
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== jono is now known as Guest40438
dpmgood morning all07:30
nigelbMorning dpm07:33
nigelbWeird, it's morning for me too :)07:33
dpmhi nigelb, where are you these days? Last time I heard you wanted to go or were living in New Zealand?07:33
nigelbdpm: I was supposed to. That didn't work out. At the moment, I'm in London and I'll be back home mid next week :)07:34
dpmok :)07:35
JoseeAntonioRhey, dpm!07:35
dpmhola JoseeAntonioR :)07:35
JoseeAntonioRdpm: todo bien por España? :)07:36
dpmsí, empezando el día poco a poco... :)07:36
nigelbdpm: How're you doing? How's things going? I haevn't talked to you guys in ages!07:39
dpmnigelb, indeed! Things are going well, I'm focused on app development rather than translations these days, and as you've probably already seen, we're rocking on the phone side of things :)07:40
nigelbI've noticed!07:42
nigelband the tablet07:42
JoseeAntonioRdpm: hey, any idea on when the UADW is running?07:43
bkerensaEvening JoseeAntonioR07:46
JoseeAntonioRhey, bkerensa07:46
dpmJoseeAntonioR, probably some time in May. We want to make it coincide with the next app showdown, but we need to finalize a couple of things before being able to schedule it. Sorry not to have a definite date yet, but I'll keep you posted in the next few weeks07:47
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: how goes things?07:47
JoseeAntonioRdpm: no worries, just make sure it doesn't clash with the uds or the canonisprint07:48
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: everything's fine over her, what about you?07:48
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: just working on project ;)07:48
dpmJoseeAntonioR, sure. There is no canonisprint, but it'll definitely not clash with UDS :)07:49
JoseeAntonioRdpm: wait, there's no canonisprint before UDS?07:49
* JoseeAntonioR runs around07:49
dpmJoseeAntonioR, ah, I thought you meant the sprint we used to have mid-cycle. Yeah, there will be a product strategy + other teams' meeting the week before UDS07:50
JoseeAntonioRyeah, that's it then07:50
JoseeAntonioRwe moved openweek just because of that07:50
dpmahhh, yes, good point07:55
dholbachgood morning08:12
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: ping08:42
nigelbIt's so bright and sunny!08:53
nigelb(but still cold)08:54
smartboyhwLots of hi messages today:P09:00
smartboyhwdholbach, how are ya?09:37
dholbachhey smartboyhw - doing well - how about you?09:38
smartboyhwdholbach, good09:39
solarcloudmhall119: ping.10:24
solarcloudCanonical peeps : Someone give Michael Hall a pinch will ya ?10:30
czajkowskisolarcloud: it's before he's online10:30
czajkowskisolarcloud: you could of course fire him an email10:30
czajkowskihe's based over in the states10:30
smartboyhwdholbach, thx for syncing:)10:30
solarcloudI've tried... how's your day , today ? Grumpy or happy-so ?10:31
czajkowskisolarcloud: you got his details https://launchpad.net/~mhall11910:31
solarcloudok thank-you.10:32
solarcloudczajkowski: Is he in america ?10:32
solarcloudoh , that's why then. thank-you.10:33
czajkowskiwell I wouldnt expect an immediate response let people have a chance to work through their mail am sure he'll get back to you10:33
solarcloudyep, I follow you on twitter BTW. Love the hair ! Byebye.10:35
czajkowskidaker: what's funny ?11:28
dakerthis is the first time i see something like this : "I follow you on twitter BTW. Love the hair ! Byebye."11:29
solarcloudmhall119: Are you about ?13:43
PiciIts still only 8:45 AM on the east coast US13:45
solarcloudoh ok  .. I check back in an hour ... thank-you.14:13
czajkowskisolarcloud: or just wait till he mails you back or answers the numerous pings :)14:14
solarcloudczajkowski: That's my intention..14:15
marcoceppiballoons: thanks! Turning on wp_debug sounds like a great idea!14:20
AlanBellsolarcloud: if you are in a hurry, just ask your question, there are probably others who can answer it14:39
mhall119hey solarcloud14:41
mhall119what's up?14:41
dholbachmhall119, cjohnston: where would you announce some downtime of guanabana? (harvest and pad.u.c)15:03
dholbachpleia2, ^ community-announce? ;-)15:03
