
jamwallyworld: poke05:59
rogpeppemornin' all08:37
TheMuerogpeppe: Hiya08:42
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
mrammmorning all11:46
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
rogpeppelunch, even :-)14:18
=== slank_away is now known as slank
niemeyerLunch here as well15:23
rogpeppejam: i'd appreciate a final look at https://codereview.appspot.com/7231080/ to make sure your concerns have been addressed15:29
rogpeppejtv: would also appreciate your comments, as it's an alternative to your CL15:37
dimiternrogpeppe: PTAL https://codereview.appspot.com/726504315:53
jtvrogpeppe: I've been meaning to ask... what does CL stand for?15:54
rogpeppejtv: change list15:54
jtvAnyway, I could have a look tomorrow.15:55
rogpeppejtv: i can't remember its origins exactly.15:55
rogpeppejtv: ok, thanks.15:55
dimiternfwereade: possibly you too? ^^15:55
jtv(Bedtime now, really :)15:55
fwereadedimitern, I'll take a look -- sent some comments on fridays, what I can remember of our discussion15:56
dimiternfwereade: that's odd i cannot see them15:57
fwereadedimitern, literally just now -- i saw i'd left them in draft15:57
rogpeppedimitern: LGTM15:57
dimiternrogpeppe: tyvm15:57
rogpeppejtv: what's your time zone?15:58
dimiternfwereade: ah, ok15:58
fwereadedimitern, this one LGTM though :)15:59
dimiternfwereade: great, I'm landing it then15:59
dimiternjam, mgz, wallyworld: ping16:01
fwereadedimitern, er, looked like I actually didn't send them, did now16:03
dimiternfwereade: aha yeah,  that's for the other CL though16:03
fwereadedimitern, yeah, sorry I wasn't clear16:03
* dimitern got bitten by the goose bot16:04
dimiternnow that goose trunk is protected it gets a bit more complicated to land a goose CL16:05
fwereadedimitern, fwiw https://codereview.appspot.com/7227045/ and https://codereview.appspot.com/7227063/ are lying around a bit16:07
dimiternfwereade: cheers, will take a look in 5m16:08
jamdimitern: what did you get bit by? (I don't see any rejected MPs for you, but maybe I missed it)16:38
jam(mgz is still at FOSDEM and wallyworld should be sleeping)16:38
dimiternjam: I tried lbox submit, but then found your mail and figured out how to merge it with the bot16:38
fwereadeneed to buy tea, bbiab16:38
dimiternfwereade: both reviewed16:42
fwereadedimitern, excellent, thanks17:18
dimiternfwereade, rogpeppe: i'd appreciate one last check of https://codereview.appspot.com/722606817:55
rogpeppedimitern: looking17:56
rogpeppedimitern: reviewed18:02
dimiternrogpeppe: thanks!18:03
dimiternfwereade: ping?18:04
dimiternbtw going out, will be back in 30m18:08
rogpeppei'm off for the night.18:41
rogpeppecheers all.18:41
dimiternrogpeppe: g'night18:42

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