
zequenceSorry for being so damn slow with the SRU process for jackd2. It's undeway, and I've got the patched jackd2 packages available for all releases at ppa:zequence/sru12:09
zequenceThere's also a qjackctl package there, for quantal, so if one would like to help me test, there's no need to upgrade the qjackctl package12:10
zequencePreferred way is probably to add the ppa, update, and then do: sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade jackd212:11
astraljavazequence: One second, I'll see if I can connect to my desktop.12:15
astraljavaYes, I can. I'll test in a bit.12:16
zequenceastraljava: Thanks. I was able to test the i386 version for quantal12:19
zequenceamd64 is still pending in the build que12:19
zequencebug 12:23
zequencebug 95643812:23
ubottubug 956438 in jackd2 (Ubuntu Quantal) "qjackctl unable to stop jackd2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95643812:23
zequenceThat's the bug for the sru. Seems to be under way now12:24
astraljavaCool, my rig is an amd64, so I'll test in a bit when the build is finished.12:26
zequenceI reported the bug almost one year ago. Made the patch fix more than two months ago. It's pathetic, is what it is12:42
zequence..not my code, of course12:42
astraljavaAhh... well, you're acting on it, that's much better than can be said about anyone else. :)12:43
astraljavazequence: Output of the operation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1608569/12:52
astraljavazequence: I also started gmb after that, and checked that it still scrobbles to last.fm, so at least pulse didn't feel too bad about it (shouldn't have, anyway, but thought to double-check anyway). :)12:55
zequenceastraljava: The change to the code is very slim, so it should be ok. Hopefully stopping jackdbus should not be a problem anymore12:56
zequencePreviously I tested the patch against the actual packages of quantal and precise. This time I used my own branch, which is a patched version of the same source as quantal has12:57
zequenceprecise is more or less the same as well12:57
zequenceraring previously had the same version of quantal12:57
contrapunctusOdd, I sent you a private message, but it says 'you must log in with services to message this user'.12:59
contrapunctusAnyway, man, got a sec?12:59
zequencecontrapunctus: You need a registered freenode account to PM me. I ran into some moron recently, so I felt this was an easy way to mute him13:01
zequencecontrapunctus: Whatäs up?13:01
zequenceThat's Swedish for what's up, apparently13:01
contrapunctusWell...there's this PD synth patch I've been trying to get to work. Can you check it out for me? o.o13:02
zequencecontrapunctus: Are you on #dataflow, let's move the discussion there13:02
astraljavazequence: Gotcha. Ok, thanks for doing the dirty work, I'm sure many users (as well as the rest of us) appreciate your efforts!13:12
zequencescott-work: What's up?13:50
zequencescott-work: I added a blueprint for the website. Seemed logical to have one13:51
zequenceThere are some workitems that go there, presently under other blueprints13:51
zequence..I think13:51
zequenceWasn't particularly looking at that, but realized that one of the big things to have is really info about device support13:52
zequencesmartboyhw: Hi13:53
zequencesmartboyhw: Hope you don't mind I overtook your workitem. 13:54
smartboyhwzequence, hello13:54
smartboyhwdon't worry:)13:54
smartboyhwscott-work, ping13:54
zequencesmartboyhw: I'd still like it if you worked on whatever you want within the testing part. As, ISO testing, or desktop testing. Those are both two things that I have not been focusing on at all myself13:55
smartboyhwzequence, yeah:D13:55
zequenceI'm not touching the docs for ISO testing, for instance.13:55
astraljavasmartboyhw: Hi, apologies for not having written any testimonials. I feel that as I've distanced myself from the project, and not having witnessed your actual work, I cannot write anything from that area. Hope you got enough from people who are actually present in the project. :)13:56
smartboyhwastraljava, well I've got 8 testimonials in my wiki. Should be enough!13:56
astraljavaOh wow, yeah that sounds plenty! :)13:56
zequenceThe existing page on ISO testing is done by scott-work, but it's more of a sketch as I see it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TestingQA-ISOImages. Could be simplified into the actual tasks that need to be done13:58
