocked.09:48
vedictheadmin: I see09:49
theadminvedic: Creating rules for *every* port is just too much, so that's what the default rule is for.09:49
guideXhow do you setup a hostname in ubuntu?09:49
vedictheadmin: If user forget password for ssh login and tries for say 10 times before successfully login, will denyhosts ban his ip address?09:49
guideXin windows, I would edit the "hosts" file09:50
roger21the ubuntu installer seems to create mbr partion, is it a problem i i give him a gpt partioned disk (and so not repartitoning it at install) ?09:50
llutz!hostname | guideX09:50
ubottuguideX: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.09:50
roger21if i*09:50
theadminguideX: /etc/hosts is the hosts file on Ubuntu. Same format as on Windows.09:50
guideXah ok09:50
guideXcool thx09:50
Rip003I hope to almighty Linus that this guide I found for my mac's wifi works09:50
theadminguideX: Well, it's easier to just update /etc/hostname and reboot, it will auto-update hosts09:50
guideXthat's what i'll do09:51
BlackWebDoes ubuntu12.04 use  lightdm as the default or gdm09:51
theadminBlackWeb: lightdm09:52
theadminBlackWeb: On Kubuntu, it's KDM, but lightdm for all others. Since 12.10, lightdm is default on all Ubuntu versions.09:52
Rip003oh you've gotta be kidding me09:52
lundysorry to seem a noob here but iv installed Xubuntu desktop but dunno how to enable it09:52
BlackWebI've been trying to change the login screen for a long timenow I've googled all possible solutions and seems like nothing works09:52
Rip003the b43-fwcutter deb packaged on the cd requires an internet connection?09:52
theadminlundy: Log out, click the sessions icon, choose "Xubuntu Session" and log in.09:53
dydzEz2_man i just want to load w8 from grub with xubuntu09:53
dydzEz2_this stupid UEFI thing is so annoying, id install windows 7 if this laptop didnt come with w8 and had a nice system recovery suite09:53
BlackWebI'm using 12.04 so its uses it also  as default I have gdm installed If I was to remove lightdm then would I'd run into problems with the system?09:53
theadminBlackWeb: No, there won't be any problem... Just make sure to keep at least some login manager installed09:54
BlackWebWould lightdm be the problem to why the login screen wont change?09:54
dr_willischange in what way?09:54
Rip003guys how do I install b43-fwcutter offline?09:55
cocomohi, i extended path variable by include a .sh file in /etc/profile.d/ but the added paths in that file are not found when i do sudo [command], they work okay when i don't acces them as root09:55
cocomobtw i am trying to use 'go' compiler but it isn't found using 'sudo go' but 'go' works09:56
theadmincocomo: You'd need to update the PATH systemwide for it to work with root, use /etc/environment for that.09:56
cocomotheadmin: okay ty09:56
dr_williswhy would a compiler need to run as root?09:56
theadmindr_willis: For crazy commands like "go get".09:57
cocomodr_willis: it get the files from internet and probably saves it somewhere the root has only access to09:57
theadmindr_willis: Compilers nowadays :/ They come with package managers, debuggers, crazy stuff09:57
dr_willisno idea what go is then. ;)09:57
dr_willis!info go09:57
ubottuPackage go does not exist in quantal09:57
dr_willisgo is a no go09:57
theadmindr_willis: The compiler for Google's "go" language. I don't think it's in the repos.09:57
cocomodr_willis: it is golang compiler and i use command go get09:58
cocomour right09:58
* dr_willis sticks to Scratch09:58
dr_willis!info scratch09:58
ubottuscratch (source: scratch): easy to use programming environment for ages 8 and up - data. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 29192 kB, installed size 45630 kB09:58
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
dr_willisits more my speed.. heh09:59
Rip003damn, I don't think this guide has worked10:01
rigeli have no idea how to fucking fix this10:01
rigelhelp me10:01
rigelbecause the bluez fuckasses wont10:01
FloodBot1rigel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
Tm_Trigel: please language and patience10:01
roger21the ubuntu installer seems to create mbr partion, is it a problem if i give him a gpt partioned disk (and so not repartitoning it at install) ?10:01
dr_willisif the disk is alllready partioned i would think it would keep the type10:02
Rip003how do I install b43-fwcutter offline?10:02
dr_willisyou can install to gpt partioned disks from what ive seen..  - never really tried it here.10:02
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:03
roger21no of course, i meant could ubuntu could have general issue with gpt?10:03
roger21we should10:03
dr_willisRip003:  the askubuntu.com site may have a more spcific guide also.. I got a $5 usb wireless dongls that dosent need extra drivers.. so for a friends laptop with b43 i just used that dongle to get teh files10:04
roger21i don't get why ubuntu eliminates non-pae system and still use mbr by defayult10:04
Rip003dr_willis: but the drivers do work once they get installed?10:04
dr_willisRip003:  i imagine it depends on your exact chipset.. those b4xxx can be a pain10:05
Rip003dr_willis: I think it's the 4301 in the mac mini10:05
dr_willisfor under $20 you can get wireless dongles that are fully supported out of the box. ;)10:05
dr_willisgot a 150speed one for $510:06
erupterhi guys. If I make a clone of my ubuntu partition (which is not the only one on the disk, nor the first) to another disk to resize it and then copy it back, what do I have to be sure remains unchanged in order to boot?10:07
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Rip003dr_willis: I have a dongle in the house, don't know if it's supported and I don't know where it is10:08
dr_willismake sure the uuids stay the same erupter10:08
Rip003dr_willis: I don't particularly want to have to buy one for the sake of installing drivers10:08
dr_willisRip003:  came in handy on several  occasions here.10:08
dr_willisone of the best $5 i spent10:09
Guest47388Does anyone know why when I use x11 forwarding, it looks different than the same program run locally?  (the x11 version looks "older")10:09
icerooterupter: the first 512bytes of the drive (not the partition) are important10:09
icerooterupter: and of course the partition itself10:09
dr_willisGuest47388:  whats differnt? the fonts? the window decorations?10:09
Guest47388even how bold the lines are in the application10:09
icerootGuest47388: its using plain X instead of the theme and so on you are using normally10:10
icerootGuest47388: so the theme on the real machine will not be used, its just plain x10:10
Guest47388Anyway to tell the server to use not plain x?10:10
dr_willisit uses the theme and settings on the local box? ive never really noticed10:10
Guest47388Ok... so theme up the localbox... now that shouldn't be too hard...10:11
dydzEz2_has anyone with w8 dual boot used boot repair here10:11
Guest47388Thanks both of you!10:11
baddaydoes anyone know the dpkg command for setting the default desktop manager?10:12
eruptericeroot, well say I change the number of the partition, would it boot?10:12
SakkiQuestion...is the UCP still an active cert?10:12
eruptericeroot, it would most probably also change the uuid10:12
erupterso that at least I must update in the fstab/boot config10:12
icerooterupter: reinstalling grub after that i guess i needed10:13
icerooterupter: and yes /etc/fstab also needs an update10:13
Tex_NickRip003:  if you find your dongle this might helpto determine compatibility ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported10:16
Rip003Tex_Nick: pretty sure it's a TP-Link but dunno what model lol10:17
Tex_NickRip003:  i understand ... this lists TP-Link models ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link#USB ... good luck :-)10:19
Rip003Tex_Nick: lol, found it, it's the model right at the top10:20
Tex_NickRip003:  jeeze you have good Karma ... had it been me ... would have been at bottom of a LONG list ... ;-)10:21
Rip003Tex_Nick: I just hope the wifi works once the drivers install10:23
Rip003Tex_nick: uh oh, looks like wherever it's trying to download the firmware from doesn't exist anymore, keeps timing out10:25
cute_bettongis the ati driver broken for dual monitors in ubuntu 12.04?10:28
dr_willisRip003:  what ubuntu release?10:29
cute_bettongubuntu 12.0410:29
Rip003dr_willis: quantal10:29
dr_willishmmm.. odd10:29
dr_willisdid yu do a sudo apt-get update first?10:30
cute_bettongjoin #ati10:30
Rip003dr_willis: it's not the ppa timing out it's this lwfinger.com where it's trying to download the tarbz2 from10:30
dr_willisno idea then.. could be the sites down. or somthing i guess...10:30
Tex_NickRip003:  you said the model was at the top of the list ... is it the TL-WN321G ?10:32
Rip003Tex_nick: yep10:32
cute_bettonghi im running a samsung chronos series 7 with 32 bit ubuntu 12.04 LTS and the os shows dual monitors but the amd catalyst drivers do not show any montors in the catalyst settings, is it broken?10:33
Tex_NickRip003:  ok let me give it a shot10:33
Rip003tex_nick: it works fine, problem now is the site for the b43 firmware is dead10:33
dr_williscute_bettong:  ive seen some cases where you have to have bothj monitors plugged in  when you first power on the pc..  no idea if thats your issue or not..  also with some laptops i recall having to fiddle with the fn-whatever key to enable the external display10:34
thomedyhey i am setting my  my lamp install to run mails.. i have my ssmtp port to 465 and my path to/usr/sbin/ssmtp -t10:34
thomedyhow close am i10:34
Rip003dr_willis: oh dear, just looked at the ppa and it hasn't updated for quantal, it's still on precise10:35
thomedyim using this http://mattsk.blogspot.com/2010/09/configure-lamp-on-ubuntu-1004-to-send.html10:35
Kneferilishello, I want to improve my linux commands, bash shell scripting knowledge, but I don't want to get an extra linux pc or use a virtual solution like virtua box with a linux image or have a linux in windows solution, instead I want an account with linux shell access, what do you suggest?10:35
cute_bettongdr_willis, did you have to reboot after hitting the f-key?10:36
POVaddctRip003: according to the tp-link website there are five(!) hardware revisions of the TL-WN321G10:36
POVaddctRip003: which one do you have?10:36
KneferilisI got myself an account at sdf.org and I liked it, but it was bsd after all, not linux10:36
cute_bettongdr_willis, i just tried that and catalyst still isen't showing dual screens any other suggestions?10:36
Rip003POVaddct: I've no idea but it works, problem is the site for the b43 tar is down and I don't know how to install it manually10:37
Tex_NickRip003:  were you trying that from the TP-Link Site ?10:37
POVaddctRip003: here is how you can find out: http://www.tp-link.com.de/Article/?id=4610:37
Rip003POVaddct: it's v4 as shown10:39
Rip003POVaddct: Tex_Nick as I say though, the dongle isn't the problem, it's the site I'm trying to get the actual b43 driver tarball, keeps returning 404's10:40
POVaddctRip003: i thought the b43 driver is for pci devices only10:40
Rip003POVaddct: it is, I'm using the tp-link dongle to get the network connection necessary to use my mac's inbuilt wifi10:41
POVaddctRip003: ah okay10:41
Rip003POVaddct: I would try to get the firmware again but if the site is down then there's no hope10:42
Tex_NickRip003:  how are you connected to the net now ? ... on another box ?10:43
Rip003Tex_Nick: no I was using the dongle10:43
veldmuijzI need help recovering ubuntu after a testdisk mistake10:44
veldmuijzCan somebody help me?10:44
zlszk_#define NSMALLBINS        (32U),which  header file defined 32U?10:44
POVaddctTex_Nick: the dongle works without problems (rt2870 chipset). he wants to make the internal broadcom card work.10:46
thomedycan someone point me to  a straight forward tutorial on setting up mail from my lampp install10:46
veldmuijzI need help recovering ubuntu after a testdisk mistake10:47
veldmuijzI need help recovering ubuntu after a testdisk mistake10:47
veldmuijzCan somebody help me?10:47
FloodBot1veldmuijz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:47
Tex_NickPOVaddct : ahhh ok i just woke up and popped into channel a bit ago ... missed some of that10:47
drmagooveldmuijz > what is the problem ?10:47
POVaddctRip003: i don't know much about the b43 firmware issue. i always try to avoid broadcom cards.10:48
Rip003POVaddct: Tex_nick: I've sent mpodroid guy a message, hopefully he'll get it and update the hosting service for the tarball, until he does that I'm stuck xD10:48
POVaddctRip003: found this link: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4310:48
veldmuijzok here is the problem10:48
veldmuijzi was recovering data from a 2 tb harddisk (xternal) with testdisk10:49
veldmuijzi used copy to copy all the data over to the my home partition in a backup file10:49
veldmuijzthe external harddisk data was bigger then my entire harddisk partition for ubuntu and it has written all over it10:50
veldmuijzso when i rebooted the system couldn't load the gui anymore got errors10:50
veldmuijzi could get in the tty2 so i tried to recover my partitions to the old with testdisk10:51
FuzzlesFinally fully got rid of windows and did a full switch :)10:51
veldmuijzmy partitions where all deleted except for my ntfs partitino (win7 dual boot)10:51
Tex_NickPOVaddct , Rip003 : that looks like a good link]10:52
veldmuijzonly /sda6 remained and the ntfs partition10:52
veldmuijzwhen i scanned the harddisk it recognized my partitions so i tried to recovr it with testisk10:52
veldmuijzbut after a reboot grub wouldn't load anymore10:52
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veldmuijzso now i am at a loss10:52
Rip003Tex_Nick: yeah, sitting in their IRC now, if I knew where the package downloaded to then I could try finding it myself and inserting it but I don't10:53
veldmuijzcurrently on another netbook10:53
veldmuijzcurrently on another netbook/10:53
veldmuijzso can someone help me?10:53
vedicIs there any guide/tutorial on how to setup a minimal email server which allows sending of email but no receiving. I want to do it so that logwatcher can keep sending email automatically10:55
drmagooveldmuijz > could you see all the data after the recovery ?10:55
veldmuijzi can see it from the livecd10:56
shinao1hi Im using 12.10 and i just installed enlightenment e17. But selecting it as a session does not work.. it just falls back to gnome-shell or unity. Please what am i doing wrong?10:56
veldmuijzi can see all the data /boot /etc and all that and  /home10:56
Rip003Tex_Nick: POVaddct: I've asked a question relating to the b43-fwcutter package too about the site, I'm sure somewhere there's a copy they can upload to a different service10:56
drmagooveldmuijz > is /etc/fstab intact ?10:56
veldmuijz'll check10:57
=== Krenair_ is now known as Krenair
veldmuijzdrmagoo > no it is not :(10:57
vedicIt is better to setup a cron job which pulls the output of admin commands like logwatcher or denyhosts etc and place it in a directory which is sync via rsync?10:58
vedicinstead of setting up a local email server?10:58
drmagooveldmuijz > is it empty ?10:58
veldmuijzit shows overlayfs rw 0 0 and tmpfs /tmp nosuid,nodev10:58
veldmuijzdrmagoo > no but close to it10:59
wind_Hi all, I can't setup twinkle under ubuntu 12.10. I need help!10:59
Kala087Hi can someone help me with upg10:59
Kala087With upgrading new Ubuntu11:01
mtrakerI can't run X in live cd in ppc version11:01
mtrakerI've a g3 and run ok the terminal but the X it's only a black window11:02
mtrakerCan you help me?11:02
wind_i can't install twinkle uner ubuntu 12.1011:04
vedicI am getting this msg: you have new mail in /var/mail/tiger11:05
vedicWhat does that mean? and how to check that?11:05
wind_check "vi /var/mail/tiger" Ctrl+G (last line)11:06
wind_Twinkle under ubuntu 12.10... can't install, plz help)11:07
IndustrialHow do I replace openjdk-7-jre with the one from oracle?11:08
eudmarhow do i make my ubuntu faster?11:08
Industrialeudmar, you buy better hardware. what kind of a question is that ..11:08
vedicwind_: use synaptic11:08
wind_eudmar, u can google this problem11:08
vedicwind_: what problem do you face?11:09
wind_vedic, i can'tinstall twinkle (softphone) under ubuntu 12.10.11:09
wind_it was removed from repository11:09
Fuzzlesanyone know when steam for linux comes out of beat?11:09
vediceudmar: Increase RAM, reduce GUI effects, unnecessary packages and disable services do you don't need by default.11:10
eudmarI installed ubuntu, but it crashes, I installed another graph and not fought like kurumun, why?11:10
Tex_NickRip003 : have you looked at this link ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/235049/my-mac-mini-late-2012-will-not-show-any-wireless-networks-ubuntu-12-1011:10
vedicwind_: What problem you face when installed that softphone? Did you try synaptic package manager?11:10
eudmarI have 4 gigs of ram11:10
Tex_Nicktoo late :(11:11
wind_no, i didn't11:11
vedicwind_: try that.11:11
vedicwind_: only you can understand that page11:12
IndustrialWhy does ubuntu install OpenJDK with the package default-jre? I'm trying to run Webstorm, which warns agains openJDK, and it looks ugly as hell. not like in windows or OSX.11:12
eudmarTEM alguem Que Fala los portugês11:12
Industrialall rough edged fonts, chunky graphics from 1995 :(11:12
wind_i tried install it from deb,  libboost-regex1.46.1 dependency not found11:13
eudmarwhich the graph faster for linux? how to install11:13
wind_this package was removed in 12.10: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/universe/base/libboost-regex1.46.111:14
vedicwind_: do you know anything about synaptic or apt-get? Why don't you try them?11:15
IndustrialHow do I switch from OpenJDK to NOT openJDK, whatever that may be? Can I install Oracle JDK on Ubuntu?11:15
Industrialfonts look shitty with OpenJDK11:16
Korny2uninstall openjdk install oracle11:16
Industrialwhats the package?11:16
Industrialthe package default-jre installs openjdk11:16
Korny2Actually its been a while, if I remeber right there is a way to just choose what java you want ot use11:17
Tex_NickIndustrial : please keep the language family friendly ... we have kids here at times :-)11:18
=== rakesh is now known as Guest9988
Korny2Industrial, http://java.dzone.com/articles/choosing-java-version-ubuntu11:19
Guest9988can you tell me how to install java compiler in ubuntu11:20
lucaInstallazione pacchetti Ubunto, messaggio "Richiede l'installazione di pacchetti non fidati"11:20
Guest9988luca tell me in english11:21
Tex_Nick!it | luca11:21
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:21
test___!mars | luca11:22
test___Hi all!11:22
test___When will be 13.04?11:22
theadmintest___: April, 2013. That's what the version numbers mean, year.month11:23
test___I know but alpha?11:23
theadmintest___: #ubuntu+1 for the discussion of unreleased versions, not here11:23
mtrakerthe live version for ppc is it only lubuntu ?11:23
thoughtfulgoblinhey i'm running apt-get upgrade and i get The following packages cannot be authenticated! for  libnacl-optimized.. now that sounds kinda scary for something that involves ACLs .. any idea why i'm getting the message, if i should continue or what i can do to fix the issues11:24
lundyhi guys just loaded xubuntu-desktop .... loaded it up and selected "blank profile" :/ how can i load the default template ?11:25
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: Are you using any third-party repositories (aka PPAs)?11:25
thoughtfulgoblinI'm not sure, it's a default VM11:25
thoughtfulgoblinfrom my provider.. is there anyway i can check?11:25
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: Is there anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?11:26
thoughtfulgoblinjust that11:26
theadminlundy: Well, you could remove ~/.xfce4/, but just right-click the panel and add whatever you feel necessary, that's more customization for you11:26
thoughtfulgoblintheadmin: inside that file it has deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pitti/postgresql/ubuntu precise main11:26
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: ...This repo is odd11:27
lundytheadmin, i want the default one as a template ...11:27
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: But well, that's not what's causing the problem.11:27
lundythen ill customize it over time11:27
theadminlundy: Then remove ~/.xfce4 and re-login11:28
thoughtfulgoblintheadmin: hmmm.. right it looks like that's what it's using for postgres.. but i thought postgres would be in the standard list of packages11:28
lundytheadmin, im not that good a this stuff just yet :P11:28
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: "libnacl-optimized" is not in the default repos for Precise, so it must come from that PPA. Assuming that, it should be normal for such an issue to arise.11:28
theadminlundy: rm -r ~/.xfce4 # Run this from a terminal11:29
lundyrm: cannot remove `/home/lundy/.xfce': No such file or directory11:29
thoughtfulgoblintheadmin: normal for it complain that it can't authenticate the pacakage?11:29
thoughtfulgoblini'm assuming libnacl is for getfacl and setfacl11:29
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: It's from a third-party repo, and it seems you just don't have the key for that repo. So yeah, normal.11:29
theadminthoughtfulgoblin: Nah, those come from the "acl" package.11:29
lundytheadmin, would this be it? /usr/share/xfce4/panel11:30
thoughtfulgoblinoh :/ why would i have this thing installed then11:30
theadminlundy: No, ~/.xfce4 (~ is your home directory)11:30
theadminlundy: Oh, my bad, it's ~/.config/xfce411:30
thoughtfulgoblinworked out what it was from :)11:30
theadminGod those people love to move things around11:31
thoughtfulgoblinsome tunneling app called quicktun :)11:31
lundylundy@Laptop:~$ ls11:31
lundyDesktop    Downloads         Music     Public     Videos11:31
lundyDocuments  examples.desktop  Pictures  Templates11:31
lundy:) lol11:31
FloodBot1lundy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:31
theadminlundy: It's a hidden folder, ls -a to see it11:31
IndustrialKorny2, that link only shows openJDK aswell, and I cannot find anything but OpenJDK in apt-get. Please dont tell me all java applications look this bad in Ubuntu: http://images.gammatester.com/pics/87102b4307b07b4c3f5ff1ce13680784.png11:32
Korny2Industrial,  you need to install the oracle java then switch using that11:32
IndustrialKorny2, that has been my question all along11:33
theadminIndustrial: I don't see anything that looks bad there... Also, yay, an i3 user :P11:33
Industrialhow do I install the oracle SDK11:33
Industrialtheadmin, the fonts are all jagged11:33
theadminIndustrial: Oh, you may need the Microsoft fonts, dunno11:33
skockanyone have the isight.fw file for the macbook 4.1 model? I replaced my osx and I didn't save it :( please help me11:33
theadminIndustrial: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/ttf-mscorefonts-installer11:33
lundytheadmin, thanks11:34
lundythats worked a charm11:34
Korny2Industrial,  if you plan on being sucessful with linux in general you will need to look things up for yourself, a quick google search revealed multiple pages on how to install it http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jre-7-jdk.html?m=011:35
IndustrialKorny2, hah, I've been using linux since I was 12. I was asking about the availability of SUN JDK in apt-get because I could not find it11:36
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:36
thoughtfulgoblinhow do you block all outgoing connections from a server so that someone with root access still can not make an outgoing connection? put it on a private network and proxy it?11:36
