
sithlord48anyone know about kubuntu-active on nexus 7?00:57
sithlord48hey  SteveRiley did u ever get touch working on yours?00:58
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sigmabeta/j #android-dev01:35
k4tZzlook what happened when I tried to make a PNG image my konsole background01:59
Gus81hello, i speak spanish, sorry for my english... A question, Ark archive alternative? File Roller works well in Kubuntu 12.10?02:02
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spacecaseanyone here who might be able to help me figure out why my wifi connection keeps dropping and hopefully figure out how to make it no drop out?04:05
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noaXesshow to get date of last boot?07:28
hateballnoaXess: When the machine is running?07:33
noaXesswhen machine was last rebootet ;)07:33
noaXesshey hateball good morning07:33
hateballnoaXess: "uptime" ?07:33
noaXesshm maybe.. wait.. server lost grrrrrr07:33
noaXesshateball: uptime is cool ;).. thanls07:34
noaXessok.. other thing..07:39
noaXesstwo network cards.. eth0, eth1.. eth0 is configured over /etc/network/interfaces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1611660/07:40
noaXessfor eth1 i can't find any config.. but if it is started, it gets the same ip adress as eth0.. which will break...07:41
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hateballnoaXess: is this on a server?08:14
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hateballnoaXess: do you need a static or dhcp IP for the second card?08:15
noaXesshateball: i don't want it ;)08:16
hateballnoaXess: So... what is the problem? Accidentally bringing the device up?08:16
noaXessno.. that the eth1 get's the same ip then eth0, w/o ay configuration.. or i can't find it..08:17
shadeslayernoaXess: #ubuntu-server can help08:18
noaXessthe problem is.. if both get the sae ip, internal, no problem.. but accessing external over a firewall we get routing problems..08:18
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hateballnoaXess: so set auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp08:21
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hateballnoaXess: at least that should give it a different IP from your DHCP server08:22
noaXesshateball: ok.. i see.. was also my last solution.. hm..08:23
noaXessbut.. even.. it's a VM.. need to say to the VM admin, that he should remove the second card.. cause on a VM two card for this server doesn't make sense08:23
hateballThat would be a better solution08:24
noaXessyes,, anyway. thanks.. always nice to be here.. ;)08:25
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone11:26
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dgxesmartboyhw: hello11:38
smartboyhwdgxe, I think that you should use another tty11:39
dgxeok. that's what i thought, but i remembered my server admin days, when several users were logged in together, and I thought perhaps i could do it in the running gui as well11:40
dgxei bet there is a way to do this11:40
dgxei doubt i can startx in 2 separate tty's11:41
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dgxeno. this cannot be done11:45
dgxeoooh look what i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX11:48
dgxethis is awesome. it lets you plug in another monitor, mouse and kb for an entire seperate user login11:50
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:07
nikixr11hello. i want to make a customized installation of kubuntu but the alternate iso is no longer available12:29
nikixr11can i use the normal iso the same way i used the alternate one?12:29
dgxeat a guess, probably12:30
lordievadernikixr11: In what way do you mean customized?12:32
nikixr11lordievader: do a basic ubuntu installation and build from the ground up12:33
nikixr11i found https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035675.html12:34
lordievadernikixr11: The installation through the live-cd will be more or less the same as the live-cd itself.12:35
nikixr11lordievader: what does that mean? how can i do a basic ubuntu installation?12:36
lordievadernikixr11: What it means is that you will have a system with kde preinstalled and things like openoffice, kate, etc.12:37
nikixr11but i dont want kde preinstalled12:38
