
barrydkodmorning everyone05:17
barrydkGood Goodmorning everyone05:18
Kilosmorning guys05:48
SquirmRAID controller Died06:09
Squirmwill probably be in jbh today06:09
Kiloslo ludo Xethron 06:10
Kilosludo the yoyo that never says anything06:21
Kiloshiya maiatoday Vince-0 06:37
maiatodayhi Kilos06:51
Vince-0Hi Kilos 06:52
Vince-0Gosh darn Mondays06:52
Kiloslol sup Vince-0 07:00
Xethronheya Kilos :)07:08
XethronHad a power outage last night :(07:08
XethronCouldn't sleep a wink07:08
Kiloswhy cant you sleep when power out?07:09
Kiloshi henkj 07:09
Kilosshould work fine. lights out eyes closed07:10
Kilosmôre inetpro 07:10
Xethronhaha. Coz the outside lights are out. And they like breaking in into my flat :(07:11
henkjhi Kilos 07:11
Xethrontotally off topic, anyone here play Ingress?07:12
Kilossuperfly, does07:12
superflyXethron: me!07:12
Xethronsuperfly: area?07:12
superflyXethron: Cape Town07:12
Xethronsuperfly: Faction?07:12
Xethronwoot woot!07:12
XethronHate those stupid slime balls07:13
superflyXethron: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117665138933177179233/posts07:13
Xethronsuperfly: when you have time, check out the University of Pretoria07:13
XethronMy personal farm :P07:13
Xethronsuperfly: https://plus.google.com/communities/10741223359330899916907:14
superflyXethron: what area of Pretoria is the uni in?07:14
XethronOh wait, you're already in my circles :P07:15
superflyOh right, now I remember - was there a few years ago07:15
XethronSpent the entire weekend setting that up and getting it back from the E... getting our lvl1's to lvl307:16
superflyXethron: Mr PHP?07:16
Xethron<?PHP to be more exact07:16
tonberryE352some of the ugliest code i have ever written was in php...07:17
XethronShame on you07:18
superflytonberryE352: most of the ugliest code I have ever seen was written in PHP07:18
superflymostly because PHP itself is ugly07:18
tonberryE352php asks for it07:18
XethronPHP is beautiful!07:18
superflyXethron: you evidently haven't used anything else :-P07:18
tonberryE352it just fails to make sense07:18
Xethron./part I don't hang with losers...07:18
Xethronah, damn .07:18
XethronI've used a few others07:19
XethronBuilt an IRC bot in Ruby about 6 months ago07:19
tonberryE352i've been bitten too many times by phps little quirks07:19
XethronGreat language that07:19
Kiloshi jrgns Tonberry 07:20
tonberryE352hi Kilos07:20
jrgnshi Kilos, all07:20
superflyXethron: except for all the security vulnerabilities coming out recently (though it's mostly for Ruby on Rails)07:26
superflyXethron: try Python :-)07:26
superflymorning jrgns07:26
jrgnsmorning fly. pimping python again? :P07:27
superflyjrgns: ALWAYS07:27
Kilossuperfly, Xethron do you guys know each other?07:29
magespawn_morning all08:51
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
Kiloshi magespawn 08:54
magespawnnew/old peeps i see today09:04
XethronKilos: not exactly no. But we play a game in which the community is very close... So, we know of eachother :P09:12
Xethronsuperfly: yes, uninstalled rails off all my servers a few days ago...09:13
Kilosaha Xethron meet magespawn he is in hluwehluwe09:13
Kilosand the fly wont rest till you are on python09:14
Xethronsuperfly: but Ruby is still not bad. And I need to learn Python yes :/09:23
Xethronhello magespawn :)09:24
magespawni too play Ingress, not that there is much happening here09:24
XethronWith the durban guys09:25
XethronWell. close to anyway09:25
XethronWell, closer to them than to me :P meh... you get what I mean09:26
Xethronmagespawn: what faction?09:26
XethronAh, how I love this channel :D09:27
magespawni am about 300km from Durbs09:27
XethronNo slimeballs around09:27
KilosXethron, you must join our mailing list. there are peeps that need php help now and again09:31
magespawnsuperfly could you do this? http://itjobs.mybroadband.co.za/jobs/senior-python-developer-1599475/09:55
superflymagespawn: I can, not that I want to.09:57
magespawnno was just browsing my broadband it jobs09:58
superflywe're actually looking for more Pythonistas09:58
XethronI also get a lot of people contacting me looking for people who can program10:20
XethronNever know who to ask :(10:20
magespawnanybody know how to open a .lvf file? video file from a dvr security system probable H.26410:26
Kilosdid you look here magespawn 10:33
inetprogoeie more Kilos10:42
Kilosdag inetpro gaan dit goed10:42
Kiloswats nuus?10:42
Kiloshi nlsthzn_ 10:43
Kilosfound i see10:43
deegee_1magespawn: try this link, might be helpful; http://www.moviecodec.com/video-codecs/i-need-help-with-a-lvf-file-98787/10:43
Kiloshi deegee_1 10:43
deegee_1hi Kilos o/10:44
Kilosi think magespawn would like those videos too10:44
Kiloshi monkey 10:44
monkeyhi Kilos 10:44
monkeyhow goes it?10:45
