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robruwhoa, trippy. just signed in, and unity won't render my proper wallpaper, instead it's showing a freeze-frame from lightdm from just before I logged in. so it looks like lightdm is there, but unity is on top of it, and unity is functioning...03:24
robruand changing the wallpaper doesn't fix it03:25
TheMusorobru: I saw something to do with gds and disablign the background plugin... I wonder whether that has something to do with it...03:26
TheMusogsd even03:26
robruTheMuso, does that mean I'm in a screwy intermediate state, or is this just the new default behavior for raring? ;-)03:26
sarnoldrobru: hrm, reminds me of this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/111580103:26
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1037518 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1115801 Xorg crashed with SIGABRT - FatalError (f=f@entry=0x7f41e2f9a9e2 "no screens found")" [High,Triaged]03:26
sarnoldrobru: (just based on description.. don't take my word for it :)03:28
robrusarnold, that doesn't sound too similar... nothing is crashing... unity is operating as expected. there just is no wallpaper, and it's showing a frozen lightdm as the wallpaper instead03:28
RAOFrobru: That sounds like nothing thinks its in charge of drawing the wallpaper, so you've just got the last image that was in the root window.03:29
robruRAOF, that sounds like an accurate description03:30
robruit literally is the last thing that lightdm drew, and it's just frozen there. notification bubbles and all03:30
sarnoldrobru: ah, no crashes there...03:30
robruwell, I just installed a bunch of updates, I guess I'll restart and see if it fixes itself03:31
robrunope, happened again ;-)03:33
RAOFMight be a local configuration issue? I updated this morning, and my desktop looks fine.03:34
robruRAOF, any thoughts on what configuration file specifically I should look at reverting?03:34
robruRAOF, meh, running 'debsums -ac' to tell me what config files have even changed ;-)03:37
RAOFrobru: It'd probably be in one of: dconf settings for gnome-settings-daemon, or dconf settings for unity. Neither of which will be picked up by debsums, because user config :)03:37
robrudebsums only caught NetworkManager.conf03:40
robruhow odd03:40
robruhmmm, I pressed the PrintScreen button and it made the flashy/noisy animation of taking a picture, but I can't find it anywhere...03:41
robrunm, got it03:43
robruRAOF, TheMuso sarnold : http://ubuntuone.com/26UHEIa8VhR9Tpwz3HaBo6 so there's that03:45
robru(dual screen, one atop the other)03:45
robruso normally when I log in, lightdm mirrors onto both screens, then I log in, and now it takes the frozen image of lightdm, and splits it across both screens03:46
robrueven weirder... went into dconf, under /org/gnome/desktop/background, "draw-background" was checked, unchecked it, nothing happened, then I checked "show-desktop-icons" and then my wallpaper appeared.03:50
robruyes, it seems unity only has the ability to draw the wallpaper if show-desktop-icons is enabled.03:51
robruam I the only person with show-desktop-icons disabled? I thought it was standard to disable those...03:51
robruRAOF, TheMuso sarnold ^03:51
robruif I disable show-desktop-icons, it just stays at whatever image was last chosen, and I lose the ability to change what is there03:52
sarnoldrobru: ha! nice find.03:53
robruI guess I should report a bug03:53
TheMusorobru: Show desktop icons is nautilus...03:53
sarnoldI didn't know one could put icons on the desktop. so. that's news to me. :)03:53
TheMusoAs far as I know, nautilus can draw the background, and so can gsd... It was added to gsd for gnome shell use afaik.03:53
robruTheMuso, yes, I know historically nautilus was responsible for that, but dconf says the default value for "show-desktop-icons" is true03:54
TheMusorobru: I have no idea, you will have to query seb128 and/or didrocks when they are online...03:55
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pittiGood morning06:22
BigWhaleGood morning.06:40
didrocksgood morning07:04
RAOFUrgh. g-ir-scanner, how do I get you to link all the needed libraries?07:23
didrocksRAOF: I'm not sure "ask kindly" will help getting what you desire though ;)07:24
didrocksit's quite hermetic to this kind of politeness07:25
jibelGood morning07:34
didrockssalut jibel, ça va?07:36
jibeldidrocks, salut, ça va et toi, comment était la neige ?07:37
didrocksjibel: ça va bien! il a neigé une nuit, donc vraiment toute fraiche (aucune piste dammée), c'était sympa. Par contre, le surlendemain, rapeuse comme pas possible et pas de visibilité07:39
