
=== lisettte` is now known as lisettte
cr3hi folks, does the preseeded password need to be 8 characters or more?15:01
ograiirc the QA lab uses ubuntu/ubuntu for preseeded test installs15:08
cr3ogra: strange, I have a vague recollection that ubuntu stopped working at some point. perhaps there's some d-i variable that overrides password checking...15:09
ogramight be, i rarely use preseeding15:09
ograprobably asknsome QA person15:10
ogras/n/ /15:10
ograi just know its their default15:10
xnoxcr3: d-i passwd/user-password password !ubuntu12315:11
xnoxis what qa use.15:11
ograoh, it changed then15:11
xnoxbut manually i recall setting up smaller passwords, not sure what changed. you chould check usersetup in d-i & ubiquity.15:12
xnox(as in the source code)15:12
cr3xnox: did you have to add "123" because just "ubuntu" stopped working at some point?15:12
cr3xnox: I haven't checked out the source in a while, maybe I should refresh my memory15:12
xnoxcr3: i did not write that preseed file. and I don't know why 123 is in there.15:14
xnoxcr3: read the source code if you want to hunt down the reason (if there is one)15:15
johnsterdotcomd-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true15:27
cjwatsonIndeed, what he said.15:35
cr3johnsterdotcom: thanks! I had looked in the preseed.txt.gz of the installation-guide-* package, it's indeed there but I didn't notice it :(16:16
johnsterdotcomno problem, glad I could help :)16:20
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