
benjigary_poster: did you see the message from StevenK (indirectly) about bug 1112799?13:13
gary_posterthanks for helping StevenK benji13:13
_mup_Bug #1112799: Uploading a release to stable is broken <juju-gui:Incomplete> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1112799 >13:13
benjithe change that caused the problem is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1612461/13:13
gary_posterI wonder why my upload yesterday to the trunk series worked13:16
benjiI /think/ the problem they were trying to solve is that some browsers send UTF-8 encoded text without specifying so in the request headers.13:17
gary_posteroof yeah. that's not a good change for us13:17
gary_posterand who cares about binary blobs :-)13:17
benjithey reverted the change, thats why it started working again13:17
benjithe log says "moo", no wait, the log says that they were trying to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/89705313:18
_mup_Bug #897053: apport generated urls can trigger UnicodeDecodeError <oops> <qa-ok> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by stevenk> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/897053 >13:18
gary_posterah ok13:19
gary_posterMartin Pool's presentation is really good.  read 2/3 of it earlier this morning13:19
gary_posterSome of it touches on topics we've discussed lately (tested fakes)13:20
benjiit seems to me that the right place to introduce this sort of guessing (if we really must) would be the text widget13:20
* benji gets some coffee.13:21
thervegary_poster, as it turns out, wsgi doesn't support %2F. But we can encode things on our end I think14:28
gary_postertherve, wow!  I'll try to file that away.  Thanks for investigating further.  Glad you encode further.  Double encoding? :-P %252F (saw somebody do that when I did my quick search)14:30
thervegary_poster, yeah something like that.14:30
gary_posterk cool14:30
therveI'm not sure there is anything to file. I've seen people complaining, but there is just not an obvious solution apparently14:30
teknico_frickin' telecom "technicians", instead of fixing my line they broke the neighbor's one, leaving me stranded :-P14:31
gary_posterbcsaller, Makyo, hi.  how is landing your reviewed branches going?  Over WIP limit: important to get those through the queue.15:07
bcsallergary_poster: mine was merged yesterday15:07
gary_posterah cool bcsaller thanks.15:08
Makyogary_poster, no answer from others on whether or not my branch is needed anymore.  If not, should I just trash the card?15:08
gary_posterMakyo, it isn't a nice improvement anyway?15:08
* gary_poster goes to look at it15:08
Makyogary_poster, No, not really, unless we change history and call it 'name magic numbers', in which case, it's a four line change.15:09
gary_posterMakyo, ack.  updateLinkEndpoints docstring in relation.js is fixed in your branch too.  I will disconnect the bug from your card, and then you can quickly land just the trivial but still valuable bits and move on?15:11
Makyogary_poster, sure, sounds good.  Will make a new branch.15:12
gary_posterthank you15:14
gary_postercard changed to reflect new focus, bug marked as fixed, Makyo15:14
Makyogary_poster, thanks15:15
gary_posterbac bcsaller benji frankban goodspud hazmat Makyo teknico call in 2 *in new Canonical-account-only jujugui room*15:28
goodspudgary_poster, could you email me the link please 15:29
Makyobcsaller, Can I get a quick +/- on https://codereview.appspot.com/7311046 since you have to deal with this code most?15:31
bcsallergary_poster: having trouble joining, logged into g+ with canonical account but its still rejecting me on the link15:32
gary_posterbenji bcsaller hazmat starting.  bcsaller try starting from calendar daily standup link?15:32
* benji wonders how to get the new hangout to use the right account15:32
hazmatbcsaller, i opened incogonito and logged back in15:32
hazmatthe multi account auth doesn't seem to like these hangouts15:33
hazmatbenji, http://tinyurl.com/jujugui15:33
benji"You are not allowed to join this hangout."15:33
gary_posterMy evil plan is now complete :-P15:34
gary_posterTry link from calendar benji15:34
gary_posteror incognito like Kapil said15:34
benjilink from calendar doesn't work15:35
gary_posterbenji incognito worked for you?15:42
benjigary_poster: yep; I guess I'll have to do that and log in every time15:42
benjinot a big deal, just slightly annoying15:42
gary_posterI find that if Canonical is your first logged-in Google identity it works for me15:42
* bac must resist the urge to eat lunch immediately after the call since it is an hour early15:42
benjiand if Canonical is my first logged-in Google identity then the rest of the Google world breaks for me :)15:43
gary_posterbenji, ack.  If this doesn't let us break the 10-participant barrier (we will be 10 people by default once Jeff joins, so that would mean other people like Ale, Jovan, Antonio and so on would have trouble joining) I'm happy to switch back15:44
benjiyeah, if it has no advantages we should go back, but breaking the 10-participant barrier is a biggie15:45
frankbancould anyone make the second review for https://codereview.appspot.com/7306045? thanks!16:40
gary_posterguihelp ^^^16:42
* gary_poster goes to agile meeting lunch. back in 1.5 hours16:42
teknicofrankban, I'll do it16:45
frankbanteknico: thanks16:46
=== bcsaller_ is now known as bcsaller
teknicofrankban, review done, nice running tests remotely :-)17:27
Makyobenji, ping re: #109127319:17
_mup_Bug #1091273: Style can be applied with different orderings resulting in slight visual differences <juju-gui:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1091273 >19:17
benjiMakyo: pong19:18
gary_posterbenji qa lab machines cannot access outside world other than local deb repos and LP, so we will need to change the test script build machines in the way that we discussed19:18
gary_posterI will write up19:18
benjigary_poster: interesting; sounds good19:19
Makyobenji, it looks like we switched to a 'build-shared' target for prod, debug, and devel at some point, and there's now no difference between build-prod/index.html and app/index.html or the files they include.  Suspecting it's no longer an issue, but want to make sure.19:19
benjiMakyo: ah; yeah it may be a non-issue now.  An easy way to verify would be to take a screenshot of each and compare (flip-book style).19:20
Makyobenji, Alright, will do.19:20
Makyobenji, verified no difference.  gary_poster, what to do with the card?19:29
gary_posterMakyo, move to done Done, close card as fix released19:39
gary_posterI mean close bug19:39
Makyogary_poster, cool, thanks :)19:41
* benji fights with the linter.20:55
* benji is kicked by the linter and falls out a window.20:58
* benji falls on his horse which gallops away.20:59
* benji lives to fight another day.20:59
benjireview of source maps branch at https://codereview.appspot.com/730504721:00
Makyobenji, taking a look, but also have a question.21:22
* benji waits in rapt anticipation.21:25
MakyoHAd to grab the bug ID, sorry.  Would this maybe help with #1116320?  It seems like the problem is using the un-minified version of YUI, which loads the event stuff from the yahooapis site.21:25
_mup_Bug #1116320: External resources still loaded by test-debug  <juju-gui:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1116320 >21:25
Makyobenji, ^^^21:25
benjihmm, looking21:26
benjiMakyo: nope, I don't think it will help that.  The using of un-minified versions is only done in the context of minifying it ourselves in the prod flavor.  The debug flavor is the same as it ever was.21:28
Makyobenji, Alright, thanks.  Figured I'd check :)21:28
benjigary_poster: that presentation from Martin was good.  The bit about Mocks living beside the thing they mock got me thinking and lead to this paper: http://jmock.org/oopsla2004.pdf -- which I have not entirely digested but seems important21:42
gary_posterbenji, the abstract was too abstract. :-P I will look at it later.  thanks for link21:43
benjiMakyo: thanks for the review, you should tag the card22:09
Makyobenji, Good catch, thank you.22:10
benjiif anyone else would enjoy a review, it is there for the taking22:10

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