theadminIndustrial: Well, the Oracle/Sun java are not in the Ubuntu repositories11:37
theadminIndustrial: So you have to get them from java.com and manually install. Quite a bother if you ask me :/11:37
dr_willistheres unofficial ppa's and repos that have scripts to automate it..11:37
dr_willisnice of oracle to be so supportive of linux11:38
theadmindr_willis: Well, Sun had a partnership with Canonical which allowed them to provide Sun Java in the repos, but Oracle didn't prolong that.11:38
theadmindr_willis: Or something along those lines I'm no lawyer, dunno the details :P11:38
skockanyone could upload for me the AppleUSBVideoSupport file for ubuntu? my macbook is a 4.1 model11:38
dr_willisthe whole idea of 'you must download this from us...... even tho we give it away freely' is just silly11:39
Industrialdr_willis, corporate interest is usually silly.11:39
Industrial'because some guy in a suit said so' :)11:39
dr_willisdont get me ranting on the current annoyance i have with coportate anti-copying meaasures on such Highly Pirated DVDs as... lets see..  'The Complet Collection of Ma and Pa Kettle Movies' i got for $4 at walmart..... but cant play it in any of my dvd players....11:42
dr_willisWe all know all the kids want that disk!11:42
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dr_willismakes me wonder how much they would charge if they dident have to license the DECSS and lame Anti copy  crud. ;)11:43
POVaddctcontent mafia.11:43
Tex_Nickskock : is this related to iSight ?11:44
dr_willisHmm. I see i got a kernel update today.. and its also installing kernel-headers to match the kernel.. Now Just yesterday someone was having issues with his system NOT installing the headers for new kernels.. breaking his video drivers...11:45
dr_williswas he confused about this? or was it somthing other then headers he needed?11:45
theadmindr_willis: The whole kernel upgrade mechanism on Ubuntu is quite odd.11:45
theadmindr_willis: It might have happened that he removed linux-headers-generic (which is possible and does NOT remove the actual headers, just stops them from upgrading), so...11:46
dr_willisyea. i recall him saying every time he got a new kernel.. his X  or wifi drivers would break.11:46
phoenixsamprashi hi11:48
skockyes Tex_Nick11:48
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Tex_Nickskock : see if this helps ... http://turanct.wordpress.com/tag/appleusbvideosupport/11:49
skockyes Tex_Nick  the link doesnt work11:50
lundyoh this is going to take some getting used to coming from windows :/11:51
Tex_Nickskock : you mean ... http://turanct.wordpress.com/tag/appleusbvideosupport/ ... doesn't work ?11:52
skockno Tex_Nick  i meant or you can download it from "here". (unzip this first)11:52
Tex_Nickskock : hmmm ... funny it worked for me11:54
anoNxeRohisto, when i tried to "update-alternatives --config python" on lucid i get this error "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python." can someone help?11:55
thoughtfulgoblinhmmm.. any idea how one is supposed to install google-v8 in ubuntu?11:55
anoNxeRoi have python 2.6 and 2.7 installed11:55
bekksthoughtfulgoblin: Whats "google-v8"?11:55
thoughtfulgoblinv8 javascript engine11:55
oddbehreifAfternoon, people. I need some help getting past an error that's stopping me from installing Ubuntu, should I bother you with this or the guys over at the non-technical Ubuntu education channel?11:55
thoughtfulgoblinbekks: i can compile it, but then i'm not sure what i should be doing then11:56
Tex_Nickskock : if for some reason you can't get the file, guess i could DCC it to you11:56
ankrSooo... I had mounted a remote folder using sshfs and then my laptop ran out of power.... This is what I saw when I turned it back on: https://gist.github.com/cf46aa4aabc704d823d911:57
ankrAny help is appreciated!11:57
POVaddctankr: your laptop was the server or the machine your were running sshfs on?11:58
xkernel"Software Update" application showing more things to be installed than apt-get update!!?? now I upgraded from the command line but still the GUI app show other updates11:59
dannymichelThis has never happened to me before. I installed OS X, then installed Linux, did GPTSYNC so I could install WIndows on a partition, and the Windows FAT32 placeholder partition I created was not showing in the WIndows setup. It was just showing the OS X partition and the windows partition as one lump of unalocated space. This is what GPTSYNC shows http://pastie.org/603299111:59
ankrPOVaddct, on my laptop I have sshfs installed which I used to mount a folder from a remote server.11:59
skocksorry Tex_Nick  it would be great! could you upload it on mediafire? im on a webchat11:59
ankroutput is from my laptop11:59
POVaddctankr: so the sshfs mount still existed after a power cycle of the notebook?12:00
ankrPOVaddct, dev/ is a folder that always exists, it's just the target folder when I mount.12:01
ankrIt's where I mount onto12:01
erupterpkg-config question: can anybody think of a way to justify the fact that I'm not seeing all the available libraries from a remote shell, while in local I see them?12:01
POVaddctankr: you are mounting sshfs over /dev? what's the purpose?12:01
dr_willissshfs over /dev? that wouldent seem possible.12:02
POVaddctdr_willis: i thought so12:02
dr_willisI make a /home/username/SSHfs  for all mine to go into. ;)12:02
dr_willisand a script to remount them all when i login12:02
llutzdr_willis: POVaddct i guess he uses $HOME/dev   not /dev12:02
ankrPOVaddct, ~/code/dev12:03
POVaddctankr: ah okay12:03
llutzankr: sudo fusermount -u ~/code/dev12:03
dr_willishere we are in a day and age when we can have 100000+ character filenames.. and people still use  shortcuts. ;)12:03
POVaddctllutz: i was just about to suggest that :)12:03
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oddbehreifDoes Ubuntu support installation on NTFS at all? I googled this but got a lot of mixed results to the point that it got outright confusing12:03
POVaddctllutz: but i still wonder why that mount still exists after the notebook was turned off12:04
ankrPOVaddct, llutz that worked perfectly - thanks alot for your help :)12:04
llutzdr_willis: who wants to remember /path/thisisanonspeakingdirectorynamewithoutspacesjustbecauseicanuselongnames ?12:04
llutzPOVaddct: the mountpoint always exist12:04
POVaddctllutz: but not the mount itself12:04
llutzPOVaddct: ~/code/dev  is the mountpoint, not the content12:05
Dark_ApostropheHello, what's the best way to get up-to-date AMD graphics drivers without sacrificing apt-based updating?12:05
Dark_Apostrophe(Also, are the open source drivers or the proprietary ones better for video playback?)12:06
POVaddctllutz: i know that. but fusermount -u implies that a *mount* still exists12:06
lolmausI've got an Ubuntu 12.04 Server headless box. After a hard-reboot, it displays a GRUB menu and won't boot until i attach a display and a keyboard and ask him to. How do i make him boot automatically even after a hard-reboot?12:06
bel3atarDark_Apostrophe: proprietary are much better for anything and everything12:07
dr_willisor its clearing out some old stale settings/pid files for the fuser stuff...12:07
Dark_ApostropheFigured as much - but more of a pain as far as updates go?12:07
llutzdr_willis: correct12:07
bel3atarlolmaus: you can configure grub from /boot12:07
POVaddctllutz: ah okay12:07
dr_willisDark_Apostrophe:  just stick to the ones in the repos.. they should be the most useable and least prone to breaking.12:08
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:08
Dark_Apostrophedr_willis: Yeah, but they're choppy with HD video12:08
l057c0d3r_u want a pain during updage.. install gentoo :-p12:08
dr_willisDark_Apostrophe:   theres no guarentee the newer will be any better.12:08
dr_willisor it may be choppy and not due to the ati drivers.. but compiz issues12:09
Dark_Apostrophedr_willis: No, but with very new hardware, there's a good chance they may be12:09
Dark_ApostropheHmm... that's a good point.12:09
dr_williswith very new hardware.. you are going tobe prone to more breakage problems12:09
Dark_ApostropheIs there a way for VLC to auto-disable compiz when it starts?12:10
dr_willisati is not very good at supporting the latest hardware with their linux drivers.... or their old hardware....12:10
dr_willisok.. lets just say it.. we are lucky any of their drivers work... ;P12:10
Dark_ApostropheWith the recent Steam announcement, one would think AMD would be throwing more weight behind Linux driver development12:11
dr_willisI think AMD may be in for a very rough road ahead12:11
Dark_ApostropheThey've been on a rough road for years12:11
Dark_ApostropheBeen declining since the Athlon XP era - with a brief glimmer of hope around the introduction of AMD64.12:12
ioriazykotick: i solved the issue with emacs in text mode: just 'emacs -nw filename' , no need to install emcacs-nox12:13
l057c0d3r_i've had good luck with my amd video card..  using the updated drivers12:13
dr_willisas for better video playback.. compiz has a vsync option ive used in the past to reduce tearing.. and vlc has some fliter options that i have also played with.12:13
ioriazykotick9: i solved the issue with emacs in text mode: just 'emacs -nw filename' , no need to install emacs-nox12:13
l057c0d3r_Dark_Apostrophe, i'm not sure of other ways of doing it.. but on my setup of gnome / cairo-dock i have a composit button on my system tray that i can click to turn compiz on and off...12:13
dr_willisI tend to not play many HD videos however.. and most of what i watch is anime.. :) so your settings may differ12:13
Dark_Apostrophel057c0d3r_: How do you update them?12:14
Dark_Apostrophel057c0d3r_: I'm running Kubuntu, though. Not sure if there's a KDE equivalent - but maybe the System Settings options would be adequate.12:14
l057c0d3r_instead if installing fglrx i installed fglrx-update12:14
dr_willisive seen KDE widigits to turn on/off composit12:14
l057c0d3r_the compiz on off thing is a part of cairo-dock on my install12:14
ioriadr_willis: naruto ? :-)12:15
dr_willisioria:  allready seen all those. :) watching Rock Lees adventurs now.. ;P12:15
l057c0d3r_honestly.. i leave my compiz on unless im playing a game..  doesnt seem to affect video12:15
ioriadr_willis: yappiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii12:15
l057c0d3r_and in the amd control center i leave antialis off.12:16
Dark_Apostrophel057c0d3r_: What kind of card do you have?12:16
phoenixsamprashow to fix errors in a xfat partition?12:16
l057c0d3r_AMD RADEON HD 7660g12:17
Dark_ApostropheMine is 7660D12:17
Dark_ApostropheGuessing they're almost identical12:17
l057c0d3r_Dark_Apostrophe, you have a desktop or laptop12:18
l057c0d3r_thats the difference'12:18
l057c0d3r_i have the laptop version of that card12:18
Dark_ApostropheWell, it's a trinity APU - could work in a heavy-duty laptop too, I guess12:18
Tex_NickDark_Apostrophe:  out of curiosity ... what amd/ati card or apu are you running ... i ask because i build some amd/apu pc's am interested in related problems12:18
l057c0d3r_Dark_Apostrophe, http://uppix.net/3/3/9/c5a976c8602d919bc628612eed78f.png :-) my setup running netflix12:18
Dark_ApostropheTex_Nick: A10-5800K12:19
Dark_ApostropheI built a completely soundless system, no moving drives or fans; passive cooling. The only issue I've had so far is that the 150W PSU is probably insufficient, resulting in system crashes. Going to replace it once the manufacturer finishes their long-promised 250W model.12:20
dr_willishmm.. Ok.. amazon is getting on my nerves.. trying to watch prime videos - they say 'dont use chrome' use ff.. well i was using ff.. now trying google-chrome and i get this...12:21
dr_willisIf you're using the Chrome browser with Linux, you must disable PPAPI to continue using Amazon Instant Video. You can also use a different Web12:21
Tex_NickDark_Apostrophe:  ahhh ok thanks for the feedback ... FYI i,ve done a couple of cheap builds with that APU using a relatively cheap MoBo (ECS) they run 1080p videos without issues, while multitasking12:21
dr_willisWhat is PPAPI?12:21
mehdi_hey fellas installed my Nvidia graphic but when i goto dash menu its gets slow wat should i do?12:21
Dark_ApostropheTex_Nick: I've got a forum post and pictures of my setup, if you're interested12:22
=== mint is now known as Visitor___
Visitor___I at least partially figures out the problem. MBR partition tables want 4 partitions, but i have like 6. when i run gptsync, it finds my 3 linux partitions and the mac efi partition on top. is there a way to dictate to gptsync which partitions i want it to see for the mbr partition table?12:22
Tex_NickDark_Apostrophe:  hey would really like to have a look at that :-)12:23
lundyso in xchat is there a way to setup Auto auth to NIckServ?12:23
dr_willislundy:   Yes.  its in the server se4ttings i recall. or you can do an on connect command12:23
l057c0d3r_lundy yes12:24
lundycant seem to find it12:24
lundyoh wait12:24
lundygot it12:24
Ben64lundy: its where it says "nickserv password"12:24
lundytake it Connect Command is for auto join channels?12:25
lundyno wait fav channels is12:25
Ben64connect command is just that, runs whatever on connect12:25
QasaurSo I have the worst problem12:26
Ben64Qasaur: get a new computer12:26
lundygetting there :P thanks guys your very helpful :D12:26
l057c0d3r_Ben64, is there a way to make it wait a min before casting that command..  or making it do a command on channel connect instead :-p12:26
l057c0d3r_like a sleep() feature12:26
bekksQasaur: What is "the worst problem"?12:26
Visitor___MBR partition tables want 4 partitions, but i have like 6. when i run gptsync, it finds my 3 linux partitions and the mac efi partition on top. is there a way to dictate to gptsync which partitions i want it to see for the mbr partition table?12:26
Qasaurthis problem right12:26
FloodBot1Qasaur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
l057c0d3r_because that has always been my issue with connection commands..  i guess i'm going to have to write a script for what i want to do :-p12:27
bekks!enter | Qasaur12:27
ubottuQasaur: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:27
Ben64Visitor___: you might want to explain what that means12:27
QasaurMy built in soundcard won't work, I have to use my USB headsets because I  can't plugin my normal headphones into the headphone jack12:27
Ben64l057c0d3r_: possibly12:27
QasaurThis is a laptop by the way. Another problem is that the CD drive won't work12:27
=== l057c0d3r_ is now known as l057c0d3r
Ben64Qasaur: thats not the worst12:27
QasaurBen64, well it worked on Windows but stops working on Linux no matter what distro I use12:27
bekksQasaur: Which is neither vital, elementary nor "worse" :)12:28
l057c0d3rqasaur what flavor of linux are you using right now12:28
QasaurFine, :P12:28
Qasaurl057c0d3r, Ubuntu 12.0412:28
Ben64i was imagining your computer got hit by some sort of nuclear device and had become sentient12:29
l057c0d3ri had sound issues with lubuntu..  but never on ubuntu.. have you checked alsamixer to make sure everything is unmuted12:29
l057c0d3rnot sure if that is relevent on ubuntu though12:29
phoenixsamprashow to fix errors in a xfat partition?12:29
lundyso thats OS installed and updated hmmm now wot apps can I install12:29
bekksQasaur: Does it stop working or did it never work on Ubuntu?12:29
Korny2I know in older versions of alsa you had to configure it for a laptop type or it would play through both the speakers and headphones jacks hehe12:29
Qasaurbekks, never worked on Ubuntu12:30
bekksphoenixsampras: By starting windows and repair it from there.12:30
l057c0d3rand if you have an hdmi output on your computer.. make sure in the sound settings you have the hdmi output off.... and built in card enabled12:30
lundyAnti-Virus recommended for Ubuntu ?12:30
Ben64!virus | lundy12:30
ubottulundy: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:30
Qasaurl057c0d3r, the built in speakers work12:30
l057c0d3rlundy clamav12:30
lundy<3 thanks Ben6412:30
l057c0d3rbut it is really not needed12:31
l057c0d3rQasaur, k..  so refresh my memory..  what is the sound not working on12:31
lundykk ill leave it for now, anything I really should install ?12:31
Qasaurl057c0d3r, the headphone jack12:31
yourimym1help needed12:32
_helios_!ask | yourimym112:33
ubottuyourimym1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:33
Dark_ApostropheSending emergency kitten and chocolate to yourimym112:33
l057c0d3rhmm..  odd.. when i plug headphones in it autoswitches to them.   always has..12:33
l057c0d3ronly time i have had issues is when pluging in my turtle-beach headset..12:33
bonhoefferwhat should i format a drive to be accessible to mac and ubuntu (guid partition table)12:33
yourimym1while opening my software center some of lables gets fuzzy12:33
dr_willis!manual | lundy12:35
ubottulundy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:35
dr_willisa copy of that ubuntu manual should be on every default desktop ;)12:35
ioriayourimym1: can you be more specific, please ?12:37
yourimym1while opening my software center some of lables gets fuzzy  even texts while i browse anything , words gets pixelate until , ihover mouse over it , sry 4 bad english12:37
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ioriayourimym1: did you restarted ?12:38
yourimym1alot :D12:38
CatbuntuI created a GPG key on another partition, can I "import" it to my other Linux partition?12:40
CatbuntuI mean, I have a Linux Mint and an Ubuntu partition.12:40
bekksJust copy it.12:40
CatbuntuCopy what?12:41
CatbuntuIs there some .gpg folder or something?12:41
yourimym1should i type my problem again , how things works here ?12:41
ioriayourimym1: launch the program from the terminal and it will display the issues12:41
yourimym1i mean the problem while i use it12:42
xkernel"Software Update" application showing more things to be installed than apt-get update!!?? now I upgraded from the command line but still the GUI app show other updates, why is that??12:42
Noctiferis it perhaps possible to get this annoying 12.10 to  disable bluetooth at startup? Is it *that* hard to put this option into the bluetooth settings??12:43
Noctiferbut nice that there is a *shopping lense* now - things that are actually useless12:43
yourimym1anyone familiar with graphics issues here !?12:43
l057c0d3ryourimym1, depends.. what issue are you having12:44
bekks!anyone | yourimym112:44
ubottuyourimym1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:44
lundy:D loving this already ...12:45
l057c0d3rlundy :-)  yep me too..  especially after customizing it completely :-p12:46
yourimym1does anyone know , why some texts that appears in window label , or names of icon , or labels in software center , gets  pixelate, or fuzzy ? and it happen also in url bar while browsing , , ps; when i hover mouse over it turns okay12:46
l057c0d3ryourimym1, have you installed binary video drivers?12:47
lundyl057c0d3r, im still getting used to it but downloaded something where it puts menu bar at bottom and gives me a slight start menu like windows ... which is coming in very handy !!12:47
l057c0d3rlundy what flavor were you using again?12:48
lundysorry im new tot his "flavour"12:48
we6jbodosen't that have to do with something called anti aliasing or something I've seen in video games where the text isn't smooth12:48
yourimym1no x.org.x12:48
l057c0d3rubuntu / lubuntu/ kubunut....12:48
lundyoh i think my battery in my laptop is dying12:49
lundyjust pulled it off charge there and it shot to 39%12:49
l057c0d3ri see...  myself i installed lubuntu as a base..  removed lxde / openbox and lightdm ext ext. taking me back down to the kernel only...12:49
lundywithin seconds it went to 38 and now is at 37%12:49
nearstaw. compiling source to package is not fun12:50
l057c0d3rmaybe it didn't have a full charege to start ?12:50
lundyl057c0d3r, been on charge all last night12:50
l057c0d3rlundy after cleared it all off. installed gnome and cairo-dock.  use the cairo-dock(gnome) session.. and could not be happier12:50
l057c0d3rhmm that sucks.. sounds like battery is going bad12:51
flintserlundy: my old acer laptop said that its battery is damaged and only 27% of the full charge is left12:51
Dark_ApostropheOh, for those following the discussion about compositing some 10-15min ago, one can toggle it In KDE with alt-shift-F1212:51
angsI installed openssl by apt-get install. where does it keep the source files?12:51
flintserlundy: maybe your battery / mb doesnt support that feature12:51
ioriaangs: etc i think12:52
icerootangs: still in the repos12:52
lundyprobally damaged its a old laptop12:52
icerootangs: the source files are not part of a binary package, they are still in the source packages12:52
icerootangs: apt-get source packagename to get the source-code12:52
ioriaangs: sorry, the configuration files are in etc12:52
bonhoefferis there a command like ls, but shows all the sizes of the directories12:52
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
bonhoefferas in the size of the contents of the directories12:53
flintserbonhoeffer: ls -l12:53
lundyl057c0d3r, im not a fan of Docks ...12:53
icerootbonhoeffer: du12:53
angsthank you iceroot and ioria12:53
bonhoefferflintser, no, it shows all directory sizes as 409612:53
bonhoeffericeroot, thanks12:53
bonhoeffericeroot, so the trick is to do du with one level probably12:53
Ben64du -h --max-depth 112:54
l057c0d3rlundy, have you seen the screenshot of my box running netflix...  the docks are not quite what you may think with cairo-dock12:54
bonhoefferBen64, perfect12:54
lundyno i havnt seen it12:54
Ben64bonhoeffer: also ... "man du"12:54
flintserthis just camt to my mind, but is there a way to netflix without wine12:55
l057c0d3r!nvidia yourimym112:55
yourimym1does anyone know , why some texts that appears in window label , or names of icon , or labels in software center , gets  pixelate, or fuzzy ? and it happen also in url bar while browsing , , ps; when i hover mouse over it turns okay , using using x.org,xserver - nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video (open source)  , nvidia geforce gt N620 core edition12:55
yourimym1nvidia yes12:55
l057c0d3r!nvidia | yourimym112:56
ubottuyourimym1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:56
l057c0d3rlundy....  http://uppix.net/3/3/9/c5a976c8602d919bc628612eed78f.png12:56
bonhoefferhere is a tough one, any way to copy all image files (and their directory structure) to a new directory?12:58
l057c0d3ri have to admit..   i still like gnome after all these years..  however i hope they never get rid of there gnome(classic)  because i am deffinently not a fan of this metro style stuff12:58
bonhoefferfind . -iname "*.jpg" --exec mv {} /my/dir/ \; but that will only copy the files12:58
bonhoeffermove the files . . .12:58
bonhoefferi'm pretty sure i need to write a script12:59
Ben64you might want #bash12:59
lundyl057c0d3r, thats cool12:59
l057c0d3ronly reason i use ubuntu is for the kernel / apt13:00
bonhoefferBen64, agreed, but i might do it in ruby since i know that pretty well13:00
l057c0d3rand because of wubi13:00
l057c0d3rand apt is the big winner there....13:00
Ben64bonhoeffer: i meant the irc channel13:00
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l057c0d3ri remove everything else that comes with it..  do what i want with the system....   but ubuntu..  is by far my fav system....   gentoo a close second... although a lot harder to work with...13:01
lundyhttp://postimage.org/image/89z48vxsp/ my setup13:03
l057c0d3rand thanks to ppa's  ubuntu gets another plus :-) the gnome3-team ppa makes gnome work better in my opinion13:03
lundyl057c0d3r, http://postimage.org/image/89z48vxsp/13:04
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l057c0d3rlundy, nice nice.. what were you running again?13:06
