
skellatNo, I am not watching the Superbowl.  I am watching still yet more snow fall to the ground here in Ashtabula00:04
Unit193I'm watching IRC, working on stuff, and eating.00:07
* skellat wanders off as the machine he is sitting at needs to upgrade not just the kernel but Firefox too00:13
Unit193Cheri703: chromium is fixed, installed it so I could test my flash plugin with the new version and wanted to see if that was as well.  I can see the tab bar with only one window open. :)06:50
* Unit193 purges.06:50
Cheri703Unit193: there was a chrome update I think recently14:39
Cheri703Unit193: did you install from repos or?14:41
Cheri703got it. nice!14:45
Cheri703now to decide if I should switch back from chrome to chromium or?14:46
Unit193If you do, enable pepper, may as well.17:54
Unit193Yeah, flash 11.5, using the PPAPI.18:24
thafreakcrap...were you guys talking about chrome and flash?20:31
thafreakDid something break with the latest chrome update?20:32
Cheri703chromium was sort of broken on xubuntu20:32
Cheri703new update fixed it20:32
thafreakI had t disable a plugin I guess20:33

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