
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
shwaiilwhere can I get started with app development for ubuntu ? I just watched a video in the main site, it seems I can dev with js html512:47
shwaiilI want to do a simple window management like http://mizage.com/divvy/ available for osx12:47
shwaiilI know about compiz grid, but I like divvy functionality better12:47
shwaiilI wonder where I can get started ?12:48
dz0nyshwaiil: that must be done in compiz aka compiz plugin12:49
shwaiildz0ny: tks for looking. that's the only way ?12:50
dz0nythat i know of. Basically you need to access compiz api, control application can probably be written in any language12:51
shwaiildivvy looks so much better :Z12:52
dz0nyshwaiil: i'm pretty sure there is compiz plugin for that12:52
shwaiildz0ny: yes, there's "grid", but comparing with divvy... it's not that cool12:53
shwaiilso I want to code it myself12:53
dz0nyyou can probably start with compiz grid plugin and build on top of it12:54
shwaiiltrying to figure out if I could develop differently13:01
shwaiilcompiz looks too complicated13:01
dz0nyI believe it's the only way :/13:04
shwaiil: I13:05
IDWMasterHi. I created a new project that makes it easier to create C++ projects on Ubuntu using Autotools.17:03
IDWMasterIt greatly simplifies the process of creating configuration scripts and such, without the need for manually creating all of the configuration files for autotools. It's basically a project-based build environment similar to Eclipse, but in the console instead17:04
IDWMasterRun it in an empty directory and it will create the necessary project resources for you along with a binary configuration file17:05
IDWMasterCurrently only available in source format17:05

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