
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1077965] qt4 applications over X forward run slower than with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1077965 (by Stefan Pielmeier)08:43
soeegood morning09:42
smartboyhwgood evening09:43
smartboyhwLOL not yet evening, 5:43 PM:P09:44
Riddellah smartboyhw, do you know what's happened to calligra?09:46
smartboyhwRiddell, what do you mean by"what happened"?09:48
Riddellsmartboyhw: well what's the status, I've been away09:48
smartboyhwRiddell, working on it later:P09:49
Riddellsmartboyhw: great, it's due tomorrow so if you get stuck then do let us know09:50
smartboyhwRiddell, ok09:51
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smartboyhwRiddell, yofel_ and others: ktorrent and libktorrent 1.3.1 released:)10:30
smartboyhwWow the guy who synced ktorrent is dholbach!10:30
Riddellsmartboyhw: oh? where does it say that?10:32
smartboyhwRiddell, email:P10:33
smartboyhwBug 111145210:33
ubottubug 1111452 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "Please sync ktorrent 4.3.1-1 from Debian experimental main" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111145210:33
smartboyhwLook at the last comment:P10:33
Riddelloh excellent, he always used to approve syncs but ran away whenever it was suggested he become an archive admin, looks like the simpler system is working nicely10:34
smartboyhwafter I compiled 3.6.11-rt28 kernel I will upload the new calligra (not enough CPU and RAM here to test build)10:35
smartboyhwShould be within two hours10:35
shadeslayerRiddell: simpler system?10:37
Riddellshadeslayer: people with upload permissions can sync directly these days, used to be they'd have to approve it then me or another archive admin would have to do the sync10:39
Riddellsmartboyhw: ec2s available on request for more CPUage10:39
smartboyhwRiddell, no need for ec2s:P10:39
shadeslayerbut ec2's are cheap :P10:40
smartboyhwHow cheap?10:40
shadeslayerless than a dollar per hour I think10:41
Riddell8.5UScents an hour10:41
shadeslayerdirt cheap10:41
Riddellso much less than a dollar :)10:41
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer do you know my age?:P I don't wanna pay:P10:41
smartboyhwMy dad will kill me10:41
shadeslayersmartboyhw: that's why Riddell is offering an EC2 instance10:41
shadeslayeryou don't pay10:41
Riddellwell it adds up if you leave them on for some time or use higher CPU types10:41
shadeslayerRiddell: heh yeah10:41
smartboyhwshadeslayer, how come I don't need to pay!?10:41
shadeslayerthey have those super mega instances now10:41
Riddellsmartboyhw: kubuntu is here to help :)10:41
smartboyhwRiddell, thx10:42
shadeslayersmartboyhw: because kubuntu will take care of it :)10:42
smartboyhwshadeslayer, LOL10:42
smartboyhwRiddell, who's Kubuntu's sponsor now again?10:42
Riddellsmartboyhw: anyone who gives us money10:42
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone11:26
smartboyhwhey phoenix_firebrd 11:26
phoenix_firebrdsmartboyhw: hi11:27
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: i looked at the ktp-desktop-applets files changed by and the copyright file was not changed , does that mean that i did it correctly?11:28
shadeslayerheh, not exactly, still needs minor adjustments11:29
smartboyhwwhat did I miss?11:29
smartboyhwI pressed quit instead of leaving a channel:P11:30
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: what is it?11:30
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phoenix_firebrdif the copyright info in a file is something like this "Copyright 2010-2012", i should take the copyright year as 2010 or 2012 ? 11:50
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: you should take it as 2010-201211:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: thats is machine readable?11:51
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I have packaged tomboy-bloposter which is one of the packages in here http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html and i saw this news yesterday http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-one-announce-tomboy-note-sync-to-stop-working-late-february so what should i do now?11:58
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: I don't know much about tomboy, it's a gnome app so I've never used it.  but that plugin seems unrelated to anything to do with ubuntu one12:00
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ok12:01
Riddellanyone else have disappearing menu bars in 4.10?12:14
smartboyhwRiddell, oh? (I am still in 4.9.98)12:17
Riddellso am I12:17
Riddellwhen I log in with a new user there's no menu bars12:17
RiddellI can turn them on but they disappear next time I log out/in12:18
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I just tested with 12.10 , kde 4.9.98 and the menu setting is persistent 12:35
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: with the same user12:35