didrocksjibel: donc temps moyen, mais ça fait une bonne coupure tout de même :)07:39
didrocksjibel: la semaine s'est bien passée?07:39
jibeldidrocks, ça a été, comme d'hab.07:41
jibeldidrocks, on autolanding side, you probably talked to the unity team already, between FTBFS, autopilot failures, provisioning and system failures/crashes and regressions in the testsuite not much have been released last week.07:45
didrocksjibel: yeah, I saw that. And today, it's system failure/crashes again :/07:47
didrocksjibel: fixed on Monday half-migration that was done by upstream failing most of tests, so at least, we have a snapshot from yesterday07:47
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seb128hey desktopers08:38
robruTheMuso, you had said something about the background plugin getting disabled? Seems that's what I saw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/111588608:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1115886 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Can't change wallpaper unless /org/gnome/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons is true." [Low,Invalid]08:44
robruhey seb128 !08:44
seb128robru, oya! how are you?08:45
robruseb128, not bad... chasing down a screwy bug for a few hours ;-)08:45
seb128robru, I'm good thanks ;-)08:46
robruseb128, oh, I see now that  you saw my bug. I replied to a stale page and didn't see your reply until after I wrote mine ;-)08:47
seb128robru, ok, does my reply makes sense to you?08:48
robruseb128, yep, definitely makes sense, although I'm a little bit surprised that nautilus was chosen as the default. I thought we hated nautilus ;-)08:48
seb128robru, well, nautilus is the default for ever, we didn't change anything... ;-)08:49
seb128robru, we want icons on the desktops, g-s-d doesn't provide that08:49
robruseb128, oh, we WANT icons on the desktop? I've had those disabled for years... so ugly ;-)08:49
seb128yeah, lots of users use the desktop as their personal space08:50
seb128they put downloaded files, images, documents they use often, etc there08:50
seb128I confirmed with design a few weeks ago, they said users are still pretty much attached to that space and the way they use it08:50
robruheathens ;-)08:51
seb128I've to admit I tend to use the desktop as a transit place08:51
seb128like I put patches I download and stuff I want to read there08:51
seb128and move them to their proper place once I've processed them08:52
robruseb128, nope, can't stand files on my desktop. too hard to get at them when there are tons of windows in the way, and impossible to stop it being a mess. plus is obscures my pretty wallpaper ;-)08:52
chrisccoulsonme too, but i wouldn't object too much if we lost it ;)08:52
chrisccoulsonjo's desktop is a mess, she literally stores absolutely everything on it08:52
seb128robru, different people, different workflows ;-)08:52
chrisccoulsonit's hideous ;)08:52
robruseb128, I have a "downloads" folder that I just chuck stuff in, and then I constantly work to sort those files (either delete them when I'm done, or file them into some kind of meaningful heirarchy)08:52
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?08:53
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good08:53
seb128robru, desktop is easy to get to, we have a show-desktop in our alt-tab switcher :p08:53
robruseb128, yeah, I disabled that too. why would I want to show my desktop when theres' nothing there? ;-)08:53
seb128robru, you sir won the right to re-enable the gsd background plugin! ;-)08:54
robruseb128, but nah, gsd plugin doesn't do a nice fade when changing wallpapers! So I'll stick with show-desktop-icons true, but then configure nautilus not to actually put any icons there at all ;-)08:54
seb128we don't display any icon on the desktop by default08:55
seb128so if you don't store anything in ~/Desktop you are good ;-)08:55
robruseb128, exactly. no ugly icons, smooth wallpaper fades... seems like a win ;-)08:55
chrisccoulsonhi jibel, you around?08:56
jibelchrisccoulson, hey09:04
chrisccoulsonhi jibel. what do i need to do to get jenkins to pick up my junit test results? :)09:07
tkamppeter_seb128, all seven g-c-c printing issues I have reported to GNOME now, and they all got auto-assigned to the GNOME printing maintainer Marek Kasik at Red Hat.09:09
jibelchrisccoulson, You need to tell me where are the result files and I can tell jenkins to pick them :)09:09
chrisccoulsonjibel, ah, cool. that's easy enough :)09:10
chrisccoulsonok, i'll update the packaging once i've had some coffee and tell you where they are09:10