lordievadernikixr11: Take a look at Ubuntu server. This will not have any DM preinstalled.12:39
BluesKajHey all12:57
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dgxehello -r13:13
susundbergrecursive hello?13:13
dgxeer -R13:13
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MichaelPHow do i remove the ATI testing logo from the desktop on there beta driver ?14:29
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ovidiu-florinwhere are the emails from kmail stored in the filesystem?14:56
BluesKajovidiu-florin, in the database you chose in the akonadi server ... i think15:00
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david__Ah! There we are!15:04
ovidiu-florinthank you BluesKaj15:05
david__Anyone have any experience setting up Kontact to use Google Calendar?15:05
designbybeck__Greetings BluesKaj, I'm still trying to get the one Kubuntu system to reset to a default(preset desktop) after each reboot. This is the info EagleScreen suggested a while back, But doesn't seem to work: http://www.pasteall.org/3941815:12
designbybeck__Any ideas?.... It starts loading KDE to automatcially login to the physic student login, but fails15:12
designbybeck__it then goes to this error message: http://www.pasteall.org/3941915:14
hateballdesignbybeck__: are you just trying to automatically log in one user account, and have that be in a default state?15:14
lordievader http://www.pasteall.org/3941915:14
designbybeck__yes hateball15:15
hateballdesignbybeck__: This is because you copy it with root perms, you need to chown back to the user account logging in15:15
lordievader... Putty works different from the Konsole..15:15
BluesKajdesignbybeck__, hmm , I just use the "restore previous session" option in system settings>startup&shutdown>session management15:15
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designbybeck__hateball:  where would I do that at? and BluesKaj does that restore a preset desktop as well? I have widgets set and the like15:16
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designbybeck__This is basically going to be a public access for the physics student lounge15:16
hateballdesignbybeck__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1612978/15:16
hateballdesignbybeck__: this is how we do it here, more or less15:16
hateballdirty, but works well enough15:17
hateballdesignbybeck__: should be -rf on the first ofc15:17
designbybeck__yeah I thought our working copy in that case would be in the /opt/physics_skel15:17
hateballyep, but as I said, the user account needs its perms back15:17
designbybeck__hateball:  so rm -rf /home/public ?15:18
hateballdesignbybeck__: yes. or whatever you call the user account15:18
designbybeck__gotcha, I thought it was because I wasn't root the first time I tired so I just did that, and it didn't like that either15:18
designbybeck__so let me try this15:18
* genii-around slides hateball a coffee15:19
* BluesKaj should stay out of questions about multiple users15:19
* hateball accepts, thanks genii-around!15:19
designbybeck__so hateball in these instructions, we had a restore.sh file that rc.local ran, so I can put your line of code for chmod into  the restore.sh ? http://www.pasteall.org/3941815:22
* designbybeck__ trying to wrap my head around this all15:22
hateballdesignbybeck__: not chmod, chown15:22
designbybeck__sorry yes chown15:22
hateballdesignbybeck__: cp -a should achieve this already, assuming that /opt/physics_skel is owned by the same user that uses /home/physics15:23
designbybeck__hmm, no I don't think physics owned that dir15:24
hateballnor should he15:24
hateballsince it's a dir he shouldnt be able to modify15:24
hateballor SHE15:24
hateballdesignbybeck__: I'd put a few seconds delay on the automatic login as well, if you're restoring a large-ish profile :p15:27
designbybeck__how do I do that hateball?15:31
hateballdesignbybeck__: well, in your login manager, where you have that configured right now15:32
hateballBoth KDM and LightDM have GUI ways to configure it15:32
designbybeck__hmm ok15:32
designbybeck__well hateball, i don't get the error messages, It goes to the login screen now instead of automatically logging in the physic student account15:47
hateballdesignbybeck__: well then I dunno, I dont know about your specific setup15:48