Riddellso just me then :(12:38
Riddellthanks for testing phoenix_firebrd 12:38
smartboyhwDamn calligra debuild is taking too long12:40
Riddellit's not a small package is calligra12:40
smartboyhwRiddell, private message?12:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: yes12:44
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: i am working on updating the debian/copyright for tomahawk , so no duplicates12:53
shadeslayeropinions on bug 97532712:56
ubottubug 975327 in hupnp (Ubuntu) "libhupnp 1.0.0, cagibi >=0.2, kio-upnp-ms, all needed in repositories" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97532712:56
shadeslayeranyone want to check if we can split out the upnp bits?12:56
BluesKajHey all12:57
shadeslayerwell ... you'll have to build with upnp support and then check if there are separate .so's generated12:58
shadeslayerand then make sure that there's no other code that depends on upnp12:58
Riddellshadeslayer: sounds like a job for one of our ace new ninjas12:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi12:59
BluesKajhey phoenix_firebrd13:00
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: me?13:00
smartboyhwWait till I get my calligra debuild done. "Ace new ninjas" = phoenix_firebrd :P13:00
phoenix_firebrdsmartboyhw: you want to do it?13:01
smartboyhwphoenix_firebrd, no. My debuild is still running. I want calligra to finish by today13:01
phoenix_firebrdI wonder why people are not asking me directly13:02
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm no it's built into the solid library13:02
shadeslayerRiddell: care to comment on the bug and close it?13:02
shadeslayermaybe we can just move solid to universe?13:02
Riddellhum, that sounds like it would cause lots of problems13:03
shadeslayerbut didn't we do something like that before?13:03
shadeslayerRiddell: how was FOSDEM13:04
Riddellshadeslayer: fosdem is a sore point for me13:05
shadeslayeroh ... uhm .. ok13:05
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't think we've ever split out a major part of kdelibs13:05
shadeslayertrue ...13:06
smartboyhwRiddell, why is FOSDEM sore? (Sorry for asking)13:08
RiddellI got stuck in london, which is big and smelly13:09
smartboyhwWhy would they hold it at London? It would be better off at California! (LOL)13:10
smartboyhwRiddell, question: Do I have to do the calligra-l10n packages too?13:13
Riddellsmartboyhw: someone does yes, they're simple but faffy13:16
smartboyhwRiddell, difficult to do isn't it? Since you had to unpack each -l10n, put it into the branch and such13:17
shadeslayerautomate it!13:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer, good suggestion:P13:17
Riddellsmartboyhw: not difficult but it does require working out where to move directories to13:18
yofel_errr, calligra-l10n is pretty much automated already13:18
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smartboyhwyofel, oh is it?13:18
shadeslayerwell then ... use them scripts!13:18
* smartboyhw wonders where IS the script:P13:18
yofelsmartboyhw: download all tars, then use the script inside the packaging to generate the multi-source package13:18
smartboyhwyofel, thx13:18
yofelsmartboyhw: it's the thing called upstream2orig13:20
smartboyhwok. Downloading the tars13:20
Riddellshadeslayer: bug 682404 for hupnp MIR, it might be do-able13:22
ubottubug 682404 in hupnp (Ubuntu) "MIR hupnp" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68240413:22
Riddellneeds someone to follow up13:22
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: fancy reading that MIR and seeing how it could be followed through?13:25
Riddellhi vassie 13:25
vassieRiddell: hello, got your mail13:25
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: MIR?13:25
vassieRiddell: just replied, i'll fix my package as soon as i can, is the one in backports ok?13:25
smartboyhwyofel, I put the .tar.bz2 translation files in the packaging branch right?13:26
Riddellvassie: yes that's fine, there's no review of copyright files in PPAs13:27
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: i saw some comments in the bug report , it seems there is some problem with the symbols? should i try rebuilding?13:27
Riddellbut for the ubuntu archive proper there is13:27
vassieRiddell: cool, i'll fix it when i get back from holiday13:27
Riddellvassie: maybe another packager will have fixed it for you before then :)13:28
vassieRiddell: fingers crossed, will need your help (again) if that's ok to fix it13:28
Riddellvassie: it's a pretty trivial fix13:30
vassieRiddell: i hope some one can help, not back for a few weeks, my correct email is in there13:31
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: here's an easier job ^^13:31
phoenix_firebrdvassie: where is the package and how can i help you13:33
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: dget http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/cantata_0.9.2-0ubuntu1.dsc13:34