jibelchrisccoulson, thanks09:12
seb128tkamppeter_, hey, I saw, thanks a lot for looking at what is missing in the GNOME tool and filing those bugs!09:13
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seb128shrugh, another day, another spamming rounds from Laney-haskell :p10:56
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Laneyonly 250ish more to go ...10:58
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chrisccoulsonmeh, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/152911:57
chrisccoulsoni guess i'll have to get used to the firefox button for a bit instead ;)11:58
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didrocksLaney: published episod 5 of the serie of blog post on daily release, this should answer the questions you had (in addition to part 3 and 4 which answered some of them)12:43
didrocksand we have a full documentation on the wiki as well! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease12:44
didrocks(slightely modified to have a less personal tone)12:44
Laneyexcellent, thank you!12:45
didrocksyw :)12:45
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tkamppeterAnyone around who knows about PolicyKit authentication?13:33
tkamppeterI have two Intel-based Raring machines, a VM on my PC and my laptop. On both I have tested the printer driver auto-download facility of system-config-printer. The VM does it all perfectly and I get the driver package installed. On the laptop all works until the point where a window should pop up to ask for the password to do the root action of installing a package. This window does not show up and the package install process gets skip13:37
tkamppeterped and the printer setup continued without the driver.13:37
tkamppeterBoth machines are up-to-date, especially have the current s-c-p installed.13:38
tkamppeterpitti, hi13:45
desrtattente: awake?13:49
desrtlarsu still sleeping? :)13:49
attentehe's been up for a while now13:50
pittihello tkamppeter13:51
pittihey desrt, how's you?13:52
desrtpitti: pretty bad13:52
pittidesrt: don't say FOSDEflu?13:52
desrti wanted to die yesterday due to the mix of sickness and extreme tiredness13:52
pittinooo, don't!13:52
pitti<Raj>I forbidded it!13:52
desrtdue to almost no sleep the night before the flight plus the typical long-day experience travelling east to west13:52
pittidesrt: IRC won't help, my friend.. hot bath and sleep might?13:53
pittiget well soon!13:53
desrti did got bath and sleep already13:54
desrti'm a bit better this morning13:54
desrtmerely sick -- not wanting to die13:54
desrti'll try to get better soon in the name of your mental state and therefore productivity, then :)13:57
pittiI knew it, kittens are never easy to argue against13:58
tkamppeterpitti, can you help me with my PolicyKit problem?14:00
pittitkamppeter: I hope, what's the problem?14:01
tkamppeterpitti, if you scroll back to 14:33 you see it.14:01
pittitkamppeter: do you know the particular privilege it's asking for? I. e. the action ID in the .policy file14:05
geserdesrt: be happy pitti didn't link you http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/019/8/4/soft_kitty_by_petit_j-d37l11c.jpg :)14:06
pittigeser: nah, I can't do that half as good as Penny :)14:07
desrttiffany already sang soft kitty to me last night14:07
desrtbut thanks :)14:07
* geser wonders if there a mp3 of it somewhere on the internet14:08
desrtinteresting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warm_Kitty14:09
desrtthe song exists before, but the show mixes up the order of the words14:09
pittigeser: from BBT? I'm sure there is14:10
desrtor like youtube...14:10
geserpitti: yes, so you don't to have to sing yourself14:12
* didrocks grumbles against his wifi14:13
ogrause your nexus7, the wifi is stable :P14:16
pittitkamppeter: trouble figuring out the polkit action, or doing something else?14:21
didrocksogra: not sure why my x220 sucks that much for wifi14:21
chrisccoulsonjibel, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/153214:25
chrisccoulsoni'm saving the results in debian/tests/_results/ in the source tree. is that ok?14:25
chrisccoulsonthe files are: xpcshell-tests.xml, xpcshell-package-tests.xml, jstestbrowser.xml, reftest.xml, crashtest.xml, mochitest-browser-chrome.xml, mochitest-plain.xml, mochitest-chrome.xml, mochitest-a11y.xml and mochitest-ipcplugins.xml14:28
tjaaltondidrocks: hey, which chip do you have on it? my t420s is pretty bad as well14:28
didrockstjaalton: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (2x2 AGN)14:30
tjaaltondidrocks: same14:30
didrocksloosing connexion, slow reception14:30
didrockstjaalton: I'm wondering if it's bug #93711814:31