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l057c0d3rmight replace my application menu with that one :-p13:06
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:06
l057c0d3rthen this system will be amazing :-p13:06
jpds!ot | actually13:06
ubottuactually: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:06
CatbuntuIn which repositories is the "nitro" package?13:07
CatbuntuIt doesn't appear at packages.ubuntu.com but it's at the software center...13:07
RabblerouserSo this is what my screenshots are looking like now http://i.imgur.com/cG7t5n3.png13:08
lundyl057c0d3r, cinnamon 2d13:08
l057c0d3rmight just have to replace my gnome with cinnamon for the application menu..13:09
lundyLOL Rabblerouser13:09
Rabblerouser:( is not funny. is bad.13:09
l057c0d3rwould fit in better with the cairo-dock panels menu's that open13:09
BluesKajHiyas all13:09
RabblerouserHow would I get around fixing it?13:09
lundyl057c0d3r, gl13:10
lundyRabblerouser, wots the problem with it13:10
RabblerouserI don't think my drivers are at fault.13:11
RabblerouserI really don't know the issue13:11
lundyscreen resolution?13:11
Rabblerouser1366 x 76813:11
vimerrrrrrranyone help me with the boot without full network configuration prob? any suggestions how to deal with that?thanks13:11
bekksRabblerouser: Which graphics driver do you use, and how did you install it?13:11
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pje335_NLhello all i got a question:13:13
pje335_NLwil Libreoffice be autoupdated to 4.0 wen it will be releast?13:13
CatbuntuOne question.13:13
CatbuntuIn which repo is this? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/nitro/13:14
Catbuntu(deb line)13:14
Rabblerouserhttp://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/ I used Tomasz's trick, outlined at the bottom there to install it13:14
flintserCatbuntu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cooperjona/nitrotasks13:14
xkernelwhy software update in the GUI app shows more updates that are not shown by apt-ge upgrade?13:15
flintserflintser: sudo apt-get update13:15
RabblerouserSorry about the wait. I posted it in another IRC by accident.13:15
Catbuntuflintser, by default it's using the PPA?13:15
Catbuntu(I already know about the PPA, I mean if it's on some Ubuntu repository)13:15
dr_willis!info nitro13:16
ubottuPackage nitro does not exist in quantal13:16
mpmcHey guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Thinkpad E525 (APU processor) all I'm getting is a scrambled screen, anyone have any ideas?13:16
dr_willis!find nitro13:16
ubottuFound: nitrogen, r-cran-funitroots13:16
pje335_NL wil Libreoffice be autoupdated to 4.0 wen it will be releasd?13:16
dr_willispje335_NL:  we really dont have inside info ;)13:17
flintserCatbuntu: if it is in software manager and you can install it it is somewhere in the default repos i think13:17
dr_willispje335_NL:  you may want to check/post the question at askubuntu.com13:17
CatbuntuYes, but the odd thing is that it doesn't appear on packages.ubuntu.com13:17
CatbuntuAnd the bot can't find it, too.13:17
pje335_NLow oke i wil do that:)13:17
pje335_NLthank you for helping me out:)13:17
flintserCatbuntu: i dont know much about these things but maybe because it is proprietary?13:18
dr_willismpmc:  tryed the nomodeset option yet? weird that an thinkpad would bneed it...13:18
k1lpje335_NL: new software versions come with new ubuntu releases. so there might be no update after that13:18
CatbuntuBut where are the propietary packages?13:18
dr_williswhere? if you add their repository. they show up in the package manager tools listings13:19
mpmcdr_willis: I have selected it in the other options at the install screen, but it doesn't have any effect.13:19
pje335_NLthe propietary packages?13:19
pje335_NLk1l: so in 13.04?13:19
dr_willismpmc:  there used to be a fairly active thinkpad forum on the ubuntu forums..13:19
markveidemanisJoin #mtmt please13:19
dr_willis!backports | pje335_NL13:19
ubottupje335_NL: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:19
dr_willispje335_NL:  or you could look for a PPA for it - if you need it badly enough13:20
k1lpje335_NL: if its released before the freeze for raring. yes13:21
pje335_NLnext week i think :)13:21
Rabblerouserlundy, still there?13:21
k1lpje335_NL: best thing is to ask the maintainer13:21
pje335_NLi will update it mealnualy but i was just wondering13:22
flintserCatbuntu: dunno, tried searching my /etc/apt/sources.list but didnt find nitro in there13:22
Catbuntuneither me13:22
flintserCatbuntu: i cnt install it from apt, but software manager sees it, so maybe it just adds the repo and installs it from there13:24
flintserCatbuntu: i'd just add the coopernoda/nitrotasks repo and install it from apt that way13:26
CatbuntuYep, that's what I did.13:26
RabblerouserFind it funny how I'm getting better support in a game's channel >.>13:29
Ronalds_MHello, I have this amazing app called gbrainy, my native language isn't native in this app on 12.04, can I change it, somehow?13:31
mike160can anyone help me out am trying to install this program in ubuntu and i keep geting chmod: cannot access `/usr/bin/thumbnailme': No such file or directory when i do sudo dpkg -i Thumbnailme_2.1_i386.deb13:38
bekksmike160: Then it was not installed to /usr/bin/thumbnailme13:39
Rip003hey guys, I got my wireless working! :D13:39
wskygood for you13:39
QasaurRip003, awesome!13:40
lundy:) go u13:40
mike160bekks so what do i need to do to get this program install13:40
Rip003only thing not plying now is my magic trackpad :/13:40
bekksmike160: You just have to find out where it was installed to: dpkg -L Thumbnailme13:40
QasaurShould I use XFCE4 or GNOME313:41
QasaurI'm on Unity at the moment and I want to change13:41
Qasaurbut I can't decide between those two13:41
auronandaceQasaur: try both and see what you like13:41
mike160bekks when i do L Thumbnailme13:41
mike160i get13:41
bekksmike160: Use a pastebin please :)13:42
Rip003So how do I get this trckpad to work? Last thing I need before I use Ubuntu entirely.13:42
mike160whats a pastbin13:42
dr_willis!pastebin | mike16013:42
ubottumike160: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:42
dr_willismike160:  where did this package come from?13:43
dr_willismike160:  install the pastebinit command. it helps out a lot :)13:43
dr_willissudo apt-get install pastebinit13:43
mike160i download it13:43
dr_willismike160:  you downloaded it.. well.. yes...     and WHERE did it come from?13:44
Qasaurdifference between Xubuntu and just installing XFCE?13:45
auronandaceQasaur: the default apps13:45
dr_willisxubuntu-desktop is the full xubuntu package.. with extras,,13:45
dr_willisthings xfce may not include13:45
Qasaurwell if I want to use XFCE13:45
Qasaurwhat should I download?13:45
mike160dr_willis from http://www.thumbnailme.com/13:46
auronandaceQasaur: xfce413:46
dr_willisi would just install the xubuntu-desktop package13:46
QasaurI want to completely replace Unity13:46
ioriaQasaur: there is also KDE out there13:47
auronandaceQasaur: don't bother removing unity, it will cause you headaches13:47
dr_willismike160:  the current windows version of thumbnailme seems to be 3.0 while that linux deb is version 2.1  looks like it  dosent get much linux support...13:47
Qasaurauronandace, what do you mean?13:47
Qasaurioria, KDE is a little too bloated for me13:47
QasaurI prefer GTK antway13:47
dr_willisQasaur:  install the other desktops.. and try them... dont bother removeing them unless you get tight on hd space.13:48
ioriaQasaur: lxde maybe13:48
Authoritaaawhere are my lulz im here13:48
auronandaceQasaur: just install xfce and use it, no need to remove unity (which will drag a ton of dependencies with it)13:48
Qasaurauronandace, I see,13:48
mike160yeah i know13:49
dr_willismike160:  from the errors the software center just gave.. it seems the guy dosent know much about packageing things for linux..  if you need that app badly.. you could try the windows binary in wine.13:49
mike160but i had it install befor it just cant get it to work now13:49
hillaryThis is what i get when i start eclipse in ubuntu 12.04 "An error has occurred. See the log file13:50
hillaryWhere could be the mess?13:50
mike160i tryed the windows one with wine wont run13:50
auronandacehillary: read the log file13:51
dr_willismike160:  well im not even going to try to install it here to test it... sorry13:51
hillaryauronandace, I seem not to be understanding pleas13:51
xkernelwhy software update in the GUI app shows more updates that are not shown by apt-ge upgrade?13:51
auronandacehillary: you've just posted exactly where the log file is13:52
auronandace!dist-upgrade | xkernel13:52
ubottuxkernel: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:52
xkernelauronandace, I didn't do dist-upgrade13:53
xkernelubottu, !upgrade13:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:53
auronandacexkernel: i know, thats why i pointed it out13:53
auronandacexkernel: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade does more than sudo apt-get upgrade13:54
Authoritaaasudo died a fatal death13:54
xkernelauronandace, and the GUI software update app executes dist-upgrade instead ?13:54
hillaryauronandace, I have located what do i do with it?13:54
auronandacexkernel: i'd assume so yes, because that deals with dependencies13:54
auronandacehillary: its a log file, you read it13:55
xkernelauronandace, thanks. why the un-supported updates are by default checked in the software sources?13:55
Li2nebonjours, j'ai un soucie pour lequel j'ai du mal a trouvé une solution en ligne13:56
zykotick9!fr | Li2ne13:56
ubottuLi2ne: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:56
Authoritaaaove la foof13:56
Authoritaaaove la foof13:57
auronandacexkernel: not sure sorry13:57
Li2neI've a issus witout easy solution in online forums13:57
teknokadimhi people. i want to freeze system drive(sda3) and save all changes on sda4 (mounted on /overlay) so i think user overlyfs and use this command ( mount -t overlayfs overlayfs / -o lowerdir=/,upperdir=/overlay) is it false or have a bug. idont see /overly files in / and when i create file/folder it save on sda3 not sda4. can you how a idea?13:58
Li2neI've reinstall my system with 'encrypte home' checked.13:58
Li2nebut /home was already encrypted13:58
Li2neso now i cannot access my /home/login13:59
Li2nei gess it's encrypted two time with two differents password13:59
hillaryauronandace, Content of the log file is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1604516/14:00
auronandacetry sudo apt-get install libswt-gtk-3-java14:03
mike160dr_willis do you know of any other program like thumbnailme that works well in ubuntu14:03
auronandacehillary: try sudo apt-get install libswt-gtk-3-java14:03
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
linxehmike160: imagemagick probably14:11
y2jhi im trying to install the epson lq-300 esc/p2 any idea?14:11
mike160linxeh ok thanks14:11
=== Jarvis is now known as Guest11063
harkirat_anybody on ubuntu 12.1014:12
linxehmike160: convert command will delegate to ffmpeg to extract frames from the video and output in the format you specify14:12
ThinkT510harkirat_: many are14:12
harkirat_i want the original sources.list14:12
harkirat_indian user14:12
lundyi am harkirat_14:13
Li2nei've found ecryptfs-recover-private14:13
harkirat_can u please mail me that at sahib5243@gmail.com14:13
mike160linxeh ok thanks again14:13
tdruskHey guys. I am having some trouble with the netflix-desktop package. The playback is very slow and choppy. I am on a fresh install of Ubuntu. This is my lspci -v(http://pastebin.com/EfUkmCpw) and my dmidecode(http://pastebin.com/82iq9xLg). I feel like there is probably a bottleneck somewhere. Any tips?14:13
ThinkT510harkirat_: probably would have been safer to suggest a pastebin rather than post your email14:14
eegoreanyword on whenthey are going to bring out the note II with Ubuntu preloaded?14:14
harkirat_ThinkT510: kindly send me that some how?14:14
y2jhow do i install the latest amd catalyst driver for workstation card?14:14
y2jusing ubuntu14:15
lundyharkirat_, http://pastie.org/603338914:15
auronandaceharkirat_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1604574/14:16
harkirat_lundy: thanks :)14:16
harkirat_auronandace: thanks to u too :D14:16
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bonhoefferwhat would be the best way to image a usb drive into another (dd?)14:29
bonhoefferi _think_ i backed up all the files from the usb drive, but i would like to image it as a backup just in case14:30
BluesKajbonhoeffer, afaik dd should do it14:30
JonEdneyHey everyone.  I have /home and / on seperate partitions.  If I put the 12.10 CD back in to re-install, and select reformat for / but not /home, would that reinstall 12.10, but leave my homedir alone?14:32
icerootJonEdney: yes14:32
JonEdneyiceroot, Thank you.  I assumed, but wanted to confirm before I did the needful.14:32
Dark_Apostrophebonhoeffer: If you want a more automated system, Clonezilla is also good. But probably overkill in most situations.14:32
icerootJonEdney: on the partion-layout manager just say to use the old /home as the new /home without reformating14:32
bonhoefferDark_Apostrophe, thanks14:32
AraneidaeHi.  I'm trying to follow instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for AMD graphics (Xubuntu 12.10) and there's no option for "fglrx-experimental-X"14:33
teknokadim<JonEdney> yes. but you must partitioning manuel not auto14:33
Dark_ApostropheClonezilla Live is great for full-disk and partition backups. Used it to migrate a production Windows server from a dying disk to a new one (though it wouldn't work with RAID, apparently).14:33
AraneidaeAre the instructions out of date, or am I doing something wrong?14:33
shaokchello everyone14:37
singharkiratshaokc: hello14:37
l057c0d3ris there a way to turn the fan speed up inside a lappy??14:40
l057c0d3rmy lappy idles at around 39 to 50c14:40
l057c0d3rbut when im watching netflix on it..  or playing a game..  it jumps to 70 to 80c14:40
flclawwwww so cute14:40
l057c0d3reven with a fan under it14:41
l057c0d3rand i'm a little worried about it.. because the temp gauge redlines almost14:41
AraneidaeSince when did Ubuntu start pretending it's Apple??  Whatever happened to progress reports and visible logs, when installing software, FFS?14:43
solidoodlesupporGood morning Penguin people!14:45
Cottusis there a way to extract a single file from a tar archive?14:45
flclohayo! ^_^14:46
flcltotal commander can do that, i think )14:47
jribCottus: tar xf archive.tar.gz file     I believe14:47
zykotick9Cottus: this page explains file/directory extracting from tar http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-extracting-specific-files/14:48
Cottusjrib: indeed14:48
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Noaland done a recent apt upgrade, X won't start now : failed to initialize relative axis on my microsoft keyboard.14:53
cgatoi alquem ai pode me ajudar aconfigurar o ubuntu14:53
solancerhey guys quick question14:56
compdocis there a package for linux OSes that allows specific services to run at boot, and prevent non-authorized services from running?14:56
bekkscompdoc: Basically: no.14:57
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ThinkT510solancer: i'm not sure your question is that quick...14:58
solancerI have 2 monitors connected to my ubuntu machine. How can I share a libre office document on both the monitors( left half on 1 monitor and right half on the other)14:58
solancerThinkT510, I'm a sloppy typer14:59
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flclhey Justin )15:01
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fisixjuego ubuntu juego...15:03
DJonesfisix: Wrong terminal15:03
ThinkT510fisix: /quit15:04
escott_solancer, LO has a side by side viewing mode and then you could just stretch the single window across the two screens15:05
bassohow can i make my system use more ram?15:07
bassoi have soo much ram now15:07
bekksIt will use the RAM it wants/needs to use automagically.15:07
ThinkT510basso: it will be used when it is needed15:07
escott_basso, there are some kernel tunables related to how long things get cached, but usually you just install the ram into the computer and turn it on15:08
y2jneed to intall catalyst driver ubutu15:08
bassoi have disabled swap, installed preload, mounted /tmp in ram15:08
xkernelhow to import ssh key in seahorse?15:10
nemoSo. Rhythmbox is refusing to rip. says I need to install something15:10
nemoso I click install, and nothing more happens. just repeats same message15:11
wjtaylor_I had a raid failure event. How do I diagnose the drive?15:11
nemoon a hunch, I fired up synaptic and installed the python ogg encoding package.  but that didn't seem to help, even after a restart15:11
nemonot finding too much in googling either.  any tips?15:11
escott_wjtaylor, smartctl in smartmon-tools15:11
lundyanyone know how I can fix this15:12
lundyupdatedb: can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'15:12
escott_lundy, you need to run updatedb as root15:13
lundy:P wait sudo updatedb15:13
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lundy:/ my bdad15:13
lundynot used to this yet15:13
escott_lundy, i think its configured differently on fedora, but ubuntu/debian wants you to be root15:13
nemoHrm. lemme shorten that onto one line given how noisy this channel usually is :)15:16
nemoWhat do I need to install to allow Rhythmbox to extract CDs?  Banshee has no trouble so I know I have vorbis encoding already.15:17
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nemohm. maybe Rhythmobox' failed install is dumping something to STDERR that might be a clue15:17
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fisixSTDERR is a faggot15:19
nemoah. there we go. usful info on stderr15:19
DJonesfisix: Any need for that?15:19
nemo"missing plugin for profile oggvorbis: gstreamer... etc"15:19
nemobleah. thought I dug through gstreamer stuff already15:19
nemoahhh. bad python version maybe.15:20
nemo"Python (v2.7) requires to install plugins to create media files of the following type"15:20
nemoI assume they mean "required"15:20
* nemo gives up and uses banshee15:20
fisixany need for what DJones?15:21
wonderyfor saying hi to me15:21
DJones!language | fisix, Keep it clean,15:21
ubottufisix, Keep it clean,: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:21
wonderyy so serious dj15:21
wonderysir DJ is angry ona language he speaks.....seems serious15:22
kiyouraa "nice way" to kick15:23
lundyfor some reason wen i try to edit a file in /var/www/ i get this "You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."15:27
llutz!permissions | lundy15:27
ubottulundy: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:27
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
user2897hi everyone; I heard that if you execute this code :(){ :|: & };: in the terminal it will hose yer system15:30
user2897is that true?15:30
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:31
DJones!danger | user289715:31
ubottuuser2897: please see above15:31
llutzuser2897: stop that15:31
sk1pperhi all, i have installed lm-sensors and when i run the command 'sensors' i see the temp1 temp2 etc. how can i change these variables to CPU, GPU etc.. ??15:31
llutzuser2897: don't paste that code here15:31
user2897why? that was part of my question15:31
llutzuser2897: if you're really interested in it and not a troll http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_bomb15:31
user2897ok llutz thanks15:32
SunilJoshisk1pper: you can configure there names from preferences option of  lm-sensors15:32
* SunilJoshi means Sensor preferences15:33
llutzuser2897: more detailed about the code above: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/understanding-bash-fork-bomb/15:33
sk1pperSunilJoshi: how? i see many temp1, temp2 etc in /etc/sensor3.conf I don't know which ones i have to change15:34
=== philippe is now known as Guest16421
lundystill cannot get it to write :/15:35
lundytrying to save index.php15:35
lundy-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 177 Feb  3 12:40 index.php15:35
ActionParsnipLundy: gksudo gedit      and you'll get write access, or:  sudo nano15:36
SunilJoshisk1pper: you mean which temp1 is what ? this is you need to knw15:37
lundyActionParsnip, if I just open the file in Notepad++ or even say gedit do I need to do it from command line everytime15:37
llutzlundy: those files are root-owned, so you need to use sudo/gksudo to edit them15:38
ActionParsnipLundy: can do the same from ALT+F215:38
ActionParsnipLundy: is there notepad++ for ubuntu15:39
lundyrunning it through "wine"15:39
sk1pperSunilJoshi: i will go to BIOS and see if i can find which is which, but afterwards how can i rename them so when i hit "sensors" command to see the CPU and not temp115:39
SunilJoshisk1pper: its working for me15:41
SunilJoshiFollow the samw what i wrote before and wait for the panel to update :)15:41
ActionParsnipLundy: I see, the file you are wanting to write to is root owned and only root has write access15:41
SunilJoshiyou can configure there names from Sensor preferences option of  lm-sensors15:42
sk1pperSunilJoshi: i don't understand what do you mean, which command should i run?15:44
Fuzzleswhats ubuntu 13.04 new icons called?15:46
SunilJoshisk1pper: i am not sure about the command, i am doing from UI itself... do you have preferences option there15:46
ActionParsnipFuzzles: #ubuntu+1 for e15:46
DJones!raring | Fuzzles15:46
ubottuFuzzles: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:46
JasperCoenraatsare one of you perhaps native anglish?15:47
FuzzlesJasperCoenraats, i am15:47
sk1pperSunilJoshi: there is no gui on the server so i need to find a command to do that :/15:47
SunilJoshisk1pper: ok..15:47
ActionParsnipJaspercoenraats: this is the English channel. Chances are most will be15:48
JasperCoenraatsIs the following correct:, Fuzzles: Defective Microsoft soft ware, in my humble opinion a plenasme15:48
FuzzlesJasperCoenraats, what do you mean?15:48
ActionParsnipJaspercoenraats: not heard plenasme15:48
JasperCoenraatsa phrase that gives twice the same information, like a "female girl"15:49
ActionParsnipJaspercoenraats: are you greek?15:49
DJones!ot | JasperCoenraats15:49
ubottuJasperCoenraats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:49
ActionParsnipJaspercoenraats: redundant    could be ued, the 2nd word isn't needed15:50
nemoActionParsnip: I'd say first word. 2nd offers more info :)15:50
nemo"police brutality"  sorry sorry15:51
SunilJoshihi, do we have package to see CAPS indicator, i am using ubuntu12.1015:51
nemook. now I'm really offtopic. pretty clear rhythmbox is not ever going to rip for me.  see y'all15:51
JasperCoenraatsI'm sorry for asking15:51
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wutang_does every channel has a # sign at the beginning?15:53
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/72001/how-do-i-install-indicator-keylock15:54
wutang_how can i list all the channels on irc.ubuntu.com using irssi ?15:54
ActionParsnipWutang_: yes, or a double #15:54
DJoneswutang_: Official channels are single # (eg #ubuntu) double # (eg ##hardware) are unofficial channels, join #freenode for more info on channels15:54
ActionParsnip! Alis | Wutang_15:54
ubottuWutang_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:54
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: obviously use the 2nd PPA instructions as you are using Quantal15:55
wutang_how do i get from here to #freenode?15:55
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: yup thanks got it, tryin now :)15:55
yourimym1does any one know how to install another gonme from cd without downloading it  ?15:56