vassieRiddell & phoenix_firebird thank you13:34
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: needs these fixed https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2013-February/045990.html13:35
phoenix_firebrdvassie: yw13:35
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: i will do it. When do you need it?13:36
vassieRiddell: when a new version is released, i assume packaging it should be easier now i have an older version?13:36
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: before vassie gets back from holiday :)13:36
Riddellvassie: yep13:36
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I am working on tomahawk's copyright now, shall i do it after finishing that?13:37
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: sounds like a plan13:38
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phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: what has to be changed in the ktp-desktop-applets copyright file? If you answer me now i can avoid those mistakes in the following copyright files of 2 packages, else more work for me13:41
vassieyou've got till the 25th :)13:41
shadeslayeroh hmm13:41
phoenix_firebrdvassie: enjoy your holidays13:42
vassiethank you both for sorting that out13:42
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: Files: *13:42
shadeslayer       contact/src/contact-delegate.*13:42
shadeslayer       contact/src/abstract-contact-delegate.*13:42
vassiephoenix_firebird: thank you13:42
shadeslayeryou can drop the contact/* stuff13:42
Riddellshadeslayer: from declarative-plasmoids..13:42
RiddellW: declarative-plasmoids: desktop-command-not-in-package usr/share/applications/kde4/active-microblog.desktop export13:42
shadeslayerso basically, * covers all files under LGPL-2.1+13:42
RiddellW: declarative-plasmoids: desktop-entry-lacks-main-category usr/share/applications/kde4/active-microblog.desktop13:42
* shadeslayer checks13:43
Riddelloh export is just bash13:43
Riddell..I guess that'll work13:43
yofelsmartboyhw: what packaging branch?13:43
shadeslayerI thought the apckage was lintian clean13:44
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: yeah, so, you can drop the file specific stuff13:44
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: i will these things now13:45
shadeslayerRiddell: can we also get PA3 into backports?13:45
shadeslayernow ... someone also requested me to backport kraft13:45
shadeslayerhmm ... I forget the IRC nick13:45
Riddellshadeslayer: we can do whatever we like but is it worth the effort?13:46
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, the akash people would like to have it13:46
shadeslayerfor declarative-plasmoids on Raring I have : Now running lintian...13:46
shadeslayerW: declarative-plasmoids source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.3 (current is 3.9.4)13:46
shadeslayerdid you run with -pedantic ? :P13:46
shadeslayeryofel: you have a N7 right13:47
shadeslayeryofel: can you check how good it runs raring + PA3 ? :D13:48
Riddellshadeslayer: no I ran it on the .deb13:49
Riddellshadeslayer: who are the akash people?13:49
shadeslayerRiddell: the one email I CC'd you on13:49
shadeslayerfairly recently13:49
Riddellah I see it, I'm yet to get to e-mail today13:51
yofelshadeslayer: later maybe, I'm drowning in work today13:52
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: "* covers all files under LGPL-2.1+" . recursively?13:52
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: yes13:52
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: why didn't you say that earlier?13:53
shadeslayerI thought it was implicit13:53
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: ok does this apply to all the licenses?13:54
shadeslayerall licenses?13:54
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: lgp, gp, bsd?13:54
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: lgp, gpl, bsd?13:55
shadeslayererrr .. I don't you've fully understood dep 513:55
shadeslayer*I don't think13:55
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: you are confusing me13:55
shadeslayeragain, read the dep 5 doc13:55
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: I had posted and confirmed the copyright text 2 times with you earlier13:56
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: ok13:56
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: possibly I missed that?13:57
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: i am going to check the backlogs13:58
shadeslayererrr ... okay?13:58
vassiephoenix_firebird: if you need anything for the cantata package, just let me know, going to sign off of a bit now14:02
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/665228/14:03
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: thats what you told me14:03
smartboyhwDamn the build failed14:08
smartboyhwdh_install --list-missing14:08