* smartboyhw goes to work on ktorrent 13:58
smartboyhwDId I tell  you guys I am now a Kubuntu packager?13:58
zequencesmartboyhw: Sounds like you are doing many things13:59
scott-work zequence cool. that's a good idea. i'll take a look at it.13:59
scott-workhello smartboyhw : pong14:00
smartboyhwzequence, I'm starting to get used to it now (don't worry, I'm still keeping track of testing here:P)14:00
smartboyhwscott-work, you received that email about the 12.04.2 release notes?14:00
scott-worksmartboyhw: hmmm, not sure. don't seem to recall it but i haven't really checked email with focus during the weekend.14:01
scott-workah yes, i see it now.14:01
smartboyhwscott-work, I just received it 14:01
scott-worksmartboyhw: is there anything in particular you are worried about not being included?14:02
scott-worki'll have to clear my head space and think about it later before changing anything or replying14:02
smartboyhwscott-work, the problem is: We didn't do much for Precise did we?:P14:02
scott-worki don't _think_ we did, but perhaps zequence, len-nb , or astraljava might remember something14:03
zequenceThe only thing I'm working on for Precise is the sru for jackd214:03
zequenceWhich is still pending14:03
zequenceWe don't need to do much for precise though. The news are more about security updates, etc14:04
zequenceAnd that's really mostly Ubuntu specific, or even Xubuntu specific14:04
smartboyhwzequence, OK14:05
smartboyhwzequence, that SRU is still pending? Hmm...14:05
astraljavascott-work: Without context, hard to say. :) I'll have to refresh my memory about it for sure, too.14:06
scott-workhehe, me too astraljava , me too ;)14:07
scott-workzequence: we've updated the lowlatency kernel, no?  that would be a nice one to add14:07
* smartboyhw strangely has no new lowlatency kernel for raring...14:08
smartboyhwMy space key is difficult to press on today14:08
zequencezequence: That is true. We're nowadays updating the source for the kernel ourselves. And, linux-lowlatency is no longer behind in versions as was the problem eearlier for Precise14:10
smartboyhwzequence, who are you talking to?:P14:11
zequenceThe raring lowlatency is only updated as needed before release14:11
zequencescott-work: ^14:11
smartboyhwzequence, !?14:12
zequencesmartboyhw: Myself apparently14:12
scott-worklol, that was kinda funny14:13
scott-worktalking to infinity about the publishing/photography meta upgrade from 12.04 -> 12.1014:18
scott-work<infinity> scott-work: If so, you probably want to quirk the release-upgrader to add them on upgrades.14:18
scott-work<infinity> scott-work: It might be as simple as adding those packages to PostUpgradeInstall in the [ubuntustudio-desktop] section of data/DistUpgrade.cfg14:29
smartboyhwscott-work, what did I miss?14:31
zequencescott-work: Looks promising14:31
zequencesmartboyhw: There's a plan to SRU the new workflows so they become available also in Precise14:33
scott-worksmartboyhw: <infinity> scott-work: It might be as simple as adding those packages to PostUpgradeInstall in the [ubuntustudio-desktop] section of data/DistUpgrade.cfg14:34
smartboyhwzequence, scott-work great news14:34
scott-workinifinity is saying that this will cause an "upgrade" (or installation) of these packages during each release upgrade though, which is probably an okay situation14:34
scott-workbut he did say we would definitely need to test this14:34
smartboyhwscott-work, I will as soon as it is ready14:36
smartboyhwscott-work, remember to send out weekly reports:)14:37
zequencescott-work: I think this is ok. Might be nice to add a (y/n) script in there14:39
scott-worksmartboyhw: yes, thank you for the reminder. i had remembers friday late and then completely forgot about it14:40
zequenceI'm not familiar at all with the ISO and installation stuff as of now. But, I could take a look at this. Which reminds me of the ubiquity pluing14:40
zequenceI'd "Remember the Milk", if I hadn't forgotten to install it again14:43
zequenceor a client for it, in the form of "tasque"14:44
zequencebb in a couple of hours14:50
zequencescott-work: How does it work, with the code to the ISO? Where is all it exactly?17:19
zequenceActually, I think I'd like to do an inventory of all code Ubuntu Studio is connected to17:20
zequenceI had a look at the ubiquity plugins. Should be no problem to add whatever we want there17:25
scott-workzequence: to be honest, i haven't a clue at this point.17:25
