
Sky_PodHey, I really need some layman's terms help. I tried installing Ubuntu alongside windows and it wound up screwing with my boot sequence. My monitor will not turn on until it defaults booting to Windows. I also can't access my BIOS now01:31
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retaebnamowcan you guys helped me11:03
retaebnamowI installed Ubuntu on my laptop because I want to be a hacker, and all of my work has gone! word and office dissapeared as well as the start button, and I can't find where everything is11:04
retaebnamowmy friends said if I install Ubuntu I could hack websites but I just lost everything and now I'm gonna get kicked out of school11:05
retaebnamowpoles help11:05
* smartboyhw is starting to think this is a spam11:06
Eyespajim sorry, i dont know anything sbout hacking11:06
smartboyhwretaebnamow, 1. You should not hack website11:06
retaebnamowsorry I'm on my phone because Ubuntu doesn't work11:06
retaebnamowbut I need to do it for a school project11:06
smartboyhwretaebnamow, by "word and office" you mean "LibreOffice Writer and Libreoffice"?11:07
retaebnamowno I paid like $100 for office and now it's all gone11:07
Eyespajthink he actually means microsoft :-/11:07
retaebnamowyes my start menu is gone which had it in and when I put the disk in it doesn't even work11:08
retaebnamowand all my work for school is gone too11:08
Eyespajdid you even do any research if your own before installing?11:08
retaebnamowPLEASE help!11:08
Eyespajcalm down sir.11:08
retaebnamowyou don't know anything11:09
smartboyhwretaebnamow, now now please calm down11:09
retaebnamowsmartboyhw k owns more than you11:09
retaebnamowsorry smart I'm need to hand the work in I lost in a week11:09
retaebnamowhow do I fix it where is the start button11:10
smartboyhwretaebnamow, are you seriously asking about Windows? Since there is NO start button in Ubuntu (or any of it's official distros)11:10
retaebnamowOK but I have windows and I tried to put Ubuntu on to hack and now everything I had before is gonee11:11
retaebnamowlike everything my desktop and files and start11:11
smartboyhwretaebnamow, which method you used to install Ubuntu? Using ISOs or Wubi?11:11
retaebnamowUbuntu has broken my windows and now I'm fucked!11:11
smartboyhwretaebnamow, now no foul language11:12
retaebnamowI so I think my friend gave me a disk and I just did what it said where it said install11:12
smartboyhwanswer my question first11:12
retaebnamowI think it was an ISO like when you torrent a game and put the ISO on a disk11:13
smartboyhwretaebnamow, oh gods...... When you are installing does it have an option that says "Install Ubuntu 12.** against Windows 7/8?"11:13
retaebnamowI don't know I remember pressing something about installing ubuntu11:13
smartboyhwretaebnamow, you clicked on a clean install. That means everything of Windows is wiped off and that Ubuntu has completely overwritten it....11:13
Eyespajsounds like you probably erased windows11:13
smartboyhwSorry can't help you then11:13
* smartboyhw prepares for some more foul languages11:14
retaebnamowwhat the fuck? you pathetic fucking nigger bitch! I'm gonna get kicked out of school because your shitty disk broke my fucking computer11:14
smartboyhwEyespaj, is retaebnamow's "friend" mean you?11:14
ubot2Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - bodhizazen, DarkwingDuck, nhandler, paultag, Rocket2DMn, ibuclaw, cprofitt, Tronyx, PriceChild, Hellow, Silver-Fox-, or PabloRubianes!11:14
retaebnamowwhy would you let people dinstall this virus!11:15
retaebnamowUbuntu is a virus you destroyed my computer and my work11:15
smartboyhwretaebnamow, 1. Ubuntu is NOT a virus and 2. If you want to keep Windows you should choose to install it alongside instead of a clean install11:15
retaebnamowI fucking hate you stupid bitches my windows is fucked11:16
retaebnamowwhy would you give people a virus to put on disk11:16
smartboyhwretaebnamow, it's NOT a virus11:16
retaebnamowI'm gonna be homeless when I fail my SATs11:16
* smartboyhw thinks this is pathetic11:16
retaebnamowit is it deleted everything!11:17
retaebnamowyou probably stole my debit card details too11:17
retaebnamowI'm going to report this to the policd11:17
smartboyhwThank God he left11:18
smartboyhwThis would NOT look good on irclogs.ubuntu.com11:19
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tronyxping cprofitt14:01