smartboyhwcp: cannot stat ‘debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/karbon.png’: No such file or directory14:08
smartboyhwdh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/karbon.png debian/karbon//usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ returned exit code 114:08
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: that was just an example 14:10
shadeslayersmartboyhw: files that got removed?14:10
smartboyhwshadeslayer, should be. Where to fix?14:11
shadeslayerlook at the relevant install file14:11
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: thats doesnot compile14:11
shadeslayersmartboyhw: grep karbon.png debian/*.install14:12
shadeslayerI have to go for a bit14:12
phoenix_firebrdyofel: master teach me kungfu14:13
yofelcannot do today, sorry14:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: got some time now?14:13
yofelno, and won't have any today14:14
phoenix_firebrdyofel: are you angry?14:14
phoenix_firebrdyofel: you are a good teacher and i have some doubts, If you find sometime ping me or mail me, until then i will be doing my work14:17
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: what do you need to know?14:17
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: how do you feel now?14:18
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: ca va :)14:18
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: i assume that you mean you are fine. I have doubts about the copyright file. I read the documents people refer to and they are incomplete14:19
smartboyhwFound it!14:20
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: point to the package and I can comment14:21
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-desktop-applets-ubuntu/revision/1#debian/copyright14:22
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: this what shadeslayer asked me to do http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-desktop-applets-ubuntu/revision/1#debian/copyright14:23
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: oops14:23
yofelphoenix_firebrd: I'm not angry, but I'm at work and have so much to do that I simply can't spare half an hour for IRC today. Sorry14:23
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: this what shadeslayer asked me to do http://paste.kde.org/665228/14:23
phoenix_firebrdyofel: its ok14:23
smartboyhw- ERROR: debian/control is missing language packages: calligra-l10n-calgra calligra-l10n-.bzr14:25
smartboyhwHow to delete .bzr in calligra-l10n, when I'm using UDD?14:25
yofelyou don't - fix is not to use UDD, that package isn't meant to be used with UDD14:26
yofelbut if a new language was added/removed you'll have to adjust the control file. The package entries all look the same anyway14:26
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: shadeslayer now says that "Files: *" means all files(recursively) for a particular license type ex. GPL-3+, but where is the documentation for that? all  i know is that ls* list all the files in the dir , but not recursively .14:28
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: hmm looks ok to me14:33
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: does "Files:  *" means all files recursively or just all files in the path?14:35
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: all file recursively is my understanding14:35
shadeslayerokay, I think I'm not clearly explaining the Files field14:36
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: why is it now specified in the manual?14:36
shadeslayeras I understood it : Files: * -> major license of src14:36
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: oh I see lines 7, 8, 9 are incorrect then14:37
shadeslayerthen Files: foo/* or foo.* -> license exceptions14:37
shadeslayerthat's what I was trying to explain14:37
Riddellshadeslayer: yes I agree14:37
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: so you have listed LGPL as being * all files and GPL as being an exception for some14:38
Riddellit's mixed licencing so you could argue either way14:38
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: i didn't know that , it was not specified in the documents14:38
Riddellbut GPL takes precidence and that's what they have in their COPYING file14:38
Riddellso I'd have the first block as Files: * for GPL then a block of Files: which names the files under LGPL14:38
Riddellalso tell upstream to put a COPYING.LIB file with the LGPL full text in it14:39
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shadeslayerheh, good point ^14:39
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phoenix_firebrdthis is a set theory, all the files are lgpl but somefiles are gpl, right?14:40
smartboyhwRiddell, I know nothing about the old sponsorship procedure (non-UDD) so can you teach me the procedures?14:41
phoenix_firebrdthis is a set theory, all the files are lgpl except somefiles are gpl, right?14:41