scott-workzequence: but that is good news about the plugin, though17:26
scott-worki believe the ability to exclude certain groups of packages will be appealing to someone who wants to set up an purely audio studio17:26
scott-workor even other wise17:26
zequencescott-work: I17:30
zequenceI'm thinking it would be nice to make all workflows instalable separately17:30
zequenceA list with toggles17:30
zequenceAlso thinking about the logic with low latency settings. Many people might not need it. But, you may want it, even if not the whole set of audio packages17:31
scott-workzequence: right, right. i was just giving one example. sorry for the confusion17:31
zequenceSo, for some people -generic might be enough. One could add a "pro audio settings" toggle as well, toggled by default, which would install the core items, like linux-lowlatency17:34
zequenceI haven't thought through anything. Just thinking out loud17:34
zequenceSo, that's package choices, pretty much17:35
zequenceWhat else do we need?17:35
zequencescott-work: I think what I really meant was which code was infinity talking about before?17:40
scott-workzequence: i think in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager17:44
scott-workdigging in now17:44
scott-workzequence: this should be it:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/update-manager/precise/files/head:/DistUpgrade/17:48
scott-worki was looking into raring and it wasn't there, so something is has apparently changed since then17:48
scott-workbut since we are worrying about updating precise, then i guess this sounds like the right thing17:50
zequencescott-work: Right. Thanks17:50
zequenceI'm gonna go for a run. bb in an hour or so17:50
scott-workright-o :)17:50
zequencescott-work: Ok, I got the code. Need to put some time in it (upgrade thing)18:56
scott-workzequence: cool :)18:57
zequencescott-work: Let me just ask you a bit about this thing. I need to get this clear to me. Do we want the precise ISO to install the two new workflows?19:41
zequenceubuntustudio-desktop doesn't depend on the metas after all19:42
zequencewhich it shouldn't, of course19:42
zequenceIf we add the new workflows to the ISO, I don't think that would mean anyone would find themselves getting the new workflows as a part of a normal upgrade, right?19:43
zequenceAnd the second part. When someone upgrades to quantal, do we want them to get the new workflows?19:43
zequenceI can only find one solution for that, if the answer is yes. During upgrade, the user is asked if wanting to install them, and thus made aware of the new workflows.19:44
zequenceYou can still install Ubuntu Studio from a netinstall CD19:45
zequenceAnd that means you might not have installed all of the workflows19:45
zequenceWhat I'm saying is, the only time I think the user should not have the choice to have them installed is when installing directly from our ISO19:47
scott-workzequence: it sounds like there might be two separate issues: getting a new precise install to include the two new metas, and also anyone upgrading from an existing precise install19:47
zequenceWell, yes19:47
zequenceAnd, I meant to say, the only time the user should not have a choice about it, is when installing from the ISO. Since we don't offer any choices there anyway19:48
zequencescott-work: So, how important is it really to get the workflows from an upgrade?19:48
scott-worki wonder if we have updated anything on precise for the new metas. i can't currently recall at this time19:49
zequencescott-work: No, it seems to have been untouched since April19:50
scott-workzequence: "how important" - i think len suggested (but maybe i'm misremembering) that upgrading from 12.04 -> 12.10 wouldn't bring in the new metas, even though if you installed 12.10 from ISO you would get them19:50
scott-workbut that doesn't sound right19:50
scott-workhi falktx , ttoine  :)19:50
ttoinehi scott-work 19:50
ttoinescott-work, I have a great news19:51
* scott-work likes great news19:51
zequencescott-work: Ok, it seems like no one ever suggested we add the new metas to Precise at all. It was just about the release upgrade process, then19:51
ttoinea open source editor, Bonita Soft, just hired me to be community manager19:51
ttoineI start in Grenoble, the company home, february 1819:52
ttoineand I will be paied to be at most of Open Source fairs in the world19:52