tronyxhe was trolling smartboyhw14:03
paultagtronyx: let me try with you, and i I still have it, I'll mark you as op14:03
tronyx(05:15) < retaebnamow> why would you let people dinstall this virus!14:03
tronyx(05:15) < retaebnamow> Ubuntu is a virus you destroyed my computer and my work14:03
tronyx(05:15) < smartboyhw> retaebnamow, 1. Ubuntu is NOT a virus and 2. If you want to keep Windows you should choose to14:03
tronyx                      install it alongside instead of a clean install14:03
paultag09:03 [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to perform this operation.14:03
tronyx(05:16) < retaebnamow> I fucking hate you stupid bitches my windows is fucked14:03
paultagyeah, I gave up my rights14:03
tronyx(05:16) < smartboyhw> .......14:03
tronyx(05:18) *** Quits: retaebnamow [~yaaic@] (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org)14:03
paultagtronyx: you don't need to repeat it :)14:03
smartboyhwtronyx, don't repost:P14:04
paultagthat's just making it worse :)14:04
tronyxok, i'll ask bodhi14:04
tronyxsorry, that was meant for another channel14:04
paultagyeah, I dropped my chanop flags when I left a few years ago14:04
paultagsorry tronyx14:04
tronyxnp, i'll get 'em back from bodhi14:04
tronyxthanks doodles14:04
paultagnp champ14:04
paultaglove all of you guys, y'all rock14:04
tronyxsorry smartboyhw, i was on last night but i apparently lost chan ops so i didn't bother to talk to the guy and i couldn't find any of the other OPers14:05
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coolbhavismartboyhw, hey15:00
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, hey15:01
genupulascoolbhavi,  hi15:01
coolbhavinice work on the merge yesterday15:01
genupulascoolbhavi,  how are you ?15:01
coolbhavihey genupulas15:01
coolbhavilong time mate15:01
genupulascoolbhavi,  so you see my sms?15:01
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, thx15:01
coolbhavim fine15:01
genupulascoolbhavi,  yeah very15:01
genupulascoolbhavi, so what do you say15:02
coolbhaviwe will take it offline in a pm15:02
genupulascoolbhavi,  sure, continue with smartboyhw15:02
genupulassmartboyhw,  all the best for your nomination15:02
smartboyhwgenupulas, thx15:02
smartboyhwAnyway I won't get itP15:03
coolbhavismartboyhw, running in for something?15:03
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, two things:P15:03
coolbhaviwhat are those?15:03
smartboyhwOne is Ask Ubuntu moderatorship, which is what genupulas is talking about (which I will not get)15:03
smartboyhwSecond one is Ubuntu membership15:04
smartboyhw20th Feb, 12:00 UTC15:04
coolbhavismartboyhw, ping me your wiki page15:05
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/smartboyhw15:05
coolbhavii  have seen a lot of your work on the ubuntu-studio if m not wrong15:05
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, yep15:06
coolbhaviand your response in bug triage is very good15:06
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, I exited that business:P15:06
genupulassmartboyhw,  Sorry. I am talking about askubuntu15:07
coolbhaviyou are 14?15:07
smartboyhwgenupulas, I knew15:07
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, yep15:07
coolbhavithats amazing15:07
genupulassmartboyhw, :)15:07
coolbhaviI thought you were atleast 20 ish15:08
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, LOL15:09
coolbhavi:) atleast looking at your work15:10
coolbhavibrb dinner15:10
smartboyhwbye coolbhavi15:10
coolbhavibye smartboyhw I think its already night in HK :)15:10
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, sure15:10
smartboyhw11:10 PM15:11
coolbhavi:) + 2.30 from where I stay then15:11
coolbhavigood night15:11
coolbhavihave a good sleep15:11
genupulascoolbhavi,  Official Ubuntu Matter15:12
coolbhavigenupulas, feel free to pm in any case15:12
genupulascoolbhavi, In the Lp of Ubuntu whats stand for "Source package differences between 'Raring' and parent series 'Wheezy'" and is there anything normal users like me can do ?15:13
genupulascortman,  Welcome back15:13
cortmanty genupulas15:13
genupulascortman,  always welcome15:14
smartboyhwHey cortman15:14
* coolbhavi hugs SergioMeneses :)15:43
SergioMeneseshey coolbhavi ! how you been?15:45
coolbhavigenupulas, wheezy is the testing bed of debian and Raring is the current devel release of ubuntu15:46
genupulascoolbhavi, hmm yeah know15:46