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: ^14:42
Riddellsmartboyhw: you run  debuild -S  and get source package files .dsc .debian.tar.gz and .orig.tar.gz and you pass those to the sponsor who checks and uploads them14:42
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: no, usually licensing is consistent14:42
smartboyhwRiddell, how do I "pass"?14:42
shadeslayerfor eg. I don't think the KDE SC has mixed licensing in each of its components, though I could be wrong14:43
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: you can go either way but it's probably better to say all are GPL with some are LGPL14:43
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer:  so if i remove contact/src/contact-delegate.* ,  contact/src/abstract-contact-delegate.* it implies that they are lgpl unless i define its not . right?14:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: put them on a web server? upload to a PPA? e-mail attachments?  IRC DCC messaging? telepathy tubes?14:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: oh or attached on a bug on launchpad14:44
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ok14:44
smartboyhwRiddell, bug then14:44
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: yes14:45
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: if Files: * specifies the major license, theb why is the 5 line in here necessary? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-desktop-applets-ubuntu/revision/1#debian/copyright14:46
shadeslayerisn't that field deprecated14:47
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: is it not necessary to list file specific copyright owner?14:47
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: check the example of http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/14:47
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: no, unless that file has a different license than the rest of the sources14:47
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: it's not, it's optional14:47
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: so that field has to be removed?14:47
Riddell"The Copyright and License fields in the header paragraph may complement but do not replace the Files paragraphs."14:48
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ok14:48
phoenix_firebrdok i will correct it and paste it here14:50
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: that's fine14:50
shadeslayerI'll fix it14:50
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: no no14:50
shadeslayeruhm, seriously, it's fine :)14:50
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: you have to check if i understood correctly14:50
smartboyhwRiddell, Bug 1116321 is it OK?14:50
ubottubug 1116321 in calligra-l10n (Ubuntu) "Please sponsor calligra-l10n 1:2.6.0-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111632114:50
shadeslayerheh okay :)14:50
Riddellsmartboyhw: hmm aren't there 50 other tars to go with it?14:51
smartboyhwRiddell, you want me to upload ALL of them!?!!/14:53
Riddellsmartboyhw: or tell me how to easily get them14:53
smartboyhwRiddell, ok I will upload14:54
Riddellsmartboyhw: probably better to tell me how to easily get them14:54
smartboyhwRiddell, uploading already:P14:55
smartboyhwIn the bug:P14:55
Riddellsimond/simond.db: SQLite 3.x database14:55
Riddellhmm, anyone know if that's preferred modifyable form?14:55
Riddellhow do you modify a .db file?14:55
ScottKWith SQL?14:56
Riddellis there a command to access it?14:56
ScottKI suspect it probably is the preferred form, but there are probably helper scripts or something that would need to be included to make the build system complete (similar to needing to include messages.sh)14:57
ScottKI don't know enough about SQLite to say, but I'd imagine so.14:57
* ScottK looks at Sput. He'll know.14:58
smartboyhwThat's why I HATE not using UDD:P15:00
smartboyhwRiddell, ^ first:P15:01
shadeslayerbtw, where can one find extensive documentation for the various substvars that we put in debian/control15:02
shadeslayerhttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-substvars is fairly under documented15:02
shadeslayersomehow I missed the line about deb-substvars15:03
tsimpsonRiddell: sqlite315:03
tsimpsonthen write a bunch of SQL15:03
smartboyhwRiddell, Bug 1116321 complete with attachments:P15:12
ubottubug 1116321 in calligra-l10n (Ubuntu) "Please sponsor calligra-l10n 1:2.6.0-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111632115:13
smartboyhwshadeslayer, grrr ?15:14
smartboyhwyou mean the bug?15:14
smartboyhwshadeslayer, grrr of what then15:14
shadeslayerI cannot parse binary:Version in my head15:15
shadeslayerI knew what it did, but suddenly I don't15:15
shadeslayerand deb-substvars has no explicit info15:15
shadeslayerI know what source:Version does15:15
shadeslayerbut I don't remember what binary:Version does :(15:16