Kilosthe kb fell off i see10:45
Kilosgood ty and you laddy10:45
monkeyyesh. not logged into freenode on webchat10:45
Kilosi see that10:45
Kilosfound a gateway10:45
Kilosglad you can get here sometimes10:46
monkeythis is a very, very slow day10:47
inetproKilos: good and yourself10:47
inetprooh and good day to everyone else as well of course10:48
Kilossame ty. got some meds10:48
Kilosdie goed is duur jong10:48
magespawnKilos lvf not ldf but ty anyway10:49
Kilosai sorry magespawn 10:49
magespawndeegee_1: thanks looks like a download will give it a go10:49
deegee_1magespawn: np10:50
monkeycoffee is good to get us through the day :]10:51
deegee_1Kilos: this is the source url for the vids we talked about ....(part I, II & III) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx93U10Kkro10:56
deegee_1also some more info here; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly10:56
Kilosty deegee_1 will let magespawn  sort the links 10:57
deegee_1tnx Kilos 10:58
Kilosall good in pommie land?10:58
magespawnthanks guys11:01
monkeycatch you all later peeps11:02
monkeygots to get back to the graft11:02
Kilosk mon11:03
Kilosgo well11:03
KilosBanlam, bakuman julle moet groet nou en dan man11:23
Kilosohi barrydk 11:24
Kilosive got the weirdest prob. 20g drive shows full with maverick on and i cant find any big stuff to use up all that space11:28
Kilossisters drive'11:28
Kilosshould all be inside 6 gig11:28
magespawnis maverick installed on the drive or another os or none at all?11:30
Kilosonly maverick and evo mail and epiphany11:31
Kilosno movies nothing11:31
magespawndeegee_1: the link from here worked http://www.elecard.com/en/products/end-user-software/playback/avc-plugin-wmp.html11:31
Kiloswith wget magespawn ?11:31
Kiloswill it not be three different ones11:32
magespawnno unfortunately is for the other os11:32
deegee_1magespawn: glad that could be useful. 11:32
magespawnKilos can you see what is on the drive by exploring the drive itself11:34
Kilosya i open home but theres only 8g it shows as. but everything in there is tiny so dont even know where the 8g comes from11:35
Kilosarchives empty too11:36
Kilostrash empty11:36
Kilosi dunno11:36
magespawnnot a corrupt file system or a damaged disk?11:39
Kilosmust be corrupt i think but dunno how it happened11:39
Kilosim just gonna make a backup of evo and clean install for her11:41
Kilosshe got funny email stuff11:41
Kilosvoda eeek11:41
superflymagespawn: 2 things: (a) have you tried it in VLC? and (b) have you run ffmpeg -i <video> ?11:43
superfly(b) is what I would do first11:43
magespawnyes and yes on the win machine but did not want to open 11:44
superflymagespawn: what did ffmpeg say?11:44
magespawndid not see anything come up 11:45
magespawni was running it as a wmp plugin11:50
magespawnlooks like i might have been mistaken on that brb11:52
magespawnbbl gotta go out12:30
Kiloslo hhmmmmmer16:10
Kilosinetpro, is jy tuis voor die reen16:11
magedroidEvening all17:05
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn
magedroidPpl seem quiet, maybe dinner time17:12
inetproKilos: gelukkig ja17:21
Kiloshi magedroid nlsthzn 17:23
Kilosjy het nie water in gevat om te laat toets inetpro 17:23
SquirmI got back from jhb at about 3pm yesterday17:26
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos ...17:26
Squirmgot into work at 7:30 and turns out our RAID controller died last night17:26
Squirmso I was back on my way to jhb at like 8L3017:27
Squirmjust got back now17:27
Kiloswhy to jhb?17:27
Kilosis it up there17:27
KilosSquirm, ^17:28
inetproKilos: nee, mal dag17:32
Kilosbring 2 liter hier , ek sal dit voor jou drink, en as ek die volgende dag hier opkom dan weet jy dis goed17:33
Kilosas  ek vrek dan gebruik jy dit net op die tuin17:34
SquirmKilos: the part wasn't available in their dbn branch17:35
Squirmit was our main server. the school was kind of computer-less today17:35
Squirmbut it's all up now17:36
Kiloswhat part broke?17:36
Squirmthe RAID Controller17:36
Kilosfor a server?17:36
Kilosah gotcha17:37
Squirmit's a PCI Card that controls all the Hdd's17:37
Kilosto sync drives so if one crashes you dont lose anything?17:37
Squirmhmm, that's one of the options17:40
Squirmwe run RAID 517:40
Squirmthere are a few to choose from. so RAID could also split the load between the installed HDD's17:40
Squirmand split the data across all the HDD's17:40
Squirmas well as mirror the drives17:40
Kilosfor speed purposes17:41
Squirmthey would improve performance, but I don't know by how much. I don't think RAID Arrays are their for a performance boost. rather they're there for backup purpose17:42
Kilosreliability and availability, performance, and capacity. 17:42
Kiloslotsa options though17:43
Kilostoo much for my head17:43