wutang_what do i have to type in the command line to leave this channel?15:56
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: all I did was search the web. Easy stuff15:57
DJoneswutang_: /part #ubuntu15:57
silvafassgood afternoon15:57
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: i also searched the web before putting my question here, but 2-3 links are failing to install it15:57
ActionParsnipYourimym1: what is a gonme?15:57
yourimym1i want to change frome unity to gonme shell or kubuntu , try another desktop enviroment without downloading it ,15:58
j2daoshhow many threads can I open in linux?15:58
j2daoshlike what is the max number of threads i can spawn?15:59
j2daoshwithout killing the system15:59
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: 2nd link: http://www.google.co.uk/search?aq=f&client=chrome-mobile&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&q=caps+lock+indicator+ubuntu+12.1015:59
yourimym1does anyone can help me ?16:00
tomreynj2daosh: there are several restrictions, the most limiting, by default, is probably max # of open files: ulimit -n16:00
ActionParsnipYourimym1: you will need to download anything you don't have installed.  Both Unity and Gnome-shell are shells for Gnome. Unity isn't a desktop environment16:01
ActionParsnipJ2daosh: depends on the CPU16:01
=== nuxninja is now known as t-1000
j2daoshmy ulimit says 1024, but i have forked off 1204 already16:01
yourimym1so how can i install gonme-shell from cd ?16:02
ActionParsnipJ2daosh: an 8 core cpu at 3ghz will handle more threads easier than a single core atom16:02
j2daoshi'm not sure what this box is running16:02
j2daoshit's a crappy dell from work16:02
angs I have ubuntu 12.10. do you know what package do I need to install to have netlink/genl/genl.h library?16:02
ActionParsnipYourimym1: add the cd as a package source then install as normal16:02
j2daoshmaybe a dual-core, if i'm lucky. i never bother to check though16:03
tomreynj2daosh: cat /proc/couinfo16:03
tomreynj2daosh: cat /proc/cpuinfo16:03
zykotick9j2daosh: "lscpu" from terminal might tell you16:03
ActionParsnipJ2daosh: cat /proc/cpuinfo     will tell you16:03
abhi____can someone help me with backtrack eth0 wlan0 cannot connect to internet16:03
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yourimym1what if it on usb stick ?16:03
ActionParsnipAbhi____: ask in #backtrack-linux16:03
j2daoshPentium D 3.4 dual core16:04
ActionParsnipAbhi____: backtrack isn't supported here16:04
wutang_i have ubuntu 12.04, how can i read from my cd-rom?16:05
ActionParsnipJ2daosh: i'd check online what that CPU can handle16:05
j2daoshi suppose the only way for sure is for me to fork bomb it and print out the count until it dies and i have to reboot16:05
ActionParsnip! Aptcd16:05
ActionParsnipJ2daosh: sounds fun :)16:05
j2daoshshould get interesting, no doubt16:06
j2daoshsucks to be any wireless client on my network though... its about to get really laggy16:06
j2daosh(its the squid proxy lol)16:06
=== Clovertown_ is now known as Clovertown
yourimym1W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found16:07
yourimym1W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found16:07
yourimym1W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found16:07
yourimym1E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead16:07
ActionParsnipWutang_: ir you uncomment the top line in /etc/apt/sources.list      you can use the install media as a source of packages.  I doubt it will have kde if the media is for gnome16:08
yourimym1these come after i tried to sudo apt-get update16:08
ActionParsnipYourimym1: the PPA doesn't support your release and should be removed16:08
abhi____can someone please help me with resetting the network configurations in my backtrack5 r3...please i am unable to spk sin #backtrack-linux as i am not registered16:08
yourimym1ok how i remove it ?16:09
ActionParsnipYourimym1: if you start messing around adding 3rd party sources,  don't be surprised if you get issues16:09
yourimym1what do u mean16:09
ActionParsnipAbhi____: what part of "not supported here" don't you get. Its not an ubuntu issue.  I suggest you get registered.  Help for that is in #freenode16:10
yourimym1How to change Desktop Environments in Ubuntu 12.10 ?16:11
ActionParsnipYourimym1: you are adding packages made by some guy, there is no guaruntee they will not screw up your IS16:11
abhi____ActionParsnip it is an ubuntu issue.. BT is ubuntu only16:11
ActionParsnipYourimym1: to change DE, log off then select the desktop at ligin. It will obviously need to be installed first16:11
ActionParsnip! Backtrack | abhi____ its not16:12
ubottuabhi____ its not: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:12
invariantDoes anyone know how I can get more than the usual amount of independent X sessions?  Normally you can get about 6 or so (via Control-Alt-F7 to F12)16:12
abhi____ActionParsnip sir but i am new here and i dont know how to register in irc16:13
awayabhi____, you were just given instructions in #freenode16:13
SunilJoshiHi, i have lost my unity desktop how can i get it back using ccsm16:13
abhi____i just got it.. thanks16:14
ActionParsnipAbhi____: if you are a newbie,  why are you using backtrack?16:14
howcodehello all, my ubuntu wireless connection is much slower than my windows wireless connection on the same laptop, are there any tests i can run to figure out possible reasons?16:15
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: did you bork your desktop by using ccsm by any chance?16:15
ActionParsnipHowcode: which wifi chip?16:15
howcodeactionparsnip: how can i find out? im rather new to all of this..16:15
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Yes, but i get it back after checking unity plugin check box again. I got this resolution from this channel itself by dr_willis16:16
ActionParsnipHowcode: sudo lshw -C network    will tell you16:16
SunilJoshiBut after restart its all gone and i am on the same problem again16:16
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: did you not read the warning when you first ran ccsm?16:16
nullby7evbox dkms how to install it?16:16
howcodeactionparsnip: Centrino Advanced-N 623016:16
ActionParsnipHowcode: and what driver is it using (see the same output)16:17
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Yes!! i do . I have not actually played with it. I have clicked reset to defaults. But after that i got things back16:17
=== hybirdd is now known as hybirdd_zzz
howcodeactionparsnip: driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.2.0-33-generic firmware=
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: so why use ccsm, when it is known to cause issues?16:18
angsI need to install libnl-1.0pre8  (or newer) package, how can I find out what package is the latest?16:18
llutz!find libnl-1.016:20
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Overall spark behind all this is, compiz is taking more than 40% CPU most of the times, i read in ubuntu forums that after resetting using ccsm can reduce CPU usage to 10% . i tried that n all gone :)16:20
ubottuPackage/file libnl-1.0 does not exist in quantal16:20
llutz!find libnl-116:20
ubottuFile libnl-1 found in libnl-dev, valac-0.14, valac-0.16-vapi, valac-0.18-vapi16:20
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: you didn't answer my question16:20
angsthank you llutz16:21
llutzangs: maybe one of those is what you need16:21
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Only thing that i can say is thats the part of my learning Curve :)..16:21
ActionParsnipHowcode:   echo " options iwlwifi power_save=0 swcrypto=1 bt_coex_active=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null16:22
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: what, learn that the warnings put in by the developers are actually true.......really?16:22
howcodeok what did that do?16:23
ActionParsnipHowcode: reboot to test16:23
ActionParsnipHowcode: created a file to put options on the module when it gets loaded16:23
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: agree !! :), but there must be a way out !! developers takes care of that also :D16:24
howcodeactionparsnip: ok, im just updating to a new ubuntu version so ill test it then, thank you :)16:24
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: try:   gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-116:25
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html16:26
saviohi all16:27
ChallengerXUbuntu is better without compiz or unity16:27
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: thanks, will check !!16:28
savioChallengerX, everybody has his/her own test16:28
ChallengerXcompiz and* unity :)16:28
yourimym1what do u suggest insted16:28
ActionParsnipChallengerX: totally agree16:30
ActionParsnipYourimym1: xubuntu imho, or minimal + fluxbox :)16:30
F3SpeechI've just changes my server from reserved dhcp to static ip and am unable to resolve/ping outside adresses. Can anyone suggest what I need to change/check to resolve this. Thanks.16:34
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Yourimym116:34
ubottuYourimym1: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:34
=== bfbp_ is now known as bfbp1
ioriaF3Speech: what's in your /etc/network/interfaces ?16:38
terminalI am having an absolute crisis today, I would appreciate any help, I can't find anyone that knows the answer to this problem.16:39
bekksterminal: We cant help you without knowing something about the problem. :P16:40
terminallol, right.16:40
resnopretty much.. we arent mind readers... and this chat is active16:40
terminalI have a USB Stick, formatted as Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)16:40
bekks!detail | terminal16:40
bekks!details | terminal16:40
ubottuterminal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:40
terminalI copied the folders from my home folder on my mac onto this stick.  I can't access these folders and files now b/c I don' thave permissions.16:41
terminalUbuntu 12.10 64 bit16:41
terminalI used root access in Nautilus to copy the folders to my desktop, but still I can't do anything else with them, no permissions.16:42
ActionParsnipTerminal: when you unplugged it from the mac, did you safely remove it in software before physically unplugging16:42
terminalyes, I always do.16:42
jribterminal: if you hadn't copied them as root, you'd have ownership16:43
terminalThey work perfectly on Mac, just not here.  And the Mac is sold.16:43
ActionParsnipTerminal: you will need to use chown in terminal to assign ownership to your user16:43
terminalCan you type the exact command?  I don't know terminal.16:43
Nils_I got a problem. Each time I install the propiertary driver for my Hybrid Intel and Radeon 3650 graphics card, applications like steam refuse to start.16:44
Nils_Any advise?16:44
ActionParsnipTerminal: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/Desktop/*16:44
F3Speechioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1605014/16:44
ActionParsnipTerminal: run that exact command16:44
ActionParsnipNils: avoid hybrid graphics16:45
Nils_That's a bit too late16:45
terminalThe files and folders have to be in the desktop right?16:45
terminalI'm in Root Nautilus.16:45
ActionParsnipNils_: may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics16:45
ActionParsnipTerminal: just run the command, when did anyone advise to run nautilus?16:46
vrtsvashi everyone16:46
ioriaF3Speech: try do add : dns-search example.com         dns-nameservers (or your preferred)16:46
ActionParsnipNils_: I've never seen a success with that switchable mess16:46
terminalDid not work.16:47
terminalOnly in "Root Nautilus", are the folders and files visible and off of the stick.16:47
ioriaF3Speech: on two lines16:47
terminalI think this is becuase I copied the actual "Home Folder" files in Mac to the disk, I should have made my own folders.16:48
ActionParsnipTerminal: run:  ls -la ~/Desktop      what is output please.  Use http://pastie.org  to host the output16:48
F3Speechioria: example.com?16:48
ioriaF3Speech: yes, it doesn't mind for now16:49
terminalDid not work.  I can only see these files in Root Nautilus.  I can't copy or move them anywhere else.  Those commands did not work either.  "Permission Denied"16:51
ioriaF3Speech: don't forget to restart the network service16:51
F3Speechioria: ok ping google works now16:51
yourimym1how can i use unity 2d insted of unity 3d in QQ , how to manually install it !!!16:51
F3Speechwhats the example.com line all about should havbe me my local domain name?16:51
ioriaF3Speech: try the browser and others stuff to be sure16:52
ActionParsnipYourimym1: I already answered you16:52
F3Speechioria: its server install16:52
ioriaF3Speech: oh...16:52
ActionParsnipYourimym1: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/main/base/unity-2d16:53
F3Speechioria: but since there 2 of me in this channel we can assume its working the other is my server bnc16:53
terminalI can only bring the files from the USB Stick to the computer when using Root Nautilus, but I can't do anything else with them.16:53
ioriaF3Speech: ok.... maybe ask the long beards for more details about your problem16:54
ActionParsnipTerminal: can you give the output I asked for please16:54
terminalAction: what output?16:55
ActionParsnipTerminal: do you see the files on you user desktop?16:55
terminalNo, just when in gksudo nautilus16:55
=== F3Speech_ is now known as F3Speech
ActionParsnipTerminal: then you have put them on root's desktop, not your users as you are running the app as root16:56
alimjDoes anyone know that why this command works wells in bash but does not work in cron:  wget -O $(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M").jpg -q -t 1 "http://..."16:56
terminalI can do that, but then how would I move them to a hard disk, or my user file?  I want to unlock them completely.16:57
ActionParsnipTerminal: this is one reason to not run nautilus as root, it confuses new users16:57
arvuthi, how do I check which flashversion I have installed? It's been awhile since I maintained an ubuntu system (working in gentoo nowadays) and I'm not exactly keen on how it works here16:57
terminallol I was told on here to run in root by someone.16:57
ActionParsnipTerminal: cut the files then navigate to /home/your username/Desktop16:57
ActionParsnipTerminal: I don't recommend it, it causes more effort16:58
arvutterminal: I prefer to work in root when I have the privs :P16:58
escott_alimj, cron does not run jobs in a shell16:58
terminalAction: permission denied.16:58
terminalWon't allow cut/paste.16:59
ActionParsnipTerminal: put the files in your user home then run the chown command16:59
dstaubsaugerarvut: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:59
terminalI can't get them into my user home at all.16:59
terminalRoot home I can.16:59
matrix155hi all want to point out if play mu that new server http://unlimitedmu.biz medium server is opened16:59
alimjescott: Do you know anyway to timestamp files in cron?17:00
escott_alimj, if you want to run it in a shell. then make a shell script for it17:00
ActionParsnipTerminal: you can, you need to go up a folder til you see 'home' then go into your user's folder17:01
bjpcjphello world .. anybody familiar with missing flash plugins issues (12.04, on Chrome)17:01
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
alimjescott: The file I want to download is dynamically changed every 5 minutes, I need cron17:01
escott_alimj, so have cron call the shell script17:01
escott_alimj, also every 5 minutes it too frequent to be calling cron IMHO. look at using one of the filesystem event tools17:02
jribalimj: escott is suggesting you put your logic in a shell script and then just use cron to call the shell script.  You might try giving the full path to wget though, I think what you have should work otherwise...17:02
terminalI'm at home.  My users home.17:02
ActionParsnipTerminal: paste the files17:03
terminalPermission Denied.17:03
dstaubsaugeralimj: alternatively, use this: bash -c "whateveryouwantbutmakesurethequotationmarsareescapedproperly"17:03
escott_alimj, if you install inotify tools then you can trigger a push on file creation from the remote side17:03
alimjjrib: I will try that. Thanks17:03
terminalI only see the files in gksudo nautilus, then I cut, then navigate to my user folder, try to paste, and get error, permission denied.17:04
terminalOnly the folders that were created by OSX are affected by this.17:04
arvutdstaubsauger: I need to know exactly which version I have installed, as the one that appearently is installed right now (probably the latest one) doesn̈́'t seem to work anymore. its a 10.04 system17:04
jribterminal: please prefix what you say with the person's nick if you're speaking to someone specific17:04
escott_terminal, trying to cut from an OSX partition implies trying to delete. write mode for OSX partitions is only supported if the journal is disabled17:05
ActionParsnipTerminal: are they just files, or are there folders too17:05
alimjescot, dstaubsauger, jirib: will look into all those solutions, thanks17:05
arvutalso, how do I remove old kernels? can I just delete them from boot and edit grub? or is there another preferable way to do it in ubuntu?17:05
terminalAction: folders and files.17:05
dstaubsaugerarvut: you might laugh, but there's actually a firefox plugin that fixes flash m( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-aid/17:06
terminalAction: only ones that are affected are the ones that were created by OS X.  But the files in those folders are affected as well17:06
dstaubsaugerif you're using ff of cause17:06
ActionParsnipTerminal: sudo cp /root/Desktop ~/Desktop/Desktop17:06
a11rtake a look at my blog and advise me to improve it http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/17:06
a11rtake a look at my blog and advise me to improve it http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/17:06
jriba11r: don't do that please17:07
terminalAction: ran it17:07
BluesKajallr no polls or solicitations here please17:07
jribarvut: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ will tell you what version of flash you have.  To remove old kernels, remove the corresponding linux-image* package in apt17:07
terminalAction: No effect.17:08
ActionParsnipArvut: if you remove unused kernels it will clean up grub17:08
terminalAction: my user name is "matthew" in ubunto17:08
a11rNews about twitter: http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/2013/02/twitter-hacked-and-250000-accounts.html17:08
ActionParsnipTerminal: you get the idea.17:08
a11rNews about twitter: http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/2013/02/twitter-hacked-and-250000-accounts.html17:09
dstaubsaugera11r: that's way offtopic17:09
terminalAction: ?17:09
DJonesa11r: ok, but do you have an Ubuntu support question17:09
ActionParsnipTerminal: use nautilus to copy to your users home folder and chown the files17:09
a11rNews about twitter: http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/2013/02/twitter-hacked-and-250000-accounts.html17:10
terminalAction: Doesn't work.17:10
a11rNews about twitter: http://pcandnettech.blogspot.in/2013/02/twitter-hacked-and-250000-accounts.html17:10
dstaubsaugercan somebody please ban a11r?17:10
terminalGod I wish I was smarter right now.17:11
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: i tried the steps suggested... but those doesnot seems to work17:12
dstaubsaugerterminal: is root allowed to write in your user's home folder?17:12
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: that's all I know.  I think compiz is a joke17:13
terminaldstuabsauger: How would I know that?  I'm logged in as matthew now.17:13
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: could try in #compiz17:13
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: no problem and thanks a ton for your time and help :)17:13
jilI see in the man pages that there is a difference in between upgrade and dist-upgrade. The later respecting dependecies versionning.  right.  So should I only use dist-upgrade?17:13
arvutdstaubsauger: isn't root normally above superusers in privs, and can therefor write anywhere?17:14
dstaubsaugerterminal: sudo touch /home/matthew/test17:14
terminalAction/dstaub:I have two Nautilus windows open, matthew's and root's.  Files are in root's.17:14
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: One more thing, uninstalling it will solve the purpose ?17:14
dstaubsaugerarvut: root does not neccessarily have write permissions, but it is always allowed to change those permissions17:14
escott_jil, i usually use upgrade until i get stuck, then use dist-upgrade17:14
ActionParsnipJil: I use upgrade then dist-upgrade.  Gets al updates17:14
terminaldstaubsauger: what did that command do?17:14
escott_jil, things that are dangerous (like swapping core libraries or upgrading apt itself) will get stuck behind the dist-upgrade17:15
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: no, the settings will still stand, so it won't change anything17:15
dstaubsaugerterminal: root created an empty file called "test" in your home directory17:15
jilbut then why two distincs commands?17:15
arvutdstaubsauger: I see.. sounds rather pointless to be logged in as root without all permissions anywhere in the system. kinda defeats the purpose of root17:15
ActionParsnipSuniljoshi: once again,  the warnings on apps aren't there for fun17:15
fedor_i have issues with my webcam. In w8 it works flawlessly while here in u12-04 i am not seen by my converser, i.e. the screen is green for him/her17:15
terminalsdausager: Negative.17:15
fedor_whoever encountered that?17:15
ActionParsnipFedor_: if yu run cheese, is it ok?17:15
escott_terminal, do you have encrypted home?17:15
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Totally agree!!! :)17:16
terminalescott: yes17:16
jribalimj: oh, and you need to escape percent signs because cron treats those as newlines apparently17:16
terminalThat's the problem isn't it.17:16
escott_arvut, there are some special cases but generally root can do whatever he/she wants17:16
ActionParsnipFedor_: correct colours etc?17:16
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: Doing wrong things... will teach more .. else doing things in one go  :)17:16
arvutis there a faster way to remove kernels than purging them one by one? I have around 30 to remove and only want to keep -45-generic and -44-generic17:16
escott_terminal, but you are logged in at the moment17:16
terminalescott: Yes.17:16
jilis dist-upgrade a kind of super upgrade then, handling importante upgrades? in that case I should not run it as much as upgrade.  But from the man it seems more secure.???17:16
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: But really appreciate your help and support :)!!17:17
terminalescott: As matthew17:17
fedor_<ActionParsnip>i do not get it. That occurs in flash-based applications.17:17
jribarvut: depends if you can script it faster than you can type it out I guess.  There's no built-in way that I know of if that's what you are asking17:17
jilescott_, ActionParsnip, thx17:17
escott_terminal, and you were trying to "sudo touch /home/matthew/test" but couldn't17:17
terminalescott: yes.17:17
ActionParsnipArvut: you can use wildcards, so if you have 2.xx kernels and a few 3.xx kernels, you can use an asterisk to remove more kernels in one step17:17
escott_terminal, that should work, but maybe there is something going on with the encrypted home17:17
terminalescott: how to unencrypt.17:18
terminalescott: i do'nt need it encrypted17:18
ActionParsnipFedor_: ahhh, you use an nvidia gpu don't you?17:18
