
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jbichahighvoltage: congrats on taking over gnome-panel :)15:54
jbichawhat desktop do you normally use?15:55
highvoltagejbicha: gnome fallback session16:24
designbybeck__Ok now on to some other questions! Edubuntu is to big to run on some of the older machines I've worked with for the public. I've used Qimo and/or just LinuxMint XCFE for light installs17:28
designbybeck__any straight up Edubuntu package for Light / Old machines?17:28
stgrabernot really, the lightest we ship with is gnome-fallback and we don't have strong plans to ship another desktop environment just yet as we're trying to reduce our install media size17:29
NadeemI have only tried LTSP-Live on system that have one NICs, the dialog says ok. Then Inetwork  boot other system, the system boots up fine, then I enter a username, it lands on a screen with just the wallpaper17:29
stgraberhowever it's easy to either install the Edubuntu packages on top of lubuntu/xubuntu or to install another desktop environment on top of Edubuntu17:29
Nadeemdesignbybeck__: Yeah, just install xubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-desktop17:30
stgraberNadeem: what version of Edubuntu was that?17:30
Nadeem12.04 Sir17:30
stgraberNadeem: was that the 12.04 release media or 12.04.1?17:30
designbybeck__i haven't been a fan of xubuntu, it seems lacking and very stock. I would have hoped for LinuxMint XCFE style17:30
stgraberwe had a bug that sounds like what you're describing but I believe it's been worked around in 12.04.117:30
designbybeck__even thought overall I'm not a fan of LinuxMint17:31
Nadeemstgraber: I am using the 12.04.1 ISO only17:31
Nadeemdesignbybeck__: Bro, it will give you a Xfce  desktop17:31
stgraberNadeem: hmm, ok. Next time you try, on the login screen, try to explicitly choose the Unity 2D session or the gnome fallback session. My guess is that LTSP is trying to open a 3D session on that machine and failing badly at it.17:31
Nadeemstgraber: tried that17:32
designbybeck__yes Nadeem just the LM XCFE is pretty polished I feel. Xubuntu just doesn't seem polished, just like they left it hangin'17:32
NadeemWith gnome fallback17:32
designbybeck__I haven't tired gnome fallback in awhile though so maybe I should give that a go17:32
stgraberNadeem: hmm, that's odd... so it's not that weird gnome-session bug then. Any chance you can try 12.10 to see if that somehow got resolved in there?17:33
Nadeemstgraber: I will get the 13.04 alpha build then17:33
Nadeemthe dload are big and I am from India17:34
Nadeemget 50 kbps here :D17:34
Nadeemthat way I can try the latest stuff in the arsenal17:34
Nadeemstgraber: About that 2 nics stuff, is it possible to get LTSP(installed) working with 1 nic17:35
stgraberNadeem: it's if that network is completely isolated. If it's the same network you use to access internet, then no, ltsp live won't work with that.17:40
stgraberNadeem: we'll get support for single NIC LTSP server when in an Edubuntu server domain though but that's a pretty different use case and won't work from the live media17:40
Nadeemstgraber: Thanks brother, then that is the reason why it isn't working.17:41
NadeemI will taking your leave now(late here). Thanks once again stgraber and highvoltage.17:47
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