* nlsthzn is setting up the gaming rig to stream to the interwebs...17:56
nlsthznand in windows fashion I have to reboot now :/17:56
Squirmbbiab, going home18:05
SquirmKilos: and then you get things like SAN18:06
Kilosenough Squirm go safe18:07
SquirmI live like 200m :P18:07
Kilosdont trip18:07
Kilosits dark18:07
Squirmhave to return the school vehicle, walk back over the hill and fetch my car18:07
magedroidSquirm you went all the way to JHB for a raid controller?18:24
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight18:32
smilehoi :)18:47
magedroidGood night all18:50
smileHi I came here to ask something :D18:55
smileIs  bloekom Eucalyptus? :)18:56
smileBecause I read bloekomplantasies18:58
smileGoogle Translate says that but I'm unsure18:58
CantideI have no idea myself18:59
CantideI'm not an Afrikaans speaking >_>18:59
Cantidespeaker *19:00
Cantidewow, i am tired 'o'19:00
smileCantide: I'm looking it up in my dictionary :D19:03
smilehmm, it's not in there19:05
smilehttp://www.majstro.com/dictionaries/Afrikaans-English/bloekom :)19:05
inetprosmile: ja19:07
inetprobloekom = blue‐gum or eucalyptus19:08
inetproor De blauwe gomboom19:10
smileinetpro: rubber? :p19:10
inetpronot sure whether they really make rubber from this tree19:11
inetprouses: Timber, Pulpwood,  Essential oil,  Herb tea, Honey and Phenolics19:13
inetpronot that I know what Phenolics is19:14
smileok :)19:14
smileNoorweegse Sendinggenootskap <- do you know something more than me about this subject, inetpro? :)19:14
smileI only know that it was a christian group that landed in Natal19:16
smileand tried to influence the view on religion to more christian19:17
smilehttp://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Empangeni&diff=34724084&oldid=34723274 :D19:29
smilebye :)19:41
superflyinetpro: afaik eucalyptus != blue gum, but I may be wrong19:58
inetprosuperfly: well I know it as the blue gum tree19:59
inetpronot sure where that comes from though20:00
superflyi wonder if wikipedia knows?20:00
inetprosuperfly: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_globulus20:06
superflyI see20:06
inetprosuperfly: The broad juvenile leaves are borne in opposite pairs on square stems. They are about 6 to 15 cm long and covered with a blue-grey, waxy bloom, which is the origin of the common name "blue gum".20:07
superflyso Eucalyptus is a family of trees... didn't know that20:09
inetpronever to old to learn :-)20:09
superflythen again, until the other day I didn't know that most dog breeds we think have been around for thousands of years have only been bred in the last 100 or so years20:09
superflygerman shepherd, rottweiler, pitbulls and bull terriers, amongst others20:10
superflyGuest4051: hi, have you come to chat about Linux?20:10
inetprosuperfly: maybe he is using Ubuntu20:10
inetprothen again I doubt20:11
superflyinetpro and I were just talking about whether or not PulseAudio is actually as good as everyone says it is20:11
Guest4051no i come to find a girl20:11
superflyGuest4051: I think not... what do you think? PulseAudio, or OSSv4?20:11
superflyGuest4051: are you desperate?20:11
superflyheh, he must be to come onto IRC20:12
inetprosuperfly: well done!20:12
Tonberrypulse is nice if you want network sound streaming20:12
superflyTonberry: it's a solution looking for a problem20:12
superflyI see OSSv4 is now in the repositories20:13
superflyhaven't tried it in a long time20:13
Tonberry works for me20:14
superflyTonberry: mostly because of our powerful computers these days20:14
superflyall PulseAudio really does is provide yet another layer, or 2, for sound to go through20:15
Tonberryit is a bit of a hog20:15
superflyapp -> PA ALSA bridge -> PA -> ALSA -> driver -> sound card20:15
superflycut out PA and you get app -> ALSA -> driver -> sound card20:16
inetprosuperfly: so what do you do to change over to OSSv4?20:16
inetprois it part of oss4-base?20:16
Tonberrycant we just pick one and stick to it?20:17
inetprobye vinc[tab]20:17
superflyinetpro: a lot of apps are able to use OSS directly (in fact, Skype on Linux used to use OSS, before they migrated to ALSA and now Pulse support)20:17
superflyand for those that can't use OSS directly, OSS has an ALSA-compatible API20:18
superflyso you get ALSA-API -> OSS -> driver -> sound card at worst20:18
superflyinetpro: but also there's a big difference between ALSA's architecture and OSSv4's architecture20:18
superflywhich makes OSS, in general, close to the "bare metal"20:19
inetprogood to see things developing in the linux multimedia world20:20
superflyinetpro: http://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2009/06/state-of-sound-in-linux-not-so-sorry.html20:20
* inetpro remembers teh negativity20:21

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