designbybeck__thinking I might just give up and let them use the Guest account15:48
designbybeck__when I try to login with the physics student it just goes back to the login screen15:48
hateballdesignbybeck__: but how *I* solve it, is to just do your regular *buntu install, copy -r the user profile to /root, then restore in the fashion above15:48
hateballdesignbybeck__: can you check in a tty that the profile is actually copied? and that the perms are proper?15:49
hateballcp -a... that does not copy recursively does it?15:49
DarthFrogYes, it does.15:50
* hateball usually uses rsync for all the things15:50
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Husarsame problem on pc and laptop whenn connecting gps/mobile/camera16:14
Husarwhats wrong?16:14
Peace-Husar: i will read16:16
DarthFrogHusar:  Looks like a hardware error.16:16
Husargps device + 2 htc mobiles + Nikon camera16:17
Husarthe same on PC and Laptop16:17
Peace-mm it seems not recognized16:17
Husarwith newer Kubuntu x86_6416:17
Peace-kernel doesn't handle it16:17
Peace-just that16:17
Peace-Husar: tried to attach it directly on the computer ?16:18
Husarhow? without usb cable?16:19
Peace-Husar: did not use an hub ?16:19
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Husarthats USB devices connected via wire16:21
Peace-Husar: ...   computer====hub usb === device or   computer ==== device ?16:21
Peace-Husar: is your device 3.0 usb ? or 2.0 ?16:22
Husarcomputer <- usb <- device16:22
Peace-Husar: have you used this ? http://4chandata.org/images/threads/128200_20113302135413028.jpg16:23
Husarno, i do not need this shit16:24
Husarcomputer -> device (via USB)16:25
Peace-Husar: is your  device 3.0 usb ?16:25
Peace-or 2.016:25
Peace-Husar: your computer supports 2.0 or 3.0 ?16:26
Husar2 poinz 016:26
Peace-Husar: i dunno i have found this but i don't think that will help you http://www.geekdevs.com/2010/04/solved-unable-to-enumerate-usb-device-disabling-ehci_hcd/16:28
HusarPeace-: yes, not work for me16:29
Peace-no idea16:30
Husarwill change system16:30
genii-aroundI think your computer is using the wrong base driver for your USB. For USB 2.0 it should be using ehci not uhci16:30
Peace-genii-around: infact in that article ...16:32
genii-aroundIt's also conceivable the host controller is actually USB 1.x but the device might be 2.016:33
Peace-genii-around: i was thinking the same but 2 vs 3 :D16:33
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Ossimoroscusate, c'è un canale di aiuto in italiano?16:59
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:01
Ossimorothank you genii-around17:03
genii-aroundOssimoro: You're welcome!17:04
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this problem of KMail? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211248117:33
sbivolc2tarun: which KMail version are you running?17:40
c2tarunsbivol: 4.8.517:41
c2tarunsbivol: is this some bug, fixed in later version?17:41
sbivolI'm on 4.10... but I don't remember this behaviour in any KMail version, so it's probably related to your configuration17:42
c2tarunsbivol: did you made any change to your folder subscription?17:44
sbivolc2tarun: yes, because I don't like being subscribed to the Spam folder :)17:44
c2tarunsbivol: ok. So I think I should upgrade to 4.10 Let me look for its ppa17:45
sbivolc2tarun: I'd advise againsta that. it hasn't been released yet, and we still haven't identified the cause.17:46
c2tarunsbivol: ohh... :P17:46
c2tarunwell let me share a screenshot with you17:47
c2tarunsbivol: check this out: http://imagebin.org/24555117:48
sbivol*I mean the cause of your issue, not the cause of 4.10 not being released yet17:48
sbivolc2tarun: you have [Gmail] inside Google mail... strange...17:49
c2tarunif I cancel all the subscription the problem is kind of fixed. But I dont think this is the right way. I tried thunderbird and it is working fine17:49
c2tarunsbivol: you dont have that?17:49
sbivolI guess I'll set up my Gmail account in KMail now, to test. please wait a minute17:50
c2tarunsbivol: sure, I am waiting17:51
c2tarunsbivol: also please try deleting any mail. Because when I delete a mail, it goes to Local Trash instead of GMail trash17:52
sbivolc2tarun: yes, it goes to local trash because that folder was the default one when you added the account17:56
c2tarunsbivol: you configured your gmail?17:56
