
kleanchapHow disk space does a default install of ubuntustudio use?03:55
holsteini think we should say, if hard drive space is an issue, ubuntustudio is not for you04:40
holsteini mean, editing and/or creating audio or video takes space04:40
UnWorldlyis there a way to do oscullator sync in  zynaddsubfx?04:57
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
sirriffsalotUbuntu Studio can't seem to handle alt + shift + (button) shortcuts anymore, as it automatically removes the shift and makes it alt + button no matter what..?14:20
=== Daniel is now known as Guest14643
zequencesirriffsalot: Don't think I've seen that. Which use case specifically are you talking about?17:18
sirriffsalotzequence: when I try to keybind shift + alt + (button), it won't keep the shift17:45
sirriffsalotzequence: Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts17:45
len-1304may help to tell which version of Ubuntustudio you have17:46
sirriffsalotlen-1304: 12.1017:46
len-1304I don't have that one running, zequence ?17:46
sirriffsalotlen-1304: this first started with 12.10, not a problem in 12.04 for me17:47
len-1304That is not an area I test much... I use the rodent far too much17:47
len-1304I wonder if this is an known issue with xfce4.10. US 12.04 had xfce4.817:48
sirriffsalotlen-1304: I am using xfce, standard that comes with US17:51
len-1304Ya they are two different versions from 12.04 to 12.1017:52
len-1304There were a lot of fixes. The new one is generally better, but because it was new there may have been bugs like that in there. I will try this on my wife's box which has xubuntu 12.10 on it.... but later as I have to go now.17:53
len-1304I will test it on 13.04 as well.17:54
raven_can anyone tell me something about the xrun problem?21:05
raven_i am using an external soundcard for in and out and i cannot get a stable xrun-free setu21:05
raven_i need a few hints about that problem21:06
len-1304Which OS/version/kernel are you using raven_ ?21:11
raven_xubuntu 12.10 with 3.5-2221:14
len-1304Ok so you have the generic kernel. What latency setting are you using?21:14
len-1304Are you using jackd for a sound server?21:15
raven_3buffer 512samples 32000 hz21:17
len-130432k? sounds low... but I guess if it that is what you need.21:17
len-1304WHat machine is this on? does it have wireless?21:18
len-1304(external = USB?)21:19
raven_external usb soundcard yes21:22
raven_2cores on 1,6ghz21:22
raven_i thought already it has something to do with the interrupts is this right?21:22
len-1304could be.21:22
len-1304I have found that generally there is at least one USB port that shares irqs with lots of things.21:23
len-1304on my netbook that is the left side. I get xruns if I plug my USB sound in there. If I use the right side it is fine.21:24
len-1304I have USB1-5 I am not sure what they are all used for :)  but the three ports are USB2 and USB3. USB2 shares irq16 with video,wlan, other USBs etc. USB3 is clean and on its own.21:25
len-1304The way to check is to plug in a USB device and then type dmesg21:26
len-1304the last ten lines or so should show you which USB device you just plugged in21:26
len-1304then cat /proc/interrupts will show you which interrupts are being used for what.21:27
raven_ok tnx ill try that tomorrow21:28
len-1304No problem.21:28
senator_hello all... holstein ... I cant get studio 12.10 to recognise my printer, but it worked and scanned well under ubuntu 12.1021:34
senator_any help?21:43
zequencesenator_: I'd google on printing and Xubuntu, or XFCE21:45
zequenceDon't think any of the developers, including myself, have been using a printer with Ubuntu Studio21:45
zequenceShould work the same as on Xubuntu21:46
senator_I see, so how do you print then21:46
senator_it worked on Ubuntu 12.1021:46
zequenceI don't use XFCE myself, so I wouldn't know. I deal more with other stuff than the desktop part21:47
len-1304My printer is remote and the setup was easy. The only problem I had was that the test page printed as text instead of a graphic.21:48
len-1304But when I actually printed a document that printed fine.21:49
len-1304(both xubuntu 12.10 and ubuntustudio 13.04)21:49
senator_I use an epson sx 20 series21:59
senator_and it worked well under ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04...21:59
zequencesenator_: Ubuntu == Unity. Ubuntu Studio == XFCE22:02
zequenceDifferent desktop systems22:02
zequenceAnd different set of applications installed22:03
zequencesenator_: Did you find out anything on the page I linked you with?22:03
senator_yes I am on it22:03
senator_but its not helping much22:03
senator_for instance it says go to settings manager and then printer settings but in my se there is not printer settingsttings manager22:04
senator_there is no printer settings22:04
zequenceI'm not finding much on google. My advice is to look for Xubuntu related info. You can also ask about printing on #xubuntu22:09
len-1304senator_, check in system22:09
len-1304You are right it is not in settings.22:09
senator_in system there is white in green tick on the printer i use but its been like so before now anyway and not respondding22:10
len-1304Main menu->System->Printers?22:11
len-1304If you right click on it you can change the settings with properties.22:12
len-1304In the past, I have sometimes found it easier to define a second printer and when I get that working delete the original one.22:14
senator_ok guys I am gonna try find a solution to this based on your suggestions22:16
senator_I am sure its nothing major tho22:16
senator_just holding me up... will look into it more and get it sorted22:16
Curioushow can I use pulseaudio with jack ?22:24
CuriousIm on Ubuntu 1222:24

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