escott_jil, i have not read that portion of the man page, but in practice thats what i do17:18
fedor_yes, that's right17:18
fedor_<ActionParsnip>but why than i should have troubles if cheese works properly17:19
dstaubsaugerterminal try this: open nautilus, go to /home, right click matthew, give everybody all permissions, copy paste the files to mattew's desktop, revert permissions to what they used to be17:19
jribjil: dist-upgrade just install new dependencies when package dependencies change.  In practice the only packages I've seen do that is the linux-image-* packages for your kernel.  The upgrade update-manager does is more similar to dist-upgrade17:19
terminaldstaubsauger: I don't see matthew in nautilus17:20
alimjjirin: scott_: It appears that using a bash script and calling it from cron works (both on my local Ubuntu and My Remote CentOS).17:20
escott_jil, do move to a non-encrypted home you just copy all the files except the ~/.Private folder to a new directory and then try to make that your home directory17:20
ActionParsnipFedor: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe; echo "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=0" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg17:20
escott_jil, sorry17:20
escott_terminal, do move to a non-encrypted home you just copy all the files except the ~/.Private folder to a new directory and then try to make that your home directory. but i dont think that should be your problem17:20
jilescott_ no problem :)17:20
Kneferilis1hello, suppose you split your terminal in two, are those two foreground or two background processes?17:21
Kneferilis1with screen?17:21
alimjescott_: Now my question is why should I avoid it for every 5 minute? The file is small (170k) and the remote server is very fast17:21
jribterminal: imo you should be pastebinning the result of the ls command ActionParsnip asked you about so that we have more information than "i tried 3 different things and they don't work somehow"17:21
dstaubsaugerterminal: alternatively, copy the files to /tmp as root, and then copy them from there to your home directory as matthew17:21
escott_alimj, having cron wakeup every 5 minutes is a bit heavy. and you are still exposed to race conditions if the network slows17:22
alimjescott_: I am downloading traffic maps (in jpeg format) from a remote server. Map is updated every 5 minutes. I want to make a video from these maps later17:22
jiljrib, if I understand correctly dist-upgrade is an advance  upgrade and in that veine it has more chance to "bug" so I should use upgrade and eventually dist-upgrade when I am prompted to do so.17:22
escott_alimj, any reason you can't pull 20 files once an hour?17:22
ActionParsnipFedor_: close all browsers and rerun.  Should be ok17:22
jribjil: I wouldn't call it that.  It just allows for packages to change dependencies.  But you can certainly use that as your update policy; it's sane.17:23
escott_alimj, 12 files... can't divide today17:23
alimjescott: I already explained my reasons above. the files are traffic maps17:23
fedor_i will try it, but can you tell me if i should run one by one, or how, i mean should i copy altogether?17:23
zykotick9jil: the gui update manager does the equivalant of dist-upgrade17:23
alimjescott_: I want to make video of map changes later17:23
terminalAll: Trying now.17:24
dstaubsaugerterminal: trying what?17:24
alimjescott_: I do not think that network speed and cpu load should be a problem. My remove server is very fast (Dual Core Xeon) and is connected to internet backbone17:24
escott_alimj, its your system, but if i were an admin and found someone waking up cron every 5 minutes i would hit them over the head with a frying pan for abusing the cron service17:24
jilzykotick9, my fingers get quickly tired with the mouse ;)  ... Anyway I get it cleared now. Thank you too jrib.17:24
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alimjescott_: The sever is all mine. I am the bad root!17:25
terminaldstaubsauger: Ok, no matter what method I try, Permission Denied, only on Mac OS X created folders, not ones I created.  The files in those OS X Created folders are also affected by this.17:25
terminaldstaubsauger: I can only copy the files using root nautilus, and only using that.  My disk is encrypted, and I would like to remove encryption as well.17:26
escott_terminal, are these files on an OSX disk?17:27
alimjescott_: I will monitor everything. Thanks for the help. Bye :)17:27
terminalescott: Yes.17:27
terminalescott: Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)17:27
TheGreyo/ Basically my audio is playing tricks with me. On some videos (flash internet or vlc/mplayer) I get no audio and on some others I get a weird sensation: perfectly clear background sounds...but no vocals/voices...I've checked my alsamixer and everything is bumped up to the max. What can I do to resolve this issue? I had Pulseaudio and then uninstalled it...What can I do? Troubleshoot me please!17:27
escott_terminal, as i mentioned earlier thats another concern. you may be able to read the files but you cannot cut and paste them because you cannot modify the OSX disk. nor can you write to other folders in the OSX disk17:27
escott_terminal, you need to run some of these terminal commands that you were given earlier before anyone can help you further17:28
terminalescott: I can move the folder to my roots desktop, but still I cannot access it.17:28
terminalescott: Can I have the commands again?  I ran every single one.17:28
escott_terminal, ls -al $HOME; ls -al /path/to/files/you/want/to/copy17:29
Kneferilis1suppose you split your terminal in two with screen, are those two foreground or two background processes?17:30
terminalescott: I just tried something, I moved a file from that folder to another usb stick, then from there to my users desktop.  It allowed it.17:30
escott_Kneferilis1, split it with what?17:30
jribescott_: gnu screen probably :)17:30
terminalescott: running commands now.17:30
ThinkT510escott: screen or tmux17:31
jribescott_: (I had the same thought)17:31
escott_Kneferilis1, now i see you said screen (you didn't the first time)17:31
escott_Kneferilis1, you should have two bash shells... foreground/background i dont know how to answer that, thats a bash concept not a screen concept17:31
terminalescott: using root nautilus, I copied folder to another USB stick formatted FAT32, then copied from that to my user's home folder.  It allows this.17:32
ActionParsnipTerminal: you probably copied them to root's home17:32
JohnSnowstormHey, what's up guys, anyone know how to select wireless networks from the terminal? what's the manager program?17:32
terminalAction: Nope, main desktop.17:32
terminalAction: matthew's desktop17:33
ActionParsnipTerminal: run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit;  ls -la ~/Desktop | pastebinit17:34
Kneferilis1escott_ ok thanks17:34
ActionParsnipTerminal:  what is output.?17:34
escott_terminal, sounds like your "copy" is actually a "cut" or some other operation that would attempt to modify the OSX partition which is impossible17:34
jribJohnSnowstorm: nmcli17:34
terminalaction: one sec17:35
JohnSnowstormthanks jrib17:35
terminalescott/action: about to run that and paste output17:35
ActionParsnipTerminal: the command makes a url. Copy it and paste it here17:35
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terminalAction: Ok.17:36
terminalaction/escott: that command didn't do anything.17:38
ActionParsnipTerminal: did pastebinit install?17:39
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terminalaction: going now, sorry17:39
terminalescott/action: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1605221/17:40
ActionParsnipTerminal: how could it not do anything,  when it clearly did...?17:40
terminalaction: sorry, got confused.17:40
ActionParsnipTerminal: did you copy the pictures folder from the other system?17:41
terminalActoin: Yes.17:41
terminalAction: same exact osx folder from moutain lions home folder.17:41
ActionParsnipTerminal: then you have full access and are the owner17:42
JohnSnowstormOK, that gives me the network manager with rmeembered networks etc but I can't seem to use it to connect to a network or scan for networks17:43
JohnSnowstormany ideas?17:43
terminalAction: so I use root nautilus to copy from the os x usb stick to roots desktop, then copy that back to another usb stick formatted fat 32, then back to my users dsktop and I'm good to go.17:43
terminalAction: becuase that's how I did it.17:43
ActionParsnipTerminal: you don't need root nautilus now, you have full access to the data17:43
timonhi guys17:43
terminalAction;: well I mean for all the other folders, there are 15 more17:44
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timonI have an laptop, with amd brazos APU, and it has a radeon 6320 graphic chip. I have ubuntu 12.10, with all upgrades, and I can't set up the proprietary drivers17:44
ActionParsnipTerminal: fine but you will need to chown the data every time, why are you using fat?17:45
timoni know that the newest amd drivers are supporting the xsever 1.1317:45
whjmstimon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208155917:45
timonis there a easy way to get them?17:45
terminalAction: That's just how it was formatted, how should I format it?  Best way?17:45
ActionParsnipTerminal: I suggest ntfs, or ext2. There is no outright best17:46
timonwhjms:well, that is not an option...17:46
timonI don't want to downgrade...17:46
cocomohi, when i enter command in terminal to open something like nautilus the terminal is unusable untill i close nautilus. how can i enter commands so that the program runs and i can still run more commands without close programs17:47
terminalactoin: for os x in the future prolly ext2 then17:47
timoni runned sudo aticonfig --initial, and it stats up17:47
timonbut it won17:47
whjmstimon: then what?17:47
timonbut it won't show the unity stuff17:47
whjmstimon: what do you mean?17:47
timonit shows that i'm not connected to internet, and that's all17:48
timonafter that notification, all is see is the wallpaper17:48
timonis there a ppa with newer amd drivers?17:48
zykotick9cocomo: "nautilus &" will give the terminal back17:48
terminalaction: how to I reformat this stick?  Today is first time using Ubuntu sorry.17:49
tomreynActionParsnip: can i bug you about an issue i'm having here? you're the most knowledgable person active here i know ;-) I'll just start so you don'T need to ask, and you can respond if you have the time... For a few days now, without me knowingly making any changes, network-manager does not start at boot. When I login to this Xubuntu 12.10 I don't have the network manager applet logo. I then sudo start network-manager, and the applet becomes acti17:49
tomreynve and sets up the LAN connection as it used to be. Would you have any idea why this could be?17:49
ActionParsnipCocomo: or press cRRL+Z and run:  bg17:49
whjmstimon: can you open up a terminal?17:49
timonof course...17:49
whjmstimon: because if the wallpaper appears, then the driver isn't totally screwed17:50
timonwhjms: I've removed them for now, because I want it to be usable...17:50
ActionParsnipTomreyn: isn't network-manager a service?17:50
scribawfFacebook games need update flash, but I have latest ver.  any help , is their a workaround ?17:50
tomreynActionParsnip: yes, i do "sudo service network-manager start" to run it17:51
terminalescott/action: chowning the data isn't needed, just copying and pasting in that manner I described works.  But why does it do that like that?17:51
ActionParsnipTomreyn: tried adding the command in /etc/rc.local   above the 'exit 0' line17:51
timonwhjms: I checked the logs, and it sayd something like : Compiz: could not start window manager, because another is already running17:51
timonor something like that17:51
whjmstimon: did you reboot after uninstalling it?17:51
tomreynActionParsnip: that could possibly work as a workaround, but that's not a fix, nor would it help determine what is wrong there.17:51
timonwith the foss drivers it works nice17:51
tomreynActionParsnip: so i'm actually trying to find out what is wrong and how to fix it properly.17:52
FearfromHellhi guys17:52
ActionParsnipTomreyn: that's all I got17:52
whjmstimon: sorry, i'm not quite sure why fglrx would refuse to work...someone else might be able to help17:52
tomreynActionParsnip: alright, thanks17:52
whjmsFearfromHell: what's up?17:52
FearfromHellwho test dota2 on ubuntu?17:53
ActionParsnipTomreyn: you could look through the logs to see what's what. But if the fix makes it work then who cares17:53
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terminalescott/action/dstau/: thank you all.  I have no idea why it works like this without chowning the data, but it does.  Beer time.17:54
tomreynActionParsnip: well i know how to recover from such a situation but imagine it's not just me who is running into this issue, this could be bad. i bet many users don't know how to start the network-manager service and are quite helpless without working internet access.17:54
dhanasekaranHi Guys I have problem with grub, I have two different version of kernel, When grub takes from latest one, I want make it as, boot with olderversion kernel please guide me.17:54
tomreynso i'm trying to determine the cause and to craft a fix to what looks like an accidentially introduced bug (probably by means of some package upgrade)17:55
ActionParsnipTomreyn: logs will help17:56
tomreyni've been loking at boot.log but could not spot anything directlyy related. but there are two lines about udev issues.17:56
zykotick9dhanasekaran: modify GRUB_DEFAULT= line in /etc/default/grub to change what is default, starting from 017:57
dhanasekaranzykotick9:  GRUB_DEFAULT=1 correct17:59
Abhijit!pm | ron__17:59
ubotturon__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:59
zykotick9dhanasekaran: that would be the 2nd one.  fyi, you need "sudo update-grub" to actually apply changes17:59
nullby7ehow to install virtualbox dkms modules?18:00
nullby7efor the kernel18:00
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tekkhi , i'm using ubuntu 12.04 as a virtualisation host (KVM / virt) …. my question is… I want to be able to graph and track traffic going to/from specific guest IP addresses (so i can monitor their traffic)18:01
tekkwould munin / cacti work for this?18:02
nullby7ehere no one can help this is degenerated couse to ask here18:03
compdoctekk, dont know if kvm has an interface or api you can use to obtain traffic numbers. be an interesting research project18:04
nronksrIs there an application in ubuntu that extracts single frames to pictures from an AVCHD stream (.mts) without a cmdline interface?18:05
tekkyeah, i think it depends how you setup your kvm18:05
tekkalthough, i thought it would perhaps be possible on the host OS18:05
dhanasekaranzykotick9: I want 3.2.0-37-generic as default please check my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/1605299/ it's show submenu "Previous Linux versions It will take GRUB_DEFAULT=1 pick 3.2. kernel18:05
tekkas long as you maintained an IP -> Guest map18:05
PhysicistI cannot install nothing in my 10.04. Show dpkg error! what can I do?18:05
tekkapt-get -f install18:06
whjmsPhysicist: what is the error?18:06
BluesKaj!10.04 | Physicist18:06
xanguaPhysicist: you can show us the actual error18:06
ubottuPhysicist: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)18:06
BluesKajoops thought it was EOL18:06
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120418:06
tekksupported until?18:06
zykotick9dhanasekaran: just start you system and count the grub entries...  i'm not gonna try parsing your grub.cfg (FYI don't edit that file)18:06
nronksrzykotick9: Is there an easy way of doing that without actually rebooting?  (curious)18:07
PhysicistSetting up subterfuge (4.3-bt0) ... tar: SubterfugePublicBeta4.3.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors /var/lib/dpkg/info/subterfuge.postinst: line 6: cd: subterfuge/: No such file or directory python: can't open file 'installer_old.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `Subt18:07
Geetcan i install any ubuntu version on an 8gb flashdrive?18:08
PhysicistGuys, this is the error!18:08
xanguaGeet: sure, just don't expect a long life for that flashdrive ;)18:09
xanguair you mean a persisten install18:09
whjmsPhysicist: are you sure it downloads the package correctly? maybe the mirror's having issues and it can't download the package18:09
Geetxangua, why that?18:09
MaxBoivinso, what's in the box?18:09
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whjmsGeet: flash memory has a limited # of reads and writes18:10
Geetxangua, I tried a persistent install but after some days the usb stopped booting. then I have to redo the process.18:10
Geetwhjms, but is that number too less?18:10
Physicistwhjms, actually I am using backtrack that is based in ubuntu 10.04. I tryed install amarok and show errors!18:11
whjmsGeet: it depends on the size of memory, the manufacturing quality, and how much data you're transferring. with normal use it's not noticeable, but if you boot from it frequently, it might die earlier18:12
Geetwhjms, how about once or twice a day?18:12
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whjmsPhysicist: backtrack still uses apt-get,  right?18:12
xangua!backtrack | Physicist whjms18:13
ubottuPhysicist whjms: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:13
Physicistwhjms, yes!18:13
xanguaGeet: sounds like the definition of frequently :P18:13
whjmsGeet: i'm not an expert on this kind of stuff. maybe someone else can help18:13
Geetok.. but still I may risk it.. anyways flashdrives do come for throw away prices and a live usb will be very useful for me. thanks18:14
whjmssure, why not18:14
timonbut is anyone using the proprietary drivers with lastest ubuntu 12.10?18:14
CoreyBRhow do i assign the combination "ctrl + x" to the cut function?18:14
timonhow are you dealing with xsever 1.13?18:15
hatakehy i want to make proxy server, what best for partition squid. reiseferfs or btrfs ?18:15
whjmsCoreyBR: in the terminal?18:15
timonit is working ootb?18:15
CoreyBRwhjms: i dont know, well i'll google for it18:15
kingbeastBen64, you there?18:16
whjmshatake: this might help: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=reiser4_linux35&num=118:16
timonwhjms: do you use fglrx?18:16
MaxBoivinOk!  we get it... open the box now!18:16
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whjmstimon: yes, but i'm not on ubuntu now18:17
cam`how do i get the top menu bar to always show "File Edit View" instead of just on hover18:17
whjmstimon: i'm actually considering switching back to catalyst (fglrx has some video corruption issues)18:17
timonwhjms: but are the proprietary drivers working out of the box?18:17
randomxi formatted a external hdd to fat32 is there any way to restore the files?18:18
whjmscam: check out number 20 on this list: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/10/important-thingstweaks-to-do-after.html18:18
randomxi accidentally formatted an external hdd to fat32 is there any way to restore the files?18:19
cam`whjms: i don't really wanna disable it, i just want it to show the menu18:19
grweqrandomx: quick format? or full?18:20
whjmscam: so you want it to always be there?18:20
randomxgrweq: with tha command sudo  mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sdc118:20
zykotick9grweq: you obviously don't know the difference between MS's quick and full format, or you wouldn't be asking that question.18:20
cam`it's there but i want it to always display the "File Edit View" in the top of the bar18:20
sunsetloverhey all, how can i resize the partition which ubuntu installed on it ?18:21
cam`it's a really minor complaint18:21
randomxzykotick9: can you help me about this?18:21
cam`i think in OSX those menus are always displayed18:21
grweqzykotick9: don't argue with me, help the guy instead, if you know better18:22
hatakewhjms, thank you for info18:22
whjmscam: there's an option in ccsm (compizconfig settings manager) to always show it, but i remember ccsm breaking unity, so it's risky18:22
cam`i've avoid fiddling with compiz18:22
whjmshatake: google is your friend ;)18:23
zykotick9grweq: i'm not arguing with you.  FYI the ONLY difference, is a full format does a scan after.18:23
ioriasunsetlover: i'm not sure, i think with the live disk18:23
cam`whjms: thanks for the link.  there's other good stuff in here18:23
joe-thomasHey all. I'm using a laptop with the broadcom 4313 wireless adapter, which is one of the least supported broadcom chips. Using brcmsmac has so far been the only method which recognizes my card, but it freezes the whole system when I try to enable wireless. Any ideas?18:23
randomxso anybody who knows?18:23
hatakewhjms, :D18:23
sunsetloverioria : do you think gparted can do the job18:23
ioriasunsetlover: i never did that, but ... yep :-)18:24
grweqrandomx: systemrescuecd may help18:24
randomxgrweq: what is that18:24
grweqrandomx: ask google18:25
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MaxBoivinBTW, Lightworks beta is now available18:25
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sunsetloverioria: i tried gparted and i can not do what i need with this app. i think i have to try another app18:27
MaxBoivinwhat did Alan thought of this?18:27
ioriasunsetlover: you tied the live disk ???18:27
ioriasunsetlover: you tried the live disk ???18:27
whjmssunsetlover: remember, you can't resize the active partition (the partition that's in use right now)18:28
sunsetloverioria: no i did not18:28
hatakewhjms, reisefer4 best18:28
ioriasunsetlover: you can'u use gparted for that when the filesystem is mounted18:28
whjmshatake: cool!18:28
ioriasunsetlover: you can't  use gparted for that when the filesystem is mounted18:28
MaxBoivinit's the beard18:29
DJonesMaxBoivin: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?18:29
randomxgrweq: can you suggest another one because this takes ages...18:29
whjmsrandomx: data recovery takes time...18:29
sunsetloverwhjms: the problem that i installed ubuntu with windows 7 by using wubi tool from windows and by mistake i make the partiton to be used by ubuntu 30gb and i want to make it bigger18:29
ioriasunsetlover: you need the umount the fs.... so when you put the live disk the fs is not mounted yet18:29
hatakewhjms, lusca or squid18:29
randomxwhjms: i mean only for download18:30
MaxBoivinDjones, sorry, wrong channel18:30
sunsetloverioria: aha ok i think i will try it18:30
dalton2345sunsetlover, you can do it with gparted from ubuntu18:30
whjmssunsetlover: download the gparted live cd, burn it, boot into it, and BE CAREFUL18:30
dalton2345very easy to do18:30
whjmshatake: i have no idea. i've never run a server, so it's up to you18:31
sunsetloverwhjms: where can i found the live cd for this app18:31
whjmssunsetlover: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:31
hatakewhjms, ok18:31
dalton2345you have gparted on ubuntu18:31
dalton2345log on ubuntu18:31
sunsetloverwhjms: thank you18:31
dalton2345sunset you can do it from ubuntu18:31
sunsetloverdalton2345: how ?18:32
darrellI can't seem to be able to get out of full screen mode....any suggestions?18:32
dalton2345gparted is in ubuntu already18:32
nevada-smith_hi darrell  its me18:32
dalton2345are you on ubuntu now?18:32
whjmsdarrell: ESC ?18:32
sunsetloveryes i am18:32
darrellHi N18:32
dalton2345go to system/administration18:33
dalton2345you should see gparted18:33
grweqrandomx: you basically need testdisk. sudo apt-get install testdisk18:33
sunsetloversorry for disturbing you guys but i'm new in linux18:33
sunsetloveraha ok18:33
whjmssunsetlover: nah, that's why this channel exists!18:33