c2tarunsbivol: are you getting gmail inside Google Mail?17:58
sbivolyes. and mails deleted from gmail go to the local trash17:58
slight__Hello everyone, I would like to install Kubuntu on my laptop so I first tried using live version17:58
sbivolc2tarun: did you do server-side subscription?17:58
c2tarunsbivol: nope, what is it?17:59
slight__but my brightness keys did not work17:59
slight__normally Fn F2 should decrease brightness but it did not. Also tried the power gadget nxt to clock... it also did not change17:59
sbivolc2tarun: the screenshot you provided... oh, it's Local subscription17:59
c2tarunsbivol: yup, I found server side subscription option in accounts>modify. Should I enable it?18:00
sbivolslight__: that depends on your specific laptop. what model is it? maybe it's a known issue...18:00
slight__sbivol: it is samsung np350v5a18:01
slight__but other fn keys work. e.g. volume controls, touchpad disable, wifi18:01
sbivolc2tarun: no, let me test the local subscription first... I have no idea what's the difference between local and server-side subscription, an I'm lazy  to check it on the internet...18:01
c2tarunsbivol: I'll do it meanwhile ;) check the diff on internetl18:02
sbivolslight__: that's because different chips are used for sound and brightness control18:02
c2tarunsbivol: well seems like this is my problem :) http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9550618:03
c2tarunsbivol: seems like my problem is solved: http://imagebin.org/24555418:05
c2tarunlet me test once more.18:05
sbivolc2tarun: I also have gmail inside gmail, so that is probably by design(tm)18:05
sbivolshould be a Gmail feature, since other IMAP servers that I have configured do not have such folder layout18:06
c2tarunsbivol: yup, as mentioned in that forum link, that local subscription overrides server so I think that is reason of multiple copies of mails. I think sharing server-subscription fixed it :)18:06
c2tarunyup possibly18:07
sbivolc2tarun: so you disabled local subscriptions and enabled the server-side ones?18:07
c2tarunsbivol: I just enabled server-side subscription. I think it automatically disabled local18:08
sbivolc2tarun: could you please check the local subscription and see if it's still enabled?18:08
c2tarunsbivol: how can I check that?18:08
noobnubHello. I'm having some problems changing the default applications for file types. KeditFileType  gave me this error first ""/home/username/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" not writable.18:10
noobnubPlease contact your system administrator". the owener for the applications directory was set to root, so i changed it my username and fixed the permissions, but now KEditFileType just hangs when I try to change something.18:10
sbivolright-click the top Gmail folder -> Manage local subscriptions. See which folders are checked18:11
sbivolslight__: I can't find anything on the internet regarding linux on that specific laptop. I'm afraid the only way to know for sure is to install Kubuntu on it and test :)18:11
sbivolslight__: oh, and report back ;-)18:12
c2tarunsbivol: yup, all folders are selected and [GMAIL] is gone from there. http://imagebin.org/24555518:13
c2tarunsbivol: thanks for helping :)18:13
sbivolc2tarun: you're welcome18:14
sbivolnoobnub: just to be sure, I suggest logging off from KDE, going to a console with Ctrl+Alt+F1, then executing „sudo chown -R <user>:<user> /home/<user>”18:14
sbivolnoobnub: replace <user> with your username18:15
noobnubi tried that within KDE. so i guess i'll logout and try it without KDE running. thanks.18:15
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sbivolnoobnub: does it work now?18:18
slight__sbivol: ops... but what if it does not work18:21
slight__sbivol: also, is it kubuntu related or kde related?18:22
sbivolc2tarun: on the screenshots, I see that your font rendering is not-as-awesome-as-it-should-be. maybe you'd like to try changing the font hinting settings in System Settings -> Application appearance -> Fonts -> Use antialiasing [Enabled] -> Use subpixel hinting -> Style [Slight or Medium]. Maybe you find one of those settings better-looking on your monitor. (I've translated the settings names to english, so please adjust them to reality)18:24