tjaaltonyeah connection drops, annoying with ssh14:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 937118 in linux (Ubuntu) "8086:0084 Wireless stops passing packets" [High,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93711814:31
chrisccoulsonnice, 809388 tests! (i can count them properly now i've got machine readable output) :)14:31
didrockstjaalton: mind coming on #ubuntu-kernel?14:31
tjaaltondidrocks: yep, always there ;)14:32
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tkamppeterpitti, problem is that the password dialog does not appear. The window for the package installation appears but not the one for the password.14:35
jibelchrisccoulson, sounds good, i'll have a look14:35
tkamppeterpitti, I also do not know in which log files I have to llok.14:35
pittitkamppeter: yeah, that's what I want to debug14:35
pittitkamppeter: I don't see a printing related policy file in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/14:36
pittitkamppeter: so is that just calling aptdaemon to install a package, or a system-config-printer-service?14:37
pittitkamppeter: you can also look up the action name that it requests when you click on "details" in the password dialog on the machine where that works14:37
tkamppeterpitti, s-c-p triggers a package installation via PackageKit, through the command line helper program /usr/bin/install-printerdriver, the package installation seems to trigger the PolicyKit authentication.14:38
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pittitkamppeter: ah, that would be aptdaemon then, unless you actuall installed packagekit (not recommended!)14:38
pittitkamppeter: I don't have that script; is that uploaded already?14:40
tkamppeterpitti, /usr/bin/install-printerdriver is part of the system-config-printer-gnome package. Did this package get removed? It is needed for the download to work.14:41
tkamppeterpitti, so we need to seed this package again.14:42
pittitkamppeter: ah, I didn't have it installed14:42
pittitkamppeter: no, it's fine, it's still part of the default install14:42
pittitkamppeter: so what does this say on the box where it doesn't work?14:44
pittipkcheck --action-id org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages --process $$14:44
desrtseb128: hey.  did you try the glib upload?14:44
pittidesrt: oh, is it up now?14:44
pittidesrt: this morning ftp.g.o still had .414:44
desrtya.  mclasen pushed it out over the weekend14:44
desrtDate:   Sun Feb 3 14:25:09 2013 -050014:44
desrtmaybe he forgot the upload?14:45
pittiwell, tagged, but not uploaded14:45
pittidesrt: nah, master ran out of space yesterday14:45
larsudesrt, morning, how are you feeling?14:45
desrtit's for the better anyway.  i doubt it would build.14:45
desrtlarsu: much better.14:45
pittidesrt: I failed to release pygobject as well, but did it this morning after andrea cleaned up14:45
larsuhi pitti :)14:45
larsudesrt, ah good to hear14:45
desrtstill sick as hell, but no longer exhausted, so better able to cope with it14:45
pittihey larsu! made it to Toronto?14:45
larsupitti, yes, sitting in attente's appartment right now14:46
larsuit's cool, but the timezone is all wrong14:46
desrtlarsu: enjoy your jetlag while you have it14:46
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larsudesrt, thanks?!14:46
desrtthis type of jetlag is awesome... you get to wake up at 6am and feel like it's noon14:46
desrtso productive!!14:46
larsuI don't have it, I was more referring to not knowing what time it is for other people I talk to on irc14:47
desrtah right.  pitti is a particularly tricky one.14:48
* pitti ← still in .be14:48
larsupitti, right, how is leuven treating you?14:48
desrtstill raining?14:49
pittivery well, although a bit wet for my taste :)14:49
pittino, actually it stopped and it's sunny14:49
desrtpitti: but puddles of urine still everywhere... i understand14:49
larsuI thought that was a Brusselian thing :D14:50
pittinot here :)14:50
desrtoh right.  flemish-speaking part :)14:50
pittibesides, I haven't really been out much14:50
pittihacking over the day, spending mornings and evenings with my friends here14:50
desrtsounds nice14:51
pitti... which made me learn more about git than I picked up in the past 6 months :)14:51
desrtbeing offline has a tendency to do that14:51
desrtunless you mean that the friends were teaching you14:51
pittiMichael has used it quite intensively and showed me a few tricks14:52
pittiand my vim is showing me compile errors and warnings for Vala and C inline now :)14:52
desrtwe should organise a 'vim tricks' BoF at next UDS14:53