randomxgrweq: done that.what next?18:33
dalton2345sunsetlover, its fine we were all new :)18:33
sunsetloverdalton2345: i found gparted and runned it18:34
MadsRCI have a file 17000 lines long consisting of ip's and ports seperated by :'s. Is there any way I can sort and remove dublicates that match everything before the ":"? - I know uniq can do it, but that checks the whole line and not just everything up to the ":"18:34
sunsetloverdalton2345: what after ?18:34
dalton2345cool...now you should be able to resize it18:35
darrellAlso how can I register my email addy and password with Ubuntu, it isn't in their files although I've been on for 3 months18:35
nronksrsunsetlover: boot a live ISO and use gparted to resize your partitions (can't resize a currently mounted partition).18:35
jribMadsRC: uniq can check only specific fields, see its man page.  You are sorting too right?18:35
iorianronksr: thank you :-P18:36
llutzMadsRC: "sort -t \: -u"  ?18:36
darrellthank you whjms18:36
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whjmsdarrell: no prob18:36
sunsetloverdalton2345: it says that i have to unmount the partition. and i cannot unmount it coz it active18:36
DJonesdarrell: Do you mean register your nickname for the #ubuntu channel?18:36
MadsRCjrib, from what I could se in the man page of uniq, you could specify the number of characters to check, but that won't work, as there's an uneven amount of characters before the : (and yes, I sort it first :D)18:36
sunsetloveri'll be right back after i finish resizing the partition18:37
ioriasunsetlover: do you remember whan we talk about the live disk ? :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP18:37
MadsRCllutz, Thanks, I'll try that :D18:37
jribMadsRC: you can also specify fields18:37
sunsetloverioria: you are right. sorry for not listening to you18:38
nronksrioria: haha, yeah, I was a bit in the backlog. XD18:38
dalton2345ok sunsetlover you need the live version18:38
MadsRCjrib, Oh, Let me look at the man again :D18:38
darrellboy r u fast whjms....yikes!18:38
sunsetloverbrb guys18:38
whjmsdarrell: touch typing helps18:38
jribMadsRC: you have to use sort anyway though, so you may as well just use the -u switch llutz pointed out18:39
darrellDJones hi and thx. No my nickname is Darrell what it was asking for last night was my email address and password, It wasn't recognized18:39
thomedyim trying to set up a "xampp for linux" mail server on my machine so the site im building can take advantage of mail18:39
darrellThis old dog hasn't a clue to what that is...lol18:40
thomedybut i cant figure out if im installing in ubuntu or in lammpp and i hop yo0u understand wha ti mean by the difference18:40
zykotick9!xampp > thomedy18:40
thomedywell bassically lampp18:40
ubottuthomedy, please see my private message18:40
CidaHey guys... I have an issue with using WiFi with my laptop. I'm running Xubuntu, and I guess this distro has a lot of issues with that18:41
thomedymay i please start with this question and if its still inapprorpriate i will try something else... in a lampp install do i do it through lamp or is it18:42
darrellEsc, only temporarely fixed the problem18:42
CidaSo, how do I get WiFi up and running on Xubuntu?18:42
nronksrAnybody work with video?  What's the easiest way to take still pictures from video?   gui recommendation would be wonderful18:42
dalton2345Cida, you should maybe go to a xubuntu channel18:43
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thomedycida check out sudo rfkill list that will tel you if your blocked rfsignal... hardblock is the switch/button on your comp... and then you can do iwlist scan to see if you have a network the one your looking for iis wlan018:43
thomedyi think im close18:43
MadsRCjrib, Well "sort -t \: -u inputfile > outputfile" did delete some 7000 lines, but a manual skim reveals several lines where the part before the ":" is the same18:43
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jribMadsRC: you still want to specify which column to sort with respect with I guess18:44
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PhysicistI'm in dual-boot: ubuntu 12.10 and backtrack. Exist a rapdly way to re-install ubuntu and don't "touch" in the backtrack?18:44
t4bDoes anyone know whether "beep" uses the internal speaker on the mainboard of the pc (which I'm pretty sure is missing here) or the normal speakers connected to the pc?18:45
MonkeyDustt4b  to find out, turn off the speakers18:45
whjmst4b: i believe it uses the internal speaker18:45
whjmst4b: 'man beep'18:46
PhysicistI'm in dual-boot: ubuntu 12.10 and backtrack. Exist a rapdly way to re-install ubuntu and don't "touch" in the backtrack?18:46
seyfarthmy work uses svn 1.6, but i'm getting 1.7 from the software repos. anyone know if there's another package?18:46
whjmsPhysicist: it depends which partition your bootloader is on18:47
dbromhow do i restrict a user from going above there home directory... I am setting up users in a freeNAs box and the users are able to go to /mnt/Users/name then go up to /mnt/Users - whch I dont want18:47
jribMadsRC: in the end you don't care about the ports right?  You just want a list of unique IPs?18:47
MadsRCjrib, unfortunately I need the ports :P18:48
t4bMonkeyDust, that would work if it would output anything. :-)18:48
jribMadsRC: so then sort does the right thing for you?18:48
iorianronksr: maybe... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196835318:48
t4bwhjms, man page said "pc speaker", but I didn't know which one is meant with that18:48
whjmst4b: it's internal speaker. yeah, it's confusing.18:49
MadsRCjrib, Well, It sorts the mright, but I don't need 2 entries on the same IP with different ports. I just need the IP's listed once, with atleast one of the ports in the list18:49
t4bwhjms, ok, thanks18:49
Physicistwhjms: If I delete the Ubuntu partition, I'll can install ubuntu again, right?18:49
jribMadsRC: oh18:49
randomxgrweq: i forgot to mention one more thing it shows that the space is used so this is a good thing right?18:49
whjmsPhysicist: yeah. of course, you have to be careful to select the right partition during installation18:50
SonikkuAmericaPhysicist: (I would suggest doing that from Ubuntu live media.)18:50
t4bSo the internal speaker is indeed missing. Any way I can redirect beep's beeps to the external ones or is there an alternate programm which, too, can output beeps of variable length and frequency in a simple way?18:50
MadsRCjrib, Yeah :P I could just write a quick and dirty python script to do it, but I KNOW there is a way to do it with built-in tools :D18:51
yezariaelyanyone knows how I can start ubuntu keyboard manager from the command line?18:51
jribMadsRC: only way I see is for you to use uniq and to use uniq, you can only *skip* fields.  Since the field you care about is first, you could swap them so 1:2 -> 2:1, then use uniq, then swap them back.  That's what comes to mind.  You can ask #bash for better suggestions18:52
SonikkuAmericat4b: [ sudo apt-get install beep ]18:52
SonikkuAmericat4b: Only one problem: It assumes you have an internal system bell. (Kind of a recursive problem.)18:53
MadsRCjrib, So basicly reverse each line, asking uniq to skip first field and then reverse the line again?18:53
ElMai need some help :P18:53
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jribMadsRC: that's what comes to mind, yes.  There's probably a better way18:53
MonkeyDustElMa  let's hear it18:54
ElMaI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my PC18:54
MadsRCjrib, I'm gonna give it a try :D18:54
t4bSonikkuAmerica, that's the program I'm using. But I don't have an internal speaker (or it's broken, I don't really care). What I would like to do is output those beeps to another speaker anyway.18:54
ElMaproblem is, can't boot cuz of nomodeset18:54
whjmst4b: you might be able to do something with 'aplay'. try 'sudo cat /dev/mem | aplay' just to test18:54
ElMaonce i go on nomodeset18:54
ElMai get a command line18:54
SonikkuAmericaElMa: Graphics?18:54
ElMaand im a noob, so idk how to install or run a desktop enviroment from there18:54
ElMaim on a 2500k18:55
ElMano VgA18:55
FloodBot1ElMa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
SonikkuAmericaElMa: HDMI? DVI? (Not sure.)18:55
t4bwhjms, aplay works as expected (it outputs noise). Hmm, now I need to figure out how to use it. Thanks for the tip. :-)18:56
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PhysicistSonikkuAmerica, I got a pendrive! Is it possible?18:56
ElMai mean, the Nomodeset works, but it gets me to a command line and idk what to do from there.18:56
SonikkuAmericaPhysicist: What do you mean, is it possible?18:56
llutzMadsRC: awk -F":" '{print $1":"$2}' foo |sort  -n -u18:57
PhysicistSonikkuAmerica, reinstall ubuntu without change something in backtrack.18:57
whjmst4b: if you just want to play a specific tone, you can just output '1' a few thousand times to a file and have aplay read it. there's a frequency option for aplay, i think18:58
SonikkuAmericaPhysicist: Yep. (Provided you can boot from that pendrive, or a DVD.)18:58
randomxi accidentally formatted my external hdd using sudo  mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sdc1.how can i restore the files?18:58
MadsRCllutz, Thanks, that did delete some 15000 lines :P I think it did it18:58
t4bwhjms, yeah. I just tried: (while test 0; do echo -ne \x00; done) | aplay That works nicely.18:58
ZombieReznovis this irc.ubuntu.com?  it says freenode on my server tab...  is it the same thing?  yes im a noob.18:58
DJonesZombieReznov: Yes18:58
SonikkuAmericaZombieReznov, yes, it is.18:58
ElMa... =(18:59
ubottuanduiuandu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:59
jribllutz: isn't the awk statement there a no-op?18:59
whjmst4b: if you're smart enough, you can mess around with bitshifting and modulo operations to make dubstep music18:59
llutzjrib: not sure, but with a short testfile it just worked this odd way18:59
jribllutz: yeah, I was trying to understand exactly what -n does there :P19:00
MonkeyDustZombieReznov  yes, ubuntu support is situated in freenode19:00
SonikkuAmericaElMa: Try [ xrandr ] from the console.19:00
PhysicistSonikkuAmerica, whjs: I will do it. Thank you!19:00
ElMathx mate, trying it now19:00
whjmst4b: try this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1605469/19:00
SonikkuAmericaElMa: That output (pastebin it here) might help with the diagnosis.19:01
jribllutz: echo '1:7\n1:8\n2:9\n1:5' | sort -n -u   # I guess -n will compare digits until it finds a non-digit?19:01
jribllutz: or decimals, which means it will work for ip-addresses.  I think you abused -n here, but I like it :)19:01
howcodehi ubuntu, i was wondering if you know a command to download a bunch of optional packages easily? like i need telepathy-idle but i was wondering if there is one?19:02
t4bwhjms, not quite what I'm trying to do, but very nice for one line of code. :-)19:02
SonikkuAmericahowcode: Just download (not install)?19:03
uskerinehi, how could i install a package (openmotif) from multiverse repository? I have a fresh installation of ubuntu 12.04 server and I have checked /etc/apt/source.list to ensure that multiverse repository is uncommented, but I still get "Unable to locate package" while trying apt-get install openmotif. I also did apt-get uupdate.19:03
DJones!pt | AAKO19:03
ubottuAAKO: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:03
howcodesonikkuamerica: and install... i just want all the packages i might need without manually apt-getting them all.19:03
SonikkuAmericahowcode: You might try installing Synaptic (the old package manager)19:04
SonikkuAmericahowcode: Depending on your flavor it might already be there (Muon on Kubuntu, Synaptic on Lubuntu)19:04
Cubhey i have a problem19:05
ElMaSonikkuAmerica; used Randxr "can't get display"19:05
Cubwhen im at the logon screen ubuntu 12.10 wont let me use the number pad to enter numbers19:05
Cubhow can i fix this?19:05
ElMa"can't open display"*19:05
SonikkuAmericaElMa, sounds like drivers are missing then.19:05
SonikkuAmericaCub: Check your "Num Lock." Is it on?19:06
ElMaSonikku, what can i do then?19:06
SonikkuAmericaElMa: Kind of obvious. :) What's your graphics card again?19:06
ElMano vga, im running a intel 2500k19:06
SonikkuAmericaElMa: That's a processor, not a graphics card.19:07
randimilleranyone have suggestions on a video player? I have Totem, but it says that the DVD is encrypted19:07
ElMalol i know19:07
ZombieReznovAre there alternatives to Jupiter since it's not going to be updated anymore?19:07
sajanrandimiller: VLC Player is great.19:07
ElMabut they do work as graphic car19:07
SonikkuAmericaElMa: Yes. It's called the Intel HD 3000.19:08
randimillerthanks sajan will give that one a shot19:08
ElMaoh, i didn't knew that.19:08
ElMakinda noobish19:08
SonikkuAmericaElMa: Does it use NVIDIA Optimus?19:08
ElMai dont think so, let me google19:08
SonikkuAmericaEveryone: I'll brb, gotta restart19:09
ioriaElMa: do you have a remote controller for the  HDMI ?19:09
ElManope and nope19:09
ZombieReznovI think I'm on a 2500k too.19:09
randimillerZombieReznov: what is Jupiter?19:09
ZombieReznovJupiter is this program/app thing I use for power management on my laptop19:10
An_Ony_Moosehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1605536/ why is this happening?19:10
ZombieReznovIt's pretty cool (literally) even though it crashes every now and then, but I heard the person running it won't be updating anymore and I'd like to have a good alternative if it isn't compatible some day19:10
nronksrioria: I'll take a look, thnx for the link.19:11
MonkeyDustAn_Ony_Moose  try 'jockey', without -gtk19:11
sunsetloverhey guys, i'm back19:11
An_Ony_MooseMonkeyDust: command not found19:11
An_Ony_Moosehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1605570/ also19:12
carelesshey guys is there any way to save my xgamma settings19:12
MonkeyDustAn_Ony_Moose  try 'locate jockey'19:12
carelessfor between xserver restarts19:13
ElMaIoria: how can i get my drivers?19:13
DJonesAn_Ony_Moose: Its a known bug 1082158 been confirmed but looks like nothing has been done to fix yet19:13
An_Ony_MooseI have jockey-text19:13
ubottubug 1082158 in jockey (Ubuntu) "jockey-gtk is installed but says that it is not " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108215819:13
An_Ony_Mooseooh ok, thanks19:13
sunsetloverioria: do you know any thing about wireless devices ?19:14
DJonesAn_Ony_Moose: http://askubuntu.com/questions/234799/i-installed-jockey-gtk-but-how-do-i-run-it19:14
_aknewhope_Ubuntu makes me giz19:14
ioriasunsetlover: we can try.... united we stand, devided we fall19:15
carelessi think i should save it to xorg.conf ?19:15
DJonesAn_Ony_Moose: MonkeyDust Seems like jockey-gtk doesn't exist as such anymore, its functionality was merged into software sources19:15
An_Ony_Mooseoooooh it's been replaced! I see. Thanks DJones19:15
_aknewhope_Ubuntu, my friend19:15
blackthorMonkeyDust, sounds like a drug i'd like to try :)  what does/did it do ?19:16
carelessbut does the xorg.conf file not exist anymore ?19:16
ThinkT510careless: it doesn't exist by default, but if you make one it will be obeyed19:17
oupateddieI'm trying to drag and drop files in Nautilus but cannot get it done to copy files to a bookmark. Is there anything I am missing here?19:17
carelesshm i just wanted to add the gamma setting, i dont know exactly how the file is susposed to look like19:17
ThinkT510!xorgconf | careless19:18
ubottucareless: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.19:18
SenjaiI think i just majorly screwed up my network19:19
SenjaiI'm trying to setup a static IP for my laptop19:19
SenjaiSo i can get apache working externally19:19
oupateddieAre there any permissions to set to be able to drag and drop files in Nautilus from a folder into a bookmark folder on the left side of the screen?19:19
SenjaiBut after changing /etc/network/interfaces19:19
Senjaieth0 dissapeared from ifconfig19:20
sunsetloverioria: first thank your help about resizing partition. second i have wireless device installed default by ubuntu , but the problem that it is not working normally, so how can we fix this problem19:20
Senjaibut I still have a connection19:20
Senjaiand the connection manager crashed19:20
ioriasunsetlover: you loose packets when you ping ?19:20
lbj_90Everytime my computer comes back from standby and before xscreensaver is displayed I get '[2.351259] kvm: disabled by bios'. After reading around I'm still not sure what kvm is but I'm pretty sure it's not installed so I don't know where to start but it'd be nice to get rid of the delay19:20
SenjaiAny ideas/19:21
mehdi_does anybody here have encounter graphical problem? speciall with Nvidia?19:22
sunsetloveri didn't tried to ping on wireless, let me try it, is there any ip must used19:22
ioriasunsetlover: ping
lbj_90mehdi_ what drivers are you using?19:23
mehdi_lbj_90, nvidia-current19:23
thomedyquick question... im doing the tutorial at19:23
thomedyit has told me to enter my admin user name...19:24
thomedyi dont remember ever setting that and if i did how do i find it19:24
thomedywait im sorry19:24
thomedyi got it19:24
thomedythats dumb19:24
lbj_90I haven't had any running xfce. did you install with ubuntu's additional drivers software?19:24
oupateddieI'm trying to drag and drop files in Nautilus but cannot get it done to copy files to a bookmark. Is there anything I am missing here?19:25
guest_____Quick question about encryption.19:25
guest_____When I installed Ubuntu, I chose to encrypt the disk.  How can I un-encrypt it?19:25
escott_guest_____, encrypt home or encrypt the disk?19:25
guest_____I have the password, I just need to unencrypt it.  The disk escott.19:25
escott_guest_____, i would just reinstall thats easier19:26
_aknewhope_How come on most tutorials on Apache HTTP  the default document root is Shown in /var/www/?19:26
guest_____escott, thanx.19:26
ioriasunsetlover: ping
sunsetlover_ioria: the ping is not loosing any packets.19:26
Senjai_aknewhope_: its where it installs it19:26
ioriasunsetlover: so, what's the issue ?19:26
_aknewhope_I compiled from source without setting prefix and its in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/19:27
_aknewhope_On ubuntu19:27
_aknewhope_I did not install from packages19:27
jrib_aknewhope_: because most people are sane and use a package manager :)19:27
Senjai_aknewhope_: Well, if you isntall it with the package, it comes with a preconfigured directory19:27
mehdi_nobody havig a problem with dash menu?19:27
Senjai_aknewhope_: Its best to use /var as by FHS its meant to handle changing data.19:27
_aknewhope_Is var/www/ better?19:27
SenjaiOr where changing data is consistantly found19:27
_aknewhope_Senjai: Ok19:27
Senjai_aknewhope_: by FHS, yes19:28
sunsetlover_my router is beside me and in windows the wireless signal is full but in ubuntu it gives me that the signal is low19:28
SenjaiNOw i just need help with my issue19:28
_aknewhope_FHS is the organization responsible for file structure or directory structure correct?19:28
jrib_aknewhope_: I strongly suggest you use packages for something like apache.  Otherwise, you're responsible for updating apache  whenever there is a security issue (and knowing about it)19:28
ioriasunsetlover: but your browser or your downloads are slow ?19:28
llutz /srv/www would be more fhs-compliant19:29
_aknewhope_jrib: Most likely you are right but I am a tinkerer. Lol19:29
sunsetlover_ioria: yes19:29
ioriasunsetlover: are you using broadcom drivers ? (lspci)19:29
_aknewhope_I have two instances on amazon ec2. One using packed and one compiling myself.19:30
sunsetlover_ioria: browsing and downloading in windows is perfect but in ubuntu is very slow19:30
ioriasunsetlover: are you using broadcom drivers ? (lspci)19:30
sunsetlover_ioria: yes it is default with ubuntu19:31
_helios_sunsetlover_: Are you using wubi or a full install19:31
_aknewhope_I will most likely use packed because the amount of steps required to setup everything is mind boggling19:31
sunsetlover_helios: i used wubi19:31
_helios_sunsetlover_: that's your problem19:31
ioriasunsetlover: check if you have installed firmware-b43-installer19:31
ZombieReznovsome reason wubi installs are really slow...19:31
ZombieReznovin my experience anyway19:31
_helios_sunsetlover_: wubi is not good for the full Ubuntu experience.19:31
ioriasunsetlover: i din't know you are using wubi : /19:32
SonikkuAmerica2_helios_: I beg to differ!19:32
sunsetlover_so what i have to do ?19:32
_helios_SonikkuAmerica2: wubi is slower for the most part, I used it awhile back and it is slower than a real full install.19:33
ioriasunsetlover: i don't use wubi... sorry19:33
_helios_sunsetlover_: Reinstall Ubuntu as a full install or a true dual boot not using wubi19:33
SonikkuAmerica2_helios_: I had virtually no problems with my 2007-model machine. 10 minutes and boom! It was in.19:33
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SonikkuAmerica2atael: b?19:34
sunsetlover_the problem that i installed the full version beside windows 7 and it crashed the bootloader of windows, so i got to install it from wubi after fixing the windows bootloader19:35
_helios_sunsetlover_: goto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HANcetKsqc and follow the video and you wont have any problems.19:35
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ataelthis is awesome19:35
SonikkuAmerica2Hey Guest96252, welcome to #ubuntu! State your problem.19:35
ioriasunsetlover: first install windows, then ubuntu19:35
Guest96252No problem, just lurking.19:36
ataellast time I used irc was long time ago19:36
SonikkuAmerica2!ot | atael19:36
ubottuatael: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
ioriasunsetlover: windows doesn't like other os19:36
sunsetlover_ioria: thats what i did before19:36
_helios_sunsetlover_: you will find that video very helpful it shows how to partition and everything properly.19:36
hatakewhere fdisk ?19:36
ioriasunsetlover:  ^o^19:37
SonikkuAmerica2hatake: fdisk should be there.19:37
SonikkuAmerica2hatake: You'll probably need to sudo to use it though.19:37
urlwolfchrome suddenly stopped displaying flash videos19:37
SonikkuAmerica2urlwolf: Confetti?19:37
urlwolfI see a 'missing plugin' instead19:37
escott_hatake, you shouldn't be using fdisk anyways. use parted19:38
urlwolfSonikkuAmerica2: ?19:38
SonikkuAmerica2urlwolf: Reinstall it. (I don't recommend Chrome for Flash currently. Use Firefox or Opera instead.(19:38
hatakeso ok19:38
urlwolfwhat happened to chrome?19:38
SonikkuAmerica2urlwolf: The current version of Chrome doesn't handle YouTube very well.19:38
urlwolfin all platforms? or just linux?19:39
SonikkuAmerica2urlwolf: Just Linux.19:39
seyfarthurlwolf: turn on html5 - helps http://www.youtube.com/html519:39
urlwolfwe always get screwed19:39
l057c0d3r_helios_, i dont see why people say wubi is slower..  i have  a wubi install.. and it runs lightning fast19:39
SonikkuAmerica2seyfarth: Mmm... all that does is turn the "confetti" red.19:39
OerHeksSonikkuAmerica2, chrome runs youtube flash fine. there must be an other reaseon19:39
escott_l057c0d3r, yours would be lightning faster if it wasnt on wubi19:39
SonikkuAmerica2OerHeks: In what Linux?19:40
=== atael is now known as TheFerret
ZombieReznovi run chrome flash in chrome fine in ubuntu 12.0419:40
oupateddieI'm trying to drag and drop files in Nautilus but cannot get it done to copy files to a bookmark. Is there anything I am missing here?19:40
_helios_l057c0d3r: it depends on the system, for most people wubi is slow, It was slow for me as well that's why I got rid of it and did a full install first a dual boot with windows then I got rid of windows completaly19:40
SonikkuAmerica2Could just be Wubi, but I'm not sure.19:40