coolbhaviand is used for merging packages from there if any15:47
coolbhavihey SergioMeneses i'm fine15:47
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, studying right now... but everything ok15:48
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, exams coming up? :P15:49
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, yes15:51
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, oh ok! when does it start?15:52
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, next week15:52
SergioMenesesbtw coolbhavi, I have not have time enough for learning motu :S15:54
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, anytime buddy you can ping any of us for any doubts15:57
coolbhaviall the best for exams btw :)15:57
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, thank you so much! but I think I can do it (motu stuff) for this cycle16:03
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, its great that you are willing to contribute inspite of all lococouncil stuff :)16:06
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, it's not a big deal if I have time enough16:08
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happydayshello All. i'm looking for an Ubuntu equivalent to hide my ass. any ideas, not to complicated if possible. thanks19:29
happydayseaster egg ?19:37
holsteinhappydays: "hidemyass" is a web service19:53
holsteinhappydays: maybe you are looking for a vpn https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN19:54
holsteinhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Proxy_settings might be a nice resource19:55
happydaysholstein. thanks20:06
odivSo I have a directory on my NAS mounted with fstab, but I think the permissions are strange. I need to use root permissions when copying files off of it. Any idea how to mount it so that permissions are wide open? I'm already passing credentials to the NAS itself to mount the directory so everything should read/writeable22:00
holsteinodiv: i would need more information22:02
holsteini know, i would just have user access on the nas22:02
odivWhat information do you need? On the NAS I have a user account set to have read/write permissions. That user account is being used to mount the directory with cifs.22:03
odivin fstab.22:03
holsteinwhat nas?22:03
odivSynology DS41122:04
holsteinoh... its an appliance?22:04
holsteinmight just have to do whatever the firmware wants you to do22:04
odivcp filename ~/ fails, but sudo cp filename ~/ works fine.22:04
odivSo the credentials I've supplied are fine, but for some reason ubuntu which has mounted the NAS directory is restricting it to root.22:05
holsteinodiv: maybe just chown it locally then22:05
odivdoes chowning it locally change the dir and all future files? Or is that something I'd have to do whenever I make any changes from other machines?22:06
odivI guess I could just google chown.22:06
holsteinodiv: for me, i would want to just test that and see, since i dont know how that appliance works22:06
holsteinodiv: it wont be a chown issue...22:06
odivYeah, I'm not sure it has to do with the appliance, since the only credentials the ubuntu machine is using to access it would be the ones I've provided.22:07
odivI'll try chown first though.22:07
odivbut yeah, it sounds like I'd have to do that on an ongoing basis?22:08
holsteinsounds like?22:08
holsteinif it were me, i would want to just get the thing working, then id worry with persistence if needed22:08
odivJust from googling chown. I'll shut up until I've read enough to know what I'm talking about.22:08
holsteinwell, just try it, i say22:09
holsteinyou dont know how the appliance mounts or whatever22:09
holsteinunless you have specified, or are allowed to22:09
holsteintake ubuntu out of the euqation.. boot with a live CD and test22:09
odivOh, when I said ubuntu I just meant the machine that ubuntu is on. I don't think it's something the OS is doing wrong or anything, just likely how I have it set up.22:10
odivanyway, I'm off to try this.22:11
holsteinodiv: well, it could be... im just trying to remove variables22:13
odivokay, so it was using the same permissions as the NAS itself. I used chmod to change everything to the permission I want. Now I just need to find out how to make it so that all files added have the desired permissions.22:34
holsteinodiv: sounds like progress22:36
odivYep, thanks!22:36

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