desrtwe could all make each other so much more productive14:53
larsuI think there's a threshold after which you stop becoming more productive and look for cool new vim tricks all the time instead14:54
tkamppeterpitti, about the pkcheck command, which process number needs to be inserted after --process?14:54
pittitkamppeter: just "$$"14:56
pittias written above14:56
pittiIOW, "current shell process"14:56
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tkamppeterpitti, result:15:27
pittitkamppeter: oh, with exit code 0?15:28
pittitkamppeter: that means it succeeds without authorization, i. e. you already got the privilege in that session15:28
tkamppeterAuthorization requires authentication and -u wasn't passed.15:28
pittitkamppeter: ok, that's expected15:28
tkamppeterpitti, exit status is 215:29
pittitkamppeter: now run the same command with an extra -u15:29
pittitkamppeter: that should pop up the password dialog and succeed15:29
tkamppeterpitti, on the machine where the authentication worked, I get the same result (still without -u).15:31
pittitkamppeter: yep, that's the expected behaviour15:31
tkamppeterpitti, with -u I get a password pop-up on both machines and exit 0 after entering my password.15:33
pittitkamppeter: ok, so the polkit machinery works at least15:34
pittitkamppeter: does it still work if you call install-printerdriver from a shell?15:34
pittitkamppeter: i. e. does it start failing because of a bug in the script, or because the script gets run from the s-c-p dbus backend?15:34
pittineed to run out for an hour or so, bbl15:35
tkamppeterpitti, I went to the machine where the problem does not occur and captured the install-printerdriver command line while the password dialog was open. Then I canceled the process.15:49
tkamppeterpitti, now I ran the captured command line on both machines. On the one without problem the password dialog pops up, on the one with the problem the script exits without any message, with exit code 1.15:50
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didrocks2 more minutes? :)16:28
cyphermoxwell yeah, but I mean, we usually get advanced notice ;)16:28
didrocksSweetshark, qengho, chrisccoulson, kenvandine, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, robru, tkamppeter, attente: meeting in less than 2 minutes!16:28
didrockscyphermox: there you go ^ :)16:29
* Laney runs16:29
didrocksoh, waow Laney is not on the list I found from a previous meeting :)16:29
seb128(on a call, thanks didrocks for handling the meeting)16:29
cyphermoxthere, didrocks you hurt Laney's feelings16:29
* kenvandine waves16:29
Laneythe perils of management16:29
qenghocyphermox: you got email!16:30
ograLaney,  they hide away in non standard channels ... no need to be comprehensive :P16:30
didrocksSweetshark, qengho, chrisccoulson, kenvandine, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, robru, tkamppeter, attente and Laneyyyyyyyy: meeting time!16:30
cyphermoxqengho: ack16:30
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks16:30
chrisccoulsonwhat happened to seb128?16:31
didrocksthanks for those completing the wiki, please do if you have relevant things to note16:31
seb128chrisccoulson, (on a call, thanks didrocks for handling the meeting)16:31
didrockschrisccoulson: he's in another meeting16:31
chrisccoulsonah :)16:31
ograchrisccoulson, drowned in nexus7's16:31
qenghoThat's a bad way to go.16:31
didrocksalso think about updating your blueprints/WI we are quite flat and behind the trendline :)16:31
chrisccoulsoni think we postponed all of mine ;)16:31
cyphermoxugh, speaking of nexus 716:32
didrockschrisccoulson: postponed is fine, we are all optimizing for mobile now! :-)16:32
chrisccoulsonqengho, better to be drowned in nexus 7's than a browser that nobody else cares about anymore (firefox) :P16:32
didrocksok, let's do a quick team round16:32
didrocksqengho: hey16:32
qengho6 DONE / 12   3 are deferrable16:33
qenghoReleased new stable, even on Raring.  Woo.16:33
qenghoARM ARM ARM.  Will get this working this week.  The problem is that libraries in16:33
qenghocluded in tree (webrtc and ffmpeg) have weird and varying NEON assumptions.  Harassing upstream for not testing ARM for any OS but Android.16:33
didrocksnice to see chromium updated!16:34
mterrychrisccoulson, I like firefox  :)16:34
didrockslet's cross fingers that the work on ARM will be unblocked at some point16:34
qenghoI agree.  1 <3 #security16:34
didrocks(sorry, chrisccoulson, chromium here :p)16:34
chrisccoulsondidrocks, traitor16:34
chrisccoulsonmterry, beer for you at UDS16:34
didrocksthanks qengho16:34
didrocksSweetshark: hey!16:34