=== TheFerret is now known as Atael
l057c0d3rhmm.. i guess i got good luck19:40
_helios_l057c0d3r: yep19:40
l057c0d3rwas thinking hmm i have wubi install..  play skyrim..  works great ..  watch netflix.. works great19:41
escott_l057c0d3r, you probably have a lot of ram and arent bothered by slower disk access19:41
ZombieReznovhow would I install sun java?  I need it for Minecraft, openJDK makes so many bugs in it.19:41
SonikkuAmerica2l057c0d3r, ... try YouTube in Chrome and watch it suck miserably... :(19:41
escott_ZombieReznov, you have to download it from oracle19:41
l057c0d3ractually.. i have chromium.. and i don't have a problem with youtube19:41
escott_ZombieReznov, or find one of the PPAs that violates the distribution clauses of the license19:42
SonikkuAmerica2Chromium is the same thing, only open-source... maybe I should give it a shot...19:42
l057c0d3rnow every once in a while i get a bit of lag..19:42
linxehZombieReznov: there are PPAs that have a script that will download it for you and install it etc19:42
l057c0d3rbut thats my net access19:42
linxehZombieReznov: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java19:42
l057c0d3rnet here cuts out all the time.. need a new provider19:42
linxehI've not tried that for a long time though19:43
=== Guest37922 is now known as complezx
l057c0d3ri'm so happy with eric hoover ( i believe thats his name) for his netflix-desktop ppa19:43
l057c0d3rran into a few issues.. but found that if the page loads wrong or doesn't look right just right click reload and it works19:44
ubottugino90: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:45
ZombieReznovthanks I'll try it now19:46
sunsetlover_i will try the wireless with live cd and get back to you to give you the results19:47
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ioriawhat a wonderful nick19:49
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thomedyim following the ubuntu wiki for mail in citadel at19:50
thomedyand i have finished it and went to what i described in /etc/mailname19:51
thomedybut nothing is ther... the wiki says run webcit -d if nothing and i did and still nothing19:51
thomedyi have it at my.10year.plan19:51
thomedyis that a possilbe name19:51
thomedycna i do that19:52
l057c0d3rmy question here is has anyone ever got gwibber to work19:58
l057c0d3ri mean it works in a way.. if i click update status.. and type a new status it will update my facebook status19:58
l057c0d3rbut other then that the main app does nothing but say refreshing the whole time.......  never shows anything but a blank white screen\19:59
=== aguadito is now known as Austerity-Sucks
l057c0d3rwonder if it has anything to do with 64bit system20:01
starriderxIt appears gwibber once worked, by changes to facebook broke it20:01
Rarrikins_zHow can I get a process to only run when no other processes are using the CPU? nice -n 19 doesn't seem to do much. If I start a niced process and a normal one, both get 50% CPU.20:02
melvinHi. after upgrading to 12.10 my wireless network named "300" isn't found anymore by network manager20:02
l057c0d3rstarriderx, i see......20:02
l057c0d3ri wonder if they will ever fix it...20:02
starriderxthey may fix it, but then facebook will change something else and break it again20:03
l057c0d3rso its not me then.. it really is broken20:04
l057c0d3ri feel better now'20:04
starriderxThere is always some process or thread using the cpu a little bit20:04
starriderxfacebook wants everyone to use their interface, not 3'rd party apps like gwibber20:06
Rarrikins_zHow do I get a program to use only the unused portion of CPU on top or something to that effect, instead of taking 50% when another program is using a lot of CPU?20:07
yezariaelyRarrikins_z: not exactly what you are looking for, but the "nice" value might be helpful20:07
Rarrikins_zWhen I have a process set to nice 19, it still takes up 50% with another competing nice 0 process.20:08
yezariaelyit controls the greedyness of a process wrt. cpu20:08
Rarrikins_zIt doesn't seem to do anything.20:08
Richturddoes anyone know where i can find a website where i can share my portfolio, im looking for work20:08
kostkon!ot | Richturd20:09
ubottuRichturd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:09
Richturdwhere is a good chat room for this question then kostkon20:09
kostkonRichturd, don't have a clue :/20:10
Richturdwell, then you're useless20:10
Richturdthat's a good one but i was thinking of other stuff20:11
seyfarthlol. I think that's the wrong attitude to have if you're looking for work.20:11
Richturdwhere i can put pics of my work20:11
yezariaelyRichturd: your "niceness" is very bad...20:11
yezariaelytry xing...20:11
yezariaelyif you are from germany,20:11
yezariaelymonster if you are from us20:11
yezariaelywell, anyway this is still OT...20:11
escott_Rarrikins_z, the other process is probably unable to use more CPU20:12
starriderxRichturd; you might try setting up a blog with your work on wordpress?20:12
Richturdyou cant post pics of your work on monster (at least i dnt think)20:12
Richturdstarriderx thats good20:12
Richturdwhats a good site for that20:12
xangua!ot | Richturd starriderx20:12
ubottuRichturd starriderx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:12
Richturdis there a room where i can talk about things of this nature without being told to stay on topic20:13
seyfarthRichturd: #ubuntu-offtopic20:13
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thomedyim followingthe tutorial here to set up a mail server20:16
thomedyand the first thing it does is to tel me to chang my host name20:16
thomedywith hostname newname20:16
thomedyand then after that go to etc/hostname20:16
thomedywell i did the first now i cant do the second because it is unable to resolve name20:16
ThinkT510!hostname | thomedy20:16
ubottuthomedy: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:16
thomedyokay so if i had the new name to /etc/hosts then i cand get into hostname?20:17
thomedyi think thats what that is saying20:17
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escott_thomedy, i dont see what name resolution has to do with editing a file. why can't you just open the file with a text editor and make your changes20:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1088775 in gwibber (Ubuntu Quantal) "gwibber does not refresh Facebook feeds" [High,Confirmed]20:18
cute_bettongcomment #16 is the fix for gwibber20:18
thomedyi dont know it wasn' tletting me20:19
thomedybut i got into hosts and did that and then it let me into hostname20:19
thomedyso it seemed to be the answer20:19
thomedyoim about to test it20:19
traubisodahow can i restart samba service on 12.04?20:20
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ThinkT510traubisoda: sudo service nameofservice restart20:22
compdocsudo service smbd restart20:22
compdocsudo service smbd status20:22
traubisodaThinkT510 already tried that, it says smdb: unrecognized service :/20:23
starriderxtraubisoda; spelling error, it's smbd, not smdb20:23
ThinkT510traubisoda: wouldn't it be smbd not smdb?20:23
traubisodaLOL thank you!!!20:24
ThinkT510traubisoda: the d at the end of service names often means daemon20:24
traubisodayeah i knew that, yet i spelled wrong :D20:24
y2ji need drivers for amd w8000 firepro20:25
y2jnot sure how to install20:25
meetI have a free drive of 50 gb. I want to create a 30 gb ext4 partition and remaining 20 gb as fat32. At installation it is asking for a mount point for the fat32 partition .  But I just want a free partition that is visible in Windows directly . What do I select?20:25
l057c0d3rhmm thanks to cute_bettong i've got gwibber and facebook working again... and after all this time.. the fix was replacing one line in a plugin file with 4 lines....20:25
l057c0d3rsoooo simple20:25
ThinkT510meet: you don't need to create a mountpoint20:26
cute_bettongl057c0d3r, im glad that worked for you ^_^20:26
ThinkT510meet: i mean you don't have to do it at install, just edit fstab later20:26
jonahhi does anyone know the easiest way to set up a localhost test server on my machine just to test web developments, html and mysql etc. Is this the right guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP20:26
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escott_meet, whatever you want the mountpoint to be /media/shared would be a decent mountpoint20:27
oturais there a way for Evince to not open the sidepanel automatically every time I open a pdf?20:27
meetThinkt510 so is it ok if I select fat32 and just ignore the warning will it be visible?20:27
ThinkT510meet: sure, it will still be visable20:28
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ThinkT510meet: the only mountpoint you need to set at installation is / (which you obviously won't be using fat32 for)20:29
escott_meet, what warning20:29
verysoftoiletpprwhy don't I have /sys/classes/drm?20:29
meetEscott_ no mount point selected for fat 3220:29
meetThanks thinkt51020:30
escott_meet, why dont you want to set a mountpoint?20:30
meetFor fat32 it is giving me /dos and /windows as the options20:31
jakey1the startup disk creator isnt working for me20:31
escott_meet, you should be able to type in your own path20:31
meetAny ways I ignored the warning and will check after installation20:32
jakey1Im trying to put a server edition of ubuntu on a usb and its comming back with an error20:32
jakey1it didnt do that on ealier version of ubuntu20:32
jakey1does it make a difference if im running it in a virtual machine, cant see why it would20:33
ThinkT510jakey1: did you give the vm access to the usb?20:33
Bob123_jakey1: I think it does, but I am by no means an expert on this,20:34
dierotHey hey!! I need help to fade in and fade out video on vlc??20:34
ThinkT510dierot: vlc is a player not a video editor20:34
Queen`Beecan any one recommend me a point of sale app?20:34
jakey1ThinkT510, yep usb is connected20:36
jakey1I get some kind of dbus error20:37
dierotHey hey!! I need help to fade in and fade out video playback on vlc??20:37
ThinkT510jakey1: connected to the host yes, but does the vm see it?20:38
anonymousraptrreinstalled ubuntu 12.10 after removal of dual boot system. after adding encryption system is significantly slower. does encryption slow down older machines?20:39
jakey1ThinkT510, ye it does, connecting the usb is not a problem, i can cop to it20:39
thomedyi get a no protocol specified when i sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini20:39
thomedyi thought it was host name but i should be good on that20:39
starriderxanonymousraptr; yes, unless you have a hardware encryption module20:39
Queen`Beeencryption requires more processing, yes anonymousraptr20:40
escott_anonymousraptr, does encryption consume CPU and take time? yes. is it enough to be noticable to you? depends on what is noticable to you.20:40
escott_!gksudo | thomedy never sudo gedit20:40
ubottuthomedy never sudo gedit: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:40
verysoftoiletppris there a way to check if monitor is connected?20:40
stuart_i use sudo20:40
anonymousraptrstarriderx: once encryption of home folder is selected on installation, can i turn it back off?  or would i have to reinstall?20:40
Queen`Beegksudo is better. there are times when you will have issues because you sudo'd a graphical interface20:41
escott_anonymousraptr, if you copy all the files in $HOME except those under ~/.Private to another folder and then make that your home yes20:41
dinosaurvskittenhow can I disable touchpad gestures like the 3-finger "move this window" thing? My touchpad is much too sensitive, and gestures get triggered all the time without me wanting them.20:41
sunsetloverafter testing on live cd i found that the problem with wireless adapter is not from wubi version and this version is very good like the full version20:41
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escott_dinosaurvskitten, its all in the mouse settings20:43
dinosaurvskittenescott_: where? all I can see under touchpad is relates to scrolling20:43
anonymousraptrescott_:  if i choose to copy the home folder and use another directory as my home, doesnt that leave loose ends and make installing new software (that wants to use the home folder by default) difficult?20:44
escott_dinosaurvskitten, i guess im not familiar with this gesture then. perhaps it can be toggled in the synaptics command line tool although i would think this is a window manager thing20:45
dinosaurvskittenescott_: it's a unity thing as far as I can tell20:45
dinosaurvskittenescott_: I guess someone deemed that feature too awesome to be configurable? :p20:45
escott_!ccsm | dinosaurvskitten see if it is in there20:45
ubottudinosaurvskitten see if it is in there: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:45
escott_anonymousraptr, i dont follow.20:46
escott_!home | anonymousraptr20:46
ubottuanonymousraptr: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving20:46
escott_anonymousraptr, thats not the correct factoid20:46
ThinkT510dinosaurvskitten: be careful when editing compiz settings, it can break unity20:46
escott_!encrypted | anonymousraptr this will presumably include some instructions on moving away from ecryptfs although its just moving files out of ~/.Private20:47
ubottuanonymousraptr this will presumably include some instructions on moving away from ecryptfs although its just moving files out of ~/.Private: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory20:47
dinosaurvskittenescott_: doesn't seem to be in there20:47
anonymousraptrescott_: my system has slowed down in a big way since reinstallation. perhaps something else other than choosing the encryption option during installation is to blame for the slow down. im just not sure what.20:48
dinosaurvskittenThinkT510: the current solution seems to be "get rid of unity", so that shouldn't be an issue ;p20:48
ThinkT510dinosaurvskitten: i've never known any touchpad features to be unity specific20:49
escott_anonymousraptr, are you asking how to check what is slowing things down or asking how to move away from encrypted home?20:49
dinosaurvskittenThinkT510: guess I'll have to rip out gnome too20:49
anonymousraptrescott_: i get hiccups in the system frequently, mouse freeze, etc. id love to figure out what i changed from last install that is slowing me down.20:49
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escott_anonymousraptr, ok what is the output of free -m?20:50
jakey1the error is org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply20:50
jakey1for startup disk creator20:51
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anonymousraptrescott_: i am not familiar with free-m20:51
escott_anonymousraptr, open the terminal and type "free -m"20:52
awayanonymousraptr open a terminal and type free -m20:52
ThinkT510anonymousraptr: its a command: free with the option -m20:52
anonymousraptranonymous@anonymous-desktop:~$ sudo free -m20:52
anonymousraptr             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached20:52
anonymousraptrMem:           995        804        190          0         59        32020:52
anonymousraptr-/+ buffers/cache:        424        57020:52
anonymousraptrSwap:         1019          0       101920:52
FloodBot1anonymousraptr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
escott_anonymousraptr, you dont have much RAM. you could certainly be swapping20:53
escott_anonymousraptr, do your slowdowns come after having something like a webbrowser open for a long time?20:53
dinosaurvskittenanonymousraptr: side note: you don't need to run free as root20:54
bekksescott_: "swap used: 0"20:54
anonymousraptrescott_: the hardware is the same as it was before reinstall.  oh.. but wait. i used to be running the 32bit gnome ubuntu, and this time i switched to 64bit. could that be it?20:55
anonymousraptris there an irc option i can use in pidgin that will prevent me from constantly seeing all the people entering and leaving the room and just see dialog?20:57
Mitchell92Hey all... Haven't used Linux in ages... Looking to get back on... interested in Ubuntu over OpenSuSe. Going to install it on 3 computers... What do you all think of the Unity interface?20:57
ThinkT510Mitchell92: marmite, you can only find out for yourself20:57
escott_bekks, yes "could" != "are"20:57
ThinkT510Mitchell92: you either love it or hate it20:58
Guest54522anybody here know how to parse emails by piping emails from procmail to python?20:58
Mitchell92One laptop is an AMD A8 Quad Core (64 bit)... 8GB RAM. I'm guessing I should go with the 64 bit edition?20:58
ThinkT510Mitchell92: definitely20:59
Mitchell92Primary computers I'm putting it on are an intel mac mini... 1GB RAM, intel core duo processor... other is the laptop...20:59
anonymousraptrlogging stopped. solved that. sorry20:59
Mitchell92might put it on the netbook... 2GB RAM... VIA C7-M processor20:59
compdocMitchell92, good choice20:59
ThinkT510!mac | Mitchell9220:59
ubottuMitchell92: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages20:59
escott_anonymousraptr, not likely21:00
Mitchell92It's a mac mini 1,1, got it right when they came out with intel macs.21:00
anonymousraptrescott_: you are right. im still seeing the constant "entered the room" "left the room"...21:01
Ataeldoes anyone know if easystroke works on virtual machines (win7 host)21:01
AtaelI can't record strokes for some reason21:01
vltHello. What pkg do I need to install additionally to ffmpeg to be able to use -vcodec libx264 on Ubuntu 12.04?21:01
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Mitchell92I'm really unsure if I should go with unity or if I should use KDE... Ubuntu seems nice but I very much like gnome... the desktop looks nice but i dislike the launcher.21:03
gwinbeeMitchell92: personally, I've been using Cinnamon instead of Unity.21:03
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Mitchell92How do I get Cinnamon on ubuntu?21:04
ThinkT510Mitchell92: try it for a while is the only way to find out what grates you21:04
ThinkT510Mitchell92: cinnamon isn't supported here21:04
k1l!notunity | Mitchell9221:04
ubottuMitchell92: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:04
gwinbeeMitchell92: google is your friend on this one21:05
Modernmy1hIs there a way to have my 12.10 lappy only use the external monitor when attached and switch back when unplugged? Doesn't seem to be anyting like that in the preferences. Dont mind editing configs if that's where I need to do it.21:05
Mitchell92I have an AMD Radeon HD 6620G... How good is the hardware support??21:06
bobweaverModernmy1h, sounds like you just need to make one monitor as default that is under systemsettings-->apperance->display21:06
l057c0d3rModernmy1h, i was able to get it working like that...  but i had to install binary drivers...  and i have to switch manually to the hdm1 when its plugged in...  but when i unplug it it goes back to the default on lappy21:06
l057c0d3rand the binary drivers should work great on your card'21:07
l057c0d3ri have an amd radeon hd 7***g series21:07
gmachine_24Hi. What is the command to reboot with a file system check forced on reboot? Thanks.21:08
IveBeenBitI'm trying to find a desktop mail client that syncs with my outlook.com account. I want to delete or send a file to a new folder and have those changes reflected in the outlook.com web interface. Is there a linux solution? Seems that it may be able to get done with the "Exchange ActiveSync" protocol.21:09
SonikkuAmericagmachine_24: It used to be /forcefsck21:09
bobweaverModernmy1h, http://imagebin.org/24539621:09
bobweaverjust turn off the one that you do not want to show up21:09
gmachine_24SonikkuAmerica: As in $sudo reboot /forcefsck ...... ?21:11
SonikkuAmericagmachine_24: Yeah, but I don't think that's it.21:11
l057c0d3rhmm that sucks.. every now and then.. like ever other day..  if i leave my computer running i have to type killall cairo-dock  then run cairo-dock & otherwise parts of the dock stop responding21:12
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Modernmy1hThanks guys. I'll try that.21:12
Modernmy1hI did set the extral screen to the only one working ... just hoping it will be automatic and no intervention needed on my part.21:13
_helios_l057c0d3r: probably a wubi problem lol21:13
boernhi, can you tell me, how i can disable all my ubuntu system sounds?21:13
bobweaverModernmy1h,  it does21:13
gmachine_24SonikkuAmerica: Yes, I do not believe that's it, either. There is something before /forcefsck (if that is still used) but it's not reboot21:13
l057c0d3r_helios_, ha ha21:14
_helios_l057c0d3r: lol I had to say something sorry21:14
Modernmy1hAHA! It does switch back and forth painlessly!21:14
gmachine_24go niners\21:15
bobweaverthat is RIght gmachine_24  !!!!!!!!!!21:15
bobweaverGo niners !21:15
johnsifuGo Niners!!!21:15
SonikkuAmerica!ot | bobweaver, johnsifu21:15
ubottubobweaver, johnsifu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:15
Modernmy1hHeh, someones a busy dev.21:16
gmachine_240t! | gmachine_2421:16
gmachine_24ot! | gmachine_2421:16
SonikkuAmerica!ot | gmachine_24, if I must nab you too (lol)21:16
ubottugmachine_24, if I must nab you too (lol): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:16
IveBeenBitI'm trying to find a desktop mail client that syncs with my outlook.com account. I want to delete or send a file to a new folder and have those changes reflected in the outlook.com web interface. Is there a linux solution? Seems that it may be able to get done with the "Exchange ActiveSync" protocol.21:16
SonikkuAmericaNote where that ! goes21:16
gmachine_24My apologies. I will behave.21:16
bobweaver!ot  un-called for > gmachine_2421:16
ubottubobweaver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:16
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SonikkuAmericaIveBeenBit, Thunderbird doesn't work for you?21:17
boernhi, can you tell me, how i can disable all my ubuntu system sounds?21:17
IveBeenBitSonikkuAmerica, if I delete from Thunderbird, the mail is still there if I log on to the web interface, which is the problem.21:17
SonikkuAmericaIveBeenBit: I see. So it forces POP instead of IMAP21:18
SonikkuAmericaand then ignores it21:18
_helios_boern: http://askubuntu.com/questions/106878/how-do-i-disable-all-sounds has the answer for that21:19
michael_don't know why but I'm loving ubuntu wayyy more then windows 7 or 8 on my new laptop so I'm all in now. But I want to change all this orangeness on 12.10. anyone figured this out yet?21:19
gmachine_24boern, I believe Preferences>Sound> and then you ignore system sounds.........21:19
boernthank you very much ;)21:20
gmachine_24boern, or you can click on the speaker icon in the tray and then pick preferences, etc.21:20
gmachine_24'sound preferences' rather21:21
gmachine_24boern, anytime. let me know if that does what you want it to21:21
boerngreat, i found it :)21:21
boernyou are all great21:21
test____Sry for my bot [NFBorg3]21:22
NFBorg3 Whats?21:22
carelesshey guys does 12.10 got any kind of idle timeout..my screen goes dark after a few minutes if inactivity ?21:22
_helios_careless: yes in system settings21:22
gmachine_24careless, do you want it to go dark or does it go dark and you don't want it to?21:22
carelessi dont want it21:23
SonikkuAmericacareless: Head for System Settings > Brightness and Lock21:23
carelessyeah i turned it off21:23
carelessstill does it21:23
michael_anyone know how to change all the orange colors in ubuntu 12.10 into something else? just main colors for say radiance. I like that theme wayy better then ambiance and just want to change the colors within.21:23
gmachine_24careless, did you check screensaver prefs?21:24
carelessit's set to 'Never'21:24
carelesswhere are those ?21:24