* shadeslayer looks at build logs15:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 1 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_raring.html
Riddelloxygen fonts in the archive15:31
Riddellshould I put them on the CD?15:31
Riddellsmartboyhw: groovy, uploading15:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: are you doing the actual calligra package too?15:41
smartboyhwRiddell, I am.15:42
smartboyhwRiddell, ^15:42
Riddellah, UDD, I love a 5000 line diff15:46
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL15:47
* smartboyhw has completely crashed the uploading systems today:P15:47
smartboyhwRiddell, ping me tmr if there is any prob. Bye guys!15:51
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shadeslayerhey Quintasan16:21
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davmor2Riddell: only 5000 many you make it sound like it is a lot ;)16:54
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apoldo we have an ETA for the kde 4.10 packages? (a blogger is asking me xD)17:46
shadeslayerapol: we already have sekrit packages17:49
shadeslayerwill be uploaded once 4.10 is out17:49
shadeslayerwe can't upload before that17:49
shadeslayerapol: http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_raring.html , http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_precise.html , http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.0_quantal.html17:50
Riddelltesters welcome :)17:50
yofelI need another DNS that doesn't match my nick for that -.-17:51
Riddelloh but it's our way of recognising your greatness17:51
shadeslayeryofel: you could host those pages on the buyvm VPS you bought :P17:52
yofelwell, yeah, but the dns for that isn't much better :P17:52
shadeslayerand maybe we could get get a status.kubuntu.org sub domain17:52
shadeslayerand point it to said VPS17:52
yofelnext time they have some to sell someone should buy one for the team. It would be handy for stuff like this17:53
shadeslayersomeone keep a check on the stock!17:53
shadeslayerthey have the 256 MB ones17:54
shadeslayerbut the 128 MB ones are out of stock17:54
shadeslayerRiddell: http://doesbuyvmhavestock.com/17:54
shadeslayerreal cheap VPS that you can use to do initial upload and host pages and what not17:55
yofelyeah, but those are considerably more expensive (well, at least percentage wise)17:55
Riddellwhat's the cost?17:55
yofelRiddell: http://buyvm.net/17:56
shadeslayerRiddell: 15 USD for a year17:56
shadeslayerthe openvz ones17:56
shadeslayerthat's what me and yofel have17:56
apolawesome shadeslayer17:57
Riddell36UDS says for 256MB says https://my.frantech.ca/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=017:57
shadeslayerRiddell: 0.o17:57
Riddellstill good value17:57
Riddellshadeslayer: doesn't bandwidth cost extra?17:58
shadeslayerRiddell: there's no stock at the moment17:58
shadeslayerfor the 128 MB VPS17:58
Riddellshadeslayer: what does that mean?17:58
Riddelloh right17:58
shadeslayerRiddell: no available machines :)17:58
Riddellthat's why I was looking at 256MB17:58
shadeslayerthat one is 3.50 USD per month17:58
Riddellshadeslayer: so what would we use it for?17:59
shadeslayerRiddell: well, hosting KDE status pages17:59
shadeslayerinitial KDE uploads17:59
Riddelland an owncloud shared music server?17:59
Riddellthat would clinch it for me17:59
shadeslayerkind of difficuly18:00
shadeslayersince it only has 256 MB's of memory18:00
shadeslayerwould OOM pretty soo18:00
Riddellowncloud is just a web server18:00
RiddellI don't think it would use much memory18:01
shadeslayerit still needs memory :P18:01
shadeslayertry it out in a VM?18:01
Riddellanyway I'm only joking18:01
Riddellshadeslayer: I'd be +1, if you get another couple of council members to agree to get it with kubuntu funds I'll buy one18:01
shadeslayerRiddell: what do you think of enabling sender colors for Quassel?18:07
shadeslayerit's in Quassel Settings > Chat View > tick Sender Colors18:07
RiddellIRC colours? sounds evil?18:07
shadeslayerreally? :P18:07
shadeslayerIts the one thing I really wanted from quassel18:07
shadeslayerfrom konversation18:08
shadeslayerand I didn't know there was a setting for it18:08
shadeslayerhey ho18:08
Riddelleveryone hates those colours, it's only used by spammers to draw silly picures18:08
genii-aroundIt's actually good. Except sometimes when two different people with same-length nick randomly get same colour and confuses18:08
Riddell_one two one two18:09
Riddell_no difference18:10
shadeslayerthat's because your own color is black18:10
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:10
Riddell_ooh you're all ready18:10
Riddell_gosh ubottu is pink18:10
Riddell_ooh you're all red18:11
shadeslayeryeah, so, IMHO this should be enabled by default :)18:11
Riddell_is there a good reason why upstream haven't done so?18:11
shadeslayerno idea, but I've poked him as to why this isn't default18:12