Laneyhe's on holiday isn't he?16:35
didrockslast week yeah, not sure about this one, those geeks always connected to irc!16:35
seb128(he is on holidays still)16:35
didrockslet's hope he has nice time in France and good snow (at least, better weather than here)16:35
didrocksthanks seb12816:35
seb128yw ;-)16:36
didrockschrisccoulson: so, let's turn to another browser, firefox!16:36
chrisccoulson- Carried on implementing Unity menubar support in Firefox (as mentioned last week, we're dropping the addon quite urgently now that it's totally broken)16:36
chrisccoulson- Hit an issue with reporting failures from Firefox autopkgtest's last week. Fixed by outputting all test results in JUnit XML (it took quite a bit of work to get that going)16:36
chrisccoulson- I did start to look at memory consumption of zeitgeist-fts last week, but didn't get too far (it uses >300MB here)16:36
chrisccoulsonand thanks to jibel for the help, re. testing work ;)16:37
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, we started to discuss to drop the zeitgeist-fts at some point, especially for mobile16:37
didrocksjibel is awesome :-)16:37
didrocksbut tell us if you can get some progress on that16:37
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ah, if we're doing that, then i won't carry on looking at it :)16:37
chrisccoulsonbut there seems to be something pathalogically wrong with it here, as it grows pretty much forever :)16:38
didrockschrisccoulson: have a quick look if there are easy improvements, maybe, if none, we'll go that path (and it's still used in the desktop)16:38
didrocksthanks chrisccoulson16:38
didrockskenvandine: hey16:38
seb128chrisccoulson, talk to mhr3, it knows around where the issues are16:38
kenvandine* Working on finishing the service to run the Dee.SharedModel for friends, now that we've made the friends dispatcher exit after all threads finish we are seeing a leak.16:38
kenvandine* webapps/webcreds manual package updates, looking forward to getting everything autolanding16:38
kenvandine* We now have hourly automated testing of the individual webapps (userscripts), horray!  We need to get the sources split properly before we can start autolanding them.16:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks16:38
seb128chrisccoulson, he blames xapian iirc16:38
kenvandine /EOF16:39
didrocks(yeah, it was due to xapian, but still need confirmation)16:39
didrockskenvandine: sweet on the dee improvement, nice to see friends coming to reality!16:39
kenvandinehopefully in raring this week!16:39
kenvandinei need to talk to mhr3 about the leak16:40
didrockskenvandine: do you think we can have the webapps split done before our desktop sprint?16:40
kenvandinei am leaning on willcooke about it16:40
kenvandineit isn't a priority for them16:40
kenvandinewell, wasn't16:40
mhr3seb128, :O you called me it?16:40
kenvandinebut i think i changed his mind yesterday16:40
mhr3i'm not one of your bots! :P16:40
didrockskenvandine: oh great!16:40
didrockskenvandine: tell him we can't continue releasing and the work of splitting seems low to me16:41
didrockscompared to the trouble and lost hours with the current system16:41
didrocksand thanks for cracking the whip on the integration tests for webcreds in particular :)16:41
didrockskenvandine: thanks16:41
didrocksmlankhorst: hey16:41
mlankhorstNot much to say, harassing various upstreams for kernel, wine and x, had a blast at fosdem, pretty sure a lot of other stuff I'm forgetting from last week. ^D16:41
didrocksmlankhorst: we'll probably have a xorg stacktrace for you in the coming days, it's blocking the daily landing FYI16:42
ogramlankhorst, so i can soon run photoshop on my nexus ?16:42
didrocksmlankhorst: just be prepared!16:42
cyphermoxogra: keep dreamin' ;)16:42
mlankhorstogra: well not pestering wine about that :p16:42
mlankhorstbut sure if you run wine in qemu16:42
didrocksthanks mlankhorst16:42
didrockscyphermox: your turn ;)16:43
cyphermox- investigating more bluetooth / network fixes for teh Nexus 716:43
cyphermox- about to upload probably the last NM/nm-applet snapshots before we get 0.9.8, which is what I expect we'll ship in raring.16:43
cyphermox- more indicator fixes, preparing indicator-bluetooth for autolanding, etc.16:43
cyphermox- debugged menu building issues in nm-applet due to how we handle virtual devices16:43
didrocksindicator-bluetooth <-> autolanding \o/16:43
ograthe new BT indicator is a beauty16:43
ogra(time for the old one to vanish though)16:43
cyphermoxhehe I haven't run it yet >.<16:43
didrocks(don't forget that libappindicator is finally defeated, we get its tests passing)16:43