cjohnstonif it effects pad, probably quite a few places as many different groups use it15:04
dholbachit should be just an hour they said15:05
mhall119yeah, I don't know of a good single place to announce pad downtime15:06
czajkowskidholbach: ubuntu developers, community annouce and I'll update the locoteams page on facebook if you want15:07
dholbachI think we should just do loco-contacts@ and ubuntu-devel@ maybe?15:07
czajkowskias some locoteams use it also15:07
czajkowskidholbach: and community-announce :)15:08
dholbachok WFM15:08
dholbachall right - I'll let the guy from IS know15:08
dholbachand once they announce we can help to spread the news15:08
czajkowskilovely jubbly15:08
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: let me know when you do it so I can cross-post one of them to the fridge15:43
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, I just mailed the IS guy back - will let you know when I hear abou ti15:43
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: ok!15:44
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, ping15:44
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: pong15:45
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, private message?15:45
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: go for it15:45
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: doing on-air in 8?15:52
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, no 40m - we had to move, but the page and the announcements should be all set15:52
JoseeAntonioRyep, /me moves the cal15:52
JoseeAntonioRI'll try to get a bot set up so it can tweet every time we have something15:52
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Guest89634dholbach, give me a min and then will set it up17:31
=== Guest89634 is now known as jono
jonodholbach, give me a min and then will set it up17:31
dholbachok guest89634 :-P17:31
=== jono is now known as Guest96957
jono_dholbach, invite sent17:33
jcastroT minus 45min until dentist.17:46
* jcastro shudders17:46
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: have a min17:49
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: go!17:58
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)17:58
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: wonder how can I get ubuntuonair.com to be a trusted service for the SSO?17:58
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: thanks for the hangout today, had a great audience :)17:58
dholbachyeah, everybody seemed to have a greta time :)17:59
jcastrono clue on that one17:59
jcastrofile an RT and then mail me the # they get you17:59
JoseeAntonioRwill do now17:59
jono_JoseeAntonioR, is Ubuntu On Air now on a Canonical server?18:02
JoseeAntonioRjono_: yep18:02
jono_JoseeAntonioR, awesome18:04
JoseeAntonioRjono_: any idea on ^?18:05
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: i want to say that it requires certain things with the admin area, but im not positive18:05
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: any details on which things?18:06
cjohnstonThere are certain things for different things. one of them is community members and admin access..18:07
JoseeAntonioRok, will ask ISD18:08
dakerJoseeAntonioR: bug 768441 :(18:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 768441 in LoCo Team Portal "loco.ubuntu.com not recognised by Launchpad Login Service" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76844118:10
* JoseeAntonioR checks18:11
JoseeAntonioRoh, got it now18:12
JoseeAntonioRso, basically it's more complicated that what I thought18:13
solarcloudSorry aboutthat everyone . I went for a nap = it lasted 4 hours !! ... anyway, where was I ...18:15
solarcloudAh yess ...18:17
solarcloudmhall119 : Did you get my Ubuntu TV email about asking what HTPC I should use to test it out ??18:18
* solarcloud require ample coffee18:21
jcastro<-- dentist, bbiab18:29
solarcloudmhall119: ping (2)18:34
mhall119solarcloud: pong18:55
mhall119solarcloud: did you send the email to me, or the mailing list?18:55
solarcloudmhall119: Hi there, it's like two ships in the night on this thingy, isnt it ?  Yes I did email you yesterday off the mailing list..19:00