RiddellDarkwing, ScottK, apachelogger, JontheEchidna, jussi: shadeslayer wants to know if you think buying a VM for kubuntu use would be a good idea18:14
Riddellshadeslayer: well no objection from me on quassel18:15
shadeslayera very underpowered VM that we can use for hosting status pages and doing initial uploads etc18:15
jussiNo. we should approach kubuntu "friends" about having something donated. I need to check with tsimpson, but we may even have space on ubottu.com's VM.18:16
shadeslayeroh, awesomer18:16
shadeslayerRiddell: any news on that new feature tour?18:16
Riddellum, I don't know, was someone even doing it?18:17
jussiThanks to rackspace we have that lovely VM18:17
shadeslayeridk either18:17
shadeslayerbut I'd like to have Muon added there18:17
jussi(hear that, if you need to buy a VM, rackspace... ;) )18:17
RiddellI know lots of people have suggested it but I don't know if anyone has started on it18:17
shadeslayerjussi: but buyvm is ultra cheap :P18:17
shadeslayer15 USD for a year18:17
shadeslayeryou can't beat that18:17
jussishadeslayer: lets see about the sharing of the ubottu vm18:18
jussifree ;)18:18
Riddellit is pretty close to pocket money18:18
shadeslayeryeah ;)18:18
jussiRiddell: mind, you could have mentioned that earlier... ie. when you asked18:19
RiddellI didn't ask, shadeslayer did!18:21
shadeslayeryep 18:21
shadeslayeranywho, off to sleep since my ISO build is almost done18:27
shadeslayernighters :)18:27
=== Jacky_ is now known as zz_Jacky_
ScottKRiddell: I don't recall use having really needed one where people didn't have stuff available.  Can status pages go on people.ubuntu.com?19:28
ScottKAlso we could probably use ubuntuwire if needed.19:28
Riddellshadeslayer: not looking good for your vote, you'll never be a politician19:30
QuintasanIs it just me or we could save some trouble by throwing rekonq off and shipping firefox by default?20:27
ScottKQuintasan: Will it fit?21:02
ScottKIf so, yes.21:03
jussiQuintasan: you would make lots of friend fast...21:07
QuintasanScottK: So the main problem is not lack of KDE integration but space?21:08
Quintasanjussi: well, I feel like I read crapton of mails, each in different tone and the issue could be summed up as "put firefox by default, we don't really like rekonq"21:09
jussiAre the integration bits in the blue whatevr ppa not portable/do able for us? 21:12
ScottKQuintasan: That's my opinion.21:15
ScottKOther people think the integration is essential.21:15
ScottKjussi: They aren't.21:15
QuintasanScottK: Well that opinion of yours is essentialy the only factor limiting us I believe21:15
QuintasanScottK: I'd rather have security and stability than intergration21:16
QuintasanScottK: lack of space21:16
ScottKLack of space isn't an opinon.  Someone needs to figure out how much it would take and see if it's reasonable.21:16
ScottKIf Blue Systems can work a deal to support the KDE patches in the Ubuntu Firefox packages, then I'm all for them.21:17
SputRiddell: the main reason is that the sender colors are stored in a stylesheet, which needs to be in user's config dir, and which gets created the first time the user saves that setting in the config dialog21:39
Sputan alternative would be creating that stylesheet first time the user starts the client, of course21:39
Sputbut for some reason I don't remember that was awkward to implement :)21:40
Sput, shadeslayer21:48
boloi want to compile kde for the frist time and i need libiodbc (libiodbc2-dev) to compile soprano properly.  now apt-get tells me i need to remove all kde packages and so to install that which seems really strange.  am i missing something?  is this the right place to ask anyway?22:30
yofelbolo: we use unixodbc instead, give me a minute to look up what you need22:32
yofelbolo: you need libvirtodbc0, unixodbc-dev and this patch to build soprano: :q22:32
yofelbolo: http://paste.kde.org/66552222:33
boloyofel: thanks.  22:35
boloit works. :)22:49
RiddellI wonder how we can make that obvious in the future22:54
BarkingFishevening guys :) Anyone know if Joseph Salisbury comes onto IRC at all please? 22:56
BarkingFishHe's helping me smash the ar5523 bug on the 3.8 kernel series right now - I just wanted to catch him and have a chat concerning the bug since I don't quite think I'm getting through.22:57
BarkingFishFirst time ar5523 appears as a module is 3.8.0-2 (working, anyhow) - he's got me testing 3.8.0-0 release candidates - the module wasn't even in existence in them :)22:58
yofelBarkingFish: he's jsalisbury in #ubuntu-kernel22:59
boloRiddell: i think distro specific stuff is documentet at  http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Distributions  22:59
BarkingFishaha :) Thanks yofel 22:59
boloat least thats where i looked23:00
BarkingFishhm.  Seems he might not be around atm :(  I thought I might get the chance to communicate with him "in person", so to speak23:16

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