cyphermoxoh yeah!16:43
mterryogra, it is gone.  log out/back in after updating16:44
didrocksso, just telepathy-indicator and you can live a normal life again I guess ;)16:44
didrocksthanks cyphermox16:44
cyphermoxwill finish today hoepfully16:44
didrocksmterry: hey16:44
mterry- PS autolanding work / investigations16:44
mterry- A few memory wins on the nexus716:44
mterry- Started looking at fixing GtkMenuButton HUD support, but put it down for other stuff for the moment16:44
mterry- Pushed the ball a bit on gconf - dropped pulseaudio-module-gconf and filed merges for pkexec rather than gksu in update-notifier and xdiagnose16:44
mterry- New Deja Dup release16:44
ogramterry, lol, i did, i just didnt notice its gone :)16:44
ograbut now that you tell me16:44
didrocks"a few" but nice momery wins on the nexus 7, nice work mterry :-)16:45
didrocksI had to contemplate that from skiing with a glass of wine, but I liked the reports I read there :p16:45
mterrydidrocks, :)16:45
didrocksthanks mterry16:45
didrocksrobru: awake? ;)16:46
* robru *yaaaaaaaaaawn*16:46
robru* working hard to eliminate long-running python process from Friends (so close!).16:46
robru* did a Quantal SRU for unity-firefox-extension16:46
robru* added asynchronous API for libfriends16:46
robru* added test-mode to lp:friends, which acts like dbusmock, but is less general-purpose and better suited to the specific needs of Friends.16:46
robru* reviewed another deja-dup branch for mterry ;-)16:46
robru* some nexus7 bug triaging. I am subscribed to all nexus7 bugmail and16:46
robru* I try to reproduce what comes through.16:46
didrockssweet, do not hesitate as well to crack the whip and track the webapps team closely for the integration tests story16:46
didrocksas we can't really release without those without being confident on what we ship16:47
didrocksnice work on friends, can't wait to see it this week!16:47
didrocksthanks robru16:47
robruyeah, I'm really looking forward to landing our latest changes16:47
didrocksyep ;)16:47
didrockstkamppeter: hey16:47
robruken and I have a branch that we've been sending back and forth with big changes ;-)16:47
tkamppetersystem-config-printer: Added printer driver auto-download to the D-Bus service, so that the auto download also happens when the printer setup tool of GNOME Control Center is used.16:47
didrocksrobru: latest big intrusive change before releasing :)16:48
tkamppeterGNOME Control Center: Reported 7 bugs in the printer setup tool to both Ubuntu and upstream, discovered while testing the driver auto download.16:48
tkamppetercups-browsed: Continued investigations for driverless IPP printer support.16:48
didrockstkamppeter: thanks, nice work on the auto-download16:49
didrocksattente: hey16:49
attentedidrocks, hey16:49
attentenot much from me16:49
attentegot inkscape menus (mostly) working in the module16:49
attentetried to hack the module to work with chromium, but zero luck there16:49
attenteran valgrind against unity-panel-service, need to thoroughly go through the output16:49
attentewrote a hacky autopilot test for MP on indicator-appmenu, but needs more/better tests16:49
didrocksattente: please keep us in touch about the autopilot tests when they are ready so that we integrate them as part of releasing16:50
didrocksthanks attente16:50
attentethanks didrocks16:50
didrocksLaney: see, I didn't forget you! ;)16:50
attentewill do16:50
didrocksthanks ;)16:50
* Laney throws a party16:51
LaneyTemporarily cripped & fixed N7 (OT: has anyone other than me noticed USB OTG not really working?). Packaged maliit — got accepted today; thanks to whoever did that! Worked more on the default font configuration for Chinese users as someone stepped up to help me test/iterate on fixes. I think that we're pretty much there and I should be able to upload that this week. Updated gstreamer to 1.0.5. Tried some more to debug pidgin's ...16:51
Laney... segfault with 1.0, but I didn't get very far so filed it upstream. Debugged some smallish leaks. Not really sure where we stand with the new unity scopes work and existing software.16:51
Laney(spammed the buildds with haskell :P)16:51
didrocksUSB OTG was working for me last time I tried, not sure for others…16:51
didrocksI saw a lot of reject from Riddel today in the archive admin list, so there is high chance he's the culpurit of accepting your package ;)16:52
didrocks(and nice to see gstreamer behaving better)16:52
LaneyI get a light on the USB hub but the keyboard plugged into it does nothing16:52
didrocksweird, we'll see if other get it as well…16:53
Laneywill bring it to the sprint anyways16:53