jono_balloons, all set?19:01
balloonsyou bet19:01
balloonsI <3 workspaces..19:01
* balloons leaves behind the madness and uses a new workspace19:02
jono_balloons, invite sent19:03
* cjohnston wonders how to pass a workspace over to balloons and let him have it19:03
balloonsI'm down to my last workspace19:03
balloonsthis is spawning on w419:03
popeyPretty sure I saw Jack Bauer do that in the first season of 24.. "Send it to my screen.."19:05
solarcloudmhall119: Did you get my question? Or do I need to explain further ??19:10
mhall119solarcloud: I'm not seeing your email, sorry, can you send it again to me? <mynick> at ubuntu.com19:11
solarcloudok ...19:11
solarcloudokdone ..19:13
solarcloudback in 5mins ...19:15
solarcloudok back mhall119: All Ok ??19:22
mhall119solarcloud: can you join #ubuntu-tv?19:22
solarcloudyep, sorry ..didn't knew t existed !19:23
pleia2jcastro: San Francisco shall have dinosaurs again for UDS (different exhibit, and ok it is kind of aimed at kids... :)) http://www.sfzoo.org/announcements/dinosaur-revolution20:34
jcastropleia2: WHAT.21:47
popeyjcastro: we are going22:00
jcastrohey balloons22:53
balloonshey jcastro22:53
jcastropro tip, when asking for help post in the ubuntu community too22:54
jcastroit's an extra 40k people22:54
balloonsohh.. nice!22:55
jcastropopey: btw I asked some forum mods if they want to mod the G+ community too22:57
balloonsjcastro, I'll embarass myself and ask -- can I post to my stream and the community at the same time?22:57
jcastrono, it's dumb22:57
jcastroyou need to post to the community22:57
jcastroand then share to everyone else22:57
jcastroor the other way around22:57
balloonsso if I double post, does it show twice for you?22:57
balloonslike now, if I copy the post in, what will you see?22:57
jcastroI have an idea22:57
balloonsgo on22:59
popeyjcastro: cool23:02
balloonssometimes omgubuntu makes me laugh.. this is one of those times: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/authors23:10
balloonshey chilicuil23:13
balloonshello s-fox23:13
chilicuilhi balloons, s-fox23:14
balloonschilicuil, I saw smartboyhw merged your stuff.. thanks again for the fixes!23:14
balloonsI think we'll go ahead and test them out next week during our cadence week23:14
balloonshow's that sound? :-p23:14
balloonswe've not touched nautilus or empathy in awhile23:15
chilicuilballoons: np, it was easier than I thought, actually I was thinking in picking up some other testcases23:15
s-foxhello balloons and chilicuil23:15
balloonschilicuil, wonderful.. I'm glad you found it easier.. That was the goal of the changes, so it's great to hear23:16
SergioMeneseshi guys! http://qa.ubuntu.com/getting-involved/23:17
dakerballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-portal-dev/ubuntu-cloud-portal/wp-cloud-portal23:25
balloonsdaker, ahh, yes23:26
balloonsis that behind the http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud site?23:26
dakerballoons: no it was supposed to be on cloud.u.c23:27
balloonsahh.. cloud.ubuntu.com = ubuntu.com/cloud23:28
dakerballoons: no they made the redirection23:28
balloonssorry, I get it now :-)23:28
balloonswhat's the theme look like?23:28
dakerballoons: like ubuntu.com/cloud23:29
dakerbut not 100%23:29
dakerballoons: https://ubuntuone.com/p/Lmx/23:30
balloonsty.. is that something you worked on?23:32
dakerballoons: ya23:32
balloonsgotcha.. One thing I'd like to be able to do in the theme is get rid of the side bar on the main pages -- make it feel a little less like a blog on the permanent pages23:34
balloonsthat and it needs a color background image :-)23:34
dakerballoons: ping me if you need help23:36
balloonsdaker, thank you for the offer23:36
balloonsI'm guessing my request is possible, since you didn't balk at it :-)23:36
s-fox2 hours debugging to determine what is slowing a site down… 5 minutes to fix…23:36
dakerballoons: :)23:37
balloonsdaker, I have some code I need to push out of my personal lp branch to the project.. I may ask you to help out if I get really stuck23:37
dakerballoons: sure23:37
balloonsnot on the pushing ofc.. the theme :-)23:37
dakerya i know :)23:40

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