zequencettoine: That's super cool19:52
ttoinezequence, you can't imagine how much it is super cool for me ;-)19:53
ttoineand i am gonna live in the mountain19:53
ttoineI just hope internet connection are good when not in downtown19:53
scott-workttoine: wow, that sounds like a dream job!  congratulations, my friend19:54
ttoineso maybe, at least at beginning you will see me less on irc19:54
ttoinescott-work, yes, a dream job ! ;-)19:54
ttoinehowever, I will have to learn sql, etc. to make stats and reports about the community19:55
zequencettoine: Not far from Switzerland. Maybe I'll come to visit you some time, if I'm close by :)19:55
ttoinezequence, you come in Switzerland often ?19:55
zequencettoine: Not as often as I would like. I'm going there in August, for Debconf19:56
zequenceMy sister lives in Lausanne, so it's cheap for me to stay there19:56
scott-workzequence: i would think that adjusting precise would be the "best" thing to do, but i wonder if we would really be able to do that19:57
ttoineI like Switzerland: I lived in Zurich two years when I was a kid19:57
zequencescott-work: Why not, as a part of making a new LTS release19:57
zequencescott-work: I guess we need to check. That would also mean adding the new menu19:58
zequence..or the items in it19:58
zequenceWould make the LTS more up to date19:58
zequenceSo, 12.04.2 is just out, right?19:58
zequenceAh, no. It's still under development19:59
zequenceSo, we could basically try getting in the changes before then19:59
scott-workand that should fix the upgrade path problem as well, no?20:00
zequencescott-work: Only for those who installed the later ISO20:00
zequenceWe could of course add the upgrade options to update-manager as well20:01
zequenceBut, personally, I find that less important20:01
zequenceThe problem with the menu is probably that you need to delete user settings in order to get those changes in effect for users that already have Precise installed20:02
zequenceThe way I'd argue is that 12.04 is one version of Ubuntu Studio, and 12.04.2 is another.20:02
zequenceYou can't upgrade user settings anyway. Not even with Ubuntu20:03
zequencescott-work: What we can do is post news about changes, and alert users so that they know they can install something new20:04
zequenceFor those, who already installed Precise, that is20:05
zequencescott-work: Sorry. From what I see, upgrading will never include the new workfows unless you add it to update-manager. While a newer menu would be added, but it might not show (because of the menu being stored in the home folder, after creating the user)20:09
zequencescott-work: I'm getting a bit too tired for verbal communication. Going to doze off for today. 20:20
zequencelen-1304: ^ Let us know what you think about the release upgrade problem20:20
ttoinezequence, sounds good21:06
len-nbscott-work, zequence , The main problem as I remember, is that graphics and photography were in one meta. They were divided into two and then the seeding did not take or work quite right.22:59
len-nbwhat this meant is that photography is only half there. The menu item is there but it is missing some of the photography items we had in 11.1023:00
len-nbTherefore, the first thing to do is to make sure the metas you wish to add are correct. Not just in the seeds for 12.04, but also in metas synaptic can see. Once that is corrected... installing them will actually do some good.23:03
len-nbMenus: The menu can be upgraded and the upgrade will show up in the menu of an original user after an upgrade.23:04
len-nbHowever, I would suggest not. The photography menu will already be ok. The publishing meta was totally new and so you would be SRUing something new to an old release. Do we want to do that?23:05
len-nbIf we do include the publishing meta, the applications will be available to the user from the office menu anyway.23:06
len-nbzequence, as we talked about this past weekend, I am thinking of going over the menu again anyway, so that our menu will work with any DE such as KDE, or gnome. (fvwm anyone?)23:08
len-nbSo that Studio would be more DE agnostic.23:09
len-nbThe menu does not get pulled into the users directory, it is always read from the main config file. Even alacart is used after the system menu config file and only places the user has changed things will affect anything.23:35
* len-nb is not happy with alacart.23:36

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