didrocksyep ;)16:53
didrocksthanks Laney16:53
didrocksok, I think it's my turn now16:53
didrocksWas on holidays last week, managed successfully to not break any harm/leg while skiing. So big achievement!16:53
didrocksMore seriously, finished the blog post suit on unity daily release process. In addition to write part 5 of the blog post, put everything in the wiki as a reference documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease.16:53
didrocksIf you have any question, do not hesitate to ping, I'll add the answers to the FAQ.16:53
didrocksAlso, daily maintenance to keep the ball rolling and teaching to the ubuntu unity team how to use that tool to not become crazy ;)16:54
didrocksany questions/some things to tell to the whole team?16:54
didrocksdoesn't seem so, so we should be done :)16:55
didrocksthanks everyone!16:55
robrudidrocks, thanks16:57
pittitkamppeter: ah, so the bug is in the script, not because it's running from dbus?17:02
tkamppeterpitti, I have investigated more. It is not able to load Epson's PGP key.17:13
tkamppeterpitti, the key is available and valid, as17:13
tkamppeterpitti, gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8AA65D5617:14
tkamppeterpitti, works.17:14
tkamppeterBut if I try to load the key with the script, the line17:15
tkamppeterpitti, res = pk.install_signature(PackageKitGlib.SigTypeEnum.GPG, repo_gpg_id, '', None, progress, None) is not able to load it.17:15
tkamppeterpitti, I get17:15
tkamppeterpitti, gi._glib.GError: Failed to download and install the key 8AA65D56 from hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80:17:16
pittitkamppeter: interesting; does that need some kind of proxy?17:17
tkamppeterpitti, strange is that the error message ends with a clolon after the port number of the key server.17:17
tkamppeterpitti, I have no proxy and both machines, the one which works and the one which does not work are in the same local network.17:18
tkamppeterpitti, I tried to reproduce the problem in the direct mode of python and get the problem on both machines, exactly the same, as in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1613453/17:22
tkamppeterpitti, this means that on the machine where I succeeded to install the package the key must have been pre-loaded somehow.17:22
stevoheya, do you guys deal with common bugs and issues with the ubuntu desktop by any chance?17:32
stevothing is, I have an annoying problem that I can reproduce on Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04, where if I restart the networking service, parts of Unity just disappear and become unuable17:33
sarnoldstevo: got a bug number handy? (not that I know what i'm doing, but having a bug report tends to give a discussion a good solid footing17:35
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stevosarnold, no, for whatever reason, when it happens, nothing crashes, no option to submit a bug report17:36
stevoso it leaves me unable to figure out what I should file it under17:36
sarnoldstevo: you could run "ubuntu-bug unity" all on your own -- though without a crash it might be harder for it to be grouped with other potential duplicates...17:37
stevosure, I'll just do it from a clean install and see what happens17:37
jbichaI think you can duplicate the network crash problem by just running sudo service networking stop17:53
stevowell, I mostly restart the service, I didn't actually think about trying stop18:00
stevohowever, I'm doing a clean install to reproduce it to see if I can take a shot at a bug report18:00
* didrocks waves good evening18:07
desrtattente, larsu: i could theoretically leave my house at this point without falling over dead18:19
attentedesrt: that's nice :)18:48
larsudesrt, bar vespa has really good pizza :)18:49
larsuwe went there on the basis that you don't like it :P18:49
desrtlosers :p18:49
larsudesrt, glad you're feeling better18:49
* desrt is having his leftover soup -- it is helping18:50
larsubon appetit18:51
=== MacSlow|dinner is now known as MacSlow
attenteis anyone else's X server repeatedly being killed on the Unity greeter?21:35
bryceattente, grep EE from Xorg.0.log and pastebin?21:42
bryceattente, if it says something about drm interface not available, that's a known issue, see the raring xserver bugs for a workaround.21:44
attentenothing notable in Xorg.0.log, but perhaps this:21:49
attentehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1614243/ (/var/log/lightdm/x-14-greeter.log21:49
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dobeyattente: do you have an Xorg.14.log?23:20

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