SonikkuAmericamichael_: You might want to [ sudo apt-get install gconf-editor ]21:24
carelesspreferences ? i'm using unity...21:25
gmachine_24careless, also check power management prefs while there21:25
michael_SonikkuAmerica, ok I'm doing that now. I think the reason I was confused was because I was tryying to figure it out with dconf-editor lol21:26
carelessi dont have any screensaver button in system settings21:26
SonikkuAmericamichael_: The "d" is for Debian, while the "g" is for GNU Net objects.21:26
michael_SonikkuAmerica, ok I'm in gconf now where do I go and what do I do?21:27
carelesswhere do i check screensaver preferences in 12.10 unity ? :)21:27
SonikkuAmericamichael_: I think it's somewhere in apps/metacity21:28
gmachine_24careless, The screensaver theme and activation time out may be configured by clicking on the power button in the top panel, selecting System Settings and then choosing the Screensaver option in the Control Center to access the Screensaver Preferences dialo21:29
michael_SonikkuAmerica, I'm at metacity/general and it only has 3 options. button layout theme and titlebar. And theme is set for ambiance with no color preferences21:29
SonikkuAmericamichael_: Unfortunately I haven't used gconf-editor in ages.21:29
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Styler2goHey Guys. Is there an easy to setup web-based monitoring programm for ubuntu 10.04?21:30
frownifresh fish fresh fish fresh fish21:30
michael_SonikkuAmerica, I just flung my hands in the air out of frusteration lol. Thank you anyway. 12.10 is a pain in this era but all the new features I really do like21:30
bekksStyler2go: For monitoring what exactly?21:31
Styler2goprocessor, ram, hdd and webbased things like traffic if possible21:31
Styler2goi just found munin. is this good?21:32
carelessgmachine_24: i really dont have a screensaver option in the control center :p21:32
gmachine_24Styler2go, I'm sorry, you want to monitor network traffic or what?21:32
Styler2goif possbile21:32
michael_anyone else who might of figured out how to change the color scheme on ubuntu 12.10 yet?21:32
KI4ROStyler2go, System Monitor works pretty well21:33
gmachine_24Styler2go, plus you want to monitor cpu use, ram use, hdd? cpu use and ram use I understand. What about your hard drive do you want to monitor?21:33
Styler2gofree space21:33
gmachine_24what KI4RO ......... said....... System Monitor I believe does most of that for your computer21:34
Styler2goits a server21:34
bekksStyler2go: Then I'd setup something like Nagios.21:35
Styler2goits for my ubuntu server so it need sto be web based.. or maybe with an android app...21:35
ikonianagios is over kill for "simple" monitoring21:35
Styler2gowhat about this? http://munin-monitoring.org/21:35
cute_bettongim having some graphics issues in 12.04 with the intel/ati switchable graphics on ubuntu 12.04 does anyone know a fix to get the ati card to work becasue i've tried tons of howto's and nothing seems to help, would switching to ubuntu 12.10 work?21:36
Styler2goi need something maybe easy to install cause i am not that good with ubuntu :-/21:36
carelessgmachine_24: think i got it now. thank you very much21:36
gmachine_24careless, ok. sorry if I was more confusing than helpful21:36
KI4ROStyler2go, Have a look:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/9107/what-tools-do-you-use-to-monitor-a-web-server21:36
StevenRStyler2go: can you define what you mean by "monitoring" ... what do you actually want the app to do with the data it collects?21:37
carelessnot a problem, you helped a lot, tnx very much again!21:37
Styler2goits like the app for plesk: https://lh6.ggpht.com/qv_YMMFm9sHHQIiRqv9R4Wrevdel8T-npv9otjbM7TFHghK0W9v1AQ2ZIw1slaVX8Kw21:37
frowniubuntu 12.10 seems amazing by the way. How can i go back to Gnome 2 look?21:37
k1l!notunity | frowni21:38
ubottufrowni: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:38
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity21:38
Styler2goany idea for my case?21:40
KI4ROStyler2go, did you see the web page I sent you?  Did that help any?21:41
bekksStyler2go: Nagios.21:42
xanguaStyler2go: that looks like conky21:42
Styler2goi think i will try Munin21:42
Styler2golooks easy to install21:42
Styler2goNagios looks veeery difficult21:43
=== daniel is now known as Guest87629
anynamehey guys, which one would be best on a low-powered netbook 1gb ram, Ubuntu or Kubuntu ? I think KDE offers better customisation to get rid of bload features but I may be wrong ?21:45
anynameplease only between the two, no xu of lubuntu21:46
Mitchell92trying to put ubuntu on my mac mini 1,1... it keeps staying stuck at a black screen with a blanking cursor.21:46
AkselAre there any downsides to enabling preload and prelink?21:46
SonikkuAmericaanyname: That's a hard shot, given both use a boatload of resources to work.21:46
=== Guest87629 is now known as Stadtpirat
gmachine_24Hi - I have a folder with lots of video and audio files - I want to delete them but also have them overwritten .... can I use "shred" to kill an entire folder and all its contents? is there a way to set it up recursively?21:49
phoenixsamprasits horrible how UNITY is so slow21:49
cute_bettongim currently using ubuntu 12.04 32bit and im having some issues with switchable graphics, i was wondering if ubuntu 12.10 64 bit would be better?21:49
Styler2gomunin is very difficult too :(21:49
Mitchell92can someone help me with mactel support?21:50
SonikkuAmericacute_bettong: Can your machine support 64-bit computing?21:50
cute_bettongSonikkuAmerica, yes im running an 64 bit i7 in 32bit mode with PAE21:51
MerisIs there a way to normalise the sounds speed while running a Windows program utilizing sound in Wine? As correctly pointed out on the Wine Buglists, this is not caused by a Wine Issue, but rather by a kernel-based issue centered around alsa and Intel-HDA.21:51
SonikkuAmericacute_bettong: Wow. You shouldn't be running 32-bit Ubuntu on such stuff. Although I'm not sure if that'll help with a graphics problem.21:52
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phoenixsamprasI have unity in 64 bits, core i7, and it Sucks21:54
Mitchell92I need some assistance on installing the new ubuntu release on a mac mini 1,121:54
cute_bettongSonikkuAmerica, ok ill try both 12.04 64 and 12.10 64 and see what happens21:54
Styler2goWould someone have time to help me with munin? if i want to navigate to /var/www/munin i see the files but on my webserver i cant see them...21:54
MerisMitchell92, some more eleborate Hardware specs. would be nice.21:54
Styler2gooh.. now i get the error "Forbidden"21:54
Mitchell92Meris, intel mac mini 1,1.. intel core duo, 1.66ghz dual core... 1GB RAM21:55
MerisMitchell92, allright, did you download the Mac-friendly version of the distribution CD?21:56
Mitchell92I wasn't aware there was one.21:56
Styler2gohow can i allow any ip if the ip have to be set in regex? currently there is: allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$   .. will i need to set it to or *.*.*.* or something else?21:57
Mitchell92Meris where can I obtain the CD image?21:57
MerisMitchell92, Apple has a retarded implementation of an optical driver that makes it unable to understand a more complex CD-structure.21:57
gmachine_24How do I securely overwrite an entire folder and all its contents using a CLI such as 'shred' or 'secure-delete'?21:58
MerisMitchell92, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads21:58
MerisMitchell92, which version of Ubuntu are you trying to install? LTS 12.04, or 12.10?21:59
Mitchell92the new one, 12.1021:59
OerHeksStyler2go, 3 urls, the server wiki, and a nice tutorial >> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/munin.html  >> http://articles.slicehost.com/2010/3/12/installing-munin-on-ubuntu >> http://articles.slicehost.com/2010/3/12/munin-configuration-and-testing-on-ubuntu22:00
sbaughsay i accidentally rm -rf'd /dev and /sys (but nothing else)22:01
sbaughthose will be restored on restart, right?22:01
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
sbaughthis channel is surprisingly quiet for one with 1744 people...22:03
Styler2goehrm guys... how can i completly uninstall something?22:04
OerHekssbaugh, most of us can't remember what will happen after rm -rf /dev and /sys22:05
ubottuTo purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P22:05
jonahhi can anyone please help me out? I can't get my site working on localhost / my desktop machine. lamp is working but mysql won't connect, if anyone can please help. I'm using opencart, i've installed myphpadmin and i've imported the database from the website and set up localhost and changed the config file on opencart to use localhost but it's not displaying the website...22:05
cute_bettongdoes ubuntu 12.10 need to be burnt to a dvd or a cd?22:06
Styler2goi am getting the error message "not empty" directory for this pruge command22:06
OerHekscute_bettong, dvd or 1 gb usb22:07
SonikkuAmericacute_bettong: Not necessarily. Got a USB?22:07
Mitchell92The alternative installer isn't recognizing my logitech wireless usb keyboard / mouse.22:07
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
bilelhi, I'm on ubuntu 10.04, The default php available version is php 5.3.2, I had followed a tutorial to get the php 5.3.5 version (by adding a custom apt source repository), but now I need to upgrade to >+5.3.8 minimum, but I can't find any repository for this, do you know any?22:11
Mitchell92Meris- Having a problem. I'm able to enter the installer, but once I get to select a language it's as if it isn't recognizing my keyboard.22:11
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Styler2goso nobody gives me help excpet these links?22:11
ikoniaStyler2go: reading those links should give you help22:12
Styler2goyes but i am still getting "403 forbidden"22:12
ikoniaStyler2go: have you read the links ?22:13
Styler2gobut nothing about the 403 forbidden22:13
sbaughokay, no worries guys! everything went fine after i reboERROR: KERNEL NOT FOUND22:13
BasmasterStupid question everyone, I have an install of Ubuntu Server and KVM with eth0 through 8  but can't seem to get the devices to come up on boot, if i ifconfig ethX up  they come up no problem but won't on boot22:14
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Basmasterany ideas how to get the devices to all come up on boot (not all plugged in but would still like them to come up)22:17
bekksBasmaster: Devices not plugged in cant come up on boot.22:18
OerHeksBasmaster, add them to your Fstab ?22:18
warzhi all. whats the install iso called, where it downloads things off the internet during install? so the iso is only like 50 MB, or something.22:18
Mitchell92I need some assistance. Trying the alternative installer on my intel mac... but I have a wireless logitech keyboard, it isn't working when i get to the language selection.22:18
gpI have setup dnsmasq for ProxyDHCP like here so that I can add PXE information for a thin client: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ProxyDHCP.  However, the server now uses as the nameserver instead of the nameservers assigned by the router22:19
gpHow can I fix this?22:19
zykotick9!mini > warz22:20
ubottuwarz, please see my private message22:20
Basmasterok if i can't make them come up unplugged how can i make them come up plugged in without dhcp or static as they are just for the VM's22:21
Basmasterwell think i got it, just added lines up ifconfig eth0 up in my /etc/network/interfaces   seems to have brought them all up no problem.22:24
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Styler2gohow much is 8gb traffic in 4 days? is this much?22:28
Basmaster8gb in 4 days no22:29
Styler2gothats good :) thank you22:30
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zactshow can I disable suspend when closing the lid in lightdm or gdm?22:31
zactsI've disabled it for users, but it still sleeps when I close the lid in the login screen22:32
y2jis there any outsourcing channel22:34
LostyJaihey guys22:37
LostyJaiis it recommended to turn multsect on? will it improve disk performance?22:37
ericushi test____22:38
kolibri_userhello guys22:43
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
LostyJaino one can answer my question?22:46
nownotis there a way to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 via cli?22:46
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mhall119nownot: do-release-upgrade22:49
sudo0mhey guys... need a little help i want to go back to original install state. how do i do this? is there a terminal command to type? if possible i want to retain any installs and files ive downloaded22:53
sudo0mcan some one please message me.22:53
anonymousraptrim having trouble with the internet speed of my ubuntu machine. its on the same network as a pc and osx machine but getting only half the dl speed.22:57
ericusanonymousraptr, what nic?22:58
ericusand drivers?22:58
TobiasTheCommiei'm having an issue that suddenly appeared on my ubuntu 12.10, my wifi can't see my home AP. neither the network manager nor an iwlist scan finds my home network. Though they find multiple(12) other networks.23:00
anonymousraptrericus: is there a command line to find my nic?23:00
TobiasTheCommieother devices can see and connect to the wifi fine.23:00
ubottugalexs: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:00
TobiasTheCommieit is NOT an issue with an illegal channel due to region. and the computer could connect fine a few days ago.23:00
ericusanonymousraptr, try "lspci"23:00
TobiasTheCommiedidn't find much with google23:00
anonymousraptrericus: Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI23:01
test____ericde Hi!23:02
ericde Whats?23:02
ericusso wifi anonymousraptr23:02
ericusare you running wifi from the other computers as well?23:03
ericusanonymousraptr, maybe this might be helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12166616&postcount=1223:04
ericusanonymousraptr, seems to be a problem with that nic23:04
anonymousraptrericus: thanks, no worries. now that i realize its a G card and the other two are 802.11N cards, getting half the download speed is about correct23:06
jonahhi can anyone please help me getting php working on my lamp localhost?23:06
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ericusanonymousraptr, hehe yes, if you have a 801.11N-network and are running a 801.11G card, that makes perfect sense ;)23:08
=== mpmc is now known as mpmc|Away
RakythHey, I'm having a problem with the xrandr command. Anyone familiar with it?23:16
tomreynjonah: you may want to turn to #ubuntu-server or #php for this.23:16
ricteccan some look at this and tell me what the heck is going on23:16
tomreynRakyth: a bit, what'S the problem?23:16
Katrinhello xD?23:20
tomreynrictec: may be a kernel bug. which ubuntu version?23:20
tomreynis this a VM?23:20
Katringood night =D23:20
rictectomreyn: 12.04.0123:20
Rakyth_tomreyn: when I xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1600x1000 --auto and swap to the external monitor, it still uses the old mode23:20
rictectomreyn: a 64 bit system23:20
Rakyth_er, sorry I was disconnected23:20
tomreynrictec: do you do virtualization there?23:20
rictecyes i have virtual box in this machine23:21
rictectomreyn: usb simple stop working23:21
tomreynRakyth_: sorry i have no experience with >1 monitor setups. the mode seems uncommon to me, is this actually one which is supported?23:22
Rakyth_yeah it's supported on the monitor and by the HDMI output23:22
Rakyth_I can't seem to remove the old mode, either23:22
Rakyth_delmode/rmmode don't work23:22
tomreynrictec: so this is the host system and you run iother systems below it using virtualbix, right?23:23
rictectomreyn: kernel as bean updated23:23
tomreynrictec: were you running virtualbox at the time it happened?23:24
rictecyes host23:24
rictecno i just try to debug using android and get this23:24
Rakyth_tom, are you out of ideas?23:25
tomreynrictec: debug using android? are you saying you run android in a VM for debugging purposes?23:25
tomreynrictec: also, are there any databases running or anything else causing heavy disk I/O on your main ubuntu system?23:26
rictectomreyn: no i connect android devices and debug them using adb23:26
tomreynRakyth_: when you run xrandr without arguments, is this mode listed?23:26
ricteci disconected my usb 3.0 storage device but gotthe same problem23:26
Rakyth_which one?23:27
ricteci beleave usb_modeswith is not working either23:27
vint59hi all!23:28
tomreynRakyth_: 1600x100023:28
rictectomreyn:  cat /etc/issue shows thatUbuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l23:28
vint59who is not sleep ?23:28
Rakyth_no, just 1600x1000_60.00, and that's only because I added it: I know the HDMI port and the monitor support it23:29
tomreynrictec: what does "uname -a" say?23:29
rictectomreyn: my kernel is: Linux ricubuntu64 3.2.0-37-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 24 15:28:10 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:29
rictecsudo service udev restart has no efect23:30
paul--I have the following physical setup http://www.flickr.com/photos/86435426@N05/8439999171/ , and I'd appreciate if someone here has used snapraid before on ubuntu? Very keen on achieving power saving / caching capabilities which is outlined here: http://snapraid.sourceforge.net/compare.html (snap raid). However, I want to run VM's ontop of the server install,23:30
paul--what is the recommended hypervisor? for ubuntu.23:30
FloodBot1paul--: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:30
Rakyth_I used gtf to get the modeline, I just can't get the old mode out and the new mode to display23:31
tomreynRakyth_: okay, i'm not sure whether this will work, since the video card also needs to support it. but i'm really not into multi-monitor setups, so i suggest you just repeat your question and get help from someone else here, or ask on some forums23:31
Rakyth_I'm also using the stable release of Chromium-OS but very few people in those groups have used xrandr or know its ins and outs, so that's why I went here23:31
Rakyth_I know the video card supports it because other people with the same hardware have hooked up much larger monitors resolution wise23:32
tomreynRakyth_: it's not about whether the size is too large, more about whether the exact dimensions are supported.23:33
Rakyth_tomreyn: from which end, the video card or the monitor?23:34
ntzrmtthihu777can a fella get a bit of help with ruby? I have already been to #ruby, but am looking for some specific help with precise x6423:34
tomreynrictec: you run the latest kernel for this ubuntu version, so that's not an issue. i'm not sure where to continue. can you check whether there are other issues logged before those lines you pasted. in the same or different logs found in /var/log/ ?23:34
tomreynRakyth_: both, it needs to match23:35
rictectomreyn: no i pasted just when it started no error befoure that23:35
Rakyth_tomreyn: how would I know for sure?23:36
tomreynrictec: were you saying that it happened right when you connected something to your usb3 port?23:36
rictectomreyn: ya the machine is on hold23:36
tomreynRakyth_: supported modes are printed when you run xrandr without arguments23:36
ricteconly solution temporary is reboot23:36
elmageCan someone help me? i have trouble installing Ubuntu. I think it's a vga drivers problem.23:37
tomreynrictec: "on hold" as in it freezes when you connect a device on the usb 3?23:37
rictectomreyn: this must have changed task scsi_eh_9:611923:37
rictectomreyn: on old to get info cos i have to reboot23:37
daftykinselmage: can you explain to the channel what happens so they can help you?23:37
rictecmouse is working any usb storage i connect is ignored23:38
tomreynntzrmtthihu777: welcome, and please ask your question, so people can respond if they can answer it.23:38
elmageyeah, i joined earlier and had some help23:38
rictecor any other usb23:38
tomreynelmage: welcome, and please ask your question, so people can respond if they can answer it.23:38
Rakyth_tomreyn: when I xrandr without any arguments I get 640x480 and my mode23:39
ntzrmtthihu777I have located a ruby program I should like to use, but am having hell getting it to work23:39
=== Brewster[afk] is now known as Brewster
PrimaryВсем привет)23:40
elmagethis is what happens: Im trying to install Ubuntu from a USB stick. First, the screen was going black after boot. This was fixed via NOMODESET. Now, when i enable NOMODESET and go to "INSTALL" in the menu, i get a Commands line, and idk what to do from there23:40
tomreynRakyth_: you open a terminal window, typr "xrandr" (without quotes) and it only outputs a single line, 640x480?23:40
tomreyn!ru | Primary23:40
ubottuPrimary: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:40
Rakyth_tomreyn: this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606418/23:41
elmage@tomreyn this is what happens: Im trying to install Ubuntu from a USB stick. First, the screen was going black after boot. This was fixed via NOMODESET. Now, when i enable NOMODESET and go to "INSTALL" in the menu, i get a Commands line, and idk what to do from there23:41
adamastorhello =) I can talk BLP .. Internet Eletric in US23:41
tomreynRakyth_: are you using a custom xorg.conf file? proprietary video drivers?23:43
tomreyni've never seen a single modeline listed unless when you have a custom xorg.conf23:44
rictecwindows hide 923:46
elmagei was told it was a video drivers problem, but i dont know how to solve that.23:46
Strav`Hi. Anyone else got their flash screwed up with the last google chrome package update23:46
OerHeksStrav`, Version 24.0.1312.56 Ubuntu 12.10 (24.0.1312.56-0ubuntu0.12.10.3) works great here23:47
Rakyth_tomreyn: I have no clue how chromeos handles the xorg.conf or the videoo driver, so the answer is probably yes to both23:48
Strav`OerHeks: I'm on 24.0.1312.5723:48
OerHeksgreat ..23:48
rictectomreyn: so you think is a kernel bug?23:49
tomreynelmage: your best bet is probably to use the alternative installer, if that's available for the version of ubuntu you are trying to install23:49
elmagealternative installer?23:50
tomreynRakyth_: chromeos? are you trying to get help with chromeos in #ubuntu?23:50
Rakyth_tomreyn: what do you think I should research from here?23:50
OerHeksStrav`, you can file a bugreport, or use the report button in chrome23:50
Rakyth_tomreyn: I'm trying to get help with xrandr in #ubuntu23:50
ntzrmtthihu777I suppose not, then23:50
tomreynelmage: which ubuntu version are you trying to install?23:50
elmagetomreyn: 12.1023:51
ntzrmtthihu777:S 10 gave me such hell I switched back to .04 untill the new lts comes out23:51
Strav`OerHeks: I don't fill bug reports without investigating if the problem might only on my side.23:51
tomreynelmage: the root problem you're having is that your video card is not well supported by linux, probably because the company whose chip is on the video card, and the company which made the video card, didn't care enough about linux users getting proper support.23:52
rictectomreyn: this is probably a kernel bug23:54
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tomreynrictec: it's well possible. you can try searching launchpad for it23:58
tomreynRakyth_: you said this, which makes me think you are using chromeos <Rakyth_> tomreyn: I have no clue how chromeos handles the xorg.conf or the videoo driver, so the answer is probably yes to both23:59
tomreynRakyth_: i have yet to get your answer on whether or not you do.23:59
Sosumiremember earlier this morning when I mentioned about matlab crashing/restarting my system?23:59
rictectomreyn: thanks doing that and reporting it if not reported yet23:59

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