sbivolslight__: Kubuntu related18:24
slight__slight__: do you suggest installing with WUBI or a seperate installation?18:25
sbivolslight__: it depends. I'd advise installing on a separate partition, but if you don't feel comfortable modifying your partitions, then Wubi is also a good option18:27
slight__slight__: ok, now i will try again by trying this : http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?60349-cannot-control-screen-brightness-with-kubuntu-12-10-beta-218:27
slight__sbivol: then will let you know if it works :)18:27
slight__sbivol: thanks for help :)18:28
sbivolslight__: yes, please do post your findings18:28
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:45
BluesKajpalasso1, just ask your question18:46
palasso1BluesKaj: nah I'm ok ;)18:46
palasso1Just testing out Quassel...18:47
BluesKaj,you were testing the bot18:47
sbivolpalasso1: ubottu accepts private chats, so you can test him (it?) without us noticing18:47
palasso1nah I just wanted to type sth... that's all... help just came to me.. I thought it would PM me...18:48
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ludwig_Hi guys. I have a very bad issue. My networking keeps disconnecting. in /var/log messages I get ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready for wlan0 and eth020:28
ludwig_do you have any idea what's going on? using kernel 3.2.620:29
ludwig_11.04 kubuntu20:29
ludwig_driver: tg320:35
sbivolludwig_: being WLAN, you can suspect anything. even that your neighbour tries to hijack your connection to sniff some useful packets20:37
ludwig_sbivol: both for eth020:37
ludwig_not just wlan.. and checked everything.20:37
sbivolludwig_: would you have any reason to suspect your router?20:37
ludwig_sbivol: no, because it does the same in 3 different networks20:38
ludwig_it's either hardware malfunction / core kernel issue / incompat20:38
ludwig_but i'm open to suggestions20:38
sbivolI see... that's weird. a bad wireless driver I can understand, but a broken driver for the wired card... that's highly unlikely.20:40
ludwig_sbivol: so hardware issue?20:44
sbivolludwig_: can you find out your WLAN and LAN card models? maybe the internet knows something about your issue already20:48
ludwig_searched but nothing really20:48
sbivolludwig_: you could try Kubuntu 13.04 (any daily image) from a usb stick and see if the problems persist. ftp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/21:03
ludwig__my KDE effects also crash with: fatal server error failed to submit batchbuffer :invalid argument21:11
sbivolludwig__: what hardware do you have?21:14
ludwig__how can I check that?21:15
ludwig__GA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)21:15
ludwig__i don't know any other way to check it21:16
sbivolludwig__: oh, that answers my question :) so you have a regular laptop with common hardware. at this point, I'd suggest doing a complete memory test. choose Memtest86+ from the Grub menu, before booting in Kubuntu21:18
ludwig__sbivol: how would that help? I rememeber i did it some time ago and found nothing21:21
sbivolludwig__: the test will take a while, but you'll know for sure whether your memory is ok or not. bad memory causes lots of issues and is relatively hard to detect unless you test your memory.21:23
ludwig__sbivol: did the test and found nothing. was done recently and after the issues (both eth0/wlan0 and graphics)21:25
sbivolludwig__: at this point, I'm out of ideas. try a daily image, maybe the newer drivers are better.21:27
sbivolludwig__: to be clear – I suggest you try a live image of 13.04, not to install it.21:28
ludwig__ok. ty21:28
Obsidian1723If you want stability, stick with the LTS.21:29
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ikoniafrenzz: ?21:42
* genii-around slides blacklist a coffee22:53
blacklistvery good one coffee now22:56
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lucas_nemethHello, I can't connect a VPN(PPTP) network through network manager. It just shows "connecting..." and then it does not connect at all.23:51
lucas_nemeth_Hello, I can't connect a VPN(PPTP) network through network manager. It just shows "connecting..." and then it does not connect at all.23:56
lucas_nemeth_without errors or anything...23:57

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